Albert Einstein
male, deceased
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is
best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass-energy
equivalence, E...
Albert Einstein
Pictures | News | Wikipedia | | soundboard |
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James Clerk
Maxwell male, deceased
James Clerk Maxwell (13 June 1831 - 5 November 1879) was a
Scottish mathematician and theoretical physicist. His most
significant achievement was...
James Clerk
Maxwell Pictures | News | Wikipedia | zpenergy | | | ... | |
Hermann Minkowski
male, deceased
Hermann Minkowski (June 22, 1864 in Aleksotas/Russi
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Levi-Civita male, deceased
Tullio Levi-Civita (March 29, 1873 - December 29, 1941)
(pronounced le-vee chee-vee-tah) was an Italian mathematician, most
famous for his work on...
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Paul Langevin
male, deceased
Paul Langevin was a prominent French physicist who developed
"Langevin dynamics" and the "Langevin equation".
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Herbert Dingle
male, deceased
Herbert Dingle was an English astronomer and president of the
Royal Astronomical Society. He is best-known for his claimed
disproof of the theory...
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Gerald Schroeder
Dr. Gerald Schroeder is a former professor of nuclear physics
at MIT and former member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. He
holds doctorates...
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Theodor Kaluza
male, deceased
Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza was a German mathematician and
physicist known for the Kaluza-Klein theory involving field
equations in...
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Arthur Stanley
Eddington male, deceased
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, OM (December 28, 1882 - November
22, 1944) was an astrophysicist of the early 20th century. The
Eddington limit, the...
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Leopold Infeld
male, deceased
Leopold Infeld (August 20, 1898, Cracow - January 15, 1968,
Warsaw) was a Polish physicist. He was a Rockefeller fellow at
Cambridge University and...