La Web | Resultados 1 - 7 de 7 de Stewart-Golubitsky,Fearful Symmetry. (0,42 segundos) |
2 Fearful Symmetry (context) -
Stewart, Golubitsky 1 Problem Solving Abilities of Systems fo
Artificial Agents (context) - di Primio, Muller - 1994 ... - 20k - |
2 Fearful Symmetry (context) -
Stewart, Golubitsky - 1992 2 Two-parameter study of the routes to
chaos (context) - Libchaber, Fauve et al. - 1983 ... - 27k - Más resultados de » |
publisher = {Birkh\"auser Verlag}, year =
{1992}, note = {German translation of the book \emph{Fearful
Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?} by Stewart/Golubitsky
... - 64k - |
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en HTML translation of the book Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer? by Stewart/Golubitsky, ISBN. 3-7643-2783-9. 19. C. W. Tyler, editor. ... |
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texto to find the food – it is always there. In higher organ-. isms a radical shift has taken place due to symmetry. breaking (Stewart/Golubitsky 1992). ... - |
Fearful Symmetry. Blackwell Publishers,
Oxford, 1992. [ bib ]. [1879], I. Stewart, M. Golubitsky, and M. Pivato.
Symmetry groupoids and patterns of ... - |
Vgl. Stewart/Golubitsky (1992), S. 88;
[Britannica] (2001), o.S. ...... Stewart, I. und Golubitsky, M.
(1992), Fearful Symmetry: Is God a geometer?, Oxford/
... |
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