Best Books of the Year
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A Treatise on White Magic contains Fifteen Rules for Magic (for soul control) -- the soul, the White Magician, becoming manifest through its own inherent magical powers. Man is essentially and inherently divine. The soul is the means whereby mankind evolves a consciousness of divinity, redeems gross matter and liberates the pure flame of spirit from the limitation of form.
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Alice A. Bailey (1880?1949) From her conservative British background, Alice Bailey's life led her in many directions, but always in one direction - towards the time when through drastic personal experience of many kinds she had acquired a synthesis of outlook and understanding, and an absolute conviction that one divine life pervades and animates the one humanity; that the Plan for humanity requires the cooperation and service of trained and dedicated human beings intelligently informed about world affairs, in collaboration with those who form the spiritual Hierarchy, the inner government of the planet. Her life work became an integral part of this synthesis and this realization. Without in the least losing any of her very human qualities and involvement, her soul took up its commitment to her Master, and her personality provided full cooperation in the field of her accepted service. Basically her work developed as a duality - her discipleship service which included the establishment of an esoteric school; and her initially reluctant agreement to work with the Tibetan, Djwhal Khul, in the writing of a series of books presenting the next phase in the continuity of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for the present and the immediate future. An extract from the Tibetan teacher, written in 1934 briefly explains the intent of these teachings: "The books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may, or may not, be correct, true and useful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and by the exercise of the intuition. Neither I nor A.A.B. is the least interested in having them acclaimed as inspired writing, or in having anyone speak of them (with bated breath) as being the work of one of the masters. If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of the intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said."
Product Details
Hardcover: 692 pages
Publisher: Lucis Publishing Company; 5th edition (June 1, 1951)
A Treatise On White Magic by Alice Bailey is a very special book written for those spiritual seekers who have found the spiritual path within themselves and who require specific and general guidance in moving forward. The book is divided into major sections, where each can be seen to deal with a major aspect and stage upon this path. There are sections that deal with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of ourselves and the books hints at how these aspects are and can be spiritualised.
A Treatise on White Magic, like so many of A.A.B's books, is not intended to be informational. On the whole, they are intended to be inspirational. By that I mean that the reader's intuition and spiritual perception is awakened through studying the book's contents.
This book cannot be rated too highly and will be appreciated by those who have a deep interest in all things spiritual, but not necessarily religious, and by those who can appreciate the spiritual and esoteric aspect of everyday life.
I was in a busy phase in my life and was suddenly struck down by a freak dancing accident in a music class I was teaching to children in South Korea. I had to have knee surgery and had a long hospital stay. I ordered the book before I went to the hospital. This book stimulated me on every level: spirtuatally, intellectually, linguistically...I could go on and on. It is the book I've been waiting my whole life for. Strangely, I picked up Alice Bailey's work years ago but didn't understand it. But after two years of Raja Yoga and lots of meditation, I can say that I understood almost every word. This book will only speak to you when you're ready. But when you are, it may change you're life and the lives of others.
This book is an enlargement on the "15 Rules of White Magic" as given by the author in "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire". The "15 Rules" apply to bringing down to the physical, the Divine Idea which is its underlying cause. Specifically, the rules examine the various phases this Idea goes through in order to be "clothed in matter", at which time it becomes manifest on the physical plane. The "magician" is the soul or Higher Self, thereby making the new physical object of divine origin. Obviously, not everyone can perform White Magic of this kind as it requires that continuity of consciousness possessed by an initiate of a certain grade. Furthermore, it is clear that if this information were easy to know, inherent dangers might befall the "magician". So, much of this book also centres on how to "become a Disciple and Initiate", and the reader has to "read between the lines" to truly learn. Hence, it is a book one returns to time and again over many years.
First off, i would not recommend this book for anyone unfamiliar with Alice Bailey's writing. (Or, if you will, the Tibetian she channels.) I remember the first book of hers i read, was TELEPATHY, which helped me learn many of the theosophical definitions and ontological classifications. Another good first read may be GLAMOUR A WORLD PROBLEM. It's not filled with technical terms. Then again, some people may find that reading other theosophists, or perhaps ISIS UNVEILED is the first step. We are each on individual paths. However, if theosophical terminology isnt new to you, and you have a passing aquaintance with Buddhism, Christianity, hermetism and Hinduism, then you may find information in the book that you could use towards your spiritual evolution, and for the group work of your ray type. Like most spiritual reading, this book will give you what you need for wherever you are, while confusing you about those topics you are not either ready or permited to learn. After all, spiritual insight enters the disciple from the Buddhic plane, the plane of spiritual intuition. This book is both KEY and CURTAIN in its method. As is stated elsewhere in a review, Bailey has many "blinds" in her work, to confuse those who's intentions are not pure. A special caution for those who may be WICCANS, or young adolescents looking for love spells, or any kind of "PERSONAL POWER SEEKERS" in general. This is NOT the book for you. Not because the knowledge is too arcane, too advanced or too empowering for those incapable of handling it. This is not some long lost BOOK OF SPELLS, or anything like that. WHITE MAGIC, as Bailey understands it, is the ability to understand the purpose and goal of the Great Masters, and of the Cosmic Christ, and taking a scientific approach to prayer, to materialize the goal on the material plane. I suppose the real magic, is effective prayer. A final note: the difference between WHITE MAGIC, and BLACK MAGIC, is simple, but of utmost importance. The white magician never uses this information for selfish, materialistic reasons, or to obtain sway over the wills of others. If you EVER use magic, hypnosis, drugs, etc, to controll the wills of others, even if your intentions are good, or you think they are, you are practicing BLACK MAGIC. Because FREE WILL, the practice of HARMLESSNESS, and learning to serve the will of THE FATHER IN HEAVEN, (The GREAT WHITE LODGE in SIRIUS) is the real meaning of white magic. I think of much of her work, as esoteric christianity, since she seems to be working in the second ray group, which she has elsewhere indicated to be lead by CHRIST. For those whom this writing is meant for, you will certainly gain some interesting meditation themes, while sensitizing your intuitive buddhic plane. At the very least, you will be exposing yourself to some great stories. "MAY LOVE, LIGHT AND WILL BRING TO EARTH THE PLAN OF GOD."Read more ›
A Master of Wisdom working for the evolution of humanity gives the esoteric rules to unfold one's incredible potential and to produce lasting changes in the world. This book explains: (1) the laws of spiritual psychology as distinguished from mental and emotional psychology, (2) the nature of the soul of man and its cosmic relationships, (3) the relations between the self and the layers of coverings that self may use, and (4) the problems of supernormal powers and the rules for their safe and useful development
The truth in this book will appeal to those who are open-minded investigators willing to accept its fundamentals as a working hypothesis to be tested and tried.