- Aleister Crowley and the
"Sirians" |
- Aleister Crowley's Lam & the Little Grey
Men |
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO |
- Aliens, Lies and Religions - An Interview With Paul Von
Ward |
- Alien Saviors |
- An Analysis of 'The Gods of
Eden' |
- Ancient and Future Custodial Alien
Races and the
HyperDimensional Symbolic Cryptographic Munitions
Conspiracy |
- Ancient Gnostic Disciples of Jesus Reveal Reasons for
Extraterrestrial Denial
in Western Society |
- Ancient Manuscripts and
Treatises - Main File |
- Are ‘Celestials’ Assisting Humanity in Relations With
Extraterrestrial Life? |
- Brotherhoods and Secret
Societies - Main File |
- Buddhism and The Kalachakra
System - Main File |
- Capitalism - An Alien Ideology From Who Were As Human
Beings |
- Celebrity Contactee Links New World Order to
Manipulative Extraterrestrials - Albert Einstein and Parallel
Earths |
- Channelers and Channeled
Information - Main File |
- Christianity - Extraterrestrial Religion?
- Reflections on Von Daniken and
Biblical UFOlogy |
- Ciencia Real - Main
File |
- Cults of The Dark Gods |
- Earth and Celestial Conflicts - Main
File |
- Effects On Humanity by Manipulative
Extraterrestrials - Main
File |
- El Advenimiento de Ahriman - Un Ensayo Sobre las Fuerzas Profundas Detrás de
la Crisis Mundial |
- El Engaño Final - La Monstruosa Mentira de La Nueva Era |
- El Lam de Aleister Crowley y Los Hombrecitos
Grises - Una Semejanza
Impresionante |
-¿Están Los Celestiales Ayudando a La Humanidad en
Relación con La Vida Extraterrestre? |
- Excerpts from "Gods, Genes, and
Consciousness" -
Nonhuman Intervention in Human History |
- Extraterrestrials and The
Vatican |
- Frank E. Stranges and Valiant
Thor |
- Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Twentieth Century And
After... |
- Gods and Religions on Planet
Earth - Main File |

- Guerra en El Cielo - El Colegio Invisible - Resumen del Libro de Kyle
Griffith |
- Hale Bopp and Heaven's Gate
Cult |
- Inflation - Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial
Visitation |
- Jacques F. Vallee - Main
File |
- Jehovah - Yahweh - YHWH -
Adonai - Main File |
- Join The Collective - Is it really such "A Privilege to be
Assimilated"? |
- La Conspiración de La Puerta
Cósmica |
- La Verdadera Historia de Los Nazarenos y la
Biblia - Main File |
- Long Time Extraterrestrial Influences on Earth's
Evolution - We Are
Definitely Not Alone! |
- Los Lagartos y La Iglesia
Romana |
- Los Primeros Contactados - Siempre han habido Seres Humanos que se
Relacionaban con Seres Inteligentes Descendidos... |
- Lucifer Rising |
- Manipulative Extraterrestrials - Explaining UFO and
Alien Denial |
- Matrix - Main
File |
- Messengers of Deception |
- On Breaking The God Spell |
- Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing
Extraterrestrials Who Visited U.S. Capital in
1957 |
- Political Management of the Extraterrestrial
Presence |
- Psycho-Social Study of Human Conflict Reveals Alien
Influence on Humans |
- ¿Quien Originó el Complot Para la Dominación
Mundial? |
- Rudolf Steiner and The Legacy of The Star
Gods |
- Rulers of The Earth - Secrets of The Sons of
God |
- Salvadores Alienígenas |
- Shambahla - Main
File |
- Sitchin y Un Teólogo del Vaticano
- Conversan de Ovnis,
Extraterrestres, Ángeles, La Generación del
Hombre |
- Sky Gods and Earth Deities |
- Slave Species of God - The Shocking Truth About Our Human
Origins |
- Telepathic Message from The Cosmic
Brotherhood |
- The Advent of Ahriman - An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the
World-Crisis |
- The Anunnaki - Main File |
- The Archons - Los Arcontes - Main File |
- The Armageddon Chronicles |
- The Ashtar Command - Main
File |
- The Biological Basis of Elitism and "The Divine Right"
Rule |
- The Council of Nine - Main
File |
- The Dark History of The Vatican - Main
File |
- "The Family" - Main
File |
- The Global Elite - Main
File |
- The Gnostic Theory of Alien
Intrusion |
- The Hypostasis of the
Archons - from 'The Nag Hammadi
Texts' |
- The Lam - Main
File |
- The Master Race and the Family of
Light - Conflict,
Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political Agendas
in... |
- The Mysteries of Lam - A lecture by Michael Staley in 1994 |
- The Nature of Spiritual
Reality - Alain Gossens
(Karmapolis) Questions Kyle Griffith On the Meaning of "The War in
Heaven" |
- The New Atheists |
- The New Age Religion - Brought To Us By The Ascended
Masters |
- The Nexus Seven - Main
File |
- The Origins of Humankind - Quo Vadis - Past Surprises/Future
Revelations |
- The Revised Anunnaki Protocols - The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion |
- The Tibetan Master and The Transformation of
Society |
- The Watchers-Nephilim - Main
File |
- The Way -
DOMA Daughters Of Ma |
- The World Divided |
- Thoth-Hermes - Ningishzidda -
Quetzalcoatl - Main
File |
- Totalitarian Communism As a Manipulative
Extraterrestrial Ruse |
- War in Heaven - The Invisible College - Summary of Kyle Griffith's
Book |
- White (Solar) Brotherhood - Main
File |
- Who Originated The Plot For World
Domination? |
- Wisdom of The Higher
Extraterrestrials |
- Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth
- Main File |
Information |
- Abducción Extraterrestre, Posesión Demoníaca, y La
Leyenda del Vampiro |
- Aleister Crowley - Main
File |
- Apocalyptical Cult Groups Seek the Destruction of New
York City and Toronto |
- Blue Beam - The Uncovert
Project - Main File |
- Buscando Activamente La Verdad - Conocimiento Marginal Para
Principiantes |
- Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and Their Murderous
Attacks |
- Covert War for Earth’s
Sovereignty |
- Discerning Alien
Disinformation |
- ¿El Fin de La Industria de La
Carne? - ¿La Mutilación
de Animales Explicada? |
- Encender La Rejilla - Fire The
Grid |
- EndGame - JuegoFinal - Main
File |
- Faith, Certainty and The Presidency of George W.
Bush |
- Globalization - The Octopus of the New World
Order - Main File |
- Global Warming, The War on Terrorism, and The
Extraterrestrial Link to "Planet X" |
- In Defense of Kingship and Divine
Right |
- Las Religiones Son Los Asesinos #1 de Las
Almas |
- Marshall Vian Summers y Los Aliados de la
Humanidad - Main File |
- Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and
Vampires |
- New Theory on The Origins of The Universe And
Humankind Surfaces -
Big Bang Theory Challenged |
- Ponerology - The Science of
Evil - Main File |
- Practitioners of the Eugenics
Super-Religion, Are The
Instigators for Much of The World’s Problems From Middle East Wars,
... |
- Revelaciones y Reveladores del Gran Secreto del
Cosmos |
- Saving Earth and Humanity Critically Relies on
Developing Extraterrestrial Awareness |
- Sons of Fire and Daughters of
Light - Divine
Origins |
- Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main
File |
- Synopsis of The Alien Master
Plan - The Hybrid
Breeding Program and Impending Enslavement of
Mankind |
- The Art of Hyper Dimensional
War |
- The Case For Celestial Humans |
- The God Program |
- The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Main
File |
- The Meaning Behind Alien
Abductions |
- The Research of Amitakh
Stanford - Main File |
- U.S. President Bush Insists He
Talks to 'God' |
- Video-Conferencia de La Federación Galáctica de
Luz |
Manuscripts |
- Bardo Thodol -
Libro Tibetano de Los
Muertos - Main File |
- Book of Chilam Balam of
Chumayel |
- Book of Enoch - Main
File |
- Egyptian Book of The
Dead |
- Kebra Nagast |
- Laws of Manu |
- Papyrus of Ani |
- Popol Vuh - The Book of the
People - Main File |
- The Bundahishn ("Creation") - or Knowledge from the Zand |
- The Dresden Codex - The Ancient Maya Codices - Main
File |
- The Egyptian Heaven and Hell - Main
File |
- Troano
Manuscript - a Mayan
Manuscript |
- 'Zadokite'
Document - an Extra Biblical
Writing |
Books-Treaties |
- Ádam Genisiš - Les Chroniques Du Girku - by Anton
Parks |
- Alien Interview - Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by
Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy - by Lawrence R. Spencer |
- ¡Defendámonos de los Dioses! - por Salvador Freixedo |
- El Colegio Invisible - Guerra en El Cielo - Un Concepto Completamente
Nuevo y Revolucionario Sobre La... - por Kyle
Griffith |
- El Regreso de Inanna - por V.S. Ferguson |
- El Secreto de Las Estrellas
Oscuras - Las Crónicas
del Girku - por Anton Parks |
- ETs y La Atlántida - Manipulación Genética |
- Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis |
- Handbook for The New
Paradigm - by
George Green |
- Invisible Eagle - The History of Nazi
Occultism - by Alan
Baker |
- Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres - Les Chroniques Du Girku - by Anton
Parks |
- Libro del Conocimiento - Extractos de "Las Claves de
Enoc" |
- Los Dioses del Eden - The Gods of
Eden - por William
Bramley |

- Occult
Theocrasy -
by Lady Queenborough |
- Tales From Time Loop - by David Icke |
- The Babylonian Woe - A Study of the Origin of Certain Banking Practices - by
David Astle |
- The Invisible College - War in Heaven - A Completely New And
Revolutionary Conception of The Nature of Spiritual Reality - by
K.Griffith |
- The Only Planet of Choice - by Phyllis V. Schlemmer |
- The Master File - From the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future
Time - interpreted by Paul Shockley |
- Yo Visité Ganímedes... - ...El Mundo Maravilloso de Los OVNIs - por
Yosip Ibrahim (José Rosciano
Holder) |
Multimedia |
- Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis |

- Granada Forum Lecture - Dr. Bill
Deagle |

- Intervención Extraterrestre en la
Antigüedad |

Invasion of Sky Gods - from Secret Space - Ancient Texts Can
Tell Another Story... |

- La Llegada - Revelaciones Sobre La Llegada del
Anticristo |

- La Verdad Jamás Contada -
Zeitgeist |
- Ocupación Extraterrestre En Nuestro
Planeta |

- Prognosis For Planet Earth - by Bill Deagle |

- Should This Video Be Banned? YOU

- The Four Horsemen |

- Warning To The
World |
- World Killer Fanaticism - Political and Religious Ideologies and
Beliefs |
Related Reports |
- Abductions and
Abductees - Main File |
- Contact and
Contactees - Main File |
- Organic
Portals - Main File |
- Sumer and The
Anunnaki - Main File |
- The
Anti-Christ - Main File |
- The Middle East Exopolitical
Saga - Main File |
- The Nag Hammadi
Library - Main File |
- Vatican-Pope and The New World
Order - Main File |