by Ed Komarek March 31, 2008
from AmericaChronicle
The future
of our civilization rests on our developing an enlightened
extraterrestrial policy along the lines of the Hawaii Declaration.
The Hawaii Declaration was the work of a group of concerned
citizens that met for a conference in Hawaii in 2006.
I believe this
declaration should serve as a model for enlightened national and
international extraterrestrial policy.
from PetitionOnLine Website
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To: Citizens of the World Hawaii Declaration on
Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations
New World If You Can Take It”
We, the individuals and
institutions participating in and/or supporting the
Extraterrestrial Civilizations & World Peace Conference in
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, June 9-11, 2006,
Are a body of
concerned private citizens who are promoting world peace and
harmonious relations with extraterrestrial civilizations,
Recognizing the overwhelming evidence pointing to the
presence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and their generally
peaceful interaction with individuals and governmental
Inspired by the profound significance for
humanity of sharing the wisdom, knowledge, culture and technology
provided by extraterrestrial civilizations,
Asserting that
extraterrestrial civilizations have been observing human evolution
for some time with particular interest in humanity’s quest for
lasting peace among its peoples,
Noting that
extraterrestrial civilizations have indicated that the abolishment
of nuclear weapons worldwide is a necessary milestone toward
peaceful coexistence on earth and as a prerequisite for open
Recalling United Nations resolutions concerning
international co-operation in the peaceful exploration and use of
outer space, banning atmospheric and underwater nuclear tests, and
proscribing hostile acts on the moon and other celestial bodies,
Recognizing a range of initiatives promoted by private
citizens and citizen organizations with regard to extraterrestrial
civilizations visiting Earth,
Intending for this
Declaration to be used as a starting point for a greater public
dialogue with those holding similar or diverging perspectives and
interests concerning extraterrestrial visitation,
Using a
consensual decision making process among speakers, organizers, and
participants at the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace
Conference, 2006, we have agreed to,
Honor the following
principles for establishing peaceful relations with
extraterrestrial civilizations:
We affirm the intent of humanity to join in
peaceful and cooperative relations with extraterrestrial
Affirm support for United Nations
resolutions promoting the peaceful use of Outer Space, and
support for UN, International and U.S. Congressional initiatives
to prevent an arms race in outer space, including the
weaponization of space,
Affirm the natural right of all citizens to
have open contact with representatives of extraterrestrial
civilizations in all cases, and to engage in non-official
Declare the need for Civil Society to
develop acceptable protocols (standards of behavior) with
extraterrestrial civilizations, that the protocols should be
representative of the aspirations of all humanity, and that all
nations should work in concert to establish peaceful relations,
Cooperate with extraterrestrial
civilizations in promoting Earth, Cosmic and Life friendly
technologies, and encouraging the right use and open
availability of these technologies,
Affirm our desire to coordinate the earth’s
ecological health and biological diversity with extraterrestrial
civilizations that can aid us in that endeavor,
And express our desire to welcome the open
appearance of benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations.
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, June 11, 2006
The Undersigned
The present
unenlightened extraterrestrial policy is a policy created by elite
autocrats to further their own special interests all the while causing
great harm to society as a whole. The present unenlightened policy favors
dangerous autocratic alliances with less ethical ET races and disfavors
constructive and beneficial alliances with more ethical ET races.
The only way we can get an enlightened policy is to have a policy
devised by the people for the people. This will only be possible if there
is full and open disclosure of what is known about extraterrestrial
reality. As long as policy is driven by elite autocrats operating in
extreme secrecy and under the harshest of security procedures, policy will
remain unenlightened, fragmented and destructive to society as a
When we have entrenched special interests looking out for
their own interests making decisions for the rest of us we all loose. Over
the past 60 years elite autocrats have justified and rationalized their
control over societal extraterrestrial policy as exemplified in the Brookings Institution
document. This document is nothing more than one of many
deceptions perpetrated upon the unsuspecting public in regards to
extraterrestrial reality by elite autocrats protecting their special
The truth is that people are generally selfish by nature
and when a few create policy they cannot help but look out for their own
interests first and society second. Critical to the shaping of policy by
the few is control of information to the many. The founding fathers of
America knew that the few could not be trusted to use power or information
in the interest of the public.
This is why
Thomas Jefferson said,
"I know of no
better repository of the truth than with the people."
Jefferson and
the other founding father knew that democracy could not function if
information and truth were withheld from the public no matter what the
Our civilization is obviously no longer in
extraterrestrial quarantine as evidenced by the huge upsurge in
extraterrestrial activity on and about our planet since the late 1940s.
Our civilization has been put into play and now is being fundamentally
impacted by a great diversity of advanced extraterrestrial races. The only
way we as a people can make the right decisions to correctly shape our
future is if we have all the information possible to make those decisions.
Because things are really coming to a head and because of
unenlightened extraterrestrial policy we are all in great danger of
exploitation and colonization by unethical ET races. The way things
now stand is that this unenlightened autocratic ET policy had created the
conditions best suited for exploitation and colonization of our
civilization. This is why I advocate immediate release of all
extraterrestrial related information. There are those autocrats that would
argue that this would be catastrophic to society and they are both right
and wrong.
What the autocrats say is only a partial truth, a lie.
The whole truth is that things can get far worse than catastrophic if the
information is not immediately released. Under a continued
unenlightened ET policy we face he immediate danger of
colonization. I would argue that it is much better for our society
to have catastrophic renewal and remain an independent civilization than
proceed down the road to colonization any further.
disclosure rapidly occur even if catastrophic, we as a society have the
option at least to create an enlightened ET policy. A policy that
will disfavor less ethical ET interactions and colonization in favor of
more ethical ET interactions that will allow for continued independence.
There are those who ask where are the ethical extraterrestrials,
why won't they openly interact with us?
My answer to
that question is that under present conditions circumstances do not favor
open interactions with ethical extraterrestrial races. The ethical
races are being excluded from open formal negotiations and
interactions because of the current unethical super-secret, hostile,
deceptive climate that prevails in regards to extraterrestrial reality.
I believe that if we collectively create an enlightened ET
policy the ethical races will openly and formally appear in great numbers
forcing an end to the creeping covert infiltration and colonization of our
society by less ethical races.
If we
collectively fashion an enlightened policy they will