Len Kasten from Atlantis
Raising - Number 41
September/October 2003
An Australian Researcher Offers a Startling Explanation for World
this scenario.
The U.S.
government obtains intelligence that hidden somewhere in central Iraq is
an actual stargate, placed there by the Anunnaki "gods" of ancient Sumeria. This is a
device that employs time travel technology and permits individuals and
equipment to pass into another dimension outside of the space-time
continuum. Once there, it is possible to travel across the galaxy, or into
another galaxy, instantaneously, and then pop back into space-time on
another planet.
Consider further, that the government also learns
that Nibiru, the “12th Planet,” is
due to make its return passage through our solar system on its 3600 year
orbit, in a matter of months. In this scenario, when Nibiru is closest to
earth, the Anunnaki, the ancient huge hominoid “gods” of Sumeria who built
the stargate, would, it seems likely, take the opportunity to travel to
earth through that same stargate, and will set up their encampment in
Iraq. By default, this will have the effect of propping up the current
U.S. government leaders know that such an eventuality must
be prevented at all costs, so they decide that with the help of
extraterrestrial allies, they must invade Iraq and close the
stargate. The Russians, Germans and French, however, having been
intimately involved in Iraq’s archaeology, know what they’re up to, and
prefer that the stargate remain open, thus preventing American domination
of the world. With time running out, President Bush invades Iraq.
scientists raid the museum, and close the stargate, thus
frustrating the grandiose ambitions of the self-styled reincarnation of
Nebuchadnezzar, Saddam Hussein, and making the world safe for the New World Order.

The ruins of the ancient ziggurat of Dur Kurigalzu
(present Aqar Quf) near Baghdad.
Has an ancient link between Earth and the stars been
found nearby?
Is this the
sequel to the movie Star-gate? Is it a new episode of the TV series? Is it
a new Star Trek movie? No, it is none of these.
According to
Dr. Michael Salla, it is
probably exactly what actually happened! Such a fantastic theory would not
be expected from someone whose entire career has been spent in academia,
pursuing rather conventional political and diplomatic studies. Dr. Salla,
an Australian national, obtained his M.A. in Philosophy from the
University of Melbourne, and then his doctorate in Government from the
University of Queensland in 1993.
After spending
two years as an Associate at the Centre for Middle Eastern and Central
Asian studies in Australia, he joined the faculty of the Department
of Political Science at Australian National University in Canberra, as
a lecturer. In 1996, he came to the U.S. and gained an academic
appointment at the School of International Service at American
University in Washington, D.C. where he remained until 2001.
He is currently
researching methods of Transformational Peace as a Researcher in
Residence in the Center for Global Peace at American University.
The Missing
Dr. Salla’s
Iraqi stargate theory is expounded in a paper written for
publication. Several other research papers by him exhibiting
what seems to be first-rate scholarship and elaborating on his intriguing
views about world events, can also be found here.
Salla is among
those who think that the extraterrestrial presence should be a major
factor in all political decisions and actions. Like the proverbial
‘elephant in the room’ the alien factor, he believes, is just too big to
be ignored, and therefore it seems highly unlikely to him that it is being
ignored. But what goes on in clandestine meetings is not public policy, so
Dr. Salla brings the subject out into the daylight by reviving the
previously obscure concept of ‘exopolitics,’ dusting it off, and giving it
new life and meaning.
The “exo”
prefix has become established as a reference to aliens, e.g. “exobiology”
refers to the study of alien physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Salla
formulated his exopolitical theory when, in his work in
international conflict resolution, he became convinced that there was a
missing piece. Some external agency was not accounted for.
When he
factored in the ET influence, it all came together.
In a
10,000-word research paper titled The Need for Exopolitics: Implications
of Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories for Policy Makers & Global
Peace, Dr. Salla says that exopolitics,
“can be
defined as the policy debate over the choices governments and
populations need to make in formulating and implementing legislative and
policy responses to the presence of ETs in human affairs.”
He claims that
exopolitics is actually already being practiced in secrecy by the major
world governments. In this paper, though, Dr. Salla gives a good example
of how public exopolitics should be conducted. As our government should be
doing, he reviews all the sources of evidence of the E.T. presence to
date, and then uses this reported information to try to comprehend the
nature of alien intentions.
He does this by
identifying four possible perspectives and evaluating the strength
of the evidence for each category.
According to
the Intruder Perspective, the aliens are here for their own
purposes, and their abduction and hybrid program activities are
intrusive and callous to human concerns. Although they pose no direct
military threat, this attitude would tend to justify defense concerns
and the development of weapons with which to confront them.
Taking the
Manipulator Perspective, a case can be built that the aliens have been manipulating
humans covertly since we first appeared here. There is
evidence that this has been conducted through their human proxies via
secret societies and support of a human controlling elite class.
From the
Helper Perspective, it appears that the aliens are here to help
us to grow in consciousness and solve our problems. Much evidence
supports the view that the “ETs play an important role in encouraging
humanity to achieve peaceful resolution of international conflict, and
in preventing nuclear proliferation and the use of other destructive
And finally,
there is the Watcher Perspective. According to this view, the
aliens are agents of a larger galactic organization and are here to
observe a “great experiment” that may help other planetary societies if
we resolve it correctly. These aliens are all-powerful, and although
non-interventionist, are ready to step in if absolutely necessary. Of
these four possibilities, he claims that the strongest evidence supports
the Intruder and the Helper Perspectives, and therefore
government policies should actively address both of these.
Dr. Salla makes
five recommendations.
First, we
must create the field of exopolitics so that schools and colleges may
prepare diplomats for dealing with the extraterrestrial presence, and
also the ET’s themselves. This would require highly specialized
Second, and
perhaps most important, he argues for the pressing need for immediate
disclosure so that exopolitical leaders can bring the best academic
minds all over the world into the problem-solving matrix, rather than
just those now secretly employed by the government.
He says,
“This would
lead to a more representative decision-making process in contrast to
what the evidence suggests is a restricted decision-making process on
the ET presence run by a small number of government officials
‘appointed’ in a manner which raises serious concerns over their
accountability, constitutional status and lack of congressional
It may be
true that the “Military-Industrial Complex” has effective ways of
identifying and utilizing brilliant and talented individuals, as in A
Beautiful Mind. And furthermore, Dr. Salla claims that they have
“brain-enhancement” technology which can raise an IQ by as much as 50
points. But, there are obvious disadvantages to operating in a climate
of secrecy, fear and intimidation, and we are all being shortchanged by
this policy.
Dr. Salla’s position is that only a free and open
discussion can elicit the responses appropriate to the incredibly
complex problems and fabulous opportunities presented by the
existence of several alien races on the planet, displaying powers
and technologies that are thousands of years ahead of us. He believes
that waiting for official disclosure will cause us to lose valuable
initiatives and opportunities for change, and could actually be
Third, the
government must reveal exactly what weaponry and defense measures they
have developed for dealing with the “alien menace.” The military should
not be permitted to expend considerable national resources in this
effort, without congressional and public oversight.
Fourth, the
government should reveal whatever new technologies they have developed
by reverse engineering alien craft, and the discovery of new energy
sources based on extraterrestrial information. It is strongly suspected
that we already have anti-gravity space ships capable of inter-stellar
flight, time and/or inter-dimensional travel capabilities, free energy
devices that would free us from fossil fuel dependency, and other
advances that could eradicate sickness and poverty all over the globe.
Clearly, it is presumptuous and immoral for a small group of individuals
to keep these things under wraps while there is so much misery on the
And finally,
there must be a concerted effort to develop effective congressional and
public oversight of these clandestine activities.
As Salla
sees it, most observers around the world were upset when the U.S., as some
see it, created its own case for the invasion of Iraq, and went ahead
without obtaining what they believed was an adequate world consensus,
moreover, with active opposition from some of our traditional allies.
Citing evidence for hidden “weapons of mass destruction” as a causus
belli, and rejecting the failure of U.N. inspectors to have found such
weapons, the U.S.—led coalition quickly over-ran the Iraqi defenses.
To Salla it
seemed the operation must be aimed at beating some sort of an urgent
deadline. If this was all about oil, why the urgency? Dr. Salla is
convinced that the pressing need to invade Iraq was based on a
clandestine exopolitical analysis and decision.
He believes
that the U.S., Russia, Germany and France have been aware that the
Anunnaki left behind some very hi-tech apparatus, and possible
weaponry, when they abandoned the earth around 1700 B.C., and that
Saddam Hussein had been getting assistance from Russian, German and
French archaeological teams for years, in an attempt to unravel, and
perhaps reverse-engineer this apparatus, which Salla claims is probably
far in advance of any technology we might have obtained from the Grays from Zeta Reticuli
who he believes to be our friends.
If a European-Iraqi alliance
were able to back-engineer this technology, and/or strike up an alliance
with the Anunnaki when they return, Salla thinks, then whatever military
advantage the U.S. has had with its technology, even including
anti-gravity craft, would probably disappear, and we would quickly become
a second-rate power.
Salla is claiming that all political decisions are now exopolitical
decisions, which must be hidden from the public to prevent the
possibility of overthrowing the secret ruling elite.
believes that a covert, intense struggle is being played out behind the
scenes against the backdrop of the E.T. presence; earthly political powers
are maneuvering for alliances with superior E.T. races to gain world
The Stargate at
Salla’s opinion that the
technology buried beneath the desert sands of Iraq is an actual stargate
has been heavily influenced by the writings of William Henry.
Zecharia Sitchin never
entertained the notion that the Anunnaki could have set foot on earth
through an inter-dimensional portal, although he came very close to that
idea in Stairway to Heaven.
primitive version of that concept had been floating around the sci-fi
world since the advent of Star Trek in the sixties. Captain Kirk and
friends could be “beamed” down to any planet by a
dematerialization-rematerialization process. Sitchin believed that the
Sumerian tablets showed the existence of space-ports at various places in
the Middle East from where the Anunnaki traveled back and forth to
Nibiru in rocket ships. He wrote that some of the tablets indicated
the probable utilization of orbiting craft as well.
But William
Henry, with whom Atlantis Rising readers are very familiar, in his
recent research paper titled, “Saddam Hussein, The Stairway to Heaven
and the Return of Planet X,” makes a compelling case for
the existence of such a stargate in Iraq.

Replica of Solomon’s Temple
This paper, in
turn, uses material extracted from his book, Ark of the Christos: The Mythology,
Symbolism and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of
Terror. While Henry’s essay is of course speculative, he
nevertheless takes on an authoritative tone, and makes copious references
to ancient mythological texts, as well as Zecharia Sitchin’s works.
The following statement summarizes his argument, and is probably
one that Dr. Salla was influenced by:
“The return
of this planet centers on the recovery of a technology once housed at
Solomon’s Temple that is used to open a gateway linking earth with
far-off regions of space. Recent military and political activity
suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the
return of Planet X is imminent. The stakes are high. This planet is at
the center of a biblical prophecy known as the Day of the Lord.”
An illustration
in his article shows a picture of an ancient Sumerian tablet in which the
god Anu, the ruler of Planet X, appears to be going through a gate,
flanked by two people holding posts or pillars with globes on top. Henry
calls these poles “splendid shining posts,” and claims that they represent
the stargate in a simplified form.
Sumerian tablet illustrated in the article shows Gilgamesh going through a
similar gate.
Gilgamesh was the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic
poem, The Song of Gilgamesh, written about 2900 B.C. He was the
king of Uruk, a city in southern Mesopotamia, who sought immortality by
searching for the “Stairway to Heaven and the abode of the Gods.”
Ultimately, he
ascended a ladder and went through a gate, and entered a new world where
he met long-dead Utnapishtim (Noah) and questioned him about the gods. Dr.
Salla believes the stargate will be found at Uruk, where German
archaeologists have been digging for many years at the invitation of
Saddam Hussein, and have unearthed an ancient city.
He thinks that
the stargate may have already been unearthed, but cannot be used because
it probably takes about five years of consciousness expansion training
before someone can walk through the gate. This is consistent with the
modus operandi of the now famous Montauk experiments in time
travel, which were driven by the enhanced mental power of one man, Duncan Cameron.
At this point, Salla believes, it appears that exopolitics is
being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers. Likely secret
agreements and alliances with various ET groups have been attributed to
the U.S. and Britain, Russia, China, Germany dating back to World War II,
France, and very possibly Iraq.
Salla believes that the weaponry (e.g., the atom bomb) and wars of
the 20th century may well have been connected with these alliances.
This trend
towards dealing with extraterrestrials as near equals, he believes, is
encouraging progress for the human race, since it means we are coming out
of our planetary cocoon.
But, if we
become embroiled in a weapons escalation race, fueled by competing ET
factions fighting for domination of the planet, and are being used as
pawns in this struggle, then it is clearly time to make the whole thing
public and allow the people to have a voice in preventing their own doom
in an apocalyptic war, i.e., Armageddon.