by Eric
from ExopoliticsInstitute
Translated by Chuck Brandstater
About the Author: Eric Julien (aka
Jean Ederman) is trained as a fighter pilot, has been a
military air controller, a twin-engine pilot in commercial aviation,
and an airline port chief; he has worked in the framework of
operations in large Parisian airports.
Holder of a Diploma of Advanced Specialized
Studies in Economic Sciences with a concentration in new
technologies, he obtained training as a director of international
airports at the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (National
School of Civil Aviation).
He confirms having had contacts with
extraterrestrials and is sharing his understanding of the
universe through this work. More info at: http://www.savelivesinmay.com/
[Note: Eric Julien is a speaker
at the Extraterrestrial Civilizations
& World Peace Conference]
We are in the
habit of thinking about extraterrestrials as potential
invaders. What is this idea of them as a security threat based on?
Essentially on two aspects: ignorance of our impact in the universe; and
our beliefs forged by popular movies. Yet the reality is very different.
To these two reasons can be added a third: the fear of being
inferior. It is enough to analyze the present situation and to
understand the laws that govern the world in order to become conscious of
our own role in the appearance of UFOs, that is, of
extraterrestrials. It is important to distinguish two historical
periods: before and after the Second World War!
We are not
going to discuss here the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH),
which is logically supported by the observations of tens of thousands of
witnesses. Indeed, the equation is rigorously simple. Unusual aerial and
undersea phenomena are observed by witnesses many of whom are trustworthy
(pilots, air controllers, scientists, ship commanders, military officers,
and so on).
phenomena, sometimes in the form of objects detected by radar, are
not only outside the framework of “natural” explanations but demonstrate
intelligent behavior: following of vehicles or people, evasive bearings,
instantaneous disappearances and/or appearances of creatures inside and
outside the vessels, flybys over strategic locations, etc. The performance
of these objects, attested by physical measures, is well beyond that of
our best technologies.
At the end
of 1953, the very official (United States) Project Blue Book delivered
its initial report on UFOs as Captain Ruppelt explained:
“Since June
1947, when the first UFO report had been made, ATIC had
analyzed 1,593 UFO reports. About 4,400 had actually been received, but
all except 1,593 had been immediately rejected for analysis…. in five
and a half years something like 44,000 UFO sightings had been
made…The reports that we were interested in were the 26.94 per cent
or 429 “Unknowns,” so we had studied them in great detail.”1
A qualitative
and quantitative study of the engineer Laurent Gonin, a volunteer
contributor to the SEPRA [Service d’Expertise des Phénomènes de
Rentrées Atmosphériques - Atmospheric Re-entry Phenomena Expertise
Department], enlightens us on the reality of these feats and of this
intelligence.2 In his report
on cases of simultaneous radar and visual sightings, he identifies the
measured feats of UFOs:
• 23% of
UFOs have a speed higher than mach 3. • 18% of UFOs are
stationary. • 14% of UFOs disappear on the spot. • 5% execute
sharp turns (equivalent to several tens of g’s).
...and their
intelligent behavior:
• 24% carry
out aerial maneuvers. • 19% follow planes. • 12% flee from
planes. • 8% simulate a near-collision • 3% are in formation.
• 3% engage in aerial combat.
As of September
28, 1947 (some weeks after the historic observation made by Kenneth
Arnold), a memorandum of General Nathan F. Twining, Chief of
the Air Material Command, clearly established that for the whole of the
“A. The
phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.
B. These
objects are approximately in the form of a disk ...
C. the
reported characteristics, such as the elevated speed of ascent, the
maneuverability (particularly in rolling), as well as the possibilities
of evasion when they are detected by radar, let us believe that certain
of these objects are controlled manually, automatically or at a
This memo, reference
TSDIN/HMM/ig/6-4100, showed from the beginning that our
MHD (MagnetoHydroDynamic) technology was incompatible
(“particularly in roll”) with the technology at work in UFOs. Besides, a
letter from General Schulgen addressed to the FBI indicated on
September 5, 1947,
“the Army Air
Forces has no project with the characteristics similar to those which
have been associated with the Flying Discs.”4
If these
creatures, objects or phenomena are not from
here, they are from elsewhere! QED. But are their feats truly incomprehensible? No! The book,
The Science of the Extraterrestrials, describes the new temporal
paradigm in which UFOs are perfectly explainable.5 The problem thus is twofold.
How do
UFOs act?
What do
they want?
To answer these
two questions we need to go through a close examination of the state of
the art in scientific matters.
A third
question is implicit:
Maybe, then, we
will define what the Elsewhere means. Before getting there, we need
to recall that contemporary science is far from at an end. We are but at
the beginnings of our quest.
The special
issue marking the 35th anniversary of La Recherche,
dated October 2005, invited us to discover “the most perplexing enigmas of
science.” 6 For the occasion,
35 enigmas were picked for presentation. An exhaustive list of the
questions that lack answers would probably resemble a phonebook.
Among the most important enigmas are included those that touch on
Ufology! “In search of zero time?”; “What is life?”; “The ultimate equation for physics?”;
“How do neurons manufacture consciousness?”; “Why do people have so few
emblematic, the choice of those 35 enigmas was necessarily arbitrary.
Ufologists as well as parapsychologists might have suggested plenty of
others. What needs recalling is that before rushing to embrace prosaic
solutions to explain UFOs, certain scientists would do well to
sweep their own rooms. This digression has as its purpose to open the
minds of those whom the development that follows might frighten.
We are going to
show that the atomic weapons put in use at the end of the Second
World War constituted the founding and triggering element of the flying
saucer era. We have, in our ignorance, created the conditions for the
irruption of the galaxy into the environment of our little blue planet.
Far from representing but a scientific interest for our visitors, we have
become their security threat. From there stems the sprawling
spectrum of their behaviors in our view.
A burdensome
character, an annoying book
Let us
start with the phenomenological indices of the correlation between nuclear
devices and UFOs. One of the most striking aspects of Ufological
casuistry is the flyby, or even the neutralization of nuclear
sites, be they civil or military. The work of Jean-Jacques
Velasco and Nicolas Montigiani, OVNI, l’évidence, is
useful in more than one respect.
To the
minds of many, this book is above all the work of the management of the
SEPRA (in the bosom of the Centre National d’Etudes
Spatiales) more than of private citizen Velasco. Though
declaring that he was expressing only his own opinions, and not those of
his prestigious institution, Jean-Jacques Velasco yet relies on the
files of SEPRA accumulated through the course of the
years, reports of which he shows all the affection he has for them by
entitling his second chapter “I open my files.”
These archives
are unique in all the world:
• they were
drawn up in the bosom of an official state entity • they cover a
period of several decades of recorded UFO
The official
reaction to the appearance of the work was most disturbing. Right away,
Jean-Jacques Velasco was asked to submit his resignation from
SEPRA to the CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
– France’s equivalent to NASA) since his academic conclusions were
not to the liking of his superiors. In essence, Velasco declares
that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin and that a nuclear/UFO
correlation is indubitable. In return for his resignation, which curiously
occurred in silence, the CNES accepted the launching of a Steering
Committee presided over by Yves Sillard for the successor of
SEPRA, that is, GEIPAN (with an “I”).
Sillard was, among other things, Director General of the CNES.
He was even there at the start of GEPAN in 1977, this being the
structure that preceded SEPRA.7 Sillard has confirmed the words
of Jean-Jacques Velasco concerning the proportion (13.5 %) of the
cases of UFOs that are unexplained and inexplicable with the fundamentals
of current science. Let us not forget that Yves Sillard is a
scientist at a high level.
approaching the substance of the book, it would not be unimportant to
indicate that Carnot Editions, publisher of Velasco and
Montigiani, went into liquidation some months after this
publication! It is difficult to make an enlightened commentary on the
reasons for this bankruptcy. It remains no less true that this
coincidence is disturbing. Velasco is thus prevented
from having his book widely distributed. Furthermore, he is in litigation
to retrieve his author’s rights. The response of the CNES was to
offer him a position in the Communications Department of CNES. What
is more inhibiting to expressing oneself than responsibility for the
communication of the department to which one belongs? By all appropriate
means, Jean-Jacques Velasco has been silenced.
What does
this series of obstacles mean? Many Ufologists have seen in the work,
OVNI, l’évidence, nothing but a compilation of the best-known
cases. On the basis of these comments, I myself approached the reading of
his book with this truncated view. In closing it, I realized that the
majority of French Ufologists had not understood its main point at all.
They had bypassed the essential. The reminders of the solid cases
in reality served a clear objective: the nuclear/UFOs correlation.
This is no novelty in and of itself. Many knew that UFOs had done flybys
over strategic sites. But why?
The French
ought to remember that Michel Debré, who later became Prime
Minister, had pleaded before the French Senate, in July 1954, for the
manufacture of atomic weapons, and a budget of 100 million francs
was approved for the development of the nuclear arsenal in December 1954;
this was the year of the greatest wave of UFOs that the country has
known, in particular above military nerve centers (Vernon, Coulommiers,
Metz, Orange) in the second half of the year. French military officials do
not have a short memory. Besides, they were the first to record
observations of Mysterious Celestial Objects (MCO).
have also done flybys over plenty of other places, essentially in the
country, in the middle of nowhere. Thus, in the ambient noise, the
“nuclear” signals do not appear clearly. The novelty comes from the
placement in perspective of three aspects of importance since the dawn of
the UFO phenomenon as understood today:
• The
superposition of the statistical patterns for observations of UFOs
with those for nuclear tests. • The same people are behind nuclear
deployment and official reports on UFOs. • UFOs are often spotted
above nuclear sites.
It is not
unimportant to note a connection between the audit of SEPRA and the
comments of J.J. Velasco.8 He indicates at the start of his
seventh chapter:
“A wild
course of the arms industry will make the factories turn to the sole
advantage of guns, instead of improving the lot of the populace.”
When one knows
that 36% of the people questioned in the audit of the SEPRA are in
or tied to the military, and that they constitute the majority of those
interviewed, one will hardly be astonished at the consequences described
Nor will
one be astonished at the wall of silence that covers the UFO
phenomenon in the media, an embarrassed silence that they replace
without restraint with the dismissive tone of sarcasm. Did you know that
the CNES, reputedly a civilian center, benefited, as
assigned project manager, from 15 million francs of the 2000 budget for
military space equipment of the Ministère de la Défense Nationale
{National Defense Ministry}, with some 250 million francs of budget
upstream under consideration?
The budget of
the European Union for military space equipment is 500 million euros
annually. The part that comes back to France represents 2.5% of its own
budget for military equipment. For the USA, it is 10%! Taking into account
the American budget devoted to military equipment overall, there is no
doubt that the technical progress made across the Atlantic has been well
beyond that in Europe.
As for
those who demand proof, let them start by requiring transparency.
But too few free themselves of the tricks that the nuclear expo exhibitors
play before their eyes. The UFO is never under the expected cup.
Distraction is an old method but it always works. They even applaud their
trick by hiding behind the smokescreen of rationalism.
nuclear actors become Ufologists
Velasco indicates:
“This is the
outcome of the most secret program ever put in motion by humanity: the
Manhattan Project. The mission was the work of a team of
physicists placed under the authority of the physicist Julius Robert
Oppenheimer (and among these scientists there figure names that we
will find, in some cases, closely involved in stories of flying
saucers, such as John von Neumann, Robert Sarbacher or
even Edward Condon)”
official documents declassified by the USA, the former head of the
SEPRA specifies that the first meeting on the subject of UFOs took
place at Los Alamos, high point of the nuclear-military establishment, on
Wednesday, February 16, 1949, in the presence of Edward Teller,
father of the H-bomb.
of UFO flybys have been conducted in the bosom of the predominantly
nuclear air bases (Albuquerque, Los Alamos, Kirtland, Sandia, Alamogordo,
Holloman, Pepperell, Malmstrom, Minot, Fairchild, Kingcloe, Wurtsmith,
Sawyer, Plattburg, Loring, Pease, and so on). On October 2, 1968, a silo
at the Minuteman missile base in North Dakota was deactivated despite the
efforts of the military forces, while the UFO was observed for two
and a quarter hours (there were twenty witnesses).
Batelle Institute, a private industrial research organization,
itself had reported on this factor:
“20% of
unknown aerial phenomena observed above American territory occur over
regions that include strategic sites.”
cites for example the nuclear plants at Hanford, Oak Ridge, and Knoxville,
where interceptions are attempted, in vain. We know today that French
cases demonstrate the same nuclear interest on the part of the
extraterrestrials. Thus, this was the case for the observations of five
eyewitnesses on board a military craft above the atomic testing zone of
Colomb-Bechar in the Algerian desert in December 1965.
To return
to the USA, and taking into account the extent of its territory, this
figure of 20% does not represent any random distribution. Nor is it by
chance that we have the presence of nuclear specialists among those
dealing with the subject of UFOs. Plenty of experts in other
disciplines could have been chosen to conduct the official investigations.
It becomes clear from that point on that the secret surrounding UFOs was
maintained by the best experts of the information blackout, those of the
Manhattan Project. This is the reason that the UFO files
are at a level higher than Top Secret.
Recalcitrant rationalists adorn themselves with the virtues of
the Condon report of the Colorado
Project, of which the conclusion is unquestionably a denial
of the UFO phenomenon, and furthermore of the extraterrestrial
hypothesis. This American report from 1969 marks a period to
the investigative activities of the Condon Commission, named for the
famous physicist Edward Condon, active participant in the
Manhattan Project (secret development of nuclear weapons). And yet,
the body of the text of this report indicates very clearly that a
non-negligible number of cases remain perfectly inexplicable. Put
otherwise, the conclusion of the investigation was already written before
it took place! Doctors MacDonald, Hynek, and Saunders
denounced Condon’s striking lack of objectivity, as he had become a
de facto spokesman for the United States Air Force.
Velasco makes mention of Project White Stork, allotted from
1951 to 1953 to the Battelle Memorial Institute (Columbus, Ohio),
in the framework of Project Blue Book.
Edward J. Ruppelt, in charge of Blue Book secretly entrusted
to the Battelle Institute the task of demonstrating that a
statistical study on the exogenous character of UFOs was feasible.
According to Velasco, the Batelle conclusions, indicated in
Special Report Number 14 (classified as
confidential) of the Blue Book report, and relying on close to four
thousand cases spread from 1947 to 1952, establish that 19.7% of the cases
are inexplicable. That is to say, a rate close to, and indeed higher than,
that (13.5%) of the SEPRA. But the remarkable aspect of this report is the
clustering of UFOs around military and/or nuclear sites! Let us
note that of the twelve observations declared solid by the Batelle
Institute, seven are of oval or discoid form.
The UFO/nuclear
But let us
return to the nuclear/UFO correlation. Velasco and
Montigiani write on the nuclear programs:
declassified historical archives reveal the taking of positions on the
part of men responsible for great scientific or military programs having
to do with nuclear energy. All make allusion to UFOs.”
Jean-Claude Sidoun teaches us in his book, Ovnis,
“that in May
1950, a study of Lincoln La Paz, meteorite specialist, confirmed
the analysis of 209 observations made by witnesses of quality setting
out how forays of unknown aircraft had signaled particular interest in
all the sectors of nuclear activity positioned in the USA.” 10
The authors of
OVNI, l’évidence observe that atmospheric nuclear testing began in
July 1945, coming to an end in 1981. Close to 440 megatons of nuclear
power were dissipated in the atmosphere. In contrast, the bombs of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (300,000 deaths) had but 0.015 and
0.021 megatons of power. The largest explosion was over Soviet territory:
50 megatons!
The authors
indicate, “the total number of explosions in the atmosphere reached 543
aerial tests,” of which the most active periods were 1954, 1958, and 1961
through 1963. In the last three of those years, they specify, up to one
explosion every three days was recorded! They assert that as of 1958,
tests began ... for forty years under the aegis at first of the two
traditional great nuclear powers. They were joined by France, the United
Kingdom, China, India, and Pakistan. Today, we arrive at a total of 1876
underground tests. The last, carried out by India, occurred in 1998.”
That is, a
total of 2419 nuclear explosions on Earth from 1945 through 1998!
For the atmospheric tests, 440 megatons. But how many megatons for the
underground tests, representing the great majority of total nuclear
tests? Maybe 1800 megatons cumulative, by extrapolation from the preceding
What effects
does this prodigious energy have on the space-time continuum?
What really
occurs at the atomic scale for our visitors?
How do they
view the some 7000 nuclear warheads still operational just in the
American arsenal, and close to 6000 warheads on the Russian side?
that each warhead possesses a power of only 20 megatons, we obtain
260,000 megatons of potential destruction for only two nations! What
more of the entire globe?
this figure not be enough to frighten the extraterrestrials?
Are they
afraid only that we will destroy ourselves, or on the contrary that we
are a threat to them?
l’évidence the authors show a most revealing diagram, where, to save
himself from an all-out attack, Jean-Jacques Velasco specifies:
“I am relying
on just a single form of data to support my demonstration, the cases of
visual/radar aeronautical observations of UFOs. And again: out of 1400
aeronautical cases worldwide, we will keep just 140, pulled from
Laurent Gonin’s base. Those which were subject to radar
measurement simultaneously with the visual observation.”11
Knowing that
Report Number 11 of the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense
Nationale (IHEDN) indicated as of 1977 that, according to a
Gallup poll, 90% of observations did not come to the attention of experts,
the real number of radar/visual cases is a good deal larger than the
figures presented below.
following diagram is a correlation between UFOs and
nuclear tests. Curved lines represent UFO radar/visual sightings.
Light rectangular bars represents atmospheric nuclear tests. Dark
rectangular bars represent underground nuclear tests.

Source: Velasco & Montigiani, OVNI, l’évidence,
p. 158.
Velasco notes, “in 1998, the end of underground nuclear
testing marks the stop of the radar/visual cases.”12 Even beyond these exceptional
visual/radar cases, the curves of observations of UFOs fall
drastically in the years since 2000 in France (see the linked-to audit of
the SEPRA). This is also implied in the UFO crash retrieval
book of Ryan Wood where the last of his database of 74 possible
crashes occurred in 1996.13
The diagram
below shows the correlation between UFO crashes (approximately 70
from Wood’s database) and nuclear tests (2419). We can see
that the extraterrestrials might have anticipated future increases
in nuclear explosions.

The above
graphs inspire two hypotheses.
Either the
extraterrestrials have voluntarily stopped visiting us thanks to the
current nuclear military inactivity, our earlier activity thus having
drawn their attention,
or – the
second hypothesis - it is this very military activity that provoked the
involuntary appearance of UFOs in our skies!
Thus there
would be an underlying physical law linking nuclear tests and observations
of UAP (Unidentified Aerospatial Phenomena). This is just
one of the innovative elements provided by The Science of the
Extraterrestrials, which appeared in July 2005. This work shows
that these two hypotheses are but one and the same.
It is
because we disturb them that they come. But they appear physically
for the same reason that makes them come. An atomic explosion is a
foray into the space-time continuum that they occupy! Breaking an atomic
nucleus means extracting the very many chronons existing below the
threshold of the chromodynamic scale (study of the quarks of the
nucleus). These chronons are imperceptible at our scale of temporal
flow but constitute the framework of existence of the evolved
extraterrestrials. Besides, they have become ultraterrestrials –
imperceptible in our space time continuum – becoming extraterrestrials
only when materializing!
nuclear explosions would produce sudden and undesired
materializations of extraterrestrial vessels as secondary effects! It
seems that these secondary effects are the achilles heel of the
extraterrestrials and the argument for a global nuclear strategy
conducted by the U.S. superpower. This seems to set the conditions for its
protectorate against the extraterrestrials on a global scale.
Before and
After Atomic Weapons
A work that
I warmly recommend for your attention is that of Jean-Claude
Sidoun. This book, OVNIS : Guerre froide « le grand jeu »
[UFOs: Cold War, “the great game”], describes brilliantly in 430 pages the
context of nuclear armament and compares it with Ufological observations.
Jean-Claude Sidoun was one of the rare civilian
investigators to have participated in the activities of the GEPAN
(Groupe d’Etude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés), the
predecessor of the SEPRA. His work, well documented (close to 230
historical references), demonstrates in a convincing fashion some
essential points:
• UFOs
are not human technologies. • They appeared massively with the
nuclear era. • UFOs concentrate on strategic sites. • A policy
of disinformation is cleverly maintained in the USA, as elsewhere.
• The USA has constantly fed a global arms race by provoking
potential and actual conflicts. • This American
military-industrial policy aims to maintain its planetary domination.
• Its ultimate goal is to confront an extraterrestrial threat,
imminent today.
The author
wants to show thus that the “cold war,” which still endures, is a
pretext, by the overbidding that it entails in terms of military
investments, for the maintenance of Research and Development in
view of ending up at a global spatial defense against the ETs.
Sidoun reviews a series of Ufological cases arising during the
Second World War, before atomic weapons. There he describes events outside
the reach of human technical feats, even today. At first impression, if
the UFOs precede the nuclear era then there is no direct link. In
reality, the chronology of our temporal material flow is not at all
respected in the universe of quantum theory, of which the scale involves
precisely the chain reaction mechanisms of the atomic nucleus.
Put otherwise,
our future was the present of the extraterrestrials in their
space-time. This notion is largely acknowledged even in special
relativity theory. Thus, the few years prior to the first human
nuclear test underline the interest of the ETs in our evolution. But why
would they suddenly become interested in our presence on the battlefields
of the Second World War, while humanity has constantly known war
everywhere on Earth, in every era, without any sightings of
UFOs? Why this sudden interest
in our survival? Can it really be a matter only of our survival when one
thinks of the innumerable genocides that humanity has known in history
without the intervention of ETs?
question seems essential to us. Observations of UFOs were made well before
the middle of the 20th century. But, on the one hand, the
reports were extremely rare, and on the other hand, the pretext of defense
secrets could not be invoked in a civilization unaware of the possibility
of building airships. Put otherwise, every aerial observation prior to the
20th century could be recorded by the historians without
affecting the sensitivity of the military institutions. The extreme rarity
of the observations thus was real.
civilian aviation rapidly became military. Thus, the reports originating
from pilots or air controllers during the second global conflict, in
Europe (Germany) as well as Asia (Japan), early on were put under wraps in
the national interest. Thus there were many more observations after the
second half of the 20th century than there were official
reports. The nagging question was to know which adversary had manufactured
these unknown objects.
Yet, the Foo
Fighters (luminous balls) encountered in flight by war pilots
were not man made. Besides, it is remarkable that UFOs before 1945 were
all, with some very rare exceptions, luminous appearances and
not objects! Appearance of material objects and atomic tests are thus
connected. A small digression is needed. It is stated by most of us that
the stars, and the sun in particular, experience continuous thermonuclear
explosions. In this case, our atomic tests would seem benign with respect
to stellar power. The truth is that the thermonuclear activity of the
stars is a hypothesis, nothing more. An alternative has been proposed,
that of the “cold sun,” or rather of an “electromagnetic sun.”
One of the
great enigmas to be resolved is the very high temperature of the solar
corona (several million degrees at hundreds of thousands of miles from the
surface), in comparison with the surface temperature of 6000°K. The
current theory suggests the hottest temperature to be toward the heart and
not the periphery of the star. Thus, the thermonuclear argument would no
longer hold and then our atomic activity would become remarkable in the
The Nuclear
Arms Race
The work of
Jean-Claude Sidoun enlightens us on the successive programs of
nuclear militarization of the two great powers. The USA and USSR both knew
their own waves of UFO observations above their respective
strategic centers. If the dawn of the UFO age were the occasion for
each to accuse the other of espionage, each rapidly realized that no one
on Earth had the technical capacity to replicate with the astounding feats
of UFOs.
We can
hypothesize that the CIA was created in September 1947
principally to resolve this UFO enigma and to proceed as a priority
matter with “the potential evaluation of the danger that could be
represented by flying saucers.”14 We see here that the materialization
of an UFO (they had previously been only luminous) made the
authorities fear a manifest superiority on the part of extraterrestrials.
Because at this
time they had a ship and aliens in their hands. Besides, it is legitimate
to ask why the director of the AMC (Air Material Command),
Lieutenant General Nathan Twinning, is the one asked by his
superior, General Georges Schulgen, for a memorandum of
Twinning not the one who is in possession of an ET craft
that is indeed physical, that is made of aerial material? Was
Twinning not the one who affirmed, “the phenomena reported are real
and not from the domain of fiction”? The US Air Force has incessantly been
helped in this by the CIA and even by yet more secret agencies, in
augmenting its military budget for the purposes of developing arms capable
of neutralizing these incredible ships.
It is highly
probable that the Pentagon, and in particular those responsible for
the military atomic program, have come to understand the nuclear
dimension of the UFO phenomenon. If they did not necessarily destroy
the ET ships, the nuclear explosions seemed to possess one virtue: they
materialized them!
rendering visible the invisible, the US Air Force at least had the
advantage of specifying the threat in terms of the number of observations.
From there came the multiplication of atomic tests. From there came the
curve of radar/visual (UFOs materializing) cases matching that of atomic
tests. Thus maybe they multiplied the UFO crashes, as may have been the
case a year later in 1948 in Laredo, Texas? Did this policy of evaluation
of the extraterrestrial threat have nuclear proliferation as a
consequence? It is now clear that the number of warheads greatly surpasses
national needs. Let us see that.
The United
States military plans of 1945 known as ‘Charioteer’ and
‘Dropshot’ had as a goal militarily forcing the Soviet Union to its
knees by means of atomic bombardments.
These plans
slightly preceded the great waves of UFOs. It is remarkable to note
that Charioteer planned:
“in the
course of the first month of the war 133 bombs on 70 Soviet cities.
Then, in the course of the two following years 200 other atomic bombs
and 250,000 tons of ordinary bombs.”
This plan thus
had as a goal the capitulation of the Bolshevik enemy. In total, less than
350 nuclear bombs for the Eastern bloc! Moreover, the bombs of 1945
reached at most 100 kilotons.
That is, 35
megatons dumped on the adversary. This figure is to be compared to the
current 260,000 megatons of potential destruction for only two
nations! That is, 4000 times the capacity for destroying two
subcontinents, one on each side of the old Iron Curtain. Imagine an
overproduction of food 4000 times global needs. What to make of this
overproduction? Thus such is the nuclear over-arming of planet Earth.
We are
convinced from now on that this race for atomic weapons had no other goal
than to neutralize the potential extraterrestrial enemy. In doing
this, we have also given a pretext to extraterrestrials to become
the enemy. Maybe we have pushed them to this extreme. Thus it seems that
the abductions and the hybridizations are the consequence of
this policy of global over-arming intentionally instituted by the USA, in
response to the U.S. nuclear threat. The Balance of Terror was
maintained by the Nonproliferation Treaty of 1972
(SALT accords).
disrupted this balance with its NMD (National Missile
Defense) program, since become MD (Missile Defense),
having as a strategy that is not national but international, in accordance
with bilateral defense treaties between the USA and certain countries. In
breaking this fragile balance, the USA from that point on engages the
other great nations in a new arms race.
cornerstone of MD, for which the 2002 budget was 7.5 billion
dollars, is the development of high-energy laser weapons. Two versions of
laser weapons embarked on are programmed: some Boeing 747-400s (Yal.1-ABL)
and a network of “satellite-killer” satellites. The United States military
space budget would amount to 120 billion dollars. Sidoun invites us
to compare it to that of the Apollo program (in current dollars): 25
billion dollars! By way of example, the recent contract for about 100
Airbus craft going to China was for about 9 billion dollars. Why so
much money for the space weapons of the armed forces?
The problem
is to be found in the identification of the adversary. Foreign
Embassies have put forth this strategy of U.S. overbidding because no
Rogue State could claim to pose a threat to the U.S. military forces. Even
China shows a monstrous military delay compared to the USA. It has but a
few tens of nuclear warheads. Moreover, its equipment both defensive and
offensive is aging. We know that Americans and Russians have
collaborated on the development of laser weapons for twenty years.
The question thus remains the same.
What is this
enemy that pushes the Pentagon to claim ever more
technologies, ever more military power?
Why such
eagerness to ratify laser weapons tests as fast as possible for 2008
according to the agenda reported by Sidoun?
We are a Nuclear Threat to Extraterrestrials
The year
2008 could be the start of a confrontation between humanity and
extraterrestrial races.
So many
questions that could be resolved only by a planetary becoming aware
through diplomatic means in the service of World Peace.
But who
will take this torch?
Toward whom
will the eyes turn?
Who will
the new human diplomats be who will negotiate with the visitors from
What is
there to negotiate?
As we have
seen, we are a threat to extraterrestrials and they are not likely
to accept the use of nuclear weapons. Any war that sparks nuclear
confrontation such as Iran might trigger an extraterrestrial response
against humanity that collectively threatens extraterrestrial
civilizations. Informed Ufologists may, with good reason, wonder about the
efficacy of laser weapons on ships that can dematerialize themselves. Is
the vocation of these weapons to fire on targets that are numerous,
moving, even elusive?
A series of
nuclear explosions in space could deal with this difficulty by eliminating
the furtiveness of the extraterrestrials. But to overcome a shield,
it is enough to multiply the number of swords. Unless the sword is the
invincible Excalibur. That is why certain people think that the
target is not the UFO but ... the asteroid!
Extraterrestrials capable of so many exploits must surely
have the power to divert a celestial body toward Earth as predicted by so
many prophets and described by Immanuel Velikovsky. Is this
how extraterrestrials will respond to the threat posed by humanity’s use
of nuclear weapons?

1 Edward J.
Ruppelt, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects , ch 16. 2
Laurent Gonin, cited in Jean-Jacques Velasco and Nicolas Montigiani,
OVNI, l’évidence (Carnot Editions, 2004). 3 “The General Twining
Letter,” http://www.roswellfiles.com/Articles/twining.htm
4 George F. Schulgen Memorandum to FBI Liaison Section. September
5, 1947. Cited in: http://www.ufoscience.org/history/swords.pdf
5 Eric Julien, La Science des Extraterrestres (JMG Editions,
2005). 6 France’s most popular scientific magazine, http://www.larecherche.fr 7 See
Eric Julien, "The SEPRA, civil or
military?" 8 See Eric Julien,
"The SEPRA, civil or military?" 9 Velasco & Montigiani, OVNI,
l’évidence, 159 10 Sidoun, Ovnis: Guerre froide “le grand jeu”
(JMG Editions, 2005) 127. 11 OVNI, l’évidence, 158. 12 Velasco
and Nicolas Montigiani, OVNI, l’évidence, 159. 13 Ryan Wood, Majic
Eyes Only: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology (Wood
Enterprises 2005). 14 Sidoun, Ovnis: Guerre froide “le grand jeu,”