Best UFO Alien Abduction Links & Resources

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What's New
Each Link
Below Will Take You To Multiple Articles & Links
Endorsements from Top Researchers
Evidence For Alien Abduction: Body Marks
Evidence For Alien Abduction: Fluorescence Body Marks
Lorgen, M.A., CH.T. Research Page: MILABS
Experiencers Speak: First Hand Accounts of ET Interaction:
Includes Artwork
Crawford's Holographic Universe: A New Paradigm of Mind and
Johannes Fiebag, Ph.D. Germany's Leading Abduction Researcher:
Abductions in Europe and Lunar Anomalies
Carpenter's Abduction Notes: Back by Popular Demand
Karla Turner, Ph.D. Research Articles: MILABS, Reptilians and More
Kathleen Marden's UFO Abduction Research: Scientifically Based CE IV
Encounter Research
Keith Rowell's Research and Reviews: Historical Perspective and
Melinda Leslie's REABS - Not MILABS: Includes Artwork
Peter Robbins' Taking UFO Abductions Seriously
Steve Colbern's Alien Implant, Possible Hybrid Hair Analysis and Material's Science Research
Steve Pearse's Star Map Research: Has the Home World of The Greys
Been Discovered?
The Real Whistleblowers: The Most Complete Bibliography of Authors of Alien
Encounter Experiences and Related Phenomena
'Whistleblowers' Book Reviews
Tribute To Budd Hopkins: The Pioneer of Abduction Research
UFO ET Disclosure:
Ending the Truth Embargo
UFO and Alien Experiencer Conferences & Symposia
Report a Sighting or Abduction Encounter
CE IV - Alien Encounter Researchers
CE IV Encounter Experiencer Websites and
Journalists and Investigative Writers
Art, Music & "More Truth than Fiction" Inspired by CE IV Encounters
ETs and Star Maps
Underground Bases, Tunnels and Structures
Stealth Aircraft Links
Free and Open Internet / Support
Want To Know More?
UFOs and The Bible
Water & UFOs: Accounts of Abductions & Sightings Involving Water
DARPA, Military and UFOs
MILABS / REABS and other "Forbidden
Top of Page
UFO ET Disclosure:
Ending The Truth Embargo
SPACE Contact News for June 2013 Features Steve Pearse and His
Meticulously Researched Star Map
Exopolitics South Africa
Steve Pearse:
Star Map Detailing Where At Least One Species of Greys
Originate in Set Your Phaser To Stun
Steve Pearse Star Map website (new)
Steve Pearse Star Map website
The Object Report Blogspot Breaking News 24/7
Colleague Confirms NASA Affiliated Physicist Dr. Eric W. Davis' UFO Research
Hidden UFO Images: Hacked Secret Truth
Video of Former CIA Official Speaking
About Presence of ETs on Earth in 1958...With More Disclosure
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Official website
Citizen Hearing
and Disclosure
Press Release Updates
Former CIA Official Tells Cong. Panel about Presence of Grey Aliens on Earth in
1958 During The Eisenhower Administration
Dr. Roger Leir Speaks to Cong. Panel about Implants and their Relationship to
UFO Phenomenon
Senator Gravel Outlines Plan for U.N. Involvement in Reexamination of UFOs
Cong. Carolyn Kilpatrick Praises Testimony at Disclosure Hearings
Webcast of Congressional Style Hearings on UFO Disclosure
Congressional Style Hearings on UFO Disclosure at Huff Post
July 8th is World
Disclosure Day
Glowing Raccoon Blogspot on UFOs and WikiLeaks
Paradigm Research Group, Stephen Bassett
Dr. Steven Greer's Blogspot
Disclosure Project
Fastwalkers: UFO and Alien Disclosure
Fastwalkers Trailer
Niara Terely Isley, Disclosure Advocate and Author
Missing Times: The News Media's Complicity in The UFO
Media Cover-up of UFOs
"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the
Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine
"Our government's official position is
self-contradictory and absurd. They're lying to the American people. And
everybody knows it....Only a new generation can end the blackout. I wish I could
be more upbeat and positive. But this society is progressing one funeral at a
time." -
Harvard Astronomer Rudy Schild
UFO and Alien Experiencer Conferences & Symposia
Official Scientific Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,
June 2013, North Carolina
MUFON International Symposium, July 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada
Experiencers Speak, September 2013, Portland, Maine
New England UFO Conference, October 2013, Leominster, Massachusetts
Look To The Stars May 2014, UFO Symposium, Sebring, Florida
Report a Sighting or Abduction Encounter
OPUS: Organization for Paranormal
Understanding and Support
ICAR - International Community for Alien Research
George Filer's National UFO Reporting Center (Both)
Network (Both)
UFO Reporting Center
Today Digital Desk of the UK or Email
A. J. Gevaerd,
Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research
CE IV - Alien Encounter Researchers
Don Crosbie Donderi, Ph.D., UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions Interview
A Scientist Looks At The Evidence for UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions, New
Book by Don Donderi, Ph.D.
Video Kathy
Marden's MUFON Abduction Studies Presentation
Kathy Marden & Denise Stoner's Abduction
Commonalities Final Report
A Must Read
John Carpenter's Abduction Notes
Simon Parkes' Discusses Possible False Flag Ops
Raymond E. Fowler, Author, Investigator, Researcher
Raymond E. Fowler Publications
SPACE Search Project Headed by Harold Egeln
SPACE Contact News for June 2013
Harold Egeln, SPACE Contact News Blog
Donald M. Ware, General Assessment of Extraterrestrial Life
Alien Evidence Researcher Steven G. Colbern, Materials Scientist and Chemist
Alien Scalpel A&S Research / Implant Removals Dr. Roger
Leir - Director
Alberta UFO Study Group
Alien Abduction Starborn Support Group
Alien Abduction Experience and Research
Gods of Eden,
by William Bramley
Gods of Eden 2013 Interview with William Bramley by Ancient Origins
Close Encounter Research Organization: Yvonne Smith, C.Ht.
Researcher and Author
The Object Report: Unidentified News From Around The Globe
Steven G. Colbern,
Analysis from the San Augustin Crash Site
Steven G. Colbern, "Not
of this Earth" Chemist and Materials Scientist
Steven G. Colbern Alien Implants and Project
White Paper: Timothy Cullen, Steve Colbern and Dr. Roger Leir
Chris Augustin, Investigator of Aliens, UFOs
and the Paranormal
David Chace & Ed Muller's
Project UFO SkyWatch: Art Featuring Alien
Abductions, Encounter Experiences and Close Encounters
Elizabeth Nolan
[A Hybrid Among Us?] by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.
Dr. Roger Leir and
Steven Colbern Present
Alien Implants: The Tip of the Iceberg at this year's 2013
UFO Congress
Linda Moulton Howe and Earthfiles
Linda Cortile and
The Witnessed Case
Deb's UFO Clearinghouse website
Christine Kesara Dennett and
Kesara Art
Daniel Neiman's Anomalous Experiences
Enter The Light
Encounters With Healing
Niara Terely Isley, Disclosure Advocate and Author
Barbara Lamb, M.S. MFT. DHt. ACCET
Nadine Lalich, DHt and Author
Alien Experiences
David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. ICAR:
International Center for Abduction Research
Don C. Donderi, Ph.D.
Science and the UFO Phenomenon
The Scientific Context of the UFO Abduction
Eve Lorgen.com: The Alien Love Bite
and The Dark Side of Cupid
Eve Lorgen's YouTube Video: Anomalous Trauma, Alien
Abductions and The Love Bite
Humanoid Reports Compiled by Albert Rosales
ICAR - International Community for Alien Research, Joe and
Linda Montaldo, Directors
The Kendall Stone
[Shadow Government & ETs] by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.
Steven Jones and Annie
Ashley Invitation to the Dance
E. Mack, M.D. and The John Mack Institute, Pulitzer Prize
Winning Author and Abduction Researcher
John E. Mack, M.D.
John E. Mack, M.D.
Rediscovered In Response to NOVA's
"...unconscionable violation of journalistic ethics" John E. Mack,
M.D. penned a detailed letter to Denise DiIanni for NOVA's
inaccurate, unethical and biased program,
Kidnapped By UFO's?
Kathleen Marden UFO
(Niece of Betty Hill, Author & Expert on The Hill Abduction Case)
Sean F. Meers Expert on The Linda Cortile Witnessed
Karla Turner, Ph.D. Memorial website
Lloyd Pye's Starchild Skull
Monica Starship's Hybrid Gallery
Denise M. Stoner's
Abduction Research website
OPUS: Organization for Paranormal
Understanding and Support
Peter Robbins, Investigative
Writer, UFO Researcher, Author
Interview with Peter Robbins by UFO Magazine's Tim Beckley
Peter Robbins's website
Interview with Peter Robbins
Preston Dennett Author,
UFO and Abduction Researcher
Women In Ufology
CE IV Encounter Experiencer Websites and
Hybrid Children Community
Travis Walton's Fire From The Sky Website
The Out Post Forum
Cosmic You
Evolution of an Abductee, Jim Sparks Speaks to C2C
>> Video Jim
Sparks' MUFON Presentation: Time Travel Is Real
AMMACH's Joanne Summerscales Interview with Simon Parkes
Simon Parkes' Alien Abduction Presentation for AMMACH
Fluorescence Findings on Body Sites of Abductees, by
Eve Lorgen
Alien Evidence Researcher Steven G. Colbern, Materials Scientist and Chemist
Above Top Secret Forum
Alien Abduction Illustrations & Cases
Above Top Secret Forum
Alien Abduction Illustrations & Cases
Allagash UFO Twins
The Allagash Abduction
website by Jack and Jim Weiner
The OutPost Forum
Australian Alternative Realities
An Abductee’s Life
by Tom Rymer
Miriam Delicado's Alien Bluestar
Aliencasebook Blog
Anunnaki Articles
Chris Holly's Endless Journey Blogspot
David Huggins' Abduction Art
Erica Goetsh Positive
Reptilian Contact
Leah Haley's Greenleaf Publications
Lisa Romanek's Blog UFO Insider
The Linda Cortile website
The Keepers,
by Jim Sparks
The Lucius O. Farish
Research and Education Trust website
Melinda Leslie, CE IV and REABS
Mike Clellend's Hidden
Experience Blogspot
Mike Rozak's Writings, Photography and Illustrations
Karla Turner, Ph.D. Memorial
Malevolent Alien Abduction Research, Colleen Johnston
Jim Moroney, IHT, BSc, CRSP, CSP.
The New Bridge
Praying Mantis Accounts by a UK
Regan Lee's Orange Orb Blogspot
Stan Hernandez
Alien Abduction Victim Speaks
Stan Romanek's Messages
Stan and Lisa Romanek
Tony Sandy's Scottish web News & Cafe
UFO BC Abduction Experiences
Whitby Councillor Simon
Parkes Describes Extraterrestrial Upbringing
Simon Parkes' Alien Abduction Presentation
U.K. Abductees
Go On The Record
Whitley Strieber's
Unknown Country
Spiral's End Blogspot
Journalists and Investigative Writers
George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, Articles and More
The FAS Blog: Secrecy News
Remembering John E. Mack
Vanity Fair's Alien Nation: John Mack's Voice & Research
Still With Us
Peter Robbins: From Teen UFO Witness to Investigative Writer
The Object Report: Unidentified News From Around The Globe
George Filer's National UFO Reporting Center
Peter Robbins, Investigative
Writer, UFO Researcher, Author
Nick Pope, Author, Journalist and
Sean Casteel UFO Journalist & Author
Leslie Kean, Journalist & Author
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record
Secret Access: UFOs On
The Record
Sean Casteel's Interview with
Leslie Kean
Karyn Dolan,
Radio Host,
Stephenville Lights, Angela Joiner
Matrix Magazine
Art, Music & "More Truth than Fiction" Inspired by CE IV Encounters
Elizabeth Nolan
[A Hybrid Among Us?] by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.
The Kendall Stone
[Shadow Government & ETs] by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.
Arcturus Books Is Back
Abduction In My Life, by Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.
Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., Musician and UFO Researcher
Crossing the Horizon, by
experiencer E.M.L.
Marsha J. Barnhart Time
Joe Gooch's Musical Composition
It Was Not A Dream
The Killers' Spaceman
Lyrics Or
David Chace's Alien
Latest Concept Art
More Concept Art by David Chace
Project UFO SkyWatch
Kuba's Sketchbook & Gallery of Aliens
ETs and Star Maps
Steve Pearse Star Map website
The Hill-Wilson Star Map
Steve Pearse
Steve Pearse: Author
of Set Your Phaser To Stun
Steve Pearse:
Star Map Detailing Where At Least One Species of Greys
Originate in Set Your Phaser To Stun
Underground Bases, Tunnels and Structures
Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
Underground Bases And Tunnels
and Related Publications
Stealth Aircraft Links
Free and Open Internet / Support
Puzzle Publishing
Supports Open Government and Transparency: Don't Let the Government
Silence Whistleblowers
The Guardian's NSA Files
"The broad language of
the Espionage Act and related legislation...takes aim not only at
leakers themselves, but likewise at those who publish or even access
published documents. That is, these investigations threaten the
universal right to access information relevant to public
WhistleBlower Support
Support Whistleblowers:
Governmental Accountability Project
Want To Know More?
Highly Recommended: Want To Know Info? Here's the Place!
English Pravda E-News
Index of Leif Erlingsson - Broad subject matter including UFOs, MILABS, ETs
Whale Index -
Broad Subject Matter including UFOs MILABs, ETs
Skyships Over Cashiers
Ancient Origins
Forbidden Archeology, Michael A. Cremo
Ancestry Of Man
Federation of American Scientists
Ingo Swann, Remote Viewer
The ‘Rod’ Phenomenon - Jose
Jef Harvey Radionics and The Brain Mind Matrix
Your Inner Voice and John Kelly
Your Inner Voice Blogs
Lobster Conspiracy Magazine:
214 Westbourne Avenue, Hull, HU5 3JB, England
Tried Videotaping Aliens?
Tried Videotaping
Aliens With This?
Ultimate Guide to UFO
Resources & Star Costumes
UFOs and The Bible
Reverend Barry H. Downing, MUFON Consultant in
Joe Lewells, Ph.D. The God
Terrell Copeland
on Spaceships and The Bible: YouTube
Emerging Truths: One Man's
Unorthodox Views of selected Bible Stories
Gods of Eden,
by William Bramley
Gods of Eden Recent Interview with William Bramley by Ancient Origins
Water & UFOs: Accounts of Abductions & Sightings Involving Water
Carl Feindt's Water UFO
George Filer's National UFO Reporting Center
New England MUFON
New England MUFON's U.S. Chapters List
Dennis Balthaser Truthseeker at
Don Ledger, Ufologist, Author,
Don Ledger's
Shag Harbor UFO
Donald Ware, Lieutenant
Colonel USAF (Retired), Fighter Pilot and Teacher
Bob Koontz, Ph.D. Experimental
Nuclear Physicist
Timothy Good, Best
Selling Author UFOs & Government Cover-ups
Russia's Roswell
Incident Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle
Lloyd Pye's Major DNA Breakthrough! "...it
is indisputably not human, no matter how you slice it."
A. J. Gevaerd,
Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research
Brazilian UFO Cases &
Councillor Adrian Hicks
Councillor Hicks and Colin Andrews
Joyce Bowles Interviewed by Colin
Colin Andrews
Gildas Bourdais,
French Ufologist
and Author
Gildas Bourdais' Tribute to Budd Hopkins
Oregon MUFON - Keith Rowell
Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D. Official Research website
Carl Feindt's Water UFO
Chris Augustin, Investigator of Aliens, UFOs and the
Dave Rudiak, UFO Researcher
Michio Kaku: UFOs are Real
The Object Report: Unidentified News From Around The Globe
Richard M. Dolan
Richard Hall
MJ-12: Majestic Documents
Stanton Friedman: The United
States' Father of Ufology
and Nukes
UFOs and Aliens: A Guide by Billy
UFO Digest
UFO Reporting Center
Victor Martinez UFO and New Age Directory of All Things....
DARPA, Military and UFOs
Eyeballing the Nevada Test Range (Excellent Photographs & Analytical Tips)
DARPA Funding Changes Our World, But At What Cost?
Military and UFOs Latest Results
Nick Pope, Author, Journalist and Researcher
Donald M. Ware, General Assessment of Extraterrestrial Life
Glowing Raccoon Blogspot on UFOs and WikiLeaks
Robert M. Collins, Exempt From Disclosure
CE IV Experiencers
Closer to Locating their Alien Implants
U.S. Drone Map: The New
Black Helicopters?
Missing Times: News Media's Complicity in UFO Cover-up
Ex-Air Force Officers Discuss UFOs
and Nuclear Missiles at
National Press Club
USA Today
and Stripes
Timothy Good, Author and Researcher
Peter Robbins, Investigative
Writer, UFO Researcher, Author
Glowing Raccoon Blogspot: News
Updates, Commentary and Articles on Incidents of High Strangeness
Media Cover up of UFOs
More Media Cover-up of UFOs
MILABS / REABS and other "Forbidden
COINTELPRO Counter Intelligence
Melinda Leslie, Researcher, Author
Declassified CIA Mind
Control Documents Available Here
Mind Control Case
Summaries Available Here
Navy Allowed to Kill
Whale's, Dolphin's and
Elephant's Intelligence Levels: Most Likely equal to or greater than
Want To Know?
Information Warfare Site
Psychological Warfare Techniques
The U.S. Air Force In 2025
Your Military and Your
Tax Dollars Hard at Work
Follow the "Chain of Command...
America's Dirty Little
Betrayal of Trust
Support American Women and
beautiful work of art is titled Truth.
It was sculpted by
Olin Levi
She is holding two objects that symbolize
truth and knowledge: A mirror
in her
right hand and a serpent in her left hand.
Public Domain
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