911 Conspiracy - Hollywood knew Part 3 of 5
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Subido el 06/09/2011
The 9/11 attacks were orchestrated
by a secret society of high ranking elites who want a New World Order.
This video reveals Hollywood's foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.
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Conspiracy - Hollywood knew Illuminati Freemason NWO New World Order
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solomon david hace 5 días
wheres part 2
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bondservant4jesus hace 6 días
One of the dumb things they say, too, is no one ever thought this could happen. When they put it over and over in movie, ha. Not that it is funny that people died, but the way they act like they didn't plan it.
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McKayla Maroney hace 3 semanas
if you know all this, then why don't you gather all the evidence that you have, which I'm sure you do, otherwise you wouldn't be making such extraordinary claims, and go public with them?
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Marcus Glutensis hace 3 semanas
So know, it wasn't a "random" terrorist attack; it was well planned, and the terrorists weren't muslim fundamentalists...
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Marcus Glutensis hace 3 semanas
And yeah, two countries were invaded as a direct consequence of 9/11, of which one was invaded to bring a pipe line through it, and the other one to fill the pockets of Cheyney's friends at Halliburton...
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Marcus Glutensis hace 3 semanas
You know, Rome wasn't built in a day, but they're working on it. We don't know if ww3 is coming, but American military involvment in international affairs sure has continued, and the war drum is echoing about Iran. We are currently seeing a world government forming, not least since the creepy federal formation of the EU, especially since the Lisbon treaty in 2006. And did I forget to mention the Patriot act?
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GroddGuerrilla hace 1 mes
You believe too much in science fiction.
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McKayla Maroney hace 3 meses
you haven't addressed any of the points that I made in my previous statement. You're just making an extraordinary claim about something entirely different.
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McKayla Maroney hace 3 meses
yet 11 years later no ww3, no world government, no chips in our brains. sounds like a random terrorist attack to me. ;)
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McKayla Maroney hace 4 meses
lol at the scene at 5:39 December 2. 2001. Checkmate conspiracy terorists. I mean theorists!
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