911 Conspiracy - Hollywood knew Part 1 of 5
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Subido el 06/09/2011
The 9/11 attacks were orchestrated
by a secret society of high ranking elites who want a New World Order.
This video reveals Hollywood's foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.
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Conspiracy - Hollywood knew Illuminati Freemason NWO New World Order
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Frank Klepacki
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Comentarios del usuario que ha subido el vídeo (Ryan dunn)
vlparker hace 7 meses
Mr. Dunn... permission requested to use parts of your fantastic series here in a further attempt to wake people up. Of course I will give credit where credit's due (you) in anything I use...
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Ryan dunn hace 7 meses
Of course any video you want to share please do.
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FukkinLogic hace 8 meses
Happy day of waking I was wondering if I cud use ur video in a 9/11 assembly im doing if I can hav ur permission
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Ryan dunn hace 8 meses
Of course any video you want to share please do...Thanks for viewing
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Caxton Man hace 11 meses
I was watching the 1996 film Independence Day and guess what, Geoff Goldblum looks at the countdown which shows 9 minutes 11 seconds, and further on in the film it shows the devistated New York skyline with both twin towers on fire!
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Ryan dunn hace 10 meses
That film is in my other videos
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Todos los comentarios (48)
ctcole77 hace 15 horas
911 TWOOFER TRANSLATION: "disinfo agent" = spreading SCIENCE
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IxE909PxG hace 1 día
same disinfo agent/shill spotted yet AGAIN.
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ctcole77 hace 3 días
Dr. James Millette of MVA Scientific Consultants
WTC Dust Study
"The red/gray chips found in the WTC dust at four sites in New York City are consistent with a carbon steel coating with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments."
"There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite."
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ThePacifist1733 hace 1 mes
Isn't it far more likely that it was just a bunch of pissed off Islamic extremists?
Do you guys even know what the US government actually does?
Do you know how these films and Tv programs were made? Are you really sure it isn't just a coincidence.
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healthfreak18 hace 1 mes
Referring to 1:42-1:45
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healthfreak18 hace 1 mes
I'm not a conspiracy theorist nor do I believe 100% that 9/11 was an inside job, but I don't understand how making the towers look like that in those movies is just a coincidence. No "9/11 truth debunker" seems to talk about that.
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MaTchBoOkPoEt hace 2 meses
can't keep secrets.. lmao! the powers that be can keep a secret indefinitely..
hell the evidence could be broadcast live on tv and the internet.. and has been.. all they do is just put the spin doctors on it and laugh it off...they own the media... the sheep couldn't give a fuck.. when all anybody wants is a cell phone that rubs their balls and makes them pancakes
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videofanism hace 3 meses
Well a lot of these aren't in any sort of context - what did these clips come from and when did they come out? I don't believe in conspiracy theories - that assumes people can keep secrets and governments are competent and I think 9/11 was what it looked like a terrorist attack. But if any movie had tones of creepy foreshadowing it would be the entire movie " The Siege". I'm surprised you didn't mention that.
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tommybass40 hace 4 meses
Wow, just reinforces that the Cabal had 9/11/01 planned out for years.
Like in Kubirck's 1968 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey.....where the astronaut asks his daughter via tele-video what she would like for Christmas and she replies, "A bush baby".
Mmmmm, in 2001 a Bush "baby" was president when the events of 9/11 took place. Mmmmm.
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