The One behind the Many
The Purporsive Evolution and Involution of Consciousness in the Universe
Spirituality and the Accelerated Evolution (Involution) of Consciousness
Science and Spirituality - The Purporsive Evolution/Involution of Consciousness
Don't Worry, Be Happy -or- Speak of the Ancient One
Science and the Evolution of Consciousness
PSYCHOLOGY:SCIENCE OF THE SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE...psychology,history of science,consciousness as a problem
EVOLUTION OF SUBJECTIVE MATTER (EXPERIENCE) . . . evolution,neurophysiology,neuroanatomy,ethology
THE HUMAN ANIMAL ...physical anthropology,archeology,human ethology
THE GREAT UNRAVELLED ENCHANTING LOOM KNOT . . . the human neurosciences,cognitive psychology,neurolinguistics
CONSCIOUSNESS:A (r)EALITY CONSTRUCTION...a new working definition of consciousness
REALITY/OBJECTIVE MATTER:A FUNDEMENTAL ASSUMPTION...quantum and relativistic physics,complexity
THE NHR (NORMAL HUMAN REALITY) theory of consciousnes, james through tart
REALITY CONSTRUCTIONS,A REVIEW theories,old problems,microtubules,mind/body
BIMODAL CULTURE AND THE NHR...conscensual restraints,science,culture,cultural anthropology
Spirituality and the Prospect of Accelerated Evolution(Involution)
BIMODAL CULTURE AND THE ALTERNATIVE STATES...william james-godfather of transpersonal psychology
EVOLUTIONARY EMERGENCE OF THE SUPRA-NORMAL...transpersonal anthropology,mythology,shamanism
MYSTICISM:A REALITY CONSTRUCION(capital R)...academic aproaches to mysticism
MEET THE MYSTICS...from zoroastrar to abba rehem
THE PERENIAL PHILOSOPHY...advaita(non-dual)metaphysics
YOGA:THE ROYAL PATH OF'YOU GO'...patanjali's science of manipulating subjective matter
THE ONE BEHIND THE MANY...more "isms" than you can shake a stick at,and they still won't go away
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MYSTICISM...well,not the strongest of the sciences...but,GODBLESS william james!
Science and Spirituality: the Purporsive Evolution/Involution of Consciouness
BRAINSTORMING...cosmology,new metaphysics, baba/bentov/balken model of the universe vs. hawking/simpson
GOD SPEAKS:THE THEME OF CREATION AND ITS PURPOSE...the evolution/involution of human consciousness
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG...karma yoga and selfless service
HOMO NOETICUS:THE NEW HUMANITY...the selective pressures are certainly strong enough
WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW...pressures,schmessurres,bhakti yoga and the coming big push
NICE TRY,'A'FOR EFFORT...other would-be geniuses give it their best shot
Psychology:the Science of the Subjective Experience definition of consciousness a good place to start and see what the problem is. bookmark the resource for help later.
Online papers on consciousness exhaustive, but certainly not definitive. don't worry if it doesn't mean too much to you yet. that is what this sight is for.
Biology of Consciousness Bookmarks a nice place to start surfing, but I suggest you return to it later.
REALITY CREATION 1010 the first paragraph will do, written in "a van down by the river". anyone can/and should think about consc.: note the title. probably sarah's class notes. informatve if this is new to you. anyone can/should study consciousness.
Science in Historic Perspective
HOPOS not the greatest content, but some resources for the history of science. mugshots of the heavy-hitters.
Empirical Sociology of Science independent entry, but balanced perspective. be sure to click-A Simulation of the Stucture of Academic Science in 'to read'.
Introduction more history of science. actually, intro notes to astronomy (where the scientific revolution began)
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking for Truth in the Sciences he thunk, therefore we(mind and body) am.
A PROPOS OF SCIENCE Quotations and Aphorisms a nice resource. this entry is for brain. cartesian mind/body dualism still well in effect.
Reductionism & its alternatives no mind(per se),just body. I hate these type of lecture note pages ,but this one is succinct and well embedded.
Intelligence evolution & uses. Behavior-REM-consciousness....thoughts on consciousness from a reductionist(sociobiological)perspective. mass suicide anyone?
Psychology:the infant Science
Mind and Body pity poor psychology-first it lost its soul, then its mind,then consciouness and now its having problems with behavior.Descartes to James
William James go willy,go willy...beautiful sight for the "father of american psychology"
Classics in the History of Psychology -- James (1892) Chapter 11 james on the'stream of cosciousness', not particularly helpful, reminder- anyone can/should....
Classics in the History of Psychology -- Author Index good resource. I recomend Lashley on Behavioristic Interpretations of Consciousness
Personality and Consciousness Bookstore - psychology books relating to the theories of Jung, Maslow, Freud, and others commercial sight,but good
Science and Religion Glossary not particularly germain, good list of subjects to be aware of though, besides I loves glossaries.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) the first and last reference to philosophy in these links. outstanding resource.
Jung Index nothing against carl, in fact, I really appreciate the ol' hoot. just thought he'd like to peek in about now. see if you can.
Thomas Kuhn Paradigms Die Hard very important observation for our investigation of science, psychology and specificly consciousness.
Thomas Kuhn more about the man and his impotant observations.
A Renewed Interest in a Science of Consciousness
Theories of mini book store for the currently hip books on consciousness. chalmers,dennett,searle,penrose.
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness home of the assoc. on and off-line seminars.journals.
CS Consciousness Studies home of tuscon center for consciousness studies.
Journal of Consciousness Studies journal from tuscon.
Consciousness good outline of the many perspectives,past and present, on our subjective matter.
SCIENCE'S LAST FRONTIERS Consciousness, Life and Meaning good essay from 'thinking about thought' page. good place to start.
New Scientist Planet Science Toward a science of consciousness new scientist magazine report on Tuscon II, bookmark as a resource on all things newsy.
Crick and Koch essay on the work of crick starting with james. fair warning on the link however, we're talking one degree of separation here.
Consciousness and Neuroscience the actual article from crick and koch.
Part 1 Consciousness and Qualia [929] article from chalmers
Part 6 Consciousness in Science [1370] chalmers...don't know where parts 2-5 went.
bibliography a good bibliography from barr.
The Third Culture - Contents brockman's book. great contributers. click to introduction,good essay. and click to 'the edge' a great e-magazine.
The Evolution of Subjective Matter (experience)
Evolutionary Fit and Flexability
Evolution Topic Index good set of links embedded in an interesting sight, bookmark for ref. in neuro,cosmology,etc.
Evolution Links links . all of darwin's original works on line and more.
Evolution Title Page a little cartoonage as a diversion or an introduction links.also good contenet on ethology
Evolutionary Theory Web Site requires membership ,but perhaps worth your time
The Biology & Evolution Jump Station - Oh Evolve! did you need more links?
The Evolution Revolution introductory,but snappy. 1st entery from thinkquest, a learning consortium.
Interview with Stephen Jay Gould just an interveiw, I find the more productive a thinker is ,the slighter the web presence. buy the books. our best essayist.
Punctuated Equilibrium more on the theory.
Harvard Dept of MCB - Biology Links his domain.
Scientific American Explorations Life Goes for a Spin 8-25-97 cambrian explosion. a wonderful example of scientific myopia.
Cambrian Explosion more again.
Introduction to Phylogeny trree of life stuff.
Artificial Life ? Yeah,right.
Evolution and philosophy getting a bit ahead of ourselves here: if choas theory is new to you, jump to "reality:a fundemental... " for intro.
The biochemical basis of life see, the problem is/was a scientific understanding of life. when a new tool comes around everyone jumps right in
What are Complex Adaptive Systems (Moshe Sipper) and it(complexity theory) is useful. note the concept of emergent properties.
mathematical biology but one can lose sight quickly. ...and the brain is just a computer.yeah,right.
Scientific Methodology and Demystifying Emergence hey, I got nothing against this notion of emergence.
Complex Adaptive Systems and Artificial Life but I sure would't let this shit grow on my computer.
The Mind, The Brain, and Complex Adaptive Systems as applied to consciousness. more of this later.
Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems see? I'm not the only one who doesn't think its such a great idea.
Neurons:the Building Blocks of Brains basic neurophisiology. know this and its done. the"on/off"switch. relays and shades of "on/off". o.k.? then take a little quiz.
lecturebio1-1control building brains , also a little/lot of hormonal influence over those simple circuits. the 3 lb. gland?
NASA Neurolab Web Spotlight on Neuroscience intoductory ,but snappy.
Nobel Prize - Neuroscience a chronology of the players and discoveries that make up neuroscience.
Developmental Biology Center Dr. Hans Bode hydra: the simplest of learning systems. external representation?
Paleoneurology The study of brain endocasts of extinct vertebrates from nets to brains.
Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections getting bigger all the time.
AMNH Dino News more little brains.
AMNH Dino News american museum of natural history, just a neat link.
brain development summary a good summary right when we needed it.
Ethology:Brains and Behavior/Fit and Flexability
Evolution and Ethology at last look a down link. I hope it's back up. because it was a good example of.....(see next)
Ethology Lecture somebody's been cheating.
Ethology animal behavior & minds; survival; insects; apes.........remember that really depressing psychobiology sight, well it works fine for little brains.
iSociobiology As An Adaptationist Program-i R.C. Lewontin's Critique but a refutation is in order.
The World of Richard Dawkins in an intellectual vaccum weak memes flourish.
ETHOLOGY AND EVOLUTION ON THE WEB back to the science at hand.
0f Nature's Holism, Evolution & Ecology (Ecotaoism) and here is a wonderful, important alternative. see poper for important contribution.
Animal Consciousness
Animal Consciousness from the stanford philosophy sight.
Scientific American Presents Feature Article Animal Self-Awareness -- A Debate November 1998 as scientific american sees it. bookmark.
New Scientist on consciousness I buzz therefore I think new scientist gives it a whirl.
Naturalism, Evolution and Mind Abstracts abstacts is a good thing. quite a jump,but lets look at our closest animal relatives before we move on.
Primate Gallery for more on our furry cousins.
Hu are You ? and where did you come from ?
WWW Virtual Library Anthropology I think this is our 1st use of the virtual library. invaluable. bookmark for use on other subjects.
Handprint Ancestral Lines the first of many fine links on human origins. have fun . I hope you find what you're looking for. remember-50% of what I learned as an
under gaduate has been relegated to the pile of antiquated thought. I'm sure this will happen again. I just wish someone had warned me the way I'm warning you.
Origins of Humankind- Research Center
D. Formenti's links ANTHROPOLOGY (text version)
The Biological Anthropology Forum
L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, Research Related to Human Origins
Co-evolution of neocortex size, group size and language in humans
Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution in China
Peter Brown's Australian and Asian Palaeoanthropology
Anthropology in the News this sight is updated constantly and is the place for the latest scoop. great job!
Point of Reference - Main Menu
Archaeology on the Net Web Ring Home Page
Anthropology Human Origins website
Prehistoric Cultures, University of Minnesota, Duluth
The Dung File - Part 1 Mostly Human
Three Dimensional Medical Reconstruction
Welcome to Language Origins Society
William H. Calvin's Books and Articles good ol' productive william. good web sight. better books. buy 'em, read 'em.
The Great Unravelled Enchanting Loom Knot
Brain Facts and Figures nifty starter page. remember this is the thing between your ears that has brought us to this inquiry. everyone can/should ......
Virtual Hospital The Human Brain
glossary of psychiatric terminology
Replicability of cognitive brain imaging.
Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain
BUBL LINK - 515 Internet Resources Consciousness
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Neuroscience (Biosciences)
Citation Matcher for Single Articles
MGH-Harvard Other Information of Neurosurgical Interest
University of Chicago Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Neuroscience Images
Neurosciences information. News,meetings,jobs,products
Cog & Psy Sci Journals & Magazines
The Knot
NASA Neurolab Web Mission Home Page
TI Mental rotation and the right hemisphere
Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, Cognition Science, Philosophy & History.
Synaesthesia and Consciousness Studies
Synesthesia Phenomenology And Neuropsychology
Time and the observer The where and when of consciousness in the brain
The basic emotions of daily life - 1
Classics in the History of Psychology -- James (1884)
Autonomic Nervous System Documents
Chapter 14 Autonomic Nervous System
FEED The New Brain Brain Candy
Journal of Psychophysiology An International Journal
Objective Reality: A Fundemental Assumption
New Scientist Planet Science New Scientist's guide to the Quantum World
Theory SLAC Virtual Visitor Center
Brief Overview of High-Energy Physics
OnScreen Particle Physics Demo
Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy
Paul Teller, An Interpretive Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
PHY101 Foundations of Physics - A Complete Web-based Course - Spring 1999
Relativistic Reality
BUBL LINK - 515 Internet Resources Relativity
The EPR Paradox and Bell's Inequality Principle
Holism and Nonseparability in Physics
Physics News Update, Number 399
Quantum cosmology, M-theory and the anthropic principle
Professor Stephen Hawking's Homepage
Stringy Reality
Superstrings! String Theory Home Page
Dr. Michio Kaku, Prof. of Theoretical Physics
M-theory, the theory formerly known as Strings
Quantum Consciousness
Science, culture and philosophy links
Hololographic Consciousnes
Holography, Holograms and Lasers
Global Strategies Project Wholeness and Implicate Order
Complexity/Chaotic consciousness
Complexity On-Line Frequently Asked Questions
The Fractory An Interactive Tool for Creating and Exploring Fractals
Dynamical Psychology, Table of Contents
Vince's Complex Systems and Evolution Page
Consciousness:A(r)eality Construction
A New Multi-Disciplinary Subject
New Scientist on consciousness All in the mind
Noetica A Cognitive Science Forum
PSYCHE An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
Online papers on consciousness
Biology of Consciousness Bookmarks
Tufts University Center for Cognitive Studies main page
Consciousness and Neuroscience
Crick's treatment of consciousness
Quantum Consciousness
Rogers Penrose and Quantum Consciousness
Enchanted Mind - The Biology of Creative Mind
microtubules, coherence, consciousness
Fractal Consciousness
Fractal Neurodyamics and Quantum Chaos-1
Holographic Consciousness
Karl H. Pribram Holonomic Brain Theory and Motor Gestalts
A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness - Table of Contents
SCIENCE'S LAST FRONTIERS Consciousness, Life and Meaning
More Resources
Learning commons - What is Culture - Baseline Definition
Chronicles of Love & Resentment CLXXXIV
Psychology, Culture, and Evolution
Complex Adaptive Systems, Evolutionism, and Ecology within Anthropology
The Origin and Evolution of Culture and Creativity
Reviews Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Daniel Dennett
The Emergence of Culture
Past Human and Cultural Development
Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 110-310)
Point of Reference - Main Menu
CMCC - Palaeolithic Figurines (introduction)
The paleolithic painted cave of Lascaux
Stone Pages - A guide to European megaliths
The Center for Archaeoastronomy
Internet African History Sourcebook
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook Mesopotamia
Culture and the Accelerated Evolution of Human Consciousness
Mental Health Net - Perspectives Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies
Global Consciousness Change Indicators of an Emerging Paradigm
The Hunger Site Home - Donate Food for Free to Give to Feed Hungry People in the World
Bimodal Culture and the Alternative States
Alternatve Consciousness: the other problem
William James here we go again. let's start with papa. this time we're after the other states of consciousness. and no account of the universe would be....
William James The Varieties of Religious Experience on line version of the book. think "origin of the species". think bigger.
Concordances of James, William enter 'mystcal' and 'consciousness', read 'em especially #7. 100 years later what do we know?
William James essay james' own experience of an altered state. if it seems silly, reread Varieties,conduct your own experiment.
Biological Consciousness and the Experience of the Transcendent nice title and the attitude we will be taking for the rest of our inquiry.
Maslow Nidus another pioneer . studied healthy people (a novel approach at the time) made some basic observations.
Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences basic observations a classic make. on line edition.
Transpersonal Psyhcology: the illigitimate infant science
Working Definition of Transpersonal Psychology post james,post maslow, post 60's a new view and paradigm problems began to emerge.
Dr. Charles T. Tart Home Page and Virtual Library charlie keeps a nice sight.
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology this is it . it ain't much. but it's all we got . are you getting the impresswion somethings funky here?
Transpersonal Psychology - Psychology WWW VL more resources. also remember we are down to 2 degrees of seperation from here on out.
transpersonal psychology andrew's perspective,whoever andrew is. very important reminder at this point everyone can/should be studying consciousness
Arthur Deikman on Mystic Experience coined the expression "bimodal cosciousnes". active/receptive.still out there somewhere.god blessya'art.
JCS-ONLINE paper by deikman presented to tuscon
MAM Vol. 1 No. 3 Carlton F. Perk Clark transpersonalists get no respect!
Alternative States of Consciousness: who,where,how and why of coninued interest
Albet Hoffman foundation web sight of the inventor of lsd-25
My Problem Child-on line the entire work on line. good read.
Aldous Huxley - Biography - Soma Web one of the old fart pioneers
The Doors of Perception his experiment
ADVENTURE OF SELF-DISCOVERY, THE- Grof the science gets better, the respect plumets
Towards A New World View Interview with Dr. Stan Grof, MD
John C. Lilly Homepage my personal favorite of the inner-nauts. as much as I love/repect him, perhaps most important as an example that drugs'll make ya wacky.
MAPS index the academic interest does not wane.
Council on Spiritual Practices
Alternative States in Other Cultures: Transpersonal Anthropology
The C.G. Jung Page not all transpersonalists came exclusicely from the altered states school of thought.
Explore Anthropology, Archeology, Mythology, Psychology, Religion and Culture you can link way out from here, so please remember the 2degrees concept
INTRODUCTION,eliade very important scholar/anthropologist .not without contraversy.refined the method of accepting cultures on their own terms.
Mircea Eliade International Literary Society
Mircea Eliade-projected volume edited by Bryan Rennie
CG Library - Joseph Campbell - Chronology finally, gentle joe. campbell's focus is myth not cosciousness.the distinction is important still useful.
Welcome to the Joseph Campbell Foundation Online the on line content for campbell is weak. read the books.
Joseph Campbell - The Masks of God
Evolutionary Emergence of the Supra-Normal
Anthropology of Alternative States
Anthropology of Consciousness retooling ourselves for an investigation of the alternative states
TP Anthro, Then and Now, Part 1
Transpersonal Anthropology Methodological Issues, Part 1
The Sorcerer, Les Trois Freres twenty five thousand years of altering consciousness.
Shamanism: Archaic Technique of Ecstacy
Bibliographic Database on Shamanism
Erowid Spirit Vaults Shamanism FAQ
Shamanic Dimensions. A Site of Traditional Shamanism and Transformation.
Shamanism-General Overview-Shamanic Ecstasy
Reindeer in the Nenets Worldview
Erowid Psychoactive Amanitas Vault
The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire
About Us the psychomental complex endures into the new world. huichole shaman refer to peyote as brother deer.
Shamanism Study links links to shamanism in other cultures.
The Use of Psychotropic Mushrooms Among the Mazatec Indians
Mysticism:A Reality Construction(capital"r")
Mysticism: the most abused word in the enlish language outside of consciousness mysticism pretty good definition. so why is it scientific inquiry all reeks of 3a.? william james is not yet at rest,and our account of the universe...
Encyclopædia Britannica article page
Concordances of James, William try 'mystical' and 'consciousness' again if you didn't the fist time. better yet,read the damned thing!
MYSTICISM - MYSTICISM now, ol' evelyn got her props, but it contributed nothing to the furthering of scientific inquiry.
Stace, Walter Terence his little book "teachings of the mystics" was invaluable to me .no longer in print.
Ornstein's The Psychology of Consciousness (synopsis) notes from a dead-head , in the scheme of things more valuable than dennett anyday.
AAR Mysticism Group what the academic investigation of mysticism looks like today. outside of the transpersonalists, the only sight I know of.
Mysticism Resources go ahead if you want, but I'll get you there I promise. and hopefully better prepared to digest what you find.
Who's Who in the History of Mysticism underhill was good to western mystics. easy for judeo-christian acadime to swallow.
Ramakrishna simple, loving ,perfect.
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York guru-disciple relationship. in this case the disciple didn't get the full flower.
Itihaas Modern Chronology -- Swami Vivekanand maybe not the full flower but the fragerance is exquisite.
Vivekananda Foundation The Portals Vivekananda Lecture Summaries
Meher Baba, Avatar of the Age - I have come to give a new understanding of spirtual value and truth to everyone went looking for a guru and found......
Perfect Masters even God gets a guru, meher baba recognized these five as the masters of his age.
Perfect Mastersit gets better
Shri Sai Baba - Shirdi Home Page
Paul Brunton of historical note- his 'in search of secret india' uncovered some secrets. as a warning-he later claimed to be a guru himself.
The Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Website - Home page
Sri Aurobindo Ghose - Instrument of the Supramental
Osho Timeless Topics it was so easy to find an avatar I thought I could find a couple of perfect masters
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)'s sannyasins criticism later realized my folly
Siddha Yoga meditation Siddha Yoga meditation master Swami Muktananda the second choice.
Traumatic Abuse in Cults An Exploration I feel bad for citing this but.....
HumDrum Guru Ratings Main Page subsequently I have learned it is not my place to judge saints and gurus. Sarlo is up for the job! irreverent, I love this guy.
Gurus-good,bad and bogus less exhaustive than sarlo, but I like kheper's style.
The Perenial Philosophy:Vedantic Metaphysics
The Vedanta Philosophy more wisdom in these lectures than in all the cyber-wisdom that folows. it's best to stick to the best.
Guide to Ultimate Reality but then again, it's hard to mess with the truth (I take that back, think of all the "new-age" crap I'm trying to keep you away from)
Vedanta in the cyber space age
Vedanta Society of Southern California -- Homepage
Raja-Yoga:the Royal Path of "you go"
Raja Meditation, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Patanjali, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in International Languages
Sivananda Yoga - 8 Limbs of Yoga
YREC - Yoga Research and Education Center
Sanskrit Mantras and Spiritual Power
TM Mantras - Save Your Dollars
India - Mysticism - Kundalini Syndrome
The Chakras - an incomplete bibliography
The Path of Kundalini Maha Yoga
Kundalini Gateway Cybrary Book List
Kundalini Resource Center Articles About Kundalini Awakening
Resources:if you simply can't wait,or,return to them as needed
Mysticism in the Hindu World
From Mircea Eliade, History of Religious Ideas
The Rig Veda - Selections thereof with Vedic History Resources
Upanishads The Books of Knowledge
Sacred Books and Scriptures of India
The Gita - Bhagavad Gita An Interactive Presentation
Divine Love Mission Bhakti Shatak (Hundred Gems of Divine Love)
The Hindu Universe Hindu Resource Center
Itihaas Medieval Saints and Singers -
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda, the complete online edition
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Upadesha Saram Ramana
Jainism Jain Principles, History, Resources, History
Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page
Taoism - Tao Te Ching Translations
Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan
Resources for the Study of Buddhism
Sparsabhumi - Buddhist and Indological Studies
vipassana com - a buddhist meditation resource in the theravada tradition
Teaching of Insight Meditation
BuddhaNet Buddhist Information Network - Gateway to Buddhism.
Electronic Bodhidharma WWW site overview
Bodhidharma, The First Patriarch of Chinese Zen Lineage
The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism
ANCESTORS MAPShort Biography and Teachings of Some Ancient Zen Masters
Milarepa, Yogi of Tibet - Buddhist Saint
Zarathushtra’s Message for Humanity
Zoroastrianism Ancient Persian-Iranian Religion
An Introduction to the Gathas of Zarathushtra
Judaism and Kabbalah
Study of Judaism and Christianity
The 13 Principles and the Resurrection of the Dead
Table of Contents (Scrolls From the Dead Sea)
Index to Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism Reading List
Mysticism Explained and Defined
Christian Gnosticism and Mystics
The Ecole Initiative Index Page
Who's Who in the History of Mysticism
Basilica of St.Francis - The relics of St. Francis
Ascent of Mount Carmel Notes from the Compilers
Sufism the Mystical Dimension of Islam
Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina wa Maulana Muhammad, Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam
An Introduction to the Science of Hadith
Translation of Malik's Muwatta
Sufism The Methodology of the True Sufis, is Part of the Religion of Islam
What the Scholars of Islam Said about iTasawwuf-
Sufism - Islamic Mysticism Frames version
Sufism, Sufis, and Sufi Orders Sufism's Many Paths
Islamic Texts Society Al-Ghazali Series
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi The Treasure of Compassion
Islam, Sufism and the Sufi Tradition of Chishti Qadhiri
Sitemap -- The Sufi Study Circle
Welcome to the Shadhiliyya Sufi Website Peace be Unto You and the Mercy and Blessings of Allah
The Holy Lineage of the Golden Chain
Ask Jeeves Answer The Winged Heart, The Sufi Order Home Page
A CHERAG'S LIBRARY - A spiritual resource of sacred scripture, links
Sufi Order, A Universal Approach to Spiritual Growth Silsila
List of Sufi-related resources on the Internet
Babi's and Bahai's
Translations of Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Texts
Centre for the Study of Sacred Texts
Answering Bahaullah - baha'u'llah baha baha'i islam mahdi jesus christianity prophecy prophecies
in conclusion...more synchrenistic resouces
Religion Religions Religious Studies Page
Scholars Corner Sacred Texts and Religious Lit.
ANU - Coombspapers FTP Archive
The Association for Transpersonal Psychology Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Nielsen's Psychology of Religion Pages
California Institute for Human Science
potential topics
Association for Holotropic Breathwork International
Spiritual Emergence - New Medicine -
Consciousness Unlimited Dr. Amy Mindell and Dr. Arnold Mindell
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Buddhist Meditation And Science
EEG Psychophysiology Lab, Transcendental Meditation
Institute for the Scientific Study of Meditation
EEG Biofeedback as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Borderline and Narcissistic Patients
thin line between heaven and hell
Schizophrenia and Mysticism (Bibliographic Essay)
Schizophrenia, Psychiatry and Mysticism
CSP - 'Mysticism Sacred and Profane' by R.C. Zaehner
The Purporsive Evolution/Involution of Consciousness in the Universe
Transcending the Religion/Science Dichotomy
Meta List on Science and Religion a dialouge's got to start somewhere...
AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion concerned more about ethical issues in science.
counterbalance more of a theology and science sight, but well orginized
Science and Spirit Resources well, the resources are kinda thin.
Synchronicity II with a sense of humor no less...'the edible brain'...sounds nourishing.
PCC - Philosophy, Cosmology & Consciousness california institue of integral studies.
Project Mind Foundation I dunno, if it floats your boat....
General Theory of Religion Homepage an independant attempt might look something like this.
Science Without Bounds @ I simply have not had time to download this work. highly recomended. Mr. Templeton, my nomination.
John Templeton Foundation somebody please nominate me. the money sure would help. I wouldn't have to D.J at strip clubs to pay my rent anymore.
QUANTUM-D mkafatos_3-15-96 o.k. we're adjusting our standards here, and braodening our scope. anything goes, if it helps solve the big questions.
Posted to quantum-d... and we're not the only ones.
The Ever Expanding Universe in Modern Cosmology, some basic concepts of a big expanding bang.
Cosmology and Culture from primack, cosmology is a spiritual pursuit.
Study group in General Relativity and Cosmology valuable, if you really know this stuff
Walter Russell 'Physics' Homepageand if you don't . the perfect example of the concept: everyone can/should think about the universe. great anime .
Cosmology (M16) college lectures.
Cosmology and Astrophysics more lectures.
PH 105 (Duke Astrophysics) Course Links links to above subject matter.
Thinkquest Entry 20632 - Main Page nice resource for new developments in physics.
Theory of Everything deeper resource.
The Second Superstring Revolution review of t.o.e.
Pre-Quarks, Zero Mass Black Holes, Vector Energy and Rings frontier stuff. boldly go-
Professor Stephen Hawking's Homepage
12-Dimensional Theory of Everything (fwd)
A Qualitative Analysis of Black Holes Introduction
Falling to the Singularity of the Black Hole
Constancy of the Velocity of Light
Dr. Michio Kaku, Prof. of Theoretical Physics
Tony's Home sorry, my physics aren't up to determing if this stuff is for real or not.
The Universe as a Hologram throw in a touch of holography.
Synchronicity and the Enfolded a good place for alternative stuff.sheldrake, scafarti, bohm, beware the "zero-point " physics.
R. Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics closest I will ever come to introducing any 'sacred geometry'-bucky is the man.
The God of Abraham A Mathematician's View o.k. one more.... this one is for itzhak.
Basic Tenets of the One Paradigm
Shulman Unified Field Theory Summarized don't let stuff like this ruin your sense of integrity. take it with a tspn. of salt.
Unified Reality Theory this one too. hey ! you spend this much time on something.
of Quasars & Quanta Introduction
Metaphysics, Metamath {No Frames}
Alternative Cosmology remember the filters are off now .host sight of a lot of crap, but there well may be the seeds of something great somewhere in here.
The Anthropic Principle throw in a dash of the anthropic principle because its right even if it can't be proved wrong.
A Theory of Everything Virtual Chaos o.k. so its crap, but the filters of academic correctness are off now, and we are looking anywhere for inspiration
Consciousness just a poem,not a very good poem at that,but take a small break and remember it.
Is the Universe like a Klein Bottle no,its more like a mobius jelly filled donut .more about that later...
Mathematics in John Robinson's Sculptures - Torus Knots
Singularity Knot Animations cool.
Superstrings, Cosmology, CS and Topology
About the Hypersphere of course it's not as brilliant as the Baba/Bentov/Balken model,but topologically interesting nonetheless.
atman project do you realize that this is nothing but 100% pure garble-d-gook. but if it inspires, I got nothing against using it.
Find Singularity Utility I was hopin' this was a computer application for drawing' the one behind the many', shows what I know.
God Speaks:The Theme of Creation and its Purpose
Homo-Noeticus:the New Humanity
The Difference between Right and Wrong
Dr. Matrix' Web World of Science nothing special-but a very well designed "mr. science "type page.
Complexity and Artificial Life-Alife Research, information and links just your basic complexity solves everything type sight.
EVERYTHING = CIRCLE = PERFECT =INFINITE I love this kid. somebody help him.
A Psychophysical Theory of Everything Consciousness Beyond Complementarity didn't take the time to investigate. someone else do it and let me know.
The Genesis of Eden wacky, but well informed sight.encyclopedic.lots to get lost in here.
MkzdK 4.5 Site Log content so-so ,one of the best web designs i've seen.
Gaia Nation i'm just a little wary of all things gaia right now, otherwise this would have been in the main body
Maitreya World no,not that maitreya.
Ahmed Baki Home Page sufism and science. no dichotomy to transcend here.
Science, Knowledge, and Sufism yet another sufi/science sight.
Introduction To Headlessness I dunno. you decide. but kind of neat 'experiments'
U.G.Krishnamurti the other Krishnamurti, victim of the 'calamity', not a guru in the traditional sense.....thank goodness.
What is Spirituality Dr. Jihad! mostly a commercial sight for cool shockwave graphics ,but I like the cyber-jihad content.
Cosmosofy don't ya just love a guy out to save the world?...'cosmicification'-to confuse things needlessly.
The Unification of Science and Spirit -- Table of Contents another attempt at what needs to be done.
Laws of Wisdom and you thought lawyers were the spawn of beelzabub.
The Kairos rich mormon cyber/punk/millionare meets entity ,tries desperately to help/understand. hey, brother can you spare a dime?
Merovence not the be-all and end-all of web sights,but you gotta admire the depth of sincere perception ,and a dead head too.
Re Approaching the Theory of Everything The Paradox of Knowledge again, you gotta love this kid
THE HALCYON COSMOPOLITAN ENTERTAINMENT Halcyon knows education and entertainment. the original rabbit hole for web-surfers.
Kheper - metamorphosis and evolution one of the inspirations for this sight. thanks dung beetle, whoever you are.FREE PORN !
Home of David Ulansey just daves links, but better than most others.
Editor's Choice Surfing the Waves of the Future advaita (think poonaji) oreinted links,also a link to a nice portal to open directory- all the crap tthat's fit to link. everything i've tried so hard to protect you from, all in one sight. this way madness lies.