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Mail your contribution to: ParaNet Information Service P.O. Box 172 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172 ParaNet(sm): Freedom of Information for a better world! (C) 1991 ParaNet(sm) Information Service. All Rights Reserved. **************************************************************** ParaNet File Number: 00170 DATE OF UPLOAD: July 4, 1989 ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: Nexus/ParaNet Psi CONTRIBUTED BY: Linda Murphy ======================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research File No. 001 N E X U S B B S Awareness is Knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This material is for research purposes only, and since it is already (C) by Pyramid Publications, cannot carry the (C) of ParaNet. While viewing this file, points of interest are: 1) Abilities of the "Space Brothers" are current with the then technological abilites of the world. 2) Early indications of "Star People" theories, material brought out by Brad Steiger in his "Fellowship" and "Star People" Books, including Ruth Montgomeries "Aliens Among Us" which also highlights Dr. Sprinkles work in Wyoming. 3) Methods utilized in order to help people "raise their consciousness" are restricted in mileage which is equaitable with the then existing technology. 4) The use of the disk shaped objects and their purpose is rather interesting. 5) Mentioning of the United States Government, and, also that craft were being built on Earth. 6) Location of the Masters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOWARD MENGER File 001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "From Outer Space" By Howard Menger (C) Pyramid Books 1967, Paper back Edition of original Published in 1959 Part I QUESTION AND ANSWERS ABOUT FLYING SAUCERS Q. What is a flying saucer? A. An interplanetary space craft. Q. Where do these come from? A. From other planets in this sytem, such as Mars, Venus, Saturn; also from planets outside this solar system.* * There are also space craft, though of inferior design, which are built by people of this planet. These people are in communication and in service with people from other planets. They are people who possess a high spiritual understanding and have reached an awareness of natural law; therefore they have been entrusted with information enabling them to construct such a craft. Q. Who has seen them? A. Thousands of people all over the world. Q. What do they look like? A. Saucer-shaped (as the name implies), disc shaped, bell-shaped and so on. They may often appear to tak on different shapes and colors due to the magnetic fields surrounding them. Q. Where do we see them? A. In flight, in skies all over the world. They land only in secluded areas where they may contact people without attracting attention. Q. How fast do they fly? A. In the earth's atmosphere they travel in excess of 20,000 miles per hour; outside the earth's atmosphere they can exceed the speed of light. Q. Has anyone seen them land? A. Yes, many people have seen them land -- such as myself, and countless others who have not told of their experiences. Q. Do they have people in them? A. Yes, physical beings like ourselves operate the craft. Q. Do the people get out? A. Yes, when they need to make contact or gather information. Q. What do the people look like? A. They are humans and look just like we do, excepting their manner of dress. They have solid physical bodies. Q. How many people are aboard a flying sauver? A. I have never seen more than six in one craft; however, they can travel in units of 3-6-9, or 4-8-12, depending on the planet from which originate, or the polarized balance of the people in connection with the mechanics of the craft traveling through space. Q. Do the people say anything or comunicate in any way? A. They communicate telepathically and orally with whomever they may contact. Q. What do they say? A. They say they come in love and compassion for us, their brother, to help us to help ourselves to reach a higher understandin of life and its meaning. Q. What language do they speak? A. They have their own language, unintelligible to use because of the higher frequency and different harmonics in the tonal scale; however they can speak any language on Earth after a short period of study aided by electronic instruments. Q. Do they indicate where they have come from? A. Yes, usually. The ones who have contacted me have come from Mars, Saturn, Venus and probably Jupiter. Q. Do they seem peacefully disposed towards us? A. They say no man can leave his planet with the purpose of conquering or controlling another world. They are not hostile. They come in love and service to the Infinite Father. Q. Did anyone ever see a craft take off? A. Yes, hundreds of people have seen them take off and have ridden in them. Q. Do the craft make any noise? A. None audible to our physical ears. Q. Are there any picture of craft taking off? A. Yes. I have color movie films of craft taking off and landing, people getting out and stepping into the craft. I have Polaroid shots of the same, which will be shown in the future. Q. Is the viewer of a craft affected in any way -- emotionally, physically or mentally? A. What happens we ourselves may unwittingly cause by fear or panic. Some cases have been reported where an individual got too close to the craft while the power was still on. Q. If there are such craft in our skies, why are they not a more common sight, such as our regular aircraft? A. First, they are not our regular aircraft; second, they are considered alien to our skies; thirdly, it has to be a lsow process in reaching the people because of the hostile nature of this planet. Q. Why don't they make proper visits through channels of government, or mass meetings and landings? A. Mass landings, great displays, and the like would only cause confusion. The military would be involved immediately; the governments of the world would be in turmoil, each seeking its own advantage. There would be hysteria and, possibly, panic. And so, in the interest of hamanity, the space people appraoch us cautiously/ Incedentally, space visitors do not have identification papers and passports. If we now investigate and counter - investigate every suspected alien who might be suspected of being a foreign agent, what would we do if confronted with people who are entirely new, strange , and alien to our planet? There would be endless investigations and controversy, and the work and message the space people have come to deliver would be snowed under by red tape. I doubnt whether they have the time or inclination to play this silly Earth game of intrigue and counter - espionage. So they come directly to the people, by contacting their own; and the people will learn of them over a period of time -- gradully, without fear, panic, or censorship. Every great movement has always started with the people, and that is where the story belong: WITH THE PEOPLE. (CAPS are in text). Q. If they can speak our language, why don't they come among us and announce themselves, as we would do if we went to another planet? A. They have tried, but people would not believe them -- mainly because they look and act like us, and are not monsters with six or eight arms. Q. How long have they been coming into our atmosphere? A. For thousands and thousands of years. Q. Why don't they tell us about the wonderful experience of space flight? A. THey have, through certain people, and these certain people are willing to listen and believe whether or not they see; and also some of the information divulged must be kept secret. Q. What is the place of the space people in the cosmos -- do they come from different dimensions? A. They are spiritual beings, like ourselvess, usingh physical forms adapted to their own planets. There is time around their planets within their atmosphere just as on Earth; but there is no time in space. Q. Is this thier first or early bgeinning of flight into space? A. No, they have been traveling in space for thouseands of years. Q. How do they regard us? A. As brothers. They love us. Q. Why do they come here -- what is their purpose? A. To try to awaken within us a yearning for higher understanding so we can help ourselves in preventaing any further destrucion of our planet, which could conceivably have a bad effect in our solar system. It is about time we grew up as a humanity. Q. From what planets are they coming from? A. From Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and some planets outside our own solar system. Q. Are any craft coming from beyond our solar system? A. Yes. And some mother ships have come from distant galaxxies. Q. What are the main different types of craft? A. Discs: are remotely controlled objects sent out from the masterships, to record thoughts, emotions, feelings, and other conditions of the people in the area; also to detect hostility before landing. Some of these recordings are used for future contacts with the individuals concerned. These discs range in size from eight inches to more than eight feet in diameter. Bell-shaped Saturnian craft: about 509 feet or so in diameter, 18 to 20 feet high; metallic, grey, somewhat flatter in appearance than a Venusian scout ship. Mother Ship or Carrier: eliptical, cigar shaped, or egg shaped. They have been reported up to 3,500 feet in length, however, there is no limit to their size. Green Fire Balls: are means used by space people to protect us from the effects of the atomic and hydrogen explosions in our atmosphere. Q. What are other planets like, for examp[le, Venus or Mars? A. Venus is a planet slightly smaller than our earth. It is in the stage that the earth was in many thousands of years ago; young and healthy, with beautiful foilage, streams, forests, large bodies of watrer, mountains, hills. As a matter of fact, there are some places in California today that resemble Venus. It is beautiful and verdant and a veritable paradise. There are also places in South America similar to places I have seen on Venus. They plan to keep their planet young, beautiful and healkthy. Their atmosphere is very similar to ours, but the sun cannot pentrate it with destructive rays. The people are preominantly light-skinned and fair. Q. Do they have governments, cities, country places, farms, gardens, gactories, schools, etc.? A. They do not have authorities or government officials of any kind. They live in peace and harmony and everyone knows what his or her particular talent is so that they work at that particular job -- and they love their work. FACTORIES: There are buildings where work is done, or where the craft are built; but the buildings are beautiful places and not like our factories at all. They receive no coin in exchange for work. Instead they exchange talents, and everything is shared to the extent of their talents and desires and no one wants for anything. We work because we have to work. They work in service of their INfinite Father. FARMS: They grow fruit and vegetables and flowers. They do not raise meat-producing animals since they do not eat meat. Animals roam free and complete their cycle of life naturally. They are not over-bred and over-produced for food. SCHOOLS: There are schools of wisdom where children or adults can attend. Most knowledge is inherent in the children, since they are born with the knowledge of the past. Their education is their past learning, whcih they apply in their present life to gain wisdom for future use. CITIES: They live in small communities, built in the forests and close to natural surrounding. They do not denude the land of all trees and shrubs and then build boxes. Their communities are kept small, usually contain no more than a few thousand people. They are spread out and decentralized. Q. If a well-known people have been contacted, why don't they tell about their contacts? A. Government officials in particular refuse to tell because it would upset our economy. The knoelwdge they have gained depicts an entirely different way of life. It is living under God's law rather than man's law. Most mechanical energy sources would become obsolete. Q. Have all countries been contacted? A. People in every country of this world have been contacted. Q. Why do they contact only certain people? A. Certain people are born with an awareness of truths within themselves, or the are reborns from another planet, in which case their own are contacting them and awakening within them that one small spark of truth so that they "become the flame of truth." These people must have the courage of their own convistions and the ability to "take it," for they will suffer ridicule and attacks. Q. If they are coming here to help us, why are they concealing their identity? A. They are not particularly trying to conceal their identity, and to those they have contacte they have revealed themselves. Q. Are space people living here on the earth among us? A. Yes, thousands of people form other planetrs are living among us. Some are rebirths, some have come directly from their home planets in spacecraft. They may live next door to you. One of them may be your co-worker, the person who seves you in a store or a restaurant. They have one identifying trait: love of fellowman. Q. Why don't they tell us how to build a craft? A. Because it is like giving a child a firecracke, an automobile or gun. We cannot live with ourselves, let alone trying to live with people of other planets. We would use this power to conquer. On other planets there are no wars -- they would like to keep it that way. Q. If, as some reports indicate, some of our airline pilots are seeing flying saucers and are said to be suffereing fomr hallucinations or seeing weather balloons, why are they not fired since the safety of our flights depend upon the pilots? A. Because authorities know the pilots are NOT suffering from hallucinations. They know the pilots are telling the truth, and saucers are being seen by too many airmen to adequately squelch the story. Q. What is the average life span on other planets? A. Eight hundred years. Q. Have the space people brought us any picture or films of their home planets? A. Yet. In the future pictures taken on other planets will be shown here. These will include scenes of the planet, people, animals, etc/ Q. What kind of clothing do the space people wear A. On Venus and some planets, the women wear knee-length, billowing, tunic-like gowns of pastel colors. Some tometimes held by a jeweled belt. The women do not wear girdles, bandeaux, or any tight undergarments. The clothes are comfortable, airy, loose and beautiful, enhancing the contours of the female form. THe men wear ski-type trousers, translucent and soft, something like nylon. The clothing both for men and women adjusts to the bodily heat so that it cn keep them cool or warm as the termerature varies. A sandle-type foot gear is worn by both men and women. Q. Do they have families, children? What is their social setup? A. Two beings when perfectly mated stay together as long as their desire and mutual progress continue, sometimes for many of our lifetimes. They have children, and the children are loved by all. However the children matuture at a very early age. Their social setup is communal. They share the goods of life with one another. Yet, if it is their desire, they can have isolation and privacy at any time they wish. Q. At what age do children reach maturity on other planets, such as Venus? A. They mature in three to five years. A child on Venus shortly after birth is already equal to an Earth child of Seven. Q. DO they nurse their children? A. Yes, the children are breast-fed in a few months, the are weaned on natural foods, such as fruit and vegtable pulp. They are not given animal millk. Q. Do the children go to school? A. They have communal tyupe schools or places where they are briefed oN their owm spiritual development. Most of their knowledge is within themselves and in such schools in is encouraged to develop. Q. Do people work? A. There is no work as we know it. THey have advanced mechanics and apparatus that do the work quickly and efficiently. ALl services are boluntary and rendered with love. All products are shared. They do have buildings where people go to perform services, where the various conveniences of life are made. Q. What is their religion? DO they believe in God? Dp they believe in Jesus? A. THeir religion, or more properly, way of life, is serving their Infinite Father, and attaining more knowledge so they can serve their Creator to a higher degree. Jesus was on eof them in the highest degree of development. Q. What are their homes like? A. On Venus, the buildings are dome-shaped and semi-translucent to permit light and color to enter. Some of the buildings resemble our own modern organic architecture. Q. Can we go to the other plants and be accepted and live as they do? A. Generally, no. We might, due to the differences in development and vibration, atmospheric pressures, etc., suffer a nervous breakdown. Some people from Earth however, have gone physically to other planets aboard a craft and stayed there (not wishing to return); others have returned after a learning period or visit, to help their Earth brothers. Thos who do return usually remain silent as to their experiences lest they be confined to a mental institution or suffer ridicule. Q. Can a disc-type craft reutrn to Venus without having to depend upon a mother ship to transprt back? A. Yet, the craft has the ability to return to Venus on it's own power without transport by a mother ship. Q. What is the purpose of the mother ship or carrier? A. The space carrier is used outside this sytem for extended trips into outer space. It transports cargo and equipment, along with many people. Q. Can space people take goods or plants from here back to their own planets? A. Yes. Many craft are sent here for specific botanical studies, and take many of our plants back with them for study and transplanting. Q. Can we tranplant plants from their planets to Earth? A. Yes. Plants can adapt themselves to the conditions of varying frequencies in time. Q. Have some of our terrestrial plants been brought here from other planets? A. Yes. Some of our plants have been brought here from space. Q. Are the planets known by names different form the ones we call them? A. Yes. In some cases. In other cases, planets are designated by symbols. Our Earth, for example, has a specific symbol. Q. Do people from other planets have hair on their bodies as we do? A. They are not as hairy. In some cases, however, when a person from Venus comes here, he will, after a short while, grow hair much faster than the oridnary Earth person. When they return to their own planets they lose the hairy condition. Q. Doe the frequency of a planet affect the mental development of its people? A. Yes. Q. Are men and women equal in social level on other planets? A. Yes. In fact, from a physical standpoint it is more pleasurable to be a woman on other planets. Childbirth, for instance, is a thrilling a pleasurable evnet, not associated with pain or discomfort. Q. What is the difference between a reborn and a reincarnated being? A. A REBORN (or rebirth) is a being who has volunteered to come to this planet from a higher planet or dimension, on a mission to teach his or her brothers and sisters and assist them in helping them selves gain more insight and understanding of the Universal laws of the Creator. Q. Is it difficult for a reborn to undersand the reasonings of earth people? Is their reasoning or understanding different? A. Reborns are usually masters or near-masters; therefore, it is not difficult for them to understand the Earth reasoning or its people; however, it is, at times, difficult to live among them. Q. What is the difference between a master and a near-master? A. A MASTER can do anything, but does not. A NEAR-MASTER (such as an adept) can do almost everything, and does. There is that small percentage of the ego still operating that prefers to demonstate through the individual ego, rather than operate God's law through many forms and people. A MASTER appears confused, but is not, among those who are confused, just to be one of them. A NEAR-MASTER appears calm and in control before the confused, and prefers to remain aloof from humanity. A MASTER can leave (mentally and etherically) a group of people engaged in converstaion at any time he wishes, without the people being aware of his spiritual absence, or partial absence, since a master can be several places at one time. A NEAR-MASTER can leave, mentally or physically, and appears before those people then, as a master. A MASTER directs indirectly the laws of God through the confused people around him, because when they act on what they term as their own thoughts, these actions are recorded in their own subconscious and they then learn throught thier own mental processing what the master has known for centuries. A NEAR-MASTER directs throughout what HE knows as Gods laws and the beings in the physical illusion do what they think HE knows is right and do not learn as much. There are four real master in the world today. One is in the United States, one is in India, one is in Australia, and one is in South America. The near masters do not know of th emasters, but the master know of the near-masters, and of the reborns, who do not know of themselves as near-masters and/or reborns. This realization of one's near-mastership usually comes somewhere between the ages of 30-40. Q. Are the master celibates? A. No. God is married to the Infinite Universe. All masters are married. It takes a master to get married and perform physically that which is taken for granted that a master would not do. Sometimes it is a matter of choice. The sexual expression is one of the highest expressions of God, in that it takes in thes sense of touch. When we speak of sex, we interpret it to mean physical union expressed through love and understanding -- not sex as expressed for and by itself. Sex expressed purely on the physical plane for itself and its beings, perfectly combined in all areas, that is, in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical, should be joined as one. Wedded incompatibility is the true adultery. Q. What is a flashback? A. A mental picture of an experience, or a feeling of remembering a place or lifetime on this planet or another planet. Only brains and mental makeup of reborns can tune in to flahs-backs. Certain granules in their brain cells, which by previous development, will respond to flash-backs. Q. Why don'w we remember past lives? A. The memory of past lives is trained out of us from childhood onward. Children't fantasies, imagination and play are sometimes really flash-backs and/or regressive memory. Q. How are the visitors trying to raise the mass consciousness of the people? A. By various methods such as: a. Dissemination of saucer research data. b. Stories of contact with their own. c. Their signs in the sky. d. Mechanically by means of mental capsulation, and machines. Mental capsulation can be projected by sound, color, vibration. A high-frequency sound can be a mental capsulation; a song or a selction of music can be a mental capsulation. Music in the form of a mental capsulation helps "push certain buttons" in the mind and releases something which there. However, because of the way we eat, think, and act on this third-dimensional planet, this knowingness is held dormant, sometimes through several lifetimes. Nevertheless, God's laws shall prevail, and those who are due this release toward an awareness will have it when the time in the cycle of expression of this planet is ripe. The machines which send out super-sonic high frequency sounds usa a man's body as a terminal in conjunction with the mental capsulation. There are three terminal bodies in each state. The machines nor operate on a silent carrier wave. Q. What is the Will of the Father an dhow can it be developed? A. The will of the Infinite Father is to EXPRESS in ALL dimentions, the love of the INfinite Father in ALL FORMS, COLORS, SOUNDS, TASTES, AND EXPRESSIONS. Q. Will there ever be an interchange of people, ideas and cultures between the planets in our solar system so that there will be a brotherhood throughout our solar system? A. This is inevtiable. You can delay God's plan, but never stop it. Interplanetary brotherhood for earth's people is dependent upon the degree of decline of hositility and the degree of increase towards tolerance, love, and good will toward our fellow men.