The Contact Reports of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: a topical listing
Updated 2008.August.26
Extraterrestrial humans began contacting "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier of
Switzerland at the age of 5 in 1942 with the Pleiadians/Plejaren man
Sfath, and lasted with him until 1953. From 1953-1964 contacts continued
with Asket, a woman from the DAL Universe (the twin universe to ours,
the DERN Universe). After an 11 year break, the Pleiadians/Plejaren
resumed contacts on January 28, 1975 with Sfath's granddaughter Semjase,
and continue with others to this day.
This document is an attempt at a general listing of topics, names &
places mentioned in the Contact Reports of the events & discussions
between "Billy" and the extraterrestrials. In some places a rough &
incomplete summary is given, along with selected quotes. The listings
are generally in the order that they are mentioned within a contact.
Some topics are not listed as they are not easily labeled, such as
incidents or discussions related to spiritual teachings &
development, responsibility, psychology and similar matters. To use this
listing effectively use your internet browser's word-find function.
Presently, the main source for listings in Contacts 3-9, 11-106 &
115 is Wendelle Stevens' 4-volume "Message From The Pleiades: the
Contact Reports of Eduard Billy Meier", an incomplete (sections critical
of religion & politics have often been expurgated; see MFTP4
pg.49), edited and often incorrect English-language translation of the
original German-language Contact Reports [the CD-ROM reissues of MFTP1
& MFTP2 are unexpurgated but do not contain all the Stevens
annotation material; also the photos are cropped differently with the
edges containing more photo material than the print version].
Information given for Contacts 107-114 & 116-present is based on
rough machine-translated excerpts of German-language excerpts often
found in the FIGU Bulletins, and from skimming the German-language
Contact Reports for names, places, and other nouns [readily identifiable
to the compiler]; these are not meant to reflect the full contents of
any given Contact Report. Full informational reliability on any given
topic, quotation or event can only be had from a careful reading of the
German-language Contact Reports, "Plejadisch-plejarische
Kontaktberichte" & "Semjase-Bericht", available from FIGU (Freie
Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und
Ufologiestudien [The Free Community of Interests in Fringe and Spiritual
Sciences and Ufological Studies]):
The origin of the English-language translation in Stevens' books
(published 1988-1995) is as follows, to the best of my reasoning with
the information provided. The original English-language translation of
the Contact Reports was done "by a young German college student who
spent a great deal of time at the Meier home, living with them and
observing the various witnesses in their daily lives, and seeking very
careful explanations. His translations were then checked and approved,
as he proceeded, by both the others at the home and by Eduard Meier
himself." (MFTP preface). Stevens purchased an edited variation (MFTP2
pg.151) of this translation in 1979 as a "standard approved 1,800 pages
in 100-page booklets" (MFTP4 pg.403), which had been "copied by Amata
Stetter, who partly changed the meaning unauthorized and also copied
wrong" (Meier, MFTP4 pg.404). The errors in the previously approved
copies were discovered by FIGU circa 1992, "accordingly we had to
correct and to print everything again" (Meier, MFTP4 pg.404). Thus,
PLEASE NOTE and take into consideration that there are not only
omissions in the Stevens books, but also, more crucially,
interpretation, translation and various clerical errors throughout
(sentence numbering, spelling, numerical, etc.). AGAIN, FULL
For additional and current topical information see the "Your Questions
To Billy Meier--Answered" section of the FIGU forum compiled at:
A bibliography of English-language materials related to the "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier case is located at:
Compiled and annotated by David E. Chance:
[Tuesday, January 28, 1975, 2:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in 49 Questions, pages 4-5
excerpts in Through Space and Time, pages 15-16,23
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Beamship protection radius - 500 meters
Meier - reason chosen as a contactee
Charlatans & frauds - false contactees
Pleiadians/Plejaren / Extraterrestrial humans
Hyperspace propulsion system
Other life forms in other star systems
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials
Creation - laws of
"God" - defined
Pleiadians/Plejaren - not "angels and other such things"; "The Creation
itself never gives orders, for it embodies the most immense and powerful
entity in this universe and would never have the need of orders or
Talmud Jmmanuel:
Telepathy / "Thought Transmission"
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Meier family photo [December 1974]
"My First Observation"
Introduction to the First Contact
6 photos
Semjase's Explanation
Comments on the First Contact by Wendelle Stevens
Special Note
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
Cover photo [January 28, 1975 Frecht Nature Preserve, Hinwil]
Humanitarian Interest
Fly-leaf photo [January 28, 1975 Frecht Nature Preserve, Hinwil]
Astronomical chart of the Pleiades/Taurus region
Introduction: unexpurgated & uncensored original English translation of the Contact Reports
Contents: Wendelle Stevens' cross-reference topical-summary table-of-contents
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
"Where It All Began..."
Photo of Eduard Albert Meier at age 4
"My First UFO Sighting And The First Contacts Following Thereafter"
Meier family photo from 1945
Sketch of Sfath by his son Ptaah
Sketch of Sfath by Barbara Harnisch
Sketch of Sfath's ship with Sfath & Billy by Viktor Emmanuel Bickel
Sfath's Explanation [Saturday, February 3, 1945, 12:10 p.m.] - Meier Wiki:
Photo of Eduard Albert Meier at age 8
"Introduction to the first Contact with Semjase"
7 photos
Painting by Jim Nichols, "Semjase's Starship with Semjase and Billy":
Sketch of Semjase by Christian Krukowski:
Contact 1 sketch/map of landing site/area
Semjase's Explanation
[Monday, February 3, 1975, 10:10 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - thinking capabilities
Spiritual knowledge & spiritual wisdom
Praise & flattery
Pleiadians/Plejaren - prohibited from penetrating the personal secrets of others
False contactees
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth
UFO "abductions"
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials
Kenneth Arnold:
Karl Michalek - false contactee:
George Adamski - false contactee:
Harushi Tsukamoto - false contactee
Jerrold Baker - false contactee (colleague of Adamski)
Reinhold O. Schmidt - false contactee:
Carl A. Anderson - imposter, false contactee
Orfeo Angelucci - imposter, false contactee
7 important people to Meier's mission
[Saturday, February 8, 1975, 3:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 5
excerpts in Through Space and Time, pages 22,23
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier has "finished writing his book"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "not the so-called supermen or super humans"; "our
only task and obligation is to conserve the human life that has
developed and already exists in outer space. This means we endeavor to
keep order and watch over certain life forms"; occasional assistance by
impulse-telepathy for invention discoveries
Why the Pleiadians/Plejaren don't reveal themselves publicly - "We have
no interest in showing ourselves to the broad masses of the population.
Their consciousness is still short and petty and restricted by religious
Talmud Jmmanuel
Judas Iscarioth
Life span of humans - can reach 1000-100,000 years old with spiritual
development, after that the spirit no longer needs a material body
Pleiadians/Plejaren - life span, @1000 years
Semjase's age - 330 years
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
Newspaper clipping about George Adamski being a fraud; mentions Ken Rogers
[Saturday, February 15, 1975, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 17
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - "strong thought force", few human beings have such a strong thought force
Pleiadians/Plejaren - possess knowledge of all Earth languages ever
spoken; develop language study courses which get transmitted to the
Pleiadians/Plejaren by computers, a process requiring 21 days +
additional 9-10 days to learn to speak the language
Beamship hyper-drive - "a form of radiation propulsion" which surpasses the speed of light by many million times
Beamship normal drive - acceleration to the speed of light; null-time
& null-space; 7-hour trip to Earth's region via hyper-speed
Comets - some hurled through space caused by irresponsible space travelers accelerating in hyper-speed
Hyperspace travel requires a security distance from planets, 153 million kilometers
Hyper-drives - light-emitting propulsion drives & tachyon-drives
Beamship - aerodynamic disc-shaped form
Beamship - "protection-beam-belt" which protects the ship & the occupants
Gravity of a planet - "not always the same", fluctuates
Gravity & effects (and non-effects) on/in beamships
When extraterrestrials move about on other planets they use protective
suits equipped with the same type of gravity-protective features as
Earth humans - barbarous, greed & want for power & control over others
Other extraterrestrial intelligences - some humane, others inhumane;
Earth humans need worldwide unity to combat possible future evil-minded
Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans is underdeveloped
Malona - planet destroyed by war; remnants in the Asteroid Belt
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Richard T. Miller:
[Sunday, February 16, 1975, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 267-268
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
False religion & lack of spiritual progress - enemies to the truth
Harsh language of truth
Chronology of Earth's history - current "history" is half-true
The Great Flood (The Deluge) - 10,079 years ago (see Contact 60)
Destroyer planet - origin of & extensive details (see Contact 60)
Venus - how it came to be the second SOL planet (see Contacts 60 & 70)
Destroyer planet - passed through the SOL system 3,453 years ago
Santorini volcano eruption @1645-1615 B.C. (see Contact 60):
Moon - originated from a small planet 4.5 million years older than Earth; how it came to orbit Earth
Destroyer planet - origin of & extensive details (see Contact 60)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - ancestors' origin (see Contact 70)
IHWH - defined ("King of Wisdom", "God")
Asael - Plejaren ancestor leader (see Contact 70)
Pelegon - IHWH leader (see Contact 70)
Sub-leaders - "Guardians"
"Original Earth race"
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Immanuel Velikovsky:
[Sunday, February 23, 1975, 10:30 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
7 main stages/periods of development of human life "calculated in
lifetimes": Primary Life; Reasoned Life; Intellect Life; Real Life;
Creational Life; Spiritual Life; Creation Life
7 sub-stages/periods in each of the 7 developmental main stages
"Spirit life is sexless"
Hell & Sin - religious nonsense
Mistakes, recognition of faults, attainment of knowledge & wisdom
Humor & jokes
7 sub-stages/periods in each of the 7 developmental main stages of human life - defined in detail
One period/greattime = 311,040,000,000,000 years
Twilight sleep of the Creation, defined
"The nameless nothing" a secret even the Pleiadians/Plejaren can't solve
Talmud Jmmanuel:
Isa Rashid, co-discoverer of the Talmud Jmmanuel
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Tuesday, February 25, 1975, 6:02 p.m.
+ added thought transmission on March 2, 1975]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 257-258
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase's new beamship
Semjase's current beamship - automatic radiators to 90 meters, destroy film but not harmful to animals
Meier not allowed to photograph the inside of the beamships
M.R. [Isa Rashid], a contactee of the Pleiadians/Plejaren since 1956, learned Aramaic with the help of the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Talmud Jmmanuel originally written by Judas Ischarioth
Isa Rashid fled his church in Jerusalem in mid-1974 to Lebanon, living
there in a refugee camp with his family under a different name; Talmud
Jmmanuel destroyed by fire when the camp was invaded by the Israeli
military; the 1/4th that was translated into German is sufficient to
"reveal the truth and to free the human being from a deadly delusion"
Isa Rashid - not his real name; Isa Rashid's cousin using the name "M. Rashid"
Parapsychology & parapsychologists
"Spiritual healers" - many are cheats, liars & charlatans
Uri Geller:
- has certain mental forces but uses the spiritual forces of others
around him to accomplish his feats; never came near or went inside a UFO
George Adamski - false contactee:
Karl Michalek - a deceiver:
5 colored human races plus others living underground & in inaccessible regions
Blue race of humans living in India
Some colored human races died out long ago
"The Heaven's Sons" or "Star Travelers" - name given by the Pleiadians/Plejaren to their forefathers
Climate helps determine skin color
Innumerable skin coloring of life forms throughout the universe
Body size differs according to the gravity of a planet, ranging from 50 centimeters to 12 meters tall
Giants & titans once lived on Earth
Present different colored Earth races are descendents of different colored ancestors who came from different stars
Charles Darwin - "crazy logic":
Earth humans not descended from monkeys & apes
Earth humans "became created by [Plejaren] ancestors who interbred with ancient Earth humans
Evas/Eva = word meaning "the bearing one" or "bearer"
Talmud Jmmanuel:
Ancient Earth humans - savage creatures with human-like form, descended
from and sent out in earlier millenniums by the Plejaren ancestors;
these creatures interbred with different animals; one such
offspring/mutation is the monkey
"Australopithecus Africanus", "Peking Man", "Neanderthals" - intermediate human/animal mutations:
4 different types of human/animal mutations survived and live today, known as the Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, etc.:
Evas - captured by and mated with Plejaren ancestors who settled on
Earth; their descendents were called "Adam", meaning "Earthhuman being";
some of these early Earth humans survived, their average age being
15,000 years old; the last of these was killed "a bit more than 2,300
years ago"; though today [1975] there still exist 7 of these creatures
hidden on the Earth
Giants, titans & cyclops - tall men, called "Goliaths"; served power-hungry kings as warriors
"...many things the human being is only allowed to know when he has
become spiritually aware, and has developed his spiritual knowledge and
spiritual wisdom sufficiently"
A "spirit world" does not exist, only innumerable "fine material
worlds", worlds which exist in other dimensions & contain bodiless
spirit forms
What happens after death - reincarnation explained
Reincarnation - facial appearance of "guest bodies" remains "much the same"
Fine-material world - spirit forms there are no more advanced in knowledge than they were in the material world
Ability to communicate with fine-material world spirits but not advised
Mediums - only a few humans capable of contacting fine-material world spirits
Voices heard on tape recordings in empty rooms - explained [EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon]
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have bases/stations on Earth and many other planets
Pleiadians/Plejaren - base/station in Switzerland "high up in the mountains" & elsewhere on Earth
Semjase - often visits Erra in the Pleiades
"Ghost music" (music compositions transmitted to living people from the
dead) - deceitful claims; spirits do not transmit music from "the other
Magic - does not exist as commonly thought of and explained
Meier will be allowed to take pictures of 4 beamships at once
Semjase's old beamship - an older type ship, @100 years old; built on a
wave principle for stability; old ship to be taken away on March 3, 1975
Explorer-class beamship
Karl Veit [publisher of UFO Nachrichten] - Meier to give Contact Reports to him to diffuse to the public
Meier to form a group which will inform leaders of the Earth about serious matters
Ozone layer depletion:
Bromine gases slowly dissolve the Ozone layer - released by combustion
engines, atom-splitting & similar things; spray bottles release
bromine (flourochlorohydrocarbons, FCHCs) & other gases
Ozone layer holes may take hundreds of years to close (if no further eroding)
Ozone layer/belt - moves & wanders, not stationary
Dr. Michael B. McElroy at Harvard University - to be approached by Meier's group regarding ozone layer depletion:
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Dr. Konstantin Raudive:
Friedrich Jurgenson:
Voices heard on tape recorders in empty rooms - researchers, books [EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon]
Spacecraft Photographs
Flight Demonstration [February 27, 1975, Jacobsberg-Allenberg]
4 photos
Flight Demonstration [March 3, 1975, Ober-Zelg]
2 photos
Flight Demonstration [March 8, 1975, Ober-Sadelegg]
2 photos
Flight Demonstration [March 18, 1975, Winkelreit]
4 photos
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
3 photos [March 8, 1975 Ober-Sadelegg]
4 photos [March 18, 1975 Winkelriet]
[The Spacecraft Photographs, Flight Demonstration & photos sections
found in Message From The Pleiades {printed book} are located after
Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
2 Newspaper clippings from 1990 & 1992 regarding man's descent from apes being false
Addition to Contact 7 - #1
Addition to Contact 7 - #2
10 photos
Addition to Contact 7 - #3
Meier's public letter regarding Ozone Layer depletion, dated February 26, 1975
[Tuesday, March 18, 1975, 3:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 18
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Matter/rough-material stuff - a sizable, solid form of energy
"All energy can be changed into solid matter"
Neutrons, protons & electrons - "elementary building blocks of the solid components of matter"
"Everything in the universe consists of matter or energy"
"Course-material" = matter
"Fine-material" = energy
"Matter is the embodiment of idea"
Creation is the source that generates matter/energy by spiritual force, preceded by idea
"The whole Universe is, inside and out, only of fine-material &
course-material energy (which is) compressed & concentrated idea."
Spiritual energy
Questions & answers from the Pleaidians/Plejaren - conditions for being asked & answered
Molecular biology
Genes - regulatory properties
Age is partially a genetically-conditioned factor
Chromosomes - consist mainly of albumins & nucleic acids
Mongolism [Down Syndrome] - partially results from injury to the genes:
Genes - can change over time
"Intelligence is a result of spiritual evolution"
Brain acids - carry spiritual wisdom & intelligence in solid form; can be transplanted in others
Mental illness - "mental disease consists of powerful confusion of the
already knowledgeable & educated" material consciousness/personality
Genes influenced by spirit
Theory of Relativity:
Time Dilation:
Hyperspace - dilation of time is removed:
Hyperspace "jumps"/dematerialization - technically defined; whole process needs less than a millionth part of a second
"The mass of an object increases in relation to the growth of its speed"
Light speed - dangers
"All forms of life have to accomplish their evolutionary processes, and thus they collect experience & knowledge"
Time travelers - occasionally appear from the past
Earth humans think themselves to be "the crown of Creation"
Some writers are inspired (such as science fiction authors) which
prepares humanity for coming changes; extraterrestrials have influenced
the technological development of Earth humans over the past 100 years
Aquarian Age - brings great changes, positive & negative; religions
Creation - behaves neutrally; continuously creates innumerable life
forms over 7 "great-times"; the new life forms are left to develop on
their own
"Soul" & spirit
Age is partially a genetically-conditioned factor, partially conditioned by environmental influences
Talismans, amulets, etc. - nonsense:
Metals, crystals, precious stones - partial ability to absorb certain radiations for health purposes
12 items for health purposes - mentioned/omitted; how they are manufactured & for what purpose (rheumatism, etc.)
Description & instructions for building a machine for curing various illnesses & improving health - mentioned/ommitted
Origins of first life forms - atmosphere & amino acids
Jmmanuel - a teacher, prophet of spiritual knowledge & wisdom, nothing more
"No life form should ever be idolized or revered in the manner human beings have a habit of doing"
Talmud Jmmanuel - retrieved from its hiding place because "the time of
truth had dawned"; Jmmanuel's teachings not his own, but Creation's and
its laws which "Jmmanuel first needed to master, recognize and accept"
"Important alone is the truth and the laws but not the person who has brought them."
Doubters - those who require more proof of the existence of the Pleiadians/Plejaren
"Evidence then is only valid if founded on knowledge and recognition,
which means only hard spiritual work enables real reasoning, but never
only seeing."
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "not allowed to coerce to convince Earth humans of the truth"
"It is neither our nor your mission to remove from doubters and
criticizers their spirit-obstructing activities; the mission lies in
quite other fields"
Meier brings a film camera to film Semjase's beamship in motion
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
7 photos
[Friday, March 21, 1975, 4:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 27
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 264
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pleiadians/Plejaren - humans like us, not guardians of Earth or God-sent angels
Natural barbarism - usefulness
Scientists - danger in their misuse of knowledge against others
UFOs (beamships) - often not recognized as such, rather as airplanes
Beamship "distorter screen" - apparatus, sight protective screen up to
500 meters in any direction in whole or in part; why Meier able to see
them to photograph and not others in the area
Meier asks if he can tape record Semjase's voice - denied
Talmud Jmmanuel:
"It is the character of the uninformed to continually criticize and accuse"
Teachings of Jmmanuel & the Pleiadians/Plejaren the same as what was
taught by others tens of thousands of years ago, with different words;
truth remains the same
Religion - dangers of; "there does not exist any form of religion that is all good"
Spiritually repressed by religion; living a distortion
"The truth is always harsh"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - could reveal themselves publicly but not interested in doing so
History of Mankind: Pleiadians/Plejaren found peace & liberty 50,000
years ago; before this time (@53,000 years ago) 70,000 humans fled
under their leader Pelegon, settling on Earth; 200 scientist sub-leaders
under Pelegon; 10,000 years of relative peace with the new Earth
settlers, then war broke out killing all but a few thousand humans,
others fled into space; for 7,000 years there were no visitors to Earth
while the remaining humans on Earth became wild; then descendents of the
fled ancestors returned and built Atlantis and Mu, lived peacefully
"for thousands of years"; then rogue scientists tried to seize power but
the people revolted against them; the scientists and their followers
fled into space 15,000 years ago; they lived in a neighboring solar
system for 2,000 years extending their life spans through science &
mutation to thousands of years; returned to Earth 13,000 years ago under
the leadership of a scientist named Arhus "The Barbarian" who also had
200 scientist sub-leaders; they settled in "the high north" and Florida,
continuously attacking Atlantis & Mu, destroying them after a few
millennium; many Earth survivors became slaves while some scientists
were able to escape into space back to their planets in the Pleiades;
centuries before this, Arhus' sub-leaders captured wild female Earth
creatures & mutations (called "Evas", distant descendents of former
humans from space) and mated with them producing dwarf-like, gigantic or
animal-like offspring; the sub-leaders were known as "Sons Of Heaven";
the highest ranking sub-leader was named Semjasa, who mated with an Eva;
their offspring was a male that Semjasa named Adam (a word meaning
"Earth human"); a similar breeding produced a female who was mated with
Adam, while other such offspring by sub-leaders and Evas were produced,
who formed themselves into groups & tribes; from those groups &
tribes present Earth human races developed; Arhus was angered by what
his sub-leaders did and brought 3 human races under his control
(ancestors of today's "Indians", the fair-skinned inhabitants around the
Black Sea, and gypsies from along the south of the Mediterranean Sea
who were called Hebrews), who adored and worshipped Arhus and his
sub-leaders; Arhus demanded blood from the guilty; Arhus son was Jehav,
also a blood-demanding ruler over the 3 races; later descendents of
these cosmic "gods" evolved spiritually and left the evolution of the
Earth humans to themselves, returning back to the Pleiades
Age Of Aquarius ("Golden Age") - religious interpretations are wrong;
"enables everything to develop to highest potential, including spirit";
184 year transition period from the Age Of Pisces to the Age of
Aquarius, from February 3, 1844 - February 3, 2028, 11:20 a.m.; this
period marked by strong religious delusion, accelerated technological
developments, wars, etc.; origin of this change in epochs due to the
radiation effect of the universal central sun
Universal Central Sun - Sol System circles the Universal Central Sun
once in 25,860 years, passing through 12 epochs (zodiacs); Earth has
touched the outer borders of the "Golden Radiation" of the central sun;
prophets appear during these epochal changes
Meier exhorted to begin his mission of teaching
Meier - alludes to having been institutionalized in a "madhouse"
True friends
Semjase offers to "procure crystals, etc. from other planets" for Meier to sell
Primitive laws of "modern man" are enslaving
Atomic composition of crystals & minerals is the same throughout the universe, such as gold
"Nature works according to Universal law, which assures the unity of all such things"
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Takeuchi Document (Takeuchi monjo; housed in the Kôso Kôtai Jingű shrine in Isohara, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan):
The Mahabharata epic of India:
Meier model photos, one of the models supplied by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Ground Saucer Watch (UFO organization)
Intercep tested 4 photos at a cost of $60,000; 8-year investigation by the Intercep team
[Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Spiritual Teachings
Spirit within humans - records all one's thoughts and motions; what the
spirit yearns for; nature and capabilities of the human spirit
"The inner dimensions of the human are endless"
Wisdom and spirit
"Cognition of the truth brings liberation from all restrictions"
Love and wisdom
"spirit and Creation are one"
Sense and function of the spiritual teachings
Religions' false teachings - an evil cult, enslaves the spirit and produces ignorance
"What is visible to the human's physical eyes is but a tiny iota within endlessness."
"Countless billion universes"
"A human's individual self-analysis is one of the essential methods to
find the truth and to walk on the path of spiritual evolution"
Perception of other human beings
Truth and ignorance
Awareness of oneself, the spiritual consciousness
"Every human bears within him the entire kingdom of spirit..."
Neutral balance
"...Creation is present within everything"
"Spirit-enslaving religions"
Recognizing the spiritual truth
Creative-spiritual wisdom
Spiritual consciousness
"I, the human, am a part of Creation that, as a fragment, as spirit, enlivens me."
Consistency of truth
"The human shall cling to what is creative, because alone what is creative is the truth."
Experiencing Creation and the spirit through the immediate "here and now"
"Everything that is limited and restricted brings unreality and problems."
Semjase informs Meier that he is the prophet of the new age as foretold in the Talmud Jmmanuel
Meier's calculations of Jmmanuel's birthday, February 3rd
Semjase wants copies of Meier's photo & film negatives for the
Pleiadians/Plejaren scientists to examine, specifically regarding
previously invisible energies made apparent by the photos in regards to
the beamship's antenna guide beam
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Tuesday, April 15, 1975, 3:40 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Living From The Spirit" (book)
Meier again exhorted to form a group
Meier often exhausts himself from manual labors
"Spiritual force is immeasurably higher than physical force"
Meier - escaped from the French Foreign Legion into the Sahara desert with 2 others
Pleiadians/Plejaren influenced others 3 times to help Meier in emergencies
Meier given permission to take more photos & films of the beamships
Pleiadians/Plejaren scientists have analyzed the photo & film
negatives taken from Meier at the last contact; effects concerning the
beamship antennae guide beam caused by influences from Saturn on Earth's
atmosphere, causes the antenna guide beam, energy collecting beam &
regeneration beam to become visible
Beamship operates on principles of implosion & regeneration rather than explosion & destruction
Spiritual Teachings
Nature & qualities of a spiritually developing person
Spiritual intellect & material intellect
Nature & qualities of the spirit within humans
All experiences, knowledge, abilities, etc. from all incarnations of a spirit form is hidden in the subconscious
Awareness of one's spirit through meditation, contemplation, etc.
Meditation as practiced by the religious is not correct meditation
Material life is a ladder to the spiritual life
Religious philosophies - monstrous confusions & delusional claims;
disadvantageous for humans, "throws him back to deepest darkness"
April 14, 1975 Meier hears the sounds of a strange UFO
July 2, 1942 9:00 a.m. UFO sighting by Meier
March 20, 1975 7:30 p.m. UFO sighting by Meier and family; beings of a
peaceful race known to and neighboring the Pleiadians/Plejaren, often
explore other worlds [sighting was filmed and footage shown in the movie
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
2 photos [March 20, 1975 Wihaldenstrasse, Hinwil]
[The photos found in Message From The Pleiades {printed book} are
located after Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook
[Sunday, April 20, 1975, 3:11 p.m.
+ added thought transmission, Monday, April 21, 1975, 9:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Photos taken of Semjase's beamship flying over a group of Meier's
friends on a hilltop that morning at 10:00 a.m. in Ravenbuhl; concerns
to destroy them; similar pictures that were double-exposures
Doubts that are rooted in materialism and "religious confinement"
Crystals & minerals from the Plejaren system, Venus and the asteroid belt brought by Semjase to Meier
254 stars in the Pleiades star system
Spiritual intellect is different from material intellect
Semjase sent her thoughts to the participants in the photo opportunity; felt by them as "a brief cooling of the forehead"
"Unreasoned power can be overcome by reasoned power"
Possibility of ending the contacts with Meier
"We all have to undergo mistakes to learn"
Semjase's remarks on the book "Living From The Spirit" - some worthwhile parts, but some parts religiously influenced
Special Note to the Contact of Sunday, April 20, 1975: After the April
20, 1975 contact, Swiss army personnel were inspecting the area where
Semjase's beamship landed
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
Ravensbuhl: additional page of notes on the photos [see material at end of Contact 14]
[Friday, April 25, 1975, 5:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase returns the book "Living From The Spirit"
Semjase decides to destroy the film from April 20, 1975 10:00 a.m.
(people on a hilltop, Ravensbuhl, with beamship hovering overhead)
F.L. (friend of Meier) previously received malachite from Semjase via Meier & requests a larger piece:
Semjase suggests that Meier use his influence of thought on the non-Plejaren UFOs in order to contact them
Semjase agrees to bring Meier stones & crystals for his collection or for selling
Pleiadians/Plejaren want to limit the number of pictures Meier takes of their ships to 100
Meier asks if Semjase can bring photos of other planets; he is denied
Authorities & military feel threatened by UFOs; Pleiadians/Plejaren
not interested in upsetting their "primitive force, as this mission is
obligated alone to Earth human beings"
Authorities & military interested in UFOs but publicly deny this
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Meier's house was repeatedly broken into and pictures & diaslides were stolen
[Tuesday, April 29, 1975, 2:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier contacts Semjase by sending his thoughts to her
Semjase suggests that Meier "raise a center" so they have a "chance to exercise yourselves spiritually each day"
Semjase suggests Meier sell the crystals & stones she brings for raising money for building the center
Semjase comments on some of the "stupid & primitive" laws of Earth
humans; "94% of your laws are outside all human dignity and reason"
"Every human being has the right to learn"
Possibility of allowing "Mr. J." to be informed of and accompanying
Meier to contact locations; discussion about his spiritual development;
Semjase examines the future to see Mr. J. will visit Meier tomorrow
(April 30th) to read his 12th Contact Report
Meier informs Semjase that she destroyed the wrong portion of the April 20th film with the beamship over a hillside with friends
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
4 photos [April 20, 1975, Ravensbuhl; friends on a hillside with Semjase's beamship hovering; double-exposures]
Special Note By The Publisher
[The photos and Special Note By The Publisher found in Message From The
Pleiades {printed book} are located after Contact 34 in Messages From
The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
[Thursday, May 1, 1975, 3:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pleiadians/Plejaren are not perfect and are subject to making mistakes
and wrong conclusions like any other human being; admit to their errors
Isa Rashid, Talmud Jmmanuel
Karl Veit [publisher of UFO Nachrichten]
Meier urged to give a lecture to the group members about grasping spiritual cognitions & labor
Conscious thoughts don't necessarily reflect subconscious thoughts
Meier urged to keep certain things only among the group members
Astral travel [astral projection] - among 1,000 claims of this only 2 or
3 are real; many of these claims arise from deceit, lies or
self-suggested delusions or misinterpretation of "spirit image
"Fallacies of the senses can arise through self-suggestion"
Humans can also project their image to another place or time and be
seen, but not in astral form ("spirit image projection") - defined
Semjase proposes an experiment in which she will spirit-image project 3
of Meier's friends from the past photo session (April 20, 1975) into the
present for photographing along with her beamship
[Saturday, May 3, 1975, 8:17 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Notice of having to eliminate the weather-fir tree due to having
absorbed some of the radiations from Semjase's beamship during her
demonstration flight on March 18, 1975
Crystals & stones allowed to be examined & analyzed by an acquaintance of Meier
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
1 photo [beamship landing tracks]
[The photo found in Message From The Pleiades {printed book} is located
after Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
[Friday, May 9, 1975, 2:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Due to problems arising from Meier's photos & films Semjase "had to
eliminate forms of life...such concerns, under laws of our race, admit
such eliminations only in case of emergency"
On April 21, 1975 military personnel were actively investigating an area where Semjase had landed
Pleiadians/Plejaren had to locate people who had become aware of their
activities in order to "eliminate their memories in this respect, to
avoid harm of any kind"
Meier has been trying to find out about his past lives, visiting
hypnotists but unable to be hypnotized, having noticed in himself a
"defense block" that prevents such, even causing discomfort to the
hypnotists if they persist
Meier's "defense block" is generated by the wisdom of his spirit as a protection
George Adamski & his close friends/supporters - fraudulent contactee; has strong suggestive abilities to influence others:
Pleiadians/Plejaren have 2 ways to know the future - one is to travel
materially or spiritually into the future and register events that
happen (as was done with Mr. J.; see Contact 14); the 2nd way is by
probability calculations, which is prone to error or mistakes
Predictions for Switzerland @1975-1977 based upon probability
calculations: rain & snow storms will kill many & cause millions
of francs in damage; increased deaths due to heavy street traffic,
resulting in regulations, fines & laws including only public
transportation allowable in certain cities & large towns; due to
unreasonable civilians, Switzerland will become heavily isolated;
criminality will increase (especially corporate/commerce related
robbery, murder & homicide) resulting in renewed cries for the death
penalty; commercial situations will become worse, causing honorable
citizens to break the laws; suicides will increase; politics will
generate problems, the current politicians will remain but mischief will
brew; Swiss currency will become devalued until the new government in
1976 will remedy this; Switzerland will become a drug relay point in
Europe, but enacted laws will be ineffectual to stop this; Switzerland
will loose its esteem as a tourist paradise, mainly due to inflation
& the behaviors of the citizens; religious delusions will affect
Semjase will be gone for some time within the next weeks & will only
have telepathic contacts with Meier; Meier jokes with her about finding
a man to marry, jokingly referring to the crazy images of
extraterrestrials found in Earth comic strips & books; Semjase
doesn't understand this reference, explaining that sometimes she walks
among Earth humans and finds something to read but has never found such
things; Meier jokes that she won't if all she reads is Mickey Mouse,
Superman, and Fix & Foxi:
[Thursday, May 15, 1975, 9:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Spiritual Teachings
The nature & characteristics of The Creation
Importance of correct understanding of the term "The Creation"
"The Creation is inside of every human being, (and every other creature
and thing), being a fraction of that manifestation itself."
"One must learn a spiritual-intellectual manner of thinking and recognize its validity until the first successes are achieved."
The nature & qualities of a "spiritualized person"
Semjase on Meier & FIGU - "You and your group are only laying the
basic stones for an avalanche, which will start much later."
Talmud Jmmanuel:
Detailed definition of prayer, and the power of the spirit within humans
Detailed interpretation of the "Lord's Prayer" in the Talmud Jmmanuel (6:12-18)
Meier asks Semjase to evaluate the developmental stage of a young man named F.O. from W.
Semjase wants to demonstrate for the group certain abilities of her
beamship regarding various energies that are visible at night as light
displays (atmospheric energy burnings)
910-meter radius of harmful radiations around Semjase's beamship; Meier screened and protected from this
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Friday, May 16, 1975, 2:09 p.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Detailed personal & spiritual characterization of the person F.O.
from W., his capabilities & intentions and how they would or could
not affect Meier and his group
[Tuesday, May 20, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
The "High Council" of the Plejaren federation considers Meier mature
enough to have contact with the being Arahat Athersata (which has
evolved beyond the rebirth & reincarnation cycle), an exception that
hasn't been granted to another in the past 2000 years; the contact with
this being will result in a book which will assist Meier financially
[Arahat Athersata:
"No goals are achieved without troubles and sacrifices"; real prophets of the past
Semjase says Meier makes "harsh & peculiar jokes" to which he responds "One has to let in fresh air"
Meier gives Semjase 2 writings to read and judge, one being a flyer he
has written, and the other a birth horoscope analysis of Meier by a
woman who is enslaved by religious thinking
Some group members find Meier's writing style too harsh; truth exposed
by clear & directly stated facts, often with harsh words
Meier studied thoroughly by the Pleiadians/Plejaren, found to have a good intuition
Semjase speaks about the character of Meier & exhorts him to be open about his abilities with others
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
Letter from Mr. P. Guggisberg, "Special Characteristic", dated May 20 & 22, 1975
2 photos
[Tuesday, May 27, 1975, 2:06 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier busy typing the message given to him by Arahat Athersata
Meier - "some people who come to me and whom I cure or advise"
"The spreading of truth always has been connected with problems"
Meier's financial concerns
Proposition to bring Meier crystals to sell
Different radiations are partly absorbed by all material things
Crystals - also absorb & store different radiations, which are
different for each planet; Pleiadians/Plejaren technically able to
withdraw such radiations (except in living things), as done with the
minerals & crystals brought to Meier; use an apparatus called a
neutralizer which uses a regenerative mode of radiation absorption
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Note: 2 trees eliminated by Semjase due to having picked up radiations
from her ship [see Contact 16]; eliminated tree - "we changed its time";
Meier working as a security guard at the time of first contacts with
the Pleiadians/Plejaren; lost his job due to using so much of his time
[Wednesday, May 28, 1975, 6:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Karl Veit [publisher of UFO Nachrichten], perhaps his wife & others want to visit Meier on July 2, 1975
"Knowing the future is useless because we are not allowed to use this
knowledge"; each creature must develop normally without skipping
learning experiences
Meier critical of some parts of the Contact conversations/meetings being
omitted from transmission by the Pleiadians/Plejaren; nature of the
thought-transmitted contact reports, obtained by a machine that
retrieves the dialogue from the subconscious and then transmits the
report to Meier
"The subconscious, with its powers, never forgets"
Meier figures out the workings of the subconscious-retrieval machine
which causes Semjase to ponder removing this knowledge from him, to
Meier's stern objections; "...the radiations of your feelings witness
the sincerity of your words"
Meier - "I do not rely on matters of belief"; "I never take great oaths, that but a 'yes' or a 'no' are decisive for me"
Less than 3 minutes needed by the Pleiadians/Plejaren to technically
eliminate knowledge from a living being using their apparatus, which is
first adjusted according to the being concerned; distance plays no part
in this
Meier offers alternate solution to the Pleiadians/Plejaren eliminating
his knowledge in case someone attempts to forcefully retrieve it from
his mind
Crystals & precious stones could become dangerous for humans if worn
or carried; all crystals, semi-crystals, precious stones, semi-precious
stones & different minerals of Earth origin (including pearls) are
receivers & transmitters of human emotional feelings & thought
energies; store negative energies; if they are to be worn they should be
neutralized (or subjected to "an easy inner clarification") of these
energies every 5 years; such items have been exposed to negative
charging/radiations for 2 to 4 millenniums or more to become receivers
of negative energies
Negative energies surround the Earth that arise & develop from negative thought-energies
Talismans - work only due to the beliefs held by the wearer; often
strong receivers of negative thoughts; should also be neutralized every 6
months to 2 years depending on the material; preferred are stones &
crystals from other planets, either uninhabited or inhabited by
harmonious beings, which are receivers & emitters of positive forms
of energy; such should not be neutralized for negative energies if
brought to Earth
Process & action for neutralization & clarification of stones & crystals briefly described
Meier received another message sequel from Arahat Athersata on Monday, May 26, 1975
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Tuesday, June 3, 1975, 10:44 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 30-31,35
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Arahat Athersata's continued messages to Meier
Meier has prepared a lecture concerning the reality of Semjase, Plejaren
beamships, and UFOs in general; took 257 hours to prepare
Elias (ancient prophet) had no family to take care of
Laws of sex & matrimony (Mosaic Law) still valid today; sex
criminals and their punishment, banishment for life; these laws,
preserved in the Talmud Jmmanuel, are for regulating Earth humans and
were given by the IHWH ("Governor of the Heavenly Sons"), thus they are
not Creational laws which are unchangeable
"Wherever there are thinking forms of life, there are established laws
everywhere"; based on natural logic as opposed to Earth laws which are
"illogical and primitive"
Pleiadians/Plejaren also have laws for criminality, but they are of a
more spiritual level and humane; heavy crimes are punished by exile to
other worlds used solely for that purpose, and only those of the same
sex are exiled to those worlds; the exiled are prohibited from having or
developing machinery & apparatus and they are closed off from
having contact with other worlds; on some Pleiadians/Plejaren worlds
"the fallible creatures are also exiled to great islands, if the grade
of fallibility on the concerned world is very low"
"Only there where the Creational law becomes self-evident do expressed
laws fall away", which occurs only in high spiritual levels &
Earth was once a penal/exile planet for "fallible creatures" from
various worlds in this Universe; the Pleiadians/Plejaren have no exact
dates for when this was
Pleiadians/Plejaren are monogamous "after a thorough clearing up of
facts in respect to belonging together"; birth rates are regulated to
prevent overpopulation; divorce is only permissible in the worst cases
(such as when one is exiled) Pleiadians/Plejaren laws have been the same
for millenniums
Possibility of a Pleiadians/Plejaren loving an Earth human or being of
another race/world even if the other is spiritually less developed; this
is a rare occurrence
Pleiadians/Plejaren - procreation/reproduction by natural methods (not
in test tubes, etc.), as do all life forms in the universe
Higher spiritual life forms no longer procreate; only Creation is capable of creating new spirit forms
Christian doctrine of the virgin birth (Mary giving birth to "Jesus"/Jmmanuel without a human father) - a wicked fantasy
Earth humans are on more or less inferior than any other life form in the universe
Delusional religious doctrines concerning natural procreation/reproduction by sexual intercourse being "bad" or "evil"
"Virgin birth" - Mary wasn't impregnated by the "Holy Spirit" or
spiritual powers, but was impregnated naturally by cohabitation with
"the heavenly son" Gabriel, under orders from the IHWH at that time [see
Talmud Jmmanuel 1:81-86,101]
Occasionally women may become impregnated without a man due to hormonal errors
Semen of some forms of life is capable (in some cases) of remaining
alive & viable for up to 3 days after excretion, though normally
only 12 hours
Pleiadians/Plejaren marriage & procreation - some of their laws
& regulations are preserved in Earth literature transmitted by their
ancestors; number of descendants is decided by the High Council in
order to protect against overpopulation; divorce rarely happens &
only when there is a crime against the marriage laws & regulations,
the culprits being exiled; specific laws regarding marriage &
procreation, which have been observed for thousands of years, are
contained in the Talmud Jmmanuel (Chapter 12); the only alteration to
these laws has been the institution of lifelong banishment for
matrimonial crimes
Meier questions Semjase in regards to spiritually underdeveloped humans
"falling in love" with spiritually highly-developed humans - this is
possible tough rarely occurs & in such cases the development of the
one is raised by the assistance of the Pleiadians/Plejaren scientists
Meier and Semjase - their love is of a friendly nature
Many forms of "love" are possible
Pleiadians/Plejaren are connected to an alliance of planets that extend
"far into the Cosmos" and includes different solar systems; the total of
human life in this alliance is 127 billion, aside from innumerable
other non-human forms of life as well as beings (human and other) with
whom the Pleiadians/Plejaren are unfamiliar with or have no contact with
Some of Earth's neighboring planets were formerly occupied by Plejaren
races and are still important as Plejaren bases; different
extraterrestrial races from the widths of the Universe are active on the
SOL system planets for use as bases, but have not settled them &
they do not contain native human inhabitants
Claims by Earth humans of having flown in UFOs (or astral projected) to
other human-inhabited SOL System planets - nonsense & delusions
Claims by Earth humans of having contacts with highly developed
spiritual beings - also delusions or lies; no highly developed spiritual
forms have come in contact with Earth humans for the past 2000 years;
Meier is the first such contactee in 2000 years
A booklet by Gloria Lee [Gloria Lee Byrd; Cosmon Research Foundation;
"Why Are We Here by J.W. a Being From Jupiter Through the
Instrumentation of Gloria Lee", 1959; see Contact 34] - has some value
& is recommended to read for those searching for truth, but also has
many fantasies (especially concerning "godly spheres"); for those who
are more highly developed it is worthless; it is not inspired writing
but originates from the thinking of the author who suffered
self-delusion; Meier & his group exhorted to produce a guide for
understanding this worthwhile book [possibly produced by Hans Jacob who
translated her 2 books into German in 1980 & 1981]:
[search "Gloria Lee"]
[search "Gloria Lee"]
Semjase sometimes feels that Meier is a Plejaren, which he was in a previous incarnation
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Saturday, June 7, 1975, 9:08 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 5-7
excerpt in Why do the Plejarens have contacts with Billy Meier only?
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Conditions necessary for Pleiadians/Plejaren to contact an Earth human
being; except for special purposes, after which the pertinent memory of
the being concerned is eliminated (for example, the case of Isa Rashid)
H.J. and a woman will visit Meier tomorrow; matters regarding the woman
who has certain developments but is hindered by her religious
interpretations & thinking
"Religion is deadly and slaving the spirit and hampers the human being from finding the basic truth"
"Truth, knowledge, wisdom, love & all power of the spirit are unchangeable & constant"
"Religion" vs. "Relegeon" - defined
"Evolution" - 2 meanings; 1 concerning things that already exist, the other concerning things that don't yet exist
The spirit that dwells within humans "has stored only those matters
& things which it collected in the course of its material existence
in material bodies & lives"; "during innumerable further lives, the
spirit must explore further, must search, and must find; thus he must
assemble further knowledge, recognitions & experiences, which then
establish themselves in him as faculties"
"The spirit continues after the material death of the body, and exists
within spheres of living of the "other world"; "it works upon the
achieved results of the other lives, and fixes these results inside it
in what you call 'the sub-conscious'. Upon taking up the human form of
life again, the obtained knowledge and faculty is anchored in the
sub-conscious, and must evolve slowly in the human form of life to help
in new lessons and recognitions toward developing conscious talents..."
Gloria Lee's book ["Why Are We Here by J.W. a Being From Jupiter Through
the Instrumentation of Gloria Lee", 1959; see Contacts 23,28,34] speaks
of creatures from Saturn & Uranus - fantasies; there are life forms
on these planets but not like Earth humans imagine & they have
never contacted Earth humans, the same with Mars & Venus
Semjase had been to Mars recently and obtained a large ruby in a zoisite matrix [anyolite] for Meier:
She also brings him "one piece of my home world" brought by her friend
for Meier to give to his acquaintance who asked for such (see Contact
16); Meier asks her to bring him, for his collection, a piece of
malachite and an emerald (smaragd)
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Flight Demonstration [June 12, 1975, Berg-Rumlikon; June 14, 1975, Berg-Rumlikon]
4 photos
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
Berg-Rumlikon near Thailingen: additional page of notes on the photos
2 photos
[The Annotations to this contact are found after Contact 34 in Messages
From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}; the Flight Demonstration & 4
photos found in Message From The Pleiades {printed book} are located
after Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
[Monday, June 16, 1975, 1:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 69,270
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
High Council has agreed to follow Meier's suggestion for the elimination
of certain knowledge if the circumstance arises that someone would try
to force it from his mind
Meier rebuked for not beginning his lessons for enlightenment, which has
become urgent; he should begin informing the public of his contacts and
important warnings, especially concerning depletion of the ozone layer;
Meier instructed to prepare a flyer on this to send to newspapers and
television, etc.
"The atomic danger has increased again by immense proportion"
Semjase informs Meier that his mission ("execution of your task") is
within his hands, that he is not coerced by the Pleiadians/Plejaren; "As
a human being it is your duty to tell what you know and to help your
fellow creatures this way"; "You have the very troublesome preparation
work for those who will come after your time"
Meier is the first Earth human in 2000 years to be chosen for a contact
with & message transmission from a higher spiritual form, Arahat
Athersata; Meier is the first prophet of the New Age, to prepare the way
for the future truth-announcers
Former prophets became enraged by the unreasonableness & lack of
intelligence of their fellow humans, and this rage served their missions
Pleiadians/Plejaren have "no means of currency as used on Earth"; unable
to financially assist Meier; "fortune plays [gambling]...are
extraordinarily evil"
Mission of the Pleiadians/Plejaren - "to help the Earth human, within
his development", "voluntary self obligation"; "the Earth human must
take upon himself a certain obligation and bear certain things by
himself"; "If the Earth human acts according to the principle that
taking is better than giving, then he will not release himself from his
malicious egoism"; "exploitation is written in capital letters on your
"Communication with the dead", mediums (spiritualists) & séances -
95% of these are deceptions & self-delusions, magic tricks; these
self-deluded mediums are susceptible to telepathic oscillations &
tap into the subconscious of participants' experiences; people should
not attempt contacts with the dead as they can be deceived or used for
jokes by the dead; these spirit forms in the "other world" have only the
knowledge they attained in the material world, and there is the danger
of them giving credence to & spreading among the living the
religious dogmas they held
There are only 4 true spiritualists/mediums presently living on Earth
(none in Europe) capable of contacting the dead or the dead of higher
spirit forms; only these higher spirit forms would provide honest &
worthwhile information
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Special Note: letter sent by FIGU to Professor Michael B. McElroy at Harvard University (February 25, 1975; see Contact 7):
Also sent a similar letter to every foreign embassy & legation in
Switzerland, only reply came from the West German Ambassador; Lloyd
Zirbes, St. Cloud, Minnesota purported contactee by an unrelated
extraterrestrial group in the Pleiades [see Stevens' "UFO Contact From
Alcyone"; see Contact 275, fraudulent case]:
Newspaper article on ozone layer hole, August 10, 1988: "Scientists Aim
To Find Cause Of Ozone Hole" by James Gleick, as abstracted from the New
York Times
[Wednesday, June 18, 1975, 4:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase has a task to perform that will take her to the moon and other
planets in the SOL system, due to Earth scientists doing explorations of
those places
America & Russia will be cooperating on something regarding a space
laboratory in mid-July 1975 [Apollo-Soyuz Test Project]:
Pleiadians/Plejaren have followed the development of the space lab "and
also influenced it in certain measures. On the other hand we have had to
trouble ourselves for eliminations in different cases, or to help
projects fail."
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth and interfere in Earth concerns, not
necessarily with good intentions; Pleiadians/Plejaren not allowed to
interfere in their activities except if "necessary for survival, thus we
are only allowed to be active in the way of teaching"
Some descendents of the ancient Pleiadians/Plejaren (splinter groups)
still exist and live by their old [unharmonious] ways to influence other
life forms including Earth humans, appearing as "messengers of God"
trying to divert mankind from the truth with religious heresies &
delusions; some of these beings also contact Earth humans to spread
their religious deceptions either directly or through hallucinations or
Contact with Karl & Anny Viet will finally occur soon
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
[Wednesday, June 25, 1975, 2:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier born in the Aquarius Zodiac, "who are able to control very precisely their feelings"
Pleiadians/Plejaren take Meier on a flight to Saturn, in a group of 3
beamships and 3 other Pleiadians/Plejaren; Meier allowed to take photos
of the beamships during their starting and touchdown, the Earth, moon,
Mars, Jupiter & Saturn; Meier's camera "protected against the
harmful factors" by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Beamship details - lifted into the ship "by some invisible elevating
power, like a lift"; hatch closes automatically & silently;
yellow-green light coming through the on-board windows into the cockpit
which looked like an orange-red light from the outside; ship's outside
specially coated and changes color according to the atmosphere; in an
atmosphere suitable to the Pleiadians/Plejaren it becomes orange from
the outside and glows yellow-green inside the ship; when the outside
color changes, the inside color changes also; protective dress/suit for
unsuitable atmospheres equipped with sensor contacts, must be worn
before the "automatics", sluice & outdoor hatch open to allow exit
from the ship; when the ship is in the stratosphere of a planet (no
atmosphere) the windows appear transparent; windows have a special
coating to prevent entrance of all radiations except for neutralized
light; ship equipped with "control mechanisms" which allow for better
observation than looking through the windows
Before Meier, the Pleiadians/Plejaren had never troubled themselves about photo devices (cameras, etc.)
3 photos taken of the 2 other departing beamships
Meier not allowed to disclose all the details of the flight until given permission
The flight to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and back through the asteroid belt
to Earth takes 2 hours & 34 minutes (total of "3,000 million
kilometers" [3 billion])
During Meier's travels on the Earth over the past 12 years he logged 2.7 million kilometers
Meier given notice of being taken later on "a much greater journey to the Pleiades"
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
1 photo [June 25, 1975, Berg-Rumlikon]
Annotations: Core group members around Meier "were singled out by name
by the extraterrestrials and were given information, and sometimes even
objects, to let them know that they were accepted by the
Extraterrestrials..."; handling visitors to the FIGU center was taken
over by the core group members
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
3 photos
[Friday, June 27, 1975, 10:47 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier meets the Plejaren station leader Quetzal for the first time
Gloria Lee's book ["Why Are We Here by J.W. a Being From Jupiter Through
the Instrumentation of Gloria Lee", 1959; see Contacts 23,34] - Quetzal
reiterates what Semjase explained about this book & author, adding
that H.J. has disseminated the book without the introduction the
Pleiadians/Plejaren has advised be produced; comments on the character
of H.J.
Quetzal exhorts that if they give special orders that they be followed and not reevaluated with illogic & ignorance
Pleiadians/Plejaren about 3000 years ahead of Earth humans in total evolution
If a person disregards a law or regulation, they not only harm
themselves but others as well; this is a law of spiritual force &
Further comments on the character & tendencies of H.J.
Pleiadians/Plejaren insist that the contact reports as they have been
transmitted be published word-for-word rather than edited to omit
personal affairs & concerns
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "...we still do make unrecognized mistakes"
Things that have been explained and discussed once should not need repetition
Plejaren mission - "By no means do we try to exercise dictatorial
measures or to force our will or our knowledge onto Earth beings. We
only have undertaken a self-imposed mission to transmit lessons of truth
and some other things."
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Notes: Plejaren surface base maintained in the Alps near the
French-Italian-Swiss border, protected from the destructive effects of
Earth's atmosphere and the sun
[Monday, July 7, 1975, 10:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 189-190,254
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
When Karl & Anny Veit visited Meier there was a life-threatening car
engine problem found by the Pleiadians/Plejaren who accelerated "the
process of destruction of the motor"
Anny Veit's work deemed highly by the Pleiadians/Plejaren, though there
are some negative factors, specifically religious-inclinations &
being deceived by certain persons
Pleiadians/Plejaren warn Meier that he is being watched and that
"wicked-minded elements" are plotting intrigues against him; some are
accusing him of spying for foreign powers, others accusing him of deceit
to prevent the spread of truth; these people belong variously to
"religious circles" and to "a still secret organization" that wishes to
suppress & destroy the truth
Of the extraterrestrials that visit earth, some having stations here,
the Pleiadians/Plejaren are the "highest developed creatures"; the
second highest evolved extraterrestrials are a little more than 1,340
years behind the Pleiadians/Plejaren in total evolution; "If we
therefore convey explanations and interpretations, these correspond to
the highest degree of our understanding and knowledge of the highest
known truth until and with our spirit's level."
Venus - those who claim contact with beings from Venus are deceivers; no
form of humans, either materially or spiritually, exists there, though
other life forms do
Comets, wandering planets & wandering stars - different types described, their tails & courses through solar systems
"The so-called 'empty space' is not empty, because it is alive with innumerous particles and other things"
"The Destroyer" planet - origin as "a huge dark star"; course/orbit
changed to a path towards Earth; 3,453 years ago a cosmic object was
drawn into its gravity and pulled along, passing closely to Earth
causing catastrophes, all SOL planets pushed into new orbits, the object
settled into orbit between Earth & Mercury becoming Venus; Earth's
gravity slowed down and changed the rotation of Venus thus giving it
"the slowest rotation time in the whole solar system" (1 day on Venus =
117 Earth days, rotation around the 30-degree inclined axis of the poles
= 243 Earth days), heat arising from the friction causing the present
conditions on the planet
Venus - details about its atmosphere, surface, climate, etc.; occurrence with the Destroyer planet happened 3,453 years ago
Other SOL system planets contain no forms of human life
Karl Michalek - fraudulent contactee:
George Adamski - fraudulent contactee, manufactured trick photos &
due to acceptance by UFO organizations his lies became greater; in his
book "Inside The Space Ships", page 161 contains a purported photos of
him on board a Venusian spaceship, which if examined gives away his
deception due to dimensions of a model craft; further details on how he
manufactured his photos:
Gloria Lee's book ["Why Are We Here by J.W. a Being From Jupiter Through
the Instrumentation of Gloria Lee", 1959; see Contacts 23,34] should
not be spread without an introduction & explanation, though it was,
which can be dangerous due to some of the fantasies contained within
Contact reports should be unexpurgated for internal use but should be
censored of personal information for external use; if someone wants
unexpurgated reports they should be furnished to them
Notice to Meier of his upcoming "great journey" in space, which will
take him "further away than any Earth human has traveled in the last
2,000 years"; Meier asks to visit the Pleiades
Photos Meier took of Saturn trip (see Contact 27) have all turned out bad (over- or under-exposed or black)
Pleiadians/Plejaren have produced a special apparatus to assist Meier in taking photos
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Annotations: the Stevens team was under observation; Meier had 9
assassination tempts on his life up through 1983; note about a private
unrecorded discussion with Semjase in which she tells him he was one of
the Biblical prophets in a previous incarnation & was in contact
with the Pleiadians/Plejaren even then
Flight Demonstration [July 9, 1975 Fuchsbuel-Hofhalden]
2 photos
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
3 photos
[The Flight Demonstration and 2 photos found in Message From The
Pleiades {printed book} are located after Contact 34 in Messages From
The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
Letter from Karl & Anny Veit to Meier dated July 7, 1975
Letter from Karl & Anny Veit on DUIST stationary (Deutsche UFO/IFO
Studiengesellschaft) [UFO Organization] to Meier dated August 26, 1975
[Tuesday, July 15, 1975, 9:46 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in Through Space and Time, page 18
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier told to prepare for his great journey; he will photograph the
linking of the Apollo & Soyuz (Apollo-Soyuz Test Project) using a
special apparatus produced by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Hyperspace travel made possible by advanced technical developments,
eliminates the barriers of space and time, and "the barrier between
universes can be negotiated"
Asket known by Semjase
"Great-space-fitted ship" ("great-spacer") to be used for a special
journey for Meier which will take 30 hours of time away from home
traveling several billion light years from Earth; he will be allowed to
take pictures; will possibly be able to view from a distance "the
ancient home planet of our human races" in the area of space known by
the Pleiadians/Plejaren as "IHWH-HATA" ("Eye of God"), the Ring Nebula
of Lyra, which resulted from the evil designs of an IHWH who was killed
during the destruction that resulted in this predetermined by him
They will travel to "a barrier of this Universe", a trip which no other
Earth human has ever taken & will not take again for 2000 years;
travel by hyperspace & hyperleaps paralyzes time & space, thus
traveling trillions+ light years takes only a fraction of a second; "We
don't reach an end of the Universe, for such an end does not exist"
A task is connected to the journey to the universe barrier [returning a probe to the DAL Universe; see Contact 31]
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Annotations: "In another conversation, not recorded, Meier was told that
he was himself of the same spirit as the extraterrestrials visiting
him, and has lived and traveled with them before in the history of his
[Thursday, July 17, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah, Asket, Nera
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 12-13
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 10
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 19
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Human life forms - product of Creation; doesn't descend from apes;
evolution of the physical form of humans is a lengthy process, created
from the earliest primitive life, "but with the intended purpose of
becoming a human being"..."this life form, therefore, has fundamentally
been its own species since the very Ur-beginning
Meier's "Great Journey" with the Pleiadians/Plejaren, REPORT PART 1 (see Contacts 32, 34 & 35 for additional parts)
Lifted into the beamship by a transport beam; takes photos about 50
meters off the ground through the entrance hatch of the beamship;
beamship rushes up to several kilometers off the ground without Meier
noticing any change in pressure, etc.; Meier able to see through the
"windows" on board, noticing that at times the ship moves "in the
craziest movements, like a great pendulum"
Travel first to Venus
Apparatus - transparent glass-like screen to assist Meier in taking
better photos of objects outside the beamship; device recessed on its
side for generating different radiations for better pictures; size about
50 centimeters by 50 centimeters
Semjase uses a second camera (obtained by one of the Pleiadians/Plejaren) to take photos too, film supplied by Meier
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "we also own dresses of your fashion. We do need
these, because here and there we walk in your circles"; Meier proposes
Semjase go out for an evening with him (a "date")
Pleiadians/Plejaren - don't use personal identification papers; if a
Plejaren were walking among Earth humans and got asked for ID, they
would be able to "produce by the force of our thinking, sham-pictures"
(a hallucination)
Meier notices many different apparatus around the cockpit room of the
beamship, "installed within a circular control console & in the
walls" and assumes them to be for guidance & control of the
beamship, exploration devices, distance meters, radiation control
devices, etc.; viewing monitors showed things in vivid color and
Meier takes some photos of the stratum of Venus; the viewing screen of
the photo apparatus has to be closed due to the extreme heat of the
Venus - cloud cover many kilometers deep, clear at about 40 kilometers
from the surface; landscape is "wild-looking and crater-covered", some
mountains in places, much like Earth's moon; Meier sees a crashed
exploration satellite on the surface; Meier & Semjase circle the
surface of the planet 2 or 3 times; certain observational discoveries
are not allowed to be explained yet
After Venus, they visit Mercury, and then on to "the greater planets"
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Mars); close-up or detailed photos are
not allowed to be taken
Some of the existing forms of life on various SOL planets "are of
completely different character than human, and as well are not
interested in the Earth human being"; no humans live on other SOL System
planets; there are surface stations of different extraterrestrials on
some of the planets, mainly used for certain missions rather than daily
On their return towards Earth, Meier observes the linking of the Apollo & Soyuz (Apollo-Soyuz Test Project):
Also notices 5 other extraterrestrial spaceships watching it (1 of them
is another Plejaren ship); zero-sight picture screens - apparatus which
allows Meier to visibly see the 5 screened ships; Semjase uses a
radiation apparatus which makes the shell of the Soyuz capsule appear
invisible, allowing them to see the 2 cosmonauts inside; Meier observes
one of the 3 Americans bump his head inside the Apollo
Earth humans are at the very beginning of space exploration
Pleiadians/Plejaren - their technologies are thousands of years in advance of Earth technologies
Meier becomes anxious at the sight of the humans squeezed into the tiny
space capsules; this is due to some experience in a past life; Stevens
annotation #5, "Meier's former life experience as a Plejaren cosmonaut,
after that he incarnated as one of the prophets in the Old Testament"
[Henok ?]
Meier & Semjase take photos of the Apollo-Soyuz docking procedure;
afterwards Meier will be allowed to take photos of different Earth
satellites and extraterrestrial satellites; after that they travel to
the "great-spacer" spaceship stationed in the SOL system and then travel
to other systems, partly for a mission of Semjase
Beamship - peculiar-shaped chair, very accommodating & comfortable
Meier's comfortable & familiar feelings about being in space
As they approach the great-spacer Meier notices a formation of several
luminous lens-shaped ships, one of which performs a somersault as he
takes a photo of it
Great-spacer spaceship - a huge sphere the size of a small planet
(Stevens annotation, "17 kilometers"); in the lower third there is an
entrance hatch/hangar (which seems to take up the whole lower section of
the great-spacer with a height of 600-800 meters) in which are
innumerable beamships the same as Semjase's, only a 100x100 meter square
space is cleared; bright light inside the great-spacer appears "a bit
blue" and seems to come out of the glass-clear walls, behind which are
the innumerable beamships; many people occupy themselves with the
beamships, including "some kind of robots"; beyond the many beamships
are larger beamships Meier had not seen before; great-spacer contains
all technologies known to the Pleiadians/Plejaren; contains 144,000
inhabitants; everything needed for daily living can be produced inside
the ship; great-spacer has only been in use 4 years; able to negotiate
"the barrier between Universes"
Meier questions Semjase on how she knows Asket - she's aware of his
contacts with Asket directly from her & knows about his time travel
into the past through which Meier "became healed from all heresies"
regarding religions
Meier given permission to publish his Asket contact reports
Asket - after ending contact with Meier in India in 1964, she contacted
the High Council & obtained their cooperation; with the help of her
people from the DAL Universe, the Pleiadians/Plejaren obtained higher
technological abilities for hyperspace travel, which the DALs have used
for 700+ years; Asket's race is 350 years ahead of the
Pleiadians/Plejaren in technological development; they transmitted to
the Pleiadians/Plejaren the cognitions to construct the great-spacers
Meier asks about a letter sent to Karl Veit from Else Schroder, a German
girl, who was backpacking, sleeping in a pup-tent near Zahedan, Iran
when she heard a sound and went out to discover Semjase in a 1-piece
silver-gray suit with her beamship, Semjase digging in the sand with a
machine for a lost sonde ("time-spiral") [see below & Contact 40];
the probe had been lost for 3 years & was just recovered in
After entering the great-spacer, Semjase & Meier leave her ship
after awhile "because the room is atmospherically balanced &
prepared", exit by a transport beam out of the hatch onto the metal
floor of the great-spacer
Semjase uses "a small thing in her hand" to open an entranceway in the transparent walls
Small vehicle the size of a Volkswagen [Beetle] that floats 20 centimeters off the floor, equipped with very comfortable seats:
Ceiling of the hangar area also radiates a soft-blue light, looks like a
sky; in the center is a hole/shaft ("transport pit") which also
radiates the soft-blue light
Semjase & Meier in the floating vehicle float up through the shaft
about 11,000 meters to another area near the center of the ship, 100x100
meters diameter, with green fields, trees, bushes & flowers and a
town; park area has "artificial soil or similar", flowers with strange
blossoms & scents and bushes & trees like on Earth
Mount Everest not the highest mountain on Earth; measurement of mountain
height should be from the center of the planet rather than sea level;
Mount Everest is about 2,150 meters less in height than the highest
mountain which is Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador; Mt. Chimborazo "has played
in earlier times a very important role in respect to extraterrestrial
intelligences & their activities":
Another transport pit with another floating vehicle is within the park
area of the great-spacer which leads to the control center in a cupola
at the top of the great-spacer; as they travel up through the pit there
appears to be the vast open sky with stars; the IHWH leader of the
great-spacer is in the control center
Salutation ceremonies - "they are humiliating & slavish, and doggish devoting" --Meier
"I regard a human being as simply a human being, whether he is from this
world or another, or whether he is a beggar, or God in person, and
whether he is ignorant or wise, they are all of equal right. No one has
more right than any other, and nobody is more than any other." --Billy
Great-spacer - speaker system (leading to the control center)
Ptaah - "don't call him 'Dear God', because this evokes painful memories
about our very early developments. We have all-right maintained this
appellation of 'IHWH', but it now has for us a completely new meaning."
Great-spacer, cupola's cockpit control center - several kilometers in
diameter; walls/ceiling of a metal alloy made to appear
transparent by radiations from on-board apparatus, making open space/sky
visible; desk-like formations with apparatus & screens, people and
androids operating them; middle of the command center contains a 1 meter
high horseshoe-shaped formation the size of an average room, completely
covered with apparatus & picture screens
Ptaah - Semjase's father, looks to be 70-75 years old; speaks to Meier
in German (as Semjase does); his name is the same as one of his
ancestors, an IHWH who lived on Earth, his wife was Basth:
- in South America there are some traditions, tales & legends about
this ancestor named Ptah connected to the planet Venus & other SOL
planets; Stevens annotation #10, "Ptah was the chief God in Memphite
theology centered in Memphis, Egypt in the 3rd millennium B.C. and was
regarded as the Creator of the Universe. He came from the stars.":
Meier - speaks a little English and modern Greek; he & Ptaah then
speak in modern Greek without the translator apparatus as Ptaah has also
mastered modern Greek
Apparatus - language-transformer, language pattern converter, used by
Ptaah when he first spoke with Meier because Ptaah did not know German
Great-spacer control console - one instrument shows the velocity of the ship
Pleiadians/Plejaren - symbols & unit of measure
Apparatus - language-former (different from the language translator),
begins the operation of the great-spacer's language computer
"Transmit" - another term for "time traveling"
Meier tells about Arahat Athersata calling him a prophet, a title &
position that Meier doesn't like, resulting in him having stopped
contact with Arahat Athersata; Ptaah explains to Meier what is meant by
calling him a prophet, that he is a man like any other, but that on
Earth he possesses a high degree of knowledge, wisdom & love partly
due to his experiences & travels with Asket & partly due to his
receiving prophetic messages from a high spirit form (Arahat Athersata);
Meier had traveled into the past with Asket before the
Pleiadians/Plejaren had the technology to do this, which was given to
them by Asket after her travels with Meier; the idea that a prophet is
greater or better than other humans is a heresy that had been spread by
religious fanatics & deceivers; modern day prophets spread their
words through writings
Hyper-leap - during the transmission from one system to another
(hyper-leap), Meier hears "a tone, a very soft & calming singing of
metal" and feels "a great tranquility inside" himself; the
great-spacer's hyper-leap takes them 500 light years from Earth to near
the Pleiades/Plejades (211 million kilometers from the nearest star)
Great-spacer needs a security distance of 153 million kilometers to transmit/time-travel
Photo-shielding screen apparatus brought from Semjase's ship to the
control center by an android so Meier can take photos through the
great-spacer's cupola
Android - speaks to Meier, wishing him success with the photo device
& pictures; it thinks & acts independently (highly developed);
its body construction is half organic, its brain is chemical
Hyper-leap - next hyper-leap to the Orion Nebula (1,800 light years from Earth):
Meier again feels a deep tranquility and a sense of timelessness
Hyper-leap - next hyper-leap to the Crab Nebula, a star/sun that was
destroyed 1000 years ago when it changed to a supernova; distance from
earth is 3,150 light years:
During this hyper-leap Meier has realizations about being transformed into a fine-matter body for a few seconds
Hyper-leap - next hyper-leap to the Horsehead Nebula, 1,810 light years from Earth:
Hyper-leap - next hyper-leap to the Trifid Nebula:
During this hyper-leap Meier realizes that time plays a part in his
inability to come to deeper understandings of their moments in
timelessness; Ptaah says this can be remedied by doing a time-travel
into the future; detailed explanation given about the effects & the
specifics; "A single second in the timeless amounts to many millions of
years in normal space"; these aspects of travel in the timeless are
still mysteries to the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Hyper-leap - next hyper-leap to the "IHWH-HATA" ("Eye of God"), the Ring
Nebula of Lyra M57, about 5,600 light years away, the original home of
the human race, now "a symbol of wicked thirst for power & ambition,
a symbol of hate, destruction & human delusion" [see Contact 30]:
Hyper-leaps - a series of several hyper-leaps, 20 seconds apart, giving
Meier a brief time to photograph; they visit the Omega Nebula M17:
Dumbbell Nebula M27:
Planetary nebula NGC 6781:
Helix Nebula NGC 7293:
Globular cluster NGC 7089:
Helix Nebula & NGC 7089 are both in the Aquarius constellation, NGC 7089 being @47,000 light years from Earth
Last hyper-leap for the day to the Andromeda system, @2.2 million light
years from Earth; after which they will begin the hyper-leap to the
Universal Barrier, during which they will give Meier an opportunity to
experience 7 minutes in the timeless:
During this hyper-leap Meier observes himself and notices for a split second he can not see his body
Pleiadians/Plejaren space/time travel - "Distances are no problem for
us, and we can unhesitatingly jump anywhere back and forth through
space, and don't have to do this in any sequence."
Meier asks Semjase to write a letter or some words on paper for Meier's group
Plejaren alphabet - Meier copies them along with the pronunciations from
Semjase's explanations; there are no umlauts or other pronunciation
keys; 11,000 years old, taken from Plejaren scientist ancestors on Earth
who based the patterns on star formations seen from Earth; script
composed of circles (representing stars) and lines; older letters/script
was much more complex; no longer used on Earth, but was in use
centuries ago, often changed; some current Earth scripts are altered
forms of this Plejaren alphabet; Earth scripts brought by "the heavenly
sons & daughters" ("the ones responsible for the re-emergence of
Earth humans [from savagery]")
Meier observes in Semjase certain characteristics that are peculiarly
female & speculates that all female human forms in the universe
manifest certain traits that are specific to women; Ptaah concurs;
Semjase blushes - "she is influenced by feelings, even though she
cleverly hid them"; "It is not always good to know the feelings of
others." --Semjase
Great leap (hyper-leap) - jump 7 minutes into the "eternity"; feelings
& sensations at that time are different than in normal material
life; Pleiadians/Plejaren unable to receive Meier's thoughts &
feelings at that time
Pleiadians/Plejaren - need technical assistance for "true word repeats" of what has been thought and/or said
Apparatus - booths near the screens in the control center which "are
equipped with all necessary means to store up feelings & thoughts";
thought impulses stored in a special computer from which they can later
be repeated word for word; helmet, shapeable & adaptable in size,
equipped with very fine sondes (probes) & a "fine-meshed net of
sondes which pick up every kind of energy & transforms it into
impulses which are then transmitted to the computer"; "the energy of
thoughts & feelings is measured in very high values" and "exist only
in very high frequency fields (hyperfrequencies)"; Meier sits in chair,
places his head under the helmet cap which adapts itself automatically
to his head, closes around his whole head leaving the face open, 1 and
1/2 centimeters between his skull and the helmet
Hyper-leap, Meier's ecstatic experience "inside the timelessness" -
sky/stars change "in a fraction of a second they are nothing more than a
whitish milky mass, a shining mass", then there is darkness, then "all
is merging into a golden color, and now everything is like
silver...everything is merged into glistening light"; feelings of
tranquility & peace, all encompassing love, "I am eternity, and I am
inside of eternity", "loving voices calling for me", "I can't see
myself", etc.; Semjase explains "under no circumstances or conditions
are we allowed or able to remain, until we have reached that level of
consciousness"; Semjase embraces Meier to stabilize him after the
Caltos - last star in the space Meier/Pleiadians/Plejaren were traveling in; twice as large as SOL
5 "blue stars" beyond Caltos, actually 11 stars, self-radiant; photos
taken; life (even spiritual forms of life) are rarely possible on these
stars with a few exceptions of creatures no bigger than 70 centimeters;
"not all creatures breathe oxygen like ourselves & Earth humans"
Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus - no life forms (material or spiritual)
existing there; not really planets; difference between planets &
stars explained; "both are inhabitable by creatures of sorts, stars as
well as planets, if atmospherics and other circumstances permit it"
Jakob Lorber (1800-1864, Austrian mystic):
- Meier read books by him, specifically about Saturn & the planets;
"there exist on Earth many humans who write such kinds of books and
other literature...these are products of fantasy"
"In a few cases, such inspirations are true, but they never contain religious information."
"Religions exist solely on your own Earth. They do not exist anywhere
else in the Universe. Some space-traveling people have brought Earth
religions to other planets but only for the purpose of studying them."
Jesus Christ - "...these delusions of your world..."
"Spiritual evolution is impeded through the false teachings of your religions, which currently dominate your Earth."
"...for many millenniums on many worlds of the Universe, the Earth human
represents the most materialistic creature development, deficient in
spiritual evolution for the run of millenniums. It is a known fact on
many worlds, that the Earth human being defies (real) spiritual growth
and develops himself only within gross materialism." --Ptaah
"This, precisely, is a real danger, for as soon as the Earth human
becomes master of the technologies for space-drive and travels to
strange worlds, and brings them by power of his weapons or lies or
deceit under his control, so also will he include in his doing, the
crazy spread of his religion to his conquests, and the existing
universal harmony will be destroyed. ... And just to prevent this
occurrence is a great and difficult mission for spiritually developed
space-traveling forms of life." --Ptaah
Asket, huge DAL Universe beamship a few hundred meters from the great-spacer
Great-spacer - "metal box" beside the control console with a one meter
diameter hole/pit in the bottom lighted by bluish shining light; Meier
steps inside and slides down the pit to the hangar section
Meier - must accomplish his mission in order to evolve
Huge DAL beamship - Meier & Semjase arrive into the port & exit
to the floor of a small hall with metallic light-radiating walls all
around; opening appears in the wall leading to a room with very
comfortable seats & dishes
Meier goes to meet Asket, she notes his missing arm & offers to
produce a half-organic prosthesis for him, he declines citing possible
dangers if Earth humans learn of it
Nera - female, Asket's deputy (Second Coordinator); Asket is the First Coordinator (not the ship commander)
Stalor - male, DAL ship commander
Nera - on Earth at various times long ago; observes Meier as having
"overcome the horror of death planted in you by religions"; states they
(the DALs) will come to Earth again long after Meier's death
DALs - don't differentiate between the sexes as far as capabilities; DAL beamships crewed by male & female
Meier - "...Asket determined in your contacts that you are able to deal
with female forms of life better than male. For that reason it is only
logical for us to make contact with you mainly with female forms, and to
use male forms only for certain things." --Nera
Semjase returns a "recording device" back to the DALs (partial purpose
of this great journey with Meier); DALs researched a new technique for
time-transmission, for which they developed small spiral-shaped sondes
(probes) which they transmit from the DAL Universe (theirs) to the DERN
Universe (ours), including Earth; they had sent a probe to Earth that
got lost due to a small error in time calculations, landing several
thousand kilometers to the east of its intended destination, Semjase
retrieved it to return to the DALs; see Stevens annotation #18 - Else
Schroder, a German girl, was backpacking, sleeping in a pup-tent near
Zahedan, Iran when she heard a sound and went out to discover Semjase in
a 1-piece silver-gray suit with her beamship, Semjase digging in the
sand with a machine for the lost sonde ("time-spiral"); see Contact 40
Meier takes photos of Asket & Nera:
Asket explains why photos taken inside their ships or immediate
surroundings turn out poorly (energy radiations which disturb images on
film, especially color film); the photo screen apparatus from Semjase
would not work in the ship either; photos of Semjase, Asket & Nera
also taken (private, unpublished); photos of Semjase may be allowed in
the future when "she is no longer vulnerable on Earth"; Asket "will not
come to Earth again for a long time", so photos of her are OK; "contrary
to Semjase, Asket & Nera do not wear space clothes, but normal
clothes (for them), which actually are rather different from those
[Meier] knows of Earth women's fashions"
Asket speaks with Meier about his failures in getting his mission
started, tries to persuade him to use Karl Veit's "UFO Nachrichten"
publication for that purpose, Meier says the Veits would not be
interested in his mission
"We do not come to you to command you, but to advise you, within certain
matters and directions. We are not allowed to order you or to explain
to you in advance, (what) the future is bringing in certain matters. If
you knew this, then we would deprive you of certain development, which
you irresistibly must go through." --Semjase
Meier given notice of last public beamship sighting for photo purposes;
"Whoever will not be contented with this, for him it would be better if
he no longer troubles himself in this matter. Only satisfying one's
desire for sensation is meaningless for our mission. ... Earth
terms, we are further developed forms of life, and no longer able to
move in such levels of mind as Earth beings." --Asket
"Insane" Earth individuals "are only underdeveloped"
Prophets - "For to adjust to all tasks in the existing laws of Creation,
each world creates, in cooperation with the Universe, from time to
time, each according to level of evolution, one or more creatures of
advanced development through whom necessary facts may be transmitted.
These higher developed creatures have been called Prophets on Earth..."
Other extraterrestrial intelligences "who move in the Earth realm" are
of different evolution levels ("some by only a few centuries"); "some
Earth humans have had real contacts with such extraterrestrials, and
others take such reports and elaborate them with fantasy, thus creating
new stories. There also appear lesser developed intelligences who thirst
for command and want to keep the scepter over Earth humans, and
conscious of the affinity for religions on Earth, they learn to apply
them for their own purposes..."; "but behind these contacts are menaces
too, which Earth beings can see when wars and catastrophes befall them.
Many powerful leaders of Earth are unconsciously led astray by such
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
5 photos
A few weeks later a complete reproduction outfit (printer, collator,
etc.) arrived from an anonymous donor which allowed for the publication
of the "Stimmer der Wassermanzeit"
Immanuel Velikovsky, "Worlds In Collision":
1976 Astronomy Magazine Meier verification of Venus details
U.S. Geological Survey National Observatory (Flagstaff, Arizona) Venus relief map
John Ballou Newbrough, OAHSPE book 1881 automatic writing:
Meier's contact notes with Asket of the DAL Universe (see Stevens' "UFO
Contact From The DAL Universe With Asket Of The Timmers Society"):
Bad quality of the photos taken using the Plejaren photo screen
apparatus & other photos aboard the ships, including Asket/Nera
photos, some photos in the Meier photo albums placed in by friends were
ones he collected to describe certain things and became taken as being
real photos from beamship travels, some bad quality photos taken by
Semjase for Plejaren scientists to study were never returned; "most of
the photos made aboard the [great-spacer] not using the special screen
were 'lost' in the processing line of handling from [the photo]
laboratory back to Meier and he never saw them."
Messages From The Pleiades vol.1 additional contents [CD-only material] --
National Geographic Magazine clipping regarding Mt. Chimborazo being the highest mountain on Earth
"Plajaran Symbols"
The Pleiadian Alphabet [circular chart/graphic]
Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 additional contents [CD-only material] --
Cover photo [March 29, 1976 Hasenbol-Langenberg, Switzerland]
Fly leaf photo [March 28, 1976 Bachtelhornli-Unterbachtel, Switzerland]
Humanitarian Interest
Special Authorization
Astronomical chart of the Pleiades/Taurus region
Note [on the Table of Contents]
Swiss Contact Notes Index: Wendelle Stevens' cross-reference topical-summary table-of-contents
Break [missing binder 3 of Stevens' Contact Notes; this note states
incorrectly that the contacts continue with Contact 45--the contacts
actually continue with Contact 53]
"Asket Reports" material as found in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
7 Apollo-Soyuz photos
3 additional photos
Letter from Elsa Schroder to Karl Veit describing her experience meeting
Semjase in Zahedan, Iran, dated March 8, 1975 from Antakya, Turkey
Sketch of Ptaah by Christian Krukowski
Plejaren alphabet table by Semjase
Handwritten letter from Semjase to the group of friends around Meier
Universal Barrier photo
Sketch of Asket by Christian Krukowski
[The primary English-language source for these listings & summaries
is Wendelle Stevens' eBook (CD-ROM only format) "UFO Contact From The
DAL Universe With Asket Of The Timmers Society", which is, again,
incomplete, expurgated and an often incorrect translation of the
German-language Contact Reports as contained in "Plejadisch-plejarische
Kontaktberichte Block 1".
EXPLANATION [August 30, 1964 Mehrauli, India]:
Meier's first UFO sighting at the age of 5 on June 2, 1942 9:00 a.m.
with his father; feels like he had seen these things before; he was
ridiculed as a strange boy; learned to "read" people; observed the skies
& saw other UFOs; thinks he saw these objects in a past life,
perhaps on another planet; feels like a stranger on Earth though he
knows it well; has learned to see into the future but keeps quiet about
it; recognizes that he is a wanderer & traveler through space, time
& lifetimes; on his 7th birthday February 3, 1944 he hears a voice
inside himself instructing him to learn by its transmissions; he seeks
guidance from Priest Zimmermann who explains the nature of the voice
contacts; Meier begins telepathic contacts with Sfath; Meier blamed from
troubles in his home village & was placed into asylums from which
he escaped into the forest; he was placed into a maximum security
psychiatric clinic in Rheinau from which he escaped, breaking his foot
in a fall from the 2nd floor, escaping the authorities by swimming down
the Rhine River; enlists in the French Foreign Legion, taking him to
Algeria; he escapes from the Foreign Legion, experiencing 2 and 1/2
months of hardship; he spent 4 and 1/2 years in asylums & prisons
before departing for foreign countries for 12 years; Sfath tells Meier
he is to be prepared for a great mission in life for which he was
selected before birth & has been under Sfath's protection, witnessed
by his recovery from imminent death by pneumonia at 6 months of age as
verified by Dr. Strebel; Sfath explains Earth is beginning a new epoch,
changing from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age which reached its crux
at 11:20 a.m. on February 3, 1937, Billy's birth date (11:00 a.m.);
Meier's first physical contact with Sfath was in the summer of 1944 in
the Horagen Forest; Sfath's pear-shaped ship 5-6 meters in diameter, he
speaks to Meier in his native village dialect, takes him on board the
ship for 4 hours & flies 70 meters above the Earth, transmitting
knowledge to him; Meier sees out the ships viewing screens which Sfath
explains are not windows and that similar monitors are being developed
on Earth; Sfath explains he will care for Meier until the early 1950s
when his care & instruction would be handed over to another in
preparation for his mission; Sfath explains World War II (WW2/WWII) will
end next year in 1945 following an event similar to what happened to
Sodom & Gomorrha [nuclear bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Japan]; Meier estimates Sfath's age as 90-95 years old; at the end of
this first contact Meier has an apparatus with wires placed on his head
which awakens knowledge & abilities in him which he is never to use
egotistically or for profit; automatic blockade implanted into him as a
protection against using his abilities wrongfully or attempts at
penetrating his knowledge; Meier never sees Sfath again, but hears his
voice inside himself imparting knowledge; his last telepathic contact
with Sfath was February 3, 1953, a few hours after which telepathic
contact with Asket began; he was educated by Asket until 1956,
especially spiritual lessons; Meier secretly visited special schools
with the intention of becoming a priest; Asket instructs him to learn
other religions which he joined (from Protestant to Catholic, Buddhist,
Hindu, Jew, Muslim, etc.) ending in June 1969; in his 12 years of
travels he worked at 320+ jobs/professions; lost his left arm in August
3, 1965 in a bus accident in Iskenderum, Turkey; met his wife Kalliope
on December 25, 1965 in Greece, engaged to her on January 25, 1966,
eloped on February 25, 1966 & married on March 25, 1966 in
Corinthos, Greece; around 2:00 a.m. on February 3, 1953 he was
instructed by Asket to proceed to a location where he would meet her for
the first time; these reports were written with Asket's assistance
using apparatus that recovers word-for-word conversations & the
thought impulses behind the words
SKETCH of Sfath's ship with Sfath & Billy by Christian Krukowski
Meier's introduction to the first meeting with Asket on February 3, 1953
around 2:00 a.m.; her ship is matte-silver colored & disc-shaped
with 3 landing spheres; inside the ship is only 1 chair & no one
around, he sits and soon the imminating light inside the ship goes out
and the ship & his body seems to disappear; Asket telepathically
informs him about about his family & his future family; after a
flight into space the ship "reappears" & then lands in Jordan where
he gets out; another ship lands and soon Asket comes out &
approaches Meier when he feels "a loving radiance which penetrated into
me"; she seems familiar to Meier & Asket tells him to consider his
other lifetimes; her clothing also seems familiar, different from
Sfath's "diver's suit", a silver-white pleated gown to her feet with a
waist belt; Meier boards Asket's ship & they fly off with the ship
becoming invisible as his transport shuttle had before; they fly to the
Great Pyramid of Giza & land near the Sphinx & a Bedouin
camp--this was the essential beginning of Meier's life mission; they
maintain their invisibility & Asket attaches a device to Meier's
belt to keep him invisible away from the ship; to test his invisibility
Meier approaches the Bedouins, tugs on one man's cape & then kisses a
young girl twice in a tent & then all the ladies in the tent, no
one noticing his presence; Asket & Meier enter the Great Pyramid,
descend a long way to a gate through which they pass, on the other side 2
men stand guard [Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences]; Asket & Meier descend
a long way down carved stairs (@300-400 meters below the pyramid) until
they come to a large illuminated hall where a @300-meter diameter
disc-shaped spaceship is parked (similar to one he had seen in June
1942); Asket pulls Meier aside to a small platform where he sees "a very
old, big & heavy wooden cross", 3 ancient hand-smithed nails with
dried blood (like the 3 brown-black stains on the cross), an old garland
of large thorns, a 2-meter long black wooden stake, a purple colored
coat & a small leather bag with bright precious stones spilled out
from it [hoaxed articles of the crucifixion of Jmmanuel]; Meier
remembers Sfath's comments that Christianity was a wicked, stupefying
& enslaving work as were all other Earth religions; Meier struggles
with his Protestant upbringing & Sfath's words in the face of this
"proof" of the crucifixion; Asket & Meier leave back the way the
came, passing the guards & the gate, up & out of the pyramid,
departing in their shuttle & ship back to the departure spot in
Jordan, where Asket taught Meier for 2 days
ASKET'S EXPLANATION [February 3, 1953; written down September 1, 1964 in Mehrauli, India]:
Meier Wiki:
Asket's people from the DAL Universe, the Akon System
There are several universes around the DERN Universe, some in other planes of time & space/dimensions
DAL Universe is the parallel universe to the DERN Universe
Asket's people came to the DERN Universe for exploration 3,300 years ago
Earth humans are descendents of those who once populated the Ring Nebula of Lyra:
Higher developed life forms are obligated to assist lesser developed life forms, this being a Creational law
Earth humans are on a dangerous course (religions & politics)
Earth humans will soon walk on the Moon
Earth humans have advanced their evolution in technical & material
sciences but not spiritual evolution which has been suppressed by
materialism; religion is a major obstruction to spiritual evolution; no
where else do such religions exist as they do on Earth
Less than 1,130 years ago 3 space traveling races came to Earth &
secretly contacted Earth priests, learning religions & thinking
themselves falsely led by their own Creation philosophy, thus adopting
Christianity & spreading it among their home-worlds, which destroyed
the peace they had known for thousands of years by generating conflicts
& wars which spread to 2 other worlds; other space traveling races
became aware of this & intervened & forbidding Earth religions,
destroying all religious materials; further visits to Earth were
forbidden with the decree that if a ship became stranded on Earth it
& the crew must eliminate themselves; this regulation was exercised
when a large ship was stranded in Russia & had to build an atomic
bomb to destroy itself & the 4300+ life forms aboard [see Tunguska
Earth humans capable of destroying themselves with nuclear weapons; this
happened before on Malon (Malona, Maldek); to prevent another such
occurrence is the duty & mission of more advanced races & life
forms, because if the Earth was destroyed it could result in system-wide
catastrophe possibly affecting other star systems & universes
"We are forced to interfere in the machinations of religion and politics
for power, and to force leading personalities to reduce their
intrigues..."; the DALs only have until Autumn-1974 to prevent Earth's
destruction, "but we have good expectations"
Meier's mission - "to initiate the Earth mankind into the real truth, to
bring the way of real peace and love"; when Meier comes to public
attention their will be great power struggles with America, Russia &
China vying for enslaving world government & the Zionists (with the
help of Christian religions) will try to subjugate the Earth through
bloodshed; "Zionism is a tool of the world enslaving forces..."
"Evolution must be allowed to run its course. As well, though we may not
like such, we cannot disturb the course of history." --Asket
Prophecies for the future 20 years:
Joseph Stalin - murdered by a quickly-eliminated poison on March 5, 1953
by internal elements because he was friendly to Zionists
Nikita Krushchev - will be forced to be dismissed in 1964
John F. Kennedy - will be murdered by secret order of the CIA on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas
Robert Kennedy - will be murdered by secret order of the CIA in 1968
Pope John XXIII - will be murdered in 1962 by the same quickly-eliminated poison that killed Stalin
Pope Paul VI - will be murdered by quickly-eliminated poison due to intrigues of the Cardinal/s & Zionist extremists
King Paul I of Greece - will be murdered by quickly-eliminated poison in 1964:
Constantine II of Greece - will be exiled by a revolutionary military regime in 1967 due to being an exploiter of the nation:
'Abd Allah III al-Salim al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait - will be murdered by poison by his relatives in 1965
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt - will be murdered by poison in the mid-1970s:
King Faisal bin Abdelaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia - will be shot to death by his relatives in 1975:
Asket & the extraterrestrials have not come to interfere with
Earth's religions or politics or to lead Earth humans, but to prevent
the catastrophe & prepare Meier for his prophethood
Earth's religions - established by humans to enslave humanity in order
to attain riches & power promised to them by the Giza [Gizeh]
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - want to control Earth humans & uses
religions to do this; they have infatuated & marveled Earth humans
for centuries through apparitions of every kind; built a center under
the Great Pyramid of Giza in order to accomplish these "marvels"; they
built the underground hall below the Giza Pyramid where their spaceship
has been stored for thousands of years; the crucifixion items Meier saw
earlier are manufactured hoaxes
"You have to learn to find the truth by yourself, and to evaluate what you find..."
Meier informed that he will be taken on a journey into the past to the
year 32 A.D. [present Earth calendar isn't correct; differs "by a few
years"] to learn the truth about Jmmanuel & his prophecies
EXPLANATION [written down September 2, 1964 in Mehrauli, India with Asket's memory assistance]:
Meier has a "security block" (generated by Asket using some apparatus)
that doesn't allow him to speak about certain things without permission
Asket & Meier leave their 2 ships for a stroll and come upon Jitschi
(Iljitsch Ustinow [Ustinov]), a wandering 59-year old Russian man who
was camping here in the Jordanian mountains by the Dead Sea; they sit
and have tea, bread & dried fruits with him; they promise to meet
him again (at his insistance) on February 7th [1953]; they return to
their ships to sleep (the seats inside the ships convert to couches); in
the morning Asket has breakfast ready and they eat on a table that had
been pulled out from the ship's wall; the unknown-to-Meier food was a
type of thick fruit drink colored yellow-white & food prepared from
fruits & vegetables; afterwards Asket brings a large vessel of water
which they take outside the ship & place on the ground to wash
themselves with; the remainder of the day they stayed inside the ship
where Asket taught Meier many things
ASKET'S EXPLANATION OF FEBRUARY 4, 1953 [written down September 4, 1964 in Mehrauli, India]:
The created universes, cosmic bodies & creatures "is meshed into a
perfect scheme of mathematics"; the elementary formulas consist of the
important numbers 3, 7 & 12; 7 x 7; the ebb & flow of creation;
cycles; creatures must develop at their own pace; the insanity of the
Earth humans is shown by their destructive use of atomic energy, atomic
bombs which impregnated Earth's atmosphere with deadly clouds which
injure all of nature & produce climactic changes; Earth humans must
change & observe the laws of Creation, get rid of their egotism
& until that is done Earth humans can not be helped by
extraterrestrial intelligences; Meier's prophethood & mission to
begin in less than 20 years, he will face hardships & denials but he
will be helped by slowly growing groups of friends all over the world;
he should not expect help from UFO organizations who "stand by their
intrigues & machinations"; Meier's first contacts with other
extraterrestrials will be within 10 years; there will be interruptions
in his contacts & his life will be threatened
EXPLANATION [of February 4, 1953; written down with Asket's memory assistance on September 10, 1964 in Mehrauli, India]:
Asket promises to take Meier back to Jordan on February 7th; Meier
returned in the ship back to where he was first picked up 2 days
previously; on the 7th Asket returns and takes Meier aboard her ship and
they travel back to the same spot in Jordan
AT THE DEAD SEA [with Asket's memory assistance on September 10, 1964 in
Mehrauli, India]:
Asket explains that she will take Meier on travels into the past to
witness events that have been distorted by history; she tells him his
future will be difficult, painful and like living in hell; "we are not
able to change your fate, because this is not within our power"; Earth
humans are unable to handle knowledge of their own future events, but
Meier is an exception; Asket tells him about his future [omitted from
the notes]; he will lose his arm in Iran, shortly before which he will
be given the nickname "Billy"; 8 months after losing his arm he will get
married; in the first 10 years of his marriage he will have 3 children
which he will name Gilgamesha, Atlantis & Methusalem; until early
1975 Meier will have no further contact with extraterrestrials; in early
1975 another extraterrestrial will come into contact with him & he
will then begin his mission; Meier is exhorted to fulfill his mission
quickly because his death cannot be delayed; he is told the exact time
of his death; in the second half of 1975 a German UFO group will lead an
attack against him; by 1975 he should not use the name given to him in
Iran ("Phantom"), but use his birth name "Eduard" which means "keeper of
the treasure"; during this time (@1975) an American statesman will do
great things, being called "Peace Angel", but he will be "struck by a
heavy accident" and unable to prevent a war between Israel & the
Arab states; Israel is and has been for millenniums the most
power-hungry nation and will continue to be "the cause for quarrel,
dissention, conflict & bloodshed"; Meier will be accused of calling
all other contactees deceivers, but the truth will come out that most
true contactees ("those selected for a mission") remain silent; Meier
will write down all these words from Asket in 1964 with her help because
they have the means to repeat spoken words from even centuries ago;
when Meier & Asket travel into the past he should remain near her so
she can also register his thoughts & feelings in her subconscious
for later recall; in their time travels Meier will be assisted with a
language transformer/translator instrument (small, carried on the belt)
for communicating in the various languages they will encounter
EXPLANATION [of September 10, 1964, Mehrauli, India]
ASKET'S EXPLANATION OF FEBRUARY 8, 1953 [with Asket's memory assistance
on September 10, 1964 in Mehrauli, India; involving Eduard, Asket,
Jitschi & Jechieli]:
Hearing a shot outside, Meier & Asket arise from sleep to
unexpectedly find Jitschi (Iljitsch Ustinow [Ustinov]) waiting for them
outside the ship; Jitschi thinks Asket is an "angel sent by God" which
she states are wrong beliefs; he begins quoting Jesus in the Bible but
she corrects him on the name & the quote which was never spoken by
Jmmanuel; he joins Meier & Asket as they first travel back to 13th
Century France under the reign of Louis IX (St. Louis; 1226-1270:
there Meier notices an abundance of birds, cleaner air & clearer
skies; they stay for only about half an hour before traveling again
EXCERPT from the German book "Phantastische Vergangenheit" [The
Mysterious Past] by Robert Charroux, pages 97-98, sent by Mrs. B. Sauer
on September 18, 1975 (section about Jechieli's "electrical lamp" in
EXPLANATION [of September 11, 1964, Mehrauli, India; written down with the memory assistance of Asket]:
Process of time travel transmission took @10 minutes, the actual "jump"
from one time to the other lasted only a fraction of a second; during
the process the ship would grow dim & then "not exist", nor would
Meier, feeling an "endless calming peace"
Asket guided Meier & Jitschi for the next 6 days into different
times in the past & the future; what Meier saw & experienced led
him to know that what current science & history states is often
inaccurate or false; among their travels they went to the year 32 during
Jmmanuel's life "to examine there, at the real places, those events
which are so differently described now"
ASKET'S EXPLANATION [partial statement of Asket's explanations on
February 9, 1953 during the second visit to the Cheops-Pyramid of Giza
[Gizeh] in Egypt]:
All the pyramids on Earth were built when the star sign Lyra stood in
the sign of Cancer; the reason for their construction by the "Heavenly
Sons" (the "essential settlers of this world") is not allowed to be
told; they remained unused until about 300 years before the Great Flood
(which occurred 10,000 years ago); King Sahluk lived @300 years before
the Great Flood, his son Saurid was a clairvoyant who dreamed about a
great planetoid crashing onto the Earth & causing great destruction
& flooding; King Sahluk had astrologers & scientists study &
calculate the matter which resulted in the king's decree to restore the
pyramids & use them for shelter for the disaster to come in 300
years, stocking them with food, covering their outer layer with lime
mortar for protection from the water & impressing marks into the
mortar announcing the coming disaster for all to be aware (this decree
was followed by his descendents & governors); when the Destroyer
came the people locked themselves into the pyramids
Horses - not brought from Europe to Asia but originated in North America
North America - was inhabited by human space travelers & their
descendents until @50,000 years ago when they quarreled among
themselves, invented an atomic bomb & depopulated the continent as a
result of nuclear war; different animals, including horses, were
eradicated; the horse of that time is called in modern terms
Some present day place names in North America are the names used long ago
There are some evidences of the nuclear insanity of long ago as seen in such places as "Death Valley" [California]:
and "Valley Of Fire" [Nevada]:
Other of Asket's explanations to Meier deal with events of the past
which will not have full meaning until the distant future; these
explanations will be kept in silence by Meier as they may adversely
affect the future if known; this is a Creational law, "never try to
influence the future against its destiny if one knows it"; Earth humans
are not mature enough to know & deal with events of their future,
"events of the future have to be explained to him in masked form and by
circumspection by which he is motivated to think, and begins to search";
Meier has learned to overcome the fear brought about by knowledge of
the future due to the assistance of his extraterrestrial friends; he is
not insensitive to these coming hardships
DEAD SEA IN JORDAN [written down with Asket's memory assistance and by
their apparatus on September 14, 1964 in Mehrauli, India; involving
Eduard, Asket, Jitschi & Jmmanuel]:
Asket takes Meier & Jitschi to the year 32 A.D. (at the same
location they stood in the year 1953) to learn the truth of what
happened with Jmmanuel first-hand, which is very different from what is
reported in the Christian gospels; they are given clothes from Asket's
homeland to wear underneath coats from the year 32 that Asket previously
obtained (they would look like "angels" if they removed their coats to
reveal the DAL clothing underneath, which is silver-white, shiny &
pleated); Asket also gives them "head coverings"; they will mingle among
the people as they did in 2 previous journeys into the past
They transmit to the year 32, land the ship, and begin walking towards
Jerusalem through the mountains; after 4 days they arrive at the Mount
of Olives & the village of Bethphage near Jerusalem:
During their 4 days of walking Asket explains to them behavior &
other things necessary for interacting with others during this time; she
also has a bag of old coins which she shines to look new "using some
radiations" which will be used for purchasing items in their journey;
during the 2nd journey into the past Jitschi was also given a language
converter instrument
Jmmanuel & his followers approach where Asket, Meier & Jitschi
are; Jmmanuel alone approaches & greets them & they in return;
he instructs Jitschi to go & sit with his followers; he knows Asket
& Meier's name due to foresight & "force of spirit" which allows
him to "pass through time & explore it"; Jmmanuel answers Meier's
questions before he asks them; he speaks of his lessons he spreads as
being the old lessons of the prophets which have been distorted by the
Scribes & Pharisees of his time into an enslaving cult, making
Creation into a human "God", instilling fear into the people; he is
hated for denouncing their falsehoods & spreading the true
teachings, & is pursued & "will not escape the Myrmidons":
but he has a mission to fulfill in his time as does Meier in his time;
the Scribes & Pharisees "murder in the name of love and justice, but
mean by this only their thirst for riches and power"; he knows that in
the future he will be made the center of a cult "which will bring evil
consequences"; his coming crucifixion "contains only body pains, which
still can be scattered by the force of spirit. Indeed this is the way it
will be, and then I will have finished my mission..."
In Jmmanuel's time only a few could write; he learned to read but lacked
the time to write down his lessons; his lessons were "the great lessons
of all time, the lessons of Spirit, the lessons of Creation, which are
imperishable for all time"; he learned them the same as Meier did &
also "stayed a long time in the far India lands, where I also learned
further lessons. The lessons preached by me are not originally from
me."; the most important lessons & events are written down by his
scribe Judas Iscarioth, which will later be preserved & discovered
in Meier's time for him to spread & make accessible to the people;
already (in the year 32) these scrolls are being sought to use to accuse
Jmmanuel & to destroy them; one scroll was already stolen from the
bag of Judas Iscarioth by Juda Iharioth the son of a Pharisee who sold
it for 70 pieces of silver to Jmmanuel's pursuers to use to accuse him
of blasphemy; Jmmanuel instructed Judas Iscarioth to rewrite the texts
again & preserve them well; Judas Iscarioth was not Jmmanuel's
betrayer, rather it was Juda Iharioth who had also stolen the scroll;
Juda Iharioth's father spread the lie that Judas Iscarioth was the
betrayer so as not to dirty the name of Iharioth & also that the
Scribes & Pharisees could say one of Jmmanuel's own followers
betrayed him; Juda Iharioth was the one who hanged himself in the "Blood
Acre" ["Field Of Blood"; Haked-damm, Aceldama, "Potter's Field"]:
Jmmanuel tells Meier that if this fact is known in Meier's time he will
be accused of lying, blasphemy & arrogance, especially saying that
he met with Jmmanuel; at this point, Meier had "traveled back into the
time of Moses, where you also found many new truths"; Jmmanuel warns
Meier to be aware of attacks especially from the cultists of his time
who falsely call Jmmanuel "Savior" and equate him with the Creation, as
well as attacks from critics and "false realists"; Jmmanuel, up to this
point in time (32 A.D.) has never been called "Jesus Christ", but "this
will happen with Paulus", one of his strongest enemies, who in a way by
founding Christianity establishes his own religion, "Paulinism" so to
speak; the Judas scrolls that Meier will spread will be accused of as
lies & a new lie about them will spread that Jmmanuel is not the
same person as "Jesus Christ"; concerning the celebration of Jmmanuel's
birth as "Christmas" on December 24th, it is the festival day of a
blood-thirsty deity from Persia [Mitra, Mithra, Mithras]:
rather Jmmanuel's birthdate is February 3rd & as for celebrations
honoring a dead person, honor is due the one honored but never to become
a cult or "a commerce for riches"; Jmmanuel knows where the preserved
scrolls are kept in Meier's time & will tell him where "at a later
time" though Meier is not allowed to retrieve the scrolls from their
hiding place as "that is provided for another" [Isa Rashid]; the scroll
that Juda Iharioth stole contained only part of Jmmanuel's teachings,
and "these teachings will be the basis for all falsifications"
[contained in the Christian New Testament]; this scroll will be [in 32
A.D.] completed by the priests & scribes, adding falsifications in
order to distort the teachings/lessons & use them to accuse Jmmanuel
& so "the humans of Earth can be beaten into slavery, subjected to
spiritual poverty, by which they can be unscrupulously exploited...";
when Jmmanuel taught he never equated Creation with god (a human, a
"king of wisdom" & a ruler of human races, like a Cesar or a king on
Earth); "The Creation is the immeasurable secret of every creature and
being"; there is some value in religion but not in their dogmas;
"relegeon" (meaning "re-tied-together") and "religion" defined, they
"can only then form a harmonic unit if dogmas are removed from them";
"the truth always has to be obtained by struggle"; Meier & Jmmanuel
will meet again "and talk about many matters"
The rest of the Asket contact reports from 1953-1964 have been hidden too well by Meier so that he can't find them
[Monday, September 8, 1975, 2:16 p.m.; thought transmission
+ thought transmission, Tuesday, September 9, 1975]
Contact persons: Semjase, Asket, Nera, Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 161-162
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Double-exposure photos of Semjase's beamship over a hillside where a
group of people were standing (April 20, 1975); photos destroyed by
Semjase; Asket & Semjase discuss why she illogically allowed this to
Meier's contact notes with Asket of the DAL Universe (see Stevens' "UFO
Contact From The DAL Universe With Asket Of The Timmers Society"):
, all lost reports to be retransmitted to Meier by Asket; Meier
presently rewriting the Contact Notes with Asket from 1964 with her
memory's help, "all about the events and conversations are stored by
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 2 from July 17, 1975 aboard the
Plejaren great-spacer [Tuesday, September 9, 1975; thought
Stevens annotation: Predictions - "He was advised of a series of events
that would transpire, involving him and also others of our world."
"You are only then allowed to tell of these things after they have happened." -- Asket
Nera to Meier - "Perhaps we will meet another time again, but this may be many years from now."
Photo screen apparatus from Semjase - "always the half-oval form of the
frame appears in the view"; Stevens annotation - "This part of the
special viewing screen frame showed up in several of the Apollo-Soyuz
docking photos we had seen before they disappeared in a theft at the
Meier house. When those slides were printed this was usually lost in the
picture cropping."
New photo apparatus from Asket to be used on Meier's next travel
Semjase to Meier - " may be a long time. Before another journey, I
will first "abduct" you into another dimension"; Parallel worlds - "Each
planetary body has different parallel worlds, as well with your home
world, the Earth. These parallel worlds exist in super and sub-ordered
dimensions, thus strange for your normal time. On such parallel worlds,
nearly everything is the same as in the world of normal time. Only small
differences prevail, especially with respect to times. And so to such a
parallel world I want to take you." --Semjase
Semjase wants to leave and return, Meier suggests a short time leap during which he will become "some seconds younger"
Universal Barrier - return to the DERN Universe; "we will stay a little
time at the barrier, to close it again", "we are not allowed to let it
simply fall together, but must close it systematically"; "from Universe
to Universe, there are only a few points in the barrier which can be
used for passage. They should not be strained or overburdened, else the
structure is damaged..."; "the whole process of closing is programmed,
and is performed automatically"
After closing the universal barrier Meier & Semjase will "jump into
different systems", visit some planets & other forms of life; "We
can only allow our ship to become visible on the fewest of these worlds.
So also we can not leave our ship..."
Religion - Plejaren negative remarks about religion are only "addressed
to a certain form of religion", "the uninformed ones are sure to think
that all religion is being discredited"
Lessons - defined
Spiritual lessons - "the hitherto offered lessons and explanations by
Semjase are only the foundation stones for the essential now following
main work"
Religion - "When hitherto Semjase only spoke of Earth religions in
negative form, then it was because the Earth human had to be made
attentive to the error in his religions, ...for these are like nowhere
else in this Universe"; "They control the Earth human and the whole
planet, and retard your world thousands of years, in Spiritual respect.
Every Spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions and find no
progress. Your religions still contain real worth, but this becomes so
indiscernible that only few people are able to see the effective truth
there. These few who are able to see the real truths from the scripts,
are banned and confounded by those dependent on these wrong beliefs, and
thus cannot spread the truth. When Semjase speaks in negative form
about Earth religions, she is addressing the falsifications in them
which have been built up partly consciously. The Earth religions are
only called such in name, but are just degenerate cults."
Rel-e-geon & Religion - defined; "religion can not exist without
rel-e-geon, just as relegion cannot exist without re-ligion"
IHWH - defined, vainly termed "God" by Earth humans; defined as
"He"/"Him" bears witness to the human-ness of "God"/"Creator"/Deities
Ptaah to Meier - "You are awake inside. You have become wise."; Meier -
"many humans say that I am a fantast and far from the truth..."
Earth-built UFOs (beamships) - only equipped with "explosion
[combustion] motors" & recently with "repulse drives having a thrust
effect" ... "and lately also atomic", "they have problems"; first ones
designed & under construction in 1941; first test flights mid-Feb.
1941 reaching altitudes of 12,500 meters, speeds a bit more than 2,000
kilometers per hour; Adolph Hitler ordered them to be built, most plans,
equipment & apparatus destroyed but some overlooked were discovered
and "from this, different groups developed the today existing ships in
disc-form of Earth origin"; largest was nearly 100 meters in diameter,
"a number have been constructed"; some have crashed, people seeing them
think them to be extraterrestrial UFOs:
Some evil-minded extraterrestrials who attack Earth or become lost here, but not of much importance
Many observations of UFOs & "abductions" are Earth people acting
deceptively to trick people into thinking they are Extraterrestrials,
angels or other "Godly" messengers working for the welfare of mankind
when this only serves for espionage
Preparation for the next hyper-leap, "we will show you some very different and interesting things"
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
2 photos [friends on a hillside with Semjase's ship; double-exposure]
[Friday, September 12, 1975, 10:57 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier & group spot a 600-700 meter in diameter spherical
"small-spacer" ship on 10 September 1975 at 8:45 p.m. which disappeared
into a black artificial cloud, Meier able to film it; object seen again
on 11 September 1975; Semjase explains it was the same ship Meier saw on
20 April 1975 (see Contact 12) which belongs to a group of a few
thousand evil-minded intelligences (similar to the Giza [Gizeh]
Intelligences) who want to kidnap Meier as well as control Earth humans
through religion; Pleiadians/Plejaren have been able to "control their
limits", though "in certain matters they are equal to us, and we have
our need for them"; Meier always carries a gun (a heavy .44 revolver
with holster)
Bermuda Triangle - certain things [there] which belong to Extraterrestrials; many occurrences there trace back to natural events
Satan - "only a product of the fantasy of your Christian religions"
Meier instructed that he will have to "write down many facts of the essential spiritual lesson"
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
"Ra", "The Law Of One" book by Don Elkins & Carla Ruckert:
Meier's accuracy with a gun, drew & shot a 5-franc coin tossed into
the air, hit a postage stamp at 100 feet at dusk, shot the hat off a
running man who attempted an assassination of Meier (shot in chest,
bullet deflected by a book & metal tag); "to this date" 10
assassination attempts on Meier & several contrived accidents
[Sunday, September 14, 1975, 1:43 p.m.
+ thought transmission Tuesday, September 16, 1975]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hans Jacob received a letter from 41-year old Alois Rickenbach of
Mannedorf, Switzerland claiming to have had a séance contact with Gloria
Lee [author of "Why Are We Here by J.W. a Being From Jupiter Through
the Instrumentation of Gloria Lee", 1959; see Contact 23]:
, as well as contact in 1961 with an extraterrestrial from Alpha
Centauri named Sefh (who befriended Rickenbach while on Earth for 11
months) who told him about the future (1975) Plejaren contactee in
Switzerland (Meier) that Seph was aware of through Time-Visions; details
about Rickenbach etc. were found after Ptaah used a "fan-shaped
analyzer" in the region
George Adamski - false contactee:
"Ashtar Sheran"/"Asthar Sheran"
Thule Society - secret society in Germany, "use telepathic forces &
have much knowledge of extraterrestrial technologies, occurrences &
intelligences"; seek to elevate the white/Aryan race on Earth; "all is
screened by spiritual forces that are difficult to penetrate":
Bermuda Triangle - natural dimension doors; extraterrestrial bases stationed there
So-called "appearances of the saints"
Contact conversations - "...I need the apparatus which recovers the
knowledge word for word from my sub-conscious and transmits this to you
in thought form. No material creature has an unlimited force of memory.
This is first attained in pure spirit forms, when the spirit can lay
aside the material body...and be nearer to the existence than to the
life." --Semjase
Meier remarks on Semjase's beauty, "I have often asked myself whether I
should not one time take a bite out of you"; Meier's wife was jealous of
Semjase but has "calmed down"; Meier has begun going for contacts
without his wife knowing because "she quickly influences me"
Arahat Athersata - "He has already joined the level of existence of pure
spiritual form"; only the [Andromedan] High Council "who are already
half-spiritual forms" can get in contact with him, "Like this also are
the facts in respect to 'other worlds' forms of life, when these forms
still are bound in material bodies"
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 3 from July 17, 1975 aboard the
Plejaren great-spacer [Tuesday, September 16, 1975; thought
Extraterrestrials from a planet in the NESAR system - a group lived on
Earth 1,067 years ago mixing with Earth humans & lived on Earth
about 50 years studying the Christian religion; they took those
teachings to their home planet; many "temples to God" were built on
NESAR planets; after 5 years hostilities broke out between families over
these religious ideas & increased & spread to other planets
causing war which lasted 7 years & destroyed stars & planets
even creating a black hole in the NESAR galaxy; prior to this they had
lived in peace for 17,000 years; other extraterrestrials intervened to
stop the wars, forbidding the NESAR people to return to Earth
After another hyper-leap they have traveled 960 decillion (
) light-years from the SOL System to the Galaxy of "ASAP" to the planet
"Desmon" inhabited by humans "something like equivalent to your Middle
Ages" who live in "greater villages" like those in Earth's oriental
regions; a second nomadic race also lives here in huts made from plants
& bushes; there is a giant sun in this system "which will die after
some millenniums"; there is a moon 4 times the size of Earth's moon
which will rush into the giant sun in about 3,200 years "because the 3
cosmic bodies work slowly towards one another"; the humans on Desmon
will have developed technologies which will enable them to escape the
planet, if this doesn't happen "then help from outside would be brought
in. This is an obligation under cosmic law"; Meier & Semjase unable
to talk with these humans "nor on any of the worlds which we will visit
in the next few hours"..."we are only allowed to be seen where the
concerned evolution allows this"
Next hyper-leap 700 sextillion light-years from Earth to the Galaxy of
"Nepon", the system of "Lesa" with 2 sister planets of immense size (one
is inhabited by human forms of life) and their giant moon 520 times
larger than Earth; "on these worlds also we will undertake a short
flight"; Meier takes photos
Next hyper-leap, still in the "Lesa" system ("which is very extensive
and must be crossed in hyper-leaps"), to a planet in similar size to
Earth that has oxygen and an Earth-similar atmosphere but the surface is
more like that of Venus; the planet has "quite primitive plant &
animal life but was in earlier times more populated. A cosmic event
destroyed all and reduced it to stone for millions of years. For some
millenniums now the conditions are changing again and new life is
developing itself"; waste-, water- & forest-regions, and desert-like
landscapes consisting "partly of massive rock, mountains, and very
fried and brittle stones"; mountains no taller than 2,000 meters and
look similar to the mountains on Venus; Meier able to photograph through
the beamship's hatch opening "for the atmosphere is very well suited
for all of us"
Next hyper-leap 30 trillion light-years from Earth to the Galaxy "Mara",
the system "Taro" with an enclave of stars; "most worlds of this system
appear blue in color"..."are all still actively volcanic, and after
some millions of years the first life will start developing itself on
Flying over one of the volcanic worlds of "Taro" Meier spots a "flight
machine", Semjase tries to contact it "with some of her instruments, and
also talks in a not understandable language for [Meier], characterized
by fully strange melodics ("a speakable language of signs or symbol
pictures"), and speaks into an instrument" but has no success since the
creatures "do not maintain intergalactic communication"
Next hyper-leap 480 quadrillion light-years from Earth to the Galaxy
"Deron", the system "Exes", "this star cluster consists only of volcanic
worlds which radiate their own light is still rather dark on
these worlds. The light only penetrates to the outside, but is not able
to illuminate the world's surfaces"; Meier photos some volcanoes
Next hyper-leap to a system with a star cluster (3 billion kilometers
from the beamship) and a giant ice-world planet 11 times larger than
Meier asks about the security distance from planets needed in
hyper-leaps, why Ptaah doesn't observe that in these hyper-leaps; he
explains "with my ship we have much better capabilities for overcoming
distances. The technologies of our ship enables us to also neutralize this process it is possible for us to achieve a safe distance
in less time and to then transmit"..."on the one hand we neutralize the
time until shortly before the point of departure, and on the other we
generate in the space a neutral timeless tunnel through which we can
then overcome within a split-second the short distance for safe
position"..."the timelessness tunnel is indeed easier to handle than a
hyper-leap. Such a tunnel can only be generated within certain
distances, in which the sort of environment must always be regarded. In
different galaxies and systems the different energies limit the extent
of a timelessness-channel..."
Meier asks if "there exists in our Universe forms of life at about the
same position in evolution as we humans on Earth"; "The variety of The
Creation knows no limits." --Ptaah
After this great journey Meier will be one half hour younger in relation
to other Earth humans; his wristwatch "always goes crazy when I get
near Semjase's ship"; he is not tired, hungry or thirsty during this
long trip because he has eaten some Plejaren fruits & vegetables for
dinner which are more nourishing & thirst-quenching than Earth
produce, able to calm hunger & thirst for up to 90 hours; Stevens
annotation - Meier given an apple grown on the Plejaren great-spacer
which he gave to Guido Moosbrugger who saved it for months, it hadn't
begun to rot even up to the time of examination by the
Stevens/Elders/Welch team because "produce grown aboard the ship was
cultivated free of destructive bacteria"; Meier not tired because the
air aboard the great-spacer has higher oxygen content than Earth air
"and also the compound of other elements is somewhat different", "the
different composition of the air keeps us awake longer and in need of
less sleep than is the case on Earth"
This great journey has lasted for more than 2 Earth days (by Meier's
watch), and another day will be needed "before we will bring you back";
Meier worried about his wife's complaints of him missing for more than 3
days, Semjase reassures him that they will undertake a time travel
which will result in him only appearing to have been away from home for
about 24 hours
"Miracles" versus logical reason - "In earlier ages for the human beings
of Earth, visible proofs were necessary, to give them certain forms of
thinking. By these visible proofs they started to believe in marvels,
and went astray again. The present time of Earth has passed for visible
proofs, and there must only be the way of clear and logical reason and
clear mind." --Semjase
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Annotations: "Perhaps we are, after all, only the bacterium infesting a
spore-like planet in a flower-head universe in a garden of universes on
one side of a rock..."; Stevens team asked Meier about ancient works
which talk about Earth humans visiting other planets, "...he knew
nothing about them. He did know of other writings in the Ashoka Ashram
which we have never heard of. Truly, the leaders of Earth humanity have
carefully selected what they want us to read and know, and have just as
carefully suppressed and hidden other knowledge they did not want us to
be aware of, and they have been doing this for millenniums. An adjunct
of Meier's mission is to help break this cycle."
This contact is incomplete in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 additional contents [CD-only material] --
Sad Note [missing binder 3 of Stevens' Contact Notes; this note states
incorrectly that the contacts continue with Contact 45--the contacts
actually continue with Contact 53]
Annotations [for Contact 24 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Spacecraft Photographs [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
2 photos [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
2 photos [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
4 photos [as found after Contact 7 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
2 photos [as found after Contact 11 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
4 photos [as found after Contact 14 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Special Note By The Publisher [as found after Contact 14 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
1 photo [as found after Contact 16 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Annotations [as found after Contact 45 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
4 photos [as found after Contact 46 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
Spacecraft Photographs [as found after Contact 49 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 49 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
40 photos [as found after Contact 49 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 49 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
9 photos [as found after Contact 49 in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 24 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
4 photos [as found after Contact 24 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Flight Demonstration [as found after Contact 29 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
2 photos [as found after Contact 29 in Message From The Pleiades {printed book}]
Sad Note [missing binder 3 of Stevens' Contact Notes; this note states
incorrectly that the contacts continue with Contact 45--the contacts
actually continue with Contact 53]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
Letter from Alois Rickenbach to Hans Jacob regarding Gloria Lee, etc.
2 Newspaper articles regarding a ship sinking in the Devil's Triangle & the Hatchet murders of 4 officers
2 sketches illustrating "other world/other dimension storms"
Newspaper article regarding Patricia Hearst
7 photos from the Great Journey
[Tuesday, September 16, 1975, 9:14 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 32,33,209,230-231,258-259
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 4 from July 17, 1975 aboard the Plejaren great-spacer:
Planets exist with a similar evolution as Earth humans, such as the
planet "Kartag" in the system "Neb" in the Galaxy "Aratom"; on Kartag
war is practiced and there are atomic sciences; the system of Neb "is
under control of a highly developed form of life which troubles itself
for the prevention of catastrophe"
"Interference can only be performed if recognizable catastrophe of great
extraplanetary extension announces themselves."; "Each creature must
take its own path of evolution, even if this includes self-destruction."
" is a law which is well established in nature. What degenerates
negatively is thus destroyed so that it can not menace the better
forms." --Ptaah
Next hyper-leap to the planet Kartag; Kartagians don't have airplanes
but flight machines more like beamships; don't drop bombs but use
rockets with guidance systems; their atomic missiles are stronger &
more dangerous than those on Earth
Next hyper-leap to the Galaxy "Beberas", the system "Kras", the planet
"Neber"; giant dinosaurs live there, Meier wants to touch one; Meier
& Semjase fly over the planet, masked from sight; humans live on
Neber but not native to the planet, they were "displaced there"; "On
ancient worlds human creatures do not yet exist, because they rise
normally in later times."; humans on Neber "have become wild &
degenerate" over millenniums "as this was as well the situation on
Earth"; Neber humans consist of 2 different human races from 2 different
planets, they constructed research stations & pyramids (for
protection from the hostile environment); the home world of one of the
races was damaged by a cosmic catastrophe, stranding that race on Neber;
the home world of the other race suffered a devastating unknown
epidemic that killed all humans, stranding that race on Neber; over time
the technology of these races deteriorated due to the wet climate,
causing their descendents to slowly become primitive
"The human form is indeed a creation of The Creation. It does not
descend from any animals, as for example the monkey, as some of you on
Earth believe"; evolution (or degeneration) of the human form explained;
reflexes; self-preservation; Earth humans need oxygen, like the
Pleiadians/Plejaren; "vegetative state"
Final hyper-leap/transmission back to a location near the SOL system
Meier - "I feel at home on Earth - even if it often appears strange to
me"; "Each form of life is connected by moving feelings towards its
home" --Ptaah
Plejaren planets - each planet has only 1 nation & 1 government
which "functions as an executive institution" subordinate to advice
(based on the Creational natural law) of the High Council; "Our teachers
in spiritual evolution trouble themselves by every means at their
disposal to study the spiritual development of each single creature"
High Council - the essential government of all the Plejaren planets;
doesn't live on Erra "but on a very special planet"; consists of
half-spiritual/half-material humans in a state of transition; "able to
communicate with higher pure-spirit forms, which is impossible for
pure-material forms of life"..."the oscillations (vibrations) of the
spiritual spheres are much higher than we can generate"; "Earth beings
can only come into contact with those of about the same position in
evolution. This is a safety measure in Creational Law..."
"In the whole Universe are found innumerable forms of space-traveling
life, humanoid as well as non-human races"; alliances between
like-minded races, also occasional conflict; alliances are "instituted
to watch over locally inhabited space", exercised by Great-spacers (huge
spaceships); due to the variety of creatures in the universes,
"conflict is a way of life", though "wherever possible this does not
result in elimination of forms of life, materials, etc. because every
creature needs its evolution"; Earth humans descended from Plejaren
Other extraterrestrial creatures occasionally contact Earth humans; this
happened more often millenniums ago when many humans knew of the
existence of the "Heavenly Sons", including trading with them;
interference from evil-minded persons (Earthly & ET) decreased the
extraterrestrial contacts with Earth humans resulting in loss of
knowledge about Extraterrestrials; some "less beneficial"
extraterrestrials secretly built stations on Earth & fostered cults;
other extraterrestrials tried to assist Earth humans in their evolution
Age of Pisces ("epoch of fishes") "cleared the way for a new chance [for
Extraterrestrials] to enter Earth affairs without being noticed"; even
before the Age of Pisces, prophets were chosen & prepared to assist
Earth human evolution; why landings & contacts are done secretly
(not publicly); "When the epochs change, so also do the minds of the
forms of life.":
Age of Pisces - "characterized by religious fanaticism"
Age of Aquarius - characterized by searching & exploring; one of the
main reasons why certain humans are now being contacted by
extraterrestrials again; "Age of Aquarius demands thinking &
spiritual evolution of the humans of Earth. This can not be achieved by
seeing & listening with the physical organs only, but only by
reasoned thought"; "his interest is only aroused by secrets for which he
can hunt..."
Earth's magnetic field disturbed by atomic explosions, influencing its
rotation & orbit, resulting in displacement of the magnetic poles
(North Pole now in the Canadian Ice Sea, South Pole moving in the
direction of South America); by the year 3000 the North Pole will be in
Saudi Arabia (between Jidda & Mecca), the South Pole in South
Atomic explosions like Hiroshima & Nagasaki - elementary radiations
effect the "pure atmospheric stratums...which cause electrical energies
in great very high frequency ranges...near the
ultra-violet spectrum" mixing with oxygen to generate "huge quantities
of ozone" in the lower atmosphere; "this ozone value increases 34 fold a
short time after the explosion", which destroys "in wide surroundings
all micro-organisms of wide variety, which are of critical importance
for the preservation of Earth life. Then a short time after the
explosion the ozone values decrease drastically to very low
levels"..."certain elementary effects penetrate all matter & endure
for hundreds of years"; elementary radiations also effect the ozone belt
Atmospheric lightning produces ozone - "lightning cleans"..."nature
herself always generates just as much ozone as necessary to guarantee
Van-Allen Belt - "this belt consists especially of caught by the Earth
magnetic field, electrons & protons, which have a life-important
function for Earth existence"; "exists at a height of 1,000 kilometers
average. The charged particles are in constant movement, and that on
spiral courses from pole to pole":
Contactees - about 17,422 real Earth contactees
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - contact different Earth humans & take
them on flights into the cosmos, much more than the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - influencing an Earth couple to misguide
masses of people into death, announced a gathering for September 14,
1975 in Waldport, Oregon [Heaven's Gate cult; Bonnie Lou Trousdale
Nettles & Marshall Herff Applewhite]:
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have taken 3 Earth humans on cosmic flights in the 1900s
Other extraterrestrials kidnap Earth humans, seldom returned to Earth - happens rarely
Other inhuman extraterrestrial races "rob Earth human beings";
Pleiadians/Plejaren "not allowed to interfere by force", though attempt
to contact such extraterrestrials to prevent these kidnappings
Plejaren weapons - "in every case are intended for defense alone, but
never designed for attack"; "every single race of a form of life in the
Universe disposes of weapons of some kind"; self-preservation; dialogue
leading to reasonability is the first step in defense, fleeing if that
fails, fighting if that fails
Akart [Acart] - planet in the next inhabited star system 5 light-years
from Earth; different worlds in that system are inhabited by humans who
differ little from Earth humans, though they are some years advanced
(technologically & spiritually) beyond Earth humans, having already
achieved space flight & visit Earth often; they have a space station
mid-way between their world & Earth; they narcotize themselves for
cosmic space flight due to severe pain associated with it; Akart,
approximate size of Earth, is overpopulated (23 billion), they come to
Earth to collect seeds of plants, vegetables, fruits & grains; they
collect foodstocks on other less-populated planets; Akartians are rather
peaceful, though suffered much & currently live in a dictatorship;
people from other populated planets in the system of Akart are unable to
help the Akartians being "still too much caught up in the material
& worldly things" (see Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Acart":
Nearly all extraterrestrials will abandon Earth "if certain circumstances come up"
Open contact between Pleiadians/Plejaren & Earth humans "is not provided for still a very long time"
Peaceful & harmless extraterrestrial race to officially visit Earth
(landing in America) "before the year 2000" (according to Plejaren
probability calculations) "if unanticipated factors before then do not
put this enterprise in question"; "they will announce themselves to you
first by radio & television, and prepare Earth men for their
arrival, and will then land with one of their egg-shaped ships, which
will be used by 8 to 12 other forms of life"
Meier's mission - he has prepared a lecture on the Pleiadians/Plejaren;
Ptaah urges him to make this information public, "for which you have
been impressed in the form of a prophet"; Hans Jacob opposed to Meier
speaking negatively of other UFO cases; lectures to be given with
request for donations not fixed fees; "you may have renounced
materialism, but you have to feed your family as well as yourself.
Remember, each work must be worth its earnings."
"Live well and become just for your mission." --Ptaah to Meier
Message From The Pleiades additional contents --
Conclusions: "we had...a specimen of extraterrestrial plastic-like
material,...spacecraft sounds captured on 4 different occasions, and
once before 13 other witnesses...with 4 audio tape recorders all being
used simultaneously"; There have been 17 assassination attempts on Meier
up to 1988
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
2 Newspaper articles regarding the Heaven's Gate cult meeting in Waldport, Oregon 1975
10 photos from the Great Journey (including cave men & dinosaurs)
4 additional photos
Newspaper article regarding the North Pole wandering towards Mecca
[Monday, October 20, 1975, 1:57 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 42-43
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Petale - defined
Arahat Athersata
Adolph Hitler
Thule Society:
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak
Ten Commandments
"telenotical" - word defined
Position indicator (apparatus) - Meier uses it to see 2 days into the future when Mr. J. will phone him
"Area analyzer" - apparatus
Francisco Franco - death prediction:
Francisco Franco - prediction confirmation letter to Hans Jacob
High Council
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
1 photo [Meier, 1980]
Preface [volume 2]
Letter from FIGU/Meier to Hans Jacob regarding the death of Francisco Franco, dated October 10, 1975
Letter from Hans Jacob to FIGU regarding the letter they sent, dated October 28, 1975
Certification letter by Hans Jacob
3 Newspaper articles regarding the death of Francisco Franco
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 additional contents --
Letter from Hans Jacob to Meier dated October 13, 1975
Letter from FIGU/Meier to Hans Jacob regarding the death of Francisco Franco, dated October 10, 1975
3 Newspaper articles regarding the death of Francisco Franco
Letter from Hans Jacob to FIGU regarding the letter they sent, dated October 28, 1975
[Monday, November 3, 1975, 7:43 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Zeta Reticuli Intelligences
Betty Hill & Barney Hill:
"Radio-photography" - apparatus
Fantomas - French film character [played by Jean Marais], looks like Zeta Reticuli Intelligences:
Crystals from the Pleiades & Venus
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Thursday, November 13, 1975, 9:36 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak
Knowledge & truth
Negative & positive forces
Kamagol I
Religious cults
Great pyramid of Giza:
Kamagol II
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Negatively-influenced humans in Germany, America, Argentina & Brazil
Daniel Fry - contactee:
Professor Joao de Freitas Guimaraes - contactee: [half-way down]
Viktor Schauberger - contactee:
Gustav Meyrink - contactee:
Ray Stanford - contactee:
Mario Bertossi - contactee (see Contacts 38,51,63)
Albert Einstein - contactee:
Albert Schweitzer - contactee:
Charles Hickson - contactee:
Calvin Parker - contactee:
Betty Hill - contactee:
Barney Hill - contactee:
3110+ other less-important contactees
Josefina Burkman - contactee
Yuri Gagarin - contactee:
Dr. James E. McDonald - contactee:
Rudolf Steiner - contactee:
Alois Rikenbach - contactee
Horst Raps - contactee: [entry 25]
Professor Charles A. Maney - contactee:
Wilbert B. Smith [Wilbert Brockhouse Smith] - contactee:
3 other world-recognized publicly known contactees - not named
Guided "real vision" contacts - defined
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
"Spiritual forces which lie sleeping in the subconscious"
Jmmanuel - feeding of the 5000 with bread
Artur Berlet - contactee (see Stevens' book "UFO From Acart: From Utopia To Reality")
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak "contactees"
Herbert Victor Speer - "Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak "contactee"
Ventla Verlag books (Karl Veit, publisher)
Francisco Franco - prediction confirmation letter to Hans Jacob
Bermuda Triangle
"Several worlds & several dimensions"
Parallel world to ours
"World" with "3 nearly like kind planets in one line in it"
Dimension leading to Earth during the age of the dinosaurs
"Dimension door" - "opens to different dimensions or spheres"
Dimension leading to Earth during the future
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
2 non-case photos [February 22, 1967, Mt. Shasta, California, photo by
David Wuliger; Fall 1987, Mt. Shasta, California, photo by Carl Harper]
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Wednesday, December 3, 1975, 1:37 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 28-29
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 16
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Scanning instrument for photographing" - apparatus
Arahat Athersata
Bermuda Triangle - "dimension portal"
Beamship - radiation shield
"Energy bales" that circle the Earth
"Passion for adventure"
Jehova - "god" of the Christian religion, died "around 2,150 years ago";
Pleiadians/Plejaren call him "Jehovah the Unjust and Cruel"; he ruled
during the same period as another kind JHWH
Meier pilots the beamship around the Earth & the Moon
"Arimo" - word defined, "hold on"
Beamship - "normal drive"
Beamship - automatic guidance control, "3 buttons in the hole"
Semjase - reason & logic
Jehova - drawing by Semjase
UFO observers - data not tracked, but near "1 billion"
Contactees - 17,718 with conscious or unconscious contact
Contactees - 3,902 involuntary/accidental since 1900
Contactees - 31 of the 3,902 accidentals with some importance
Contactees - 173 of the 17,718 with half-important meaning
Contactees - a small number of the 173 are known publicly
Contactees - 24 of the 17,718 with greater importance
Contactees - of the 24 only a few are known publicly or are dead
Contactees - 1 of the 17,718 important for fulfilling a prophecy
Contactees - 723 giza [Gizeh] intelligences contactees
Contactees - 27 of the 723 gi contactees have come to public attention
Contactees - 36 deceptive "contactees" who never had contact
Contactees - 7 of the 36 deceivers have come to worldwide attention
Contactees - remaining 29 of the 36 deceivers known on a lesser scale
Contactees - by higher spiritual forms, only 16 worldwide
Contactees - by medium-level spiritual forms (other dimensions), 268
Contactees - by lower spiritual forms, data not tracked, many millions
"Medium level spiritual forms" - 70-90 years in advance of Earth humans
"Other World" spiritual form contacts - dangerous, low intelligences
Time travel - the riddle of the process
Extraterrestrials - 91% who visit Earth have plain human forms with differences
Extraterrestrials - 9% look other than human (animal-like, etc.)
Extraterrestrials - 4.5 meters in height
Extraterrestrials - 40 centimeters in height
Extraterrestrials - "some look like yetis, cyclops, small goliaths"
Extraterrestrials - drawings of various forms who visit Earth
Extraterrestrials - of all visiting Earth only 5.7% have contact with Earth humans
Age of Aquarius / "Anti-Christ" Age - defined
Atomic War - 99.8% probability not occurring
Mount Shasta - subterranean town of Hyperborean extraterrestrial descendents
Mount Shasta - descendents divided also into Alaska & Aleutian Islands
Hyperboreans - 12,000-13,000 years ago colonized Earth (white races)
Hyperborean IHWH (name not given)
Methusalem [Methusaleh]
Noah - ark built by Hyperborean IHWH's guardians, landed on Mt. Ararat
Meier - "traveled 43 lands of the Earth"
Scanner instrument - apparatus
"Lightcable" - apparatus
Meier - told by Semjase he will have to look for a new home
Asket - in 1956 told Meier about family life becoming calmer late-1975
Meier - anti-materialist
Semjase - Meier cuts a tuft of her hair as a "remembrance"
Bermuda Triangle - dimension passage that normally does not exist
Bermuda Triangle - one dimension passage into 3 different Earth times
Bermuda Triangle - another dimension passage into Earth's future
Future Earth world - inhabitants sometimes penetrate into our time
Protective suit - for Meier to explore dimension of ancient Earth
Ancient Earth world - movie film of exploration (dinosaurs & landscape)
Ancient Earth world - 2-hour exploration by beamship
Ptaah's "grossrama" (literally "great spacer") - space ship
Photo of Ptaah & Meier in their protective suits
Future Earth world - inhabitants are "470 years beyond your time"
"Middle world" - not explored, "not of such importance"
"Overdue beamship of a form of life known to us from our dimension"
Space-analyzers - apparatus
Arahat Athersata
High Council
12 Commandments
Salvador Villanueva Medina - deceptive "contactee", wrote a book ["Yo Estuve En Venus" (I Was In Venus)]
George Adamski - false contactee:
Earth humans - forefathers defined
Pleiadians/Plejaren - 3,500 years ahead of us in development
"Adonis" - ancient Greek word, physically beautiful humans
"The Beauties"
Earth humans - physical form, beauty
Material things - limitations
"Forces of thinking" - effect on others
"Age of each creature" - factors
Earth humans - life span in earliest times was 1,007 years but due to
religious false teachings & turning away from natural laws it became
reduced by 20 times; life expectancy is on the rise in the New Age due
to recognition of truth & spiritual direction
"Heresies and other misguidance of religions" - effects
Precious metals, stones & crystals - dangers
"Right thinking" - defined
"Value of the spirit"
Materialism & anti-materialism - defined
Mount Shasta
Aleutian Islands:
"Winds between East & West" or "North & West"
North Pole - in Enoch's time, located where Florida is now
Hyperborea - average yearly temperature 24.7 Celsius
Tir Nan Og - "Green Lands", "Land of Youth"
Amitaba [Amitabha]
Jmmanuel in Florida
Agharta / "Agharti" - subterranean kingdom near Shingatas & Shampulla
Meier in India met the "blue human beings"
"Earth moon of the 3rd earth" (future) - space stations
Future earth humans "of this dimension & time" - character & culture
Photos of venus, the moon, saturn & jupiter
Jupiter's "red spot"
Photos of Asket & Nera - their female look-alikes in America [as per
a private email from Peter Ruffini, Web Director, Dean Martin Fan
Center, January 7, 2007: "The photograph is a blurred shot from the Dean
Martin Show during one of the concert spots in 1971. The two girls are
(with their names back then): Susan Lund (Brunette); Michelle Della Fave
(Blonde). Our organization's founder is still in touch with both (and
was there on the set of the Dean Martin Show when these were taken).";
Susan Lund, a.k.a. Susan McIver, a.k.a. Suzan Lund]:
Spaceships of future Earth humans - like those in "Orion" TV movie
Impulse contact information sent to authors, artists, scientists, etc.
"Earth in another Universe 500 years in the future"
Photo of "double Earth" (mentioned by Stevens)
Photo of Pteranodon in flight (mentioned by Stevens)
Photo of Igaunodon-type dinosaur (mentioned by Stevens)
Photo of a "plantimal" creature (mentioned by Stevens)
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Sketch of IHWH Jehova by Semjase done on Wednesday, December 3, 1975
4 photos
[Thursday, December 18, 1975, 2:29 p.m., thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's mission
"Theckla" - fictitious "girlfriend" of Semjase made up by "Mr. H"
Else Schroder - accidental contact with Semjase in Zahedan, Iran (see Contact 31)
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Letter from Elsa Schroder to Karl Veit describing her experience meeting
Semjase in Zahedan, Iran, dated March 8, 1975 from Antakya, Turkey
[Wednesday, December 31, 1975, 2:40 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Religious UFO sects
Pleiadians/Plejaren procreate the same as Earth humans & all other material life
"Mental procreation" - defined, "a very seldom event"
Artificial impregnation - dangers
Pleiadians/Plejaren - procreation when the husband is infertile, 2 possibilities
Pleiadians/Plejaren - sexual stimulation
Semjase's husband
Pleiadians/Plejaren - birth process the same as with Earth humans
Pleiadians/Plejaren - benefits of natural child birth, dangers of pain-killers
Pleiadians/Plejaren - physical maturity at 12 years of age
Pleiadians/Plejaren - spiritual maturity begins at 70 years of age
Pleiadians/Plejaren - minimal age for matrimony is 70 years old
Pleiadians/Plejaren - love (defined)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - education of children
High Council
Pleiadians/Plejaren - differences of opinion between spouses
Evolutional law - 2 different-oriented poles have to come together
Jmmanuel - drawing by Semjase
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Sketch of Jmmanuel by Semjase done on Wednesday, December 31, 1975
[Wednesday, January 7, 1976, 00:19 a.m., thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 27-29
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - first assassination attempt
Intuitive dream warning
Pleiadians/Plejaren - disposition of cadavers: burial, cremation, elimination
Meier - burial directive
Auric forces in a cadaver can linger for centuries or until the skeleton is gone
Transplants - dangers
Pleiadians/Plejaren - scientifically able to regenerate body parts (except eyes)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - capable of producing artificial organs & limbs
Pleiadians/Plejaren - housing
Pleiadians/Plejaren - no currency system
Pleiadians/Plejaren - factory work performed by robots & androids
Pleiadians/Plejaren - household: maximum of 5, the 2 parents & 3 children
Pleiadians/Plejaren - mother-in-laws ("Geranisa")
Extraterrestrials & Pleiadians/Plejaren - music, literature, the arts & schools for that
Semjase - opinion of Earth music (pop & "harmonic")
Pleiadians/Plejaren - not allowed to bring any things to Earth for others (except crystals & minerals)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - how they obtain Earth money to buy materials in trade
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Tuesday, January 27, 1976, 2:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contactees List - true, false & "unknown" contactees
Truman Bethurum - false:
Narciso Genovese - false: [pages 9-16]
Karl Michalek - false:
George Adamski - false:
Dr. George Hunt Williamson - true/false:
Hans Klotzbach - "unknown" [Switzerland, 1962]
Howard Menger - false:
Bob Renaud - false [see Stevens' "UFO Contact from Planet Korendor"]:
Salvador Villanueva Medina - false [see also Contact 39; Mexico, see book "Yo Estuve En Venus" (I Was In Venus)]
Francisco Castillo - false
Fernando Sesma Manzano - "unknown" [book "Ummo: Another Inhabited
Planet" (1967) & Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Ummo"]:
Ing. Reeve - "unknown"
Cedric Allingham - false: [entry 19]
D. Marachi - true
Lawrence W. Vinther - true:
Captain Thomas Mantell - true:
Lieutenant George Gorman - true [October 3, 1948, Fargo, North Dakota]:
Stefan Denaerde - "unknown" [see Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Iarga"]:
Jeff Greenhaw - "unknown" [October 17, 1973, Falkville, Alabama]:
Antonio Villas-Boas - "unknown":
Eugenio Siragusa - false:
Orfeo Angelucci - true, with reservations on added religious thought:
"Orfeo Angelucci" - fake/impersonator, false
Emanuel Cihlar - false [August 30, 1954, Austrian Alps]
Dick Miller - "unknown" (Richard T. Miller, see Contact 47--false):
Buck Nelson - false:
Alberto Sanmartin - true, with reservations on added religious thought:ín
Henrique Castillo - "unknown"
Herbert Nielson - "unknown"
Carl A. Anderson - true, with reservations on added religious thought
[1950's, Fullerton, California; "Kumar" & "Verkuender" from Mars]
"Carl A. Anderson" - fake/impersonator, false
Igo Etrich - true:
P. Leopold ["Homogenius Rho"] - "unknown" [1974 book "Wissenschaftler des Uranus testen Erdvölker"]
Frank E. Stranges ["Valiant Thor", "Jill" & "Donn" from Venus] - false:
Reinhold O. Schmidt - false:
Haruhiro Tsukamoto (Harushi Tsukamoto) - false
K. Gosta Rehn [book "UFOs Here and Now!", 1974] - "unknown"
Joachim Pahl [Joachim Puhle; 1971 book "Sternenmenschen sind unter uns :
die Rückkehr der Boten aus dem All" (Star People Are Among Us: The
Return Of The Messengers From The Universe)] - "unknown"
"Unknown" contactees - defined
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Last/lost contact reports of Asket - "contain the whole of the Jmmanuel from the other side"
"Genesis" - FIGU book:
Thule Society:
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "after your death we have fulfilled our mission here"
Arahat Athersata & Petale - "will discontinue their messages"
The Mission - defined
Chair apparatus - cured Meier's cold (sickness) & overexertion by dissolving "a very tiny unit of original cosmic energy"
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Monday, February 16, 1976, 3:10 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Decalogue [Dekalog]:
Hutter Publisher (Munich)
Mr. Soutschek
Mr. Hutter
Ilse Von Jacobi [German UFO researcher]
Great White Brotherhood:
DUIST (Deutsche UFO/IFO Studiengesellschaft) [UFO organization]
Karl Veit:
St. Germain:
- real name was Rakoczi; also called himself Aymar, Marquis de Betmor,
etc.; born in 1711 in Collonia (Cologne), died in 1784; he was the
greatest liar & deceiver of his time, skilled in hypnosis &
magic; he worked for a European Christian sect that was determined to
rule the world; he was awarded the honorary title of an Immortal by King
Frederick the Great [Frederick II of Prussia]:
Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians):
Horst Raps: [entry 25]
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
German "UFOs"
Ashtar Sheran
Semjase's mother
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Annotations: 3 variations of the Contact Notes (original, abstracted & edited)
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Wednesday, February 25, 1976, 3:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 31
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 260-261
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Quetzal - "money collector"
ET names spelled: Semjase, Ptaah, Asket, Quetzal, Nera, Sfath
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape [1956]:
Beamship metal - obtained from converted lead
Mining - only done on Erra (Plejaren planet) in extreme emergency
Effects of mining, oil drilling, dams, subterranean atomic tests, etc.
Spharmiddon - word, meaning the end of the Earth
Secret "super" atomic bomb (see Stevens annotation pg.166, calnutronite)
Age of the Earth - 646 billion years
Oil - a "form of life"/germs
Oil reserves - 646 billion tons, 65 billion already exploited; 20
billion tons destroyed from underground atomic blasts; Earth naturally
produces 140 billion tons of oil in 1 billion years:
Fertile ground reduced from 86.1% @1940 to 39.7% in 1975
Politicians & Scientists - removal from power by the people
5 points - birth stop, stop exploiting the Earth, stop atomic testing, destroy dams, dismantle all nuclear power stations
Prophecies & World War 3
The Revelation of John
666 = "Jesus Christ"; "the value of the number 666 does not apply to an
actual individual nor to the thinking processes and actions of a
long-departed human being from Earth, but it refers to the figure of
delusion it was turned into. It has ruled the Earth as a religious cult
figure ever since."
The Beast = W.U.V. organization [Weltumweltverschmutzung; world environmental pollution; 20th century humans]
Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon, a.k.a. William John Warner):
Meier's new typewriter
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[The Annotations found in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book} are
located after Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "The Old Continents Now Proven"
[Thursday, February 26, 1976, 2:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Apparatus - area-analyzer
Gifts from Semjase to Meier - ruby, emerald (smaragd), malachite & fluorite
Beamship metal - from lead, 7 processes
Cold fusion welding apparatus for beamship construction
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
4 photos [metal samples]
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[The photos found in Message From The Pleiades 2 {printed book} are
located after Contact 34 in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 {eBook
[Sunday, February 29, 1976, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape:
Haton [Hatonn]:
Usamine - girlfriend of Semjase, language specialist
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Publisher's Note
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[Sunday, March 14, 1976, 00:04 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 130
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Display of atmospheric electrical energy elimination through burning by a beamship; must be done above 2,500 meters
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape:
Howard Menger:
Meier's mission now & next life
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Brucke zur
Freiheit" [Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl
Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62):
Communication with higher spiritual beings
seven-fold laws
Semjase's new beamship - ability to "break through dimensions in 2 directions"
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
photo with graphic demonstrating movement of Semjase's beamship over a hillside
UFO Sighting report of March 14, 1976 at Pfaffikon, written by Jakob Bertschinger on April 20, 1976
[Sunday, March 28, 1976, 00:58 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 45
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Apparatus - guiding instrument with automatic shut-off (for unrecognized brainwave patterns)
Meier - moped accident, 2 broken ribs
Apparatus - for curing the injured ribs
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Report by Hans Schutzbach regarding a March 27, 1976 incident
Report by Hans Schutzbach regarding a March 28, 1976 incident
Spacecraft Photographs
Flight Demonstration [March 28, 1976, Bachtelhornli-Unterbachtel]
40 photos
Flight Demonstration [March 29, 1976, Hasenbol-Langenberg]
9 photos
"Report of Observation of March 14, 1976" at Pfaffikon, written by Jakob Bertschinger on April 20, 1976
"Report of Experience" on April 3, 1976 by 6 witnesses, dated April 7, 1976
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
[The Spacecraft Photographs, Flight Demonstration, 40 photos, Flight
Demonstration, and 9 photos found in Message From The Pleiades 2
{printed book} are located after Contact 34 in Messages From The
Pleiades vol.2 {eBook CD-ROM}]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Report by Hans Schutzbach regarding a March 27, 1976 incident
Report by Hans Schutzbach regarding a March 28, 1976 incident
[Sunday, April 6, 1976, 1:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 45-46
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Apparatus - magnetic beam used to turn off a car engine
5 Explorer Class beamships
Pleiadians/Plejaren - anger & loss of emotional control
Apparatus - for curing the injured ribs
Apparatus - for curing the inflammation
American Government in possession of destroyed spaceships & dead dwarf-like Extraterrestrials
ET stations on Earth - NOT at Calvert Texas, Unterberg Austria, or Bodensee Germany
Secret group with station at Unterberg with WWII German flying discs
Tunnel systems all over Earth, including Ecuador:
Metal foils with unknown letters (fabrications)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - conversion of trash/rubbish into useable soil, done by robots
Pleiadians/Plejaren - do not smoke
Pleiadians/Plejaren - do not drink alcohol, but have drinks similar to alcoholic beverages
Meier attacked at Bachtel by triangulation device emitting negative radiations
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Brucke zur
Freiheit" [Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl
Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62):
High Council
Arahat Athersata
Secret of the 5 women in Meier's group - communication with Semjase
George Adamski - false contactee:
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Flight Demonstration [April 14, 1976, Schmarbuel-Maiwinkel]
6 photos
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
2 photos of night demonstrations by beamships
Report by 6 witnesses regarding an incident on April 3, 1976, dated April 7, 1976
Report on the Sounds of a Beamship from April 16, 1976 by Meier
"The Sounds of the Beamship of Semjase" report by Hans Schutzbach
[Tuesday, April 27, 1976, 5:26 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's 1st lecture, April 21, 1976 in Munich, Germany
Mario Bertossi (contactee, see Contacts 38,51,63) argues with Meier over extraterrestrial spiritual philosophy
Details of attack on Meier at Bachtel by triangulation device
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Age of the Earth - 646 billion years from gaseous state
Age of the Earth - 600 billion years to form into a solid body
Humans arise on Earth after another 40+ billion years, 6 billion years ago
Early Earth humans encountered space-traveling humans
Helix Nebula [NGC 7293] - origin:
Solar System's rotation around the galactic central sun = 25,860 years
Semjase gets angry; Meier receives a symbolic mental picture of her rage
Michael Arends (Rimsting, Germany, see Contact 63)
Theosophical book from Mr. Sloman given to Semjase for comment
Pleiadians/Plejaren and their contacts with Earth humans
Meier acquainted with Semjase many thousands of years (previous incarnations)
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Introduction to Contact 51
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Letter from Hans Jacob to Meier regarding Gloria Lee & other topics, dated February 15, 1978
"A Brief Sighting Contact" of April 23, 1976 by Hans Schutzbach
"Recollection" of Monk Dharmawara Mahathera by Meier
"Obituary" of Monk Dharmawara Mahathera by Michael Hesemann, Chief Editor of Magazin 2000, Germany
Telepathic Transmission of Arahat Athersata, Wednesday, May 12, 1976, 9:11 a.m.
[Monday, May 17, 1976, 00:47 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 119,121-126
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase's work at North Sea oil rig disaster (see MFTP1 pg.295)
Document from Mr. Ruedi Schultheiss from Biel given to Semjase for comment; a forged "message from extraterrestrials"
Theosophical book from Mr. Sloman given to Semjase for comment; of worth
but its components need to be rearranged; shouldn't be made generally
available to the public as it will be misunderstood; won't be generally
understood for another 150-200 years
Petale - prophecy given to Meier on May 10, 1976 which he is to interpret in poetic form
Red-haired, tall, extraterrestrial-descendent Chanka (Chanaks, Chancas)
Indians of Peru; average height of 7 feet; retreated to a subterranean
village 500 years ago, though they also live in huts above ground;
lineage traces to the Incas; kidnap white women:
Inca Indians
"Curse of the Pharaohs" - figidindus ["figadindi", "prickly pear", "teen
shouki"] cactus fruit hair-fine surface spines treated with poison,
used in mummy wrappings:
Great Pyramid of Giza - mathematical design & prophetic dates: Great pyramid of Giza:
Great Pyramid of Giza - Opening of Revelation & light from a distant star
Pyramids - built by telekinetic spirit forces
Numerous beamships sighted over Hinwil, Switzerland @May 8, 1976;
Pleiadians/Plejaren checking for remnant ground radiation from their
landings due to "an army organization" searching the area
Beamship sound recordings of April 16, 1976 - many observers showed up
Swiss air force jet fighter tried to intercept beamship (April 14, 1976); jet camera damaged
Telemeter discs
Meier asks Semjase to bring him some Plejaren food
Beamship anti-gravity shaft - Meier descends through this from the ship to the ground
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Newspaper article regarding the Chanka Indians of Peru kidnapping white women, dated May 19, 1976
This contact is ommitted from Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Reproduction of the document from Mr. Ruedi Schultheiss from Biel given
to Semjase for comment; a forged "message from extraterrestrials"
Newspaper article regarding the Chanka Indians of Peru kidnapping white women, dated May 19, 1976
4 photos
"My First UFO Experience" of May 16-17, 1976 by Konrad Schutzbach with Guido Moosbrugger, report dated June 15, 1976
[Thursday, May 27, 1976, 1:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Die Brucke Zur
Freiheit" [The Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976,
Karl Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62):
Semjase's commentary on Mr. Reiz's charts & notes (Creational power, etc.)
7 all-universal spheres
Truth is not complicated
"The Universe is the inner & the outer body of Creation"
Absolute force
"The egg-formed spiral of Creation"
Fine matter & coarse matter
"The material will of intellect"
False prophets & deceivers
2 scam artists & their past lives (judgment in 1884)
Yeti (Bigfoot, Sasquatch) seen by Meier
Meier's spiritform on Earth as a human being for 25 million years, etc.
Amata Stetter - relationship to an ancient Aryan group hidden on Earth
"Mistakes and errors have to be confessed"
Friends To The Stars (secret UFO group in France @1953/54) 1997 books, fraud
Dimension door near Madagascar
Antonio Giannuzzi [Centro Studi Fratellanza Cosmica, Lecce, Italy, 1975]
Eugenio Siragusa:
Assassination attempt on Meier - damaged agenda notebook & breastplate
Quackgrass flowers picked by Semjase for Kalliope Meier
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Explanations for the pages 1005-1010 of original notes
Reproduction of Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian charts with handwritten corrections by Semjase
Reproduction of the document from Mr. Ruedi Schultheiss from Biel given
to Semjase for comment; a forged "message from extraterrestrials"
This contact is incomplete in Messages From The Pleiades vol.2 [eBook CD-ROM]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Reproduction of Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian charts with handwritten corrections by Semjase
Letters between Dr. Albert Hagele and Guido Moosbrugger
4 photos relating to the assassination attempt on Meier
"An Attempted Assassination on Billy" on May 27, 1976, report by Jacobus Bertschinger
[Tuesday, June 8, 1976, 1:27 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 14-15
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
SENAN Universe (name for our universe in the language of Asket's people)
Asket - earlobes, anatomical difference only
Pleiadians/Plejaren - eye colors vary
Plejaren women - like to change their natural eye color; cosmetics
Smoking - negative & positive effects, natural tobacco
Erra, 1 of 9 planets in the Taygeta system
Plejaren - station in Switzerland established 300+ years ago
Semjase - obligations on earth since 1903
7 other extraterrestrial races located on Earth
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Animal spirit forms - develop spiritually to a limited degree; evolve to
assist the evolution of nature ("instinct intelligence")
Plejaren communication by hyperspace "radio" transmissions
Tachyons (super-light-speed particles):
Gravity - nature of & defined
Evaluating the position of consciousness of an individual
Ebner - name of an individual, no further information
Erra - 400 million humans
Taygeta system - 9 planets, 3 of which are inhabited, aside from Erra
Earth, the only inhabited planet in the SOL system
Erra - particular details about the planet
Plejaren units of time: odur = hour, musal = 1 day, asar = month
Semjase's birthday - February 7th
Evaluating the position of consciousness of an individual - details
Spiritual-intellectual level of consciousness
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
"UFO Sighting In The Region Of Hinwil" on June 6, 1976, report by Wolfgang Witzer
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"UFO Sighting In The Area Of Hinwil" on June 6, 1976, report by Wolfgang Witzer
[Monday, June 14, 1976, 10:37 a.m.]
+ additional contact June 14, 1976, 5:53 p.m.
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase's written greeting (autographs) to the children at FIGU
Yukata - Semjase's brother
Pleja (Pleija) - Semjase's sister, black hair
Kalliope Meier's dream about Pleja
Ptaah's age - 759 years (as of June 14, 1976)
Ice ages (glacial periods) defined
Interglacial periods
Earth proceeding towards another glacial period
Natural evolution of life forms is universal unity
Mammoths & elephants
Pope Paul VI poisoned:
Strange UFO ship sighted in Robenhausen & Fehraltorf airport
5 strange ships altogether, less than 4 meters in diameter
Ganymede (moon of Jupiter) - Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences station
Light-emission beamship drive
Tachyon propulsion system:
Beamship - word defined
Semjase's first ship while contacting Meier - details
Anti-gravity propulsion drive
Semjase's current beamship = 1.5 tons in weight
Huitzilopochtli - one of the ancient leaders of Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences:
Greater-Atlantis - location
Mu - located at the Gobi Desert in China, built by Lyrans
Agharta - subterranean town, part of Mu, built by Lyrans
All earth races have a mission
Sun - universal energies
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Brucke zur
Freiheit" [Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl
Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62) - additional questions
Pleija (Semjase's sister)
Message From The Pleiades 2 additional contents --
Annotations: [#6] Plejaren names not their actual names
Conclusions: $60,000 spent testing 4 photos
Appendix I - Prophesies
Introduction to Contact 115
Contact 115 [Thursday, October 19, 1978, 6:04 p.m.; Contact persons:
Semjase, Ptaah, Quetzal; excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 192-193]
Appendix II - Computer Analysis Of Photographs
Selected Photos For Special Testing
Computer Analysis Of UFO Photographs
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"2 UFO Experiences on Saturday, June 12, 1976", report by Guido Moosbrugger dated July 14, 1976
Table of Color Radiations for Contact 55, Sentences 136-142
[Saturday, June 19, 1976, 11:30 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Incorrectly noted as Contact 55 in Message From The Pleiades 3
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pope Paul VI dethroned & murdered by poison, replaced by an imposter:
Meier invited for an airplane flight
Reporters to visit Meier for a story on June 21, 1976
Malicious person trying to gain technical details of the contacts
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
1 photo [Meier family, December 1974; noted as 1976]
Preface [volume 3]
Note: Meier invited to lecture in Vienna, Austria on Saturday, April 24, 1976
Hans Schuztbach report of Munich-to-Vienna sighting of Semjase's ship;
Semjase's anger after the lecture picked up by Meier in symbol form
("Inside of me, there is a burning rage!"); what happened at the lecture
(hecklers, etc.)
"A Short Sighting Report" by Hans Schutzbach, regarding incidents on April 23, 1976
"UFO Sighting In The Region Of Hinwil" on June 6, 1976, report by Wolfgang Witzer
"Second UFO Experience For Guido Moosbrugger", Saturday, June 12, 1976,
dated July 14, 1976: mention of Amata Stetter attempting to get in on a
direct contact
24 photos [June 13, 1976, Winkelriet]
"My first UFO-Experience", report by Konrad Schutzbach, with Guido Moosbrugger
3 photos
[Wednesday, June 23, 1976, 8:54 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
incorrectly noted as Contact 56 in Message From The Pleiades 3
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 27,272 [2 different translations]
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Glacial & interglacial periods (ice ages) - reiterated & clarified in detail
Hobby journalists & trained scientists - stubborn & uneducatable
Erra (Plejaren planet) - sickness (under control), certain diseases not on Earth
Cancer - "manifested because of a parasite-like, misguided life";
eradicated by the Pleiadians/Plejaren long ago; negative attitudes &
behaviors; reasons why its cure won't be revealed to Earth humans
Pleiadians/Plejaren - determination of extent of influence upon other humans
Pope Paul VI - homosexual
White Eagle Lodge (Liss, England) - secret sect:
Semjase's written greeting (autographs) to the children at FIGU
Plejaren beamships unable to crash
10-16 dead alien bodies (120 centimeters tall) in glass coffins at the Pentagon - question (see Contact 59, sentence 6)
Apollo 13 - oxygen tank
114 Pleiadians/Plejaren stationed on Earth (at that time, June 23, 1976)
Tayget (Plejaren sun) - pronounced Taget in Plejaren language
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have not incarnated on Earth
Erra - composition of the troposphere (atmosphere)
Atmosphere - troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
Erra - surface gravity, density, axis inclination, equatorial diameter, escape velocity
Plejaren ancestors constructed first spaceship 21 million years ago
Destroyer (planet) broke through the Vega system "some million years" before that
Earth - age since "first gathering [of matter] into a ball", 646 billion (trillion?) years ago
Other planets older than Earth
Jupiter & Saturn developing towards planets
Sun - age = 1 trillion 730 billion years old
George Adamski - built a model based on another woman's sighting
information; all his pictures are frauds; letter he wrote prior to death
indicating he was a charlatan, given to another to be accessible within
1 year:
Pleiadians/Plejaren stationed on Earth - fluctuates monthly, as few as 50, as many as 300
Pleiadians/Plejaren - transport food & equipment to Earth stations
Agharta Alpha (of Mu) - inhabited, size, several hundred meters below Gobi desert
Agharta Beta (of Mu) - inhabited, size, below the Himalayas, cave systems
Agharta Alpha & Beta - connected by 200' x 130' tunnel
Fraud (unknown name) who claims to be "Master of the World" & "High Chief of Agharta"
Regent of Agharta - actual leader of that dual city
"Christus" (word) - origin & meaning
Pleiadians/Plejaren - birth control measures, sexual demands, women able
to detect pregnancy within 3 days & dissolve the fertilized ovum by
natural preparations & early menstruation
Spirit first inhabits a human 3 weeks [21 days] after procreation
Abortion (on Earth) - murder, since not "dissolved" before spirit indwelling; emergency exceptions when mother's life is menaced
Plejaren birth control - 1 method is "pulling out" before ejaculation
Plejaren birth control - "Harmony among the man and woman is demanded"
Pope - influences the prejudices regarding birth control
"Moral apostles & sectarians of special sort" - "greatest pigs in reality"
Mr. Reiz - paper concerning Lord Surya [Sun God of the Hindu Upanishads]
"Disclosed Secrets" (book) - "Castel del Monte", 8-angle castle in
Italy, built by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen [Hoenstaufen family,
Emperor Frederick II, built @1229-1249, Puglia near Bari, Italy],
strange inscription:
Semjase's knowledge fields connected to her mission - numerous
Pleiadians/Plejaren - master 12-30+ fields of knowledge
Plejaren beamship "energy burnings"
Meier's 2-hour airplane trip June 20, 1976
Sense of orientation & balance controlled by the internal ear
Barbarianism - comment by Meier
Plejaren ancestors flew in "airplanes" ("explosion motor gears")
Amata Stetter's teleprojection experiences: 120 kilometer diameter
emigration spaceships capable of carrying over 1 million people, used by
Plejaren ancestors traveling from Lyra-Vega system to Earth &
Pleiadian star system; IHWH & other humans in white garments
representing Plejaren ancestors 70,000 years ago who lived in beamships
floating above forests, their extraterrestrial descendents live on the
Earth somewhere, Amata also a descendent of them; brother of the IHWH;
"Heavenly Sons" - title given to Plejaren ancestors by early Earth humans
Pleiadians/Plejaren "take Amata under their control" - event in 4 days [June 27, 1976]
"Maintain the peace inside of you" - Semjase quote
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
2 photos of beamship night demonstrations by Guido Moosbrugger
[Sunday, June 27, 1976, 1:47 a.m. + thought transmission addendum 4:14 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
incorrectly noted as Contact 57 in Message From The Pleiades 3
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 128
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejaren birth control - natural plant preparations added to food to prevent pregnancy when overpopulation threatens
Planets capable of sustaining a limited population naturally; related to spiritual evolution
Mr. K. (colleague of Meier) - reason for his depression & behavior
Pleiadians/Plejaren on Earth - work 16+ hours a day performing their missions
Typewriter given to Semjase from Olga Walder & 4 other women (5 women)
Quetzal - "cares for the necessary money"
Pleja (Pleija) (Semjase's sister) - coming next contact, curious about Meier's moped
Barbarianism - some advantages
Jura Mountains [natural border between France & Switzerland] - task their for Semjase
Pleiadians/Plejaren "take Amata under their control" - event [Sunday,
June 27, 1976, 3:30 p.m.]; Amata must eat a bite of something given by
Semjase beforehand
Additional thought transmission: time changed to 4:00 p.m., location given
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
"Beamship Marks", report by Hans Schutzbach: driving them to the
contact; footprints & landing tracks noted afterwards; diagram of
"Marks in the grass, left by two beamships" by Hans Schutzbach
Another Photographer: Hans Schutzbach fumbles trying to photograph a departing beamship
[Monday, June 28, 1976, 4:14 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase, Pleja
Incorrectly noted as Contact 58 in Message From The Pleiades 3
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Typewriter & ream of paper from Olga Walder & others (5 women) for Semjase
Punctuality & non-punctuality
Pleja (Pleija) - "standing among the trees", "as pretty as Semjase"
"I do not like complicated ceremonies for getting known to another, and
surely hide as well by my concerned behavior, my insecurity." -Meier
"I know your earliest past and the very old pictures of you." -Pleja
"Occupy yourself with the past of that will gain importance at a later time" -Pleja
Meier instructs Pleja (Pleija) for 15-20 minutes about driving the moped
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
1 photo [June 28, 1976, Hinwil]
"An Unsolicited Corroboration": letter by Horst Fenner traveling in
Bolivia (via A. Albers of Germany & church Pastor Dillman),
describing contact with Kohun & Athar from Proxima Centauri who
mention Meier's Plejaren contacts, the frauds George Adamski, Narciso
Genovese, Karl Michalek, ___ Zilar, Howard Menger, Richard T. Miller,
Buck Nelson, Francisco Castillo, Eugenio Siragusa, Bob Renaud, Salvador
Villanueva-Medina, Elizabeth Klarer:
Introduction to the Telepathic and Teleprojection Reports By Amata Stetter
"Telepathic And Teleprojection Reports By Amata" [Stetter], comment from Meier, dated July 5, 1976, Hinwil
Amata Stetter Reports:
June 9, 1976
June 12, 1976
June 13, 1976
June 14, 1976
June 15, 1976
June 16, 1976
June 17, 1976
June 18, 1976
June 19, 1976
[June 20, 1976]
June 21, 1976
June 22, 1976
June 23, 1976
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"My Three-UFO Experience on June 26-27, 1976" by Guido Moosbrugger
5 photos by Hans Schutzbach
"Beamship Pure" report regarding incidents on June 28, 1976 by Hans Schutzbach
"An Experience" by Kalliope Meier-Zafiriou, Switzerland, report regarding incidents on June 28, 1976
"Beamship Sighting" by Atlantis Sokrates Meier, Switzerland, report regarding incidents on June 28, 1976
"An Experience" by Methusalem Meier, Switzerland, report regarding incidents on June 28, 1976
[Thursday, July 8, 1976, 2:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
incorrectly noted as Contact 59 in Message From The Pleiades 3
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
American government - comprised of 3 powers: President, Pentagon & CIA
American presidential government "has several materials of extraterrestrial origin"
Pentagon - nothing known (by Pleiadians/Plejaren) about them possessing dead extraterrestrial bodies (see Contact 56 question)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - peace found by them about 50,000 years ago
History of Atlantis (Smaller & Greater; see Contacts 55 & 70)
& Mu - 2 largest Earth cities on 2 different continents (Mu located
where Gobi desert is, Greater-Atlantis located between Africa &
America) who destroyed each other 11,498 years ago; Pelegon
(scientist/leader); Arhus (IHWH/leader);
Azores Islands are the only remainder of Greater-Atlantis; Greater
Atlantis army, 4,830,000 men) equipped with 123,000 one-man destroyer
beamships, 16,431 eliminator beamships, 24,230 overkill 10-man
beamships; Mu had superior power due to scientists developing a way to
convert asteroids into guided bombs; asteroid from the asteroid belt
used to destroy Greater-Atlantis; eliminator beam weapons of the
Atlanteans; capital of Greater-Atlantis shaped like a beamship
Otto Muck [1978 book "The Secret Of Atlantis"] - spirit-form of Plato reincarnated
"Adonis Group" - term by Otto Muck for "planetoid" (asteroid)
Mars - "has much more water than earthly science had assumed"
Mars - microscopic flora & fauna life forms exist there
Proxima-Centauri, Alpha-Centauri, Beta-Centauri ("Barnard's Star") inhabited by human beings (see Contact 70, sentence 106)
Athar & Kohun from Proxima-Centauri - friends of Semjase, paintings
made of them by a man in Germany who was in contact 50+ years ago
FIGU group members - their missions from obligation, duty & connections with Meier in previous incarnations
Otto Muck - "controlled" & inspired by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Lengthy German article from Quick magazine, June 16, 1976 by Harvey T.
Rowe, "The Day On Which Atlantis Sank" featuring diagrams, a bust of
Plato & a photo of Otto H. Muck
Reproduction of the letter by Horst Fenner traveling in Bolivia (via A.
Albers of Germany & church Pastor Dillman), describing contact with
Kohun & Athar from Proxima Centauri who mention Meier's Plejaren
contacts, postmarked June 30, 1976
German article from Quick magazine July 1976 by Ilse von Jacobi,
"Attendance From The Universe: The Woman Who Came From Another Star",
report about Meier with photos
[Thursday, July 29, 1976, 00:43 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Menara
incorrectly noted as Contact 60 (and Contact 61 being "withheld") in Message From The Pleiades 3
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Olga Walder photos 2 Explorer-class beamships with ionization (cloud) covers
The Deluge (Great Flood) - occurred 10,080 years ago, caused by the Destroyer planet passing close to Earth (see Contact 5)
2 other "great floods" since then, both caused by the passing of the Destroyer planet, 7,957 & 6,906 years ago
Atlantis & Mu destroyed 11,498 years ago (reiterated)
10,215 years ago another planetoid (asteroid) impacted where Atlantis once stood
4,453 years ago the Destroyer planet attracts Venus into its present
orbit & caused the catastrophe of the Santorini volcanic eruption
@1645-1615 B.C. [date discrepancy] (see Contact 5)
Sanskrit texts "very exact & precise in special concerns" regarding history:
Bible not reliable historically
Original ancient scripts of Enoch
Mayan calendar notifications - of greatest worth; calendar dates begin with planetoid (asteroid) event 10,215 years ago
Destroyer planet - extensive details (see Contact 5); 575.5 year average
orbital time, fluctuates from 478 to 683 years, 2 orbital rotations
always equal 1151 years, due to escape velocity of SOL system
SOL system moving at high speed towards the constellation Hercules
Venus torn from Uranus "sun system" by the Destroyer planet's gravity,
etc. 8,590 years ago, recaptured again 632 years later by the Destroyer;
etc. etc.
Last appearance of The Destroyer planet was in 1680 A.D.
Next appearance of The Destroyer planet will be in 2255 A.D.
Sun system - defined (Uranus, Jupiter & Saturn)
Letter from a psychologist (Mr. Andersen) for Semjase
Destroyer planet orbits only in the SOL system
Ilse Von Jacobi - manuscript she is writing about the Meier case
Otto Muck - deceased, in the "Other World"; communication with him by the Pleiadians/Plejaren not possible without good reason
Hans Jacob - previous incarnation (question)
Self-knowledge of previous incarnations "not good", possible if demanded via self-recollections
Mr. Reiz - pretends telepathic contact with Semjase
2 women in Europe in conscious telepathic contact with Pleiadians/Plejaren, one is Amata Stetter
Black & white photos taken by Hans Schutzbach, registered into a Plejaren instrument for analysis
Plejaren beamship touchdown supports cause counter-clockwise impressions
due to ship vibrations "in a spiral-shaped anti-gravity oscillation"
Plejaren beamships - 4 anti-gravity oscillation centers, 1 at each of
the 3 touchdown supports and 1 in the bottom center of the ship
Effects of touchdown oscillations upon plants
Freemasons - no help given by extraterrestrial or other spirit forms
Number of chemical elements that exist in the universe (question)
Number of elementary particles that exist in the universe (question)
FIGU children want to give Semjase a kitten
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have domestic pets, including cats & dogs
which were brought from Earth to the Pleiades long ago; not allowed to
take current Earth animals due to latent sicknesses that could affect
animals on the Pleiades worlds
Pleiadians/Plejaren - capable of disinfecting things
Pleiadians/Plejaren - animals from other worlds only allowed if necessary
"Ether" - a fine-substance material that penetrates through everything
Theory of Relativity (Albert Einstein) - problems with it (not answered)
Plejaren "government" - High Council
Plejaren shoes & clothing similar to ours but made from artificial materials
Plejaren clothing similar to what will be fashionable on Earth @2046 A.D.
Menara - a girl from planet Deron in the Vega system, to take over contact with Meier for a few months
Pleiadians/Plejaren - take vacations (holidays) also
Menara - "very pretty, very dark-skinned, flashing with delight in life"
3 gifts from the FIGU group members for Semjase
Hans Schutzbach - "a secret between him and" Semjase
Pleja (Pleija) (Semjase's sister)
Menara's beamship - anti-gravity tube
Menara - 10 centimeters shorter than Semjase, dark brown skin &
"negroid marks" like the Hottentots (European racial influences), very
pretty black eyes
Semjase & Menara laugh at Meier saying "be welcome in the world of the earthworms"
Menara's race - early Earth ancestors; The Huns; negroid races of Africa
Sarat language - Plejaren language
Kosan language - common extraterrestrial alliance intergalactic language, though different languages also found on each world
Jenan language - language of Menara's race
Menara - on Earth for the first time
Semjase - had to exercise 4 years of intensive study before she could give answers to Meier
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
1 photo [June 20, 1976, Berner-Oberland, by Olga Walder]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"The Destroyer" summary article by FIGU
Magazine article, "An Exclusive Report: As Fire From The Sky Rained -
The Velikovsky Phenomenon" by Fred Warshofsky from February 1976
6 photos
[Thursday, August 12, 1976, 3:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 80-81
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase postpones her vacation from Earth
Herbert Runkel wrote a letter to Semjase "which nearly caused her to weep"
Mrs. W. - delusional woman claiming contact with Asket & other Extraterrestrials
High Council - possibility for Meier to get in direct contact with them
Menara's race - 3,150 years ahead of Earth in total evolution
Plejaren race - 3,500 years ahead of Earth in total evolution
1950's Russian flying disc with 4 people (3 men, 1 woman) launched into
space by a secret organization that used plans taken from Nazi Germany;
communications systems destroyed causing the ship to go off course &
drift into space
Quetzal takes a vacation from Earth on August 15, 1976
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Brucke zur
Freiheit" [Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl
Brugger]) see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62 - drawings found to be "fully
worthless & of no meaning"
Book from Mr. Reiz ("Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl Brugger]) -
Pleiadians/Plejaren unable to substantiate anything in the book:
Religious & semi-religious heresies, cheats & imposters
Extraterrestrials can eliminate lost items on Earth by transmitters;
destruction mechanisms built into objects & instruments (normally
made with synthetic materials) used by extraterrestrials for use while
on Earth
Selective warning device - "small white object", detects un-registered
brain-wave patterns; second one carried on Pleiadians/Plejaren' belts
Instrument on Pleiadians/Plejaren' belts that incinerates lost items to a
"viscous brown-black mass" - Meier tests this process and keeps the
Synthetic material for Plejaren instruments - once incinerated, compounds look similar to Earth materials
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
"Spacecraft Sounds Recorded" on Good Friday, April 16, 1976, report by Hans Schutzbach
2 pages of sound wave analysis graphs, analysis performed in Switzerland
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Letter from Mrs. Eleonore Waldenmaier to Semjase, dated July 21, 1976
Letter from Mario Bertossi to Hans Schutzbach regarding Meier's contacts, dated July 29, 1976
Response letter from FIGU to Mario Bertossi, Hans Jacob & Michael Arends
[Wednesday, September 22, 1976, 4:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Menara's beamship - only equipped with a planetary drive, near the
ground generates gas accumulations that can catch fire and burn, so
normally doesn't directly land her ship
Laser pistol - Meier asks to borrow Semjase's
Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch] (see Contact 65) - fraudulent contactee, 1960, Eloa (ET from Cassiopeia system)
Cassiopeia - only a few star systems have human inhabitants:
Eloha (or Elhoa, not Eloa) - name of friend of Semjase in the Cassiopeia system
UFO in Iran - newspaper report read by Meier September 22, 1976:
Cows disturbed by the oscillations of the security instruments of Semjase's beamship
Michael Arends (Rimsting, Germany, see Contact 51) & Mario Bertossi
(contactee, see Contacts 38,51,63) - critics/defamers of Meier
Switzerland - map where earthquakes may be expected, made by Semjase
Pleiadians/Plejaren - only make themselves visible to a few & only when they are aware of their existence
"...when a form of life is only convinced by so-called evidence about a
matter, then this doesn't mean any more than a new belief. But
knowledge, truth and wisdom can not be elaborated by such kind of
evidence, but only by ones own labor of thinking and inner reaching of
clarity by an inner generated evidence of truth." - word-for-word speech
of Sfath repeated by Semjase
Sfath (Semjase's grandfather) - Meier last heard from him in 1953, died
Sfath's pear-shaped beamship - gift from a nation in the Sirius star system
Sirius star system - 2 colonized planets:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Newspaper article regarding an Iranian jet fighter chasing a UFO #1
Contact Report of Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch] from 1960 [fraudulent contactee]
Newspaper article regarding an Iranian jet fighter chasing a UFO #2
Newspaper article regarding a UFO Study Group in Munich
Newspaper article regarding UFOs, Albert Einstein & the CIA
[Saturday, October 2, 1976, 5:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 151-152
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mario Bertossi
Michael Arends
Hans Jacob
DUIST (Deutsche UFO/IFO Studiengesellschaft) [UFO Organization]
Karl Veit:
Colman Von Keviczky
Ilse Von Jacobi
"Public ufological circles, where some idiots believe they know everything" --Meier
"...Typical for the human being of the Earth, as he always seeks only
for the material, and completely overlooks the essential values, which
are the spiritual ones" -Semjase
Duplicity of Earth humans
200-300 years Earth humans will recognize extraterrestrial forms of life existing
Possible official extraterrestrial contact @2000 A.D.
Pleiadians/Plejaren probability calculations of 34% chance of Meier rejecting contact
Letter from Herbert Runkel for Semjase
Martin Sorge & Mara - 2 new friends of Meier, astrologers
Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch] (see Contact 65) - fraudulent contactee, @1960, Eloa (ET from Cassiopeia system)
2 beamships from Cassiopeia early-1960s, several crew members, 4 month
stay on Earth; 1 ship (piloted by Elhoa) destroyed in 1962, 2nd ship
(piloted by Ahar) left Earth @1969 & was flung into a strange
Menara's laser pistol used by Meier [September 29, 1976]
Rala - girlfriend of Menara
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc attack on Meier at Winkelriet near Wetzikon
Semjase arrives in Menara's beamship (Pleja (Pleija) using Semjase's ship)
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
2 photos [Meier & Konrad Schutzbach measuring Menara's beamship landing tracks]
Sketch of Menara's beamship drawn for Wendelle Stevens by Meier
[Saturday, October 23, 1976, 2:47 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 216
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc at Winkelriet near Wetzikon; fires a "shining missile" at Meier
Ptaah induces certain feelings in some people by thought impulses
"We know very well what we are doing, and why we do it." -Ptaah
Secret organizations in Germany and Canada that stole Nazi flying disc plans after WWII
_____ Dunneberg - German head of a secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil
trying to assassinate Meier; use technical apparatus to negatively
influence people against Meier including Mario Bertossi & Michael
" not constrain your assumptive feelings, but live according to them and observe them as you have learned" -Ptaah to Meier
Attack against Meier - wheel lug-nuts loosened on a friend's car
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc attack on Meier at
Winkelriet near Wetzikon; 5 people involved; disc stolen from a
extraterrestrial crew who made an emergency landing in Brazil,
interstellar propulsion drive destroyed but planetary gravitation drive
still functioning; light missile fired at Meier
Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch] (see Contact 65) - fraudulent contactee, @1960, Eloa (ET from Cassiopeia system)
Martin Sorge & Mara - 2 new friends of Meier, astrologers
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
Note: Vladimir Terziski, researcher of Nazi flying disc program
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"Special Transmission of High Advice, Tuesday, November 2, 1976, 5:37 p.m."
[Wednesday, November 10, 1976, 2:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 27-28
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 10,14-15,35-36,79
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Presents - usually given by Earth humans as an "obligation"
The meaning of words & their exact values
Teddy bear - gift from Herbert Runkel for Semjase, remains in Semjase's ship
Pleiadians/Plejaren - do not have things like teddy bears
Astrological signs & symbols - origin 12,000 years ago &
meaning; now exist in their original Ur-form [original/archetypal form]
Astrology - necessity of getting the concerned time down to the second
Time of birth - when the top of the head first emerges from the vagina,
not when the baby is completely out of the womb; influences from outside
the mother's womb & natural protection field of the womb; human
develops its basic character inside the protected womb
Meier - exact birth time, 11:00.00 a.m., measured by Sfath
Astrological symbol for Erra (Plejaren planet) - drawing by Semjase
Astrological symbols - "the laying part" expresses the degree of balance (harmony)
Martin Sorge (astrologer friend) - previous incarnation connection to Meier & his expertise in astrology
"Your dreams are a medicine for you." --Semjase
2-page letter from Martin Sorge & Mara - "Thoughts About The Sentient Life of The Pleiadians"
"The natural cosmic laws order a unitary & harmonic development in
compass to all concerns of all levels able for evolution...spiritual
& material development proceed constantly in harmony with one
another..." -Semjase
Levitation - control of gravitational forces through spiritual forces of
the human, only when "delivered from the 'weight' of the non-spiritual
Earth humans governed by materialism causing injury to spiritual evolution
Since 1937 (Meier's birth year), Age of Aquarius moving human development away from materialism towards harmony
Age of Aquarius began February 3, 1844; midpoint was February 3, 1937
(Meier's birthday); full passage on February 3, 2025 (or 2030)
@2644 A.D. (800 years) - temporal aim of Earth human evolution reached
"...a hard language is demanded for telling the facts, because only by
harsh language can the earthhuman being be tempered to think." -Semjase
Greed for possessions (materialism) - degree of influence determined by ones entanglement at earlier ages
Love & hate
Erra (Plejaren planet) - envy no longer known
Materialism & anti-materialism - defined & effects on thinking, etc.
Marriage - meaning for each partner defined
Pleiadians/Plejaren - human like us, have feelings like love,
friendship, sympathy, antipathy, etc. only much finer, more sensitive
& deep-seated
"In the run of evolution to higher levels, all feelings become finer and
more detailed, and in consequence need intensive control." -Semjase
Extraterrestrials - "made the mistake of controlling their feelings too
much"; corrected that, after meeting Meier, by far-reaching decision of
the High Council for the extraterrestrial alliance & other
less-developed races
Meier - "you often let yourself be guided by your feelings alone"
Pleiadians/Plejaren on Erra - "the more highly developed ones of the alliance"
Passions (cool and warm) - established & caused within spiritual
development; special characteristics for a certain development
Passions - fade when physical body dissolves (by evolution) towards spiritual existence
Pleiadians/Plejaren - don't have wild passions anymore, not like Earth humans
Erranians - people of planet Erra (named as by Meier)
Semjase - no more presents to be accepted, teddy bear exception
Olga Walder - troubled very much for Semjase's security
Assassination attempts on Meier - 3 attacks made by 2 groups, 1 by
Israelis (Mosad?) the other 2 by secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil
Isa Rashid - murdered March 1976 by Israelis (Mosad?) in Baghdad
Zionists - destroyed the truth 2,000 years ago (Jmmanuel's true teachings); "their greed for world command is endless", etc.
Secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil - stole Nazi & Canadian flying disc plans, have built them & use them
ET crew who made an emergency landing in Brazil - crew died when
air-tanks ran out, breathed a poison gas; ship stolen by Brazilian
neo-Nazis was destroyed by Pleiadians/Plejaren when they weren't
guarding it
Secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil - "fear for their existence because of you (Meier)"
Talmud Jmmanuel - referred to
Truth damaged "by power-hungry & possession-thirsty ones"
Mars probe
Mars - exotic biological life forms that feed off all biological life,
not understood as such by Earth scientists (previously explained by
Asket & Sfath)
Mercury - metal core; planet is contracting; reference to Great Journey of July 17, 1975 (Contact 31)
Great Journey photos (July 17, 1975, Contact 31) - reference to
universal barrier photo-inspired painting by Rick Guidice & article
on Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill in Smithsonian Magazine (February 1976):
Meier's writing style
Contact Report transmissions - symbolic picture transmissions put into words by Meier
Increase in extraterrestrial spaceships (roboters & android ships) coming to Earth - abductions for experiment & testing
Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch] (fraudulent contactee) - Elhoa (ET from Cassiopeia)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Symbol for Planet Erra
"Over The Planet-Symbol For Erra" report by Martin Sorge
Letter from Martin Sorge to Michael Arends regarding "Their
Documentation Eduard Meier - Prophet of the New Time" published in
September/October 1976
[Thursday, November 11, 1976, 3:45 p.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Carl J. Disch [Carlo Disch; fraudulent contactee] - Elhoa (ET from
Cassiopeia) did not have contact with Disch; name "Eloa" known by Disch
from old texts and religious-oriented organizations
Elohim - old name
[Friday, November 12, 1976, 00:47 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil
Illogical thinking of Earth humans - cause problems for Extraterrestrials
Sigrid Kinet - letter to Meier containing Smithsonian Magazine article
Smithsonian Magazine (February 1976) article on Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill
and space colonies with universal barrier photo-inspired painting by
Rick Guidice:
Universal Barrier photo (July 17, 1975, Contact 31) - "center of the
barrier" "an egg-shaped formation", painting has it as circle-shaped;
photo has "flickering opalescent energy", painting has a landscape
Mars, Venus & Jupiter - photos by Meier July 17, 1975 used on TV show shown November 8, 1976
Jupiter & Ptaah's spaceship - photos by Meier July 17, 1975, hoax
copies made "by information by intuition [from the Pleiadians/Plejaren]"
shown on another TV show in 1976; Ptaah's greatspacer ship "transmitted
as an outline picture"; "it simply had to happen"
"In your present excited state, you regard everything for too dark." - Semjase
Intuitively inspired paintings and drawings - important for the Plejaren mission
Meier to move from Hinwil to Hinterschmidruti on April 7, 1977
Contact Report transmissions - symbolic picture transmissions put into
words by Meier; people will say the reports aren't word-for-word true,
but they are
Meier's writing style - group members write similarly
"Humans overtake the speech and nearly the true-to-the-word kind of expression of another"
Engelbert Wachter essay - "Minutes of a Study" to be published in December 1976 FIGU monthly; also in Meier's writing style
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Letter from Pauly Steiner of Zurich, "Feed-Date January 11, 1977", dated November 29, 1976
[Friday, December 10, 1976, 00:41 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase was on vacation on Erra for 3 weeks
Easter Island - symbol-form of writing; Semjase not allowed to translate
it, "connections would be revealed which the earthhuman beings are
still not admitted to know":
Easter Island - history, heads (monoliths):
Tiahuanaco - history from ancient times to 672 B.C.:
Last decisive colonization of Earth by extraterrestrials was 13,000 years ago
Viracocoha ("Viracocha") - semi-IHWH, fled from Lyra with followers,
"Lyranians", 11 meters tall; he conquered Tiahuanaco & Easter
Island, settled on small island of Mot (today called Motunui, island
near New Zealand):
Cherubim - body guards of Viracocoha; birdlike-human creatures
"Mot" - means "bird" in ancient Plejaren language; "Mot-Isle" means "Island of Bird-Humans"
Easter Island & Tiahuanaco - inhabitants were descendents of
extraterrestrials from earlier times who had immigrated to Earth;
instructed by the fled Lyranian giants in operating "appliances &
machines" to erect the giant Easter Island Heads
Pisco, Nazca & Sacsayhuaman [all in Peru] - also settled by the giant Lyranians
Easter Island - egg-shaped stones there represent spaceships of the giant Lyranians that had this shape
Lyranians - after several thousand years an epidemic struck them, they
fled in their spaceships, got lost in space, presumed dead; took all
their technologies & instruments with them
Easter Island Heads - red hats were an attempt by the islanders to
please the giants & bring them back; hats represented the space
helmets of the giants; hats made from mixture of red soil, sand &
small stones, molded in a small volcanic crater, lifted into place by
crane-like machines
Last sign of giants was in a solar system of Andromeda; thousands of
years later some Andromedan (180 centimeters [@5'] average height)
journeyed to Earth & "brought a message of the giants to Tiahuanaco
& lived there for 20 years & 7 months" (592 B.C. - @571 B.C.)
Tiahuanaco - Andromedans constructed electrical energy centers with
underground cables protected by half-tube channels (this stumps today's
Andromedans in Tiahuanaco - @571 B.C. struck by the same mysterious
epidemic that afflicted the giant Lyranians, fled into space, presumed
Other giant extraterrestrial races - not all are like the Lyranians, colonized all continents of Earth
Cyclops, titans, dwarves - also settled on all continents, either left Earth or died
Hyperboreans - splinter group of their descendents, remembered in history as the gods & semi-gods of Greek mythology
Heracles - @3 meters tall [son of Zeus, written of by Euripides]:
Meier - saw a Hyperborean with Asket, several meters tall
Noah - 3.10 meters tall
Adam - slightly less than 4 meters tall
Gilgamesh - Sumerian king/semi-god, 7.5 meters tall:
Great ell - ancient unit of height measurement
Small ell - ancient unit of height measurement
Height - normal according to any given race, abnormal only when there's a racial degeneration
Height of Earth humans - why so small when ancestors were giants?
Dwarf-like races
Names - elected according to a life form's evolutional position; problems that result from a wrongly given name
Meier - name defined as "Preserver of the Treasure"
Meier - nickname "Billy", concerns about it being used
Semjase's name - means semi-IHWH, "ishrish" (female form, male form is
"ishwish"), "elo" means "semi" in Plejaren language; Elo-Ishwish
Jacobus Bertschinger - previously named "Jacob" (which was suitable for a
time); "us" ending added, meaning "god protects" or "the king of wisdom
protects"; "Jacob" means "god kills" or "the king of wisdom kills"
Milky Way galaxy - galaxial central sun/star is 53,000 light years from
the sun; properties of that central star & the formation of suns
& planets from it
Universal central sun (star) - origin of all materializing,
cross-material matter including gas atoms in space; "consists of pure
spiritual stuff but which is already fluffy condensed", milky-white
color [see Great Journey effects of hyper-leaps, Contact 31] visible as
light ("spiritual matter of this shape is just light"); seen from Earth
as a fine milky line; its light power is immeasurable; located roughly
in the middle of the universe
Universal central galaxy - seen from Earth as a line, an immense flash constantly enlarging
"Genesis" - FIGU book, explains where the spiritual matter (stuff) comes
from; "'light flakes'...are condensed spiritual energies rising from
the Creation, generated by her, created by will, ideas"
The Creation - "not a living being", the universal consciousness; "leads
& governs...consciousness"; double-spiral shaped oval formation,
the double-spiral arms "live pulsing as spiritual energy and rotate
towards each other"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "how little we know in spite of our enormous knowledge." -Semjase
Petrified 90-centimeter footprints of adolescent giants on Earth, 6 to 6.5 meters tall (average)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - those on vacation from Earth return mid-May 1977
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - triangular (delta-shaped) beam-spreading
spaceship with "gaudy beams of light in front...behind was a colorless
lightbeam play", hovered above Meier's house for @20 minutes, people in
the house began to act strangely
Meier group communication system - arranged for by the women
"...You should keep your hopes within reasonable limits, which namely
you are quite well able to do, if you do not move your feelings into
it." -Semjase
Incident involving an "SS chief" (ex-Nazi) at Uster (Germany?)
December 7, 1976 9:40 p.m.: extraterrestrial dwarf race - from a small
planet in a previously unknown (to the Pleiadians/Plejaren) star system;
110 centimeters tall; expedition spaceship commanded by scientists,
landing track in the snow, 3.5 meters circumference, 4 touchdown
supports, landed because Pleiadians/Plejaren had a small impulse-sender
device nearby (which serves their telemeter discs for orientation);
footprints no longer than 23 centimeters, 1 set of footprints in snow
with no leading-in tracks; landed due to an involuntary time shift
caused by faulty space-drive; one of them took samples of plants, ice
& water from a nearby pool, another got materials from the forest,
3rd one in a hovering vehicle; will be taken back to their time &
home world by Ptaah
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
2 illustrations of Easter Island heads, 1 portrayed as wearing space helmets; taken from a UFO contact case in Hungary
2 photos [dwarf footprints in the snow]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Newspaper article on UFOs & Jacques Vallee
German article on the technical aspects of Viking 2 expedition to Mars
Letter from the United States Information Service regarding the Viking 1 Mars expedition findings
[Thursday, January 6, 1977, 00:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in 49 Questions, page 34
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Noah - 3.10 meters tall (measurement corrected due to clerical error)
A primary (first) molecule of spiritual energy becoming matter contains
49 atoms; the atoms are an intermediate between spiritual energy &
material matter
Seven-fold synthesis of matter - 7 planes each different structurally
& by "value"; earth scientists only aware of the 7th and 6th planes,
working on the 5th; earth scientists call the 7th plane the atom plane,
(but actually the 1st plane is the atomic plane); and they call the 6th
plane elementary particles (but this is actually the 2nd plane); "there
exists a micro-atom-plane beside the atom plane, which draws through
all spiritual energetic & rough-material matter"
HISTORY OF THE ARYANS - ancient home worlds were planets within Lyra
near Vega; mastered space flight 22+ million years ago & visited
Earth in its early development; brought banished criminals to Earth for
punishment who mixed with early native Earth human-like creatures;
Destroyer planet damaged Lyra-Vegan home worlds; later developed
disc-shaped beamships; conquering wars; Lyra-Vegan liberation war
230,000 years ago; "more than 60% of all culture was damaged &
completely destroyed", 3 planets of Lyra system dissolved to energy by a
weapon called "over-kill" (now being developed on Earth, written about
in science fiction novels); commander of the terrorizing armies an IHWH
named Asael; Asael fled with 360,000 people ("titan-sized") in 183
great-spacers & 253 space-reconnaissance ships to the Asael System
([the Pleiades] star system with 254 young blue-white stars), later take
possession of the worlds of the Hesperides System; on the Hesperides
worlds centuries later, Asael dies, succeeded by his daughter Pleja (an
IHWH), "Asael System" name changed to "Pleja-System" [the Pleiades];
Pleja commanded expeditions to the SOL system, which had been where a
part (Venus) of a destroyed (by the Destroyer planet millions of years
ago) planet of the Lyra-Vega system was transplanted (see Contacts 5
& 60); Pleja expedition to SOL system took control of Mars, Earth
& Malona, later returned back to Lyra-Vega system leaving some
behind to mix with the races there; Pleja died and later Lyra-Vegans
(Pleiadians) returned again to Earth & Malona (4th planet), fights
for government arose, Earth was evacuated to Lyra-Vega worlds, Malona
remained colonized until destroyed by war between its 2 nations (remains
are the Asteroid Belt); later, Lyra-Vega criminals again banished to
Earth; later Earth colonized again by several hundred great-spacers of
Lyra-Vegans (Pleiadians) for 6,000 years, later destroyed by wars; later
war broke out again in Lyra-Vega system, IHWH leader Pelegon &
other Lyra-Vegan "titans" traveled to Earth 50,000 years ago; in
Lyra-Vega the wars were fought to their end & government was given
over to spiritual leaders, final peace was found and @26 A.D. Pleiadians
discovered by expedition a semi-spiritual world in the Andromeda system
inhabited by semi-spiritual beings who became the Plejaren alliance
"High Council" in 26 A.D. (1,951 years ago, see sentence 170); under
Pelegon's leadership on Earth with 200 sub-leader scientists,
high-cultured civilizations arose on every continent & peace lasted
10,000 years, until IHWH named Jesas murdered the follower of Pelegon
& took command of all nations, war broke out & 100s of thousands
fled to Beta-Centaurus ("Barnard's Star"); etc., etc.
History of Atlantis (see Contacts 55 & 59)- @31,000 B.C. (33,000
years ago) descendents of the Beta-Centaurus [?] refugees colonized
Earth again, guided by IHWH named Atlant who was married to IHWH named
Karyatide; Atlantis (city & continent) built under Atlant's
leadership; Smaller-Atlantis built under Karyatide's leadership; Mu
built under the leadership of Karyatide's father Muras; 18,000 years
passed in flourishment, until @13,000 B.C. (15,000 years ago) scientists
tried to seize power but subdued & escaped to Beta-Centaurus
("Barnard's Star") region
Hyperborea (Florida) - @11,000 B.C. descendents of the Atlantis
power-mongers/escapees to Beta-Centaurus returned to Earth for revenge
(meanwhile had increased their lifespan up to 1,000 years by research
& extended knowledge), led by IHWH named Arus "the barbarian" who
also had 200 sub-leaders/scientists; Arus conquered northern lands of
Earth ("Hyperborea"), Earth's axis at that time was different, "before a
turn of the Earth changed its axis" (i.e. Florida used to be in the
northern region of Earth's magnetic pole before the axis changed to what
it is now); Arus's son Arus II attacked what are now the lands of
India, Pakistan, Iran (Persia), etc. inhabited by the Sumerians (peace
loving, dark-skinned {not negroid, but Europid} & tall, mainly
traders & agriculturalists [sentence 176], descendents of Sirians
who had settled on Earth 33,000 years ago when the Pleja-System people
did); [sentences 173-175] Sumerians expelled by Aurus II, returned to
their old homeland "between the Caspian Sea & Mount Arahat
[Ararat]"; India, previously named Arya, named after Arus II, which had
split from Hyperboreans & allied with inhabitants of Mu &
Agharta; Arus I ("the barbarian", father of Arus II) meanwhile
constantly attacked Mu & Greater Atlantis; those wars lasted 1,502
years, Mu & Atlantis were destroyed; Arus I murdered in old age,
after destruction of Mu & Atlantis, by his 3rd son Jehovan;
[sentences 172-179] some descendents of Arus I "preserved themselves as
the Ausists" until Jehav's time (@3,400 B.C.) when 160,000 of them
(called Great-Aryans, advocated Arus I's ideas)) deserted Jehav's
government, wandered & plundered northwest to east, attacked the
Sumerians in India & settled there
Hebrew/Jewish History - Jehovan took power & seized control of 3
nations & the Hyperboreans; 1 of those nations subjugated by Jehovan
were descendents of an IHWH named Armus who had settled in the region
of Armenia 33,000 years ago (from the Pleja-System); 2nd nation
subjugated by Jehovan were the Aryans (of India); 3rd "nation" was not a
nation but "a worldwide alliance of gypsies...interspersed by spies
& saboteurs of Jehovan", the "Hebrews" ("Hebraons" in ancient
Plejaren language, later "Hebrons", names meaning "gypsies", "dregs of
society", "outcast"), the "Jews" of today, who then "constantly incited
fights & quarrels within the whole world"; (sentence 143) "Peace on
Earth will finally be then when, when this might-thirsty & murderous
self-called Hebraon race-connection has become completely scattered";
Jehovan governed @7,000 years ago (@5,000 B.C.?), murdered by his only
son Jehav who took control of government 3,400 B.C. & ruled the 3
nations/races wickedly ("demanding blood & death") until 3,320 B.C.;
Jehav had 3 sons, Arussem (1st born), Ptaah & Salam; Arussem
murdered Jehav & tried to seize power but thwarted by his brothers
who banished him & 72,000 followers; [sentences 167-171] Ptaah &
Salam (sons of Jehav) along with "heavenly sons", Hyperboreans &
"the emigrants from the Pleja-System led the further government by
common agreement...and created peace"; Ptaah (2nd son of Jehav) ruled
for 93 years, stricken with an unknown disease & died, his brother
Salam (3rd son of Jehav) ruled alone until an old man, re-connected with
"the home worlds" & their form of government, & handed over
government to his son Plejos 2,040 years ago (73 B.C.?); Plejos followed
the guidance of the High Council when it was established in 26 A.D.
(1,951 years ago) & prepared the long hoped for return to the
Pleiadians/Plejaren' home worlds in 33 A.D. (1,944 years ago) after
Jmmanuel had been born & educated for a prophet for his mission;
Plejos ordered the procreation of Jmmanuel
History of the Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - Arussem (1st son of Jehav)
secretly returned to Earth with an army & settled "deep inside the
ground & deep below the pyramids" of Egypt, center established in
existing rooms & structures beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza
[Gizeh]; their goal reached through lying, deceit, intrigues, wrong
teachings, delusional religious lectures & cults, etc.; their
lifespans decreased due to being cutoff from their technologies,
research, etc., today (1977) live to 94 years average (average lifespan
of European human @1977 was 74 years), no longer able to reproduce,
dying out & less than 2,100 in number, all to be dead within 3
decades (2007 A.D.) [Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences expelled from Earth
@1978 by the Pleiadians/Plejaren]; Arussem governed until 3,010 B.C.
when he was forcefully exiled by a mutineer named Henn (called "Jehova,
the Cruel One" by the Hebraons); Henn ("Jehova") ruled 30 years until
2,080 B.C. when, as an old man, he was displaced by his nephew Kamagol
I, who seized command of the Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences to extend the
center below the Great Pyramid into a center of world power &
domination; Kamagol I coerced all earthly religions into his control
& demanded human sacrifices & spread cults "which are partly
preserved even until the present"; Kamagol I removed from power by his
son Kamagol II, died imprisoned in a dungeon; Kamagol II ruled &
committed mass murders, lived to old age & died December 27, 1976;
[sentences 180-181] no new leader since then, decisions to be made by
common conclusion
"the unlimited possibilities of the spiritual forces" - Semjase (sentence 41)
IHWH - "god", "king of wisdom" (sentence 42)
Pleiades - the stars' name traces back to Pleja (IHWH daughter of Asael), maintained in Earth histories in Greek mythology
Calendar year - also maintained on Erra; invented by Plejaren ancestors
Plejaren calendar year begins 49,711 years ago (when the final peace was established), 47,734 B.C. in Earth's chronology
Pleiades planets named by numbers until the High Council took over in 26 A.D. & desired names for the planets
Pleiadians/Plejaren use 2 yearly chronologies - one based on final peace
(47,734 B.C.), other on High Council's guidance ("spiritual
synchronization & harmonization") (26 A.D.)
Earthquake in Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976 - about 1 million dead;
893,000 killed, 208,000 seriously (life-long) injured, 811,000 injured,
70,000 missing:
Predictions for 1977 - based on probability calculations;
extraterrestrial spaceships (ships described) come to Earth & search
for contact with Earth humans
Meier - departs the ship leaving going-away footprints in a field but none leading-to
Meier - asks Semjase if she would sometime greet his friends by radio
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
"Statement" on Guido Moosbrugger's report
"Important Considerations", report by Guido Moosbrugger: UFO-Exposures,
Critically Examined; "The measurements are not correct"; "The fable of
the firtree"; Other Assumptions; A mysterious event -- essay mentions
the group balloon test & elimination of the 3-5 meter tall fir tree
by Semjase
3 photos [October 17, 1976, Hinwil, tree elimination demonstration]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
4 photos by Billy from January 7, 1977
[Monday, January 10, 1977, 2:14 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Predictions for 1977 [some specific topics] - based on "prophetic sight"
& probability calculations; heaviest earthquakes in 900 years
(regions named, including San Andreas fault); new islands formed by
undersea volcanic eruptions, 1st one in Japan; volcanic eruption in
Zaire with several thousand dead [January 10, 1977 Nyiragongo volcano at
Goma, Zaire]; unusually heavy snowfalls beginning "tomorrow" January
11, 1977, which lead to summer droughts; extraction of oil; world-wide
birth control & 7+ year birth-stop; increased terrorism, "the guilt
therefore is in the main the nation of Israel & the states
supporting it, World War 3 threatens, "can only be averted if the
nations of the world come to an agreement to dissolve together the state
of Israel, whereafter then all borders of all states are dissolved
& a world government of non-political manner, but a spiritually
guided one, which must be exercised"; scientists will develop "an
extremely dangerous & deadly weapon, by which the concerned state
gains great power" [HAARP?; see Contacts 79 & 260]
[Thursday, February 3, 1977, 00:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's 40th birthday - Pleiadians/Plejaren offer "very best wishes"
Meier instructed to look for new home/location - region details
"Nearly all flat land in the north of Switzerland" will be destroyed by later atomic fires from war
Group financial concerns - "impulses of truth" sent to others, leading them to assist
FIGU Group members - "Many ones of your group will find their next
incarnation in the Center"; first [members] will incarnate between
2012-2025 as females, others 2033-2036 as males, remainder between
2045-2072 "besides several further person whose names are still unknown
to you, but who in the run of the next time, and in the next years, will
still meet with you"; "The missions of the different ones are very
different there, and are often hardly recognizable by themselves. But
they are of importance & far-reaching, in the future as well as
today, even if the single person still does not recognize this"
Meier - knows when & how he will die "unexpectedly & unassumed";
"after 800 years you will again be the centerpoint of your innermost
group"; "you incarnate in rapid sequence several times at different
places of the Earth, to fulfill your mission with other nations &
races of this world"
FIGU Group members - "will recognize ["Billy"] at each appearance, like
they will themselves among one another"; some of their children will die
"soon", part will reincarnate by 2017; "looser group members" will
reincarnate beginning in 1995; other details of group member
reincarnations referred to
FIGU Group members - "a special help" needed to be able to reincarnate at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center
FIGU Meditation Center - "a center for oscillations & radiations by the energies of crystals, etc."
Himalayan monastery - "where certain gurus, real masters, destine their next place of rebirth"
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Switzerland earthquake zones map
[Monday, February 7, 1977, 6:34 p.m. + additional contact at 11:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Guest by radio contact: Jacobus Bertschinger
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hinterschmidruti house & property up for sale soon
FIGU Group members - able to determine their next incarnation at the FIGU center
"Primary origin"
FIGU Group members - future incarnation spiritual leaders & teachers of Earth
Hinterschmidruti land properties - to be bought in spring 1978
Billy Meier ("Miranos 1") speaks to Jacobus Bertschinger ("Miranos 3") from Semjase's beamship via his radio set
FIGU Group members - list of descendents names asked for
Semjase observes airplanes taking off at Kloten airport
Meier ends the contact & appears on the ground in front of Jacobus Bertschinger
Beamship apparatus - teletransmitter (de-materialization & re-materialization transporter)
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
"Like By Witchcraft", report by Jacobus Bertschinger regarding incidents on February 7, 1977
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
5 photos
Report by Jacobus Bertschinger regarding incidents on February 7, 1977
[Monday, February 14, 1977, 6:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 101,271
This contact is not included in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hinterschmidruti house & property - financial concerns
FIGU - first 7 years "will be very hard & troublesome"
FIGU - guidance advice given by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
"A photographic evidence" to be sent to Meier within 14 days
[Monday, February 21, 1977, 11:31 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 102
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hinterschmidruti house & property - bought, initial survey begun (Stevens note)
Dwarf extraterrestrial group - 4 Extraterrestrials; 115 centimeters
tall; live on a smaller neighboring planet to Erra; noticed in public in
their spacesuits during a festival; don't breathe oxygen; analyze
radiations & subterranean earth-shifts; purified the cellar of the
FIGU center; 1 caught on film slightly:
investigate homes of FIGU members including Engelbert Wachter's where his cat "went crazy"
FIGU group members - list of names given by Semjase (unpublished)
Plejaren instrument that registers sleep and "twilight-sleep" by symbols
Menara in her ship chased by a Swiss jet fighter plane
"Animals are very sensitive & feel us as well in an invisible state." -Semjase
Semjase writes a greeting ("some short lines") to the FIGU group members
Meier - teleported from the beamship to the ground in front of Jacobus
Bertschinger's elderly father while raining (Meier was dry)
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents --
"Statement" on the witness report
"Nightly Assignment In The "Schonenberger-Region" (ZH), During Rain And
Mud: Experience's report from February 20, 1977" by Engelbert Wachter,
with Meier and 4 witnesses
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
2 photos taken during a visit by the dwarf extraterrestrials
"A Strange Small Experience" by Bernadette Brand, report of incidents on February 13, 1977 involving the dwarf extraterrestrials
List of 21 Core Group FIGU members, written by Semjase
"Nightly Assignment In The Schonenberger-Region (ZH), During Rain And
Mud" witness report regarding incidents on February 20, 1977
[Monday, May 23, 1977, 7:43 p.m.]
Contact person: Menara
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - short telepathic contact with Semjase who is in another time/dimension
Race & racism (racial prejudice)
Meier - "give[s] no compliments"
Menara in Quetzal's ship which can time-travel - will time-shift return Meier a few minutes after he left the group
Meier asks Menara if she will leave a landing trace at the new Center
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - try to prevent FIGU center being built; in
alliance with secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil; negative mental
influences on some group members; 1 member influenced by a "wrong
medium" which leads her to find "certain parallels between the truth and
the deceptions offered her"
Duty & responsibility
2 people who work against the group & reveal internal group secrets
Group members - some want "command positions"; "From the first to the
last person of them, they are all of the same worth; the knowing one
exactly like the less knowing one"; regulations; "proposal registers";
concerns about previous lifetime incarnations
"...Superstition and misleading untruths lead the searching and exploring one towards unreal and wrong ways"
Message From The Pleiades 3 additional contents [Volume 3] --
Appendix I - German Disc-Craft Research
22 photos & diagrams
Appendix II - Another Craft In A Ball Of Light
3 photos
Appendix III - Antiquity Of The Name Pleiades
1 photo [The Pleiades star cluster]
Other English Materials We Have Published On This Case [bibliography]
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
1 photo [March 29, 1976, Hasenbol-Langenberg]
Foreword: 4 different translations of the Contact Notes, explained;
"Billy Meier is not satisfied with this translation either"; "We brought
these notes from there without their actual permission, and published
them against their desire"
Preface: first Stevens associations with Meier in July 1977; DAL
Universe, The DALs, & the universal barrier; story of the parchment
fragment with Meier's incarnational prophet procession from Enoch to
Billy, discovered in an Egyptian tomb in a pyramid, initial translation
to German by Asket, further translation by Michael Hesemann; Meier's
early travels with Asket to India, etc.; Ashoka Ashram; Phobol Cheng;
David Hurleburt; 11 spaceship photos from India
1 photo [parchment fragment]
3 document reproductions related to the parchment fragment ["Sample
Letter Substitutions Offered By Asket"; "Burned Fragment With Letter
Substitutions"; "Enlargement Of Burned Fragment" with translation]
Letter from Meier to Wendelle Stevens dated June 24, 1994: mentioning 300 India photos, monkey "Emperor Hanuman":
1 photo [Phobol Cheng, 1993 New York NY, Pennsylvania Hotel Coffee Shop]
"A Surprising Encounter" by Wendelle Stevens: story of Phobol Cheng
10 photos [May-July 1964, India]
Introduction to Gary Kinder's letter
"An Open Letter to the UFO Community" by Gary Kinder (author of "Light Years"), dated March 6, 1987
"Information about the contacts": statistics & Semjase's recovery, etc.
Introduction statement to Volume 4: "...Again we have purged these notes
of defamatory and slanderous statements about personalities, of
unnecessary redundancy, and of harsh comments on our religious and
political systems."
"Other Cosmonauts And Their Ships" [excerpt from UFO Contact From The
Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report, chapter 10, by Wendelle
4 beamship diagrams
4 photos [beamship landing tracks]
"Statement: Finally Traces Again...and finally traces in own ground and
area", report by Hans Schutzbach regarding the sudden disappearance of
Meier from among them [Jacobus Bertschinger, Herbert Runkel & Hans
Schutzbach] during work, dated May 24, 1977
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"Report About A Strange UFO Sighting" by Martin Sorge, regarding incidents on January 30, 1977
Letter to Meier from Martin Sorge, dated March 13, 1977
"Finally Keep In Track On The Own Reason And Soil" report by Hans
Schutzbach regarding the sudden disappearance of Meier from among them
[Jacobus Bertschinger, Herbert Runkel & Hans Schutzbach] during
work, dated May 24, 1977
2 photos of landing tracks taken by Hans Schutzbach
[Tuesday, May 31, 1977, 9:07 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Apparatus - teletransmitter
Meditation Center at FIGU - group members records given to the High
Council who determine the group composition & meditation times
Many forms of Earth human mentality not understood by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences & the secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil
Meier - "under no circumstances do leave your country"
2 people who work against the group by betrayal
Group members - negative influences upon them; dangers of driving because of those influences
"the radiations of the constellations of the stars"..."make valid their influence in strongest form"
Meier - "I only then can have a necessary discussion when they [group
members] come to me"; group members don't want to burden Meier
Plejaren beamship - "escape pit" (anti-gravity pit)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"The Large Embarrassment" by Engelbert Wachter, Switzerland, regarding incidents on May 31, 1977
[Wednesday, July 6, 1977, 3:19 p.m.]
Contact persons: Menara, Alena
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 109-110
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Alena - from the planet Sater in the star system MEL in Lyra; 148 centimeters tall
2nd beam pistol [first one used by Meier on September 29, 1976; see
Contact 64] - pictures taken with Alena; older than previous beam pistol
by @600 years, described in detail; emits "dissociation oscillations"
(which destroy certain artificial matter), "combustion radiations"
(eliminator/disintegrator) & "narcotizing effect" (for
self-defense); newer beam pistols are 1/3rd size & tuned only to the
carrier/owner's brainwave pattern
Menara's ship - not a beamship for deep space flight, flies by
"densification & high-compressed exhaust of atmospheric gases" which
don't bother animals; beamship radiations & vibrations do
disturb/excite animals; able to be screened from sight, a technology
developed 2,983 years ago
Beam pistol - demonstration film also made (sentences 41-42)
Alena to Meier - "if you can not express yourself as you would like by
words, then I nevertheless conceive the vibrations of your feelings, and
these make your words understandable for me"
Meier - possesses great knowledge of numerous manual labor skills;
skills normally learned in 3 years learned in 2-3 months or less
Meier - "if here or there something went wrong, I often had to be quite
unkind"; he had to "teach a member of the group by harsh language";
"very often I also snatch up uncontrolled thoughts"
"Wheat separated from the chaff"
Apparatus - detects thoughts approaching
"Protective umbrella" - radiates all around the center during contact
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
5 photos [July 6, 1977, Hinterschmidruti, Alena & Meier with beam pistol/laser gun]
7 photos [July 6, 1977, Hinterschmidruti, tree shot with beam pistol/laser gun]
"Statement: The Shot By Beam-Pistol", report by a FIGU group member
"The Laser Pistol Photos", report by Wendelle Stevens
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
Magazine article (1998) about a new pistol that can only be shot by its owner
10 photos [July 6, 1977, Hinterschmidruti, Alena & Meier with beam pistol/laser gun & the tree shot with it]
"The Jet Pistols Shot", report by Jacobus Bertschinger regarding incidents on July 6, 1977
[Saturday, July 16, 1977, 3:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 46-47,109
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase returns, having visited "different future epochs of time" concerning the group members
"I ought not and am not allowed to interfere directly with your labor for evolution" -Semjase
Envy & egotism
1977 predictions - more than 2/3rds from Meier's knowledge & probability calculations & "a form of future vision"
FIGU Center - opening beginning of November 1977
"the newest horrible damage weapon of the Americans"
"The greater and more wicked the anti-propaganda against you and your
group appears, and against us, all the greater are the positive
successes" -Semjase
Hans Jacob, Mario Bertossi & Michael Arends
Meier - "within earlier millenniums, you collected innumerable experiences with such things, and never hesitated"
Apparatus - for examining Meier's illness, infection from meat parasites
poisoning the blood & affecting certain brain cells (causing his
pessimistic attitude)
Apparatus - parasite neutralizer
Parasites that lead to sickness & poisoning - bacilli, viruses, microbes, salmonella, pathogenic organisms
Organ transplants - antigen serums, fetal tissue (stem cells); auric forces within the transplanted organ; etc.
Human species - highest developed physical creature of very defined characteristics not found in animals or plants
"The earthhuman being will walk his own way in any case, because he has
predetermined this already by the great mass of himself" -Semjase
Earthly standards of conduct - Pleiadians/Plejaren had to learn to understand these forms of thinking & conduct
"Loose group formed with the intention of robbery"
Negative thoughts by group members
Mistakes and learning from them; self-education
[in MFTP4pg.116 sentences @100-101 repeated with different translations]
Desire for domination, egoism etc. "ought to be destroyed in a
controlled way or else very soon quarrels and envy will rage again"
Meier's burden of living on Earth - loneliness; "you bare this heavy
burden for them [the group] & for all the other human beings of
Earth"; trust & love should be offered by the group to release the
loneliness; unable to find a spiritual teaching partner on Earth
"Better off are all those who can weep outside, to give expression to their feelings, and to release them that way" -Semjase
Dreams - "they do bring release to you [Billy] & a certain poise"
"At very early times things behaved exactly as they now behave within my life" - Meier
Meier - "produced a demanded thing/s" that must be taken to Erra for purification from negative radiations & oscillations
Meier - elevation to glorification "like in earlier times" must be prevented
Group member, woman - incarnation of Saul/Paul, at that time confused by
Jmmanuel's fireworks demonstration on the road to Damascus
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - "their center lying very exactly on a
center of the magnetic radiation" used for force attacks against the
"Oscillations of the stars"
FIGU Center - "has to be finished very exactly at the fixed point of time"
Beam pistol photos (July 6, 1977) - distortions caused by the protective
shield from Menara's ship; Jacobus' tractor image (from days before)
appeared by infrared radiation
Group members - Plejaren ship demonstrations seen as entertainment,
relaxation or a "privilege", pressing the "essential spiritual concerns
to the background"
Swiss army - watching Meier's group to try to capture Pleiadians/Plejaren
Meditation Center & FIGU house - 2 compass readings for North pole,
one in the meditation center pointing towards Earth's old magnetic north
pole [Florida?] which is also the current galactic magnetic north pole,
other in the house pointing towards Earth's current north pole in
Telemeter ("registration") discs - fly directly above the FIGU center,
for locating the "position of the facet courses of the magnetic
streams"; recently equipped with course-stabilizers which activate
automatically "if the lights for course-correction get switched off by
thought influence" (which Meier has done [also Guido Moosbrugger in
America early-1990's]); Plejaren telemeter discs unable to crash, except
possibly into each other if they go off course, in which case they
dissolve; other extraterrestrial races' telemeter discs can crash
"Like every human form of life, you need the steady new testing of your spiritual forces" -Semjase
Spiritual Teachings:
Death - desire to be sure that there is "life after death" obtainable
"if every single one will overcome his own I, because in truth, it is
only the fog of the ego and the I which prevents the outlook towards the
kingdom or sphere of the true living, the spiritual sphere, being away
from the change of rising or dying" (Semjase); "egotism &
materialism and all other unworthy of the human being concerns to which
he became subject and by which he is imprisoned" (Semjase); spiritual
growth; "for many human beings" physical death means "the beginning of
their essential life...the gradual re-lighting of the inner sohar",
"Only by true inner rebirth can the darkness or dim light of one earthly
life be finished, that is, when the light of the inner sphere becomes
conscious to you, and when the working of the spirit of life no longer
appears a hollow fate to you, which in truth you yourselves generate and
create by wrong education. If then finally the sohar is shining inside
of you, then you see the invisible, the power of the spirit and its
unlimited force for being the true working fact..." -Semjase
"The Other World" (after physical death)
"One life is arranged in order into the next one, and the one assists
the other for living, for being arranged at a certain time again into
the perishing, when it has completed its time and task" -Semjase
Life and Death - "The life does not strive for the overcoming of the
single case of death, but towards the overcoming by evolution of the
death and rising in itself"; "the final goal of all creations...the
Creation...the Universal Consciousness"
"The actual sense of life within the material realm" - "Self-conquest of
the steadily wanting to dominate I, and following evolution in the
whole of spirit. To conquer yourselves then, is meaning that you should
help your higher self towards the victory, to recognize in this way a
still higher self, namely the creational I, into which you will awake by
still higher evolutions. Certainly, this is one of the most difficult
labors of your life, but moreover as well the very most beautiful, most
worthy and richest one." -Semjase
"your spirit life inside of you is a piece of the spiritual energy of
the Creation"; "to be at one with the spirit of life inside of
yourselves, with the part-piece of Creation inside of you"; true freedom
& freedom from fear of death & death itself; "To be at one with
the part-piece of creational energy inside of yourselves also means to
recognize behind the outer ego your other ego, which namely is the
creational I" -Semjase
"To see himself truly and to recognize oneself - one's most original I,
which reaches above all spheres and limitations and beyond is floating
in all senses towards the all-great-temporal and humanly inconceivable
regions of the which he recognizes the death for only the
other side of life, which, like in the physical sphere is sleep, which
detaches from the wakefulness of day." -Semjase
"The Other World" - "the separate kingdoms of this world and the Other
World are one single kingdom and sphere, coexisting in the same place,
but just otherwise dimensioned, but within the same time-sphere"
"Need and pains, like joy and delight, do always keep the scale in
balance, but by your wrong thinking alone you over-value your need and
pain, register these and keep them in constant memory, while far too
soon you forget the events of delight and luck and let them go...move
with poise in these matters and remember the positive like the negative
to preserve that in memory." -Semjase
Millions & billions of years will pass before Earth humans realization of the highest goal
"in the present you...truly have to seize the helping hand and the
offered knowledge of truth, to value this and to elaborate it towards
the goal" -Semjase
Thought transmissions ("talking by thought") - symbolic pictures re-translated by Meier
Semjase privately discusses higher concerns, "which still can not be
understood by the earthhuman beings of the present", with Meier
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
2 photos [July 6, 1977, Hinterschmidruti, Meier with beam pistol/laser gun & the tree shot with it]
[Wednesday, August 24, 1977, 12:01 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 235
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
August 10, 1977 Semjase senses pain in Meier and crashes into an apple tree, breaking the top off
August 12, 1977 - remote-controlled mechanical/artificial praying mantis
resting on the Semjase-damaged apple tree, carrying a mutated bacteria
sprayed on Meier and implanted in the tree; Quetzal & others
"elaborate a means which (since August 23, 1977) he diffuses throughout
the atmosphere" to control the spread
August 16, 1977 - Pegasus refugees - creature with large fluorescent eyes, about as tall as Herbert Runkel, spotted by Meier
Konrad Schutzbach in his airplane flies close by Semjase's screened & perimeter-protected beamship
Semjase's beamship - has many weapons
Beamship weapon - used by Meier to burn the surface of the area of the
infected apple tree from 38 meters away; operation explained
Pegasus refugees - evil-minded, united with Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
2 photos [July 16, 1977, Hinterschmidruti, insect-infested apple tree burned by beam/laser instrument]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
4 photos [insect-infested apple tree burned by beam/laser instrument]
"If It Cracks In The Apple Tree", report by Herbert Runkel, Germany, regarding incidents in August 1977
[Sunday, September 4, 1977, 11:03 a.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Quetzal, Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mr. G - contactee from being of the next-higher sphere, obeyed his
mission at first but then became eager for profit from it; lost contact
but wasn't aware of it, delusionally thinks he is still in contact;
wants control over the FIGU group
"the material aspects of life have to be brought into connection with the spiritual" -Ptaah
Meier - previous incarnation "about 1,500 years ago" [Muhammad] he
taught physical & spiritual teachings (now mostly only spiritual
Swamis, gurus & meditation teachers
"Never a member of your group should appropriate any heresies from
outside, but tune himself only onto the truth, which he gets from you."
Séances - negative radiations
Remote-controlled mechanical/artificial praying mantis - created by Giza
[Gizeh] Intelligences with the help of the Pegasus refugees
August 29-30, 1977 - FIGU wall collapses (tossed 1+ meter forward) by
oscillation-vibrator using microwaves, caused by the Giza [Gizeh]
Intelligences & Pegasus refugees in their ship
Pegasus refugees - made connections with the secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil
FIGU Center - essential worth & danger to Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Pegasus refugees - oscillation-vibrator with microwaves causes instant
aging when used on people (not allowed by Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
because it would reveal their existence to the public); energies are
generated by "an exactly defined oscillation of thought" (Giza [Gizeh]
Intelligences unable to do this, must rely on Pegasus refugees)
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - religions "are their best helping means in the purpose of their plans for world government"
Pegasus refugees - will be captured by Ptaah and taken to their home planet
Plejaren telemeter disc - stationed constantly above the FIGU Center to monitor activities
FIGU Regulations of order - come from the High Council
Time comes for Meier to dedicate his teachings primarily to evolution of the spirit
Meier - instructed not to go beyond 30 kilometers from the Center or give lessons outside the Center
Meier's successor "is just growing up"
SOL System approaches the constellation of Hercules which will be reached in 20,000 years
Bermuda Triangle, Madagascar & Japanese Devil's Sea "dimension
doors" - how they are generated by cosmic radiations; no longer
generated since July 10, 1977 and none other on the planet; these places
are on "facet crossings" like the FIGU Center; 98% of events at these
places attributable to natural events
Parapsychology - parapsychologists & other superstitious fools; "the stupidity of mankind still knows no bounds"
99.5% of all "supernatural contentions" are just lies
Elsi Moser often receives impulses from Semjase
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
"Regulations Of Order" [FIGU regulations, 14 points]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 additional contents --
"Appendix To The 81st Contact: Rules Of Order (Prepared From High Advice)" [FIGU regulations, 14 points]
[Tuesday, September 6, 1977, 6:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Group members - data & meditation times given
Meditation center - ventilation, electrical illumination, meditation data explained
Group members - 7 points of value concerning obligations
Mediums (spiritualists) & séances - negative radiations
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences - learned of the founding of the FIGU Center
through analyzing a group member's subconscious thoughts released
through a medium (séance)
Mr. G (see Contact 81)
Group members - 49 members
Concentrative meditation - only allowed during night hours
Group members - if one leaves, their "stored radiations" are eliminated in the meditation center
[Saturday, September 10, 1977, 7:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier uses an "astral space-leap" on 3 occasions to try to analyze Mr.
G's aura and obtain information from his subconscious & is attacked
by Mr. G's resistance block; Meier masks his astral space-leap by 2
different wrong coordinates (New Delhi & Rangoon)
Concentrated force/powers activated by the subconscious
[Sunday, September 11, 1977, 3:48 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase tries to analyze Mr. G & is attacked like Meier was, almost
losing her life but her sister Pleja interfered to prevent that
Concentrated force/powers activated by the subconscious
Apparatus - "searcher beam" analyzers destroyed by the concentrated force of Mr. G's subconscious
[Thursday, September 15, 1977, 4:11 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mr. G - his consciousness, believing he is still in contact with higher
life forms, misleads his subconscious, which creates a vicious circle of
delusion; his subconscious (influenced strongly by religious concerns)
defended itself from Meier & Semjase's analysis attempts
Consciousness & subconsciousness - feed each other
Energies & auric forces of religious belief - "These forces
represent an immense accumulation, a gigantic form of concentrated
energy, which clasp your world like a closed sphere and often cause bad
harm"; the crazy faithful believers produce these religious forces "by
their belief & fluidum of belief", which they assume to be "forces
of darkness"
Meier - attacked at Einsiedeln Monastery (Schwyz, Switzerland) by religious forces; told to shun such places:
Meditation center times - values for each member determined by their
radiations, "the fluidum and the cosmic oscillations" + other very
important factors
Aura - violet color corresponds to a low level of development, caused by
faith in something wrong; violet & ultraviolet erroneously assumed
to be protective when it is actually negative
"Great White Brotherhood" - false teachings about "ascended masters", the "I Am", "Bridge To Freedom", etc.:
[Wednesday, September 21, 1977, 3:28 p.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - decision-making abilities
"Cult of the body" - nakedness, nudists
Meditation pyramid - dangers
Meier may end his mission; Semjase weeps; Ptaah grieved
Meier gives Semjase more books to read & comment on
[Wednesday, October 5, 1977, 2:45 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase accidentally crushes a deer with her beamship's protection shield
Apparatus - warning device when the beamship is close to a living creature
Why Meier said he was thinking of ending the mission explained by the
High Council - to cause the jealous wrong-thinking members to reflect
and change themselves
Final piece for the meditation center to be purified - soon to be taken by Semjase
Semjase comments on the books Meier brought last time - mistakes, but some good values
Southern-wind weather & storms - cause afflictions bodily, mentally & emotionally; adrenaline level
"Correct steering of the psyche" - very important
Psychiatry & psychology - Meier has great knowledge
Meier's moped lifted by Semjase's beamship - placed down at Durstelen
Semjase's thoughts towards other group members - only a few receive them as impulses
[Monday, October 17, 1977, 4:12 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
FIGU Center meditation room - electrical wiring & painting; to be
cleaned and "disradiated"; to be used in the future by Meier while
writing the contact reports & giving lectures & talks
Meier's "blockade" - able to "tie off your irradiation of forces & thoughts towards the outside"
"Spiritual sciences"
Telemeter disc - protective device installed within; hovering stationary above the Center
Southern-wind weather & storms - details of why they affect people;
climactic pressure changes; bodily production of acids, bases, mineral
salts & hormones; adrenaline & noradrenaline; electrolytes
"The more evolved the human being is by spiritual sight, all the more is
he able to control then these things and to master them, by which way
he even then fashions his life for the best, when negative influences
from the outside affect him." -Semjase
Mr. G - Ptaah asks Asket if a mechanical or electronic protection device
can by built for Meier in case Mr. G discovers Meier's location;
"disintegrator" (apparatus) for eliminating "auric forces"; installed in
the telemeter disc above the Center
Meier - lectures planned at a school in Zurich-Kloten
Meier asked by Adolph to influence the lottery; denied
Herbert Runkel & Guido Moosbrugger had previous lifetime connections with Meier's previous incarnations
Pleiadians/Plejaren - subject to mistakes & sometimes make errors
October 13, 1977 hijacking of a Lufthansa airplane - unfolding event
discussed & elaborated; Mogadishu, Somalia; Gudrun Ensslin, Andreas
Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe murdered by German prison guards:
Beamship demonstrations - perceived by some as a privilege or expected
& more; with a few exceptions, "we can not grant these unreasonable
desires in any way, because they contradict the meaning of our tasks";
"Apart from this, there is no importance of our ships and ourselves and
our existence at all, but only and solely for the mission of all of
us..."; possibility of a new/false religion or idolization arising
[Friday, October 28, 1977, 2:14 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact report transmissions - Meier works largely via his subconscious which controls the movements of his hand quickly
Meier warned of insincere future new "members" who may seek control,
profit & power or turn "betrayer" to do harm to the mission
Mistakes - sincerity & courage needed to confess mistakes to oneself
& others; "bettering himself by changing and recognition of his
mistakes and for their confession"
Betrayal - "with the earthhuman being, unfortunately betrayal is very
much expressed among selfish & might-thirsty human beings"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - spoken for doubters, the truth & meaning of
the mission; "the goal of improvement & the absolute"; "the law of
the Creational, of complete-universal sense & meaning"; "universal
Lectures - about the Pleiadians/Plejaren & their beamships, Meier
not allowed to be burdened by them in the future, "in the first place it
is not of great importance" and secondly deprives Meier of time needed
for his "essential mission"
Meier asked to let Herbert Runkel take over the 3 lectures at Zurich-Kloten
Letters/questions for Semjase - copied by her, originals kept by Meier;
her answers transmitted to Meier who writes them down on sheets of
papers where Semjase has written her name; copies of the transmission
answers to be kept with the original question-letters; Semjase not able
to easily use Earth writing tools or the handwritten Earth language
Elsi Moser - a book given to Semjase to comment upon; book copied by Semjase
FIGU Center - purified of negative forces; a place of calm, peace & love
Jacobus Bertschinger - picks up on Semjase's thought impulses
Group members individual meditation times/data - the will as a factor;
"when the individual persons trouble themselves for the processes of
learning the lessons"; "the necessary measure of concentration"; auric
forces ("material amount of fluidism"), a certain amount must be
eradicated in the members & "a quite definite quantity has to become
stored in quite a definite time"
Age & genesis of the present DERN Universe - calculated "since its
last state of slumber"; 47,000,000,000,000 years old;
"seven-greattemporal slumber"
The "Primary Universe", explained
"Greattime" (measurement) - 1 greattime = 311,040,000,000,000 years
The "Ancient Creation" - by idea "gave rise" to "our Creation"
"Period of slumbering" - 1 greattime
Age of "our Creation" - 6,578,840,000,000,000 years old
Question: where did humans first arise in the universe; not known by Semjase
Perry Rhodan (science fiction character) - books written by Karl Herbert
Scheer & Clark Carlton, ideas "inspirationally-impulsively received
by the authors & written down":
Spaceships & beamships - mainly piloted by female forms of life
Women - more sensitive in communicating, thus more companionable than males
Other extraterrestrial human races who have male-dominated societies
Culture & developmental level of a society can be determined by the form of manual activity of women
Women - physically less suited for strenuous labor, but more suited
towards labors that require a delicate touch, like flying a spaceship
Semjase sends greetings to FIGU members from herself, Ptaah, Pleja, Quetzal, Menara, Alena & others
[Friday, November 11, 1977, 4:14 p.m. & 7:28 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier tries "calling" Semjase - "my calls have simply faded away
somewhere, without having found resonance"; she was strictly occupied
"The troubling for a real success does not only depend very much on the
will, but as well on an understanding of the whole lesson &
exercise" -Semjase
Group member - H. "is burdened by body-organic & psychic
imbalances"/"impurity of the body" which causes a steady feeling of
slackness, tiredness, incontentedness, apathy & aggression; can be
detrimental to the meditation center concerns/item which stores highly
concentrated magnetic forces; group member's impurity effects noticed by
Meier as "a very peculiar fumigant smell"; neutralized by the
Pleiadians/Plejaren; before H. goes into the mediation pyramid again he
must clean his body, clothes & mouth [smoking ??]
"It is all right correct that you spend much patience with each human
being and concede in this way for him always still a chance until the
bitter end" - Semjase to Meier
Meier asks Semjase about his "later life" in respect to his present parents; answer not allowed to be given
Asina (Cygnian extraterrestrial girl) - first appears at the Center
November 8, 1977 @11:30 p.m., Meier with Clair hear a peculiar animal
call; Clair leaves frightened; beamship noise heard, tape recorder
recording it; figure suddenly appeared partly in the shadow; apish face
(monstrous, like a mixture between a fish & a frog with a large
mouth, like an "amphibian human"), something like whalebone above the
skull, female body, fingers twice as long as Earth humans, excellent
eyesight (saw Meier's pistol in the deep darkness), 160 centimeters
tall, able to communicate telepathically; words spoken were "Murg,
murg", meaning "peace, peace"
Other extraterrestrial life forms can have voices very different from Earth humans
Cygnians - amphibian humans who in earlier times lived in the water as
well as on the land; have a "clumsy language", primarily communicate via
telepathy; their home worlds/race located in the constellation of Deneb
2,000 light-years from the SOL system
Asina's spaceship with a protective screen registered by one of the
Plejaren's telemeter discs in southern Europe; cylinder-shaped ship 12
meters in diameter
Meier - commended by Semjase for his advanced abilities far above all
other Earth humans; praises cause Meier to get upset; conversation about
the meanings of "I am sorry" and "I feel sorry" (omitted by Stevens)
Contact report transmissions - pre-reports to be transmitted by a new
apparatus, constructed by Quetzal & his friends, which can transmit a
2-hour conversation in 30 minutes as a series of pictures which can be
translated & written down by Meier as fast as a computer might work
Semjase often sad that she can't have contacts with the many people who think about her
[Thursday, November 17, 1977, 5:24 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier has to kill his dog
Cygnians - 4 expedition ships from the home worlds with whereabouts
unknown; unable to communicate with their home worlds due to limited
range of their communicators (1,400 light years); utilize only primary
telepathy; heightened senses able to receive & analyze radiations
from all forms of life; Cygnian government led by the one with the
strongest, most forceful oscillations on their planet; they are a very
timid race
Primary telepathy
Spiritual telepathy
Meier - "emits the highest radiations on the Earth"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have oscillations several times higher than Meier;
radiations absorbed inside their stations & beamships so as not to
influence Earth humans; if their radiations were freely released among
Earth humans they would "straighten themselves according to us"
"Radiations" - such as sympathy & antipathy, "pro & con"
"Lessons of truth" - effects upon those who receive the lesson; a
voluntary relatedness to the lesson giver & their location is
generated inside the receiver
"Negative or untruthful lessons" - no connection is generated because
the lesson is based on coercion; similar happens with fanatical beliefs
Meier forced to kill his dog - the dog killed 2 chickens & Meier saw
"a strange yellow fire reflecting like a will-o'-the-wisp in his eyes";
the dog wasn't sick but suffering from periodic confusions causing a
desire to kill
Meier - was attacked by a tiger in eastern India (1960s)
"you have listened to your subconscious and treated according to its
dictates, which doing was all right, which yet you were not able to
reason out for you reflected too much on feelings over these matters"
[Wednesday, November 23, 1977, 2:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier - due to exhaustion, his "blockade" collapses causing him to "act
like crazy and turn mad", also from "evil-minded oscillations forced
into a reflector means of the Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences";
exhausted by helping 11+ others during the nights or by sending impulses
to them to help them which gives Meier only semi-sleep "while you
perform heaviest labor by your spirit & consciousness"; Meier taken
into Semjase's beamship to have his nerves regenerated
Meier asks Semjase if he can try receiving the report transmissions with a Remington electric typewriter
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
6 photos [Menara's beamship landing tracks in the snow]
[Tuesday, November 29, 1977, 00:43 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Missing film/photos - fell into Meier's trashcan, the contents of which got incinerated in the kitchen fireplace by him
Martin Sorge (alias Martin Duval) - plotted with his girlfriend & "H" against the group
"For other human beings of the Earth...chances should be given for that
they seize them & become able to learn by recognition of themselves"
"the otherones have to learn to learn" -Semjase
Asina & the Cygnians - staying with their ship at the Plejaren
station; while on a 4-year journey their ship's interplanetary drive
(and radio device) had been destroyed by an explosion causing them to
drift in space for 2+ years in hibernation/deep-sleep in water chambers,
awoken by robots when they drifted towards Earth; Cygnians have
old-fashioned technology given to them less than 4,000 years ago, which
they are unable to repair themselves; ship to be repaired by the
Pleiadians/Plejaren and returned to the Cygnian home world
Science Fiction writers - "they are writing by inspirational manner"
Meier asks Semjase if she will transmit as a report the short talk with Asina as well as obtain a picture of her
Asina had kissed Meier and Semjase on the cheek - the normal manner of greeting among Cygnians
[Saturday, December 3, 1977, 1:01 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
February 5, 1978 - marks the time when "the primary necessary quantity
of forces has got stored" in the meditation center, also signals the end
of Semjase's current mission
Hans Jacob keeps the partially burned film he was told by Meier to destroy
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Forecast For The Year 1978: Provided On Behalf Of Semjase And Prepared By Billy Friday, December 9, 1977"
[Saturday, December 17, 1977, 7:58 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Thursday, December 15, 1977 2:36 p.m. - Semjase's accident in the
meditation center; found in her ship by Quetzal; broken right arm &
fracture at the base of her skull
Engelbert Wachter - wrongly thinks he is being sent impulses by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Amata Stetter - writing self-generated "transmissions" she thinks are coming from the Pleiadians/Plejaren etc.
Inspirational Contactees - 22,463 people receiving inspirational impulses from the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Asket's race (DAL Universe) - more technologically advanced than the Pleiadians/Plejaren
[Wednesday, December 21, 1977, 7:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Isados
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"When anyone gives a promise, then such should be kept, and so under any circumstance." --Meier
Meier - "sends his spiritual consciousness wandering" to find out what
happened to Semjase, travels to Erra & sees Semjase in an
operating-type room apparently brain-dead in a comatose state
Isados - Plejaren, uses a language translator instrument
"The spiritual consciousness is never deceived" --Meier
Semjase's accident - Ptaah traveled to the DAL Universe to seek help
from Asket's people who could not help, so she turned to a higher race,
the Soneans; Sonean scientists travel to Erra to operate on Semjase,
removing damaged parts of her brain, inserting artificial protoplasmic
parts, etc.
[Wednesday, December 28, 1977, 8:08 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Isados is Semjase's temporary replacement
Pleja will be a constant companion to her sister Semjase while she recovers
Artificial protoplasmic brain tissue needs 3-4 years to fully incorporate itself
The brain of each life form is the seat & steering center, needing a
special energy supply which now comes from the "cosmic-electrical
energy of life"
Soneans - human race of the DAL Universe; average age is 2,360 years;
average height is 175 centimeters; head-length/size is 50% more than
Earth humans; their race is called "Sona"; developed 4000 years beyond
the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Timars - name of Asket's people/race; helped the Pleiadians/Plejaren to attain the development level of the Soneans
DERN Universe - name given our universe by the Timars of the DAL Universe; Pleiadians/Plejaren just call it "Our Universe"
Why Pleiadians/Plejaren don't maintain contacts with Earth humans
physically - explained in detail; "oscillations of the Earth human reach
up to 90 meters"; Pleiadians/Plejaren developed 3,500 years beyond
Earth humans; Pleiadians/Plejaren use an instrument to protect them from
negative oscillations when walking among Earth humans; Meier does not
emit these negative oscillations
Pleiadians/Plejaren live "dimensionally-shifted" "inside a parallel system of the Pleiades"; that dimension explained
Meier's sense of humor & joke-telling
[Friday, December 30, 1977, 11:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Amata Stetter leaves the group; self-deluded
Elementary beings (fairies, devas) - not usually seen; live in a higher
"sphere of vibration"; their existence is necessary for flora &
faunic life; unable to communicate with humans & visa-versa
Occult group at Findhorn (Scotland) - false claim of cultivating plants
with assistance from "elementary beings"; plants growth due to the
vibrations of the fanatical well-meaning believers:
Pleiadians/Plejaren also kiss each other like Earth humans do
[Wednesday, January 4, 1978, 10:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase home again under the care of her sister Pleja
Unreasonability, small-mindedness & megalomaniac delusions of some FIGU group members & judging the behavior of others
[Friday, January 6, 1978, 4:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pleiadians/Plejaren also make mistakes and learn by them
Pleiadians/Plejaren need to fully understand the ways of Earth humans
Strange impulses emitted by Amata Stetter against certain FIGU group members due to jealousy, etc.
Diet - side effects of eating too much or too little meat, and vegetarianism
[Monday, January 16, 1978, 00:08 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Cantonal Housing Director letter to FIGU trying to prohibit building
Government leaders, anarchists & terrorists
Meier uses his writings, superior knowledge as a "weapon"; will not use his spiritual forces as a weapon
Meier bends coins, spoons, etc. to prove it to skeptics
Meier often lonely due to his advanced state
Dwarves asked to come and clean the center & Amata Stetter's & Engelbert Wachter's rooms
Meier asks if information is known about a pyramid sunk in the Bermuda Triangle - not known
Reincarnation - durable facts & loves are embedded from lifetime to lifetime and become awakened in the next lifetime
Dwarves were at the FIGU Center 4 times
Contact Note transmissions - telepathic transmissions exhaust great
physical strength; 1-hour telepathic transmission equals 23 hours of
physical exertion; Meier's forces regenerate after such transmissions
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
"Strange Powers", report by Menara as "Adolph Tilmann Perrenout":
Meier's moving of a 1/2 ton oven in mid-1977, bending spoons & coins
& fingerprint embedded in a coin by the use of his spiritual forces
("by purest force of mind")
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Uncanny Forces", report by Menara as "Adolph Tilmann Perrenout"
[Tuesday, February 21, 1978, 3:41 a.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Menara
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejaren apparatus - "protection umbrellas"
Birthdays - Pleiadians/Plejaren have small friendly gatherings, not big celebrations
"spiritual process of thinking"
Apparatus - "brain analyzer"
Pleiadians/Plejaren - also sometimes generate "impure thoughts" like any other human being
Menara kisses Meier
Meier - should acknowledge his abilities & strengths
FIGU Center attacked by the Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences who tried to
destroy it by a supersonic boom; triangular remote-controlled spaceship,
destroyed by Menara after the incident; similar incident occurred to
Meier years previous in a cottage near Zahedan in the Persian Gulf
Asina & the Cygnians stranded on Earth several more months while
their interstellar drive is being repaired; Meier again asks to take a
picture of her
Semjase to return in May 1978
Meier asks Quetzal if he's ever flown in an airplane - no
Meditative exercises and meditative training needed for new group members
Necessity of learning a true form of meditation
Dwarves will come "next Saturday" around 1:00 p.m. to begin "clarifying" the FIGU Center, a 6-hour process
The words "incarnation" and "reincarnation" mean the same; "incarnation"
is an abbreviation of "reincarnation", both of ancient Greek language
Meier to receive transmissions from Petale & Arahat Athersata circa June 1978
Meier wants to give some lessons in the autumn; instructed not to give
any more lessons about the Pleiadians/Plejaren & their ships, only
the spiritual lessons
Ilse von Jacobi incorrectly translates the Contact Notes to English,
against the orders of Quetzal, interpreting them with distortions &
false philosophies; she had given them to Col. Wendelle Stevens
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
2 photos [February 21, 1978, Hinterschmidruti, Menara's beamship landing track in the snow]
3 photos [dwarf extraterrestrials]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
7 photos [February 21, 1978, Hinterschmidruti, Menara's beamship landing track in the snow & object in the sky]
[Wednesday, March 1, 1978, 2:51 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences attacks on FIGU members
Nutrition - effects of eating too much meat
[Saturday, March 18, 1978, 3:32 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Emotions, arrogance, envy, etc.
Upcoming lectures at Kloten
Semjase to return in mid-May 1978
FIGU group membership concerns - action and future incarnations
FIGU group members should visit the Semjase Silver Star Center
Time travel to San Francisco in the future - earthquake, San Andreas fault, photos taken, Transamerica Building
Photos taken from inside the ship - floor hatch viewing plate, problems, etc.
Elsi Schroeder - nickname 2000 years ago was "Kalanka", real name was Magdalena Elizabeth Maria
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
"The San Francisco Earthquake Photos", report by Wendelle Stevens: 11
color photos taken of the future San Francisco earthquake, photos and
negatives taken by Plejaren scientists for examination, inspired photo
appeared in GEO: Das neue Bild der Erde [September 1977 issue, German
edition, article "Erdbeben: Countdown für San Francisco" by Georg
Gerster, page 36]
[Wednesday, April 5, 1978, 00:31 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
7 years of difficulty to come
Stevens-Elders-Welch team & TV crew (Japan?) visit
Other extraterrestrial intelligences might begin official contacts with Earth humans
Meier advised not to fly on airplanes
FIGU group members have to learn to succeed after Meier's death
Anonymous articles in Wasserman 18 and 21 written by Menara (see page 321)
Quetzal analyzes thoughts & impulses (negative & positive) of group members
Self-pitying, self-favoritism & ego-injury
Bafaths & Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences attack on Meier on March 30, 1978 by psychic-shock
Pleiadians/Plejaren consider removing Bafath creatures to a remote galaxy
Quetzal "not living within your earthly world of thinking, but further up in a position of development"
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"An Open Word - For Billy" by Adolph Tillmann Perrenoud [see Contact 101 report; different name spellings]
[Monday, April 10, 1978, 3:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Documentary film "Contact" to be filmed in mid-May:
"...the believers of the cultic religions, who lay aside their own
responsibility, and make a God or saints liable for all." --Quetzal
Earth-human forms of thinking
Feelings revealed by forms of thinking
Geo: Das neue Bild der Erde [September 1977 issue, German edition,
article "Erdbeben: Countdown für San Francisco" by Georg Gerster, page
36] article with painting of future San Francisco earthquake with
destroyed TransAmerica Building, similar to Meier photo, transmitted to
painter by inspiration from the Baawi Intelligences
Baawi Intelligences "responsible for many inspirational transmissions"
(see TJ 4:26; see Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Baavi"):
Meier photos (negatives) taken to Bar in Wetzikon then sent to a processing lab in Wadenswil
"...other groups...non-earthian intelligences...what they are doing in this time is not our matter." --Quetzal
Earth humans need to learn correct forms of thinking
Plejaren devices stationed at the Center to store all thoughts & discussions
Plejaren's "mission, which we chose by our own free sense of obligation"
Swiss television (TV) showing a Meier "film" on May 19, 1978 6:00 p.m.
Radio waves from group members in contact with Meier during a contact are absorbed by the beamships
Message From The Pleiades 4 additional contents --
1 photo [taken from Geo: Das neue Bild der Erde, September 1977 issue,
German edition, article "Erdbeben: Countdown für San Francisco" by Georg
Gerster, page 36]
Conclusions: 1800 pages of contact notes brought back through 1982;
model UFO built by a Hollywood special effects studio; Meier stayed for 1
year at the Ashoka Ashram in Mehrauli, India @1964; Phobol Cheng UN
representative and her Meier story
Letter from Meier to Wendelle Stevens, dated March 20, 1995: request to not sell English translations of the Contact Reports
Letter from Wendelle Stevens to Meier, dated March 22, 1995: English
version published by Stevens based on the version sold to him by Meier
in 1979
Letter from Meier to Wendelle Stevens, dated March 25, 1995: English
translation of the Contact Reports originally copied by FIGU former
group member Amata Stetter who "partly changed the meaning unauthorized
and also copied wrong"
[Saturday, May 20, 1978, 2:50 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Pleija
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 105,106
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier with Semjase & Pleija flies over the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center for Meier to speak by radio to the FIGU members
[Thursday, June 1, 1978, 6:31 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Between Discussion: 108th Contact (=previously private)" [discussion with Ptaah]
[Thursday, June 8, 1978, 6:14 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal, Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, July 9, 1978, 2:40 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, July 17, 1978, 8:03 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, July 19, 1978, 10:03 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, August 6, 1978, 10:31 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul II - 264th pope, coming in October 1978, of Polish birth,
Karol Wojtyla, third from the last/final pope; he will be blamed for
Israel making a pact with the Vatican; his death will be "in the near
265th Pope [Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger]
266th last/final Pope - "with the number 5 in his Pope-election-value";
he "will introduce the great world-end-event in finality" losing his
seat in the Vatican which will be totally destroyed (see Contact 215,
Henoch Prophecies)
[Thursday, August 24, 1978, 2:33 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, October 19, 1978, 6:04 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah, Quetzal
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 192-193
excerpt in Message From The Pleiades 2, pages 353-371
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Stevens introduction - prophesy notes read by Major Rudolph Pestalozzi and O. Richard Norton
Jonestown, Guyana massacre (Jim Jones, Peoples Temple) - details [November 18, 1978]:
Shah of Iran overthrown
Voyager I space probe near Jupiter
Jupiter's "red spot" - a storm, rotates counter-clockwise
Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter have rings
Rings of Jupiter - defined:
Io (moon of Jupiter) - volcanic
Other larger moons of Jupiter - red, yellow, brown & white in color
Jupiter - an unformed sun/star
Jupiter - mostly liquid helium & hydrogen + potash salts & sulphur
Io (moon of Jupiter) - once completely covered with water
Europa (moon of Jupiter) - ice covering
Amalthea (moon of Jupiter) - 200 kilometers in length
Io (moon of Jupiter) - most volcanically active body in SOL system
Io (moon of Jupiter) - volcanic dust source of rings of Jupiter
Overthrow of the Shah of Iran (Mohammed Reza Pahlevi)
Ayatollah Khomeini - sentences 100 people to death
Shah of Iran murdered Khomeyni's father
Chinese invasion of North Vietnam - late-February 1979:
World War III (WW3/WWIII) - started by another invasion of N. Vietnam by China
Jupiter has 17 moons total
Japanese Nippon television documentary
UFO Contact from the Pleiades vol.1 - to be published Sep/Oct 1979
Meier received World War 3 prophesies on February 2, 1976
Yugoslavian dictator Tito's death within 3 years in conjunction with Saturn
Russian invasion of Afghanistan at end of 1979
Indira Gandhi elected Prime Minister of India & her death:
West Pakistan alliance with China
Indira Gandhi ("the scorpion") makes political moves towards Russia
Iran (Persia)
USA, NATO & UN (United Nations)
Meier instructed to write to all governments in February 1980
Abdication of Queen Juliana of Holland to Beatrix, Spring 1980:
1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow
Plejaren mission to take full effect in about 100 years (2074 or 2075)
Meier's next incarnation - circa 2075 (+/- 2-3 years); earlier
incarnations, he had "many old & famous names"; a prophet now, in
the past, and in the future; born now to undermine cult religions &
sects; next incarnation "to start a new religious drama..."; past
incarnation originated in Lyra; future incarnation to leave Earth in
3999; many lives on Earth, spirit from the depths of the Universe, he
mentioned this 8500 years ago
Spiritual death of Josip Broz Tito, dictator of Yugoslavia, on February
24, 1980 10:10 p.m., bodily death on May 4, 1980 3:04 p.m.:
Iranian hostage crisis - Jimmy Carter's sending rescue mission, 12 killed [April 24-25, 1980]:
London police storming Iranian embassy
Jimmy Carter to offer refuge to the Shah of Iran
Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip to visit Switzerland in April 1980
Pacific Ocean off America, hurricanes to begin late-February 1980
San Andreas fault
Mount St. Helen's volcanic eruption [May 18, 1980]:
San Francisco earthquakes
Meier warned of danger by pains "in the small of his back"
1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow - boycott averted due to Meier's actions
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
Magazine article on Jupiter & its moons
Newspaper article "China-Japan-USA Alliance"
Newspaper article "Brezhnev Hopes For Indira Gandhis Faithful"
Newspaper article on the beginning of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan
Newspaper article "Air Superiority of NATO - Only An Illusion?"
Newspaper article on the abdication of Queen Juliana of Holland to Beatrix
4 Newspaper articles on the Boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow
Meier's open letter (dated February 18, 1980) urging no boycott of the
1980 Olympics in Moscow [in German & English]: founding of the games
in 468 B.C. by Pelepon; history of the modern Olympics since 1896 where
political intrigues have been involved:
; Greek island of Crete acquired by the Hellenes @3,500 years ago
during the time of the eruption of the Santorini volcano; Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan; World War III (WW3/WWIII)
Newspaper article "Finally Tito Was Allowed To Die!"
Newspaper article "After Tito"
Newspaper article "3 Terrorists And A Hostage Dead"
Newspaper article on the Iranian Hostage rescue mission attempt by Americans
Newspaper article on the London police storming the Iranian Embassy
Newspaper article on the Iranian Hostage Crisis being a year old
4 Newspaper articles on the Shah of Iran exiled in Egypt
4 Newspaper articles on riots in Zurich & Basel, Switzerland
2 Newspaper articles on Rolf Clemens Wagner
Newspaper article on 2 murders by German neo-Nazi Frank Schubert
Newspaper article on protests in France & Switzerland
Newspaper article "Spiteful Comments on the French-Swiss Border"
Newspaper article "Further KKW? Opposite Reactions"
2 Newspaper articles on the Bachmann Report
2 Newspaper articles on Queen Elizabeth's visit to Switzerland
5 Newspaper articles on the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption
3 Newspaper articles on the boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow
[Saturday, October 28, 1978, 11:53 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, November 29, 1978, 3:12 p.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Parchment fragment with Meier's incarnational prophet procession from
Enoch to Billy, discovered in an Egyptian tomb in a pyramid
Asina (Cygnian extraterrestrial girl)
Proclamation letter sent (dated January 5, 1979) to the government of
the U.S.A. on behalf of the Pleiadians/Plejaren of Erra (delegates:
Ptaah, Quetzal & Semjase): offer of consultation & advice for
peace & education of Earth humans towards truth & spiritual
lessons via their mediator "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier ("prophet of the
new time"); stipulations & requirements for Plejaren advice &
assistance, the fundamental condition being the U.S. government must
litigate against religious sects & their rise; dangers of cultic
religions; Jim Jones (didn't believe any of his religious teachings
& lies), People's Temple & the Jonestown, Guyana massacre (211
followers committed suicide, 140 murdered), influence of American
politicians; 90% of Americans deluded by cultic religions towards
fanaticism like nowhere else on Earth; founding of America, slaughter of
native peoples, slaves from Africa; power- & blood-thirsty Jews;
Creation alone is the origin of all life in the universe; education of
the American people about the dangers of religion & knowledge of
truth by the spiritual lessons via television(TV) programs "destinied"
by the Pleiadians/Plejaren; this possibility for Plejaren contact &
assistance will be given only once, 7-month timeframe for
acknowledgement of & decisions by the people & the government of
America (signed by the presidency) regarding this proclamation (ending
June 30, 1979)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
1 photo [parchment fragment from an Egyptian tomb]
5-page Proclamation letter from the Pleiadians/Plejaren delegation
[Ptaah, Quetzel & Semjase] to the Government of the U.S.A. [English]
[Thursday, Thursday, December 7, 1978, 3:55 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 218-219
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier & his wife in a car accident with the gas pedal sticking; 3
"dark figures" belonging to a secret neo-Nazi group (Men-In-Black, MIB,
Schwarze Manner) had manipulated the car to cause the accident in order
to kill Meier
Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Thus Nevertheless No Extraterrestrial" [on Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador]
[Saturday, February 3, 1979, 2:46 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Short Meeting With Ptaah", report by "Popi" Kalliope Meier-Zafiriou, dated February 4, 1979
[Wednesday, February 14, 1979, 1:40 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, March 24, 1979, 1:40 p.m.]
Contact person: Menara
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, April 6, 1979, 3:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Menara
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
Letter from Lee J. Elders to Meier dated March 21, 1979 regarding the
Plejaren proclamation letter to the U.S.A. government [in English &
German; see Contact 117]: Voyager II space sounds similar to Semjase's
beamship; Jupiter rings discovered; request for Plejaren pre-scheduled
flights over Tucson-Phoenix, Arizona & Washington D.C.; Caribbean
island proposed for meeting between Ptaah & Jimmy Carter
[Monday, June 4, 1979, 1:43 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
April 19, 1979 visit by a race of dwarf humans from the Andromeda region in their pure energy spacecraft
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
8 photos [April & June 1979, Andromedan dwarf extraterrestrial spacecraft]
Newspaper article "Jupiter: Moons 40 to 48"
[Sunday, November 11, 1979, 11:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, December 11, 1979, 12:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Definitions of various male & female names
[Saturday, January 26, 1980, 1:53 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, February 3, 1980, 7:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon, a.k.a. William John Warner):
Numeric values of the letters of the alphabet
Jesus Christ
Great pyramid of Giza:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Contract: over free right of Residence and Benefits" between the FIGU
Core Group and "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, dated February 3, 1980
[Friday, February 15, 1980, 4:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Numeric values of the letters of the alphabet
Numeric value of 666 (18)
Numeric values (18) of the words (in German) War, Death & Murder
Numeric values (18) of other negative words (in German)
Numeric values (18) of the words (in German) Christ, "Ehren" (Honor?),
God, Israel, Jesus, Zion, Murder, Pope, Revenge & Death
[Wednesday, March 5, 1980, 3:05 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Vreny Mayle, Beat Mayle, Lilos Mann
German named Florian Beck, July 14, 1863
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
Letter from Beat Mayle of Bern, Switzerland to Meier, dated March 7, 1980
[Saturday, May 31, 1980, 2:18 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Assassination attempt on Meier on May 11, 1980 10:00 p.m.
Wendelle Stevens
[Sunday, June 15, 1980, 1:05 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
6 photos [June 15, 1980, beamship landing tracks]
[Friday, July 18, 1980, 11:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 additional contents --
"Beamship Symphony", report by Engelbert Wachter dated July 20, 1980
[Friday, August 8, 1980, 12:09 p.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Talmud Jmmanuel
[Wednesday, August 13, 1980, 11:16 p.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Iran, Iraq, USA 2003
Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Regime, 4.5 million Jews
Pope Pius XI, Pope Pius XII & the Vatican
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin & the Soviet Union:
Mayan Culture
Belize, Honduras & Guatemala
Emiliano Zapata Salazar:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Lengthy Magazine article "Pact Between Heaven and Hell", on the Catholic church's involvement with Nazi Germany
Newspaper article "Expiring Nuclear Reactor In The Interior Of The Earth?"
Newspaper article "Dry As Mortal Blow For The Maya Culture Of The Yucatan"
Newspaper article on Toxoplasmosis
[Thursday, October 9, 1980, 7:44 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 137-138 [incorrectly noted as Contact 139]
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Quetzal walking at night to meet Menara is surprised by the headlights of Engelbert Wachter's car suddenly shining on him
Pleiadians/Plejaren without protective equipment can come into contact
with Earth humans only up to 90-100 meters, otherwise they can be harmed
by their vibrations
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper clipping: "With a heavy earthquake in the region around the
north Algerian city El Asnam are killed at least 22,000 humans and
44,000 hurt. 380,000 are shelterless."
"Who Creeps There In The Nocturnal Hour: successful surprise offensive
with moment only came to hold its course",
report by Engelbert Wachter, with excerpts from Contact 135 [labeled
Contact 139 in the letter]
[Tuesday, October 14, 1980, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpt in The Peace Meditation, pages 6-8
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Neo-nazis & terrorists
Iraq & Iran
Ronald Reagan:
Jimmy Carter
Mount Vesuvius volcano:
Catholics, the Pope & the Vatican
John Lennon's murder by Mark David Chapman [December 8, 1980]:
Japan earthquake January 19, 1981
Ayatollah Khomeini
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
Alexander Haig:
Tehran, Iran
China, January 24, 1981
Percy Sledge:
South Africa
Ronald Reagan
El Salvador
Jimmy Carter
Ayatollah Khomeini
Ronald Reagan, Alzheimer's disease
Prince Charles & Diana Francis Spencer (Princess Diana); divorce on August 28, 1996
Coup attempt against King Juan Carlos of Spain:
South America
The Balkans
Etna volcano in Italy:
Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley [March 30, 1981]:
IRA; hunger strike
Pope John Paul II
Menachem Begin
Ahmed Ali
Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland:
Ayatollah Khomeini
President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr of Iran:
Queen Elizabeth of England
Menachem Begin
Anwar Sadat of Egypt assassinated during a military parade in Cairo on October 6, 1981:
Muammar al-Qaddafi:
Peace meditation to be introduced by the Pleiadians/Plejaren late-1983
or spring-1984; 3.5 billion humans in the Plejaren federation who will
End of dictatorships in Russia & other countries
Fall of the Berlin wall:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Did Israel Iraq-Reactor Bombard?"
Newspaper article on Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan
2 Newspaper articles on Ronald Reagan
Newspaper article "Insufficient assistance for earthquake victims in Italy"
4 Newspaper articles on the murder of John Lennon by Mark David Chapman
Newspaper article "Hostage question: War of nerves to last"
Newspaper article on Ronald Reagan choosing Alexander Haig as his Secretary of State
Newspaper article "Traces of heavy abusing" on American hostages in Iran
Newspaper article on hundreds dead in south China & Indonesia
Newspaper article on an elephant stolen from a Copenhagen, Denmark zoo
Newspaper article on Percy Sledge's tour manager disappearing with money & instruments
Newspaper article "Heavy Bad Weather Disaster At The Cape"
Newspaper article "The Large Murders In El Salvador"
Newspaper article "In El Salvador Thousands Bled--Reagan Remains Hard
Nevertheless: The Revolution, Which May Not Take Place"
4 Newspaper articles on El Salvador
Newspaper article "Now Reagan Makes Serious: Neutron Bomb for Europe;
Combat Aircraft for South Korea; Assistance for Dictators in Central
America; Confrontation with the Soviet Union"
Newspaper article on the USA and the Neutron Bomb
Newspaper article "Reagan Main Header Of The Sanctions Against Chile"
Newspaper article "Khomeini's Health Failing"
Newspaper article "Does Khomeini Come Into Switzerland?"
10 Newspaper articles on Prince Charles & Princess Diana
2 Newspaper articles on the coup attempt against King Juan Carlos of Spain
5 Newspaper articles on an earthquake in Greece
Newspaper article "Flood Decreased/Gone Back"
Newspaper clipping on extreme cold in the USA [December 25, 1980]
Newspaper article on extreme cold in Greece [December 25, 1980]
Newspaper article "Strong Earthquakes In All World"
Newspaper article on events in the Philippines
Newspaper article "The Enormous Milky Ways At Enormous Distance"
2 Newspaper articles on the eruption of Mt. Aetna in Italy
Newspaper article "Air Pirates Created It" on events in Panama
3 Newspaper articles on an airplane hijacking in Bangkok, Thailand
2 Newspaper articles on Neo-Nazis in Europe
Newspaper article "Large Raids In Germany"
2 Newspaper clippings on Swiss college students occupying a building complex
Newspaper article "Disputed Nazi Horror-Spectacle In The Schiller Theatre"
Newspaper article on the movie "Das Boot":
Newspaper article "172 Young Persons After Demo Arrested" in Nuremberg, Germany
Newspaper article on a Spring Demonstration in Zurich, Switzerland
Newspaper article "Also In China Youth Practice System Criticism"
Newspaper article "Seven Fire Notices In Zurich"
Newspaper article "No New Reichstag Fire"
Newspaper article "Police Vacated Yesterday AJZ - 29 Arrested!" [Autonomous Youth Center Zurich]
6 Newspaper articles on the mass murders of African-American children in Atlanta, Georgia by Wayne B. Williams
Newspaper article "Nurse Is To Have Murdered 4 Babies" in Toronto, Canada
Newspaper article on the Yorkshire, England "Ripper" murderer of prostitutes, Peter Sutcliffe
Newspaper article "Blood Bath Under Muslim Population?" in the Philippines
Newspaper clipping: "Mass Murder: In a house in Clinton, a suburb of the
US Federal Capital Washington, on Saturday six humans were found shot.
The police designated the bloody mass murder as "the worst kind so far"
in this area."
Newspaper article "24 Year-Old Murdered Mother And Her Three Children -
Yesterday He Died On The Electric Chair" regarding Jack Duckworth
Newspaper article "Leader Of Nursing Home Poisoned 17 Patients"
Newspaper article "Condemned To Death Swiss Resident" regarding Rudolf Eigenmann
Newspaper article "Parents And Brother Shot In Sleep"
Newspaper article "Life Sentence For 'Killer Of The Shadows'" [Paris]
4 Newspaper articles on the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan by John Warnock Hinckley
Newspaper article on the Ku Klux Klan supporting Ronald Reagan for U.S. President
Newspaper article "New Family Drama In The Canton Berne: 4 Dead"
Newspaper article "Those Blood-Waves Continue! Assault Strangles 81 Year-Old On The Sofa: Shots Met Postman"
2 Newspaper articles on the death of IRA activists during a hunger strike in Ireland
Newspaper article "Red Brigades Speak "Death Sentence" [Nepal]
2 Newspaper articles on the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Agca
Newspaper clipping "Minister's Murder Was 'Accident'" [Frankfurt, Germany]
Newspaper article "John Paul II In The Sick Bed" [Rome, Italy]
Newspaper article "Therefore The Assassin Hated The Holy Father"
2 Newspaper articles on Francois Mitterrand becoming the new president of France:
3 Newspaper articles on Israel bombing an Iraqi atomic reactor
Newspaper article on Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland
Newspaper article "Reagan Assassin Undertook Attempted Suicide"
11 Newspaper articles/clippings on the Iranian Revolution & Bani Sadr
2 Newspaper articles on earthquakes in Iran
Newspaper article on the assassination attempt on the Queen of England
Newspaper article Israel having to pay for damage to Iraq's atomic reactor
Newspaper article "Israel Condemned - Without Sanctions"
Newspaper article "During The Prayer: Assassination Attempt On Khomeini's Family"
2 Newspaper articles on the assassination attempt on Ayatollah Khomeini
Newspaper article "Goal Of The Bomb: Of Iran Guidance"
Newspaper article "Russian Atom Bomb Tests Cause Of Earthquake In Iran?"
Newspaper article "Mullah Protests From His Wheelchair"
Newspaper article "Iran: Revolution Tribunals Were Legal"
Newspaper article "In Two Weeks 140 Humans Executed" during the Iranian Revolution
Newspaper article "Israel Elections: Geneva Millionaire As Zuenglein At The Balance!" regarding Nissim Gaon
Newspaper article "China: Inundations Persist" regarding floods
Newspaper article "Begin Frightens Zurich For Nothing" regarding Menachem Begin of Israel
Newspaper article "Israel: Begin Now Officially Chosen Winner"
Newspaper article "Israeli Air Raid On South Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Israelis Shoot Syrian MiG"
Newspaper article "New Israeli Impact Against South Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Israelis Bombs--120 Dead"
Newspaper article "Israel Bombards PLO Centers In Beirut"
Newspaper article "Ever More Drug-Deaths--Why?"
Newspaper article "Already Now As Much Drug-Deaths As In The Whole Year 1980"
Newspaper article "Bomb At The German Parliament Buildings"
Newspaper article "Again Armenian Bomb: 5 Hurt In Kloten"
Newspaper article "BLICK Found The Bomb-Nest"
Newspaper article "3 Bombs, This Time In Lausanne"
Newspaper article "Armenian Assassination Attempts Against Switzerland"
Newspaper article "Bomb Terror In Geneva Main Station: Wounded"
Newspaper article "Parliament Candidate In Iran Murdered"
Newspaper article "Iran Facing Civil War"
Newspaper article "Iran: 38 Executions"
Newspaper article "Iran: Impact Against The People's Mudschaheddin"
Newspaper article "Khomeini Gathers His Last Followers Around Himself"
Newspaper article "Iran: Bomb Kills Politicians"
Newspaper article "Death Sentences -- Blood Tariff Of The Revolution" [Iran]
Newspaper article "President Sadat Murdered: Notice With A Troop Parade"
Newspaper article "President Sadat With Military Parade Murdered"
4 Newspaper articles on the assassination of Anwar Sadat of Egypt
Newspaper article "Sadat Sees Of Egypt Endangered Stability"
Newspaper article "Banishing Schenudas Into A Wild Monastery" regarding effects of Anwar Sadat's assassination
Newspaper article "Loosened Shooting Instruction At The German-Wall"
Newspaper article "Reunification As Topic?"
Newspaper article "Hungary Opens Channels: All German Refugees May Leave The Country"
Newspaper article "Before Refugees From Germany?"
Newspaper article "German Citizens Left Bonn Agency"
Newspaper article "The Allied Commander Leaves Berlin"
Newspaper article "New Refugees From Germany"
Newspaper article "Germany--A State Disappears"
Newspaper article "Joy Dances On The Wall Top"
Newspaper article "Germany Is Again United"
Newspaper article "November 9, 1989: After 28 Years The Wall Falls"
Newspaper article "November 9, 1989" regarding the fall of the Berlin wall & reunification of Germany
Newspaper article "Eastern Europe: 1990--The Year Of The Free Elections"
Newspaper article "First New Party In Albania"
[Saturday, October 18, 1980, 10:47 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, October 19, 1980, 11:10 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, October 21, 1980, 11:38 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
8 photos [October 22, 1980 "Wedding cake" beamship at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center]
[Friday, October 24, 1980, 9:55 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, January 3, 1981, 1:40 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Wendelle Stevens
Planet Haster in the star system Garon in the galaxy Jenam 483 million light-years from Earth
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
2 photos [taken by Wendelle Stevens of models of the heads of 2 different extraterrestrial life forms]
[Tuesday, February 3, 1981, 11:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Josef Wanderka letter concerning 1955 & 1978 contacts with extraterrestrial life forms from the Cassiopeia system
Wendelle Stevens
Film "The Final Countdown":
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Letter from Josef Wanderka to Coral Lorenzen of APRO (Aerial Phenomena
Research Organization) dated September 18, 1980 concerning 1955 &
1978 contacts with extraterrestrial life forms from the Cassiopeia
system; includes sketch of an extraterrestrial, 2 reconstructed photo
montages, and a sketch of the landing scenario
[Sunday, March 22, 1981, 6:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
7 belts of the DERN Universe explained
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Diagram of the 7 belts of the DERN Universe
[Thursday, March 26, 1981, 3:16 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
12 photos [March 26, 1981 & April 3, 1981 "Wedding cake" beamship]
4 photos [tree damaged from Quetzal's beamship]
"Contact Proof", report by Bernadette Brand
[Monday, June 1, 1981, 1:10 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Ashtar Sheran
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
"Billy's Contact of June 1, 1981", report by Eva Bieri
[Saturday, June 13, 1981, 00:43 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, July 28, 1981, 6:27 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
8 photos [August 2, 1981 & August 5, 1981 "Wedding cake" beamship]
[Monday, September 21, 1981, 7:21 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Philip Deere, medicine man of the Muskogee-Creek Indian tribe & Frank Stuckert visit Meier
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
2 photos [September 8, 1981 night demonstration of burning static electricity]
4 photos [Philip Deere & Frank Stuckert with Meier at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center]
"For Stranger Incomprehensibly...It Returns As Grown From The Soil!", report by Engelbert Wachter
[Thursday, October 1, 1981, 4:23 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, October 10, 1981, 3:15 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 191-192 [incorrectly noted as Contact 154]
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 265,265-266
Unauthorized English translation excerpt in Earth Cosmology [Driscoll], "pages 2136-2150"
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Death of Moshe Dayan of Israel:
Russian U-Boat (submarine) in Sweden, October 28, 1981 [Whiskey On The Rocks incident]:
Death of actress Natalie Wood:
Poland, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, Lech Walesa & Solidarity:
Ronald Reagan
SOL system planets all in the same quadrant in March 1982
Voyager space probe passing by Saturn will show it having more moons
than previously thought; previously thought to have 10-12 moons though
it actually has 19 (not counting adonids; miniature planets with average
diameter of 10-50 kilometers); Saturn's adonids are remnants of Malona
(orbital path was between Mars & Jupiter before it was destroyed)
Pope John Paul II
Portugal, Madonna of Fatima
Falkland Islands war, invasion by Argentina, April 1982:
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:
Menachem Begin
Ayatollah Khomeini
Juda Ihariot
Judas Ischarioth
Adolph Hitler
Iran & Iraq
Nagasaki, Japan
Halley's Comet
Asteroid Belt
Comet Arend-Roland:
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
Israel & Palestine
Menachem Begin
Ronald Reagan
Iranian Revolution & Ayatollah Khomeini
United Nations (UN) & NATO
Death of Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly), September 1982:
Palestine, Beirut, Lebanon, Syria
Menachem Begin
Anwar Sadat
Ariel Sharon, February 6, 2001
Grace Kelly / Grace Grimaldi
Prince Rainier of Monaco:
Ayatollah Khomeini
Leonid Brezhnev of Russia:
Yuri Andropov:
Brigitte Mohnhaupt:
Christian Klar:
Ronald Reagan
Kilauea volcanic eruption in Hawaii
Detroit, Michigan
Earth's calendar - the yearly calendar (A.D.; "After Christ" era) is off
by -6 years due to changes in the calendar through history by
governments etc. [i.e. the year 1981 is actually 1987]; there is another
time-break of 40 years & 4 months in the B.C. era; this 46 years
& 4 months discrepancy must be taken into account with regards to
calculations given concerning the Destroyer comet
Destroyer comet - original origins not known by the Plejaren; history of
the Destroyer comet beginning with how it originally entered into the
trajectory path of the Sol System when it was still known as "Wanderer";
history of Earth's Moon in relation to the Destroyer comet
Pyramids built as protection from the Destroyer comet
Detailed chronology of events regarding the Destroyer comet and Earth, beginning with the year 14,812 B.C.
Contact 248 annotation
Atlantis & Mu war feud - Mu scientists steered an asteroid (called
Adoonis; "the ugly one") from the asteroid belt to the Earth to crash
into Atlantis which sank & resulted in a deluge
In the year 10,219 B.C. an asteroid plunges into the Indian Ocean causing a deluge
In the year 9,792 B.C. 7 asteroids were torn from the asteroid belt by
the Destroyer comet; 6 of these plunged into the Earth's oceans in 9,545
B.C.; the 7th continues to orbit through the Sol System, possibly
endangering the Earth in the year 2014
Halley's Comet
Venus is a moon of Uranus which was torn from it's orbit by the
Destroyer comet in the year 6,339 B.C.; it becomes fixed in its present
orbit in 3,545 B.C.
Biblical deluge ("Great Flood") occurred in 4,613 B.C.; this deluge is
not the same as the one which resulted in the story of Noah's Ark
Contact 248 annotation: Mount Ararat in Turkey
Halley's Comet
Santorini volcanic eruption in 1,453 B.C. caused by the Destroyer comet
coming near Earth; the eruption causes an 1800-meter high tsunami which
rolls over the Mediterranean Sea and into the Nile & Egypt resulting
in the "7 biblical plagues" of Moses' time; the water of the Nile is
colored red due to the blood from the uncountable dead life forms
In 32 A.D. Jmmanuel's crucifixion is accompanied by a "darkening of the
sun" caused by a huge sandstorm; also a very strong earthquake occurs
through Palestine, Syria, Lebanon & Saudi Arabia accompanied by
several tremors during the crucifixion
The last passage of the Destroyer comet through the Sol System is in 1,680 A.D.
Halley's Comet
Red Meteor
Lebanon, Ariel Sharon, Menachem Begin, Assam province in India
Africa, Zimbabwe
Los Angeles, California
Hawaii, volcano
Destroyer comet - details of its volume, mass, density; rotation speed
being increased by the Pleiadians/Plejaren in order to divert it away
from the SOL system to no longer be a threat to Earth; "the Destroyer
was partially deflected from its natural course by our
[Pleiadians/Plejaren'] early ancestors and, consequently, caused damage
in the SOL System which was not of natural cosmic origin"
Red Meteor - spoken of in prophecies; will split the Earth's crust from
the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea releasing lava & sulfuric gases
(drifting westward), creating a new continent; its orbit brings it into
the SOL System for the first time
Scientific language - speaking of dangers using scientific language is
misleading, detached & impersonal; belittles & minimizes
dangers; "scientific terms prevail primarily only among the Earth people
who believe they must distinguish themselves with this language; this
is a degeneracy of cold-blooded megalomania..."
Earth's chronology falsified by chroniclers of history
Moses lived at the same time as the Santorini volcanic eruption of 3,453
years ago (1,453 B.C.), and did indeed carry out the Exodus of the
Hebrews from Egypt
Bermuda Triangle
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Moshe Dayan Died"
Newspaper article "Dayan's Changeful Career"
Newspaper article "Moshe Dayan Died"
Newspaper article "Moshe Dayan Died"
Newspaper article "Earthquake In Italy And Japan"
Newspaper article "Earthquake In Belice Valley" [Italy]
Newspaper article "Earth Impacts In Bundnerland" [Switzerland]
Newspaper article "Quake From Algeria To Taiwan"
Newspaper article "Earthquake In Rhonetal" [Switzerland]
Newspaper article "Sweden: Soviet U-Boat Stranded"
Newspaper article "Russian Submarine Pulls Into Our Port" [Sweden]
Newspaper article "Soviet U-Boat Had Nuclear Weapons!"
Newspaper article "Sweden Located Second U-Boat"
Newspaper article "Soviet U-Boat: Probably Nuclear Weapons On Board"
Newspaper article "After The U-Boat Exposures: Did The Russian U-Boat Sink Atomic Mines?"
Newspaper article "Kaiseraugst: 10,000 Demonstrators Expects"
Newspaper article regarding Alexander Euler of Switzerland
Newspaper article "Investigation Around "Stolen" Atomic Paper"
Newspaper article "Free Trade Union "Solidarity" Is Forbidden" regarding events in Poland
Newspaper article "Hollywood Has An Idol Loss" regarding Natalie Wood
Newspaper article "Martial Law In Poland - Military Controls Economics"
Newspaper article "Eye Witness Reports: "All Were Arrested!"" regarding events in Poland
Newspaper article "Guidance For The Passive Resisted" regarding events in Poland
Newspaper article regarding coal miners' strike in Poland
Newspaper article "Poland: Military Advice Wants To Create State Tribunal"
Newspaper article "Warsaw Is To Have Provoked A Witch Hunt"
Newspaper article "Martial Law In Poland Remains 1982 Determining Topic"
Newspaper article "US Sanctions Against The USSR"
Newspaper clipping: "The sanctions imposed by US president Ronald Reagan
against the Soviet Union are not taken over for the time being by the
western allied ones of the USA. The measures were justified with the
responsibility of Moscow for the martial law in Poland. Canada, the
Japanese and the EEC did not show readiness to impose punishments
against the USSR."
Newspaper article "Heavy Storm Tide At The North Sea Coast"
Newspaper article "Winter Chaos In Whole Northeast Switzerland"
Newspaper article "Train Accident In Close Snow Drive: Five Dead"
Newspaper article "Century Cold Weather Paralyzes England: Queen Fought To Foot Against Snowstorm"
Newspaper article "Erfrorene And Erirunkene In Great Britain"
Newspaper article "Avalanche Misfortune In Austria: 13 Germans Dead"
Newspaper article "Deadly Storm Gusts"
Newspaper article "Country Floods"
Newspaper article "Despite Spring-Awaked One Can Operate Further Winter Sports"
Newspaper article "Volcano Mount St. Helens Again Broken Out"
Newspaper article "Earthquake In Italy And Japan" [repeated article]
Newspaper article "Wounded In Quake In Italy And Japan"
Newspaper article "Volcano Devastates Island" [Montserrat]
Newspaper article "Volcanic Eruptions Affect The Weather Strongly"
Newspaper article "Volcano In Mexico Broken Out"
Newspaper article "Thousands Homeless After Volcanic Eruptions"
Newspaper article "Eleven Villages Are Given Up"
Newspaper article "Crowded Quadrant March 10, 1982" on planetary positions
Newspaper article "Threatened End To The World From The Planet System? Hurrah, I Did Not Go Down!"
Newspaper article "Voyager 2 Makes Sensational Discoveries Of Saturn"
Newspaper article "Saturn-Flash As Strongly As Our Nuclear Power Stations"
Newspaper article "7 New Moons Of Saturn Discovered"
Newspaper article "The Saturn Probe Turns All Theories On The Head!"
Newspaper article "Voyager 1 Conveyed Pictures Of Saturn"
Newspaper article "Saturn's New Moon"
Newspaper article "Voyager 2 Shot With Saturn Over 18,000 Photos"
Newspaper article "Vatican And London Look For Approximation"
Newspaper article "Portugal: Hundred Thousand On The Way After Fatima"
Newspaper clipping/photo regarding Pope John Paul II in Africa
Newspaper article "Pope Visits War Countries"
Newspaper article "Assassination Attempt On The Pope"
Newspaper article "Pope: The Madonna Of Fatima Healed Me"
Newspaper article "Holy Father! With This Bayonet It Wanted To Kill Him!"
Newspaper article "Peace Appeal Of The Pope"
Newspaper article "Pope John Paul II In Fatima Assassination Attempt Escaped"
Newspaper article "Pope John Paul II Holds On England-Travel Firmly"
Newspaper article "Pope Goes To Argentina"
Newspaper article "The Pope For Six-Day Visit In Great Britain Arrived"
Newspaper article "Under Strict Safety Precautions The Pope Landed In Geneva"
Newspaper article "The Pope In Argentina"
Newspaper article "The Pope Visits The Virgin Of Fatima"
Newspaper article "Pope Visits In Geneva"
Newspaper article "Great Britain Pulls For Falklands Into The War"
Newspaper article regarding the Falkland Islands
Newspaper article "Military Junta Breaks By The Falkland War"
Newspaper article regarding the Falkland Islands
Newspaper article "Argentina Mirage Bombards British Frigate"
Newspaper article "British Troops Bombarded Ports On The Falkland Islands"
Newspaper article "Falkland War Is To End"
Newspaper article "Israel Attacks Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Open Campaign Of The Israelis In Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Israel Overran UN Troops And Broke Into South Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Invasion In Lebanon"
Newspaper article "Israel Makes War - For A Better Peace"
Newspaper article "30 Dead With Attack On Beirut"
Newspaper article "Israeli Armed Forces Stand Already Before Beirut"
Newspaper article "Israelis Threaten City Of Beirut To Storm"
Newspaper article "Israel's Troops Continue To Advance In Lebanon Still"
Newspaper article "The Israeli Troops Before The Gates Of Beirut"
Newspaper article "New Middle East War: Thousand Innocent Die - Generals Praise Effectiveness Of The New Weapons"
Newspaper article "What Now?: Israelis Arrest In Lebanon European Terrorists"
Newspaper article "Beirut a new Stalingrad?"
Newspaper article "Lebanon War To End: Beirut Is Clasped: 10,000 Dead"
Newspaper article "Israelis Penetrated In Beirut"
Newspaper article "14,000 Dead And 20,000 Wounded"
Newspaper article "The Suffering Of The Lebanese Civilian Population"
Newspaper article "EC Summit: Moderate Clay/Tone Opposite Israel"
Newspaper article "Mechanism Of An Emergency Military Hospital Refuses"
Newspaper article "PLO Must Leave Lebanon"
Newspaper article "A War For Allah - Khomeini Makes"
Newspaper article "Turns At The Gulf: Iran In Attacked"
Newspaper clipping: "154 humans come around live, when falls US American
Boeing 727 on a populated area with New Orleans. The machine is few
minutes after the start into a heavy storm guessed/advised."
Newspaper clipping: "Because of for months the continuing dryness in the
Southern Italian city Neapel the water is rationed. The Italian
Ministry Of Agriculture communicates that in the south of the country
because of the dryness already up to 70% getreideund feed-harvest are
Newspaper clipping: "With the heaviest bad weather disaster in Japan for
25 years more than 300 humans come around put into and over Nagasaki.
52,000 Japanese become shelterless."
Newspaper article "AIDS - An Illness Is Discovered"
Newspaper article "Fears, Prejudices And Emotions" regarding AIDS
Newspaper clipping: "A vierkoepfiges command of a Polish aufstaendischen
homeland army occupies the Polish embassy in Berne from protest against
the martial law in Poland. On September 9th the police the embassy
storms and arrests the geiselnehmer."
Newspaper clipping regarding the occupation of the Polish embassy in Bern, Switzerland
Newspaper article "Touring Bus Hits On A Course"
Newspaper article "Princess Grace Has An Accident"
Newspaper clipping: "Lebanese militia oriented towards the right
organizes under the civilian population in two Palestinian refugee camps
in Beirut a blood bath. Israeli soldiers the militia into the camp had
let in."
Newspaper article "Peace-Plan For The Near East"
Newspaper article "Ex-Foreign Affairs Minister Of Iran Executed"
Newspaper article "Ghotbsade Executed" regarding Sadegh Ghotbsade of Iran
Newspaper article "Israeli Troops Permit Massacres Of Refugees"
Newspaper article "Massacre Of Palestinians"
Newspaper article "Head Of State Brezhnev Dead"
Newspaper article "new party chief of the Party of Democratic Socialism CSU becomes Yuri Andropov"
Newspaper article "Christian Klar Arrested"
Newspaper article "Chronology Of The Terrorist Crimes"
Newspaper article "New Pershing Test" regarding the Pershing 2 rocket
Newspaper article "Earthquake Demands 2800 Victims"
Newspaper article "Hunger State Of Emergency In US Metropolis" regarding events in Detroit, Michigan, USA
Newspaper article "Disasters To The Year End"
Newspaper article "Hunger Emergency In Detroit"
Newspaper article "Border To Gibraltar Freely"
Newspaper article "Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collides With Jupiter: The Large Comet Crash: Century Event Or Flop?"
Newspaper article "Asteroid: Breaks Into Approach"
Newspaper article "Blood Bath Overshadowed Elections In India"
Newspaper clipping: "In Western Zimbabwe by armed bandits over 1000 humans are killed."
Newspaper clipping: "With, which orders since 15 February large in the
south and devastate southeast of Australia, are after indicated the
authorities 69 persons shrub-fire around live come. Further 100 persons
lie with heavy fire injuries in the hospital. The damage to property
amounts alone with private households to 600 million deutschmarks."
Newspaper clipping: "After the devastating shrub-fire the previous month southern Australia by inundations one afflicts."
Newspaper clipping: "A cooling-wave in Lebanon cost 195 humans their lives - including 135 Syrian soldiers."
Newspaper clipping: "One snow storm in the USA at least 71 humans fall to the victim."
Newspaper clipping: "With tidal wave in California comes 19 humans their lives."
Newspaper article "Bermuda Triangle Gives "Lost Squadron" Free"
Newspaper article "Bermuda Mystery Remains Unresolved"
[Monday, October 12, 1981, 00:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Letter from Thomas [Keller?] dated October 12, 1981
[Wednesday, November 4, 1981, 6:47 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
"Billy's Serving Information To Those Entirely Core Group"
"Contribution List, Internal"
[Wednesday, November 25, 1981, 10:52 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
"To The Members Of The Core Group Of The Semjase-Silver-Star-Centers",
document from Ferdinand Pfeiffenberger dated November 19, 1981
"Tabakkasse Of The Core Group Meeting Of The F.I.G.U.- Semjase-Silver-Star-C.: November 1981"
Letter from Ingrid Pfeiffenberger to the FIGU Core Group, dated November 18, 1981
[Friday, December 4, 1981, 11:01 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, December 6, 1981, 10:45 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Unauthorized English translation excerpt in Earth Cosmology [Driscoll], "pages 2177-2178"
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Corrections to the table of events regarding the Destroyer comet as
noted in Contact Report 150; there was a period of 758 years (1511 B.C. -
753 B.C.) in which the Destroyer comet remained in the Sol system
creating catastrophes several times
The planet Malona was destroyed at the time of the construction of the
Pyramids on Earth 73,000 years ago; its destruction slightly affected
the Earth
"Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl Brugger]
Tatunca Nara & the Indian tribe Ugha Mongulala:
Günther Hauck
Johann Hauck
Meta Hauck
Erich von Daniken:
Peter Krassa
Dieter Kronzucker
Hansi Hauck
Rio de Janeiro
Herbert Wanner
Christine Hauser
John Ried
Arahat Athersata
OM (book):
Asket & Nera
DAL Universe
Universal barrier
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Letter from Elsi Moser to FIGU, "Concerning Withdrawal From The FIGU", dated September 4, 1989
[Sunday, December 13, 1981, 11:14 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Names of forthcoming FIGU core group members 1982-1990
Arahat Athersata
[Tuesday, December 22, 1981, 1:06 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Central Europe, Russia, America, Australia
[Sunday, January 3, 1982, 11:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, January 10, 1982, 1:58 a.m.]
Contact persons: Elektra, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Introduction of Elektra, Menara's sister
Languages - Sumerian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Minoan, Celtic
[Wednesday, February 3, 1982, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, February 12, 1982, 1:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, February 19, 1982, 6:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, February 26, 1982, 4:50 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Coffee & cigarettes
Canada, America
Choristoneura Fumiferana (spruce budworm):
[Friday, March 5, 1982, 1:18 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Jupiter's moon Io:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
"Also Sensors Can Still Sleep", report by Engelbert Wachter
Newspaper article "Mystery Cloud Circles Earth"
Newspaper article "Giant Cloud Circles Earth"
[Monday, March 8, 1982, 8:30 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Jupiter's moon Io:
NASA, Jupiter, Saturn, Voyager space probe
Russian space probe to Venus [Venera probes]:
Michel de Nostradame (a.k.a. Nostradamus):
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Jet Hunts Mysterious Cloud"
Newspaper article "Puzzling Cloud Probably From Volcano"
Newspaper article "Why Venus Is So Mean"
[Thursday, March 11, 1982, 4:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Voyager space probe
Rings of Jupiter & Saturn
Arahat Athersata
[Saturday, March 13, 1982, 3:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Edward Alexander Crowley (Aleister Crowley):
China, acupuncture
[Tuesday, March 16, 1982, 11:31 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Space Shuttle
South Africa
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Million Tons Of Sulfuric Acid: Poison Cloud Threatens Also Switzerland"
[Sunday, March 28, 1982, 11:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Palm Sunday, April 4, 1982, 11:48 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, April 6, 1982, 11:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sohar Center
[Sunday, July 4, 1982, 11:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Death of Roberto Calvi, "God's banker", June 18, 1982 in London:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
Newspaper article "The "Banker Of God" - Was He Murdered Nevertheless?"
[Monday, August 9, 1982, 7:30 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase, Erra
[Friday, August 20, 1982, 4:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
[Saturday, September 4, 1982, 12:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 additional contents --
"Note On Quetzal's Explanation" with 4 photos of Jacobus Bertschinger hauling a tree with a tractor
[Wednesday, September 15, 1982, 3:50 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Erra (Plejaren planet)
[Sunday, September 19, 1982, 3:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Erra (Plejaren planet)
[Monday, October 4, 1982, 8:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sohar Center
[Friday, October 22, 1982, 4:15 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 242
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Karan System, Andromeda System
Giza [Gizeh] splinter-group on the planet Saban, rigged their fortresses
to turn the planet into a time-bomb capable of completely destroying
"everything within a radius of millions of light years";
Pleiadians/Plejaren sent in commandos to eliminate the dangers &
deactivate the bomb by making its timer run in reverse
Sohar Center
Removal of hair from the genitals
[Saturday, November 6, 1982, 00:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Sohar Center
[Friday, December 31, 1982, 6:25 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sohar Center
[Thursday, February 3, 1983, 10:31 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meditation pyramid
Prophet Ezekiel (Ezechiel)
Michael Arends (Rimsting, Germany, see Contact 51) & Mario Bertossi
(contactee, see Contacts 38,51,63) - critics/defamers of Meier
Sohar Center
Erra (Plejaren planet)
Israel, Menachem Begin
Etna volcano in Sicily, Italy:
Karl Marx:
Michel de Nostradame (a.k.a. Nostradamus):
Mercury (planet)
Mars, Jupiter
San Francisco, California
Homosexuality & bisexuality
Siphonaptera (flea):
Drugs, alcohol, opium
Albert Linden
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, alias "Mad Cow Disease"):
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:
Pope John Paul II
Korean passenger jet, 270 people, September 1983, Russia
Ronald Reagan
Vega & Lyra
UFO Group, UFO Organization
January 1, 2004 annotation by Florena: Wendelle C. Stevens
U.S. film by Larry Young
MUFON: & Jim Lorenzen
February 9, 1984, Juri (Yuri) Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko
Vesuvius volcano:
Pope John Paul II
Germany, Russia, India, Australia, Korea & Mexico
Electronic-smog, lead tetraethyl (petroleum fuel additive)
Petale, January 30, 1976
Indira Ghandi of India ("the Scorpion")
Rajiv Ghandi
Ronald Reagan
Ethiopian famine
November 19, 1984 Mexico City, Mexico, 450 dead
Bhopal, India
March 10, 1985, Konstantin Chernenko, Michail (Mikail) Gorbachev
Moscow, Russia
Peace Meditation
Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq
August 2, 1990 Kuwait
January 16, 1991 beginning of Iraq bombing
Ronald Reagan
Saturn & Uranus
Halley's Comet
Saddam Hussein, Kuwait, Iraq, George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Cholera epidemic in Latin America
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Resignation From Menachem Begin"
Newspaper article "Chaim Herzog New President"
Newspaper clipping: "Flood at Rhine, Neckar, Saar and Mosel leads to
inundations, which in the federal territory seven humans fall to the
Newspaper clipping: "By strong rainfalls it comes to inundations into
south and west Germany. The cities Trier, Koln and Bonn are particularly
Newspaper clipping: "With a heavy earthquake at least 300 persons lost
their lives in the southwest Colombian province capital Popayan. 1500
severely wounded person ground thousands of humans with rescue
helicopters flown to surrounding hospitals are shelterless."
Newspaper article "Old Part Of Town Floods"
Newspaper article "Lava Stream Rerouted"
Newspaper article "Cologne Announces "Country Under""
Newspaper article ""Century Summers": More Warmly Than At The Mediterranean"
Newspaper article "Flood Disaster In The Basque Country"
Newspaper article "Illness AIDS Becomes Medium Topic"
Newspaper article "AIDS Becomes The Epidemic"
Newspaper article "The Plague Is Not Still For A Long Time Defeated"
Newspaper article "Again 3 Plague-Dead"
Newspaper article "Plague Also In Africa"
Newspaper article "India's Plague - Symptom Of A Social Illness"
Newspaper article "63 Plague-Dead"
Newspaper article "Becoming Baggy Plague In India"
Newspaper article "Plague Also In Delhi"
Newspaper clipping "Plague: End In View?"
Newspaper clipping: "At becoming baggy plague in the north of Mozambique
three humans died and 120 get sick. Center of the epidemic is the town
Inhaminga. There refugees returned home complained repeated about one
rat-trouble from Malawi."
German encyclopedia entry on BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, alias "Mad Cow Disease")
Newspaper article "Soviets Shoot South Korean Jumbo Jet"
Newspaper article "Bomb Attacks On Beirut Peacekeeping Forces"
Newspaper article "300 Victims In Lebanon"
Newspaper article "US Invasion On Island Grenada"
Newspaper article "20,000 Shelterless After Earthquakes"
Newspaper clipping: "An earthquake with the epicenter in the area
Luettich and one strengthens shaken of 5.1 on the Richter-scale far
divides north Rhine Westphalia."
Newspaper article "USSR Breaks Discussions Off With The USA"
Newspaper clipping: "At the action day of the peace movement about
400,000 humans in several German cities demonstrate against military
armament in East and West."
"Explanation According To Proceeded Discussion", by Billy Meier
Newspaper article "In Lebanon Again One Fights"
Newspaper article "Change To The Kremlin Pointed"
Newspaper article "Chaos After Hail Over Munich"
Newspaper clipping: "Swiss Federal President Leon Schlumpf welcomed on
the airport Zurich Kloten Pope Johannes Paul II. During its six-day stay
in Switzerland visits the Pope also the world church advice in Geneva,
to which more than 300 non-catholic churches of the world belong."
Newspaper clipping: "For weeks lead continuous violent monsoon of
rainfalls in northeast India to enormous inundations. However are
flooded in the district Mala, in the union state West Bengal, 300
square-kilometers, after the bank stabilization Mahananda River burst.
About 200,000 humans become shelterless."
Newspaper clipping: "The southwest of England, Wales and the northwest
of the country one for several weeks during in the rest of Europe humans
experience continuous dry period over the wet and cold summer complain,
are here already over-druessig one the sunshine. In Cornwall and Devon
must be rationed the drinking water."
Newspaper clipping: "The responsible undersecretary of state in the
government Chad reports to the international oeffenlichkeit of a
devastating hunger emergency in the south of the African state. In the
area, which is considered as grain chamber of the country, already 600
humans are starving due to mismanagement and a long dry."
Newspaper clipping: "On the Philippines the typhoon "Ike" rages and
destroys widens orders the island state. Over 1400 humans become victims
of the tempest."
Newspaper article "Each Second Tree Is Ill"
Newspaper article "Indira Gandhi Shot"
Newspaper article "Victory For Rajiv Gandhi"
Newspaper article "Reagan Wins US Election"
Newspaper article "Hunger Assistance For Ethiopia"
Newspaper article "100 Million For Africa Donated"
Newspaper clipping: "In a suburb of the Mexican capital Mexico City it
comes in the midst of a densely populated area to a gas explosion. 452
humans die to follow the misfortune, hundreds are heavily hurt, several
thousands shelterless."
Newspaper article "Poisonous Gas Disaster In India"
Newspaper article "Bhopal: Poisonous Gas Demands 3000 Victims"
Newspaper article "Change Of Generations In Moscow - New Strong Man: Gorbachev"
Newspaper article "Iraqi Troops Occupy Kuwait"
Newspaper article "The Aggressor: Saddam Hussein - The Attacked: Emir Of Kuwait"
Newspaper article "Saddam Hussein Calls For The Fall Of The Saudi Monarchy"
Newspaper article "The Guidance Of Iraq Announces Annexation Kuwait"
Newspaper article "Iraq Threatens The USA With "Holy War""
Newspaper article "Iran: "Holy War" Against USA"
Newspaper article "Baath - The Party Of The Arabian New Birth"
Newspaper article "Between Cruelty And Pursuit Illusion"
Newspaper article "Syria Wants Its International Prestige To Lift"
Newspaper article "Revolution And Terror Shape Iraq's History"
Newspaper article "Iraqis Torture And Murder In Occupied Kuwait"
Newspaper article "Does Baghdad Direct A World-Wide Terror Network?"
Newspaper article "Iraq Abuses Prisoners Of War As "Human Shields""
Newspaper article "Gulf Ultimatum: Still 10 Meet...The Largest Armies Since The 2nd World War Are Combat-Ready!"
Newspaper article "Help Swiss Company The Iraq To The Atom Bomb?"
Newspaper article "The British: War Assistance For Saddam's Army"
Newspaper article "8.6 Tons Of Uranium For Iraq! The British However Stir Up"
Newspaper article "Volcanoes On Venus?"
Newspaper article "Magellan Probe Shows Us Venus"
Newspaper article "Sand Dunes On Venus"
Newspaper article "Magellan Discovers Sand Dunes On Venus"
Newspaper article "Revolutionary Photos Of Venus"
Newspaper article "Look At Exciting Pictures Of Venus' Surface"
Newspaper article "Unverhuellte Venus, Voyeur Magellan"
Newspaper article "Halley Is Very Bright"
Newspaper article "Venus "Like A Bread Paste Kneaded""
Newspaper article "Stealth Bomber In The Crisis Area"
Newspaper article "US Bombs Destroyed 300 Iraqi Tanks"
Newspaper article "Substantial Air Raids On Baghdad And Kuwait"
Newspaper article "Saddam Sets Off The War"
Newspaper article "Series Of Attacks On The Allied Ground Troops"
Newspaper article "The Flying Cavalry Frightens The Ground Troops"
Newspaper article "The Mother Of All Slaughter"
Newspaper article "Bush Calls Iraq's Departure Offer A "Cruel Joke""
Newspaper article "No War-Traces At The Gulf"
Newspaper article "France's Minister Of Foreign Affairs: Land War At The Gulf..."
Newspaper article "Saddam: The Last Battle"
Newspaper article "Pictures Of The Total Destruction"
Newspaper article "The War In The Gulf: Elite Troops Have The Most
Dangerous Job--Marine, Paratroopers And Legionnaires Crack Saddam's
Newspaper article "Master Achievement! Thus General Schwarzkopf Outwitted The Iraqis"
Newspaper article "At The Gulf The Weapons Are Silent"
Newspaper article "Pro-Iraqi Acts Of Terrorism Accumulate Themselves Up World-Wide"
Newspaper article "Bomb On Shelters: Sacrificed Saddam 500 Women And Children?"
Newspaper clipping: "Irak: measurement escape: Geneva - Which stream of
refugees of the Iraq into Iran after UN-indicated ever more largely
45,000 exceeded already the border."
Newspaper article "Report On Atrocities In Kuwait"
Newspaper article "To First Euphoria The Disillusionment Came"
Newspaper article "Iraq Sets First Kuwaiti Oil-Well On Fire"
Newspaper article "770 Km Dead Beach"
Newspaper article "Still Does Oil Flow Into The Sea?"
Newspaper article "Enormous Oil Carpet Before The Coast Of Saudi Arabia"
Newspaper article "Unparalleled Oil Pollution In Persian Gulf"
Newspaper article "Over Kuwait A Drifting Black Cloud"
Newspaper article "The Oil Pollution--Saddam Makes The Gulf The Dead Sea"
Newspaper article "Billions Of Petrodollars Dissolve In Smoke"
Newspaper article "Take Place In The Fight Against The Oil Flow"
Newspaper article "The Oil Fires In Kuwait Endanger India"
Newspaper article "Revolt Against Saddam In Southern Iraq"
Newspaper article "Saddam: Bombs His Own People"
Newspaper article "Rising Of The People Against Saddam In The North And The South Of Iraq"
Newspaper article "Saddam"
Newspaper article "Basra: Iraqi Troops Strike Risen Down"
Newspaper article "Iraq In The Vortex Of A Civil War"
Newspaper article "Saddam Shoots At Holy City"
Newspaper article "USA Hold Back Themselves From The Civil War In Iraq"
Newspaper article "Poison Massacres In Iraq?"
Newspaper article "Does Iraq C-Weapons Begin?"
Newspaper article "Kurd Organizations Unite"
Newspaper article "USA Dictates The Armistice"
Newspaper article "Kurdish Rebellion In Iraq Obviously In The Advance"
Newspaper article "In Kurdistan A Disaster Threatens"
Newspaper article "Hundreds Dead From Attacks In Northern Iraq?"
Newspaper article "Travel-Closes Because Of Cholera"
Newspaper article "Cholera In Peru: 16,600 Illnesses"
Newspaper article "Black Death" [Tanzania]
Newspaper article "Cholera: 210 Dead" [Zambia]
Newspaper article "37 Cholera-Dead" [Peru]
Newspaper article "Plague And Cholera"
Newspaper article "23 Dead From Cholera Epidemic In Peru"
Newspaper article "A Cholera Epidemic" [Indonesia]
Newspaper article "Plague And Cholera In Tanzania"
Newspaper article "22 Cholera-Dead" [Peru]
Newspaper article "Cholera Also In Indonesia"
Newspaper article "Cholera Epidemic Spreads"
Newspaper article "Miserablly Schuert Cholera In Peru"
Newspaper article "Over 11,000 Cholera Ill"
Newspaper article "Cholera Victims In Peru Receive Assistance"
Newspaper article "Cholera An Epidemic Of Misery"
Newspaper article "Now Already 115 Cholera-Dead"
Newspaper article "600 Cholera-Dead In Zambia"
[Friday, March 25, 1983, 3:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Taljda
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, April 9, 1983, 11:16 a.m.]
Contact person: Taljda
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 140-142
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier sees an object in the sky on April 8, 1983, thinking at first it
was Venus, then realizing it was a large spaceship with smaller
beamships coming out of it; it was a distorted/reflected image of a
spaceship of the Druans hovering over the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center for
observation; they will be on Earth for 5-6 months or several years
Druan (planet) in the NOL System 310 billion light-years from the SOL System
Erra (Plejaren planet)
January 8, 2004 annotation from Florena
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"Special Event On 8 April 1983, 20:15 Hours", report by Thomas Keller, Switzerland
[Saturday, May 7, 1983, 7:00 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Taljda
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
[Monday, May 9, 1983, 1:32 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
[Saturday, May 14, 1983, 7:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
[Wednesday, June 1, 1983, 9:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, June 9, 1983, 2:09 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
[Friday, July 1, 1983, 2:16 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
January 17, 2004 addendum/explanation from Florena
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"Explanation" by Florena, January 17, 2004
[Friday, February 3, 1984, 8:54 p.m.; last contact with Semjase until February 3, 2004]
Contact person: Semjase
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
OM (book)
Prophet Henok (Henoch/Enoch)
Lyra System planet
Planet Nakar in the USOL System
Lyra System planets: Nagal, Dejma, Senas, Trjbol
Semjasa's group: Asasel, Batraala, Temela, Semjasa, Barakala, Satana,
Asaela, Armera, Urakibarameel, Ramuela, Luneera, Arjjsa, Turelan,
Tamiela, Arazjal, Uralan, Larjjsa, Jomael, Ubrala, Samsafel
January 22, 2004 addendum from Florena: Elsa Schroder in Zahedan, Iran; etc.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"Data About Semjase" stated by Florena, January 22, 2004
[Tuesday, March 20, 1984, 10:38 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Destroyer planet
Wendelle Stevens
Arahat Athersata
Sohar Center
[Tuesday, May 29, 1984, 1:44 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders
Contact [film produced by Genesis III]
Roberta Brooks
Sohar Center
[Friday, June 15, 1984, 7:15 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Year 2029
[Monday, August 20, 1984, 12:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders
[George Green] (American)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"In Own Thing" by Meier: regarding Lee Elders
"Rehabilitation For Lee Elders" by Meier
[Sunday, September 30, 1984, 1:30 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders
Wendelle Stevens
Roberta Brooks
[George Green] (American)
Gary Kinder
OM (book)
[Tuesday, October 29, 1984, 00:38 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders
OM (book)
11-year Contact cycle with Meier
DAL Universe
Ptaah's father Sfath
[Friday, November 30, 1984, 10:51 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
15 predictions, among them - December 28, 1984 Soviet cruise missile crashing in Finland, found on Inari Lake:
January 4, 1985 Kim Cotton surrogate mother case:
Mid-January 1985 Germany participates in a plan for a constantly manned
space station, leading to an international space station around the turn
of the century (2001), originally called ISSA (International Space
Station Alpha), will weigh 500 tons, to be terminated circa 2005, first
pre-working will be in November 1998 taking up a mass of 110x80 meters:
February 1986 Russian space station Mir, crash in 2000, Salyut 7:
Ronald Reagan will be sworn into his second term as U.S. President
Late-January 1985 Jewish World Congress in Vienna, Austria demanding a fight against racism, anti-semitism & Nazism
Late-January 1985 Pope John Paul II's 25th Apostolic Voyage to Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela & Trinidad Tobago:
Early-March 1985 Konstantin Chernenko (Konstantin Tschernenko) dies
& Mikhail Gorbatschow (Mikhail Gorbachev) takes over as
February 1985 Hafiz al-Assad re-elected president of Syria by election fraud and by being the only candidate:
February 1985 Israel rejects PLO participation in an international conference on peace in the Middle East
@February 20, 1985 Spanish Ibera airline crash killing 148 people:
@February 20, 1985 agreement between the Soviet Union and the IAEA
(International Atomic Energy Agency) signed in Vienna, Austria:
@Late-February 1985 world's first twins born in Australia from frozen
embryos via in vitro fertilization: Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February
End-February 1985 Lufthansa airline from Frankfurt hijacked, 2 Syrians arrested:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Commercial Borrowing Pregnancy Approved Of"
Newspaper clipping: "The Federal Government decides the participation of
the Federal Republic of Germany in a constant manned space station
under leadership of the USA and the cooperation at the advancement of
the European booster rocket "Ariane". The financial volume amounts until
1995 to at least 4.5 billion deutschmarks."
Newspaper article "First Continuous Guests In The Space Station"
Newspaper article "Space Station Mir"
Newspaper article "The Space Station Mir Was Well Observable Also In The Forest-Quarter"
Newspaper article "The "Mir" Is To End"
Magazine/internet article "Ariane 4 - A Successful Chapter Of European Space Travel Comes To An End"
Newspaper clipping: "The Jewish world congress meets for the first time
since the end of the Second World War again in Vienna. It demands an
increased fight against Nazism and Fascism."
Newspaper clipping: "Pope John Paul II visits the countries Venezuela,
Ecuador, Peru and Trinidad during his 25th journey abroad, which lasts
until February 6."
Newspaper article "Reagan Sworn In"
Newspaper clipping: "The Soviet party newspaper "Pravda" confirms
officially a serious illness of state and party chief Konstantin U.
Newspaper clipping: "In Syria as an only candidate beginning office
holders Hafis Asad (since 1971) than president for further seven years
confirmed after official indicated receives it 99.97% to the delivered
to be correct."
Newspaper clipping: "King Husain II of Jordan and Jasir Arafat, the boss
of the Palestinian liberation organization PLO, agree into Amman on a
new Middle East peace initiative each participation of the PLO in a
planned international conference of Middle East peace however from
Israel are strictly rejected."
Newspaper clipping: "With the crash of a Boeing 727 of the Spanish
airline Iberia in sew from Bilbao come all 148 passengers around live.
The machine was on a flight from Madrid to Bilbao."
Newspaper clipping: "In Vienna the International Atomic Energy Authority
IEAO and the USSR safety control get for civilian atomic power plants.
Thereby up to the People's Republic China all countries possessing
atomic weapons of control sign by the IEAO took shelter."
Newspaper clipping: "Two from Berlin (West) pushed away more Syrian
kidnap one with 33 passengers occupied machine of German Lufthansa on
the flight from Frankfurt/Main to Damascus and force the pilot to the
landing in Vienna Schwechat. Can air pirates there in detention to be
[Sunday, February 3, 1985, 2:18 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Predictions - to publish them would not bring good results, only fears & confusion
OM (book)
Doctor Flachsmann
Tea & coffee
DAL Universe
DERN Universe
Asket & Nera photos falsified:
[Wednesday, May 1, 1985, 3:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pope Pius IX
Joseph's wife Mary
Karl Graf
Carl Gustav Jung
Sister - Verena
Mother - Mathidle-Escher-Heim
January 30, 2004 explanation from Ptaah: Lou Zinsstag, Timothy Good, New
Delhi Statesman newspaper article, Judy Reed, Wendelle Stevens
Cardinal Lehmann, June 10, 1991
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"Explanation" dictated by Ptaah, January 30, 2004 00:46 a.m.
[Wednesday, June 5, 1985, 00:18 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Destroyer planet
Arahat Athersata
CO2 (carbon dioxide gas)
Rings of Jupiter
Rings of Saturn
Hubble Telescope
In 470 million years CO2 production on Earth will be reduced to the point that plants can't exist & thus produce oxygen
Soviet Union/Russia, Germany
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Supertelescope Hubble Needs "Eyeglasses""
Internet article regarding Michael Mayor & Didier Queloz of
Switzerland discover the first extra-solar planet on October 5, 1995
called "Pegasus 51"
Internet article:
"20.06.2002 - After few days ago already 13 new planets
were discovered by an American astronomer team, now a European
astronomer team with 12 newly discovered specially-solar planets pulls
"The European astronomers Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor
supply themselves since some years a head at head run with the American
team Butler and Marcy, in the fight for most discoveries from
specially-solar planets. So far the American team has the nose in front,
because more than half that approximately 100 extra-solar planets was
discovered of them. But the European team pulls tight now.
"Interesting in this connection it is also that the
European team likewise found a planet, which is very similar to the
planet Jupiter. "It has Anna-honoring the same mass and its orbit is
nearly identical" Didier Queloz, in an interview with the ESA. Far one
said in such a way it that the new planet 7 years for a circulation
around the sun necessarily (the Jupiter needs 11.86 years) and that it
is distant for 3.7 outer ones from its sun. But particularly important
that this planet draws its course nearly in a circle, this aspect is
reminded strong of the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
"In addition Didier Queloz expressed itself very
optimistically, which concerns the future of the planet discoveries.
"With the program Eddington is done the next step, because it is the
only way in such a way earth-similar planets to discover" Didier Queloz,
the moreover becomes the programs Gaia and Darwin, which are all part
of the European program Cosmic vision 2020, to follow."
Newspaper article "Starting Contract Brings Disarmament Roundabout In Momentum"
[Saturday, August 24, 1985, 2:38 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Child abuse
Sodom & Gomorrha
Adolph Hitler, syphilis
Genetics, gene manipulation
Henok's lineage
The Bible
December 3, 1967 heart surgery on South African Christiaan Neethling Barnard, heart transplant
Cloning, clones
Organ removal, South America & China
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Child Abuse: The Lost Innocence"
Internet article "Dezent Package Packed Out Flensburg"
Internet articles "Clones - Theoretically Completely Simple" & "Chronicle Of Cloning":
Internet article "The Clowns From Clonaid":
Internet article "Macabre Organ Trade":
Internet article "Clonaid Place Of Residence Of The Clone Baby Must Abandon"
Internet article "Israel And The Illegal Organ Trade":
[Tuesday, September 10, 1985, 7:28 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 was fake; there were 37 people
involved in the swindle who were sworn to secrecy, though some of them
have been murdered through "accidents" to maintain their silence; those
involved who are still living believe the moon landing to have actually
happened due to hypnotic influence; the moon car and other items that
are on the moon were left by later missions to the moon; the hoaxed moon
landing was a political move on the part of the Americans to win the
"space race" against the Russians, and also to show their military
superiority over the Russians to deter any military actions by the
Soviet Union
Roswell, New Mexico
[Sunday, December 22, 1985, 4:08 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Neo-Nazism, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism
Africa, the Orient, malaria
Sexual addiction, extreme sports, addiction to enthusiasm & fanaticism
Malaria, Anopheles maculipennis, insects, scorpions
Culex pipens
Malaria quartana, malaria tertiana, malaria tropica
Encyclopedia entries for various forms of malaria
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Malaria: Malaria On The Advance"
[Monday, February 3, 1986, 2:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Medications - silver-based products, silver-based powder, jelly & crčme
America, Soviet Union (Russia), England
Atomic particles
Atomic bomb tests
Buddha, Siddhattha Gotama - normal height (170 centimeters) & weight (67 kilograms)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Dead Children For Tries Abused"
[Friday, March 7, 1986, 11:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Franz Joseph Strauss, Prime Minister of Bavaria
CSU Party (Christlich Soziale Union)
2001 SwissAir financial troubles due to irresponsible management,
excessive salaries, etc.; those responsible will not be held liable, but
innocent people will
September 11, 2001 [9/11] terrorist attack on America, World Trade
Center, New York by "fundamentalist, radical-extremist America-haters"
murdering 1000s of people
George W. Bush
Saudi Arabia
Osama Bin Laden
Islam & Buddhism
Franz Joseph Strauss, Prime Minister of Bavaria
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "SwissAir Remains On The Ground"
Newspaper article "September 11: USA Becomes The Target Of Terror"
Internet article "In The Name Of Allah" [half-way down]:
Newspaper article "Art-Storm In Afghanistan" regarding the Taliban destroying an ancient statue of Buddha
Newspaper article "Multi-Millionaire Leads Terror War Against The USA"
Photograph of document pertaining to Meier's adoption of Islam in Pakistan 1967
Photograph of Meier's business card from Turkey as Sheik Muhammed Abdullah
[Monday, March 17, 1986, 9:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DERN Universe, dimensions
Destroyer planet
Earth's moon - long ago it "found the way out" of the
Pleiadians/Plejaren' space-time dimension and came into Earth's orbit
slowing its rotation; Zurich scientists in October 2001, discoveries of
the moon's geologic-isotopic composition
American political system
American English language, German, Lyrian
Christian religion, New Testament, Jmmanuel, John 6:10 [feeding of the 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread & 3 fish]
Judas Ischarioth
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Equal Material, Origin Directly" on the Moon and Earth being developed from the same material
Newspaper article "ETH Researchers Found Out: Mother Earth Bore The Moon"
[Tuesday, April 8, 1986, 5:27 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Aggressiveness & serotonin
Various forms of intelligence
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Tests
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Aggressive Men: Serotonin Is The Cause"
[Saturday, May 31, 1986, 11:51 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Jupiter, polar-light, North & South Pole
Suicide, euthanasia
Death, Murder, Terror
Israel, China
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Original Humans As Cannibals?"
Newspaper article "Humans, A Cannibal"
[Wednesday, June 11, 1986, 10:17 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Luke the Evangelist, Syria, September 4, 64 A.D., May 27, 148 A.D., Greece, Basilica St. Justina, Padua, Italy
Mars - once had thousands of kilometers of enormous rivers which became
filled with sand, dust & volcanic ash; today sand storms rage and
often cover the entire planet, Meier witnessed one such storm
Jupiter's "red spot"/"storm sea" - Meier alludes to having witnessed it from Semjase's beamship
Rings of Jupiter
Nebula NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula):
Rings of Neptune
Rings of Uranus
Venus, volcano
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Science Crime Film Solved: Teeth Betray Holy Luke"
Newspaper article "Mars: Enormous Water Canals"
Newspaper article "Anti-Holes" regarding Black Holes
[Monday, August 18, 1986, 3:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Aid/relief organizations
Women are generally more intelligent than men, also their logic is "more
pronounced" as is "their sense for true liberty, love and harmony",
though there are "black sheep" among women as among men
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article: "Researchers Furnished Proof: Woman Ahead In Intelligence"
Newspaper article "Are Women Smarter Than Men?"
[Thursday, November 6, 1986, 1:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Gospel of Luke
Acts of the Apostles (written by Luke)
Book of Job
The Bible
New Testament
Paulus (Paul/Saul)
Gospel of Matthew, Josua
Judas Ischarioth
Books of the Bible: Torah/Moses [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy], Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel I & II, Kings I & II,
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Hagai, Zechariah, Malachi
New Testament books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles
Romans, Corinthians I & II, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, Tessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Peter I & II,
John I, II & III, Hebrews, Jacobs, Jude
George H.W. Bush & George W. Bush
World Trade Center [September 11, 2001 terrorist attack]
Israelis & Palestinians
Ariel Sharon
Arabs, Muslims
Extremists, fundamentalists, terrorists
Saddam Hussein
Osama bin Laden
Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, July 17, 1606; Amsterdam, October 4, 1669
Jacob Isaacszoon van Swanenburg
Saskia van Uylenburgh
Ocucaje, Peru
Engraved stones of Ica, Peru
Lima, Peru
Dr. Javier Cabrera
Basilio Ochaus
Yasser Arafat
Abu Ammar
PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)
Israelis & Palestinians
Jasir Mohammed Arafat
Rahman Abd ar-Rauf Arafat al Qudwa al Husaini
Mohammed Abd ar-Rauf Arafat
August 27, 1928 Jerusalem
Cairo, Egypt
Al-Fatah (faction of the PLO)
Hamas, jihad, Islamic organization
Henok (Henoch/Enoch)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Internet article "The Middle East Conflict: Ariel Sharon (1928): Israeli
Politician, Military And Politician, Prime Minister Since 2001"
Newspaper article "Nobel Prize For Promotion Of The Peace In The Middle East"
Newspaper article "Extended Autonomy For The West Jordan Country"
Newspaper clipping: "Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres
and the director/conductor of the Palestinian autonomy authority, Jasir
Arafat, obtain a part agreement with a meeting in the Egyptian Taba over
the expansion of the Palestinian autonomy in West Jordan country. They
plan among other things stage plan for the retreat of the Israeli troops
from the urban densely populated areas."
Internet article "Yasser Arafat: President Without A State"
Internet article "Yasser Arafat: Driven By His Vision"
[Tuesday, December 2, 1986, 3:17 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Judas Ischarioth
New Testament
Mary & Joseph
Jmmanuel's brother
Jmmanuel's journey to Kashmir, India; lived to be @115 years old
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Ahmadiyya sect of Islam
Jmmanuel's grave in Srinagar, India
Kanishka Rashtrakuta, 746 A.D.
Jmmanuel's children; son returned the Judas Ischarioth scrolls to Jmmanuel's tomb in Jerusalem
Isa Rashid, 1964
Meier's Recollection Of The Tomb Site (of the Talmud Jmmanuel scrolls;
report): Isa Rashid prompted by extraterrestrials @1960; Meier with
Rashid in 1963 located the site again; shrub growing next to the
entrance was a Meramiye plant; scrolls & small artifacts; tomb
belonged to Joseph of Arimathea; secret back entrance/tunnel through
which Jmmanuel received help from Jseoph & some Hindu friends &
exited 3 days later; not yet excavated by archaeologists; site retraced
by Michael Hesemann in July 1998; located along the south slope of the
Hinnom Valley near the Kidron Valley & within the Akeldama (Potter's
Field, Field of Blood) tombs area on the periphery of the village of
Silwan; sometime after 1973 the Pleiadians/Plejaren caused a landslide
that covered the tomb area; all artifacts were removed in 1963
Letter from Michael Hesemann to Meier dated February 24, 2004
Glenn Miller
Meier's early female companions/"spouses": Samira of Algeria, Nadja of India, Angela in Iraq
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh:
Candra Mohan Rajneesh
Sheela Silverman
Puna, India
Osho Commune International
Germany, October Revolution, November 9, 1989; August 31, 1990
Sannyasin Sect
Guru Sri Ravi Shankar, sitar musician
Kosovo, Yugoslavia
Slobodan Milosevic
"Art Of Living"
"The Beast"/666 - European Union (November 1, 1993) in Brussels, Belgium
Switzerland will be enticed into the European Union after 2001
Economy - many corporations will become bankrupt, dissolved, etc. by
mismanagement, embezzlement, exorbitant salaries, etc. and will not be
prosecuted by the judiciary since they will also be partly involved;
this will happen with SwissAir & its subsidiaries in 2001; Sulzer
will dismiss many workers and sell off large subsidiaries; Upper House
of Parliament of Switzerland
Switzerland - after 1995 it will confront circumstances that happened in
World War II, namely the security guard Christoph Meili will find &
steal data to be shred relating to Jewish bank accounts, giving it to a
Jewish organization in Zurich which will lead to Swiss banks having to
pay billions of dollars in reparations; Meili will flee to America;
Swiss banks & businesses will be legally attacked by US lawyer Ed
Switzerland during World War II - Swiss Red Cross had spies; Swiss
military executed people, one of which Meier secretly witnessed with his
godfather Alfred Flueckiger
August 1996, Prince Charles & Princess Diana
Death of Princess Diana on August 31 in Paris, France; Emad el-Fayed
Dodi, Egyptian millionaire; Trevor Rees-Jones; Henri Paul;
Mercedes-Fahrzeug 280 S; paparazzi; September 6, Westminster Abbey
Ischwisch, Ischrisch
Giant octopus/squid, Klabautermanns, "sea-monster" of naval stories
Minoan culture
Santorini volcano
Year 2001
Alcohol, alcoholism, wine, liqueur
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
"Meier's Recollection Of The Tomb Site" in German & English,
regarding the location of the tomb of Jmmanuel in Jerusalem, with sketch
& 3 photos of the site
Letter from Michael Hesemann to Meier regarding the tomb site of Jmmanuel, dated February 2, 2004
Newspaper article "Study Proves: There Is A Consciousness After Death" regarding the studies of Professor Pim Van Lommel
Newspaper article "Glenn Miller Died In The Hail Of Bombs"
2 poems by Meier from May 1964: "Palmen - Grab - Samira" ("Palms - Grave - Samira") & "Nadja"
Newspaper article "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh"
Newspaper article "Leipziger Demonstrators Defeat German Democratic Republic Guidance"
Newspaper article "German Democratic Republic Entry According To Agreement Contract On October 3"
Newspaper article "Maastrichter Contracts In Strength - The EEC Becomes The European Union"
Newspaper article "Mega-Fusion In The Pharmaceutical Industry"
Internet article "Zurich: Guard Company Dismisses Guard Meili"
Internet article "Holocaust Major Bank Reparations Approves"
Newspaper article "No Sailor Yarn: There Are It Nevertheless, The Giant Squid"
[Tuesday, February 3, 1987, 2:39 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Globalung galaxy (NGC 4636)
Calcium cyanide
Asteroid Eros
Destroyer planet
Fruits & berries
Adenosin (chemical)
Coffee & tea
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Alphonso Stranieri
Queen Nefertiti:
Pharoah Amenophis IV
Queen Nefertiti's double named Chepris
Amarna, Egypt
Chepris' twin sister Nephthe
Mustafa Kemal (Mustafa Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey)
Alan Hale & Thomas Bopp (Hale-Bopp Comet), April 1, 1997
Halley's Comet
Michel de Nostradame (a.k.a. Nostradamus):
King Hussein II of Jordan
Homosexuality & lesbianism
Arthur De Moss
Lake Nyos, volcanic chain in Northern Cameroon, carbon dioxide eruption
Mount Vesuvius volcano in Italy, Pompeii, August 24, 79 A.D.:
Sir John Franklin expedition of the Arctic
Egypt, mummies
Quicksilver, anti-bacterial
Hubble Telescope
21st century telescope to be developed called the interferometer
Earth's oil reserves
Improvement in unemployment & industrial disintegration after 2003 & 2006
George W. Bush
Slobodan Milosevic
Saddam Hussein
Nicolae Ceaucescu
Osama bin Laden
Apollo 11 moon landing hoax (July 20, 1969) - all alleged participants
were unknowingly heavily drugged & hypnotized with a post-hypnotic
brain-washing that overtook their awake consciousness that they did
indeed participate in a moon landing, becoming convinced that the
incident did occur; they drugging and hypnosis was so strong in the
participants that to try to penetrate into their consciousness to
uncover the truth would be deadly for the persons
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Enormous Explosion In A Galaxy"
Newspaper article "Poison In Young Asteroid"
Newspaper article "Surprise On Eros"
Newspaper article "Asteroid "2001 YB5" That Was Scarce!"
Newspaper article "Breakdowns Of The Planets"
Newspaper article "Sociologist Took Fortune-Tellers Under The Magnifying Glass: All Swindle"
Newspaper article "Leckeres Shine"
Newspaper article "Baby-Shaken With Bad Results: Thirty Fell Annually"
Internet article "Never Shake Your Baby"
Internet/newspaper article "Deadly Shaking"
Internet article (6 pages) "Vibration Trauma - A Little Admitted Form Of The Child Abusing":
Newspaper article "Child Before Rage Vibrate"
Newspaper article "Was The Beautiful Nefertiti Murdered?"
Newspaper article "The Curse Of The Mummy: Museum Visitors Fall By The Dozen In Faint"
Internet article "The Large Arab World: Hussein I Bin Talal":
Newspaper article "With Millions And Prominence For God"
Internet article "Strength To Live - Brochure Disputed: Sectarian
Representative Raises Accusation Against Responsible Person Donation"
Internet article "TV Advertisement For Disputed Brochure Forbidden"
Newspaper article ""Zaehmung" African Death Lakes: Increasing Consciousness For The CO2 Danger"
Newspaper article "Magma Lake Under Vesuvius"
Newspaper article "The Dead Sea Drains"
Newspaper article "Emergence Of Oil"
[Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2:09 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 307-322 [The Henoch Prophecies]
excerpt in What the Plejarans wish for the Human Beings on Earth:
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
September 15-16, 1982 massacre of 3,468 Palestinians at the Sabra &
Shatila refugee camp near Beirut, Lebanon by Israeli forces under the
command of Ariel Sharon, who will become Israel's head of state in 2001
Genetic technology, gene manipulation
Genetic experimentation - spinach genes will be crossed with pig genes in 2002:
Henok (Henoch/Enoch)
Tyrannosaurs Rex
Elephant, Mammoth
Roswell, New Mexico UFO from the Reticulum star system, bio-organic androids; U.S. Army:
Mount Vesuvius volcano, Herculaneum, Pompeii; 18,976 people died:
Petra, Jordan, 106 A.D., Syria, Saudi Arabia; Johann Ludwig Burckhardt (Swiss explorer)
Sodom & Gomorrha
Great pyramid of Giza:
Prophecies - can be changed if mankind changes reasonably/positively in thoughts, feelings & actions
Predictions - cannot be changed as they result from direct observation of future events
Meier's contacts with Pleiadians/Plejaren will be proven in the distant future
Henoch's prophecies presented in modern language as the original ancient
language would be difficult to understand for most, they are also
presented clearly rather than coded in riddles & mysteries
Henoch Prophecies:
- begin to be fulfilled when there is no longer a Pope in Rome;
Christianity will collapse; billions of people will die from terrorism,
wars, civil wars, hunger & plagues; about 888 days of "hell on
earth"; Islamic fanatics will rise against Europe & elsewhere; Pope
John Paul II will be the third-from-last pope; the last pope will be
known as Petrus Romanus; conscienceless humans will be cloned for
fighting wars (as happened in ancient times with Henoch's descendents in
Sirius), though they will eventually revolt & fight against humans;
USA will invade & fight eastern countries in the name of "war on
terrorism"; USA will strive for global economic supremacy, pointing to
the possibility of World War III (WW3/WWIII); future settlements on the
ocean floor will be attacked & destroyed, also submarine pirates
will attack navies on the surface; possibility that extraterrestrials
will intervene against the western nations; retaliations against the USA
(9/11 World Trade Center attack was only the beginning) will result in
its destruction; huge natural catastrophes worldwide, including
firestorms & hurricanes across the USA; North America "will be
stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which ever will have been
recorded"; computerized weapons will become independent &
AIDS will spread worldwide in the 1990s; Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE, alias "Mad Cow Disease") epidemics will spread,
from which different strains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease will develop;
Ebola (Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever) & other new epidemics will cause
many deaths; France will war against Spain before World War III
(WW3/WWIII); civil war in France, Russia & Sweden; European Union;
hatred against immigrants, the rise of neo-Nazism, terrorism &
right-wing-extremism; near civil-war conditions in England, Wales &
Northern Ireland; Soviet Union dissolved by 1990-91 due to the actions
of Mikhail Gorbachev; Russia will loose a portion of its territory in
Inner Mongolia to China; China will attack India & if biological
weapons are used, around 30 million people will be killed in the New
Delhi area alone; Pakistan will be misled to start a war with India;
Russia will attack Scandinavia (starting in Archangelsk) in the summer,
though months before a great tornado will cause destruction across
Europe; Denmark will not be involved in war; Russia will attack &
conquer Iran & Turkey; Russia will invade & conquer Balkan
countries; natural catastrophes & war in Italy, possibly Vesuvius
becomes active again; invasion from the east, first target Hungary, then
Austria & northern Italy, France & Spain (Switzerland will be
affected)--aim will be military control of Europe with France as the
headquarters (invaded from outside, conquered from within by Islamic
extremists); after France falls, Spain & England will be attacked,
also an alliance with the eastern aggressors formed to invade
Scandinavia; Eastern aggressors will force France to join its military
to invade & conquer Sweden & Norway which will then be annexed
to Russia; Finland attacked & occupied by Russian forces; civil war
in Germany & attack from a large eastern army, at this same time
their will be a revolution in England spreading to Ireland (due to
ongoing conflict with the IRA, Irish Republican Army); civil war in
Wales before World War III (WW3/WWIII); Welsh & English forces clash
near Cymru; America & Russia war against each other (Russia attacks
Alaska) dragging Canada into war; America's largest cities will be
destroyed; devastating earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornados, floods
& snowfalls will rage in America, Europe & elsewhere, due to
the irresponsibility of humans building dams, creating caverns in the
earth by exploiting oil & gas; atomic explosions have caused the
Earth to spin which will result in a spinning orbit around the sun
causing climate changes leading to a new Ice Age; 2 civil wars in
America, one after the other, resulting in the division of America into 5
territories with sectarian fanatics acting as dictators; worldwide
anarchy prevails for a long time; epidemics & diseases that lead to
painful bodily decay, blindness & respiratory problems &
suffocation; many will become impaired in their consciousness,
feebleminded & insane due to biological & chemical weapons, ray
& (sound) frequency weapons; Switzerland's involvement will be due
to its demise as a neutral country by joining the UN (United Nations),
NATO & the European Union (EU); European Union (EU) will be formed
with its center in Brussels, Belgium & by its irresponsible &
criminal dealings will be the cause of the eastern power invading Europe
What The Pleiadians/Plejaren Wish For The Human Beings On Earth - 21 points detailed
"...the truly wise ones, and philosophers have disappeared which
allowed the 'wanna-be's' in regard to wisdom and philosophy to inundate
the world and mankind with horrendous nonsense that has nothing to do
with reality, correctness and conformity to the laws of spiritual
energies and Creation."
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Spinach Pigs"
Newspaper article "Giant-Fossil Discovery"
[Monday, March 16, 1987, 11:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Gene manipulation, gene injection, gene-drug-taking
Greenhouse gas, CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Quetzal's mother & father
DAL Universe, DERN Universe
Turkey, August 4, 1964
Organs, immune system, blood-stream therapy, taste-therapy, aromatherapy
Fanatics, terrorists, extremists
Switzerland, Sweden, France, America, Soviet Union
Aid/relief organizations
Mehrauli, New Delhi, India
UN (United Nations Organization)
Kidney stones
Cocoa & cocoa products (chocolate)
2-3 liters of water per day
Migraine headaches; physical & psychological stress; milk & milk products
Static electricity
Soap, balsam, lotion, shampoo & cream
Pre-Columbian Nazca Indian culture; Nazca, Ica & Pisco
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England; Stonehenge; megaliths
Erich von Daniken; Peru; geometric figures
Depression, aggression, immune system, hormones
South Pole, Arctic, Antarctic, Mars
Rings of Saturn
Erra (Plejaren planet); spring, summer, fall & winter
Staphylococcus Aureus
Tomatoes & tomato products help prevent prostate cancer
Fruits, herbs & plants
Religion, "God", rituals, myths; priests, shamans, medicine men, false prophets, etc.
Atomic bombs; America, Soviet Union, Russia, France, China, Israel, Pakistan, India; George W. Bush
Henoch (Henok/Enoch) prophecies
Israel & Palestine
George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon
Iraq & Iran
Religious fanatics in Ireland
Korea, Africa, South America
Sri Lanka, Kashmir, India, Afghanistan
Acupuncture; Henok's time (Henoch/Enoch); Cosmic-electro-magnetic life
energy; active life forms, passive life forms, positive & negative;
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Earth Turns Ever More Slowly"
Newspaper article "Accusations Against Relief Organizations: Sexual Exploitation"
Internet article "Dust Ring Over Sun Discovered":
Newspaper article "Antibiotics Promote Growth"
Newspaper article "Death-Microbes Lurk In Hospitals"
Newspaper article "Antibiotics: Effect And Use Of Antibiotics"
Newspaper article "Run To The Tomato!"
Newspaper article "Ketchup Helps Against Prostate"
Newspaper article "Ketchup Against Cancer?"
Internet article "Why Did Africa Become A New Battleground?":
Internet article "30 Dead With Heavy Notice In Kashmir":
Internet article "India: Federal Minister Of Foreign Affairs Fischer Condemns The Terrorist Attack On The Indian Parliament":
Internet article "India After The Notice On The Parliament":
Internet article (5 pages) "50 Years Independent Sri Lanka: Heavy
Violations Of Human Rights At Tamilischer Civilian Population":
Internet article "The Price Of The Bombs On Afghanistan":,1,3,47,65/o,article,112/
Magazine article "Acupuncture Relieves Chronic Pain"
Newspaper article "Acupuncture: With "Qi" Against The Pain"
[Friday, May 8, 1987, 2:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Electronics, restraint-chips, safety-chips, chip implants
Genetic manipulation, genetics
Solar flares
Milk - not necessarily health-promoting; robs the body of calcium
Modern foods contain less & less vitamins, minerals, etc. so Earth humans should take nutritional supplements
World War III (WW3/WWIII) prophecy according to Henoch - if it comes
Switzerland will not be spared because it is connected with the UN
(United Nations), NATO & the European Union (EU)
Hopes that the third millennium will see the end of wars & discord;
requires respect, honor, understanding, love & to live together with
others in peace & helpfulness; the problems among Earth humans
Glaciers, ice age, equator, Arctic & Antarctica, small ice age & great ice age
Volcanoes, magma, lava, ash particles, carbon dioxide
North Pole, South Pole
Comets, meteors, asteroids, interstellar microbes, plants & animals
Theory of Evolution, Charles Darwin, [Alfred Russel Wallace]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Internet article "Cow's Milk In Human Nutrition":
Internet article "Switzerland And The UN: "Are No Fear Of The World" To Have Oath-Enjoyed, Recommends Andreas Zumach":
Internet article "To The UN Entry Of Switzerland":
Newspaper article "Gibts In The Universe Live Nevertheless?"
Internet article "Charles Robert Darwin":
Internet article "Alfred Russel Wallace":
Internet article "Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913)":
Internet article "In Darwin's Shadow: Alfred Russel Wallace Believes In The Evolution Of The Spirit":
[Saturday, May 30, 1987, 00:02 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Species of giant octopus in the Atlantic ocean, reach lengths of 15-20 meters
Plejaren language - Sarat
Inter-cosmic language - Kosan
Menara's peoples (Deron) language - Jenan
Meteors, asteroids, comets
In 1000 years the magnetic North Pole will be near Mecca, Saudi Arabia (see Contact 35); Greenland
Earth's crust, tectonics
Asteroid, March 2880 (year)
Religion, God
Black Hole near the center of the Milky Way galaxy; black holes
Talmud Jmmanuel
Henok, Henoch
UFO sectarianism, parapsychology sectarianism, esoteric sectarianism
Religious sects
Jesus Christ
UFO sect gurus [Rael]
Deodorants, bacteria, sweat, perspiration, body products,
anti-microbials, antibiotic, body washes, douches, hygiene; natural
antibiotics in sweat provide protection from infections
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "This Squid Is 18 Meters Long"
Internet article "White Painting Against Danger From The Universe":
Newspaper article "Chances Stand For 1:300: Killer Asteroid Of A
Kilometer A Diameter Could On 16 March Of The Yearly 2880 On Earth
Newspaper article "Asteroid Prognosis"
Internet article "Danger From The Universe: Simulation Of An Asteroid Impact In 877 Years":
Internet article "World Fall On March 16, 2880?":
Internet article "Existence Of The Black Hole In The Center Of The Milky Way Proved":
Newspaper article ""Black Hole: Proof Found"
Newspaper article "Personality Of Rael Hurts"
Newspaper article "Process Victory Not Validly"
Newspaper article "UFO Gurus Are Not Green Itself" regarding Billy Meier & Rael (Claude Vorilhon)
Internet article "Rael Head Excessively Attacked" [pages 4-5]:
Newspaper article "Rael Sect Boss Quite Got"
Internet article "The Smell Of Men And Women":
Internet article "Partner Choice: A Thing Of The Hygiene Or The Genes?":
Internet article "Androstenon - Ovulation's-Radar From Shoulder-Cave":
Newspaper article "Sweat Protects"
Internet article "News: Natural Antibiotic In Human Sweat Protects Skin Durably Against Infections":
[Tuesday, June 16, 1987, 1:30 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Financial boom, industrialization, corporations, criminal CEOs (managers); [Enron]
America, Israel, Palestine, Iraq; dictators George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein
Berlin Wall (East & West Germany); Israel's "security" wall built under Ariel Sharon [2003]
Osama bin Laden
Terrorism, religious extremists & fundamentalists
Japanese occupation of China in World War II, secret actions in southern
China using cholera, plague & other biological weapons (typhoid
fever, anthrax, etc.) contaminating hundreds of thousands; under the
authority of Japanese physician Shiro Ishii and Unit 731; thousands of
prisoners of war (Chinese, Koreans, Russians) were experimented on and
brutally killed in a place in Pingfan, Manchuria; 743,018 people were
murdered; research results were sent to America; 600 survivors remained
in the camps after World War II ended, they were murdered;
Henok, Sirius region, Mars, Malona (Phaeton), genetically-manipulated
peoples, Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences, Men In Black (MIB), etc. (see
Contact 251)
Ice & water on Mars, canyons, sand dunes, Mars exploration, Mars Odyssey 2001, microbes
Various levels of Earth's atmosphere
International Space Station
Deep sea life forms, deep sea research, eels up to 15 meters long,
sharks, fish, giant jellyfish with tentacles reaching 45 meters,
cuttlefish, carcharodon megalodon, microorganisms, etc.
Apartheid system in South Africa, Nelson Mandela; February 11, 1990
Professor Janowski, astrophysicist; cosmic spectrum, universal spectrum;
phases of the "life" of a universe & associated colors
Geology, soil erosion; Mount Nanga-Parbat in Pakistan, part of the Himalayan mountain range
Atlantis, greater-Atlantis, smaller-Atlantis; New Atlantis, Azores, Spain; Santorini
Catholic priests having sex with children (pedophiles), homosexual
priests, child pornography, child prostitution, prostitution &
Natural catastrophes, 50% natural & 50% due to mankind
Year 2000, polar ice, climate changes, climate warming
Dermatitis, allergies, factors influencing, immune system
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Internet article "Enron Broke: The Million-Fraud On The Pensioners":,1518,174048,00.html
Internet article "George W. Bush And The Enron Scandal":
Internet article "Jenoptik Looks For Distance To The Chip Calm Air":
Internet article "Enron Scandal: Ex-Vice-Boss Baxter Committed Suicide":
Internet article "Parmalat Factory In Brazil Seized"
Internet article "MCI Balance-Amounted To Numbered On 11 Billion Dollars":
Internet article "Raichle"
Internet article "The Ruin Of Parmalat":,a0010.idx,1
Internet article "Israel: Fence Must Be Built":
Newspaper article "New Wall Of Dishonor"
Internet article "A Check Point, But No Borders":
Newspaper article "The Death Factory Of Unit 731"
Internet article "Death Factory "Unit 731"":,1
Newspaper article "Conspiracy On Highest Even"
Internet article [7 pages] "Medical Human Experiments Of The Japanese Troops For Biological War Guidance In China, 1932-1945":
Internet article "The Second World War And The Japanese "Special Unit 731":
Newspaper article "Researcher: Our Earth Is Already In The Greisen Older"
Internet article "In Former Times As Expects: Mars Probe Seeks Out Water":
Newspaper article "Water On Mars Made Possible Life"
Newspaper article "Ice! Also Mars-Maennchen Freeze"
Newspaper article "Ice In The Mars Soil"
Newspaper article "The Large Seas Of Mars"
Newspaper article "Sand Dunes For Aliens"
Internet article "Ice-Flows On Mars":
Newspaper article "Water On Mars Discovered"
Newspaper article "Mars Research: Large Reserves At Water"
Newspaper article "Flash In All" regarding lightning
Newspaper article "Enormous, Blue Lightning"
Magazine article "Zoo Of The Deep"
Newspaper article "Smallest Organism"
Internet encyclopedia article "Nelson Mandela":
Newspaper article "Dismisses More Than 500 Sex Priests"
Internet article "Father Confesses Nine-fold Child-Abuse"
Newspaper article "The Victims Of The Priests"
[Wednesday, December 2, 1987, 9:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Genetic technology & medicine; experiment in Holland September-October 2002; microorganisms, genetic manipulation
Volcanic activity, climatic changes, natural catastrophes
Electromagnetic spectrum: gamma waves, ultraviolet waves, light waves,
infrared waves, microwaves, radio waves, etc.; radioactivity, neutrino
waves, electron waves, tachyon waves, etc.; cosmic-electromagnetic life
energy; evolution energy
Henok, Henoch & Nokodemjon
Health insurance companies, medical bills
Neutron stars
Earth's moon
SOL System
Comets & meteorites
Calcium, phosphorus & thorium
Nazi gold pot/vessel found in the Bavarian lake Chiemsee; celtic sea-god
"Bedaius"; 2000+ years ago in the celtic kingdom Noricum; human blood
sacrifices of virgins having their hearts cut out; gold blood-collection
bowl (Chiemsee Cauldron); Quetzal offers to help Meier obtain the bowl,
knowing where it is in the lake (place called Arlaching), but Meier
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Second Tidal Waves Roll Near"
Newspaper article "Country Under In China, India, Nepal"
Newspaper article "Rivers Again Swollen"
Newspaper article "Slope Slide After Tempests: Farmhouse Was Evacuated"
Newspaper article "Already Slam Shut More Plunderer"
Newspaper article "Light Balloon Against The Plunderer"
Newspaper article "Plunderer And Trick Cheats Rob The Tide Victims Out"
Internet article [4 pages] "Effects Of The Climatic Change On Soils And Ecological Systems In The 21st Century"
Newspaper article "Millionfold More With High Energy Than Light"
Newspaper article "How Much Is Enough? Vasella 435 Times More Than One Worker Earns"
Newspaper article "Caritas Director Over Greed Of The Managers"
Newspaper article "Cold weather, dust, dirt, passage, hard work wages,
which live straight in such a way to are enough - and in the evening
hurt in legs and move. That is Swiss bueezer everyday life for ten
thousands. So also for the gipser Stefano Colona [57]."
Newspaper article "Trybol Boss Less Geisselt Ueberrissene Manager-Pays Wages To: "Now The State Must Intervene""
Newspaper article "Exotic Asteroids"
Internet article "Nazi Gold Boiler Discovered":
Internet article "Diver Finds Nazi Gold Boilers In The Chiemsee" [Bavarian lake]
Internet article "Golden Grail In The Chiemsee?" [last story]:
Internet article "10.5 Kilos Pure Gold: Diver Finds Nazi Treasure In The Chiemsee":
Internet article "The Gold Boiler Of The Chiemsee":
[Wednesday, December 30, 1987, 1:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Volcanic activity, Earth's magnetism, ebb & flow
Black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Climate, atmosphere, natural catastrophes, carbon dioxide, industrialization
Earth's movements influence, Earth's magnetism influence, Moon's
influence, Sun's influence, Cosmic influence, central sun's influence,
black holes' influence
Immune system, lymphatic system, leukocytes
AIDS in America 1981
Ebola virus
Legionnaire's disease
West Nile virus
Extraterrestrial bacteria & microorganisms
Asteroids, meteorites & comets
Fruits & seeds
Moringa tree of the Sudan, healing properties
Vitamin C & Calcium
Dinosaurs, paleontology, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Edgar Cayce's statements about large underground cities & mummy
graves buried in Egypt; this is true though they haven't been found yet;
one of the largest mummy burial places from the 1st and 2nd Century
A.D. is in Bahariya where approximately 10,000 mummies are buried plus
much gold:
Critics & criticism
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Does The Next Summer Become Just As Catastrophic?"
Internet article "Flood"
Internet article "At Least 113 Dead: Victim Number Rises"
Internet article "So Far Unknown Quantity Defense Mechanism Against Pathogens Discovers":
Internet article "Legionnaires' Disease - 5 Dead"
Internet article "West Nile Virus Epidemic Disease By Flexible Mosquitoes"
Internet article "Ebola And Marburg Fever":
Internet article "West Nile Virus And Dengue Fever":,1872,2057994,00.html
Internet article "Ebola Virus, Hemorrhagic Fever":
Newspaper article "Congo Brazzaville: Ebola Victim"
Internet article "The Moringabaum - The Miracle Tree?":
Internet article "The Miracle Tree For The Drinking Water: Moring Oleifera Lam":
Internet article "Working Group Moringa":
Internet article "Bahariya":
Internet article "Eleven Gold Mummies From Greek-Roman Time In Egypt Discovered":
[Wednesday, February 3, 1988, 4:10 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Monte Carlo, Monaco, Grace Kelly, Prince Rainier III; Grace Kelly's
death in an automobile accident with 17-year old Princess Stephanie in
September 1982
New Zealand, kiwi
Schizophrenia, hallucinations; mediums, channelers, telepathic voices; psychology & psychiatry
Leonardo da Vinci
Mariann Suter; India, Pakistan, Nepal & Europe
Volanoes, Germany
Gilgamesh [Epic of Gilgamesh]; year 1781, Spiral Galaxy M 94 (NGC 4736), 20 million light years from Earth; Gilgamesh's people
Egyptian pyramids, built 73,300 years ago; Giza [Gizeh] Pyramid [Great Pyramid]; King Sahluk; Cheops; Orion; the Sphinx
Genetics, gene manipulation
Atmosphere, dust particles, aerosols, greenhouse effect, climate
changes, carbon dioxide, bromine gases, FCCs (chloro-fluoro carbons)
Professor Sander; Nazca plateau in Peru; underwater volcano
Salt water
Andromeda Galaxy, Andromeda-mist, Hubble Telescope
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "The Painter Leonardo da Vinci"
Internet article "Water Lack Threatens Billions: WWF Deplores Bad Quality Of Fresh Water":
Internet article "United Nations Warns Of World-Wide Water Crisis":
Internet article "Molecular Examination Of A Global Balance: Max-Planck
Researchers Feel Carbon In Soils After/New Measuring System Are "Missing
Sinks" To Reveal":
Internet article "Under The Anden Looked":
Internet article "Andromeda Galaxy"
[Sunday, May 1, 1988, 9:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Asteroids, comets, meteors, black hole, polar light, solar wind, symphony of Earth, symphony of planets, symphony of space
Magma in the Earth & the eruption of volcanoes
Insects, birds & fish
Black holes
Black Wanderer
Jmmanuel's parents Mary & Joseph; Tiberia; Sea of Nazareth; Mary had
3 brothers & 4 sisters, Joseph had 3 brothers & 2 sisters
Himalayas, Mount Everest, year 2030
Impotence, sperm
Sacharin, cyclamates, cyclohexylamine
Diabetes, diabetics, immune system
George W. Bush, Iraq, Saddam Hussein, terrorism, year 2003
Genetic research, genetic technology
Sexuality, dopamine, oxytocin
Psychiatrists & psychologists
Paleontology, dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Mysteriously: Why Sand Dunes "Sing""
Newspaper article "A Humming Clay/Tone Pulls At The Nerves"
Internet article "World-Wide Glacier-Melts" [3rd article]:
Newspaper article "322 Meter Briefly"
Newspaper article "Kilimanjaro Soon Above Without"
Internet article "Kuiper Belt: Icy World At The Edge Of The Solar System":
[Thursday, July 7, 1988, 5:19 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mars, moons & planets, life forms in the SOL System, microorganisms, comets & wandering planets, meteorites
Genesis (The Bible) section 123-131, section 159-163; supernovas,
universal belt, gases, neutrinos, formation of galaxies, stars, planets
& comets, spiral arm of Orion
Hubble Telescope
Around the year 2025 a gigantic multi-part laser space telescope will be
placed in stationary orbit around the Earth with the primary purpose of
discovering planets in other solar systems, thus it will be called "The
Planet Seeker"
Books of the New Testament [The Bible], Judas Ischarioth, Jmmanuel; the
Torah, Books of Moses, Pentateuch; Christianity; Henoch's lineage
Religion & sectarianism, fundamentalism, fanaticism, conservatism
FIGU Core Group of 49
Black Holes
Alpha Centauri galaxy with a super-massive black hole at its center
Barbell/Dumb-bell Star Systems, Barbell Galaxies, Barbell Planet Systems & Barbell Black Holes
Wandering Black Holes
Spiral arm of Orion
Chemicals, hormones, antibiotics
Pores, blood, nerves, muscles & organs
Aluminum poisoning
Viruses, bacteria, microorganisms; gamma radiation, X-rays, radium radiation
Pluto, planets beyond Pluto [Sedna & Quaoar]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Which Life On Earth Developed"
Newspaper article "Did A Woman Write Luke's Gospel?"
Newspaper article "Black Hole Races By The Milky Way"
Newspaper article "Black Holes In The Universe"
Newspaper article "Double Monster"
Newspaper article "A Black Hole Turns Pirouetten: Infrared Flashes Of The Center Of The Milky Way"
Newspaper article "Mysterious Wind With Solar Eclipse"
Internet article "New Heat Record":
Newspaper article "Survive With 130 Degrees: US Scientists Discovered Bacteria, Which Temperatures Of 130 Degrees To Defy"
Newspaper article "Speculations Around Supermicrobe"
Magazine article "Icy Border Crosser: The Discovery Of A New Heavenly
Body At The Edge Of The Solar System Astonishes The Astronomers - Who
Were Considered Far Region As Cosmic No Man's Land" regarding the planet
[Saturday, December 31, 1988, 4:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in To The Statesmen In Power And To Mankind Of Earth
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier told to publish the Henok prophecies after January 1, 2003
World War 3 (WWIII) - Meier to warn Earth governments; great threat
comes from America, Israel, Iraq & Palestine; America the greatest
threat, partly the reason why Islamic terrorist groups will rise; George
W. Bush, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein & Ariel Sharon; World War 3
(WWIII) probable in 2006 according to the prophecies of Henok;
two-thirds of humanity will die; still avoidable if the irresponsible
leaders & their supporters & followers are removed from power
and replaced with responsible leaders; Meier doubts any will heed his
warnings, "nonetheless, it is necessary to raise the voice and shout
into the world all that what has to be shouted with might"
Slavery in America
Zoology; mammals, reptiles, fish, monkeys & birds
Microorganisms in ice, North Pole, South Pole, volcanoes, magma, tundra; Antarctic, ecosystem
Anne Frank, concentration camps, Berlin, Nazis, Adolph Hitler; Denmark, Holland, Norway
Clones, cloning; genes, DNA, chromosomes, methyl-molecule
Tsunamis; Santorini volcano; Egypt, Syria; Sumatra, Java, 1883 eruption of Krakatoa volcano
Universal-belt, positive & negative, material-belt,
material-universe; electrons, gases, neutrons, neutrinos, atoms,
sub-atomic particles
Gravitational strength; meteors, asteroids, comets; Professor Brenner
Priest Zimmermanns, Karl Graf & Gustav Lehmann
Evolution of plants & animals; plants, reptiles, insects & animals
Religion, "God", "Jesus Christ", Jmmanuel
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Internet article "As America Is Black?: 250 Years Slavery As Compensation Process In The USA":
Newspaper article "Since 2800 Years From The Environment Isolates: Microorganisms In The Antarctic Ice"
Magazine article "The Lake Into More Icily Sinks"
Newspaper article "Strongest Earthquake Since Eleven Years Provides For Large Excitement: No Damage Announced"
Newspaper article "Hundred Dead After Quake In China"
Newspaper article "Earthquake In Northern China"
Newspaper article "The Earth Trembles Several Times Daily"
Newspaper clipping: "Earthquake. The south of California is on Saturday
of an earthquake strengthens 5.4 shaken. Quake was from San Diego until
Los Angeles to be felt. There was not damage after first reports. The
epicenter lay 150 kilometers south of Los Angeles."
Newspaper article "Is God Into Unserm Brain?"
[Friday, February 3, 1989, 00:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Black cancer" [melanoma; skin cancer], sunlight radiation
Electricity; animals, plants, birds, fish & insects
Cell phones, mobile phones, transportable communication equipment
George W. Bush, Iraq, oil, George H.W. Bush; George W. Bush thinking
himself to be God's Avenger & God's Deputy to rid the world of
Islam; Iraq War beginning March 18, 2003; England & Australia;
Saddam Hussein & 2 doubles
Alliance of men & women; sexuality; prostitution among Pleiadians/Plejaren ended 34,761 years ago
Swiss, Germany
Energy of the thermosphere; atomic bombs; micro-organic life
Immune system, stress, organs, vegetative nervous system; stress, neuroses, psychopathic, psychoses
Nickname - word defined
Languages - Spanish, Greek, English, Chinese, hieroglyphics, Latin
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Internet article "Melanoma":
Newspaper article "Too Much Light Can Release Cancer"
Newspaper article "The First Rocket Impact Against Iraq Applied Only
Saddam Hussein - And Was A Miss. The Iraqi Dictator Outlived It, He
Presented Themselves To Two Grants Via Watches Television Later Its
People, Wetterte Approximately Bush And The USA."
Newspaper article "Invasion After Air Raids"
Newspaper article "Surprising Strategy"
Newspaper article "Substantial Air Raids On Baghdad"
[Saturday, March 11, 1989, 6:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Black Hole in the Milky Way galaxy; black holes
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "The Monster In The Milky Way"
[Monday, May 1, 1989, 6:05 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Unauthorized English translation excerpt in Earth Cosmology [Driscoll]
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Animals, birds, fish, amphibians & snakes; small life forms - worms,
beetles & insects; nervous systems, sensitivity to pain; primates,
dogs & cats
Moons of Neptune; Triton
Henok & Nokodemion lineage; Semjase, Quetzal, Ptaah & Sfath are descendents
77 million OM Canons
Plankton & algae; spirulina platensis
Food items, alcohol, medicine & drugs
Genetics, genetic code
Universal Belts, contraction & expansion, Material Belt
Black Energy, anti-gravitation
Milky Way galaxy has around 570 billion stars with planets, 7 million small & large star systems with planets
Planets & moons with life forms - microorganisms, animals, birds, fish, beetles & insects
Milky Way galaxy, star systems with human civilizations - numbers given
SOL System's 12 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto; Nibiru, Planet-X, Marduk, Phaeton, Olam, Vulkan,
Persephone; Nibiru, Anunnaki people, a myth & fantasy; Akkadien,
Babylon, Sumeria; Phaeton, Malona, Asteroid Belt, comet; planet Kathein;
Great Pyramid of Giza, 152.5 million kilometers; Pluto, planet Kathein;
2 zones/belts of the SOL system; comets, Nibiru; Ptolemy; spectacular
comet in 1577, Tycho Brahe; Destroyer Planet, November 14, 1680 - March
19, 1681; Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, comets, solar wind
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "If Fish Could Cry"
Newspaper article "Like Much Consciousness Needs The Pain?: Refers To Pain-Felt Even With Some Fish"
Internet article "Neptune's Moons":
Newspaper clipping "Climate Changes Genes"
Newspaper article "Dark Matter Steers Galaxies"
Internet article "The Kuiper Disc":
Internet article "Fewer Objects In Kuiper Belt?":
"Questions From The Public About The Contact Report From May 1, 1989"
answered by Florena: Arahat Athersata; evolution; Nokodemion; material
universe; Petale; Absolutum; mental energy; sons of Nokodemion &
[Monday, July 31, 1989, 7:16 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Nazca lines (etched pictures) in Peru; Gods, priests, rituals & ceremonies
Maya, Mayan culture, Meso-America, Southern & Northern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras & Belize, Yucatan
Quintana Roo, Mexico
Campeche, Mexico
Lacandons (Mayan community)
Chorti (Mayan community)
Cackquel (Mayan community)
Quiche (Mayan community)
Tzutuhil (Mayan community)
Beans, squash & maize (sweetcorn)
Mayan religion, Catholicism
Flouridated chlorinated hydrocarbons, Ozone Layer, methane gas, Bermuda Triangle
Lightning & its effects, clouds
Bible data & stories - based on legends, lies, falsifications & a fraudulent chronicle/history
Prophets Jeremia, Jesaia, Elia & Henoch - birth dates/times, death dates, fathers' names/origin
Elia - taken in a beamship to Srinagar, Kashmir, India
Predictions of the prophet Jeremia: modern age prophet [Meier];
religious cults; atomic weapons; skyscraper buildings as workplaces
& housing; food shortage; water shortage; powerful & degenerate
leaders provoking wars; religious cults & their effects on humanity;
homosexual/bi-sexual epidemics; mothers not knowing who the father of
their baby is; children having children; social alienation; child abuse
& rape; modern age prophet with the Kodex, oath, law, truth
teachings, spirit teachings, peace, liberty, harmony & justice--he
will be disregarded by most; terrorism, tyrants & despots; theft
& falsification of the modern age prophet's truthful teachings; the
suffering elderly & children will be ignored; old-age homes for the
elderly; abuse of women & children; egocentricity, stinginess, greed
& consumerism; fighting over inheritance & body parts of the
dead; epidemics spread by immigrants; epidemics spread by import of
foreign plants & animals; environmental exploitation &
destruction; immeasurable hatred, violence & cruelty among &
between humans, even families; modern age prophet born in 1937; child
slavery, homelessness, exploitation & murder for body organs; people
will no longer be free (even if they think they are) but slaves to the
rulers & elite; overpopulation; wars between religious cults;
determining the sex of fetus'; abortion; apathy; diseases caused by
animals; malicious experiments on humans; diseases from water &
soil; diseases brought back from space; floods; World War II (WW2)?;
volcanic eruptions, hurricanes/typhoons, earthquakes, avalanches,
mudslides; people will deny responsibility for these catastrophes;
atmospheric destruction caused by "invented artificial means", ozone
depletion?; dams & artificial lakes, etc.; people will be deceived
by their eyes without using reason & won't be able to differentiate
between reality & illusion/fantasy; "humans will create new humans
also from tiny parts of humans, as he will do also with the animals"
[genetic breeding?]; cannibalism & food made from people; animals
eating food made from their own species; slaughterhouses &
meat-farms; genetic breeding of hermaphrodite animals; children will
live in apathy & fantasies because they won't have teachers of
knowledge & wisdom; humans will become barbaric; humans will be
small in mind & feeling though large in technology; people "will not
know why it lives & dies"; World War I & World War II
(WW2/WWII, 1939); religious cult of Christianity, the distorted
teachings of Jmmanuel; Jews, Muslims & Christians will war against
each other; people will finally listen to the modern age prophet's
message 800 years after his death, abandon religious cults & turn to
true teachings of the spirit & creation; by the end of the 3rd
millennium humans will have conquered space travel, travel to the stars,
create artificial suns, seek a new home world, build cities on the
seas, communicate by telepathy, live to the age of 1,000 years; during
the time of the modern age prophet women will come into positions of
power & leadership bringing peace & liberty; in time humanity
will come to peace, end wars, have respect for nature, live in knowledge
& wisdom, love & harmony, be self-responsible & live by the
laws of life & creation, learn to heal diseases before they occur,
end racism, etc.--all this will only happen after the world wars &
natural catastrophes occur; humanity will learn that all organisms are
"carriers of the spirit & the light", deserving respect; new cities
will be built on earth, on the seas, under the seas, & in the sky
"where he will travel with silver metallic ships"; humanity will no
longer fear death, knowing "that the light never expires and the life
continues also in death and reincarnation, because its knowledge will
become the comprehensive wisdom"
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 additional contents --
Newspaper article "The Mysterious Fall Of The Maya"
Internet article "Life On The Powder Barrel?" regarding methane hydrates, etc.:
[Wednesday, October 11, 1989, 4:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Predictions of the prophet Elia: prophet of the modern age [Meier] will
live in a free country [Switzerland] & teach with power the laws
& requirements of creation, he will write down the words of those
from the stars [Pleiadians/Plejaren], he will be the third incarnation
from Elia, his father will be a shoemaker & his mother will be a
simple woman bearing 3 sons & 4 daughters, 1 of the sons will be
called the "guardian of the treasure" & be the new prophet; the
teachings he brings will be of the old prophets brought by humans from
the sky [Pleiadians/Plejaren], & he will live on the "horseshoe
mountain" raising the flag of federation with the humans from the sky
who will remain hidden from Earth humans; he will found the group of the
truth [FIGU] & reveal secrets of creation & humanity & he
will have more knowledge than any human who ever lived on Earth; he will
be able to heal & will join the lineage of Elia, Jesaia, Jeremia,
Henoch, Henok & Nokodemion; he will read many holy books & have
times of isolation to learn in the mountains & forests &
deserts; he will follow many cults to learn & understand their
secrets & wrong teachings; he will build a place of peace on the
horseshoe mountain which will become the symbolic core for the earth
& sky [Semjase-Silver-Star Center]; as "guardian of the treasure" he
will be Eduard, third in lineage from Elia to Jmmanuel to Muhammad,
"the same spirit in another head"; many who hear or read his words &
teachings will become fearful & turn away, or steal them &
falsify them for profit; the modern age prophet will begin his work 22
centuries after Elia; humans of that time will have suffocated the words
of the prophets & turned to religious cults which fight against
each other & extort money & possessions for the followers; in
2,000 years from Elia's time their will be large kingdoms which war
against each other, burning harvests & skinning people alive, &
humans will conquer the skies & the depths of the seas & create a
new homeland in the sky, building enormous metallic ships, skyscrapers;
"beyond the large sea however, the walls of the cities & villages
of the conquerors will break down, who want to actually tear power over
the world, and which realm will then only be destroyed and burned
country be, and only muddy water be" [United States of America];
eventually "in far distance of the time coming", love, peace &
liberty will come to humanity
Hans-Ulrich Lenzlinger
Loch Ness "monster" of Scotland - explained; 2 parent & 1 young
Plesiosaurus; why their existence will be difficult to prove; Meier
taken to see them
Climactic changes, heat waves, forest fires, etc.
Thor Heyerdahl:
Venera 14:
Vegetables, vegetarianism
Roman gladiators
"The eyes are the mirror of the psyche"
Jupiter's moons
Hubble Telescope
Child sexual abuse, pedophiles
New Orleans, Louisiana susceptible to disaster from storms & being inundated with water
Artic, Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole
Tiger mosquitoes
Pyramids of Giza
Sodom and Gomorrha
Calcium, milk
Faked Apollo moon landing on July 20, 1969 - the faked moon landing of
1969 was done for political reasons to overtake the Russians who were on
the verge of being able to land on the moon; after this up to 1972
there were 5 actual moon landings; there are large areas at the moon's
north & south poles where continuous daytime exists, as witnessed by
Meier during his trips to the moon with Sfath in 1946 and with Semjase
in 1975
Iran, Tehran
San Francisco, Los Angeles
Pope Paul VI
Pope John Paul I
Gulf War 1 ("Desert Storm") - George H.W. Bush will lead a multinational
army in 1991 against Iraq but will have to end it due to strong Iraqi
resistance & reluctance of coalition partners to continue; he will
plot for his son George W. Bush to come to power to finish the effort to
incorporate Iraq into the US for its oil; George W. Bush will become
governor of Texas in 1995, he will have many people executed under the
death penalty (a large number will be innocent); Bush father & son
will work with friends to steer Bush Jr. into the presidency in November
2000 by electoral fraud
Sodom and Gomorrha
California & San Francisco earthquakes
Enrico Caruso
Saddam Hussein
George W. Bush
Beans, potatoes
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
Newspaper article "The murder at the GDR escape aid Lenzlinger moves closer a clearing-up"
Newspaper article "The Urapfel originates from Kazakhstan"
Newspaper article "Heat seizes the permafrost at mountain climbers is endangered"
Newspaper article "Poles melt: With us wirds bitterly!"
Newspaper article "Under the hut the permafrost thaws"
Newspaper article "Matterhorn closed"
Newspaper article "No future for glaciers?"
Newspaper article "Raubsaurier fossil found"
Newspaper article "Italy's second Pompeii"
Newspaper article "Study reveals: Breed salmon with cancer poison contaminates"
Newspaper article "Fewer fish because of to many contraceptive pills"
Newspaper article "Poison in the breed salmon"
Newspaper article "Do the spiral arms bring the earth to the galaxy to freezing?"
Newspaper article "Mysterious climatic cycles"
Internet article "Eight dead through storm eddies in the middle west of the USA"
Newspaper article "Did Mrs. Holle turn through?"
Newspaper article "The sun has fever: researchers explain, what really is behind the climatic shock"
Newspaper article "Chinese weigh light"
"A hot summer" by Silvano Lehmann, Switzerland
Newspaper article "40.3 degrees measured -- but where?"
Newspaper article "Heat Zoff city temperature is measured on country"
Newspaper article "Still more heat day in the future"
Newspaper article "Heat wave breaks further records"
Newspaper article "35,000 heat victims"
Newspaper article "Disaster condition proclaimed"
Newspaper article "If fire jumps over the rivers"
Newspaper article ""Dry holidays" for cows"
Newspaper article "New fires by lightnings"
Newspaper article "Heat makes the SBB to create"
Newspaper article "Ten thousands on the escape"
Newspaper article "3000 heat-dead"
Newspaper article "Tempest with 140 kilometers per hour swept the storm over Switzerland"
Newspaper article "Devastations"
Newspaper article "The heat wave are in the Netherlands in the past three months roughly 500 to 1000 humans to the victim..."
Newspaper article "Thousands fled before the flames"
Newspaper article "The forests burn still"
Newspaper article "Devastating shrub fire in the nature reservation"
Newspaper article "Forest Fires and tempests in the south"
Newspaper article "Forest fires in Spain"
Newspaper article "13,600 humans died because of the heat"
Newspaper article "Again arson to the Costa Brava"
Newspaper article "Thousands flee before fires"
Newspaper article "Forest fires continue to rage"
Newspaper article "Summer 2003: 20,000 heat-dead"
Newspaper article "10,000 heat-dead because of physician holidays"
Newspaper article "Forest fires kindles again"
Newspaper article "Forest fires with Los Angeles are "out of control""
Newspaper article "Flee -- as fast as possible"
Newspaper article "10,000 hectares in flames"
Newspaper article "Dead one with forest fires"
Newspaper article "Blaze to shrub fires before Sydney"
Newspaper article "Hundreds of fires in Brazil's national parks"
Newspaper article "Landslide"
Newspaper article "In west Mexico"
Newspaper article "Earthquake with the whale lake"
Newspaper article "Downpours bring devastation"
Newspaper article "Large tide in Mexico"
Newspaper article "After the Duerre storm follows"
Newspaper article "End of the heat"
Newspaper article "Storms in Spain"
Newspaper article "The summer went lightning-like to end"
Newspaper article "To fire hell a hail tower in California"
Newspaper article "A half village destroys"
Newspaper article "Italy in the spell of a tempest"
Newspaper article "Record summer abruptly terminates"
Newspaper article "Summer 2003 was only harbinger"
Newspaper article "Landslides in north Italy"
Newspaper article "The heat in the summer cost 50,000 their lives"
Newspaper article "Snow in the flat country"
Newspaper article "Italy counts its heat-dead"
Newspaper article "Storms in Spain"
Newspaper article "Coldest October for thirty years"
Newspaper article "Dead one with inundations"
Newspaper article "A meter snow in the Bronx"
Newspaper article "Beginning of winter in the Near East"
Newspaper article "Endless terror-listed"
Newspaper article "Consequence-fraught eradication"
Newspaper article "Snowstorms over the Aegean"
Newspaper article "Ozone layer-suffered under greenhouse"
Newspaper article "In the Rhonetal are 10,000 humans on the escape before the tides"
Newspaper article "500 hurt with enormous earthquakes"
Newspaper article "The strongest weapon of the terror"
Newspaper article "Number of the hurt ones rises"
Newspaper article "Violent storms, small damage"
Newspaper article "Too much water is unhealthy"
Newspaper article "Protection from depression"
Newspaper article "Short towards makes susceptible for depressions"
Newspaper article "World champion in surviving"
Newspaper article "Survive with 130 degrees"
Magazine article "Do vegetarians live really longer?"
Internet article "Researcher: Human genes betray adjustment at cannibalism":
Newspaper article "Asteroid: Break into in the approach"
Newspaper article "A swarm of new Jupiter moons discovered"
Newspaper article "Distant relatives of Pluto"
Newspaper article "An icily cold, dark world"
Newspaper article "Moon mixes sea"
Newspaper article "Much water in the Earth's mantle"
Newspaper article "Lost one city deeply in the ocean"
Newspaper article "Daughter 1000 time rapes"
Newspaper article "Children torment -- until they die"
Newspaper article "World-wide Child Pornography Ring smashed"
Newspaper article "Raid against domestic force"
Newspaper article "Admitting fax"
Newspaper article "A child kills itself each 3 day with us"
Newspaper article "Police look for 10 neo-Nazis"
Newspaper article "Terrorists threaten already with new bombs"
Newspaper article "The ETA and its heaviest terrorist attacks"
Newspaper article "The al-Qaida is present in Spain"
Newspaper article "Saudi Arabia al-Kaida slammed shut: 22 dead"
Newspaper article "Gemetzel, Spain shocks"
Newspaper article "The "11-September" of Spain"
Newspaper article "Sweden, an Eldorado for neo-Nazis"
Newspaper article "Neo-Nazis planned assassination attempt on SPD politicians"
Newspaper article "Pedophile ring: hundreds of children tormented, killed, verscharrt"
Newspaper article "Dismisses more than 500 sex priests"
Newspaper article ""Andrew" sweeps by the USA"
Newspaper article ""Mitch" brings Central America to death and destruction"
Newspaper article "Fabian holds course off the Bermudas"
Newspaper article "Fabian devastates Bermudas"
Newspaper article "Isabel sweeps on the US east coast too"
Newspaper article "Typhoon "Dujuan" rages in China"
Newspaper article "For days rage storms in Italy"
Newspaper article "Marty rages"
Newspaper article "Tempests brausten over Europe"
Newspaper article "The masses flee before "Isabel""
Newspaper article "Eddy storm devastated South Korea"
Newspaper article "Hurricane "Isabel" shows teeth"
Newspaper article "Millions households without drinking water and telephone"
Newspaper article "Tornadoes raged in the USA"
Newspaper article "After inundations..."
Newspaper article "South Korea: typhoon devastates the south"
Newspaper article "Inundated..."
Newspaper article "Eddy storm continues to kill"
Newspaper article "Thousands of Canadians without drinking water"
Newspaper article "Storms sweep over Central Europe"
Newspaper article "Storms and precipitation"
Newspaper article "Tiger mosquito alarm: soon they lurk at the Gotthard"
Newspaper article "Against the Dengue Fever there is no medicine"
Newspaper article "Thus they protect themselves against mosquito passes"
Newspaper article "Tiger mosquitoes came by Autostopp into Tessin"
Newspaper article "Sun properties for moon stations"
Internet article "Aral Sea: Chronicle of a anthropogen caused disaster":
Internet article "Rescue for the Aral Sea?":
Newspaper article "Dark energy controls the universe"
Newspaper article "Threatening heating up"
Newspaper article "Giant star discovered"
Newspaper article "Bizarre double star"
Newspaper article "Where "green males" live"
Newspaper article "Natural catastrophe demands 40,000 dead"
Newspaper article "Four heavy quakes since 1990"
Newspaper article "41,000 victims"
Newspaper article "Tremors in Mexico and Indonesia"
Newspaper article "New earthquakes"
Newspaper clipping "With a heavy earthquake in the northwest of Iran
about 500 humans die, further 2000 are hurt. Numerous villages in the
province Ardebil are destroyed."
Newspaper article "Earthquake and tide victims"
Newspaper article "Strong earthquake in Greece"
Newspaper article "Paul VI is dead -- John Paul I starts follow-up"
Newspaper article "Conclave selects two new Popes in only eight weeks"
Newspaper article "Ten thousands lose their home"
Newspaper article "Teheran stands in the wrong place"
Newspaper article "As if the earth will collapse"
Newspaper article "Strong earthquake"
Newspaper article "Earthquake in Afghanistan"
Internet article "Dead one with earthquakes in Turkey: At least 50 hurt":
Newspaper article "Earthquakes in Turkey and China"
Internet article "Earthquake shakes northeast of Japan"
Internet article "Strong 6.2! earthquake in Iran"
Internet article "Earthquake disaster in Iran: 80 destroyed villages -- numerous dead"
Internet article "Earthquakes shake Japan and South Korea"
Internet article "Earthquake shakes northeast of Japan"
Internet article "Up to 45 dead and 360 hurt after earthquakes in Iran"
Internet article "Earthquakes shake Japan and South Korea"
Newspaper article "Heavy earthquake in Iran"
Internet article "27 locatations with earthquakes in Iran completely destroyed"
Internet article "Floods came with earthquakes"
Newspaper article "Iran: over 60 dead with earthquakes"
Internet article "First balance after earthquakes"
Internet article "Iran earthquake has 27 locations destroyed"
Internet clipping "Earthquake: tremble strengthens 4.9 has"
Internet article "Earthquakes in Iran, South Korea and Japan"
Newspaper article "Two dead with the eruption of volcanoes in Indonesia"
Newspaper article "The "anti-terror fighter", who was not alarmed"
Magazine article "Fatal Error"
Newspaper article "Iraq expert Erich Gysling "Bush lies to his own people""
Newspaper article "Bush criticism from own line up"
Newspaper article "Ex-Minister verhoehnt Bush"
Internet article "Sex assistants for handicapped ones come nevertheless":,0,0,0,d,17351
Internet article "BeruehrerInnen-project remains"
Internet article "Near to the taboo zones?"
Internet article "Project "BeruehrerInnen" under new working group"
Internet article "Ever more prostitutes"
Internet article "BeruehrerInnen-project per infirmis is resumed":
Newspaper article "Shocking statistics 2003: each day over 900 commit a crime in Switzerland"
Internet article "Earthquake in Panama"
Internet article "Infant died with earthquakes in Panama"
Newspaper article "In Algeria trembled the ground"
Newspaper article "Los Angeles of earthquakes afflicted"
Internet article "Baby after earthquakes in Panama of rubble killed"
Internet article "Earthquakes in Japan and Northern Iran"
Internet article "Earthquake shaken Mexico"
Internet article "Again earthquakes in northern Iran"
Internet article "Earthquake of the strength 3.0 in the region of greater Bernhard: so far no damage announced"
Newspaper article "Terrible earthquake in Chile - Valparaiso in rubble"
Newspaper article "Only the earth trembles in San Francisco - then devastates"
Newspaper article "Fire storm at the flowering metropolis of the Golden Gate"
Newspaper article "Violent earthquake in Ostanatolien"
Newspaper article "San Francisco - up to 23 earth impacts in the year"
Newspaper article "Storm tides, landslides and earthquakes"
Newspaper article "Largest Vesuvius outbreak since fall of Pompeii"
Newspaper article "Berlin buried in the snow - chaos with ten degrees cold weather"
Newspaper article "Bridge from the storm completely destroys"
Newspaper article "Earthquake demands 500 victims"
Newspaper article "Haumptmann of Koepenick "on instruction of the emperor""
Newspaper article "Dragnet operation and 2000 Marks head money"
Newspaper article "Search for survivors adjusted"
Newspaper article "Each day two new infections"
Internet article "SARS, heavy acute difficulty in breathing syndrome, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome":
Internet article "SARS: China fears new illness wave"
Newspaper article "Little hope for survivors"
Newspaper article "At 18.31 o'clock trembled the earth"
Newspaper article "Mourning and despair"
Newspaper article "Quake to the Earth's crust in Morocco"
Newspaper article "California expects further after shocks"
Newspaper article "After earthquakes: nearly 600 dead"
Newspaper article "40,000 dead feared"
Newspaper article "More fears than 2000 dead ones"
Internet article "At least 140 dead ones or missed one with eddy tower in Burma"
Newspaper article "Armistice in the Gulf War after UN switching"
Newspaper article "500,000 dead ones in eight years war between Iran and Iraq"
Newspaper clipping "Polar lights, *** none gives"
Newspaper article "Potatoes: Cancer risk more highly than assumed"
Newspaper article "Kaiserschnitt: More stillbirths"
Newspaper article "More lightning in dirty air"
Newspaper article "Pirates attacked 445 ships"
Newspaper article "Against it the sun is a candle"
Internet article "2003 QQ47 a potentially dangerous Asteroid"
[Thursday, November 9, 1989, 9:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
George W. Bush & Tony Blair will conspire against Iraq if Gulf War I
doesn't succeed; they will spread the lie that Saddam Hussein has
weapons of mass destruction ("ABC weapons", atomic, biological &
chemical); Gulf War II will happen in 2003; suicide bombers &
terrorists ("insurgents"); Bush, Blair & CIA will lie to the public
again saying they "erred" on Saddam having ABC weapons
Apollo 11
Faked Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 - allegedly Neil
Armstrong, along with E.E. "Buzz" Aldrin, set his feet to the moon's
surface; the lunar module was called "The Eagle" and the place where the
astronauts were to have landed was called "The Sea of Tranquility"; the
lunar expeditions were terminated with Apollo 17; on the alleged moon
landing of July 20, 1969 Michael Collins was attendant in the command
capsule; practically all participants in the faked moon landing were
hypnotized by specialists into a deep hypnotic state, including
Armstrong, Aldrin & Collins; some of the participants died by
"accident" or "illness" [were murdered], including all 4 hypnotists
Multiple Sclerosis
Vitamin D
Alzheimer's Disease
Galantamin; galanthus nivalis
Genetic engineering & genetically modified foods - irrational fears;
a large turn towards genetic engineering will come in the new
Chocolate; cocoa beverages
Down Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
China, Chinese peoples
Nazi Germany
Vitamins & minerals
Nanoparticles & ultra-nanoparticles, nanotechnology
Christopher Columbus, 1494
EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate)
AIDS, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases
Legalized prostitution
Sodom & Gomorrha
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
Newspaper article "Weapon of mass destruction in the Iraq: Blair and CIA erred"
Internet article "Iraq: Suicide assassination attempts with the victim celebration"
Internet article "Notice on government *** in Iraq"
Internet article "Al-Qaida splinter group professes itself to attempted assassination"
Internet article "Hurt at least 7 dead ones and 50 wounded in Baghdad"
Newspaper article "Vitamin D protects before Multiple Sclerosis"
Internet article "The clearing up of the Vitamin D mystery":
Internet article "Vitamin D lowers the risk for Multiple Sclerosis"
Internet article "Jack-of-all-trades Vitamin D"
Internet article "Biological effects of electrostatic fields":
Internet article "Ball lightning: Does it give it or does it give it not?"
Internet article "Lightning in the universe: about "Red Sprites" and "Blue Jets"
Internet article "If the world is colorless":
Magazine article "Schneegloeckchen against Alzheimer"
Newspaper article "Completely naturally: Homosexual animals"
Newspaper article "Gene wheat is cultivated"
Newspaper article "Gene wheat in Lindau is cultivated"
Magazine article "Gods in the laboratory"
Newspaper article "Emergence of new Eizellen also after the birth"
Internet article "Multiple Sclerosis, MS"
Newspaper article "Nano-particles damage fish"
Newspaper article "Dead man's zones in the sea doubles"
Newspaper article "Cutting protects against AIDS"
Newspaper article "As a placebo can affect the brain"
Newspaper article "From apes to humans: More frequent virus Uebertragung than assumed"
[Friday, November 17, 1989, 00:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in The Peace Meditation, pages 8-10
excerpt in Those Who Lie About Contacts..., pages 2-3
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
511 million people on Erra + additional 3.02 billion people in the Plejaren federation participate in the Peace Meditation
3,406 peace meditation participants on Earth
Futile attempts for world peace by way of political, religious, fanatical or esoteric means
America, Germany & other western nations responsible for producing enmity towards eastern nations
Statement by Billy regarding Lee Elders, from June 17, 2004
Contact 357 excerpt regarding Lee Elders, from April 26, 2004, 00:23 a.m.
Contact 358 excerpt regarding Lee Elders, from May 6, 2004 3:51 p.m. & 10:58 p.m.
"Vindication of Lee Elders"
Lee Elders
Randy Winters
Change in America @2129 A.D.
"...there is only one person on the entire planet Earth who maintains
and fosters physical and telepathic, as well as other types of contacts,
and that person is you [Meier] alone"; 3 others who died in an accident
Fred Bell:
Roberta Brooks
Else Schroder - accidental contact with Semjase in Zahedan, Iran (see Contacts 31 & 40)
Ilse von Jacobi
Karl & Anna Veit
[Friday, December 1, 1989, 00:44 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in Attacking Questions From Japan..., pages 22-23
excerpt in Those Who Lie About Contacts..., pages 21-32
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Criminal liars, frauds, cheats, charlatans & lunatics who operate
against the truth to deceive the whole world, originate in America
High Council directive never to contact Americans & never to
transmit wisdom & messages to them; Pleiadians/Plejaren follow this
directive, with one exception that failed
George Green
"Space Gate: The Veil Removed" by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (book)
"And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda" by Sananda and Judas Iscarioth (book)
Ashtar Sheran - material existence ceased in 1983; fled to the DAL
Universe in an attempt to gain power there, his spaceship was destroyed,
killing him
Universal barrier - "the barriers of the two contiguous, gently nudging
universes that are insurmountable for any spirit form for the purpose of
making or maintaining contact with human beings on Earth..."
Dharma (Doris Eloise Jones Ekker)
Jmmanuel - "does not transmit messages in any telepathic or other
similar form to Earth humans. On one hand, he is presently reincarnated
in Europe [Meier]...on the other hand, he does not preoccupy himself
with transmitting messages and similar things"
"the fact that the spirit-form levels never contact material levels to
communicate with them...if such a contact were ever to occur, it would
happen indirectly only and by way of various contact points"; "all of
those individuals on Earth who are endowed with these capabilities are
of extraterrestrial origin, who had previously migrated to Earth from
foreign worlds"
"...those lunatics who erroneously assume that a material life form is
capable of simply contacting spirit forms of any type, as all of them
claim of themselves who are entangled in delusions and consciously
lying, cheating and deceiving, or who are simply afflicted with a form
of schizophrenia, calling themselves mediums and pretending to be
capable of speaking and communicating via trance, channeling and similar
nonsense with the dead, spirit forms, demons and us extraterrestrials,
and to receive messages of great importance. However, all these
assertions and intrigues are nothing more than conscious swindle, lies
and fraud, a schizophrenic ailment, self-deception or maniacal belief
and similar things." --Ptaah
Earth humans - "often suffers of inferiority complexes and a craving for admiration"
203 people out of 1 million "belong to this higher evolved level and are capable of these contacts"
Talmud Jmmanuel
"...sooner or later every cheat, liar and fraud will have to account for
his actions and sleep in the bed he had made for himself - if not in
this life then definitely in the next one"
Lee Elders
Randy Winters
Meier advised (directive from the High Council) "to disseminate and make
your material widely known only to people in a way that will help you
gain a certain financial profit"
Roberta Brooks
Fred Bell:
Americans - there are some "who truly and sincerely deserve to be called
'human beings', even though it seems they are few and far between"
Hundsfott (word) - an individual who is characterized as "mean, vile,
infamous & without decency, cowardly, rotten & morally
detestable, unbearably bad & extremely contemptible"; Ptaah, "Such
swear words are unknown to us"
Colman Von Keviczky
American & Israeli leadership - criminal interference in other
countries; "That this is the case will be clearly and plainly shown very
soon once again"
Impulse contactees - quiet about their contacts; 203 per million persons
have impulse contacts, largely in an unconscious manner; only 5 people
on Earth (aside from Meier) who have extraterrestrial contacts
"presently fulfilling tasks in a conscious form that occur in public";
Meier has the most important mission of all contactees
The title "Jschwisch" defined
[Friday, January 19, 1990, 00:07 a.m., 00:32 a.m., 1:04 a.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Petale, Arahat Athersata
excerpt in Those Who Lie About Contacts..., pages 32-41
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Petale level - "the highest vibrational level", "the highest power form of knowledge"
Arahat Athersata
One-sided transmission of information from Petale & Arahat Athersata
to Meier; Meier must synchronize himself and "raise the vibration to
the required elevated level and adjust it", a neutral condition
Impulse contactees - humans with a Lyrian origin
Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika & Glasnost
Foreign spies
World War 3 (WWIII)
Iran (Persia)
"I don't want to get involved in politics, far from it, but these are
facts in view of which one must not remain silent." --Billy Meier
American propaganda & intrigues
Explanation of the "materialization ring" seen in the St. Nicholas
(Santa Claus) photos taken by Bernadette Brand on December 6, 1989
Meier's photos & "texts are being stolen, copied, incorrectly
translated in their entirety or in part, and disseminated for a lot of
Meier has "had the capacity for these contacts from time immemorial"
Pleiadians/Plejaren, Meier & FIGU are not racially prejudiced, biased or bigoted
"It is never worthwhile getting excited over lies, defamations and other
dishonest, deceitful and spineless intrigues by people who are vile,
shifty and of despicable character." --Ptaah
"We would never obstruct the path of decent Americans and Israelis who
are honestly seeking the truth and who live accordingly..." --Meier
Americans & Israelis - top of the list as far as worldwide intrigues
America & South Africa - top of the list as far as racism
Native Americans
African Americans
Ku Klux Klan
"...have the courage to shout the truth into the world..."
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
7 photographs by Bernadette Brand on December 6, 1989 during a visit by
"St. Nicholas" (Santa Claus), showing a "materialization ring"
Newspaper article, "Coleman: "This evening an innocent is murdered"" [Roger Keith Coleman]:
Newspaper article, "Ever more executions in the USA"
Newspaper article, "25 executions in China"
Newspaper article, "Again executions in Texas"
[Saturday, February 3, 1990, 00:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, page 36
excerpt in Attacking Questions From Japan..., pages 24-26
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Disorderly surroundings indicates disorderly character traits
Intrigues & slander against Meier originating from Japan, America & Europe
Japanese claims of contact with Pleiadians/Plejaren; one woman claims
contact with Creation; in Japan "there exists not one human being who
has any connection or genuine contact with extraterrestrial life
Meier not the only person having extraterrestrial contact, but the only one (there are 5 others) who can demonstrate that he is
Impulse contactees - 203 per million
The "Observers of Time"
No Earth human (other than Meier) will have contact with the Plejaren
for the next 761 years; "during the next 761 years, no further contacts
by terrestrial human beings with extraterrestrial or higher spiritual
life forms will take place, nor will any occur with high spiritual
levels in the sense of contacts that pertain to spiritual evolution"
Publisher visited Meier, wants to translate Gary Kinder's book "Light
Years" into German, gave Meier a book on Stonehenge crop circles
"Human beings on Earth have an unusually strong propensity for false
assumptions regarding things, incidents and events they cannot
rationally explain to themselves. This, however, is the result of
religion-based conditioning because religious delusions permit such
fantasies and delusional assumptions." --Ptaah
Meier traveled with Quetzal to various places including England to
observe how crop circles were formed; on one instance in 1983 near
Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire, England they observed "half of the village
population" take part in trampling the crops as a hoax; Meier also saw
similar events in Russia, Canada, Brazil, America & Switzerland
September 27, 1989 Voronezh, Russia UFO extraterrestrial landing in Yuzhniy Park was genuine, not a prank:
UFO sightings in Belgium - some incidents are ET, "some very terrestrial
matters are involved, however"; "several sightings are linked to South
America"; "swindle and fraud are involved in these matters as well as
the truth"
UFO sightings in Tessin, Switzerland
SOL system so remote in the Milky Way that it "receives only infrequent
visits from other inhabited constellations"..."Earth simply is not
interesting enough..."
Extraterrestrials that do visit Earth are "almost always the same
visitors"; other extraterrestrials "do visit Earth 2 or 3 times each
Official extraterrestrial contact with America - Pleiadians/Plejaren
located the extraterrestrials (not in the Plejaren federation, but
"their homeland is beyond the [central] sun [of the Milky Way] in the
same region of stars where, initially, the Japanese & Chinese also
had their original beginnings") and warned them of the troubles in
America, hence they will not visit as planned; "still, this does not
rule out other aliens who may come to Earth to seek contacts"
Pleiadians/Plejaren on Erra - have practiced polygamy "for many millions
of years"; reasons why it is practiced, a natural law; religions
invented "the false new law of monogamy"
Females - "generate the majority of quarrels and disharmony", reasons explained
Plejaren marriage - defined; "any unity always consists of two opposite
values or poles, a minus and a being the positive and woman
the negative"
February 28, 1990 - related earthquakes in Japan, Upland, California,
and the volcano in Redoubt, Cook Inlet, Alaska; worldwide natural
upheavals (earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, eruptions, etc.) around the
world during this time & beginning Autumn 1989; 10-day long storms
in Europe, hurricane after hurricane
"Man is slowly but surely destroying his native planet and all
nature..."; air pollution, radioactive contamination, nuclear testing,
nuclear power plants, artificial reservoirs (dams, etc.) "are the source
of these future cataclysmic events"
Irresponsible leaders
Overpopulation - "the weight alone from all the procreated humans who
populate the Earth in excess of the 529 million mark, presents an
immense burden to this planet"; stress upon the tectonic plates; weight
from buildings, vehicles & machinery
Reservoirs, dams, etc. lead to earthquakes
Claims that cataclysms have occurred in the past on Earth and recur
occasionally are false; "in fact, the coming natural catastrophes will
no longer be a part of natural events repeating themselves but, instead,
will actually be defense mechanisms of nature and the planet itself";
"to regenerate the current destruction of nature and the planet will
require 340,000 years"; oil regeneration "will take many millions of
Dangerous & harmful nuclear radiation above the polar regions, more dangerous than radiation from a nuclear power plant
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "Mystery solved: Fun birds were at work" [regarding crop circles]
Newspaper article, "Respectable Wissenschafter feels talked nonsense of jokers"
Newspaper clipping, "The Belgians are in the UFO fever"
Newspaper clipping, "Easy earthquake in Tokyo"
Newspaper clipping, "Earthquake in Southern California"
Newspaper clipping, "The volcano spurts again"
Newspaper clipping, "Volcanic eruption"
Newspaper clipping, "Earthquake in China"
Newspaper clipping, "KKW deactivation after earthquakes"
Newspaper clipping, "Weak earthquake in Davos"
Newspaper clipping, "Earthquake"
Newspaper clipping, "Earth erzittert each half minute"
Newspaper clipping, "Earthquake in Nicaragua"
Newspaper clipping, "Cooling wave: Already 154 dead ones"
Newspaper article, "Disaster year for insurance"
Newspaper article, "Meteoroligist: Debt at the moved weather are the climatic changes"
Newspaper article, "Storm over West and Central Europe"
Newspaper clipping, "Gale over North Europe..."
Newspaper article, "Rains and snow provide for chaos"
Newspaper article, "Gale raved over Europe"
Newspaper article, "Death and devastation over Europe"
Newspaper article, "Over 50 Dead in Europe"
Newspaper clipping, "Peru drowns in the rain"
Newspaper article, "Numerous ships in distress"
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper clipping, "
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[Thursday, April 26, 1990, 00:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 221-227
excerpt in Clarification of a defamatory claim
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Julio Iglesias:
Music - rock, country, truck songs, folk music, pop music, marching music, rap, soul, spirituals, gospel
Ptaah's name defined, "live that, that in wisdom lives" [rough translation]
April 24, 1990 13th assassination attempt on Meier involving a strike of
ball lightning hitting his hand & a following thunder clap; Meier's
observation of naturally occurring ball lightning on 2 previous
occasions; the ball lightning that hit him was artificially generated
and steered; Meier's calculations done according to Adam Riese:
; reference to a previous event when the Pleiadians/Plejaren "had to
atomize the atomic air ship of those crazy [3] people...[who] dared to
release an unmanned death machine toward us"...this device stored all
the "gathered negative vibrations of human beings on earth directed
against [Meier]"; thunderclap was an explosion caused by an unmanned
flying device designed to kill Meier; Meier has many enemies around the
world, especially liars, swindlers & deceivers (mediums, contactees,
channelers, healers, etc.) who wish to kill him by their negative
thoughts...which "create tremendous deadly energies against"
him..."which are gathered in electromagnetic balings around the earth
and influence unstable, as well as negative and malicious persons
against" him; Meier is the "only person able to spread the teachings of
Creation and of the spirit among all nations of the earth and among all
human races"; Lee Elders, Randy Winters, Roberta Brooks, Fred Bell,
MUFON members:
, etc.; the people responsible for this attack were the remaining
followers of the dead Ashtar Sheran (who died in 1983 in the DAL
Universe); they gathered the negative energies of Meier's enemies and
stored them in a device; by advice from the High Council, the
perpetrators were captured by the Pleiadians/Plejaren, stripped of their
technologies & banned for life on a planet from which they couldn't
Quotation of Meier at the age of 9 to Sfath regarding ideologies & truth
Americans, Canadians, Russians
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier - "You are the prophet of the New Age for
the entire terrestrial world and all human beings on this planet."
Talmud Jmmanuel
Destroyer [comet]
Race of dwarfs once lived where the Semjase Silver Star Center is now
"Yellow race" (Chinese & Japanese) are the youngest inhabitants of
Earth, emigrating here 25,978 years ago from the planet Nissan near
Lasan in the Lyra system; they previously lived on the other side of the
Milky Way's central sun on a planet named Kudra in the Nisan solar
system; they traveled to Nissan in Lyra 2,400,000 years ago due to
overpopulation; distance from the Sol System to the Milky Way's central
sun is 35,002 light years; distance from [Sol System?] to Nisan System
is 79,471 light years
The name "Jesus"; Jesodos
November 4, 1982
Fluorine Chlorinated Hydrocarbon
The word "bromos"
Yoshi Kozakura
Arahat Athersata
"Alan", name meaning "the liar"
The years 2003 and 2004
Pope John Paul II
Psychological illnesses
Jesus Christ, Jmmanuel
Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran
Jmmanuel had no connection with the Qumran sect, the Essenes
Black holes
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
"From The Cheerful Sky" by Silvano Lehmann, Switzerland
4 photographs [assassination attempt]
Internet article, "Further favorable development of the Fiskaleinnahmen":
Internet article, "AIDS-HIV: Switzerland":
[Friday, November 9, 1990, 11:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Taljda
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Arahat Athersata
DAL Universe
"Commander Hatoon" ["Commander Hatonn"]
[George Green] in America
Multi-national peace fighting troops
Fluorine Chlorinated Hydrocarbon
Unzen, Japan volcano near Nagasaki:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lech Walesa
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "UFO in the sky over the region Basel"
Newspaper article, "Unknown bright object crosses Europe from East to West: Thousands observe "fiery tail""
Newspaper article, "Thousands saw fiery tail in the night sky"
Newspaper article, "But no UFOs"
Newspaper article, "Flying Saucers"
[Saturday, May 18, 1991, 00:55 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
Talmud Jmmanuel
Isa Rashid
Pharisee Simeon
Juda Ihariot
DAL Universe
Indira Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan:
Rajiv Gandhi:
Mount Unzen volcano, Japan:
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines :
Moruroa atoll atomic tests:
Saddam Hussein
DAL Universe
Mount Unzen volcano, Japan:
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines :
Sierra Madre
Neuchâtel, Bern & Zurich, Switzerland
Sri Lanka
Afghanistan, India & Pakistan
China & Bangladesh
Cars, motorcycles, ships, airplanes, trucks & tractors
Gasoline, diesel oil
Ozone layer
Circles and figures in the cornfields near Stonehenge in England
Crop circles
Mount Unzen volcano, Japan:
Tenyo Maru oilspill:
End of the Communist Party, Marxism & Leninism
Mikhail Gorbachev
Aluminum particles
Alzheimer's disease
"Little Grays" ["the greys"]
Secret agent of the CIA with the pseudonym "Falcon" [Richard Doty ?]
4.07 million Jews were murdered during the Nazi regime
Carbon dioxide
Erich von Daniken
Johannes Von Buttlar [author/scientist]
Crop circles
Northern Germany
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Paris, France
Secret agent of the CIA with the pseudonym "Falcon" [Richard Doty ?]
"Little Grays" ["the greys"]
AIDS situation in Switzerland
Judas Ischariot
Talmud Jmmanuel
Judas Ihariot
Asteroid Belt
The name "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier; BEAM
Earth humans falsely think that a prophet should be humble, pleasing & diplomatic
Crop circles
Alcohol, alcohol products
Schnapps, wine, champagne
Organ transplantation
Mount Unzen volcano, Japan:
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines :
Organ transplantation
Immune system
Gamma interferon, milk, yogurt
Vitamin C, 900 milligrams
Gamma interferon
Immune system
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, 900 milligrams
Insecticides, herbicides
"Blood miracles"
St. Januarius (St. Gennaro):
Johannis Fausti
St. Germain
Aleister Crowley
Pope Boniface IX:
Ozone layer
North Pole
Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev
Iraq, Saddam Hussein
Boris Yeltsin:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Talmud Jmmanuel
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin:
666, The Antilogos
Pope Boniface IX:
"Blood miracles"
The alchemist Claudio
April 8, 1983; planet Druan of the Nol System; Sana, Ektol, Lumia, Ters
Nokodemion & Henoch
Italians, Europe
Mount Vesuvius:
August 24, 79 A.D. eruption
Planet Malona
Asteroid Belt
Mount Vesuvius:
Stromboli [volcano in Italy]:
Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily:
Nazi regime
Joseph Stalin:
Saddam Hussein
New Mexico, Utah, Nevada
John Wayne:
Yul Brynner:
St. Januarius (St. Gennaro):
The alchemist Claudio
Soviet Union
Year 1947
Sumatra & Borneo
Saddam Hussein
Multi-national peace fighting troops according to Henoch
"Iceman" found in the Austrian/Italian Alps in September 1991, his name was "Urk":
SOL System
The Destroyer planet
Planet Skill
The "Skrills", not the same as the planet Skill
Northern India
California in America
The Himalayas
San Francisco
Saddam Hussein
Earth had its origins 646 billion years ago as the first gases,
molecules & atomic particles; the Earth began to solidify 46 billion
years ago and was solidified enough to support primitive life forms 5
billion years ago; there is no material of solid form in the Sol system
older than 5 billion years; the youngest course [solid] matter in the
Sol system is not yet 200,000 years old; the Sol system moves in space
towards the constellation Hercules; the Sol system takes 311 million
years to orbit the Milky Way once; the Milky Way galaxy's origins as
gases & particles began 810 billion years ago; the Sol system is one
of the oldest in the Milky Way galaxy; the oldest solid [course] matter
in the Universe is unknown to the Plejarens, though they have found
solid matter that is 37,100,000,000 years old; the Dern Universe had its
origins 46 trillion years ago; the first transitional forms of matter
(from fine matter to semi-translucent matter) in the Dern Universe came
into being 41,800,000,000,000 years ago; the first solid matter appeared
@1,500,000,000,000 years ago; the first higher forms of life were
created 39,260,000,000,000; the first original human life forms in the
Milky Way region were created 28 million years ago; the first
recognizably human/hominid life forms were created 27 million years ago
Nokodemion has an age of 86 billion years & his oldest created
people are 29,500,000,000 years in age; the first recognizable human
life forms were created on the oldest planets of the Milky Way 9-to-12
million years ago, and another million years had to pass before these
could be called real humans; Nokodemion was a creation of the planet
Sadr in the Waron system of the Lyren galaxy (3,816,000,000 light years
from the Sol system); that Lyren galaxy dissolved into energy 26 million
years ago which is why Nokodemion & his peoples settled in the Lyra
& Vega systems in a time-shift a split second from the present
time; this was Nokodemion's third exodus, having lived on planets in
galaxies that were older than Sadr & the Lyren galaxy; Nokodemion
created & established his people at 56,500,000,000 years prior to
his becoming a purely spiritual form at the age of 58 billion; he
existed in that state for 2 billion years, during which he created
another people through spiritual powers; he remained in that level
another 4 billion years before shifting into the Arahat Athersata level
where he remained 10 billion years, before he again took on a material
body in order to bring order among his peoples and instruct them in the
Creational Laws & Directives, this re-entering into a material body
happened 12 billion years ago; Nokodemion's establishment of
peace-keeping troops and the resultant punishments of the criminals
through banishment, sterility & longer stays in "the other world"; a
later uprising which included the Ischwisch who created the Ring Nebula
("Eye of God"), and the distant descendents who came to Earth and
terrorized the world 389,000 years ago
The first primal humans on Earth occurred 4,800,000 to 8 million years ago
Arahat Athersata
Boris Yeltsin:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Typhoon in the Philippines named "Ruth"
Mount Lokon volcano:
The French
Atomic bomb tests in Nevada
Mount St. Helens volcano
South America
The French
Zionists, Nationalists
Moshe Dayan:
Ariel Sharon:
Menachem Begin:
Yitzhak Shamir:
The Mossad:
Madrid, Spain
Mikhail Gorbachev
George H.W. Bush
Ariel Sharon:
Yitzhak Shamir:
Planet Venus
American space probe Magellan:
The Destroyer planet
Planet Venus
George Adamski:
Nitrogen-carbon-dioxide atmosphere
The Philippines
Typhoon named "Seth"
Storm named "Wilma"
Typhoon named "Thelma":
America, Russia, Arabia
Moruroa atoll:
October Revolution parade:
Boris Yeltsin:
Chechen Republic
Eduard Shevardnadze:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Supposed Plejaren contactees the liar B.F., the South American or
Mexican C., the Mexican professor, the actress M. [Shirley MacLaine ?],
G.G. [George Green] who purports contact with "Commander Hatton", P.M.
[Penny McLean ?], R.B. [Roberta Brooks ?] and the super-channeler G.C.
[Gerhard Cerven ?]
Space-time Barrier
SOL System
Space-time Structure
America & South America
Germany, Poland, Russia, United States
Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Japan, America
Arabia, Israel, Africa
The beast 666, Anti-Logos, Anti-Christ
The book "Open Word":
Religion, parapsychology
Talmud Jmmanuel
Faked Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 - Neil Armstrong and
companions allegedly landed on the moon; months before in a remote
desert area a fictitious moon landing was prepared and video-taped; in
July when the astronauts were circling space in their capsule, the
video-taped fake moon landing was sent by satellite to Cape Kennedy
where the employees there watched the faked footage and were swindled
just like the rest of the country
Soviet Union
Wernher von Braun:
Space-time Structure
1969, alleged moon landing - months before a fake "moon landing" video
was produced; the faked video was sent by satellite to Cape Kennedy
where the employees there were swindled just like everyone else; there
were 37 people involved in this world-wide fraud, many of whom are still
proud of their "service to America" in this swindle; the truth of the
hoax will one day be exposed
Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941:
Flagship USS Arizona:
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Urk the "Iceman" found in the Austrian/Italian Alps in September 1991 -
died 5105 years ago during an ice storm, was with 13 others who also
died from the storm; will be found around September 20, 1991; his name
was Urk; became leader of his community at 21, the Suren of Switzerland
described; he was 37 years, 8 months & 17 days old when he died; who
he was and why he & the others were there; his contacts with
Plejaren ancestors, observed their spacecraft's forced landing, their
attack & injuries by a bear, he rescued them, became friends &
rode with them in their spacecraft; Plejaren ancestors were not present
when he died, having been away on a mission for 18+ years:
Radiocarbon dating
Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Uranium bomb, plutonium bomb
Atomic bomb test at Alamogordo, New Mexico on July 16, 1945
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Pearl Harbor:
Asteroids, meteors
Planet Malona
"The Destroyer" planet
Asteroid Belt
Gas, water & oil
Meteors & asteroids
Oil lakes & oil seas
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet Union
Boris Yeltsin:
Union of sovereign States
Talmud Jmmanuel
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily:
Robot army, android army
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin:
Soviet Union
Japan, Kyushu island, Sakurajima volcano:
Salem Express, Port Safaga [Egypt]:
Zionists, Zionisma, Pro-Israel
Jews, Nazis
American moon landing
Pearl Harbor
Washington, USA
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin:
Soviet Union
Union of sovereign States
Boris Yeltsin:
Nicolae Ceausescu:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin:
Union of sovereign States
Christopher Columbus:
1492, America
Leif Ericson:
Erik The Red:
Leif Ericson:
August 10, 986 A.D.
Newfoundland [Canada]
Leif Ericson:
Saddam Hussein
Soviet Union
Saddam Hussein
France, America, Soviet Union
Drug mafia
Soviet Union
Boris Yeltsin:
Russia, Soviet Union
AIDS epidemic
Boris Yeltsin:
Ozone holes
South Pole, North Pole
AIDS epidemic
Ozone layer damage
Black cancer
Suntan oils & suntan crčmes
Protoplasma, blood, immune system
Solar radiation
Protective oils & protective creams
Solar radiation
Tokyo [Japan]
Saddam Hussein
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines :
Carbon dioxide, atmosphere
Taal volcano, Philippines:
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines :
Atomic bomb tests, Moruroa atoll:
Carbon dioxide
Van Allen radiation belt:
Ozone belt
Switzerland, financial system
Saddam Hussein
Yitzhak Shamir:
Menachem Begin
Yitzhak Shamir:
Ariel Sharon:
Nicolae Ceausescu:
Saddam Hussein
Menachem Begin
Soviet Union
Vladimir Lenin:
Erzincan, Turkey:
Erzurum, Turkey:
Bingol, Turkey:
Saddam Hussein
United Nations sanctions
Earthquake in Turkey
Erzincan, Turkey:
Saddam Hussein
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
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Letter from Meier "to the government of the People's Republic of China", January 1984
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Letter from Meier to Mikhail Gorbachev, February 3, 1991
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[Friday, December 20, 1991, 00:28 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in Clarification of a defamatory claim
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
DERN Universe
Asket, Semjase, Nera, Quetzal
Elsa Schroder, Zahedan, Iran
Andromeda Galaxy
Fauna (name)
Faunaish (name)
Cosmetics, make-up
San Francisco
.44 Magnum (gun)
Mahali Dama
DAL Universe
Gilgamesha (Meier's child)
Atom, energy, electron
Wine, 9% alcohol by volume
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier - "Eduard" means "guardian of the treasure"
Music, "Gefangenenchor" (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves), "Nabucco" by Giuseppe Verdi
Talmud Jmmanuel
"And Still They Fly", book by Guido Moosbrugger
"An Open Word", book
Quetzal, Semjase, Nera, Taljda, Menara
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 additional contents --
"My First Correct 'UFO'-Experience" by Christian Frehner, Switzlerand
"A Fantastic Play" by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier and Madeleine Brugger, Switzlerand
[Monday, December 30, 1991, 00:33 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
Urk the "Iceman" found in the Austrian/Italian Alps in September 1991 - his family name, Surenmann
Soviet Union
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Internet article, "New Lower Jaw in the Back Near-bred":
[Monday, February 3, 1992, 11:33 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #9, "A Question from a Reader (by telephone)"
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
The Destroyer planet
Planet Kathein - unable to be seen from Earth, hidden behind the sun due
to its enormous orbital speed which resulted from being pulled into the
trajectory of the Destroyer Planet, from which it later escaped though
maintaining its speed; it is wandering further from the SOL system being
pulled into the gravity of the spiral arm of a black hole (the same
spiral arm which pulled sand & dust accumulations from Venus); it
will be pulled into the black hole's influence on June 16, 1992; this
planet is not the same as the 2 undiscovered SOL planets known as Uni
& Transpluto; Kathein is devoid of life forms
Boris Yeltsin:
Mikhail Gorbachev
Saddam Hussein
Vitamin C
English language is poor, inadequate & often expresses things
falsely; Plejaren scientists determined that it is impossible to encode
Meier's writings in any Earthly language other than German &
Swiss-German; how the coded German texts release impulses in the
reader/listener even if the German language is not understood; the
coding can also be done in the old Lyran language, the language of Baavi
[Baawi], and the Plejaren languages
Arahat Athersata
Thailand, India, Latin America, Iran
Child prostitution
Argentina, Brazil, Thailand
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, America
Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada, America, Sweden, Austria, Denmark
American continent, South America, continental drift, Europe, Africa
Black holes
SOL System
Planet Kathein
Saddam Hussein
South Africa, America, Germany, Switzerland
Saddam Hussein
Latin America
Ozone belt
Carbon dioxide
Snow storms, snow fall
Chloro-fluoro carbons
Atomic reactors, atomic bomb tests, explosion motors
Boris Yeltsin, Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev
Motor sports, explosion motors
Neo-nazis, Ku Klux Klan
National Front:
Taal Volcano, The Philippines:
Ultraviolet radiation
Sun Tanning
Ozone belt
Vitamin C, immune system
Nicotine, benzene
Dangers of smoking
Hypnosis, acupuncture
North pole
Northern Lights
Earthquake lights
Planetary sound frequencies
Ball lightning
Armenians & Azerbaijanis
Russia, Boris Yeltsin
Second-hand smoke
Microwave ovens
South Africa
Frederik Willem de Klerk:
End of Apartheid prediction
Drug problem & drug-related crimes
Holland, Belgium, Liverpool [England]
Brazilian landslide prediction
Separation of Sarah "Fergie" & Prince Andrew prediction
Saddam Hussein, United Nations sanction against Iraq
Tortures & murders in Burma
Economic emigrants
Origin of AIDS & prediction of cure in 2008 [previously noted as
2005 in the 1993-published Contact 241 German-English pamphlet;
explanation from FIGU Core Group member 2/2007: "All the Contact Notes
were corrected with the help of the Plejarans during the last 4 years or
so. Since it is said that "a cure against
Aids will probably not be found until the year 2005" and it wasn't found
when they corrected the Contact Notes, they were looking for the next
possible date. It also says that it might not be found for a very long
Sodomy, homosexuality
Chernobyl nuclear disaster:
Leningradskaya Nuclear Power Plant (St. Petersburg, Russia) accident prediction (March 24, 1992)
Overpopulation & worldwide birth stop
War in Kurdistan
Only 250 years of peace on earth in the last 10,000 years
DAL Universe
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Underground nuclear bomb usage
Chemical incinerations on sea-faring ships
Dumping of radioactive waste into waters
Commercial explosives & gases
Possibility of extraterrestrial contact near the end of the 20th century
Predictions for April 1992--
Mount Etna volcano in Italy:
Cerro Negro volcano
Brush fires in America & the International Peace Park
Earthquakes in Germany-Belgium-Holland area
AIDS amongst Catholic priests
Degeneration amongst animals
Effiminatization of men & masculinization of women
Degeneration in languages
Environmental pollution
Flying devices possessed by governments
So-called Ufologists
Nostradamus's prophesy of Meier
Boris Yeltsin
Saddam Hussein
Los Angeles & worldwide earthquakes of April 1992 caused by Guadalajara, Mexico explosions (PEMEX):
Crimes against children--murdered for transplant organs
Child prostitution
White slavery & the slave trade
179 million people in slavery
Age of the Sun & the Milky Way galaxy
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Cartoon, Zurich 1992 by Rabenau regarding chloro-fluoro carbons
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Graphic from Blick [Zurich] regarding cigarette smoking
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Newspaper clipping, "
Internet article, "UN Condemns Enslavement":
[Friday, April 24, 1992, 3:05 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Earthquakes in the Bundnerland region and the Rhineland (May 8, 1992)
Dormant volcano in the Lower Rhine Valley (Ebenalp & Wildkirchli, near lakes Seealpsee, Samtisersee & Hundsteinsee)
Population of Earth = 5.5 billion as of January 1992
Peace-combat troops
Asylum-seeker problem (refugees)
AIDS epidemic
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "Slight Earthquake at the Bodensee":
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "World-wide Mysterious Dying of Amphibians":
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
[Monday, June 22, 1992, 2:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Environmental destruction
"Agenda 21" (Agreement for the Preservation of Species):
George W. Bush
Earth Conference (Rio De Janeiro)
FCCs (chloro-fluoro carbons)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
United Nations (UN)
Peace Combat troops
Green Peace:
Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines:
California, San Andreas fault, Mexico
Atomic bomb tests
Ozone belt
Carbon dioxide
AIDS virus
HIV test
Saddam Hussein, Yugoslavia
United Nations
Peace Combat troops according to Henoch's system
United Nations
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper article, "
[Sunday, December 27, 1992, 9:48 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Arahat Athersata
Virgil Armstrong alias the UFO Pope:
Douglas Pue
James J. Hurtak [Don James J. Hurtak]:
SOL System
Planet Aktkarin, Fremen System, Neeser Galaxie
Planet Lasan
Ischwisch Kalatan
Planet Amateban
Ischwisch Quetzal
Ischwisch Atraides
Harkomen System
Homosexuals, transsexuals, homosexuality, transsexuality, sodomy, sadism, masochism
United Nations, Yugoslavia, NATO
Homosexuality, homosexuals, transsexuals
American charlatans, swindlers, fraudulent UFO contactees G.A. [George
Adamski], R.B. [Roberta Brooks], F.B. [Fred Bell], G.G. [George Green],
Medicine Man John Two Birds, H.M. [Howard Menger], R.W. [Randy Winters]
Medicine Man John Two Birds
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Telefax from Heidi-Lore Peters to Eduard Meier
[Wednesday, February 3, 1993, 2:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in The United Nations (UN) - a ridiculous organization:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
United Nations (UN)
Yugoslavia - "the big mouthed Americans, English, Germans, French,
Italians and others, who idly observe the carnage, rape and other crimes
taking place there"
Henoch - "Henoch's principles" - peace-combat troops
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Birth-rate checks & birth control
"A Crusade Against Overpopulation"
"Reasonable arguments generate resistance when unreasonable and irresponsible people are confronted with them." --Ptaah
"To irresponsible and unreasonable people anything reasonable seems too revolutionary." --Meier
[Saturday, June 19, 1993, 11:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in 49 Questions, pages 7-8
excerpt in The Peace Meditation, page 10
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Planet Kathan in Idam
Spiral Nebula NGC 2997:
Idam and Nosir
Asket and Nera
Metal samples, copper, nickel, silver
Asket's people in the DAL Universe
UFO watchers
"Falcon" [Richard Doty ?] and "Condor" [Captain Robert M. Collins ?], CIA "informants" about UFOs and "captured Ets":
"Little Greys" [Grays]
Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2
Christian Anders (aka "Lanoo") [Antonio Schinzel], "the man who created AIDS" (Magazin 2000 article):
Helena Blavatsky [Madame Blavatsky]:
WHO (World Health Organization):
United Nations
Henok's system of multinational peace-combat troops
Germany, America
Pope, Catholic Church
"Existentes Leben im Universum" (FIGU book published 1978)
"Little Greys" [Grays]
"Hybrid children"
"Little Greys" hysteria [Grays]
UFO fanatics
USA, Americans
The names Semjase, Ptaah, Quetzal, Sfath and Pleija
Planet Erra
F.B. [Fred Bell], P.L., G.G. [George Green], R.B. [Roberta Brooks]
Impulse contacts
During the 1980's the Pleiadians/Plejaren, through impulses, "influenced
certain terrestrials into instigating a more rational thinking mode"
G.G. [George Green], Hatoon ["Hatonn"]
Pleiadians/Plejaren operate under specific directives; one such
principal directive forbids intervening, contacting or revealing
themselves publicly to humans of a planet who have not yet mastered
space traveling technology to a level of being able to contact other
intelligences by their own capabilities, or are (as an entire
population) capable of acknowledging as fact the existence of other
intelligences on other planets
Arahat Athersata
USA, Americans, Iraq, Israelis, George W. Bush
President Bill Clinton
Baghdad [Iraq]
Gulf War
Mammoths, mastodons, elephants, paleontology
Giza Pyramid dimensions & measurements
Christians, Muslims, Kroatia, Bosnia, Serbia
Peace-keeping troops - "Multinational fighting troops organized
according to the Henoch [Enoch] system"; also utilized in fighting
crime, organized crime & "enforcing measures to combat
Electronic smog:
Crystals, minerals, talismans
Venus, Mars, Mercury
Sexual organs
Florida, Gulf Breeze - a swindle
Planet Haster in the Garan system of the Jenan galaxy
Planet Kanadin
Megallanic Cloud galaxy:
Catholicism, religion
Immune system
Allergies, tuberculosis, insect pests, malaria, AIDS, cholera, plague
Viruses and bacteria
Samtee (language?)
Planet Erra
Teleportation, telekinesis
Super-miniature electronics
Asket's people
Japan, July 12, 1993, Hokkaido quake 7.6 to 7.9 on the Richter Scale
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
4 photographs of silver metal samples from the DAL Universe
Magazine 2000 article by Michael Hesemann
Magazine 2000 article, "The Man Who Created AIDS", interview with Christian Anders
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper clipping, "
Newspaper clipping, "
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Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
[Sunday, July 25, 1993, 2:00 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Charles A.Lindbergh baby kidnapping:
Bruno Richard Hauptmann:
Elizabeth Morrow:
Anne Morrow:
CIA [Central Intelligence Agency]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Magazine article on the people who made the Plutonium bomb
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
[Thursday, February 3, 1994, 5:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Unauthorized English translation excerpts in Earth Cosmology [Driscoll]
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Plejaren transportation system
Asket's peoples' transportation system
Venus, the Destroyer Comet
Shoemaker-Levy-9 planetoid of Jupiter - moon torn from Jupiter during the Destroyer Comet's passing @13,384 B.C.
Music and its effects on the psyche
Genesis page 184 verses 11-15, OM page 69 verses 138-139, Talmud
Jmmanuel page 49 chapter 12 verses 6 & 8 - regarding homosexuality,
gene manipulation
The Vatican, Israel
Warmongerer and extremist Vladimir Shirinovski
Mikhail Gorbachev:
Saddam Hussein
Ex-Yugoslavian, United Nations, NATO
November 10, 1977 in Northern Germany
Meteor in Earth's atmosphere
Lyra, Vega
Planet Kados
Negeren Galaxy
Homo sapiens
Czar Nicholas II of Russia:
Grigori Rasputin:
The exodus of the original Lyrans, Negeren Galaxie, Lyra Galaxy, Lyra-Vega
Nosir Galaxy
Various types of humanoids
Omedam, Erstmensch, Mensch, Nichthumanoid, Unhumanoid, Nichtmenschlich,
Asina (Cygnian extraterrestrial girl; see Contact 90), amphibian human,
DNA factors
Material Belt, Material Universe, Universal Belt
Astronomy, astrophysics
Tuban (star)
The Bible
Prophet Elia
Dental amalgam:
Quicksilver (mercury):
Noah's ark was built about 100,000 years ago, unlike what is claimed in
the Bible; the ark landed on Mount Ararat in Turkey though not on its
peak, rather @30 kilometers away from the peak; there was a flood/tidal
wave caused by a comet nearly colliding with Earth; the person involved
with the ark was Noahkadnosser (not Noah) who was in contact with an
extraterrestrial man called Zebalon who explained the approaching danger
& counseled him to build the ark; the Biblical "Noah's ark" story
was derived from this actual event; "Great Flood" as mentioned in the
Bible occurred in 4613 B.C. due to the Destroyer Comet
Population in 1994 = 5.8 Billion
Effects of overpopulation
Sodom & Gomorrah:
SOL System
Asteroid, planet
European Union
Henok, Henok's system
Brussels, Belgium
Allergies, diseases, medicines
Migraine (headaches)
Nervous system
Cosmic electro-magnetic energy
Diseases, immune system
Ozone layer destruction, ultra-violet solar radiation
Drugs, drug problem
Zurich, Emilie Lieberherr [Swiss politician]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Essay on homosexuality
Essay on AIDS
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
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Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
[Monday, June 13, 1994, 11:36 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
3 alien races who fly to Earth
Alien abductions ("examination contacts")
Impulse-telepathic contacts
Examination contacts
UFO sightings worldwide
Daniel Fry (true contactee):
Meditation pyramids
"Spiritual Training Through Attentiveness" (book by Buddhist monk
Nyanaponika Thera, actual title in English: "The Power of Mindfulness:
an inquiry into the scope of bare attention and the principal sources of
its strength")
Satipatthana meditation method
Meier's teacher Mr. Lehmann
Rahat Sanghanan (monk, alias "Ascended Master" Maha Chohan)
Swami Dharmawara (Ananda Mahatma)
Ashoka Ashram, Mehrauli, India 1964
Swami Ramana Sarma
Buddhist monk Nyanaponika [Nyanaponika Thera ?]:
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, alias "Mad Cow Disease"):
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Syndrome:
Swami Ramana Sarma in Mehrauli, India
Swami Dharmawara
Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Planet in the Centauri area
Noah, Noandakan, Noankadnosser
Television, radio & the press glorifying brutality
"Anti-war films"
Plejaren numerical system [numerical symbols for 1-9 given]
Cruelty to animals
Animals have a psyche
Omnec Onec (fake "Venusian contactee"):
Devices dependent on radio waves, worn near the body, are harmful to
health (wristwatches, telephones, cordless radio systems, high-tension
wires, electric generators, transformers)
Radio waves are electro-magnetic oscillations
Magnetic sense of orientation in humans, animals & insects (migration)
Thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. produce magnetic waves
Immutable law - "Progress cannot be stopped"
Androids, genetically-manipulated clones, artificial humans in the future
Genetic manipulation
Jules Verne, Leonardo da Vinci
Cape St. Helena:
Lake Titicaca in Mexico:
Murders by forefathers of the Jews/Hebrews = 94,630 people
Murders by Christians = "almost identical number"
"The Universe, galaxies, Earth and every life form, nature, life itself
and Man, are all the holy thought and holy work of Creation."
"Always admit to what you really are."
Justified criticism
Impregnations of Earth women by aliens; "hybrids"
Elisabeth Klarer (false "contactee"):
"Cattle mutilations"
3 alien races on Earth
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
[Wednesday, October 26, 1994, 4:23 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in Overpopulation
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Homeopathy, medications
Crystals, quartz, salts, minerals, etc.
Astronomy, Hubble Telescope, Universe, Material Belt, Material Universe
Ozone damage
Space-time, parallel space, parallel universe, DAL Universe
Hominids, humanoids, East Africa, "Lucy", Charles Darwin
Meteorites, comets, Yucatan, Central America, Gulf of Mexico, Carribean, dinosaurs, Iowa USA, Manson Crater
Yucatan crater
Electric energy, electric car
"Big Bang", Universal Belt, Material Belt, Material Universe, galaxies,
Ur-Energy, Ur-Material, Milky Way, "Big Bang", black holes, telescopes
International Conference On Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt September 1994:
Religious fundamentalism and conservatives, family planning, the Pope
Earth's population on October 15, 1994 was 6,101,463,017
Overpopulation, birth rate stop, family planning
The Destroyer planet
Parallel Universe
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, suicide machine
Ozone, photosynthesis
Prostitution - doesn't exist any more on the Plejaren planet of Erra,
but still exists to some degree among 3 different peoples recently ("a
few years ago") included into the Plejaren federation (however it will
be abolished within 8-10 months)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - no longer exist on Erra or other federation planets
AIDS - approximately 3 million annual cases of infection among Earth
humans, majority of infections are spread by refugees and migrants as
also with cholera, typhoid fever, plague & tuberculosis (TB)
Estrogen - link to pesticides; nonylphenol; estrogen causes sex transformations and leads to immunity & other problems
Symbol for radioactivity, Lyra, Egypt, Egyptian priests, mummification, archaeology, radioactivity
Bermuda Triangle - natural occurrences that cause "mysterious"
disappearances of boats & planes; methane gas under the sea bed in
enormous chambers, its dangers of explosions in connections to ships
& thinning affects on the atmosphere as a danger to airplanes,
negatively charged ions creating a magnetic field affecting electrical
Phobol Cheng, 1964 Mahrauli, India, Ashoka Ashram, Gurgaon Road, Swami Dharmawara, New York, Cambodia, Wendelle Stevens, Asket,
Michel de Nostradame (a.k.a. Nostradamus) - a "seer" ("seher") &
prophet to some degree (his writings were more to preserve his name
through history among the people), many of his statements were not
prophecies but preventative warnings; so far no one has "found the key
to the Nostradamus statements"; only 14% of his prophecies have come
Fatima prophecies - the third prophesy
Millennial (year 2000, Y2K) changes have brought fear & desperation since Jmmanuel's time
March 1, 2055 - after this date "the actual large happenings are to only arrive"
"Doomsday prophets", religious sectarians; Christian "day of judgment" & "hell" for non-Christians
World War 3 (WWIII, WW3) - some say it will happen in 1998, but "at least at present no more signs exist for a Third World War"
Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (Russian politician, "crazy person"):
Mikhail Gorbachev
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Magazine article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
[Friday, February 3, 1995, 00:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #1, "UFOs, Beamships, Flying Saucers"
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pleiadians/Plejaren - left Earth on February 2, 1995, "no trace of our
stay can be found"; reasons for their withdrawal linked to the immediate
future & related events
Falsified UFO photos & films analyzed by the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Pleiadians/Plejaren beamships - for purposed of Meier's films, they
intentionally maneuvered in pendulum & swaying motions (which are
not a normal part of their flight techniques) in order to create a
Jshwjsh for Earth - was Ptaah, but since the Pleiadians/Plejaren left
"there still exist descendants of old "gods" who will make themselves
History of Enoch's (Henok, or Nokodemion) peoples - nearly 12 billion
years ago Enoch's original tribes split into 2 lineages, 1 lineage
settled in the Lyrian star system in a space-time configuration deviated
in time by a fraction of a second; returned to our space-time
configuration for exploration & escape, arriving on Earth; from this
group the Pleiadians/Plejaren evolved;
2nd lineage traveled to other galaxies different from the Lyrian lineage
group, they lost knowledge of their primeval (Ur) ancestry 7 billion
years ago; eventually emigrated to the Sirius star system; lost their
ability to fight aggressors (by genetically eliminating this gene from
themselves) & secretly bred new human races with diverse skin
colors, manipulating their genes to fight, tending towards barbarism,
greediness, addiction, emotionalism, etc. (the "original sin", this
single DNA gene which is inherited can be reversed scientifically, or a
balance can be achieved naturally through evolution over millions of
years; the detection of this genetic manipulation of the DNA chain was
preprogrammed into the humans to one day discover; "This error has kept
Man from living the life of a true human being until this day, and has
frequently distanced him from the Creational-natural laws, directives,
as well as their fulfillment"), also manipulating their genes to affect a
limited lifespan of 100 years;
Over many thousands of years 2 groups of the genetically-manipulated
peoples fled Sirius (with the aid of Sirius benefactors) and eventually
settled in the Milky Way galaxy, etc. etc.;
2 "yellow races" settled on planets on the other side of the Milky Way;
Danger exists of attack on Earth by the "creator-overlords" of Sirius
due to America sending out the Pioneer & Voyager space probes
revealing data about Earth & its people:
5 diverse races of genetically-manipulated peoples plus 2 benefactor
non-genetically manipulated races of the "creator-overlords" of Sirius
(originating from 2 overpopulated planets in Sirius where procreation
was prohibited) settled on Mars & Malona/Phaeton building pyramids,
cities & stations, etc.;
Some vicious & aggressive individuals ("degenerates") from Mars
& Malona/Phaeton would be deported to Earth (which had an
inhospitable atmosphere at the time) as punishment;
The Sirius benefactors eventually feared the genetically-manipulated
races & some of them elevated themselves to "gods" over the people
(on Mars & later again on Earth), hoping thereby (through religious
wars) that the peoples would exterminate themselves; those inhabitants
of Mars who wanted to were allowed to leave to Malona/Phaeton &
Earth; emigration group leader to Malona/Phaeton was Zenteka (his wife
was Amalaka); emigration group leaders to Earth were the brothers Semos
& Passas; atmosphere on Malona/Phaeton was safe; atmosphere on Earth
was inadequate & required the emigrants (as was done with
previously banished degenerates) to undergo "remedial procedures"
(including stabilization of their skeleton) to enable them to establish
themselves there;
Most of the remaining inhabitants of Mars eventually fled due to dangers
posed by a distant large roaming planet (the "Destroyer") that
threatened a catastrophic near-collision with Mars; they fled to &
settled on Earth; the Destroyer penetrated the Martian orbit throwing it
into the orbital path of Malona/Phaeton (which itself drifted away due
to the Destroyer's influence, killing most of its inhabitants of 470
million, only 14 million remaining; over time the population again
increased to 52 million until the time of the fratricidal wars that
eventually destroyed Malona/Phaeton);
"Destroyer" - its orbit through the SOL System decreased over time to an
average of 575.5 years, "however, the Pleiadians/Pleiadians/Plejaren
have since increased this interval again" causing the Destroyer to
appear in the SOL System in about 1,180 years (normally the planet would
have returned in the year 2255);
Malona/Phaeton was destroyed by fratricidal wars; fragments exist in the
Asteroid Belt which was at that time located where Mars now orbits the
Sun (at that time Mars was located where the Asteroid Belt is now);
The Sirius benefactors eventually fled Earth, splitting into 2 groups -
one who set themselves up as "creator-overlords" of the
genetically-manipulated peoples, vowing revenge, & who joined with
other (Ur-)Sirius Intelligences (who are different races outside the
Henok lineage, who occasionally visit Earth & have contacts giving
false & malicious Christian-oriented messages, visions, etc.); the
other benefactor group remained benevolent towards the Earth people (as
previously on Mars) hoping to return one day (though they also had
established religious & philosophical doctrines that would oppose
the religions of the "creator-overlords");
The Old Lyrians then came to Earth, eventually setting themselves up as
"gods" also (the Sirius benefactors are unaware of these events and/or
the Pleiadians/Plejaren); they tried to dominate some Earth peoples
(such as the Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences, Ashtar Sheran, etc.);
The genetically-manipulated peoples - in spite of the manipulations
there still remained a natural inherent tendency towards
stability/goodness; this results in a feeling of conflict between good
& evil & opposing emotions;
Charles Darwin - his "stupid-primitive false premise that Man descended
from apes"; "descended from the original, respectively earliest, human
Spirit forms, "the terrestrial realms of the Beyond", reincarnation;
Murderers - "Clearly, there truly exist no born murderers, and this fact
must be stated explicitly. Such malevolent predispositions,
degenerations, or individual and mass actions result from either
injuries of a psychic-conceptual-emotional nature, through some sort of
disorder of the consciousness, or by explosive rages"..."there is no
such thing that Man is born evil in the sense that he or she is totally
evil from birth onward"; equilibrium of negative & positive factors
in humans;
"Terrestrial Man's thoughts and actions represent a regressional phase
toward the Ur-condition [original/archetypal-condition] of the genetic
manipulation whereby everything degenerates and becomes excessive...";
"Military practices, political hate campaigns, religious-sectarian
fanaticism and every type of crime generate a loss of control over the
positive, which is consumed and suppressed by the negative...";
Differences between, & equality of, men & women in ancient times including in government;
The sun (the central star of the SOL system) is a dying star & it
will die sooner than Earth scientists expect; Earth humans will
eventually flee Earth, having to adjust themselves to the atmosphere
just as their ancient ancestors did when they fled the planets in Sirius
& Mars & Malona/Phaeton;
Modern Earth humans will learn of their true origins "when artifacts
from a previous human civilization are found on Mars, with pyramids and
sculptures such as the so-called Mars faces representing but a mere
fraction of the entire discovery"; this event will destroy the religious
myths of man's origins once & for all
Official extraterrestrial contact with Earth - one prophecy says this
will happen on June 5, 1995, another prophecy says this will happen in
1998; neither one should be expected to happen; contact will only happen
when conditions are right, one condition being that Earth humans
discover the DNA manipulation & correct it, changing their thinking
towards the Creational laws & directives
Major predictions ("not revisable prophecies") for the future centuries
(only 1 or 2 are prophecies), not in chronological order:
March 2003 US invasion of Iraq; Islamic fundamentalism playing a part in
uprisings, revolutions & wars; rapid spread of AIDS; scrapie
epidemic among humans & animals (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease &
other forms); strong probability for a nuclear accident near Lyon,
France; new movement to promote total non-violence; "a woman gains a
high and influential position among world powers through another group's
formation"; flights to Mars; new hoarding of weapons stockpiles
signaling the 1st threat of a looming world war three (WW3/WWIII); new
destructive & disastrous weapon built to be used in WW3/WWIII
(related to lack of monitoring Earth from space); "death of 4 heads of
state who will die within 7 days from each other"; - "within merely 2
years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt,
unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop
all these ills" - ; WW3/WWIII "will begin in November of a specific
year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal
which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations"; if WW3/WWIII
happens it "will last for 3 years & 11 months" ending "in October of
the fourth year. By this time, Earth's northern hemisphere will be
largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will
annihilate the entire animal and plant world" & "the world will face
some additional 11 bitter years of poverty, misery, starvation and many
other ills"; "prior to these events" the aging gene will be discovered;
if WW3/WWIII happens, a revenge campaign against the responsible ones
will be directed by a pope;
Melting of the polar ice caps tied to a global economic crisis; World
War IV (WW4); development of new weapons (death-ray throwers, ray
cannons, ray rifles & ray guns, etc.); 3 scientists generate an
incredibly inexpensive energy source; another energy source will be
found, based on sound vibrations, from which new deadly weapons will be
made; the Greenhouse Effect will be stopped & its effects utilized
in reverse to prevent further melting of the polar ice caps, lowering
the elevated ocean levels; contemplation of sending a manned space
capsule to Venus; another new energy source using Earth's interior
energies; 2 new dangerous weapons capable of destroying all life forms,
one being an ultra-sound weapon, the other based on high frequency
energies; plants & animals will be genetically cross-bred creating
new life forms; secret of gravitation will be discovered which will
allow mastering certain facets of space & mass--before this happens
mankind will be able to "re-grow" organs for organ transplantation; a
large space project critical to mankind will take shape; Albert
Einstein's theory of relativity will have several modifications; one
religion will start large-scale war actions resulting in the development
of another new dangerous weapon capable of changing the climate; new
discoveries in 1995--on Mars, beginnings of a new ideology different
from other religions, a powerful man will spellbind the world gathering
followers around him like the Pied Piper of Hamelin (in one prophecy he
is called the "rat-catcher"); correction to the calculation of Pi;
Due to the climate weapons that will be developed, Earth temperatures
will drop dramatically, prompting development of an invention "powered
by the most economical of energies" that will artificially heat Earth's
atmosphere; Japan & China will discover a higher level of physics
that extends into fine-matter spheres causing science to be discredited
for some time; a new world will be discovered capable of supporting
human life; ancient human traces & effects on Mars will be
discovered prompting the building of new & faster space ships; one
day speeds above & several millions times the speed of light will be
the norm--several hundred years (even millennia) will pass before this
happens; ancient stations on Mars & other places will be discovered,
refurbished & renewed for operation by our distant descendents;
dangerous diseases will be brought back to Earth by space travel
including a vicious "wolf" (so named by a prediction; could be an animal
or an epidemic); a new & beneficial substance will be discovered;
over-all-like suits will be invented that allow people to fly in the air
without other devices--barely 3 decades prior to this a 3rd DNA code
will be discovered in humans allowing for the first steps in eliminating
diseases in the elderly, heart diseases & attrition--these efforts
will be successful after about 25 years; another new biological weapon
developed that will induce instant aging in humans & animals in
seconds; the night-time side of Earth lighted (dawn-like) by an
artificial sun affixed to a space station, which will ring in a new "Age
of Space Conquest" on a grand scale; space travel will be
commercialized resulting in a basis for a new war--this will happen
about 15 years after the aging gene is isolated & neutralized; a new
war will occur lasting about 40 years; around this time or 6 years
prior humans will be converted to robotic-humans by amputating their
arms & legs & connecting their nervous systems to microscopic
electronic-biologic instruments, they will be used for guidance systems
on spaceships, weapons, machinery & vehicles, also intelligent
bio-electronic robots will be built around the same time; 80-85 years
later scientists will produce new human-animal hybrids through genetic
manipulation--these "semi-humans" will declare solidarity with the
robotic-humans; a gigantic space station will be built that orbits
around the sun, it will house a vast number of humans;
Wars & revolts will occur on Mars; Earth humans (after consulting
with Extraterrestrials) will build houses beneath the oceans which will
dangerously interfere with global ecology; about 50 years after the
artificial sun is built, there will be another new weapon that will
disintegrate the bones of life forms; the artificial sun will drift from
its orbit & plunge into the Earth in a 72-hour period, resulting in
a change of Earth's orbit & rotation causing a reduction in the
length of years, days & nights leading to a new chronology system
for Earth; at this time there will be a war between Earth humans &
emigrants on Mars; the giant space station in orbit behind the Sun will
be damaged;
After the new Earth chronology, a founder of a new religion will come
into power & eliminate the Christian Sunday, Islamic Friday &
Jewish Saturday/Sabbath to create a new holiday schedule; an
experimental abolishment of currency will occur though precious metals
& gems will still be traded clandestinely; humans will alter Earth's
atmosphere in a dreadful way;
Another war; scientists will begin genetic manipulations crossing humans
with pigs & training them as fighting machines, these will be sent
into war & perform tasks in space, eventually revolting against
their creators just as the robotic-humans will; a man will present the
universal teachings & teachings of the spirit to the whole world
with great success though religions will counter this; 40 years later
the teachings of reincarnation will be accepted worldwide by the
religions--prior to this there will be unpleasant encounters with
extraterrestrials resulting in either an agreeable union or dangerous
prospects; through technologies natural catastrophes will slowly become
prevented, especially volcanoes & weather conditions; due to the
discovery of a new energy source & its ownership rights, there will
be new wars; human lifespans will increase to 350-450 years exacerbating
the problems of overpopulation; a new breed of migrants, Eurasians,
will Eurasia as their homeland, at the same time that there are problems
caused by the robotic-humans & the semi-human hybrids revolting
& refusing to be exploited resulting in a near-stop of space travel;
these events will happen when there is a climate change due to the
Sun's weakening activity due to reduced nuclear fusions within it;
Space travel deeper into space, 20 years later it will be learned
without a doubt that the Sun is a dying star; by this time mankind will
know about the essence of Creation & understand "that negatives and
positives represent within themselves equal, independent units although
they also form a perfect unit when joined"; shortly after this
understanding a space exploration ship will leave Earth with a new
propulsion system (& piloted by independent biological intelligence,
causing the revolt of the robotic-humans who previously performed this
function--they will be led by one of their own though he will die
shortly after these events) that allows it to travel to the original
Sirius home worlds--midway they will be confronted with terrifying
extraterrestrial lifeforms; 35 years later a deadly epidemic will be
brought back to Earth by the space exploration vessel, leaving medical
scientists helpless; during this period scientists will create a second
sun by igniting one of the SOL planets (probably Jupiter or Saturn,
uncompleted stars/suns) which will burn for 7 days before extinguishing;
great progress in brain research including implanting micro modules
into human & animal scalps for navigational functions; at this time
an artificial world in another solar system will become populated by a
great emigration due to Earth's overpopulation; the robotic-humans will
become a menace to normal humans by siring many descendents born without
arms & legs & having exposed nerve endings to allow attachment
without surgery to various machinery & devices, they will have
unforeseen consciousness-related powers developed over time "by way of
an above-normal application of their consciousness whereby the brain,
through unique, painstakingly constructed energy generators, will be
endowed with special energies from the outside" allowing record-level
performance of consciousness forces;
Realization that the sun is a dying star, though it will exist another
billion years before being swallowed by a black hole; scientists will
energetically pursue solutions to the resulting climate changes during
which they will discover the base for Pi was miscalculated, & by
correcting this they will be able to develop technologies capable of
producing unimaginable energies via diversion & utilization of
energies from black holes in the Milky Way galaxy; scientists at that
time will still be unable to travel to the center of the Milky Way to
tap the black hole in that region; this new energy source will enable
new types of space travel; during the expansion of these developments
the ability to time travel (past, future & distances) will be
discovered/invented; rapid development in all fields will lead to the
development of the intelligent bio-electronic robots resulting in the
elimination & extermination of the robotic-humans;
All space stations & satellites orbiting Earth, Mars & Venus
will crash due to planetary gravitational changes brought on by the
Sun's decreasing activity; while trying to find solutions to this,
scientists "will discover an incredibly important factor in the
Creational formula"; another danger from the central Universe will
threaten Earth; prior to this, artificial suns will be placed in orbit
around the Earth, one of which will become damaged & scorch large
regions of Earth; aftermath of this results in an oxygen deficiency in
the atmosphere leading to worldwide riots, economic crisis &
catastrophic famine; a decade later conventional space travel will come
to an end as time travel becomes routine, & geriatric research
through genetic reverse-manipulation will free mankind from premature
aging leading to lifespans of thousands of years; a few years later
intelligent ocean-dwellers will begin contact with humans leading to a
new race of Earth inhabitants; aggressions with emigrants on Mars will
lead to attacks on their colonies; following these events will be 15
years of relative peace; a space expedition will reach the Sirius
regions & locate proof of Earth humans' origins there, &
contacts with distant ancestors of the "creator-overlords" & other
(Ur-)Sirius intelligences leading to a definite reversal of the ancient
genetic manipulations bringing about new descendents free of the
degenerative genetic manipulation leading to true humanity "in
equilibrium with the negative & positive";
Increasing overpopulation due to the reversal of the genetic
manipulation will lead to a worldwide birthrate stop over a 7-year cycle
& capital punishment for illicit procreation, to eradicate all
those humans still menaced by the ancient genetic manipulation; this
will happen 5 years before the time when authority over Earth will be
placed in the hands of the administrators in the Sirius alliance;
scientists will discover "chemistry's last remaining secrets";
scientists will travel to the center of the Milky Way to investigate it
& the black hole there;
70 years after the capital punishment for illicit procreation, 2 of the
artificial suns orbiting Earth will collide, inflicting severe damage;
the social welfare systems of 1995 will be replaced with programs paid
for by the federal state; an inexpensive energy source will increase
food production to the point it can be distributed without charge, &
reduce the cost of living to nearly zero with no income necessary for
livelihood; money will still be used for many hundreds of years though
there will be 2 unsuccessful attempts to eliminate it, eventually it
will be prohibited by law in the distant future; in the near future the
breeding of animals will be abolished due to (very soon) geneticists
discovering a method (genetic manipulation) for producing animal
proteins from plants for human nutrition, though its actualization will
be delayed by decades due to anti-genetics protestors--"blame for the
suffering of many billions of animals must be directed toward these
idiotic gripers until they are ultimately forced into silence and kept
Scientists will soon realize that Earth's atmosphere is unsuitable for
humans (not enough oxygen & dangerous inhaled gases) &
contributes to rapid aging; discoveries will lead to production of more
healthful & beneficial air which will be purchased in bottles for
personal consumption & as "little life extenders";
Earth has been expanding internally over the millennia, not by
accumulation of space dust, etc.--this process will accelerate as the
Sun's nuclear fusion rate decreases affecting the gravity fields of
Discovery & location of other dimensions & resulting
opportunities & dangers by contact with those Extraterrestrials;
governments will no longer be on Earth but on space stations orbiting
it, & they will be overthrown there as well; by fault of scientists
"an evil time will follow once again" with humanity utilizing "the
services of an animal that harbors much negativity, viciousness &
degeneration" which will eventually attack & hunt humans to the
point that mankind will retreat to a continent that will become a
fortress against the animals; 300 years later scientists will create a
calamity due to their arrogance & conceit as being "gods"; 100 years
later numerous spaceships will attack & completely annihilate Mars;
during this period [@3425 A.D.?] the Destroyer planet will enter the
SOL system on a collision course with Earth due to the sun's decreased
nuclear fusion affecting the gravity fields of planets [it "previously
caused repeated destruction in the old Lyra regions over millions of
years"], Earth at that time will only be populated by a few million
people & they will have to flee, obtaining help from "descendents of
former terrestrials from the Sirius regions"; 3 years later the
Destroyer planet will enter the former orbit of the destroyed planet
Mars & ram into the intact Martian moons Phobos & Deimos which
will disintegrate & trail behind the Destroyer as it heads towards
Earth where it will crash into the moon, destroying both & creating
an asteroid belt around Earth; the lakes, rivers & oceans on Earth
will evaporate into the atmosphere due to the intense heat, while the
steam & portions of the atmosphere dissipate into space &
Earth's interior heated expansion results in it becoming uninhabitable;
meanwhile Mercury collides into the Sun resulting in 100 years of the
Sun generating gigantic eruptions, nuclear fusions & enormous solar
flares; the planets will no longer orbit the sun which will become a
dead dark star eventually being sucked into a black hole along with its
dead planets, about 10 billion years before this happens; eventually the
materials in the black hole will be ejected in a massive explosion
releasing gases, fine particles, etc. which will develop over many
billions of years into new galaxies, stars, planets, moons, etc.;
In the distant future women will again regain their equal status with men, working together equally in all tasks;
Diseases & epidemics in the near future, thus the necessity for
personal hygiene & avoidance of others with questionable health as
well as avoidance of contact with animals & careful consumption of
animal byproducts (therefore all animals should not be allowed in the
human residences even briefly);
Basic facts regarding the Pleiadians/Plejaren, old Lyrians,
"creator-overlords", (Ur-)Sirius intelligences & the
Enoch-Nokodemion lineage, contacts with lower-evolved lifeforms, etc.,
including "each human life form must evolve through its own strength;
higher-evolved life forms are permitted to extend to the less-evolved
beings certain realizations and prospects only through impulses...";
Pleiadians/Plejaren have always been careful not to come into contact
with the "creator-overlord" Henok lineage in Sirius nor the (Ur-)Sirius
intelligences; some (144,210 leaders, sub-leaders & the accompanying
spiritual leaders + a few million other people) old Lyrians-Vegans
resisted adaptation to their evolution & were forced to leave,
accompanied by benevolent Old Lyrian-Vegan spiritual leaders, venturing
to the SOL system & Earth, etc. etc.; genetically manipulated people
on Earth - "the legacy of negative and positive degeneration, although
it would manifest itself according to the individual's balance, whereas
degenerations occur frequently in forms of both negativity and
Old Lyrian-Vegans on Earth adopted religious legends,
origin-of-the-world legends, etc. created by the "creator-overlords" of
Sirius & elevated themselves as "creator-gods" over the Earth
people; Old Lyrians-Vegans began to change their mental outlook &
abide by the spiritual teachings which advanced their evolution; 1 group
made peace with their Ur-home worlds [original/archetypal-home worlds]
& returned there, a 2nd group went to another dimension beyond the
Pleiades & found a new home world beyond the Hyades star cluster 150
light years from Earth, a 3rd group left our DERN Universe & went
to the DAL Universe; Plejaren federation - exists in a region about 7
billion light years in diameter & in a space/time configuration that
deviates from ours by a fraction of a second - some federation planets
exist in our space/time configuration
Other than 3 extraterrestrial groups visiting Earth as previously
mentioned, a few other extraterrestrial groups visit Earth frequently
but do not maintain contact of any form with Earth humans (private,
military or government)
Impregnation abductions by extraterrestrials - nonsense
Animal mutilations by extraterrestrials - nonsense
Ed Walters - a swindler & fraud with counterfeit photos:
MUFON: , many religious sects & governments responsible for UFO hysteria
Governments hide facts & proof regarding Earth visitation by Extraterrestrials
"American military constructs & tests flying objects with extreme
secrecy"; other nations also have man-made UFOs; these are the sources
of many "UFOs" observed through the decades
Pleiadians/Plejaren not allowed to reveal or intervene in actual government or military secrets
Addendum to Meier's 23-page history/predictions for Earth - Earth humans
during Enoch's (Henok) time were one race, other races formed from them
via climatic & atmospheric changes; humans from Lyra & other
regions interbred with early Earth emigrants & their descendents
190,000 years ago; it can be genetically proven that Earth humans
originated from a single Ur-race [original/archetypal-race]
"...anyone who wishes to be heard must create a disturbance, and whoever
wishes to create a disturbance must repeat the same things several
times. Only by creating a disturbance, human beings will become aware of
some person or some facts presented to them, because they will either
feel personally attacked or because it bothers them to hear the same
facts two or three times. It is the only way to stimulate people into
thinking, regardless of whether it is in a peaceful or angry way. The
only important thing is the result, that is to say, the fact that one
way or another they feel attacked and, therefore, only then do they
begin to ponder things and react." --Meier
FIGU stickers - Ptaah's collection of them
Anti-Nazi & anti-propaganda recollections, documentaries, etc. have
the opposite effect intended by causing reactions that lead again to
violence the same as those being opposed "became insane through
propaganda"; "condemnation must occur by pointing out the current
existing ills and their ominous consequences for the future"
Kobe, Japan earthquake January 17, 1995 [Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake] -
reactions of the citizens compared to reactions of American citizens to
similar incidents:
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have earthquakes on their planets; they normally
only have low buildings reinforced against quakes; also have houses
& buildings made from seamless single pieces of synthetic materials,
constructed on systems of springs or as floating bodies; Meier mentions
his visit to the Plejaren worlds
Increased natural catastrophes due to overpopulation
No Pleiadians/Plejaren or their federation allies maintain contact in
any form with Earth humans (except Meier); such contacts only existed
with 5 other people who died several years ago, never published the
knowledge they possessed; none of the other 3 extraterrestrial groups
who frequently visit Earth maintain private or religious contacts with
Earth humans; this does not apply to "examination contacts" which are
Pleiadians/Plejaren do maintain impulse contacts with Earth scientists
& others, determined by evolution, guiding mankind towards the
future with research, inventions, new knowledge, futuristic literary
works (which lead to science fiction films)
Eugenio Siragusa - false contactee:
Giorgio Bongiovanni - false contactee & stigmatist:
Stigmata - result from religious fanaticism & delusion and a psychogenic effect
Francis of Assisi:
Michael Hesemann book "Geheimsache UFO (UFOs: A Secret History)" - cover
photo by Amaury Rivera is a trick photo using a string-suspended model:
Ed Walters - also uses trick photography to make his fake UFO photos:
Michael Hesemann - erroneously believes he is of extraterrestrial origin
A number of authentic extraterrestrial UFO photos & films over the past decades
Many "UFO" photos are of Earth origin, or come form Earth's future, or
bio-organic flying devices (so-called dimension changers or life forms)
that enter Earth's atmosphere from another dimension
Carlos Diaz Martinez - a liar, fraud & cheat:
Area 51 extraterrestrial corpses, Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash:
& Aztec, New Mexico UFO crash, Mexican-border UFO crash @1949-1950 -
by a directive, Pleiadians/Plejaren not allowed to discuss these
matters which fall under government, military & national security
Peaceful & harmless extraterrestrial race to officially visit Earth
(landing in America) "before the year 2000" (see Contact 35) - "time is
fast approaching"
Significant new discoveries forthcoming on Earth, the Moon, Mars & beyond
FIGU Core Group members - writing abilities as far as disseminating books & texts
"korrektieren" - old German term meaning something must be "put right" again
Plejaren travel & transportation technology - advancing but some
failures; soon they will be able to travel to Earth with no time elapsed
Meier promised a trip to visit Semjase, perhaps in 2 or 3 years
New method for contacts - monitoring device over the Semjase-Silver-Star
Center (7 millimeters diameter, 3.2 millimeters thick) which is
adjusted & programmed to receive Meier's telepathic impulses which
are transmitted to Ptaah (via a checkpoint with a dimensional
transmitter near the space-time dimension passage to the Plejaren worlds
located near a star in the Pleiades) at several times the speed of
light, who will respond "in normal spirit telepathy"
Control discs/monitoring devices stationed around the planet have been removed
Pleiadians/Plejaren aware of at least one other extraterrestrial group
capable of entering other dimensions; these extraterrestrials also come
to Earth sporadically
Spirit Lessons - dream interpretation project by Meier; dream symbols
possess the same value/interpretation for other human life forms
throughout all Universes
Heidi-Lore & Robert E. Peters in San Diego & many who gather around them - FIGU friends; Adelheid
FIGU - Toronto, Canada Group
FIGU - Japan Group:
Health epidemics - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, alias "Mad Cow
Disease") & AIDS cross from animals to humans; pathogens are
capable of crossing between species, mutate & adapt
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper clipping, "
Internet article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper clipping, "
Internet article, "
[Tuesday, February 14, 1995, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpts in FIGU Bulletin #2, "Two Warnings", "My Pledge to Secrecy", "Questions From Our Readers"
excerpts in FIGU Bulletin #5, "Harvard Professor Gets Flak", "Solar Systems with Planets"
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
FIGU Core Group - member duties/position
Pleiadians/Plejaren withdrew from Earth on the night of February 2nd to
3rd, 1995; Meier released from obligation to remain secret about certain
incidents & events
CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
Meier's UFO controversy contributed to the completion of the
Pleiadians/Plejaren' task; will cause governments, military & secret
services to reveal their information regarding UFOs
Kal Korff - a liar, fraud, defamer with "powerful forces behind his
initiative" who are determined to suppress & destroy the truth
Pleiadians/Plejaren sometimes have "skirted the issue" in regards to
claims made by Earth humans in regards to truthful matters - reasons
"Grays" (little gray Extraterrestrials) hysteria - partly due to the secrecy of officials regarding UFO matters
Warning of a new right-extremist movement emerging in universities &
institutions of higher learning that will "dedicate itself to terrorism
under the disguise and appearance of being a religious-conservative
Warning of Islamic fundamentalists growing into a dangerous power that
seeks to convert all non-Muslims by force, "their aims are directed and
achieved through terrorism and will lead to bloody religious wars, from
which World War III [WWIII, WW3] may evolve"
Barbara Marciniak - "Bringers Of The Dawn: Teachings From The
Pleiadians" (book); her claims are a hoax, self-delusional, a fantast:
Fred Bell - a fantast:
Pleiades - no life exists among those stars, intelligent or otherwise;
62 million years old by terrestrial standards; will never sustain
energy- or material-life of any form because their existence as stars
will be short-lived
Energy collective, Arahat Athersata, Petale, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus
Crop circles in England
Carbon dioxide
Atomic bomb tests
China, France
French president Jacques Chirac:
Saddam Hussein in Iraq
Radovan Karadzic in ex-Yugoslavia:
Jacques Chirac
Body-building, models
Alzheimer's Disease, aluminum
Genetic manipulation
Sirius Order
American atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Swiss military, Swiss air force
The meanings of the various forms of the name Plejaren - Pleijos, Pleija, Pleijada, Pleijados, Pleijara and Pleijaros
Pleiadians/Plejaren - "live within our DERN Universe in a space-time
configuration which is shifted somewhat from our own space and time
configuration by a mere fraction of a second"
New Zealand, Ruapehu volcano:
Moruroa Atoll:
Earthquake, Turkey, Dinar Afyonkarahisar:
Atomic bomb tests
Swiss, NATO
Paul Chaudet:
Sirians, genetic manipulation
Meier's contacts with Sfath - 42 physical contacts, 198 telepathic contacts
Meier's contact with Asket - 116 physical contacts, 163 telepathic contacts
Meier's official and unofficial contacts (physical & telepathic) with the Plejaren - statistics
Mars, volcanoes, craters, canals, salt-water
DERN Universe's space & time - "relatively few extrasolar planetary
systems", as compared to the space & time dimension that the
Pleiadians/Plejaren' (& all other Enoch lineage groups) live in;
there "numerous solar systems [densely grouped] exist that contain
planets capable of supporting great varieties of life"
Milky Way galaxy
Prostitution, monogamy, polygamy
Navigation systems
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
Newspaper clipping, "
Newspaper clipping, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
Internet article, "
[Wednesday, November 1, 1995, 5:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #5, "Roswell Movie Footage"
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
DAL Universe
M.W. in America [Mike Whelan ?]
California Study Group
"Alien Autopsy" Roswell alien film - hoax; "ET being" depicted was a 16-year old girl recently dead from a deforming illness:
Cameraman Jack Barnett (or Jack Baret, or Jack Barret) - Pleiadians/Plejaren could not find that such a person existed
Ray Santilli:
Roswell, New Mexico spaceship crash:
Pope John Paul II - doesn't believe in "God" or "any of the other
religious nonsense he preaches"; only 36 past popes believed in "God",
most were concerned with their power & prestige, several privately
rejected Christianity
Arahat Athersata
FIGU Core Group Members
[Tuesday, November 28, 1995, 11:33 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #6, "Questions from our Readers: Foo Fighters"
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #10, "The Endless Battle":
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's photos & films - discussion
Randy Winter & Adrain/Arkon (Manny Escandon) - many of his photos
were fabricated from Meier's photos; Alcyone in the Plejaren's
space-time dimension doesn't have any planets; Escandon is a liar:
Arahat Athersata
Henok's Lineage
Michael Hesemann
Group in South America
"Foo fighters" (Nazi German flying discs):
Rudolph Schriever & Dr. Walter Miethe - developed blueprints for the
"Flying Tops" from Plejaren telepathic transmissions given in the
late-1920s & early-1930s; first test flight on July 15, 1941, "foo
fighters" were made malfunctioning by the Pleiadians/Plejaren (on advise
from Arahat Athersata) after realizing their dangers:
Nazi Germans who fled to South America after the end of World War II
(WWII) - secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil; youngest member is 78 years
old; group currently consists of 334 men from the original group of
2,000+ (see Contacts 64,65,66,76,81)
Arahat Athersata, Petale
South American group in Brazil
Arahat Athersata
Stephan's name was Askansar, Richard's name was Makinaon + the meanings of those names
"Wedding cake" beamship - Pleiadians/Plejaren began using them in the
1920s but not on Earth until the late-1970s; designed specifically for
operations on Earth; design was telepathically (by impulse) transmitted
to Earth scientists in Germany leading to them building similar flying
machines that were to be used for establishing an air force instrumental
in achieving world peace; when the designs began to be used for war
efforts, the impulse transmissions were stopped (after some
misinformation was transmitted to render the devices ineffective); some
blueprints remained but only of the outer rim & underside of the
ship, these reappeared @1965; shape is similar to some large container
lids based upon the reappeared blueprints
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Translated letter, "New Contacts With The Pleiadians In America" by Randolph Winters
[Thursday, December 7, 1995, 5:47 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Adrain (Manny Escandon) - also built models of Plejaren beamships
suspended on thread to fake his photos; a different group of
Pleiadians/Plejaren other than them has never been on Earth; light
models & designs were also used to make fake photos & films shot
from a moving car to simulate a fast-passing beamship; he has
Randy Winters
F.B. [Fred Bell ?]
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Magazine article "Concepts" by Randolph Winters [Perceptions, September/October 1995, front cover + pages 46-48
[Monday, May 13, 1996, 2:50 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #8, "New Attacks", "Randy Winters and Adrain" [mislabeled Contact 255], "Liars In The Pleiadian Sky"
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #11, "Questions From Our Readers: the Sphinx"
excerpt in The Pyramids of Giza [Gizeh] and the Sphinx
excerpt in The Roswell Incident
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Increasing intrigues & attacks against Meier & FIGU - Kal Korff, various MUFON groups:
CENAP (Centrales Erforschungsnetz aussergewohnlicher Himmelsphanomene; UFO organization)
Pyramids - Asket told Meier in 1956 that all the pyramids around the
world were built 73,300 years ago at a time when Earth was 152.5 million
kilometers from the sun; they were covered with a thick layer of
limestone and mortar, so they were higher than they are today; the
pyramid of Cheops (Great Pyramid) was 152.5 meters in height (one meter
per million kilometers between Earth & Sun); they were built under
the supervision of extraterrestrial humans from the Orion constellation
(the layout of the pyramids in Egypt form this star map); the Sphinx was
positioned in the direction of Leo; all pyramids were linked to and
contained large underground chambers used as shelter from threats; the
hieroglyphics & use as burial chambers was in more recent times
(2000-13,000 years ago)
Assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in
Dallas, Texas - CIA, FBI, Mafia, Pro-Cuba movement, oil barons and the
military-industrial complex; Lee Harvey Oswald; Jack Ruby (Jack
Ingo Swann - alleged medium:
Major Ed Dames (U.S. Army) - Remote Viewing "instructor"; PSI TECH - a company:
Remote viewing - charlatanry; secret US & Soviet Union experiments didn't produce any major successes
Jani King:
Penny McLean [author of several German-language books]
Barbara Hand Clow:
Barbara Marciniak:
Amorah Quan Yin:
Fred Bell - alleges contacts with Semjase:
Randy Winters & "Adrain" (Manny Escandon):
False contactees
Randy Winters & "Adrain" (Manny Escandon):
Arahat Athersata
Meditation pyramid
Elephantine Island, Egypt:
Axum, Ethiopia:
Ray Santilli "Alien Autopsy" Roswell alien film - hoax:
"ET being" depicted was a 16-year old girl recently dead from the
deforming illness Progeria ("protoplasmic change of the entire substance
of living human, animal & plant cells"):
Talposbacteria (heat bacteria) capable of living in fire, lava, magma,
hot springs, suns, etc., first come alive & active with high
temperatures; they are generally nourished by hot gases (partly
radioactive) or salts; they are different from common bacteria and
insensitive to antibiotics; called archeobacteria (archaebacteria) by
Earth scientists:
The types of talposbacteria number in the thousands & exercise
various functions; one type transforms carbon dioxide & hydrogen
into methane gas
Peaceful & harmless extraterrestrial race to officially visit Earth
(landing in America) "before the year 2000" (see Contact 35) - the time
UFOs - other extraterrestrial races besides the Plejaren federations
also visit Earth; the Pleiadians/Plejaren do not maintain contact with
these Extraterrestrials
Crop circles/formations/pictograms - for some time they have been made
by these other visiting extraterrestrial races, along with man-made
hoaxes; the ET-made patterns are coded pictograms connected to a "coming
happening in the SOL system as well as in the announcement of the
appearance of the earth strangers, whose ancestors came already in
former times to the earth"; why the Pleiadians/Plejaren did not mention
this earlier; hoaxers observed by Meier & Quetzal
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
[Monday, February 3, 1997, 00:03 a.m.]
Authorized unofficial preliminary English translation excerpts:
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Marianne Schmeling from America
Meier's photos of the Andromeda Energy Ships
Flagstaff, Arizona
How FIGU reacts towards America/Americans in regards to translations,
etc.; the unsuccessful attempt by the Plejarens to contact the American
government in 1979; FIGU should not make special efforts with America
because generally the people there are not ready for the truth, though a
helping hand should be extended to those individuals who honestly try
to learn;
FIGU now has a presence on the internet starting this month; this concern is overseen by Christian Frehner
Prion epidemic
Josip Broz Tito, dictator of Yugoslavia:
TWA Flight 800 - July 17, 1996, Boeing 747, New York, 230 dead:
Brookhaven (Brookhaven National Laboratory):
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) experiment:
Ashtar Sheran:
Athar Seran, DAL Universe, DERN Universe
Pope, Vatican
Genetic manipulation
"Extraterrestrials" - article written by Meier about Extraterrestrials,
the cover-up of the facts of their existence and travel to Earth since
at least 1915 when U.S. president Woodrow Wilson ordered nondisclosure
of their existence, which was further ordered by succeeding presidents
(Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, & Franklin D.
Roosevelt); Harry Truman operated as the highest-placed official to
observe UFO crash sites; Josef Stalin had also observed UFOs and
concluded they were of extraterrestrial origin; Pope Benedict XV, Pope
Pius XI & Pope Pius XII were also drawn into the conspiracy of
nondisclosure as it was determined that existence of extraterrestrials
wasn't compatible with Earthly religious philosophies; there was a plan
devised to instill fear & hatred into the general populace regarding
extraterrestrials & UFOs; Franklin D. Roosevelt sought the
assistance of author H.G. Wells who was asked to adapt his "War Of The
Worlds" to a radio play:
Wells suggested the young Orson Welles to handle the adaptation into a
radio play, so he was contacted by American secret service agents to do
this; both Wells & Welles were coerced by death threats to remain
silent on the matter; further hatred & fear of extraterrestrials was
developed through such stories as human & animal mutilations,
abductions & examinations, impregnation by aliens, underground
laboratories involving inhumane experimentation, hybrid human-alien
babies, etc., as well as by literature & movies such as
"Independence Day":
Michael Hesemann
Hale-Bopp Comet:
Nibiru, Nubiru, Unis
Jesus Christ
Hale-Bopp Comet:
Nibiru, Nubiru, Unis
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology:
Americans, Saddam Hussein, Iraq
Americans, Israelis
Hale-Bopp comet, Egypt, "Nibiru", Nubiru, Unis, Uni
Light Belt, Photon Belt, New Age Time
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology:
Hale-Bopp comet
Comet Hyakutake:
The Destroyer comet
DAL Universe
Hale-Bopp comet
Comet Unis (Uni)
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Newspaper article, "
[Thursday, February 20, 1997, 6:47 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Bulletin #11, "Questions From Our Readers: TWA Flight 800 Crash"
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
TWA flight 800 crash on July 17, 1996 near East Moriches (Moriches Bay)
near Long Island, New York - airplanes are registered by Plejaren
airborne monitoring devices; shot down by a U.S. Navy anti-ballistic
missile; a spy was on board the plane with military data (regarding UFOs
in the Moriches Bay area, & SDI experiments [Strategic Defense
Initiative a.k.a. "Star Wars") stolen from the U.S. secret service; UFO
activity has been reported in the Moriches Bay area for a long time;
this crash being investigated by Florena's group; further investigation
[reported in Contact 259?] revealed the airplane was mistaken by the
U.S. Navy as a UFO & shot down for "national security" purposes:
Journalist Luisa Francia
April 17, 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO:
Genetic manipulation
FIGU Core Group & Passive Group membership details, fees, etc.
Hale-Bopp comet
Arend-Roland Comet:
Halley's Comet:
Pornography, prostitution, sex shows
Chaos & anarchy
April 17, 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO:
North Carolina, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Utah
Pacific Ocean, Port Macquarie:
Angola, Brazil, Ontario Canada, South Africa
Mindanao, Philippines:
April 17, 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Internet article, "
[Tuesday, February 25, 1997, 6:24 p.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hale-Bopp comet
Arahat Athersata
[Tuesday, February 3, 1998, 10:27 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in Through Space And Time, pages 116-117
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
UFO Nachrichten (publication), UFO Congress
Karla Faye Tucker, Texas:
Karl Meier, "Billy's" brother
Dictator Saddam Hussein
HAARP Project:
Essay on HAARP project (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) -
damages the ionosphere; denial that it is only an experiment, it is
also a tremendously dangerous weapon system affecting weather &
climate changes; many "natural catastrophes" "taking place for a long
time" are a result of the perpetrators criminal activities, including El
Nino (came into action naturally but was affected by HAARP into a more
destructive state)
Lightning's effects on the ionosphere:
Alzheimer's Disease
Aluminum particles
Ashtar Sheran, Aruseak, Atar Seran:
DAL Universe
On Meier's photos being forged or copied & falsified, including the
dinosaur photos & Apollo-Soyuz docking photos [see Contact 31];
Meier took 1,476 photos with his Olympus-35-E ('R'-Camera), 34 films -
several hundred photos were stolen from him & approximately 230 were
falsified & distorted, several films were also fraudulently
manipulated to make the beamships appear to be suspended from stings or
wires; his original dinosaur photos, slides & negatives were taken
from his office & destroyed by Quetzal - [those publicly circulating
are likely forgeries]; Pleiadians/Plejaren not allowed to confiscate
the forged films & photos from others, under orders from the High
Adolph Hitler, Thule Society, Gizah Intelligences
Hermann Steinschneider A.K.A. Eric Jan Hanussen:
Thule Society
Adolph Hitler
Saddam Hussein
Make-up (cosmetics), lips
TV station, science fiction film
Robots, androids
HAARP Project:
El Nino:
Fiat Lux, Uriella, Erika Bertschinger:
Absolute Absolutum
Arahat Athersata
Genetic manipulation, cloning
Computer programs, computer technology
Absoluten Absolutums, Absolute Absolutum, list of different forms of Absolutes Absolutum
High Council, Arahat Athersata, Petale
Bioorganic-electronic android
Robots and machines
Yeti, Big Foot, Sasquatch, Florida Everglades
Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease
Hale-Bopp Comet
Marshall Applewhite [Heaven's Gate cult]:'s_Gate_(cult)
Absoluten Absolutums
Ultraviolet-A radiation
Ultraviolet-B radiation
Talmud Jmmanuel
Yetis, Big Foots, Sasquatchs
Japanese, Max Planck Institute in Germany
"Vitamin-C Pope" Linus Pauling:
Vitamin C
Multivitamins, minerals, Vitamin C
Aztec, Mayan, Incas
Mayans, Peru, Aztecs, Indians in Mexico
Schizophrenia is an illness resulting from overproduction of Dopamine in
the brain whereby the brain becomes overloaded and damaged;
overproduction of dopamine is also possible due to drugs, alcohol, and
certain medicines; transmission of the illness can skip generations
before it reemerges
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 additional contents --
Letter from Parviz Nazem, "Strange History" with Commentary by Billy
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article [type-written], "
Reader's question by Uwe Stein with Answer from Billy, gives statistics on Muslims, Jews & Buddhists
Newspaper letter regarding the fake "dinosaur" photos, taken from a
painting by Czech artist Zdenek Burian, with accompanying letter from
Heidi & Bob Peters plus response letter from Billy
Graphic showing mathematical equations regarding the value of Pi
Newspaper clipping, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
Newspaper article, "
[Tuesday, February 24, 1998]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Adrain/Arkon (Manny Escandon) - attacks on Michael Hesemann's article in Magazin 2000 (11/97 issue) exposing the case as a fraud
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, May 8, 1998, 9:50 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
excerpt in Through Space and Time, pages 88-89
German excerpt:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Photograph taken by Edith Beldi on Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 4:29 p.m. in Luino, Italy showing Florena's beamship in the sky
[Thursday, May 14, 1998, 00:55 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in And Still They Fly!, pages 284-288
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Kal Korff & Luc Buergin [Luc Burgin] videotaped an interview with
Kalliope Meier for airing in July 1998; regarding falsified Asket &
Nera photos; authentic Asket & Nera photos taken by Meier (see
Contact 31) were replaced with falsified photos by the film developer
"S" under coercion by the Men In Black (MIB); American "doubles" of
Asket & Nera (see Contact 39), television (TV) personalities [as per
a private email from Peter Ruffini, Web Director, Dean Martin Fan
Center, January 7, 2007: "The photograph is a blurred shot from the Dean
Martin Show during one of the concert spots in 1971. The two girls are
(with their names back then): Susan Lund (Brunette); Michelle Della Fave
(Blonde). Our organization's founder is still in touch with both (and
was there on the set of the Dean Martin Show when these were taken).";
Susan Lund, a.k.a. Susan McIver, a.k.a. Suzan Lund]; fraud discovered by
the Pleiadians/Plejaren in autumn 1984 (see Contact 199) when Asket
pointed it out; Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences also involved in the fraud:
Gilgamesha Meier once chased by the Men In Black (MIB)
After October 31, 1984 & Meier's completion of the book "OM", his
health was so bad that he was unable to write down contact reports until
November 17, 1989; his memory is "organically damaged"
Meier's enemies & Kal Korff & Luc Buergin are influenced by the
long-term & still-active impulses from the Giza [Gizeh]
11 of the 14 assassination attempts on Meier are traceable to the Men In Black (MIB)
Other extraterrestrial groups have contacts with Earth humans or examination contacts ("abductions")
Increase in UFO sightings tied to the peaceful & harmless
extraterrestrial race to officially visit Earth (landing in America)
"before the year 2000" (see Contact 35)
Men In Black (MIB) capable of stealing articles from locked areas; they
intimidate some Earth humans into working for them; they also affect
certain Earth humans maliciously through negative telepathic impulses
such as in governments & the military
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Crop circles/formations/pictograms - some made by visiting
extraterrestrial races, along with man-made hoaxes; some of these
extraterrestrial races are not from our space-time dimension, some also
come from the future
Joachim Koch and Hans-Jürgen Kyborg - charlatans who have no connections with extraterrestrials:
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, March 13, 1999]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, May 16, 1999]
Contact person: Florena
excerpt in Through Space and Time, page 92
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Photograph of a beamship (not the normal spacecraft) with Ptaah &
Florena from May 9, 1998; analyzed by Florena with the aid of their
computer technology
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, August 10, 1999]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Claims by people from America & South America of having contacts
with Pleiadians/Plejaren not affiliated with the Pleiadians/Plejaren
visiting Meier (such as Pleiadians/Plejaren from Alcyone as reported to
Wendelle Stevens ["UFO Contact From Alcyone"; Lloyd Zirbes of St. Cloud,
- fraudulent statements as all Pleiadians/Plejaren are under the
command of Ptaah as the Jschwisch of the SOL system; Meier is the only
Earth human having physical & telepathic contacts with the Plejaren
[Friday, September 17, 1999, 7:07 p.m. + telepathic contact at 10:41 p.m.]
Contact persons: Florena, Samjang
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
September 12, 1999 - two UFO sightings by Meier & others; photos of
second sighting taken by Freddy Kropf; first craft held Florena &
Tauron, second craft held Samjang & Zafenatpaneach
Samjang spotted walking near the Semjase Silver Star Center by Freddy Kropf & Meier
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, February 3, 2000]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, May 15, 2000]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, July 2, 2000]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England - details of its construction; a cult
religious place where humans were sacrificed on a stone altar, as well
as used for making astronomical computations:
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, September 11, 2000, 10:12 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Derek Rocco Barnabei - Italian-American scheduled for execution by death
penalty [September 14, 2000]; he is innocent of the crime he is charged
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, October 17, 2000, 6:10 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
The Destroyer planet
[Saturday, February 3, 2001, 00:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
New Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon:
American president George W. Bush, Governor of Texas
Carlo Diaz Martinez of Tepoztlan, Mexico - alleged contactee; a liar,
produced fraudulent photos & films of UFOs using illuminated models
at night; he had some photos of genuine flying objects of Earth origin
(secret military objects):
FIGU Active Alliance
Rael sect:
Claude Vorilhon:
Jani King, Barbara Marciniak, Fred Bell & Penny McLean
Carlos Diaz
Eugenio Siragusa
Gulf War, Kosovo-Serbian War, uranium munitions [depleted uranium], leukemia, plutonium
Americans, NATO
Asteroids, planets, Kuiper Belt:
Crescence-Eugénie Mirat ("Mathilde"), wife of poet Heinrich Heine:
Elise Krinitz ("La Mouche") [last mistress of Heinrich Heine]
Jan Holey alias Jan van Helsing:
Saturn moon
[Tuesday, February 13, 2001, 10:29 p.m.]
Contact persons: Florena, Atlant
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Music CD
Telemeter disc seen by Hans Georg Lanzendorfer
[Saturday, March 10, 2001, 00:18 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:
Moon-landing by the Americans in 1969
Pearl Harbor
Rael, alias Claude Vorilhon:
Chernobyl nuclear disaster [April 25-26, 1986] - Meier was given
predictions of this during the time (1984-1989) when he was in bad
health & his memory was damaged:
[Monday, March 19, 2001, 3:45 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Star Trek
Parallel dimension
Letter from Billy Meier to Marcel
American moon-landing [1969]
[Tuesday, March 20, 2001, 6:39 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
BSE, mad cow disease
William Shakespeare
Anne Hathaway [Shakespeare's wife]:'s_wife)
Anglican Church, Church of England
[Thursday, March 22, 2001, 10:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
FIGU Photos 65 [February 28, 1975, 9:08 a.m.] and 119 [February 28, 1975, 9:16 a.m.]
BSE, mad cow disease
Citrus fruits
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:
Growth hormones in human food as well as fruits & vegetables; result in such things as over-development of females' breasts
BSE, mad cow disease
Palestinians, Palestine
Hormones, aggressiveness, testosterone
Radio & television [TV] radiations, water
Pop, jazz, folk, hit & classical music
Disharmony, disharmonic
George Adamski:
[Monday, April 10, 2001, 7:09 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lucrezia Borgia:
Pope Alexander VI:
Uriella, Erika Bertschinger:
Universal Life sect, Gabriele Wittek:
[Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 6:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah, Zafenatpaneach
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Computer technology
Quarks, positrons, neutrons, electrons, atoms
Cosmic music
Psychiatry & psychology
Disharmonic music
[Friday, May 18, 2001, 6:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 00:58 a.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Sudor
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sudor introduces himself, an expert in ulta-subatomic computer technology
DAL Universe
Arahat Athersata
Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte):
Arahat Athersata (book):
Semjase Contact Volumes
[Monday, June 25, 2001, 4:32 p.m.]
Contact persons: Sudor, Ptaah, Florena, Nefratisa, Tanissa, Fetanika, Taneta
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Nefratisa introduces herself & the meaning of her name
Tanissa introduces herself & the meaning of her name
Fetanika introduces herself (Zafenatpaneach's sister) & the meaning of her name
Taneta introduces herself (Florena's sister) & the meaning of her name
High Council
Electronics, microwaves, computers
Russia and Japan
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
Franz Xaver Süssmayr:
Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana:
Willy Burgdorfer, Lyme Disease, Borrelia bacterium:
Plejaden-Plejaren-Kontaktberichte volumes - title suggested by Ptaah
[Monday, July 2, 2001, 2:55 p.m.]
Contact persons: Gaudon, Queda
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Gaudon introduces himself
Queda introduces himself & the meaning of his name; he is an expert
in paleontology, paleohistology, paleoclimatology, paleogentology &
[Thursday, July 19, 2001, 4:23 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Letter written by Meier on his 11th birthday (1948)
Rakata volcano on the island of Krakatoa:
Indonesia, Sumatra, Java
Mozart's grave
Talmud Jmmanuel
Wild Flower Press in America (publishers of the Talmud Jmmanuel)
[Sunday, August 12, 2001, 1:12 p.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Petale, Arahat Athersata, Absoluten Absolutum, Sohar
"Thoughts", essay by Meier when he was 13 years old (September 16, 1950)
Sfath Contact Report of Saturday, February 3, 1945, 12:10 p.m.
Mozart's gravesite
Street parade in Zurich & Berlin
[Monday, August 13, 2001, 11:14 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, August 20, 2001, 3:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier asks Ptaah if he will send a telepathic impulse to Piero Petrizzo
to get in touch with Meier; technical equipment is used to send the
telepathic impulses; Piero's report of the incident
Essay on Affection by Meier on his 9th birthday (1946)
Essay on Relationship by Meier when he was 9 years old (July 27, 1946, 3:18 p.m.)
"Worth Leaving", essay by Meier when he was 10 years old (March 8, 1947, 4:40 p.m.)
Essay on Wealth by Meier when he was 10 years old (August 10, 1947, 2:38 p.m.)
Essay on Modesty, Self-Respect & Attention when he was 12 years old (May 4, 1949, 2:10 p.m.)
Essay on Human Nature by Meier on his 14th birthday (1951)
[Sunday, August 26, 2001, 10:40 p.m.]
Contact persons: Sudor, Inobea
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Observations by Meier & FIGU members of nighttime UFOs on August 26,
2001 - one sighting was of Sudor's beamship, the other of Inobea's
Clarification of photos of a Plejaren beamship (with Ptaah & Sudor) taken on June 5, 2001
"What I Have To Say", June 5, 2001 sighting report by Ein Pirgler
[Thursday, September 13, 2001, 7:28 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
The Destroyer comet
SOL System
Sirians (of Sirius)
An extraterrestrial people named Nommo
Jmmanuel's gravesite excavation, Jerusalem, Michael Hesemann
Talmud Jmmanuel
Breithorns mountain area of the Berner Oberland in Switzerland
Spaceship of the Druan people (see Contact 184)
Terrorists in America
[Tuesday, October 2, 2001, 7:54 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Fred Bell
Claude Vorilhon alias Rael
[Sunday, October 14, 2001, 10:46 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
100 spirit-teaching symbols
Afghanistan, the Taliban, terrorism, American "food aid" thrown to Afghanis
October 2001 Sibir Airlines Tu-154 crash in the Black Sea near Adler,
Russia - erroneously shot down with a rocket by the Ukrainian army:
September 11, 2001 [9/11] terrorist attack on America, World Trade
Center, New York - terrorism must not be dealt with by more terrorism,
but where possible by peaceful negotiations with the nations from whence
the terrorists come
War against Islam
Christianity & the Inquisition
America & Christopher Columbus (Christoph Kolumbus) - attacks against native Americans
Britain & their attacks/extermination of natives of Tasmania
Ku-Klux-Klan & terrorism - created in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee,
USA; new KKK formed in 1915 near Atlanta, Georgia, USA; largest
membership in the KKK was in 1924-1925 with 4-5 million members:
Neo-Nazis & right-extremists in America & Germany
American kidnapping & enslavement of people from Africa
American terrorism in Viet Nam
American bombing of Dresden, Germany during World War II:
Extremism, hate, revenge & retaliation - "Force however produces
again force, terrorism again for terrorism, and war again war etc. - and
who with the wolves howls, is not better than these."
[Thursday, November 8, 2001, 1:16 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Martha Fluckiger, Meier's aunt in Regensdorf, Switzerland
Walter Fluckiger, Meier's cousin
"Zeugenbuch" (Witness Book):
European Union (EU) coins & bank notes (money)
Intelligence test, psychology, IQ (intelligence quotient), intelligence
"Basic Rules of Humans" written by Meier on his 14th birthday (1951)
[Sunday, November 18, 2001, 9:55 a.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meditation Center
FIGU Website
[Monday, December 17, 2001, 9:29 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Semjase, DAL Universe, Asket, Nera
Fischingen in Canton Thurgau, Switzerland:,_Switzerland
Isa Rashid
Mitri Raheb, priest in Jerusalem
Book about Marco Polo in China
Marco Polo:
Kublai Khan:
Peking, China
[Monday, December 17, 2001, 11:47 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
America, Israel, Al-Qaeda
Israelis, Palestinians
Ariel Sharon:
The Congo in Africa, Lake Kivu:
Nyiragongo volcano erupts January 17, 2002:
Nobuyuki Baba
Setsuko Strasser-Kono
DAL Universe
SOL System
Asteroids & comets
Pegasus constellation:
Ariel Sharon:
U.S. President George W. Bush
Apollo, Zeus
Lyra & Vega
Gymnastic exercises
3-D (3-Dimensional) computer investigations
[Tuesday, January 29, 2002, 1:58 a.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, February 3, 2002, 00:43 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's 65th birthday
Pyramids, Orion, lion
Mobile telephone, automobiles
Lesbians & homosexuals adopting children
Sperm donor
Palestine & Israel
Ariel Sharon:
[Monday, February 25, 2002, 2:15 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, March 5, 2002, 8:15 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Parallel universe, DAL Universe, sister Universe
DAL Universe
High Council
DERN Universe
Asket's people
Computer technology
[Thursday, March 14, 2002, 6:12 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Crop circle phenomenon, pictograms, diagrams, England
Crop circles
Flight objects, UFOs
Bioorganic flight objects, the Skrill (see Contact 238)
[Thursday, April 4, 2002, 8:22 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Jewish ritual animal slaughter (shehitah)
Jewish & Islamic rule against eating pork
[Monday, April 8, 2002, 7:28 a.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Fireball observed in the sky of Bavaria March 6, 2002 - a bolide (extra
large meteor) collided with a piece of man-made space debris, together
they fell through the atmosphere creating the fireball effect:
Religions and sects, god, divinity, mythology, priests, Jesus, bridegroom
Statutes for the American FIGU group
Meditation, Sohar-Center
Lyran, Vegan, Plejaren
Christos Alonistiotis
[Friday, April 12, 2002, 8:34 p.m.]
Contact persons: Menara, Solar, Alena, Taljda, Pleija, Lumia, Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Homosexual, homosexuality, heterosexual
Meditation Center
DERN & DAL twin universes - in an ancient language, attributed to
Nokodemion, the DERN Universe is called
"Dajansini-ern-ruan-nitrapralano"; the DAL Universe is called
[Monday, April 15, 2002, 2:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sighting Report by Madeleine, Hans-Georg & Freddy (April 13, 2002, 9:46 p.m. & 10:13 p.m.)
[Tuesday, April 23, 2002, 1:33 a.m. & 11:07 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, July 20, 2002, 6:33 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat & the Palestinian
suicide-bombers, & all other world powers who act in the same
manner--are not working for peace, liberty & security by their "war
on terror", rather they are seeking to obtain resources for their
country & personal political & financial power; these world
leaders who thirst for power, wealth, revenge & retaliation etc. can
never be true leaders, rather they are war criminals; qualities of a
true leader defined; regarding claims that the American government had a
hand in the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 (September
11, 2001) in order to further its plans for world domination, when one
considers what was done in Afghanistan in regards to this "one could
actually imagine that the rumor has hand and foot"
[Saturday, August 3, 2002, 8:16 a.m.]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Elektra, Ektol, Sana, Isados, Ters, Urlana, Jaspan, Melchora, Berichterstatter
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Prediction of a "rolling fire" across the USA
[Thursday, August 29, 2002, 2:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Cosmic electromagnetic life energy" - 2 forms; explained in technical detail
"...Half-mental form of energy, which animates all material life..."
Material universe - Belt 4
Belt 3 - "Urkern" belt = positive
Belt 5 - transformation belt = negative
Belt 7 - defined
Absolute Absolutum
Electro-smog - description of dangerous health effects on humans,
animals & plants; sources of this electrical smog (television,
mobile phones, radio communications, etc.):
Ivo Benda - fraudulently claims contact with Ptaah, & other lies:
Ashtar Sheran - died in the DAL Universe, unable to return to the DERN Universe
[Monday, December 16, 2002, 6:46 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Pleiadians/Plejaren - homosexuality, a natural occurrence, exists among them too; further details
[Tuesday, December 26, 2002, 8:29 p.m.]
Contact person: Solar
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, January 26, 2003, 6:12 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, February 3, 2003, 00:34 a.m.]
Contact person: Enjana
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Ossuary of James, Jesus' brother, reported in October 2002 - fraud:
Jmmanuel's brothers & sisters - Jakobus died at 93 years old
Jmmanuel - death at age 115 in 111 A.D. in Srinagar, Kashmir:
Jakobus, Joseph & Jesus - these names occurred among relatives (son,
father & brother) in 34 instances among families of that time
FIGU Special Bulletin no.2 [To The Statesmen In Power And To Mankind Of
Earth, One More Important Word, Atrocities of War of the USA, The United
States of America Has Gone Mad] was sent to all United Nations (UN)
members by email, as well as by email to the Upper House of Parliament
of Switzerland
Pleiadians/Plejaren presently constantly analyze the efforts, attitudes & initiatives of all governments of Earth
Plans developing to bring Saddam Hussein into exile in Switzerland
[Sunday, February 9, 2003, 5:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Enjana
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
FIGU Special Bulletins 1 & 2 were sent by email to all responsible people in the United Nations (UN)
George W. Bush - hate-filled & criminally opposed to the people of
Iraq as well as the entire human race, based on fear & power-craze
Saddam Hussein
Osama bin Laden
All mankind must unite together to banish (for example, to a remote
island from which they can't possibly escape) all the irresponsible
& criminal world rulers & terrorist leaders, and put an end to
[Sunday, February 16, 2003, 9:13 a.m.]
Contact persons: Florena, Zafenatpaneach
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, February 23, 2003, 00:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Faxed letter from Michael Hesemann
Faxes from J.B. regarding Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso del Sul, Brazil - fraudulent contactee:
"Rael" Claude Vorilhon:
[Monday, February 24, 2003, 00:02 a.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, March 15, 2003, 00:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, March 19, 2003, 00:20 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
War against Iraq began on March 18, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. by the American
& British troops marching into the demilitarized zone between Kuwait
& Iraq, bombs & rockets fired beyond this zone into Iraqi
Rocket attack against Baghdad began at 5:33 p.m. Iraq time
Peace demonstrations are useless
Saddam Hussein's instructions to set fire to the oil fields
George W. Bush, Tony Blair & the ruling powers of Japan, Australia
& Spain are war criminals no different than Adolph Hitler, Josef
Stalin, Slobodan Milosevic & others
Meier once met & spoke with Saddam Hussein in the company of
Saddam's double; Meier can't understand how a double could be mistaken
for Saddam, who has a birthmark under his right eye that twitches when
he is agitated
Religion, Christianity, Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla)
George W. Bush considers himself a Christian, allowed over 150 people to
be executed during his governorship; in his alcoholic insanity he
believes he had a conversation with God:
, although all this is a conscious deception of the people aimed at
exercising power & proving to his father George H.W. Bush that he is
useful; he lied to the American people about Saddam Hussein being a
threat to the U.S., the most horrible lie ever conceived in the entire
history of mankind on Earth
Political & religious problems & disputes can never be solved by
war, rather from reason, understanding, wisdom, love & if
necessary, non-violent force by
banishment by the people
[Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 11:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Iraq war - collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime officially on April 9,
2003 when forces take control of Baghdad; unofficially the regime
collapse has already taken place; Iraqi people will be glad for the fall
of the regime but anxious over the American & British control;
Shiite Muslims will want a religious state like Iran; a very large
resistance will develop & terrorist liberation organizations; the
Shiites will come to power with the Mullahs having power &
authority, thus a dictatorship again
America will threaten Syria & other countries
American & British soldiers plundering Iraqi art & treasure covertly since the beginning of the war
[Friday, April 18, 2003, 11:24 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 10:51 p.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, June 29, 2003, 11:04 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Tauron
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, July 21, 2003, 3:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, August 3, 2003, 10:35 p.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 10:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Iceman" found in the Austrian/Italian Alps on September 19, 1991 - Urk's cause of death detailed; see Contact 238:
[Monday, October 6, 2003, 8:11 a.m. & Saturday, October 11, 2003, 00:06 a.m.]
Contact person: Florena
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
European Union (EU)
Financial exploitation by insurance companies, governments & politicians, religions
Islam, Buddhism, Christianity - heavy conflicts resulting from their actions
George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, terrorists, Osama Bin Laden
Israel & Palestine - reciprocal bloody massacres, assassinations, etc.
"Invaders From Mars" film:
[Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
George W. Bush, Tony Blair & Ariel Sharon & their followers
& supporters, Al-Qaeda & other terrorists - if they are not
removed from power World War III (WW3/WWIII) will break out
America & its military must withdraw from all countries & Israel must return the land to the Arabs
George Adamski confronted by Meier & Asket regarding his fraudulent claims.
[Monday, December 1, 2003, 2:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, December 6, 2003, 00:16 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
George W. Bush - was an alcoholic and converted to Evangelism believing
he is destined by God to take revenge against [unbelievers?] &
Muslims in particular; he can't differentiate between fantasy &
reality anymore; he understands humans who are easily influenced &
weak in intelligence (who can't discern his real nature) in order to
mesmerize them into acting as tools for his bloody conquest &
revenge campaigns
Dangers of religious fanatics & fundamentalists
Resistance in Afghanistan & Iraq against the invaders will continue for a long time
If America withdraws itself militarily & economically from all
countries it could take 50-80 years to achieve a real world peace; the
whole world would have to be under a world government that guaranteed
security & administration for each country, but it could never be in
America, but rather a neutral country perhaps somewhere in the
mountains or in a desert...this is how the Pleiadians/Plejaren achieved
peace 52,000 years ago, establishing a world government in the mountains
[Tuesday, February 3, 2004, 00:40 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah, Semjase, Asket
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, February 27, 2004]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Barbara Harnisch's report of photographing Semjase's beamship on February 5, 2004
[Friday, March 12, 2004]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
March 11, 2004 Madrid, Spain terrorist train bombing:,_2004_Madrid_attacks
Religious & political terrorists - George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon,
Yasser Arafat, Jose Maria Aznar (Prime Minister of Spain) & Tony
Kloten Airport (Switzerland)
European Union (EU)
People need to remove political leaders from power who do not truly represent the people and set up government leaders who do
Greatest war & terrorist threats come from the USA, Israel & Palestine & others
America is the greatest evil in the world due to its policies of being
the "world police"; there are good peaceful people in the USA but they
are a minority; if the US withdraws itself from all countries
militarily, politically, economically & religiously a peace may come
to the world
[Friday, April 2, 2004]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"a very dark time is unfortunately approaching, which is determined by the" terrorist actions of America & Israel
Civil war in Iraq
Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon & Yasser Arafat are "the most dangerous elements on Earth"
Switzerland - politicians trying to force it into the "dictatorship" of
the European Union (EU); this will happen soon by the Schengener
Corporate economics - global mismanagement
Domestic crimes, child abuse, etc. must also be punished
[April 2004]
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, April 26, 2004, 00:23 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in FIGU Special Bulletin #14
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders vindicated - reasons why he was defamed & slandered;
Pleiadians/Plejaren "far too often" allowed themselves to be deceived by
wrong words and thoughts of the fallible ones", "were not able to
understand lies", "only since 1999" do they possess the "ability to
critically analyze the words and thoughts of human beings" due to Meier
[Thursday, May 6, 2004, 3:51 p.m. & 10:58 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in FIGU Special Bulletin #14
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Lee Elders vindicated & apologized to by Meier & the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Iraq - comments on the American & British military raping, torturing
& murdering innocent Iraqi men, women & children
Rape is a form of torture
Torture is never justified
[Thursday, May 13, 2004, 11:51 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, July 2, 2004]
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, August 20, 2004]
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, September 9, 2004]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Overpopulation's (7.5 billion) dangers for the Earth
Bad leaders in government exploiting the people
World War III (WW3/WWIII) - Meier states that WW3 has been "in full
course" for a long time; global military conflicts still possible in
2006, 2010, 2011 & 2012
USA, Israel, Palestine & Sudan
Death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004:
George W. Bush - a "terrorkrat"; 2nd rise to power in November 2004
(stated by Quetzal 15+ years ago); global military conflicts (WW3)
possible in 2006
Republican population of the US led by "the lies and empty promises made by Bush", etc.; not able to think logically
Palestine & Yasser Arafat
John F. Kerry:
USA Presidential Election 2004 - Bush will win by fraudulently using
400,000 falsified votes manufactured during the 2000 election and stored
on voting machines; Florida & Ohio will be complicated
Yasser Arafat's death in November 2004 - Israel (Ariel Sharon) will prevent his body being buried in Jerusalem:,2763,1345031,00.html
Ariel Sharon - "a thousandfold murderer and terrorist"
George W. Bush - comparable to Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Ariel
Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Slobodan
Milosevic, etc.; strives for US world domination; he isn't concerned
with world terrorism, the "War On Terrorism" is a cover for attacking
other countries to establish military bases in them & exploit them;
he is "the worst [president] who ever prevailed over the United States
of America"
US Senators, etc.
Approximately half of Americans are opposed to war & only want direct defenses for America, not attacking other countries
Switzerland - criminals in government, free speech, the press, judicial system
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, December 31, 2004, 00:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004:
- as of 5:14 p.m. December 30, 2004 the number of people dead from it =
241,078 (measured by Plejaren apparatus that analyzes "biogrammes" of
life forms, living or deceased; this apparatus can also determine the
exact time of death, the sex & the type of a life form; apparatus
can measure to a depth of 8,000 meters into the land & 12,000 meters
into the sea); many dead will never be found, buried by mud avalanches
or blown out to sea
Tsunamis - can reach speeds up to 1500 kilometers per hour if caused by
the impact of a meteor or comet; can reach heights of 1000+ meters under
certain conditions
Tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004 - resulted in a 12.4
centimeter change of Earth's axis (not 6-10 as Earth scientists state);
unconcerned tourists; sexual victimization of children orphaned by the
catastrophe, child prostitution & slave trade; rape of women
refugees; George W. Bush & USA "aid" partially a pretext for
furthering an influential/manipulative presence in Southeast Asia;
guidelines for true & honest relief organizations
Plejaren (planet Erra) relief to federation planets that have suffered
natural catastrophes; natural catastrophes on Erra are partly restrained
by Plejaren influence upon the weather
[Friday, January 7, 2005, 00:12 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004 - "donations" by
governments & corporations are empty promises that they have no
intention of honoring
Bam, Iran earthquake disaster December 26, 2003:
- aid "donations" totaled 1.1 billion dollars, only 17.2 million
dollars (less than 2% of the offered amount) were collected mostly from
individuals not governments or corporations
Natural catastrophes will increase (volcanic eruptions, sea quakes,
storms, hurricanes, typhoons & tornadoes, etc.); 67% of these coming
catastrophes will be due to overpopulation
Effects of overpopulation on the Earth - detailed
Meier - for the past 30 years he has sent several thousands of letters
to scientists, universities, governments, various organizations; a few
"thank you" letters skirting the issues, from Ernst Brugger
(Switzerland, 1974), Corazon Aquino (Philippines): , 3 US senators; apparent futility addressing the general population & their non-action, indifference, etc.
Pleiadians/Plejaren - ended wars by implementing the models of
Nokodemion & Henok, multinational peace-combat troops, banishment of
irresponsible & criminal leaders, further details
Increased natural catastrophes - "unfortunately the time is past" for
Earth humans to have acted with reason to prevent these, "but now is the
time started, at which our warning prophecies begin to prove to be
true", but still preventable if all people act to stop overpopulation
& thereby reduce it further to the reasonable planetary measure
Meier's supporters - words of encouragement towards optimism, words of thanks
Earth humans obsession with "the beauty illusion" - liposuction,
cosmetic surgery, breast & buttocks implants, etc.;
Pleiadians/Plejaren analyzed 2,476,067 women & men for motives &
psyche condition, 21,531 had justified medical reasons for these
surgeries, the rest were based on inferiority complexes, paranoid
conceptions, "diseased fancies", stupidity & foolishness; "humans
are ill in their thoughts & feelings", illness is a defective
condition as is stupidity & foolishness; body piercing & "body
Suicide rates in industrialized nations
Social responsibility
Karl Marx:
Work automation - what once took 12 people to perform now only takes 1
Older/aged persons - maltreatment & financial exploitation
Jogging, Nordic Track, soccer, ice/snow sports, extreme sports -
unhealthy; impairs & damages the skeleton & joints, organs
(especially the heart, lungs, spleen & kidneys)
20-30 minutes of daily walking (or gymnastic exercises) are sufficient for necessary physical training
Sports fans/fanatics - dependent on the achievements of others, overlook their own developments
[Friday, January 14, 2005, 00:55 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
George W. Bush - believes he is God's deputy on the Earth to rid the
world of bad people & all non-Christian believers especially
Muslims; is preparing plans for attacking Iran where U.S. spies already
Warning the people by predictions has been fruitless over the past 30 years of Meier's attempts
Possibility of World War III (WW3/WWIII) in 2006 according to old prophesies
Condoleeza Rice:
Tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004:
- 116,406 additional people discovered dead; 2,312 additional people
lost their lives from December 31, 2004 to January 13, 2005 at 6:10 p.m.
due to indirect effects of the disaster (disease, suicide); total of
359,796 people have died since the tsunami (as of 6:10 p.m. on January
13, 2005)
[Friday, January 21, 2005, 00:17 a.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Letter written by Meier at the age of 14 (in 1951) to all governments
& also pertinent organizations, newspapers, journals, schools, etc.;
3000 copies sent out with the assistance of his teacher Gustav Lehmann;
letter written based on predictions & prophecies explained to him
by Sfath; Ptaah received a copy of the old letter from Asket [one of
Ptaah's nieces] - coming troubles for the world if the people do not
remove the irresponsible leaders from power in the governments, military
& science; prostitution will become a "respectable occupation"; the
1980s will see the rise of the drug epidemic, negative pysche-impairing
destructive music & epidemics spread from animals; overpopulation,
etc. etc.
Natural catastrophes - have not always been as they are these days;
typhoons, tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, rain, snow & hail
have increased by 38% since 1914; seaquakes & earthquakes have
increased by 27% since 1914; volcanic activity has increased worldwide
by 6% since 1914; 67% of these catastrophes are due to human activities;
the statements that these catastrophes are a punishment from God is
nonsense; every religious divinity is nothing more than a fantasy; these
catastrophes are caused by overpopulation and the strain upon Earth
that results from it
George W. Bush - second inauguration; in all the history of mankind on
Earth there has never been a more dangerous man in regards to Earth
humanity & world peace; one must ask how stupid must those people be
who support him
Switzerland - wants to introduce an automobile CO2 (carbon dioxide) tax in an effort to stop the greenhouse effect
Overpopulation - Meier recognized the problem in the 1950s
[Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 00:17 a.m.]
Contact person: Quetzal
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Condoleeza Rice:
- she is the most dangerous element at George W. Bush's side, both
believing they have to rid the world of terrorism under direct orders
from God, both suffering from paranoia and psychopathic damage expressed
in abnormal feelings & behavior
January 27, 2005 commemoration ceremonies of the Soviets freeing of
prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp in Birkenau, Poland; an
idiotic undertaking which renews Nazi sentiments:
NPD (National Party Deutschlands) could allow Nazism to gain a foothold in Germany again:
German soldiers unofficially participate with the Americans in Afghanistan; general state of affairs in Germany
Anti-war films, remembrance ceremonies, documentaries & books - psychologically harmful, etc.
Right-wing & left-wing extremism
Holocaust of World War II - must remain in the past & not dredged up
through documentaries, books, etc. which are in principle
glorifications of the atrocities, bringing rise to new hatreds
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, February 3, 2005, 10:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier & FIGU's internet publications - secret services, federal
polices & government agencies interested in the information provided
Meier - accused of being a revolutionary or politically-motivated, which
is far from the truth; his purpose is to fulfill his mission, spread
the theory of the spirit, to instruct people in the creative-natural
truth & love & resulting peace, internal & external liberty
& harmony; secret service agents interfere in the internet
discussion forums of the FIGU/Meier material, slandering Meier;
"Stupidity, weak intelligence, lies, slandering and reviling can be
fought not by justifications, but only and alone by a willful and
reasonable silence and by neglect"; character of those who slander
World War III (WW3/WWIII) possible in 2006; George W. Bush will be to blame; Iran & Syria
Conspiracy theory books - unreasonable & stupid, writers of these
books aim for profit by instilling fear & have no truth or useful
information to provide
AIDS - new form is spreading which reaches the acute & deadly phase only after a few weeks
HIV - retrovirus mutates & transforms due to affects of other viruses and bacteria
Earth scientists still very ignorant about virology & bacteriology
[Friday, February 12, 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[February 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
[February 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, February 24, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in Questions To Billy Meier--Answered (FIGU English Forum):
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Response to Dplotmach's comments in the FIGU internet forum regarding
Meier's statements about those who act inhumanely not being normal,
lacking reason & understanding, calling them lunatics (people who
are erring) and schizophrenics; not related to people who suffer from
medically diagnosed lunacy & schizophrenia ("consciousness-related
disorders of thinking", etc.); the different meanings of the term
[Thursday, March 3, 2005, 11:53 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Ptaah addresses the readers in regards to slanderous attacks on Meier;
Mr. Singer of Germany, slanderous statements on February 26, 2005;
Jmmanuel, Buddha, Muhammad; "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, prophet of the
modern times; 21 assassination attempts on Meier's life to date
[Thursday, March 10, 2005, 2:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Sixto Paz Wells - false contactee from Lima, Peru:
Ricardo Gonzalez - false contactee from Lima, Peru:
Pleiadians/Plejaren Earth-monitoring equipment & devices able to
register non-terrestrial mental & telepathic oscillations; if
communications between Earth humans & extraterrestrials occurred,
they would be registered by automatic recording devices; they have been
monitoring this type of activity on Earth for 82 years
Pleiadians/Plejaren attempt to clarify all claims by Earth humans who claim contacts with extraterrestrials
Pleiadians/Plejaren developed "some months ago" a comprehensive global
monitoring network to register all Earthly air traffic (which would also
detect extraterrestrial spacecraft)
Aside from Meier, there have only been 8 true contactees in the 82 years
that the Pleiadians/Plejaren have been monitoring this activity on
Earth; only one of those ever went public, Daniel Fry:
Since 1984 only very few extraterrestrial spacecraft have entered
Earth's air space; most UFO sightings have been of secret military or
official missiles of Earth origin
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, April 16, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Meier's alleged (by critics) "dinosaur" & space photos supposedly
taken during his "great journey" in July 1975 (see Contact 31 etc.);
article written by Hans George Lanzendorfer regarding these accusations;
Meier took 1378 photos during his "Great Journey", while he had 1568
beamship photos at that time; a large part of Meier's beamship photos
were falsified by Schmid the photographer under pressure from the Men In
Black (MIB); these falsified photos were seized upon by Kal Korff as
basis for his book & film (in cooperation with Kalliope Meier,
Meier's ex-wife); almost 1200 of Meier's beamship photos were stolen;
Meier's ex-wife lied about Meier using a lid for making fake UFO photos
("wedding cake" beamship); Meier's ex-wife once met Ptaah unexpectedly
& also witnessed a materialization once with Meier; of the 1378
photos taken during his "Great Journey", the bulk were falsified
(photocopied designs) & stolen while Meier retained only 42 which
were actually taken by him; recognizing the falsified photos, Quetzal
then destroyed all slides & photos from the "Great Journey", so none
of these were made for sale or released by Meier; the falsified photos
were sold by H.S., M.S., K.M. & Schmid, while H.S. & his brother
used the proceeds to vacation for 3 months in the Congo in Africa; the
Men In Black also had a hand in this; Meier's ex-wife suddenly had a
bank account of 35,000 Swiss francs from this clandestine selling copies
of the falsified materials with H.S., M.S. & Schmid, including
Meier's 1 and 1/2 hour beamship 8mm film copies being sold for 1000
Swiss francs (Meier had sold it for only 150 ChF)
Faxed letter sent to Meier on April 10, 2005, which Ptaah is given to read & comment upon
Contact person:
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, May 5, 2005, 11:03 p.m.]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Mankind is slowly coming to the realization that humans are their own
"masters" and that each is responsible in every respect for their own
fate, thoughts, feelings and actions. This growing realization also
encompasses the realization of the unreality of religions and a
rewarding/punishing "god".
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, June 25, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Ptaah's response to accusations that the lessons & teachings spread
by Meier are recycled from old philosophers & religious teachers;
"Billy's Teachings": originate from the teachings of Nokodemion &
Henok; "life teachings" & "spirit teachings" defined; during ancient
times the teachings were spread by prophets using words &
expressions understood by the generally uneducated masses of people,
while in modern times the teachings utilize modern language; many
"know-it-alls" slander Meier & his teachings as originating from old
philosophers & teachers, failing to see that Meier brings greater
& more comprehensive explanations of the teachings than were ever
brought before on Earth by any teacher, prophet or philosopher
[Saturday, July 2, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
On July 7, 2005 there will be a 4-part terrorist attack in London by
Al-Qaeda with 1 bus being destroyed by a bomb & 3 bombs exploding in
the subway; reasons given for the spread of terrorism; irresponsibility
of leaders & politicians; terrorism could be stopped if the USA
withdrew itself from all countries & stopped intimidating &
meddling in the affairs of other nations; the USA is the real enemy to
world peace; Earth humans must also learn the creational laws &
directives and live by them for peace to be accomplished
[Saturday, July 9, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Different forms of terrorism & terrorist organizations, religious
fanatics, military & secret services terrorism, Al-Qaeda,
mujahideen, suicide bombers, misconceptions among the western nations
about Islam & misconceptions among the Islamic nations about the
western nations
[July 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, August 8, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hurricane Katrina - New Orleans, Louisiana; US government dishonorable
disaster relief efforts; further such disasters in the future for the
US, Europe & the world
Meier's 1958 brochure sent to European governments warning them of
coming disasters & what actions must be taken to prevent them
Bird Flu Epidemic - migraine headaches associated with Bird Flu; genetic change in chromosome 1
Hurricane Rita - Galveston, Houston, Arthur & Morgan, Texas; eye speed @300 kilometers per hour
1906 San Francisco Earthquake - @7000 victims
September 1900 southeast Texas hurricane - Galveston, Texas; @8000 victims
[Thursday, August 13, 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, September 25, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Bird Flu pandemic (H5N1)
Crystal skulls - manufactured in Germany in the 1800s by diamond
jewelers for a wealthy man named Florian Rosenfelder who brought them to
the Mayan sites to be "discovered"; he was later poisoned by the
natives; the skulls have nothing to do with extraterrestrials
Philadelphia Experiment - a swindle which never happened; based upon the
fraudulent statements of a man named Kal Allen (a.k.a. "Carl Allen",
a.k.a. "Carlos Miguel Allende") who sought fame & fortune, who later
"disappeared" when he thought he would be exposed as a fraud
[Saturday, October 15, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Bird Flu pandemic (H5N1) - can be transferred from human to human by direct bodily contact under certain conditions
Tamiflu & all other such medications are completely useless against Bird Flu
[October 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, November 6, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[November 2005]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, November 21, 2005]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Bird Flu pandemic (H5N1) - can be transmitted to humans through direct
contact with the excrement or dust from contaminated birds, which
results in infection of the mucous membranes; it can also be transmitted
through ingestion of the meat of infected birds; it can be transmitted
from human to human via direct contact of the mucous membranes; pigs are
also susceptible to the H5N1 virus; there are various forms of the
virus of which only a certain form is dangerous to humans if it mutates;
there is an extremely small danger for humans if caution is exercised
World War 3 (WWIII) - as of 2006 the political situation on Earth is
"somewhat in a state of rest, from which no signs of a Third World War
result", however this can change because of actions of Earth humans;
there is some question as to whether the year 2006 in the prophecies
accords with the year 2006 by our present day calendar which is
incorrect; the Plejarens "look further ahead only for a few weeks
regarding happenings on Earth", usually only because it has been asked
of them by Meier
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, January 5, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Swiss secret service interception of Egyptian document disclosing that
the USA maintains torture prisons in Europe and several Balkan states;
Swiss government's actions pertaining to publication of the information
[January 2006]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, January 21, 2006, 12:14 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpt in FIGU Society USA Newsletter #007
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
FIGU Society USA group - complaints about the group; group leadership problems; Mike Whelan
[Saturday, January 28, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Swiss secret service interception of Egyptian document disclosing that
the USA maintains torture prisons in Europe and several Balkan states;
Swiss government's actions pertaining to publication of the information,
denying the flights used Swiss air space
Denmark/Danish newspaper publication of caricatures/cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed
Salman Rushdie
Muslims are generally more deeply immersed in the tenets of their faith than any other religion
Contact person:
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Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, May 24, 2006]
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Religious and sectarian belief may be transmitted/passed on from the
parents to the child and is stored in the brain's temporal lobes and the
rear part of the parietal lobes. It then manifests itself as a form of
schizophrenic illness.
[Sunday, May 28, 2006, 5:01 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Religious faith can result in a form of schizophrenic illness. Extremism
and certain passions in various forms can result in disease-like states
which become expressed in the form of fanaticism, uncontrollable
excitement states which can degenerate into destruction, rage, hate,
etc. These factors arise within individuals which can lead to evil
behaviors because due to the illness they lose control of their
thoughts, feeling and actions
These types of diseases were eliminated amongst the Plejaren mainly due
to their training courses towards understanding and reasoning in order
to recognize and fight fanaticism and conditions of uncontrollable
excitement to bring them under control; this process took about 1800
years for the total Plejaren population to repair these diseases
These same types of hereditary diseases include sports fanatics and sport fanaticism
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Saturday, June 10, 2006, 5:08 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpt in FIGU Society USA Newsletter #008
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Prospect for a FIGU settlement in Munds Park or Flagstaff, Arizona;
location found with the help of Brit & Lee Elders, but the project
had to be abandoned; there exists a possibility of the project becoming
realized if FIGU USA develops itself as a true FIGU group and seeks to
acquire the land and build a center in the Munds Park/Flagstaff, Arizona
region; the settlement of the current FIGU USA group in Oklahoma is no
longer suitable because Oklahoma is burdened with religious things, etc.
and due to discord that emerged in that group as previously happened in
the Los Angeles Study Group; Meier received calls from Andrew Cossette
who wanted to buy land for a FIGU USA center; Andrew Cossette and Mike
[Saturday, June 17, 2006, 5:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
excerpt in The Newest In Regard To Matters Of Extraterrestrials...
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Bird Flu epidemic, H5N1
"Regulation" defined
Clarifications regarding extraterrestrial spacecraft visiting Earth, past & present
Giza [Gizeh] Intelligences
Kenneth Arnold - observed secret US test flights, not ET spacecraft
Dan Fry
Reinhold O. Schmidt
Betty & Barney Hill - abduction never happened; recalled memories
were the result of "disrupted electromagnetic fields of the earth"
Albert Einstein
Impulse contacts
Roswell, New Mexico crash
Channeling - "pure nonsense"
Plejarens recently conducting operations with their ships cloaked for safety precautions
Plejaren federation is spread out over 3 dimensions (which includes the Plejarens dimension and the Earth humans' dimension)
[Monday, June 19, 2006]
Contact person: Quetzal
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Palestinian extremists will kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers; Israel will respond with a military bandit act in Gaza
[Saurday, July 8, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Hezbollah will kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers resulting in Israel invading
Lebanon; these actions could lead to World War III; the USA is also
responsible due to its terrorist activities against the people of
Afghanistan and Iraq which could lead to civil war; Great Britain,
Germany and Israel are also partly responsible
There exists only one possibility of stopping the world-wide martial
insanity, the creation (according to the principles of Henok) of
worldwide multinational peace combat troops subordinate to a purely
peaceful government that would destroy all weapons of mass destruction
and war weaponry throughout the world, though this proposal will be met
with remarks that it is stupid illusion and impractical, but those
making the remarks aren't intelligent enough to recognize that this is
[Sunday, July 9, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Attempts by Meier to write letters of warning regarding world events
would be futile, as it was when he tried this in the 1950s and 1970s;
the world leaders only seek their own power, delusions and insanity
regardless of whether or not millions lose their property and/or lives;
the large mass of Earth humans is unfortunately stupid and of small
intelligence, who would rather pray to their imaginary gods; the large
mass of Earth humans do not wish to understand that there is no Father
God, gods, angels or holy ones who would determine the fate of humanity,
rather that it is humanity that determines its own fate; humans must
develop their intelligence, understanding and reason; by the efforts of
those few humans that are intelligent, to provide an example and
instruct in the truth, change can come about, if even by small iotas
which build up into forms that can't be ignored; much time will pass
before the mass of humanity becomes intelligent, reasonable and
understanding; much time will pass before multinational peace combat
troops exist
[Monday, July 10, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Tunguska event:
This event regards extraterrestrial humans from a distant galaxy in our
space-time dimension; their people brought Christianity back to their
home world, which spread quickly and led to heavy faith fights; when
order was again established a decree was made forbidding their people
from traveling to the region of Earth; approximately 1000 years after
this decree, a ship from this people strayed into the SOL System and
became stranded; their ship remained for several months hidden in the
Tunguska area; a large number of these stranded people had sexual
relations with Earth humans from whom they contracted syphilis which
spread as an mutating epidemic among them resulting in many deaths;
those stranded could not expect help from their home world due to the
decree of not approaching the Earth; other extraterrestrials that were
stationed on Earth were also forbidden from assisting the stranded
people; the only thing remaining to do (as required by regulations) was
to build an atomic bomb, raise the ship into the atmosphere and crash it
into the ground to detonate the bomb; this resulted in nearly the whole
ship & crew of 4387 being reduced to dust & ash; all this was
witnessed by the Plejarens who were not granted permission to assist the
stranded ones; the Plejarens did instruct the government and the people
of the races of the stranded people that Earth religions would not be
harmful if they were avoided, the result of which was that after some
time the 3 races joined the Plejaren federation; the 3 races come from a
large galaxy cluster approximately 400 million light years from Earth;
the 3 races have 3 different homeland worlds but are connected with one
another and call themselves the Bardan, their homeworlds being called
Bardan 1,2 and 3 and having a common government; these people have not
contacted Earth humans since they joined the Plejaren federation
approximately 80 years ago; they have somewhat Mongolian features and a
brownish-yellowish skin tone; their galaxy cluster is known as Coma
[Coma Cluster, Abell 1656]:
[Wednesday, July 12, 2006]
Contact person: Florena
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
On July 25th Israeli air forces will bomb a UN post in Lebanon, an act
which was secretly planned because the Israelis don't want UN troops to
observe their criminal activities, though this will be denied by the
Israeli government and military; support for the Israelis will mainly
come from the US government along with European governments and those
like-minded; support for Hezbollah will come from Iran and Syria as well
as Al-Qaeda, some Hezbollah-friendly Arab states and other groups;
Hezbollah & Hamas; wherever American government & military
interferes, "all evils of the world go into action"; if Israel continues
its aggressions, it will build up more enemies, and the possibility
exists of the Islamic world joining together to annihilate Israel; if
the Arab nations and Israel do not change, an ancient prophesy may
fulfill itself: "In Jerusalem the few still-living people will wade
ankle-deep in human blood"
[Tuesday, July 11, 2006] --DATE MAY BE INCORRECT
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
A man telephones Meier claiming that he jeopardizes the neutrality of
Switzerland by not behaving neutrally via the FIGU Bulletins and Contact
Reports; definition of "neutrality"; "silence is never compatible with
Israel's intentions in Lebanon are to defeat Hezbollah as well as show
themselves to be powerful in order to frighten Arab nations, also to
expand their territory into Lebanon; the kidnapping of the Israeli
soldiers by Hezbollah was used as a pretext for Israel to invade Lebanon
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
[July 2006]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Tuesday, August 15, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
Meier Wiki:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Israeli invasion of Lebanon - even the Nazis didn't behave as madly as
the Israelis; the only comparable degenerate action was the bombing by
the Americans of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, some Japanese islands &
Dresden, Germany; Hezbollah also committed bloody part, but in no
comparison to what the Israelis did; Earth people need to elect correct
leaders and create multinational peace combat troops, and disarm all
armies, war & terror parties before a true & final peace can
come between all people on Earth; the United Nations' ridiculous &
useless efforts; only a peace combat army may have weapons to secure the
safety of the peoples of the world
Richard Boylan and his mad "Star Kids Project"; he maintains the
delusion that he has contacts with "Asheoma" and leaders of the "Zetas"
in the form of "The Star Nation", and that he is the only one on Earth
having ET contacts; he actually relies on information coming from
Meier's Contact Reports; he maintains that the only extraterrestrial
federation that exists is "The Star Nation", that the Plejaren
federation does not exist, and that Meier started as a genuine contactee
but has now become influenced by a cabal and his information is no
longer reliable
[Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:02 p.m.] --DATE MAY BE INCORRECT
--also noted as August 23, 2006 in FIGU Special Bulletin 28
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Faked Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 - Swiss physicist Johannes Geiss:
says he was in the control center at NASA in Houston, Texas when the
moon landing supposedly occurred; he was also duped by the massive hoax;
the supposed lunar soil he received for experimentation was actually
ground up meteorites from the moon; the claim that NASA had no lunar
material was also a lie
Comments on the supposedly "missing moon landing tapes":
The assertion that tapes from 1969 would not play on modern day
technical equipment is also ridiculous; the original "moon landing" tape
was cleaned up before it was broadcast by satellite, so as to remove
any irregularities which would show it to be a fraud, however some
irregularities still remained, enough to show it being a fraud; if the
"missing tapes" should show up again they would likely be the "cleaned
up" copies, not the original with the numerous flaws; the astronauts
involved were hypnotized and had post-hypnotic drug-induced special
brain-washing implanted ideas that they actually landed on the moon
Earth's magnetic poles - there are many "New Age" teachings about the
poles suddenly switching, which are nonsense; the magnetic poles do
shift gradually, presently the magnetic North Pole is in Greenland, in
approximately 1000 years the magnetic north pole will be in Saudia
Arabia where present day Mekka is located; this shift is due to
geomagnetism and Earth's increasing distance from the sun; the magnetic
north pole and true north are different; the Arctic North Pole is
actually a magnetic south pole and shifts approximately 7.5 kilometers
per year in a northern direction, and the Antarctic South Pole is
actually a magnetic north pole and shifts approximately 10 kilometers
per year in a northwest direction
[Saturday, September 9, 2006, 7:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[@September/October 2006]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, October 15, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
North Korea's atomic bomb test was a deception in that what was actually
tested was a small object partially involving commercial explosives and
resulting in an explosion of less than a kiloton in mass; the "test"
was a provocation
The USA is under the illusion that it must act as the "world police";
George W. Bush openly endorses, by law, torture of prisoners, especially
political prisoners suspected of terrorism; the irresponsible sectarian
Bush has signed a document authorizing the building of a 1000 kilometer
fence along the Mexican/USA border; the USA elections in early November
will result in a defeat for Bush and the Republicans with the Democrats
having the upper hand, as a result of which the secret criminal plans
of the Bush government won't come to reality which would have led to the
breaking out of World War III, thus the prophecy will not fulfill
itself regarding World War III in 2006; however other factors for later
years threaten for a World War III; the irresponsible powers of Israel
prepared secret plans for a rocket and Air Force attack against the
atomic plants in Iran, an attack which is endorsed by the USA; in
November the USA government will condemn Saddam Hussein to death and
pressure the court in Iraq to pass the death sentence on him, this being
a criminal plot by the USA government to help the Republicans win
elections in the U.S. House of Representatives; the Israeli army will
massacre civilians in Beit Hanun in Palestine, which will be condemned
internationally, though Israel will lie saying it was a mistake; the USA
will veto a UN (United Nations) condemnation of the massacre; the
results of this will be that the Palestinian Hamas organization will
break its armistice and commit assassinations against Israel, and Arab
States will recall their financial blockade against Hamas
The fighting in Iraq is a political civil war between the Sunnis and
Shiites which the USA is responsible for due to their occupation and
exploitation of Iraq whereby the whole country and population have
fallen into chaos; starting from November 23 the civil war will take
worse forms as on that day there will be several assassination attempts
which will result, in Baghdad alone, in the death of 236 people, though
that number will be minimized to a lower number by the USA and the new
Iraq government
[Saturday, November 18, 2006]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Charles Darwin, theory of evolution; Sfath told Meier that Darwin
falsified an ape skeleton in order to "prove" his theory, which theory
wasn't even original to Darwin as he had learned of a Tibetan Buddhist
legend of all humans descending from 8 different ape species; Darwin had
come into contact with Tibetan Buddhism during his studies in theology
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, of Tibet:
- he is no Buddhist, but a Lamaist who strives for national power
The Panchen Lama:
The national religion of Tibet has nothing to do with Buddhism, but is Lamaism
The teachings of the prophet Gautama Buddha were thoroughly falsified
The Tibetan Lamaists committed tremendous cruelties before the Chinese took over power, which fact is denied
Tibet's independence began around 1840 with the "Opium War":
which was around the time the West invaded China, and also the time that
world-wide spy networks were developed, having originally been
developed under Queen Elizabeth I of England in the 17th Century
There are few who know the real facts surrounding the Dalai Lama and
Lamaism, such as those journalists who in the year 2000 provoked the
Dalai Lama in the German media, presenting several points that were
vehemently denied by him (such as the Tibetan religious minorities are
suppressed; that Tibet's history are consciously falsified; that the
Lamaists suppress any political or religious opposition; that it
maintains misogynistic rituals; that friendly contacts have been and
continue to be maintained with former Nazis and neo-Nazis)
The CIA was chiefly responsible for the success of the Dalai Lama
escaping from Tibet into India where he was supported by the U.S. Secret
Service who tried to bring the guerilla army under the control of the
CIA and the Dalai Lama
[see related article:
The CIA was partly interested in working with the Dalai Lama due to
deposits of uranium, which the CIA did not want to fall into Russian
Helena Petrowna Blavatasky [Madame Blavatsky]:
she spread the nonsense about "the Ascended Tibetan
Masters", which affected the "New Age" movement (which arose in the
1960s in the California counter-culture); her nonsense teachings
influenced the National Socialist [Nazi] Rudolph Hess [Walter Richard
Rudolph Hess]:
and Rudolph Freiherr von Sebottendorf [Adam Alfred Rudolph Glauer]:
into founding the Thule Society (which had 1500 members connected with Bavarian society):
part of whose teachings affected the founding of the
United Nations in 1945; Hammer Alliance; "Munich Observer" newspaper
Global warming - by the year 2100 the seas will have risen 160
centimeters; the climate changes will affect plant and animal life, as
seen even now with migratory birds remaining in their winter grounds;
overpopulation is the contributing factor to this global warming and the
disastrous environmental & social results thereof; the responsible
persons in power are too stupid to recognize this fact and act
accordingly; Christoph Blocher, the Minister of Justice for Switzerland:
Contact person:
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Monday, January 15, 2007, 11:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpt in FIGU Society USA Newsletter #009 (April 2007)
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
With the year 2007, regarding the consequences of climactic change, it
is too late to stop the effects, and the time of extreme effects begins
causing more and greater loss of human life. Other problems arise as a
result of the lust for power of world leaders and their followers, as
well as from overpopulation. There will be an increase in epidemics.
Psychological suffering will also increase in the forms of general
indifference, brutalization of humans and animals, race hatred,
anti-semitism, dishonesty, religious cults, etc.
The Plejarens no longer look into the distant future of Earth, but only a
few weeks or months. The danger of World War III (WW3) breaking out in
2006 was removed with the Democrats victory in the USA.
International relief organizations - their approach to alleviating
suffering is based in false humanitarianism, causing suffering nations
to be dependent rather than work towards independence and
self-sustenance. Also the criminal & powerful world leaders are
responsible by pushing war, terrorism and selling weapons for financial
gain to third world countries. Suffering third world countries need not
only food assistance, but seeds, technical equipment and instruction,
how to develop clean drinking water, etc. with which to become
self-sustaining. Without this type of development assistance all other
aid is useless.
Microsoft Windows computer operating system is manipulated by US secret
service agencies (NSA [National Security Agency] & others) in order
to gain access to any computer and retrieve or alter data within.
Finally some of FIGU bulletins and special bulletins are being read by
people at the UN (United Nations) regarding warnings about climactic
destruction, global warming and its results.
H5N1-Virus (bird flu) - house cats are susceptible to the virus and can
transfer it to other animals where it can mutate into new forms which
can spread to humans; the virus is "very old" but was limited to a
certain type of migratory bird, but due to habitat destruction as a
result of overpopulation those migratory birds sought other food areas
and came in contact with other migratory birds that became infected
which then spread "years ago" to domestic poultry and other mammal; some
humans became contaminated from contact with domestic poultry
[Saturday, February 3, 2007]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
"Alien abductions" - orchestrated by a worldwide grouping of
governments, military, industrial trusts, secret services, paramilitary
and financial powers who are loosely connected for financial and
political power, which was designed in the 1920s, and to further a
campaign of disinformation regarding the question of extraterrestrial
life; this grouping is split up into smaller groupings with various
technical abilities such as electromagnetics of an electronics and
computer nature which can be used to brain-wash humans; there are also
anti-gravity technical applications; these groupings faked kidnappings
of humans by "extraterrestrials" and committed animal mutilations; 98%
of all fraudulent "UFO" photos, films & videos are produced in order
to instill fear & hatred into humans regarding extraterrestrials;
in particular motion picture and TV movies serve this purpose as well as
books which are written by "specialists"; fear, horror, frights, hate
& revenge sell well while truth appears too banal &
uninteresting; only the fantastic & unreal are found interesting
among Earth humans; these groups have been operating since the 1920s and
have highly developed electronic weapons systems, futuristic flight
discs, and use hypnotics and surgery to redesign Earth humans into
robots including those that are called "Little Grays"; a certain part of
the grouping is aligned with modern Christian sectarianism whose goal
is to accelerate circumstances on Earth to bring about the prophesied
Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ
[Saturday, February 10, 2007]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpt in FIGU Society USA Newsletter #009 (April 2007)
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Professor James Deardorff's request for photos & measurements
regarding the "Wedding Cake" ship; ship dimensions given; this ship was
found unsuitable for Earth atmosphere and was withdrawn from use shortly
after it was first used; the silver spheres on the ship are "vibration
Russian president Vladimir Putin's speech at the Munich Conference On
Security Policy [February 10, 2007] in which he points out the world
domination policies of the USA:
[Saturday, February 17, 2007]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Zechariah Sitchin:
David Icke:
Jan van Helsing [Jan Udo Holey]:
Andreas von Retyi:
- conspiracy books designed to reap profit; David Icke's book "The
Biggest Secret: the book that will change the world" wherein he alleges
connections regarding the governing of Earth; the reptoid [reptile]
race, the alleged Anunnaki; Icke alleges the reptoid race originate from
another dimension from where they are controlled; the readers of these
books are enticed by the lies, accepting illusions rather than the truth
which appears banal in comparison; the books by Icke, Sitchin, van
Helsing, and von Retyi belong in the category of nonsense, imbecility
and daydream-fabricated conspiracy theories; on the whole, statements of
all books of this kind may be judged as no bit of truth because
everything is only developed by deception, fraud, slandering, fantasy
& illusion, which applies also to the alleged reptile people; these
books are designed to bring fear into people which affects the sales of
these books, bringing in large profits; these reptilian people as they
are described in these books do not exist anywhere in the universe, not
on Earth and not in transformed humans
Micro-fibers - dangerous for humans health as they arrive into the
respiratory system via the lungs which can lead to asthma and lung
Atomizing Plants, household humidifiers - extremely injurious to health
[Friday, February 23, 2007]
Contact person: Enjana
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
European Union - becomes increasingly dictatorial, wants to raise taxes
in all its member states in order to gain more power, wants to create a
100,000-man army in order to lead its own military deployments, will be
concerned with climate change but will only create about 20% renewable
Climate change - measures enacted led to no success in changing or
improving the climate situation; climate change has progressed too far
that, on one hand, small measures will have no affect, and on the other
hand, such resolutions do not address the root problem which is
overpopulation; the natural population measure of Earth is 529 million
people; today there are 7.5 billion humans on Earth; this overpopulation
requires more food and energy to sustain the population which affects
the atmosphere, namely CO2 (carbon dioxide), which drives the atmosphere
into a greenhouse effect causing tremendous climactic changes which
lead to the heaviest storms, earthquakes & volcanic eruptions with
enormous destruction and taking of innumerable human lives; renewable
energies also lead to large quantities of CO2 (carbon dioxide)
production, a fact which is not recognized by the responsible ones in
charge; all the responsible persons in government and sciences are
ignorant or simply conceal the facts that their measures against climate
change are useless and in fact contribute to the growing CO2
production; overpopulation has opened Pandora's box
[Thursday, March 8, 2007]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion:
A slanderous book produced with the intent of stirring up
hatred against persons of the Jewish faith and the destruction of
Israel; the whole thing is absolute nonsense; it is the basis of modern
day anti-Semitism; there is no original document which this book is
based upon, rather it is complete fiction without any truth to it; the
text should be recognizable as dubious as it is poorly written,
repetitive and lacking logical structure
Jmmanuel, Romans, Pontius Pilatus, Jews, Pharisees - the Jews were not
responsible for the crucifixion of Jmmanuel, rather it was the Romans
"War On Terror" - used by the USA to settle in foreign nations in order to exploit them in any way possible
Israel, Palestine
[March 2007]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
[April 2007]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Friday, April 27, 2007]
Contact person:
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Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[May 2007]
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, May 30, 2007]
Contact person: Ptaah
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
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entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 2:43 p.m.]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Dyson Devine & Vivienne Legg's website - Ptaah
forcefully advises, after all of his clarifications, that the entire
gaiaguys website should be dissolved (taken down) as hurriedly as
[January 2008]
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Sunday, February 3, 2008]
Contact person: Ptaah
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Regarding Billy’s recently finished book Kelch der Wahrheit (Chalice of
Truth) - “It is actually the most important work as far as the entire
mission is concerned” (Ptaah) and the need to have it translated into
other languages as quickly as possible
Special thanks are given to the members of FIGU-Japan for their translation efforts
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[Thursday, April 24, 2008]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpts (authorized unofficial translation):
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
Olympics, torch relay, Tibet, “Free Tibet” movement, China, Dalai Lama
The Chalice Of Truth (new book written by Billy Meier)
Mao Zedong, China, Tibet
America, USA, George W. Bush, United Nations, The Hague
Israel, Palestine
Flying devices of 3 foreign extraterrestrial groups
Milky Way galaxy
Voyager space craft golden record:
Contact person:
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
[May 7, 2008]
Contact person: Ptaah
Excerpt (official translation):
NOTE: full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or
event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language
Contact Reports; the following topical listings do not represent the
entire contents of this Contact Report.
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