Felipe Martinez, 37 years old, an Argentinean shopkeeper, caused enormous laughter in the Argentinean national press when he announced that on several occasions between 1949 and 1951 and at least three occasions in 1965, it had seen UFOs and was in contact with their occupants.
One of his claims was that in April 1965, while hunting in Monte Grande, he saw at a distance of 300 meters a totally silent large egg-shaped UFO surrounded by a "fast rotating rim" hovering a few meters above the ground.
Martinez enthusiastically rushed to the saucer while shouting "Friend!" and was then paralyzed. A door opened on the saucer and a small man a bit taller than one meter came down a ladder. He carried a helmet and two cables connected the helmet to the saucer. He was dressed in a suit resembling a "diving suit." Martinez chattered with the small man who spoke Spanish with difficulty and told him his people were friendly and that they "came from close to the Moon." He called his saucer a "sil" and said that he would come back on May 3, 1965.
He also said that his people needed help from mankind, and Martinez answered that he could hardly help them but that he would announce the meeting at the Mitre radio station in Buenos Aires. The small man answered him "Yes, we know", gave him a moist handshake and promised to come back on May 3.
The third encounter with the same small man was announced for July 21, 1965 at 11:00 p.m. in Macias, close to Guardamonte in the Entre Rios Province. When Martinez explained to the small man that nobody wanted to believe his story of meetings with the "Martian", the small man answered that they would soon come all over the Earth and he made an appointment for December 3, 1965. The small man specified that to this time, they would abduct Martinez and his family and then set fire to the entire Earth to punish the disbelievers.
The announced alien invasion was a big hit in the Press. In a newspaper interview of October 8, 1965, Martinez gave some more details on the entities, specifying that he once went on board a saucer where four crew members were less than one meter tall whereas the fifth was a blonde man who measured almost 2 meters and had metal plates on the arms with many small lights which seemed to form part of an electronic communication system. On that occasion, the crew of the "sil" had him try a space suit, but it gave Martinez circulatory troubles and heart throbs and they had remove it off him.
Apparently, ufologists enjoyed to visit Felipe Martinez' shop so that they would hear more details on his adventures. In an article of October 12, 1965 in the newspaper Cronica of Buenos Aires, Italian ufologist Eugenio Almerio commented lengthily on the story and said:
"Here again, the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri wanted to establish contact with Earthmen. What Felipe Martinez tells is true. If we persist in our refusal to take into account the capital message of Alpha Centauri, we will be doomed. It is a message which relates to the destiny our very race. Let's be warned! Let's open our eyes and our ears! Let's forget our selfishness and cease being blind: the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri, in their great benevolence, agree to grant a respite to us. Let's not misuse their friendship and try to show that we are worthy of their attention, by reserving in the future a better reception to those they delegate to us on Earth... Felipe Martinez, and it is very regrettable, was not deeply aware that he was not an ordinary witness of an extraterrestrial appearance but a "contact" chosen by the supreme Lord of Alpha Centauri!"
Gordon Creighton indicates in the book published by Charles Bowen that Felipe Martinez, a 37 years old Argentinean shopkeeper, caused enormous laughter in the Argentinean national press when he announced that on several occasions between 1949 and 1951 and at least three occasions in 1965, it had seen UFOs and was in contact with their occupants.
One of his claims was that in April 1965 while driving out in Monte Grande he saw at a distance of 300 meters a totally silent large egg-shaped apparatus surrounded by a "fast rotating rim" hovering a few meters above the ground.
Martinez enthusiastically rushed to the saucer while shouting "Friend!" and had been suddenly been struck with paralysis. A door opened on the saucer and a small man a bit taller than one meter came down an approximately 30 centimeters broad ladder. He carried a helmet and two cables connected the helmet to the saucer. He was dressed in a suit resembling a "diving suit."
Martinez discussed with the small man who spoke slowly and with difficulty and told him his people were friendly and that they "came from close to the Moon." He called his saucer a "sil" and said that he would come back on May 3, 1965.
He also said that his people needed help from mankind, and Martinez answered that he could hardly help them but that he would announce the meeting at the Mitre radio station in Buenos Aires. The small man answered him "Yes, we know", gave him a moist handshake and promised to come back on May 3.
Martinez said that this announced encounter took place, but no detail on it seemed to have been published.
The third encounter with the same small man was announced for July 21, 1965 at 11:00 p.m. in Macias, close to Guardamonte in the Entre Rios Province. When Martinez explained to the small man that nobody wanted to believe his story of meetings with the "Martian", the small man answered that they would soon come all over the Earth and he made an appointment for December 3, 1965. The small man specified that to this time, they would abduct Martinez and his family and then set fire to the entire Earth to punish the disbelievers.
South America was then swept by a big wave of Press articles about this invasion of the Earth scheduled at December 3, 1965, and Creighton thinks that the story of Martinez was at the origin of all the fuss.
In an interview of October 8, 1965 with a newspaper of Buenos Aires, Martinez gave some more details on the entities, specifying that he once went on board a saucer where four crew members were less than one meter tall whereas the fifth was a blonde man who measured almost 2 meters and had metal plates on the arms with many small lights which seemed to form part of an electronic communication system. On that occasion, the crew of the "sil" had him try a space suit, but it gave Martinez circulatory troubles and heart throbs and they had remove it off him.
Creighton indicates that his sources are the Sydney Herald for August 2, 1965, Cronica Matutina of Buenos Aires for October 8, 1965, and Cronica of Buenos Aires for August 8, 1965.
In his listing of UFO landings, Jacques Vallée indicates that in April 1965 in Monte Grande, Argentina, Felipe Martinez, aged 37, reported that he was paralyzed during the landing of a silent, large, egg-shaped object, from which emerged a small man, about 1 meter tall, wearing a helmet linked to the object by three cables. The being spoke slowly and with difficulty in Spanish. Vallée indicates "Humanoids, 40" as source.
[Ref. hd1:] HENRI DURRANT:
Henri Durrant reports that in April 1965, in Monte Grande in Argentina, a humanoid a little more than one meter tall made himself understand with difficulty with F. Martinez, the word "sil" seemingly meaning his UFO.
The author indicates that Felipe Martinez, a 37 years old Argentinean tradesman, regularly announced since many years that he often meets space beings.
He said that whereas he was hunting near Monte Grande in April 1965, he saw at a distance of 300 meters a large apparatus which seemed completely silent, egg-shaped, and hovered at a few meters of the ground, surrounded by something like "a fast rotating ring."
Martinez said he enthusiastically rushed towards the craft while shouting: "Amigo!" but that he was suddenly struck of paralysis. A door then opened on the craft and a small man came down an approximately 30 centimeters ladder. The small man did not measure more than one meter, carried a helmet and two cables which connected the helmet to the saucer. The remainder of his clothing resembled a "diving suit."
Martinez had a long conversation with the extraterrestrial being, who declared to him that him and its people were friendly and that they "came from close to the Moon." His craft is called a "sil", and he said that he would return to see Martinez on May 3, 1965, and that they "needed our help."
Martinez told him he would report the encounter to the Mitre radio station in Buenos Aires, and the small man answered "Yes, we know", then gave his a handshake with a moist hand and promised to meet him again on May 3.
It was on July 21, 1965 at 11 p.m. in Macias, close to Guardamonte, in the Entre Rios province when Martinez saw him again. He informed the extraterrestrial being of his difficulties in finding somebody who believed in his history, and the extraterrestrial being told him that his people will soon show themselves on all the Earth, and that then they will remove Martinez and its family then set fire to the whole Earth.
In an interview of October 8, 1965 with a newspaper of Buenos Aires, Martinez gave some more details on the entities, specifying that he once went on board a saucer where four crew members were less than one meter tall whereas the fifth was a blonde man who measured almost 2 meters and had metal plates on the arms with many small lights which seemed to form part of an electronic communication system. On that occasion, the crew of the "sil" had him try a space suit, but it gave Martinez circulatory troubles and heart throbs and they had remove it off him.
Paul Rivoyre notes that in spite of the "highly incredible" nature of the story, many Argentinean and foreign ufologists came to visit Felipe Martinez' shop so that they would hear more details on his adventures.
In an article of October 12, 1965 in the newspaper Cronica of Buenos Aires, "the inescapable Italian ufologist Eugenio Almerio" commented lengthily on history, and Rivoyre quotes this comment:
"Here again, the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri wanted to establish contact with Earthmen. What Felipe Martinez tells is true. If we persist in our refusal to take into account the capital message of Alpha Centauri, we will be doomed. It is a message that relates to the destiny our very race. Let's be warned! Let's open our eyes and our ears! Let's forget our selfishness and cease being blind: the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri, in their great benevolence, agree to grant a respite to us. Let's not misuse their friendship and try to show that we are worthy of their attention, by reserving in the future a better reception to those they delegate to us on Earth... Felipe Martinez, and it is very regrettable, was not deeply aware that he was not an ordinary witness of an extraterrestrial appearance but a "contact" chosen by the supreme Lord of Alpha Centauri!"
[Ref. ia1:] IRA ADAMS:
From: iadams@SU1D.ess.harris.com (Ira Adams) ET'S FROM ??? According to the Argentine magazine Atlantida: "A shopkeeper Felipe Bettancourt said a 39-inch tall flying object pilot told him that his people would make 'full contact with mankind on December 3, 1965 - which was reported on August 8, 1965. [Unrelated information.] According to Atlantida, Senor Bettancourt said he has talked twice to the flying object man. He said that at their second meeting, arranged after the first, the space visitor told him - presumably in Spanish - that his people were friendly to earthbound mortals and would prove it when they landed on December 3." |
85. July 21, 1965. Felipe Martinez was told by a little Martian they would soon reveal themselves to people everywhere and they return for him and his family on December 3, 1965 before burning up our planet for not accepting their existence. The story purportedly started a large wave of reports that 'They' would invade Earth on that date. |
The source is indicated as "Bowen, Charles The Humanoids Henry Regnery, 1969 p. 112."
The ufologist indicates that in April 1965, in Argentina, in Monte Large, a humanoid of a little more than one meter made himself understood with difficulty by Felipe Martinez. The word "sil" seemed to indicate his UFO.
The source for this, is Henry Durrant in "Premières enquêtes sur les humanoïdes ET", Laffont, 1977, page 187.
In April 1965, whereas he was hunting, he saw at a distance of 300 meters a large apparatus in the shape of an egg hovering a few meters of the ground. The UFO was surrounded by something like a "ring which spinned fast" and seemed completely silent. He had rushed with enthusiasm shouting "Amigo!" and had been suddenly struck of paralysis. A door of the apparatus opened and a small man came down a scale approximately 30 cm of width. He measured approximately a meter, carried a helmet and two cables connected the helmet to the saucer. The remainder of his outfit resembled a diving suit. They conversed, the small entity speaking with slowness and difficulty, promising to come back on May 3.
The source for this is indicated as Charles Bowen dans "En quête des humanoïdes", J'ai Lu 1974, p. 135, 136.
On July 21, 1965 at 11 p.m. in Argentina, in Macias, Entre Rios, whereas nothing is known as of the encounter which would have taken place on May 3, Martinez met the same small man and explained the very great difficulty he had to find somebody who would believe his story. The small man retorted that they would soon show up on the entire Earth and added that Martinez was to accept a new appointment with them, exactly on December 3, 1965. When they would return they would remove Martinez and his family, then would set fire to the whole Earth in punishment of its refusal to admit their existence.
The source for this is indicated as Charles Bowen dans "En quête des Humanoïdes", J'ai Lu, 1974, pages 136, 137.
The author indicates that in the Martinez case, in Monte Grande, Argentina, in April 1965, the small being who came out of an egg-shaped craft talked the language of the witness, but slowly and with difficulties.
Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Monte Grande, Entre Rios, Argentina, on April 1965, in daytime, while hunting, Felipe Martinez saw a large egg shaped craft hovering a few yards above the ground, with a revolving ring around it. He ran toward it shouting "Amigos!" but was stopped short by paralysis. A door opened, and a little figure wearing a "diving suit" descended a ladder; two cables linked his helmet to the saucer. He was not much over 3 ft tall. He spoke to the witness in Spanish, speaking slowly and with difficulty, and said that his people were friendly and came from "near the moon." He called his machine a "sil," and said he would meet Martinez again.
Albert Rosales indicates as source FSR Vol. 13 #4.
Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Macias, Entre Rios, Argentina, on July 21, 1965, at 2300, Felipe Martinez for the 3rd time met the little humanoids contacted earlier, and was told that the space people would soon show themselves to people everywhere on earth. He was told also that on December 3 1965, they would return to take away Martinez and his family, and would then burn up the whole earth as punishment for disbelieving in their existence. Martinez also said that on some unspecified occasion he was received inside the UFO; four of the crew were little men last than 3 ft tall, and the fifth man was blond and 6 ft tall, who bore on his arms metallic plates with numerous small lights.
Albert Rosales indicates as source FSR Vol. 18 #4.
[Ref. ud1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that in April 1965 in daytime, in Monte Grande, Argentina, a silent, large, egg-shaped Saturn-shaped object, from which emerged a small 3-foot-tall man, was seen for over one minute by Felipe Martinez, 37, who reported that he was paralyzed during the landing. The occupant was wearing a a diver's suit and a helmet linked to the object by three cables and spoke slowly and with difficulty in, Spanish.
The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; FSR, FSR (formerly Flying Saucer Review), FSR, London, 1966; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Newspaper Clippings; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.
[Ref. ud2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that in May 1965 at 07:00, in Monte Grande, Argentina, there was a visitation by and communication with two small beings, the witness transformed intellectually, there was a psychic contact, two cases healing effects were reported. One object was observed by one male 37-year-old witness called F. Martinez. Two 3-foot-tall dwarves were seen.
The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; FSR, FSR (formerly Flying Saucer Review), FSR, London, 1966; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Banchs, Roberto Enrique, Las Evidencias del Fenomeno OVNI, Rodolfo Alonso, Buenos Aires, 1976; Bloecher, Ted R., Ted R Bloecher investigation files.
[Ref. ud3:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The web site indicates that on July 21, 1965, at 11:00 p.m., in Macias, Argentina, There was a close encounter with an unidentifiable object, a craft, and its occupants, at close range: Felipe Martinez met for the 3rd time the little humanoids contacted earlier, and was told that the space people would soon show themselves to people everywhere on earth. He was told also that on December 3, 1965, they would return to take away Martinez and his family, and would then burn up the whole earth as punishment for disbelieving in their existence. Martinez also said that on some unspecified occasion he was received inside the UFO; four of the crew were little men last than 3 feet tall, and the fifth man was blond and 6 feet tall, who bore on his arms metallic plates with numerous small lights.
The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database.
This typical contactee-saga speaks for itself.
Once again, cock-and-bull tales are summarized by Jacques Vallée in few lines, as if that could be factual and as if Jacques Vallée could have been unaware of the details given by Creighton, cited as source.
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Contactee tall tales.
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet.
Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | October 18, 2006 | Creation, [gc1], [jv1], [du1], [jr1]. |
0.2 | Patrick Gross | October 18, 2006 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | September 26, 2007 | Conversion from HTML4 to XHTML Strict. Addition, [ar1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | May 7, 2008 | Addition, [go1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | May 17, 2008 | Addition, [jr1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | May 19, 2008 | Additions, [ud1], [ud2], [ud3]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | June 6, 2008 | Addition, [ar2]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | June 29, 2008 | Addition, [mk1]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | June 29, 2008 | Addition, [ia1]. |