AUTHOR: Adler, Bill.
TITLE: Flying saucers have arrived! Edited by Jay
PUBLISHER New York, World Pub. Co. [1970]
AUTHOR: Andrews, George C.
TITLE: Extraterrestrials Among
PUBLISHER Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul Minnesota, 1992
338 p.,
TL789.A58, ISBN 0-987542-001-X
AUTHOR: Andrus, Jr. Walter H.
TITLE: MUFON Field Investigator's
PUBLISHER 4th edition, Seguin, TX: MUFON 1995
[In addition to
the MUFON Training Guide, a very good (if pricey) place for serious UFO
researchers to start learning what it takes. Ethics, what equipment you need,
report writing, commonly seen (but non-strange) flying objects, star charts,
evaluating eyewitness testimony, photographic analysis, dealing with the media,
crop circles, hypnotherapy, and more.]
AUTHOR: Barker, Bill
TITLE: Schwa
Press, 1991
[If reading up on UFOs gets you down, pick up this collection of
bizzaro, slightly disturbing cartoons loosely based around the abduction
phenomena. They're ok, but the accessories are a scream - the plastic-coated
"Instant Stick Figure", with handy neck-chain, and instructions for use: "1 .
Whisper instructions to stick figure; 2. Hold stick figure in water for 30
seconds (do not allow stick person to get wet), 3. Release all staples [there
are a couple of staples that appear to "hold the figure down" on the plastic],
4. Allow your stick person to help you.". The "Alien Invasion Survival Card" --
"In Case of Abduction: 1. Remain where you are, 2. Give or do whatever they ask.
3. Forget everything that happens." There's more, but I won't spoil it for you
-- just don't send me any of the postcards that come with it, ok? All right one
more: A bumper sticker (for your car), with a "grey alien" head, and the slogan
"EVERY PICTURE TELLS A LIE!" It's a little off balance, it's a lot of amusing,
and it's a stiff pricetag - who could ask for anything more?]
AUTHOR: Barry, James Dale
TITLE: Ball Lightning and Bead
PUBLISHER Plenum Press, 1980
AUTHOR: Barclay, David and Barclay, Therese Marie, eds.
Final Answer
PUBLISHER: London: Blandford Books, 1993, 192 pp,
ISBN: 0-7137-2362-9 (pbk)
AUTHOR: Beckley, Timothy Green.
TITLE: MJ-12 and the Riddle of Hangar
PUBLISHER New Brunswick, N.J. : Inner Light Publications,
['Inner Light' is an organization that advertises in the Weekly World
News, among other places. In addition to UFO's, they do "new age" stuff. Mr.
Beckley calls himself "Mr. UFO", btw. Inner Light is, however, one of the few
places you can find a number hard-to-find and some ultra-way-out UFO books.
Arcturus Books is another.]
AUTHOR: Berlitz, Charles and William L. Moore
TITLE: The Roswell
Incident. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1980.
168pp. ISBN
0-448-21199-8. [ Mr. Berlitz writes extensively on paranormal subjects,
including Bermuda Triangle, and others. However, it would appear that at least
some of this is right. ('UFO Crash at Roswell' and "The Truth. . ." are the
better books on this subject.) "Roswell Incident" has recently been reissued in
AUTHOR: Berger, Melvin.
TITLE: UFOs, ETS & visitors from space
New York : Putnam, c1988.
79 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Includes
Summary: Discusses the possibility of life on other planets, describes
some of the best known sightings of unidentified flying objects in recent times,
and speculates about possible visits to Earth made by extraterrestrials.
#: 001.9 B453uf
AUTHOR: Bevereau, Paul
TITLE: Earthlights
Turnstone Press, 1982
[The "Earthlight" theory, roughly, is that natural, but unrecognized processes
(for instance the releasing of plate-tectonic stress) from the earth are the
root cause of UFO sightings.]
AUTHOR: Blum, Howard, 1948-
TITLE: Out there : the government's secret
quest for extraterrestrials
PUBLISHER New York : Simon and Schuster,
[Very readable book. Takes a long side-trip into the SETI project
(though if you're interested in that, it's worth it.) Details Bill Moore's
shenanigans on behalf of AFOSI, and the story of how the MJ-12 documents came to
light . Proports to have discovered a high-level UFO study group currently
active inside the military. Released in paperback.]
AUTHOR: Bourret, J.-C.
TITLE: The Crack in the
Spearman, 1977
AUTHOR: Bova, Ben, and Preiss, Byron, ed.
TITLE: First Contact: The
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
NAL Books - Penguin Group, New
York, 1990
QB54 F48 1990
[A survey of how the 'mainstream' scientific and
political establishment view the possibility of ETI, (that is, it completely
ignores the UFO 'genre'; the most radical organization listed in its appendix is
the Planetary Society), with some speculative fiction and non-fiction thrown in
for good measure. A good book for a general introduction to current
intelligent-life-not-of-this-earth thought. Several articles on the SETI
AUTHOR: Bowen, Charles (ed.)
TITLE: The Humanoids
Henry Regnery, 1969 256pp LC 77-126142 [KR: Good summary of the evidence
compiled from material published in the British Flying Saucer Review magazine.]
AUTHOR: Brunstein, Karl A.
TITLE: Beyond the four dimensions :
reconciling physics, parapsychology, and UFOs
Walker, 1979.
AUTHOR: Byran, C.D.B
TITLE: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien
Abductions, UFO's, and the Conference at MIT
PUBLISHER New York, Albert
A. Knopf, 1995
[A journalist looks at reported abductions, using the June
1992 MIT conference as a starting point. Good survey, with good interviews of
AUTHOR: Bullard, Thomas Edward
TITLE: UFO Abductions: The Measure of a
Mystery. Vol. 1: Comparative Study of Abduction Reports.
IND): Fund for UFO Research, 1987. 402pp. [KR: This study by a PhD folklorist is
must reading for anyone wanting to understand the depth and breadth of the
abduction enigma. Bullard concludes UFO abduction stories are much too
internally consistent down to small details to be classed as traditional
folklore or typical dream material.]
AUTHOR: Burt, Eugene H., 1927-
TITLE: UFO's and diamagnetism;
correlations of UFO and scientific observations
New York, Exposition
Press [1970]
134 p. illus. 21 cm. An Exposition-university book
bibliographical references.
CALL #: TL789 .B9
AUTHOR: Butler, Brenda, Dot Street, and Jenny Randles.
Crash: A Cosmic Conspiracy.
Sudbury, Great Britain: Neville Spearman,
1984. 283pp. ISBN 85435-155-8. [KR: Review and analysis of the facts in the
British Bentwaters-Rendlesham RAFB case.]
AUTHOR: Campbell, Glenn
TITLE: "Area 51" Viewer's
PUBLISHER Rachel, NV: Glenn Campbell, 1994
[Although the 'best
seats in the house' for the base-that-isn't-there have been grabbed by the USAF
(didn't you know?), this is still the best guide I've seen to the wheres, the
whats, and maybe even the whys of the reputed "ufo technology testing center" at
Groom Lake, in Nevada. What to take (water, spare tires), what to look for (some
"ufos" are flights of "Janet" 737 aircraft,ferrying civilian employees from Las
Vegas), references, Bob Lazar, and more. Nice breezy style of writing.]
AUTHOR: Canadeo, Anne
TITLE: UFO's: The Fact or Fiction
PUBLISHER New York: Walker and Company, 1990.
AUTHOR: Catoe, Lynn E.
TITLE: UFOs and related subjects : an annotated
PUBLISHER Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1978.
AUTHOR: Cazeau, Charles J. and Stuart D. Scott, Jr.
TITLE: Exploring
the unknown : great mysteries reexamined
PUBLISHER New York : Plenum
Press, c1979.
AUTHOR: Clark, Jerome.
TITLE: The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 1: UFOs in
the 1980s
PUBLISHER Detroit, Mich.: Apogee Books, c1990.
[KR: This
encyclopedia is mostly the author's tour de force, but still delivers valuable
information not easily available elsewhere. Libraries should have this.]
AUTHOR: Clark, Jerome.
TITLE: The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 2: The
Emergence of a Phenomenon: UFOs from the Beginning through
PUBLISHER Detroit, Mi : Omnigraphics, 1992, 433pp. ISBN
[KR: The second volume of this fine work is must reading for
those desiring real understanding of UFOs.]
AUTHOR: Clark, Jerome and Coleman, Loren
Warner, 1975
AUTHOR: Cohen, Daniel.
TITLE: The ancient visitors
Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, c1976.
[Another refutation-of-von-Daniken
book, which also attempts to pour shame on most of the UFO 'believers' by
misrepresenting their views and then scorning them. 'Space-Gods Revealed' is
AUTHOR: Colombo, John Robert.
TITLE: UFOs Over Canada: Personal
Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters.
PUBLISHER: Willowdale,
Ontario, Canada: Hounslow Press, 1991
221pp. ISBN 0-88882-138-7
[KR: A
nice book by a famous Canadian compiler of Canadiana of short UFO accounts
mostly in the words of the witnesses themselves.]
AUTHOR: Condon, Edward U. and Daniel S. Gillmor (ed.).
TITLE: Final
Report of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects
by the University of Colorado Under Contract to the United States Air Force).
New York: Bantam
Books, 1968. 965pp.
[KR: After close, competent study of
over 100 UFO sighting reports, 30% couldn't be identified! Read Condon's
prejudiced introduction only after you have looked through the rest of the
study. The National Academy of Sciences rubber-stamped Condon's recommendations
that no public funds be devoted to the study of UFOs.]
[This is the infamous 'Condon Report' that allowed the USAF to close Project BlueBook. Condon's group split rather violently over the group leader's bias (especially when a U-Colorado memo written before the project was even begun came to light that can be read as more or less directing a 'no' verdict). For another view of the Condon group, see also 'UFOs? Yes!', by David Saunders, who was one of Condon's group -- before he resigned after the memo-fiasco.]
AUTHOR: Conroy, Ed
TITLE: Report on Communion: An Independent
Investigation of and Commentary on Whitley Strieber's
PUBLISHER: New York: Morrow, 1989. 427pp. ISBN 0-688-08864-3.
[KR: This journalist was a boyhood acquaintance of Strieber. When Strieber
published Communion, Conroy decided to see if his story would hold up under an
investigative journalist's scrutiny. Conroy says yes.]
AUTHOR: Corliss, William (ed.)
TITLE: Sourcebook Project
PO Box
Glen Arm, Maryland, 21057, USA
[Date unknown, but probably 1980's]
AUTHOR: Cooper, Milton William
TITLE: Behold A Pale
PUBLISHER Sedona, AZ, Mission Possible Commercial Printing,
["The Dark Side" of ufology. Mr. Cooper weaves the grandest of Grand
Conspiracies. They're all in it -- the Illuminatii, the Rockefellers, the CIA ,
monarchists, FEMA, DEA, WHO, The Club of Rome, MJ-12, Aliens, Freemasons,
Alternative-3, etc. etc. The UN is the one-world government; they intend to take
us over (didn't you know?) Cooper Reprints the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
verbatim, claiming it is a coded reference for how the (non-Zionist) grand
conspiracy intends to take us over. (OK, but why print it all -- verbatim?)
Pretty horrid stuff; but Mr. Cooper has a lot of company -- there are a lot of
people out there who really believe all this. Paranoia is a word easily tossed
around, but in this case, I fear it applies. According to Mr. Cooper, everybody
who says anything bad about Mr. Cooper or his ideas is an agent of the bad guys,
a moral degenerate, a criminal, or perhaps worst of all, one of the "sheep"
(that's you and me, see?), whom Mr. Cooper wishes to 'awaken'. With "***TOP
SECRET***" printed at the bottom of each and every page, it must be true, right?
If you want to see "the dark side" (not that I particularly recommend it to
anyone), this is it, all compacted into one tome. The UFO stuff is in the back.]
AUTHOR: Crain, T. Scott, Jr., and Grant Cameron
and the Government; A Report on an Investigation of UFO Crash
PUBLISHER (1990) MUFON. 218+ pages; index; many letters,
documents, etc.
[Unevenly written, and unevenly documented, but still
interersting reading. The authors collect a number of items of recent interest
in UFOlogy (MJ-12, 'The Jason Society', a reported UFO shoot-down in South
Africa, Area 51, Bob Lazar, etc.) into one book. If you want to catch up on the
buzz, this is a good place to start. I have some problems with their techniques
(one of their investigators lied about his identity and may have something of a
checkered past, for instance, but what the heck. . .) AUTHOR: Crystall, Ellen
TITLE: Silent Invasion: The Shocking Discoveries of a UFO
PUBLISHER New York: Paragon House, 1991. 190pp. ISBN
[KR: A UFO researcher uses her psychic abilities to locate
UFOs in the field. Interesting for showing how a scientifically naive person
still understands that scientific and scholarly proof is what is needed in the
end. Many hard to interpret photos accompany the text.]
AUTHOR: Curran, Douglas
TITLE: In Advance of the Landing: Folk Concepts
of Outer Space
PUBLISHER: New York: Abbeville Press, 1985. 132pp. ISBN
[KR: Valuable photographic presentation of UFO folklore.]
AUTHOR: Davidson, Leon, 1922-
TITLE: Flying saucers: an analysis of the
Air Force Project blue book special report no. 14, including the CIA and the
PUBLISHER [White Plains, NY]: Blue-Book Publishers, 1976.
AUTHOR: Dean, John W.
TITLE: Flying Saucers Close Up
Clarksburg, W. Va: Gray Barker, 1969
[A contactee book in the classic vein;
very human aliens are here to save us from ourselves. They're from pretty much
every planet in our solar system and more besides; they're fighting other aliens
-- it's a pretty lively universe, all right! Includes details of the spacemen's
language and writing. "Spacemen urged the author to compile this book, supplied
much of the information and approved the work." (From the cover.) So it must be
true, right?]
AUTHOR: Deardorff, James W.
TITLE: Celestial Teachings: The Emergence
of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus).
PUBLISHER: Tigard, OR: Wild
Flower Press, 1990. 323pp. ISBN 0-926524-11-9.
[KR: An analysis of some of
the collateral material from the extensive Billy Meier contact case.]
AUTHOR: Delgado, Pat.
TITLE: Circular evidence : a detailed
investigation of the flattened swirled crops phenomenon
: Bloomsbury, 1989.
[KR: The first of the picture books about crop 'circles'.
It's a very good presentation of the facts and their investigative methods. Some
investigators believe UFOs may produce the 'circles'.]
AUTHOR: Downing, Barry H., 1938-
TITLE: The Bible and flying saucers
PUBLISHER Philadelphia, Lippincott [1968]
AUTHOR: Druffel, Ann and D. Scott Rogo
TITLE: The Tujunga Canyon
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1980. 264pp.
0-13-932541-7 [KR: Good book about abduction/contact experiences.]
AUTHOR: Edwards, Frank
TITLE: Stranger than Science
New York: Carol Paperback Books, 1959, 1987, 303pp.
[The famous collector of 'strange-but-true' stories has had a
book reprinted (written originally before his famous 'Flying Saucers - Serious
Business') in paperback. Most of this is not ufo-related, but there are some
things that impinge on it.]
AUTHOR: Edwards, Frank, 1908-1967.
TITLE: Flying saucers, serious
PUBLISHER New York, L. Stuart [1966]
AUTHOR: Eberhart, George M.
TITLE: UFOs and the extraterrestrial
contact movement : a bibliography
PUBLISHER Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow
Press, 1986.
[KR: An outstanding listing of books, articles, movies, TV
appearances, dissertations, conferences, etc., about UFOs and related phenomena.
No library in America should be without it. Ask your public library to get a
copy today!!]
AUTHOR: Eberhart, George M., ed.
TITLE: Roswell Report, The: A
Historical Perspective
PUBLISHER 1991 - Available from CUFOS
collection of articles from the International UFO Reporter (CUFOS's magazine)
concerning Roswell, MJ-12, etc. Many articles written by Randle and Schmitt,
authors of 'UFO Crash at Roswell'. Well written. Includes expanded timeline of
Roswell events though not as complete as described in Randle and Schmitt's "The
AUTHOR: Emenegger, Robert
TITLE: UFO's: Past, Present and Future.
PUBLISHER New York: Ballantine Books, 1974. 180pp. ISBN
[KR: Good general book. Emenegger produced a film documentary
of the same name. The US government hinted that it would give him some 'real'
flying saucer footage for inclusion in his film. This didn't happen.]
AUTHOR: Evans, Hilary and John Spencer (eds.) [Recommended]
UFOs: 1947-1987 - The 40-Year Search for an Explanation
Fortean Tomes, 1987. 384pp. ISBN 1-870021-02-9
[KR: Similar to the other book
by Spencer and Evans, but more extensive. A must read for dedicated ufologists.]
AUTHOR: Evans, Hilary, 1929-
TITLE: The evidence for UFOs
PUBLISHER Wellingborough, Northamptonshire : Aquarian Press, 1983.
AUTHOR: Fawcett, Lawrence, and Barry J. Greenwood. [Highly
TITLE: Clear intent : the government coverup of the UFO
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall,
REPRINTED-AS: The UFO Cover-Up -- What the Government Won't Say [KR:
Very important book summarizing what ufologists know from studying the thousands
of FOIA-released government UFO documents. Everything but proof of crashed
flying saucers is here, and it's all from FOIA-released documents!]
[Makes for very informative reading. Fills in a lot of gaps in what the government has been doing over the UFO question (as it turns out, a lot). Good narration, good bibliography. This is from CAUS, (whom Phil Klass has dumped on a lot -- apparently in hopes you won't bother to actually read what CAUS puts out), and is a fine bit of investigation.]
AUTHOR: Fitzgerald, Randall.
TITLE: The complete book of
extraterrestrial encounters: the ideas of Carl Jung, John C. Lilly, John C.
Fuller and many others
PUBLISHER New York : Collier Books, c1979.
AUTHOR: Flammonde, Paris.
TITLE: The age of flying saucers; notes on a
projected history of unidentified flying objects
Hawthorn Books [1971]
AUTHOR: Flammonde, Paris.
New York: Putnam, 1976. 406pp. ISBN 399-11538-2.
[KR: Fine history of the
subject from a radio producer/journalist. The book details the US government's
AUTHOR: Foggarty, Quentin
TITLE: Let's Hope They're
Angus and Robertson, 1983
AUTHOR: Fort, Charles,
TITLE: The complete books of Charles Fort / with a new introd.
by Damon Knight.
PUBLISHER New York : Dover Publications,
[Charles Fort was a collector of weird and unusual information, much
gleaned from newspaper stories. He published several books, which are collected
here. A little hard to read, but interesting nevertheless. The term 'fortean' to
refer to investigators-of-the-weird was coined in reference to him. Fort had
some interesting ideas that translate well into some current ufo-isms; that the
earth is actually 'owned' by non-terrestrial entities, for instance.]
AUTHOR: Fowler, Raymond E., 1933-
TITLE: The Andreasson
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1979.
First book about a now famous abductee, Betty Andreasson Luca.]
AUTHOR: Fowler, Raymond
TITLE: Casebook of a UFO
Prentice-Hall, 1982
AUTHOR: Frazier, Kendrick.
TITLE: Paranormal borderlands of science
PUBLISHER Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1981.
[This is a book
from CSICOP (the 'skeptics' version of MUFON or CUFOS) on various 'paranormal'
phenomena. It's a collection of articles from all the big wheels in CSICOP --
Randi, Klass, Oberg, plus lesser lights. From a UFO standpoint, pickings are
pretty lean - they spend more pages on Uri Geller than they do on UFO's.
(O'course, Uri Geller is something of an anti-christ to CSICOP :-) Still in all,
worth a read. (From my own point of view, I am wary of any book on the
paranormal, of any flavor, that self-consciously announces itself as
'clear-headed,' as this one does in its introduction.)]
AUTHOR: Fuller, John Grant, 1913-
TITLE: The interrupted journey: two
lost hours 'aboard a flying saucer,'
PUBLISHER New York, Dial Press,
[The Betty and Barney Hill story; the first case well-known case of
abduction and missing time.]
AUTHOR: Fuller, John Grant, 1913-
TITLE: Incident at Exeter; the story
of unidentified flying objects over America today
Putnam [1966]
AUTHOR: Good, Timothy. [Recommended]
TITLE: Above top
secret : the worldwide UFO cover-up
with a foreword by admiral of the
Fleet, the Lord Hill-Norton GCB, Chief of Defence Staff 1971-73.
London :
Sidgwick & Jackson, c1987.
590 p., [16] leaves of plates : ill., ports. ;
25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
CALL #: TL789
[KR: The most important book about the on-going government cover-up.]
[ Lots of very good information. A very good place to start reading on the phenomenon. Certainly a 'must-read'.]
AUTHOR: Good, Timothy. [Recommended]
TITLE: Alien Liaison: The Ultimate
London : Century, 1991.
242 p., ISBN 0-7126-2194-6
[KR: A
reliable introduction to the wilder tales circulating in the UFO subculture in
the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The bizarre nature of what is known makes a prudent
investigator reluctant to throw out any information. Some of this will turn out
to be true after it is put through the academic mill in the 1990s and beyond.
Not for the timid or intellectually rigid.]
AUTHOR: Goran, Morris Herbert, 1916-
TITLE: The modern myth, ancient
astronauts and UFOs
PUBLISHER Cranbury, N.J. : A. S. Barnes, c1978.
AUTHOR: Gorliss, William (ed.)
TITLE: Sourcebook Project
PO Box
Glen Arm, Maryland, 21057, USA
AUTHOR: Haines, Richard (ed.)
TITLE: UFO Phenomena and the Behavioural
Scarecrow Press, 1979
[KR:Scholarly book of papers on how
eye witnesses report UFOs and what cultural factors influence UFO reports.]
AUTHOR: Haines, Richard
TITLE: Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During
the Korean War.
PUBLISHER: Los Altos, CA: LDA Press, 1990. 75pp. ISBN
[KR: An important study of early military UFO sightings.]
AUTHOR: Haines, Richard
TITLE: Melbourne Episode: Case Study of a
Missing Pilot
PUBLISHER: Los Altos, CA: L. D. A. Press, 1987. 275pp. ISBN
[KR: Detailed review and analysis of the Australian Valentich
airplane abduction case.]
[An episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" addressed this case, in which an Australian pilot and his plane disappeared after he radioed that he was being followed by an airborne object that was not an aircraft.]
AUTHOR: Haines, Richard
TITLE: Observing UFOs: An Investigative
PUBLISHER: Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1980 300pp, ISBN
[KR: Exceedingly cautious scientific study of mostly night
lights and daylight discs categories of UFOs.]
AUTHOR: Hall, Richard
TITLE: Uninvited Guests: A Documented History of
UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters & Coverups
Aurora Press, 1988. 381pp. ISBN 0-943358-32-9
[KR: A very good summary of the
whole field of ufology. Highly recommended as a place to start.]
AUTHOR: Hendry, Allan.
TITLE: The UFO handbook : a guide to
investigating, evaluating, and reporting
EDITION 1st ed.
Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1979.
[KR: The best study of the subject.
About 1300 UFO reports, all happening within the year of the study's duration,
are dissected. 8.6% fall into the genuine UFOs category, that is, flying
saucers, whatever they are!]
AUTHOR: Hervey, Michael.
TITLE: UFOs : the American scene
PUBLISHER New York : St. Martin's Press, 1976.
AUTHOR: Hoagland,
Richard C.
TITLE: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of
PUBLISHER: Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1987, 1992
420pp. index, bibliography. 22p of plates
ISBN: 1-55643-118-X
[Here it
is, Hoagland's opus on the "face on Mars", the purported pyramid complex, and
all that. Big book, big price!]
AUTHOR: Holiday, Frederick William.
TITLE: The dragon and the disc; an
investigation into the totally fantastic
PUBLISHER New York, Norton
AUTHOR: Hopkins, Budd, 1931-
TITLE: Intruders : the incredible
visitations at Copley Woods
PUBLISHER New York : Random House,
[KR: Hopkins' second book. He says it is likely that aliens are mixing
our genes with theirs, and this is a major purpose of the abductions.]
AUTHOR: Hopkins, Budd
TITLE: Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO
Marek, 1981 258pp ISBN 0-399-90102-7
[KR: Hopkins' first
book about abductions.]
AUTHOR: Howe, Linda Moulton
TITLE: An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence
Linking Animal
Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life
PUBLISHER Littleton, CO: Linda Moulton Howe Productions, 1989. 455pp.
ISBN 0-9620570-1-0
[KR: Best book of surprisingly few considering the 25
year history of animal mutilations.]
[Followup to Ms. Howe's "A strange harvest."]
AUTHOR: Holroyd, Stuart
TITLE: Alien Intelligence
York: Everest House, 1979. 231pp. ISBN 0-89696-040-4
[KR: An excellent book
by a student of the paranormal that compares the different kinds of
intelligence, including ET intelligence and 'disembodied' intelligence.]
AUTHOR: Hynek, Joseph Allen, 1910-
TITLE: The Edge of reality : a
progress report on Unidentified Flying Objects
Regnery, c1975.
AUTHOR: Hynek, Joseph Allen, 1910- [Recommended]
The UFO experience; a scientific inquiry
New York, Ballantine Books,
[c1972]; also Chicago, H. Regnery Co.
309 p. illus. 18 cm. Includes
bibliographical references.
CALL #: TL789 .H9x 1972
[KR: The father of
modern ufology writes a solid book about the subject.]
AUTHOR: Hynek, Joseph Allen; Imbrogno, Phillip J.; with Bob
TITLE: Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings
New York, Ballentine Books, 1987
ISBN: 0-345-3708604
[KR: About the early
1980s boomerang UFO flap involving thousands of sightings.]
[This is Dr. Hynek's last book. Unfortunately, he died while it was being prepared. A great loss to the public UFO investigation movement.]
AUTHOR: Jacobs, David Michael, 1942-
TITLE: The UFO controversy in
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1975]
362 p., [3]
leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index. Bibliography: p.
CALL #: TL789 .J26 1975
[KR: A historian's review of ufology up
to the date of publication.]
AUTHOR: Jacobs, David Michael, 1942-
TITLE: Secret Life: Firsthand
Accounts of UFO Abductions
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992
ISBN 0-671-74857-2
[KR: The most important book on UFO abductions so far.
Start here because the presentation is a just the facts, ma'am, blow by blow
account of what Jacobs believes is happening. He says essential aspects of all
abductions are absolutely real in ordinary perceptual and space-time reality.
However, there are definite perceptual and space-time anomalies too. When people
report that they had a missing time experience of two hours, Jacobs says they
are actually bodily missing from planet Earth, or at least human beings cannot
find them on Earth! A warning to extreme skeptics and debunkers: this book may
be hazardous to your mental health!]
AUTHOR: Jessup, Michael H.
TITLE: The case for the UFO, unidentified
flying objects.
PUBLISHER Clarksburg, W. Va. : Saucerian Press, 1973.
AUTHOR: Jung, Carl Gustav, 1875-
TITLE: Flying saucers; a modern myth
of things seen in the skies.
PUBLISHER London, Routledge & Paul
AUTHOR: Keel, John A., 1930-
TITLE: UFO's: Operation Trojan
New York, Putnam [1970]
320 p. 22 cm. Bibliography:
CALL #: TL789 .K36 1970
AUTHOR: Keyhoe, Donald Edward, 1897-
TITLE: Aliens from space; the real
story of unidentified flying objects
PUB. DATA Ñ Garden City, N.Y.,
Doubleday, 1973.
[KR: Keyhoe says the US government has crashed saucers and
alien bodies. He's probably right. The last of Keyhoe's five books about UFOs.]
AUTHOR: Keyhoe, Donald Edward, 1897-
TITLE: Flying saucers from outer
PUBLISHER New York, Holt [1953]
AUTHOR: Kinder, Gary
TITLE: Light Years: An investigation into the
extraterrestrial experiences of Eduard Meier.
Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987
265 pages, 8 pages of plate, no index.
Easy introduction to the complex Billy Meier case. The case is noted for
outstanding photos and film of UFOs and extensive contact notes.]
AUTHOR: Klass, Philip J.
TITLE: UFOs explained
York, Random House [1975, c1974]
[Phil Klass is the ultimate UFO skeptic; the
current gadfly of UFOlogy. He is an intelligent, if somewhat arrogant fellow,
and even the hardest-core 'believer' should be aware of him and his thesis
(which is that all UFO's have 'prosaic' (i.e. mainstream-science-founded)
explanations.) In the past, Mr. Klass would generally toss off a
counter-explanation or two for ufo-related events (of varying match-the-facts
value); of late, he has become a bit more eccentric, relying on character
assassination and pronouncements of bovine scatology to see him through (in my
opinion he tries more to convince the reader rather than find the truth),
nevertheless he is an important writer in the UFO field, and should not be
ignored, even if you don't like what he's saying. As a matter of fact, that's
exactly why you should listen to what he says. Recently tossed out (no doubt
gleefully) of a UFO conference for trying to record - against conference rules -
proceedings on his own recorder.]
AUTHOR: Klass, Philip J.
TITLE: UFO-abductions : a dangerous
Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, c1988.
200 p., [8] p. of plates
: ill. ; 24 cm. includes index.
CALL #: TL 789.3 .K57x 1988
AUTHOR: Klass,
Philip J.
TITLE: UFOs -- identified
PUBLISHER New York, Random
House [1968]
[As you can see, Mr. Klass has been at this for many years. He
can be found in various "media outlets" on ufology. His arguments don't change
much, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware of his point of view.]
AUTHOR: Klass, Philip J.
TITLE: UFOs : the public
PUBLISHER Buffalo, NY : Prometheus Books, c1983.
AUTHOR: Knight, David C.
TITLE: Those mysterious UFOs : the story of
unidentified flying objects
PUBLISHER New York : Parents' Magazine Press,
AUTHOR: Knight, David C.
TITLE: UFOs, a pictorial history from
antiquity to the present
PUBLISHER New York : McGraw-Hill, c1979. ISBN
[KR: UFO photos galore.]
AUTHOR: Landsburg, Alan and Landsburg, Sally
TITLE: The Outer Space
PUBLISHER New York: Bantam Books, 1975
[Book companion to
the Landsburgs' produced movie of the same name (available on video.)
Reminiscent of "Chariots of the Gods"; a lot of seemingly-unconnected ideas
woven together to come up with the idea that outer space aliens, Egyptian
mummies cloning, and the possiblity of immortality are all of a root cause.]
AUTHOR: Langford, David
TITLE: An account of a Meeting with Denizens of
Another World, 1871
PUBLISHER: New York, St. Martin's Press, 1979, 96pp,
Includes bibliographic references.
ISBN: 0-312-002335
[Yes, 1871!]
AUTHOR: Larsen, Sherman J.
TITLE: Close encounters : a factual report
on UFOs foreword by J. Allen Hynek.
PUBLISHER Milwaukee : Raintree
Publishers, c1978.
AUTHOR: Leslie, Desmond, 1921- and George Adamsk
TITLE: Flying saucers
have landed
PUBLISHER New York : British Book Centre 1953.
writes of his meeting with aliens and what they say about humans, the earth, and
the universe.]
AUTHOR: Lindemann, Michael
TITLE: UFOs and Alien Presence: Six
PUBLISHER Santa Barbera, Ca., The 2020 Group, 1991
ISBN 0-9630104-0-9
[KR: Oh, what to do with all the disparate UFO evidence!
Learn here how UFO luminaries Stanton Friedman, Budd Hopkins, Linda Howe, Don
Ware, Bob Lazar, and an anonymous probable abductee make sense of it all, well,
some small portion, anyway.]
AUTHOR: Liss, Howard.
TITLE: UFO's: unidentified flying
CALL #: 001.9 L69luf
AUTHOR: Loftin, Robert.
TITLE: Identified flying
PUBLISHER New York, D. McKay Co. [1968]
AUTHOR: Lore, Gordon I. R.
TITLE: Mysteries of the skies; UFOs in
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1968]
AUTHOR: Lorenzen, Coral E.
TITLE: Flying Saucers: The Startling
Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space
PUBLISHER: New York: Signet
Books, 1966. Original TItle: The Great Flying Saucer Hoax (1962)
AUTHOR: Lorenzen, Coral and Jim Lorenzen
TITLE: Flying Saucer
PUBLISHER New York: New American Library (Signet), 1967.
[KR: One of many important books by longtime UFO researchers and
directors of the UFO investigative organization, APRO. Both deceased today, but
not forgotten for their lasting contribution to ufology.]
AUTHOR: Mack, Dr. John
TITLE: Abduction
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994. 432pp
[What the abduction phenomenon has
needed all along. Serious research by serious (and qualified) people. Dr. Mack
is professor of psychiatry at The Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School for
20 years.]
AUTHOR: McCampbell, James M.
TITLE: UFOlogy: A Major Breakthrough in
the Scientific Understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects
Millbrae, Calif. : Celestial Arts, 1976.
184pp. ISBN 0-89087-144-2
Straightforward analysis of probable physics of UFO phenomena.]
[Mr. McCambell's analysis also appeared (in shorter form) in the 1975 MUFON Symposium Proceedings.]
AUTHOR: Menzel, Donald Howard, 1901-
TITLE: Flying saucers.
PUBLISHER Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1953.
[Menzel was the
original great gadfly of Ufology. His books make interesting reading.]
AUTHOR: Menzel, Donald Howard, 1901-
TITLE: The UFO enigma : the
definitive explanation of the UFO phenomenon
Donald H. Menzel &
Ernest H. Taves ; introd. by Fred L. Whipple.
Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday,
297 p., [16] pages of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Includes
references and index.
CALL #: TL789 .M458
AUTHOR: Menzel, Donald Howard, 1901-
TITLE: The world of flying
saucers; a scientific examination of a major myth
PUBLISHER Garden City,
N.Y., Doubleday, 1963.
AUTHOR: Michel, Aime et. al, Charles Bowen, editor.
PUBLISHER Chicago, H. Regnery Co. [1969]
AUTHOR: Michel, Aime
TITLE: The Truth about Flying
PUBLISHER Spearman, 1958
AUTHOR: Michel, John
TITLE: The House of Lords UFO
PUBLISHER Pentacle, 1979
AUTHOR: Moyer, Ernest P.
TITLE: The day of celestial visitation
PUBLISHER Hicksville, N.Y. : Exposition Press, [1975]
AUTHOR: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
TITLE: The UFO evidence; Richard H. Hall, editor.
Washington, 1964.
l84 p. illus. 28 cm. Includes bibliographical
CALL #: TL789 .N3
AUTHOR: Noyes, Ralph, ed
TITLE: The Crop Circle Enigma: Grounding the
Phenomenon in Science, Culture and Metaphysics
Gateway Books, 1990. 192pp. ISBN 0-946551-66-9
[KR: More facts and
speculation about the 'agriglyphs'.]
AUTHOR: Oberg, James E., 1944-
TITLE: UFOs & outer space mysteries
: a sympathetic skeptic's report
PUBLISHER Norfolk, Va. : Donning,
AUTHOR: Peebles, Curtis
TITLE: Watch the skies! A Chronicle of the
flying saucer myth
PUBLISHER Smithsonian Institution, 1994
[This is
definitely an 'anti' book. An interesting look at the phenomenon as a whole (the
book covers the whole phenomenon from 1947 on). On Roswell, (I always look to
see what a ufo survey book says about Roswell :-) Peebles attacks
Moore&Berlitz's book, and takes a passing swipe at Randle&Schmitt's
(implying that they thought the whole thing up via the MJ-12 documents Ñ an
amusing, if pretty indefensible attitude.) An antagonist's view of UFO history.]
AUTHOR: Patrick Grim, ed.
TITLE: Philosophy of science and the
PUBLISHER Albany : State University of New York Press, c1982.
AUTHOR: Pugh, Randall and Holliday, F.W
TITLE: The Dyfed
Faber and Faber, 1979
AUTHOR: Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt
TITLE: UFO Crash at
PUBLISHER New York: Avon, 1991. 327pp. ISBN 0-380-76196-3
The authors don't back down. They say they have proved beyond a reasonable doubt
that a flying saucer -- not a UFO -- crashed in NM in the summer of 1947. Get
off your duff. Prove them wrong!]
[Not suberbly written, but nevertheless compelling. Very thorough research.]
AUTHOR: Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt [Recommended]
Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell
PUBLISHER M. Evans and Company, Inc.
New York, 1994
[Excellent followup to 'UFO Crash at Roswell'. Collecting yet
more testimony, the authors resolve the apparent discrepancies among the various
near-Roswell stories; for instance binding the 'Archeologist' stories into the
Mac Brazel story. The story that won't go away gets more and more detailed.]
AUTHOR: Randle, Kevin D.
TITLE: The UFO Casebook
York: Warner Books, 1989. 256pp. ISBN 0-446-35715-4
[Chock-full of
information about famous UFO cases from 1947 to 1989. Some cases are shown to be
non-real, some to be perhaps-real, and some that may need re-examination. Mr.
Randle has done an excellent job of research, looking into BlueBook files,
newpaper records, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing cases. If you're just
starting out in UFOlogy, this is an excellent book to 'jumpstart' you.]
AUTHOR: Randle, Kevin
TITLE: A History of UFO Crashes
Avon Books, New York, 1995. ISBN: 0-380-77666-9
[The author looks at six
reported crashes and retrievals of UFOs, plus MJ-12, and more. Good appendix
with a compendium of all reported crashes, with a brief synopsis and
AUTHOR: Randles, Jenny. and Peter Warrington.
TITLE: Science and the
Oxford, UK ; New York, NY, USA : B. Blackwell, 1985.
215 p., [8]
p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes index.
Bibliography: p.
CALL #: TL789 .R325 1985
[KR: Very good presentation of the
range of evidence for genuine UFO reality.]
[ An excellent review of UFOlogy, with a discussion of the problems inherent in the field (including specific comments about the flaws in some UFOlogist's techniques and practices.)]
AUTHOR: Randles, J.
Robert Hale, 1981
AUTHOR: Randles, J.
TITLE: UFO Reality
Robert Hale, 1983 248pp.
ISBN 0-7090-1080-X. [KR: Very good presentation of the range of evidence for
genuine UFO reality.]
AUTHOR: Randles, J.
TITLE: The Pennine UFO Mystery
Granada, 1983
AUTHOR: Randles, Jenny
TITLE: Abduction: Over 200 Documented UFO
Kidnappings Investigated
PUBLISHER London: Robert Hale, 1988. 240pp. ISBN
[KR: A British UFO researcher does a book about abductions. It
is important for showing that abductions are not just a North (or South)
American phenomenon.]
AUTHOR: Randles, Jenny
TITLE: The UFO Conspiracy: The First Forty
PUBLISHER New York: Blanford Press, 1987. 224pp. ISBN
[KR: Excellent summary of the worldwide coverup of UFO
AUTHOR: Randles, J. and Warrington, Peter
TITLE: UFOs: A British
AUTHOR: Randles, J. and Whetnall, Paul
TITLE: Alien
PUBLISHER Spearman, 1982
AUTHOR: Randles, Jenny
TITLE: From Out of the Blue: The Incredible UFO
Cover-up at Bentwaters NATO Air base
PUBLISHER New Brunswick, NJ: Global
Communication, 1991
192pp ISBN 0-938294-08-3
[KR: Randles treats us to the
latest, updated information on the Bentwaters RAFB, Great Britain, landing of
December 1980.]
AUTHOR: Randles, Jenny
TITLE: UFOs & How to See
PUBLISHER Sterling Publishing, New York, 1992
144pp ISBN
[Good survey of UFO history; lots of photos, shows how to spot
hoaxes, crop circles, ufo "hot spots" around the globe. Good book for those just
starting out, who don't want to get too bogged down in dreary detail.]
AUTHOR: Rasmussen, Richard Michael.
TITLE: The UFO literature : a
comprehensive annotated bibliography of works in English
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c1985.
263 p. ; 23 cm. Includes index.
#: TL789 .R37x 1985
AUTHOR: Rehn, K. Gosta, 1891-
TITLE: UFOs here and now ; translated
from the Swedish by Patricia Crampton.
PUBLISHER London : Abelard,
AUTHOR: Rimmer, John
TITLE: The Evidence of Alien
PUBLISHER Aquarian Press, 1984
AUTHOR: Rodgers, Kay.
TITLE: Unidentified flying objects : a selected
compiled by Kay Rodgers, Reference Section, Science and
PUBLISHER Washington : Library of Congress, 1976.
AUTHOR: Rothman, Milton A.
TITLE: A physicist's guide to skepticism :
applying laws of physics to faster-than-light travel, psychic phenomena,
telepathy, time travel, UFO's, and other pseudoscientific
PUBLISHER Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, c1988.
247 p. :
ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographies and index.
CALL #: Q175 .R5648
AUTHOR: Ruppelt, Edward
TITLE: The Report on Unidentified
Flying Objects
Ace Books, 1956
[KR: Written by a former head of the
AF's Project Blue Book public relations UFO effort. 'Brand New Enlarged Edition
Latest, Up-to-the-minute Facts on UFO!' on dust jacket. No indication whatsoever
inside the new edition that it differs from the earlier edition by the addition
of three extra (debunking) chapters. Without the dust jacket you would never
know there are two distinct editions of this classic UFO book. Some UFO
researchers speculate that the Air Force/CIA was displeased enough with
Ruppelt's pro-UFO first edition that they made him include the last three
chapters in the 'new edition'!]
AUTHOR: Rutledge, Harley D.
TITLE: Project Identification : the first
scientific field study of UFO phenomena
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
: Prentice-Hall, c1981.
265 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.
bibliographical references and index.
CALL #: TL789 .R83
AUTHOR: Sable, Martin Howard.
TITLE: Exobiology : a research guide
PUBLISHER Brighton, Mich. : Green Oak Press, 1978.
AUTHOR: Sable, Martin Howard.
TITLE: UFO guide:
PUBLISHER Beverly Hills, Calif., Rainbow Press Co., 1967.
AUTHOR: Sagan, Carl, 1934- and Thornton Page. ed.
TITLE: UFO's -- a
scientific debate.
PUBLISHER Ithaca [N.Y.] Cornell University Press
[1972] 310pp. ISBN 0-393-00739-1
[KR: Appeared shortly after the Condon
Committee Report said once again that saucers don't exist so they won't be
studied by science. UFO proponents, debunkers, and honest skeptics have their
say here.]
AUTHOR: Sagan, Carl
TITLE: Other Worlds
Bantam Books 1975
[A lightweight but fun little book that surveys the solar
system and the possibllty of life there and elsewhere. Maintains both the
possibility that extraterrestrials are out there (maybe even nearby), and that
people who think that extraterrestrials are visiting us are "softheaded". Throw
in some pious whining about how paranormalism is so much more popular than hard
science (maybe because paranormalists are more fun at parties?) It's a better
book than I let on -- it's just more fun, in this context, to attack it. (Sagan
is also the fellow who maintains that manned space flight is a waste of time
("The Space Shuttle", Discovery Channel, 1994), that belief in any supreme being
is an excercise in egocentrism (Dennis Prager Show Interview, 1994), and who
held (and may still hold - I've not heard of him debunking himself) the nuclear
winter theory -- remember when he went on TV during the Gulf War claiming that
all those oil-well fires were going to bring on a mini-winter, thus vindicating
his theories? Oh well, science is just as much about being wrong as right, they
AUTHOR: Salisbury, Frank B.
TITLE: The Utah UFO display : a biologist's
with data from the files of Joseph Junior Hicks
foreword by J.
Allen Hynek.
PUBLISHER Old Greenwich, Conn. : Devin-Adair Co., c1974.
p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Includes index.
Bibliography: p.
CALL #: TL789 .S18
[KR: Straightforward recounting of UFO
events in Utah 1966-1973 with some intelligent speculation about what it might
AUTHOR: Sanderson, Ivan Terence, 1911-
TITLE: Invisible residents; a
disquisition upon certain matters maritime
PUBLISHER New York, World Pub.
Co. [1970]
AUTHOR: Sanderson, Ivan Terence, 1911-
TITLE: Uninvited visitors; a
biologist looks at UFO's
PUBLISHER New York, Cowles Education Corp.,
AUTHOR: Saunders, David Robertson, 1923-
TITLE: UFOs? Yes! Where the
Condon committee went wrong
PUBLISHER New York, World Pub. Co. [1969,
c1968] 256pp. LC 68-59202
[KR: This book was written by a scientist
(Saunders) fired by Condon when he leaked a confidential department memo that
made it clear that the Condon UFO Study was a sham.]
[An inside look at the Condon Committee, how it operated, and why it disintegrated. Also useful as a case-study of academic investigations in general, in this case where the 'Principal Investigator' takes his salary and ignores the actual work. ]
AUTHOR: Sawislak, Arnold.
TITLE: Dwarf rapes nun, flees in UFO.
PUBLISHER New York : St. Martin's Press, c1985.
212 p. ; 22
CALL #: PS3569 .A858 D8 1985
AUTHOR: Schwarz, Bertold E.
TITLE: UFO Dynamics: Psychiatric and
Psychic Aspects of the UFO Syndrome.
PUBLISHER Moore Haven, FL: Rainbow
Books, 1988
560pp. ISBN 0-935834-654-8
[KR: A psychiatrist deals with the
psychic components of the UFO phenomena.]
AUTHOR: Scully, Frank
TITLE: Behind the Flying Saucers
New York: Henry Holt, 1950. 230pp.
[KR: The first book in English about UFOs.
Hollywood reporter talks about crashed discs that have only become plausible to
mainstream investigators again in the 1980s.]
AUTHOR: Seargent, David
TITLE: UFOs: A Scientific
PUSLISHER Sphere, 1978
AUTHOR: Sheaffer, Robert.
TITLE: The UFO verdict : examining the
PUBLISHER Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1981, c1980.
p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and
CALL #: TL789 .S38
AUTHOR: Shuttlewood, Arthur.
TITLE: More UFOs over
PUBLISHER London : A. Barker Ltd., c1979.
AUTHOR: Sifakis, Carl.
TITLE: Official guide to UFO
PUBLISHER New York : Sterling Pub., c1979.
AUTHOR: Sitchin, Zecharia
TITLE: The 12th Planet
York: Avon, 1978. 436pp. ISBN 0-380-39362-X
[KR: This lay scholar/journalist
presents the best documented ancient astronaut evidence in his series of books
-- this being the first one.]
AUTHOR: Snyder, Gerald S.
TITLE: Are there alien beings? : The story of
PUBLISHER New York : J. Messner, c1980.
191 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Includes index. Bibliography: p. 185-186.
Summary: A study of well-known
cases involving unidentified flying objects.
CALL #: 001.9 Sn92ar
AUTHOR: Spencer, David T
TITLE: UFO Field Investigator's Training
PUBLISHER Austin, TX: MUFON 1995, pp 304
[If you want to know
the guts of investigating, here's where you start: Code of Ethics, interviewing
technique, detecting hoaxes, investigation, aircraft ID, sciences, etc. This and
the MUFON "FIeld Investigator's Manual" will point you in the right direction --
pricey, but worth it, if you're serious.]
AUTHOR: Spencer, John, and Hilary Evans, eds.
TITLE: Phenomenon : forty
years of flying saucers
PUBLISHER New York : Avon Books, 1989, c1988.
413pp. ISBN 0-380-70654-7
[KR: Essays about ufology from prominent ufologists
in America and Europe. Good for seeing that UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon.]
AUTHOR: Spencer, John, ed.
PUBLISHER: New York: Avon Books, 1991, 340pp, 20 p. of
Includes bibliographic references.
CALL #: TL789.U35 1993
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad.
TITLE: Gods of Aquarius : UFOs and the
transformation of man
PUBLISHER New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad.
TITLE: Mysteries of time & space.
PUBLISHER Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1974]
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad, comp.
TITLE: Other worlds, other universes :
playing the reality game
PUBLISHER Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday,
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad, and Francie
TITLE: The Star
PUBLISHER New York, N.Y.: Berkeley Books, 1981.
201 pages,
includes index.
[Mostly a 'new age' book; the Steigers contend that some
humans (abductees) are indoctrinated at an early age by
extra-terrestrial/temporal/dimensional beings (i.e. a child's 'invisible
friends' are actually real) who are trying to move humanity to the next 'plane'.
Unfortunately, much of the 'evidence' is collected by extremely haphazard
methods, including dream-analysis and 'channeled' information by Mrs. Steiger.
UFO's are dealt with only in passing; they are regarded as a byproduct of the
'new-age' stuff, not as a phenomenon in and of themselves.]
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad
TITLE: Project Blue Book
Ballantine, 1976
[Not exactly what the title says it is -- it also includes a
short history of official US UFO investigations up through Blue Book, and a
collection of documents surrounding Blue Book, Sign, and Grudge, plus a (brief)
listing of all 578 'unidentifieds' from the Blue Book files (out of 13,000 from
1947 to 1969), and more.]
AUTHOR: Steiger, Brad
TitLE: The Rainbow Conspiracy
New York: Pinnacle Books, Windsor Publishing Corp., 1994
[Could be a
dictionary for UFO-related conspiracy theories. Its all in here: Nazi flying
saucers, The Philadelphia Experiment, underground bases, men-in-black, "The
Secret Government", MJ-12, good aliens, evil aliens, you name it. Not too much
on 'hard data', but what the heck! If you want a look at the "wild side" of
ufology, this is a good place to start (but don't necessarily believe it all,
AUTHOR: Story, Ronald.
TITLE: The space-gods revealed : a close look at
the theories of Erich von Daniken
PUBLISHER New York : Harper & Row,
DESCRIP xviii, 139 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NOTES Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0060141417 :
RLIN ID G75030347B
[A general refutation of von Daniken's 'Chariots of the Gods' (et. al).
Occasionally paints with too broad a brush, but still a good read (especially
right after reading CotG.)]
AUTHOR: Story, Ronald.
TITLE: UFOs and the limits of
PUBLISHER New York : Morrow, 1981.
AUTHOR: Story, Ronald.
TITLE: The Encyclopedia of UFO's
PUBLISHER Garden City, N.Y. : Dolphin Books, 1980. 440pp. ISBN
[KR: The best of the encyclopedic books on UFOs. Don't miss
this. Get your local library to buy a copy.]
AUTHOR: Story, Ronald.
TITLE: Guardians of the universe?
PUBLISHER New York : St. Martin's Press, c1980.
AUTHOR: Stranges, Dr. Frank E.
TITLE: Stranger at the
PUBLISHER: Inner Light, New Brunswick, NJ First printing 1967,
copyright 1991 (" fourth revised edition")
[Another one of those great
oddball UFO stories - that of "Valient Thor", who, as the story goes, is from
Venus; on March 16, 1957 he appeared in Alexandria VA, and was whisked off to
meet President Eisenhower - and he has moved though the corridors of power ever
since. The earth, it seems, has been "protected" by 100 alien spaceships, lest
we blow away our atmosphere with nuclear weapons. Thor is (according to this) an
amazing fellow: teleportation , thought-transferrence, and mind control are
among his abilities. The book is a mix of Ufo-ism and religion - Men in Black
and Christian theology colocate quite comfortably. I'm a sucker (as you know)
for things like what appears on the back: "NOT Endorsed by the USAF! NOT
Financed by the CIA!" Thor now lives just east of Las Vegas in his spaceship
"Victor One"about a mile north of the intersection of Highways 147 and 166, by
the way.]
AUTHOR: Strieber, Whitley
TITLE: Communion: A True
PUBLISHER New York: William Morrow, 1987. 299pp. ISBN
[KR: Bestselling book by previously bestselling author. It's
about his probable abductions.]
[Whitley Strieber has become something of an anti-UFO in later years; he has ceased publication of his Communion Newsletter and has called UFO researchers in general 'crazy' and 'nasty' (a not baseless description of some of them.) Strieber is also the author of horror novels (notably 'Wolfen'.)]
AUTHOR: Strieber, Whitley
TITLE: Transformation: The
PUBLISHER New York: Beech Tree Books - William Morrow, 1988.
AUTHOR: Streiber, Whitley
TITLE: Majestic
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1989
[A novel from the writer of "Communion", centering
on the architect of the Majestic-12 . Interesting read, though some of its
flights of fancy didn't fit for me. I guess this book came and went pretty
quickly, I had never heard of it until I stumbled across it in a
on-special-get-it-outta-here bin.]
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: Situation red, the UFO
; with a foreword by Donald E. Keyhoe.
PUBLISHER Garden City,
N.Y. : Doubleday, 1977.
[Extremely hard to find - I know, I've been looking!]
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H. [Reccommended, as is anything by
TITLE: The UFO Crash-Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II:
New Sources, New Data.
1980. Available from MUFON, 38 pages
excellent casebook by Mr. Stringfield of reports of crashed and recovered
saucers and recovered bodies (Stringfield invented the term crash-retrieval in
this context, in fact.) Although witnesses are anonymous (e.g. 'JK', 'Carl',
etc.), in accordance with their wishes (Stringfield makes the comment that
rather than treating the UFO-crash story as newspaper journalists, investigators
should respect their sources identities, like medical journals do), the
information is compelling and presented without comments beyond the witness'
background and general information about the veracity. A good read, and an
important one. Cases are rated as 'first hand' and 'second hand.' Stringfield's
first 'status report' appeared in the proceedings of the 1978 MUFON Symposium on
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: The UFO Crash/Retrievals:
Amassing the Evidence. (Status Report III)
1982. Available from MUFON, 53
[More information like CR II, with equal (high) value. Information
presented without prejudice - a major difference from most UFO books! ]
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: The Fatal Encouter at Ft.
Dix-McGuire: A Case Study (Status Report IV)
1985, presented at the 1985
MUFON Symposium. 26 pages.
[Details of a January 1978 incident in New Jersey
in which a humanoid was recovered after several UFOs were sighted at Ft. Dix.
(Yes, there really is a Ft. Dix in NJ.) Local security forces chased (and shot)
the humanoid, which fled but died on the grounds of adjacent McGuire AFB. The
recovery was reportedly carried out by military teams specially trained for this
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Is the
Coverup Lid Lifting? (Status Report V)
1989, published by the author. 22
[More interesting cases that came Mr. Stringfield's way.]
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner
Sanctum (Status Report VI)
1991, published by the author 142 pages
wide-ranging survey of seen bodies, crashed objects, witnesses, hoaxes uncovered
(including the 'dead alien' photo supposedly from Russia, which apparently was
part of an exhibition at the Pavillion del insolite in Montreal -- I would
welcome confirmation of this from Montreal fans, btw) and the Mermaid Man (seen
in Humbug). More good reading.]
AUTHOR: Stringfield, Leonard H.
TITLE: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Search for
Proof in a Hall of Mirrors (Status Report VII)
1994, published by the
author. 67 pages
[The last, alas, report from a largely-unknown giant of UFO
investigation - unknown only because he spent his time investigating, not
writing books. More on various crashes - Roswell, Kecksburg, incidents in WWII,
and more. Mr. Stringfield has passed away. We can only hope that someone else
will step forward with the same diligence, discretion, and intelligence that Mr.
Stringfield showed for over 40 years of investigation into the UFO phenomenon,
to continue the research into the "Hall of MIrrors" that is investigation of
things the government would rather not be told.]
AUTHOR: Tacker, Lawrence J.
TITLE: Flying saucers and the U. S. Air
PUBLISHER Princeton, N.J., Van Nostrand [1960]
[Tacker was a
Lt. Colonel in the USAF. This is not exactly an official report by the USAF, but
it's pretty clear that Tacker had official help and endorsement -- the book's
foreword is written by Gen. Thomas D. White, Chief of Staff of the USAF. The
book might best be summed up: "don't worry -- be happy!" Pronouncing "the flying
saucer era is coming to an end" (ok, so that part was wrong), the book is an
ernest attempt to explain that the USAF has done a great job, and those UFO
things are really nothing at all. Denies that the ATIC "ufo's are real" memo was
ever written (in 1960, the memo was still classified.) The same old reasons are
trotted out (well, they weren't so old back then) -- the 1952 sightings were a
temperature inversion (Keyhoe says they couldn't have been -- the inversion was
in too narrow a range to cause radar reflections); Kenneth Arnold's sighting in
1947 is written off as a mirage, etc. Transcript of an interview with Donald
Menzel, and J. Allen Hynek (before he changed sides). Lots of neat little
tidbits; appendix includes USAF regulations on UFO's (including the famous JANAP
146, and a selection of UFO-related USAF press-releases from 1955-1960
(interestingly, press releases -- or at lease UFO-related releases from
1948-1954 were not kept by the USAF.)]
AUTHOR: Thomas, Paul
TITLE: Flying Saucers Throughout the
PUBLISHER Tandem, 1973
AUTHOR: Thompson, Keith
TITLE: Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic
PUBLISHER New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.
263pp ISBN
[KR: A minor lay scholar of the Jungian school takes on the
UFO. His history of the field should be read by all UFO investigators. He
suspects there might be a 'real' component to UFOs, but his emphasis is on the
mythic aspects, which may be more important in the final analysis anyway.]
AUTHOR: Watson, Ian
TITLE: Miracle Visitors
TITLE: UFOs 1947-1987 : the 40 year search for an explanation
compiled and edited by Hilary Evans with John Spencer for the
UFO Research Association.
PUBLISHER London : Fortean Tomes,
383 p. : ill., ports. ; 25 cm. Bibliography: p. 380-383.
789 .U36x 1987
AUTHOR: Richard F. Haines, ed.
TITLE: UFO phenomena and the behavioral
PUBLISHER Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1979.
450 p. :
ill. ; 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
CALL #: TL789
AUTHOR: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and
TITLE: Aliens in the skies; the scientific rebuttal to the
Condon Committee
PUBLISHER New York, Putnam [1969]
AUTHOR: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed
TITLE: Unidentified flying objects. Hearing,
Congress, second session, April 5,
PUBLISHER Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966
AUTHOR: United States. Congress. House. Committee on
TITLE: Symposium
on unidentified flying objects. Hearings,
Ninetieth Congress, second
session. July 29, 1968.
Science and Astronautics.
PUBLISHER Washington,
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques.
TITLE: Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts
and Cults
PUBLISHER Berkeley, CA: And/Or Press, 1979. 243pp. ISBN
[KR: Just what the title says. Vallee adds to our
understanding of the cultural effects of UFOs.]
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques.
TITLE: The invisible college : what a group of
scientists has discovered about UFOs
PUBLISHER New York : Dutton,
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques.
TITLE: Anatomy of a phenomenon: unidentified
objects in space
PUBLISHER Chicago, H. Regnery Co. [1965]
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques. [Recommended]
TITLE: Confrontations : a
scientist's search for alien contact
PUBLISHER New York : Ballantine
Books, 1990. 263pp. ISBN 0-345-36453-8
[KR: Vallee is back to presenting
'hard evidence' again instead of speculation. Some Brazilian peasants were
killed in apparent encounters with UFOs.]
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques. and Janine Vallee.
TITLE: Challenge to
science; the UFO enigma
Chicago, Regnery [1966]
268 p. illus., maps.
25 cm. Bibliography: p. 241-258.
CALL #: TL789 .V335
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques.
TITLE: Passport to Magonia: from folklore to
flying saucers.
PUBLISHER Chicago, H. Regnery Co. [1969] 372pp. ISBN
[KR: A study of the surprising parallels between fairy lore and
modern accounts of UFO beings.]
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques. [Recommended]
TITLE: Dimensions: A Casebook of
Alien Contact
PUBLISHER New York: Contemporary Books, 1988. 304pp. ISBN
[KR: The best statement of Vallee's thesis -- UFOs are a
manifestation of a time immemorial alien control system.]
AUTHOR: Vallee, Jacques.
TITLE: UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A
Cosmic Samizdat
PUBLISHER New York: Ballentine Books, 1992.
ISBN 0-345-37396-0
[KR: Vallee turns away from excessive American ufologist
bashing to give us a reasonable rundown on the latest in Russian UFOs and
ufology. It's been as bad over there as it has been elsewhere. The aliens seem
to be equal opportunity abusers the world over.]
AUTHOR: Vesco, Renato and Childress, David Hatcher
TITLE: Man-Made UFOs
1944-1994: 50 years of Suppression
PUBLISHER: Stelle, Illinois:
Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994
[Despite the name, this book is mostly about
the 1940's and 1950's, with what's left mostly dealing with the 1960's. "Nazi
UFO's" get major play here, along with the claim of a Nazi escape after the war
-- to Antartica?!? Well, the pictures are pretty good; and if this fairly
esoteric bit of the genre interests you, here ya go.]
AUTHOR: Walters, Ed and Walters, Frances
TITLE: The Gulf Breeze
PUBLISHER: New York: Avon Books
[The book - well, the "pro"
book -- on the various things seen (and photographed) in the sky at Gulf Breeze,
AUTHOR: Walters, Ed and Walters, Frances
TITLE: UFO Abductions in Gulf
PUBLISHER: New York: Avon Books, 1994 294pp 8 p. of
ISBN: 0-380-77333-3
AUTHOR: Willcox, P.J.
TITLE: The UFO question (not yet answered)
PUBLISHER Roslyn Heights, N. Y. : Libra Publishers, c1976.
277 p. ;
23 cm.
Examination of the Condon study.
Includes bibliographical
references and index.
CALL #: TL789 .W5x
AUTHOR: Wilson, Clifford
TITLE: Alien Agenda, The
Signet Books, 1974, 1988
227 p., Notes, Bibliography
AUTHOR: Yates, Allan.
TITLE: UFO'S [sound recording]
sound cassettes.
PUBLISHER North Hollywood, CA : Center for Cassette Studies,
AUTHOR: Zerrudo, Nelson V.
TITLE: Philippine UFOs? : an anthology of
strange real-life UFO encounters in the country
by Nelson V. Zerrudo
with Peter Shearer.
Longbeach, Calif. : Ethel Z. Noriega, c1987.
93 p. : 8
ill. ; 23 cm. Bibliography: p. 91-92
CALL #: TL789.3 .Z47x
York : British Book Centre 1953.
AUTHOR: Cheney, Margaret
TITLE: Tesla: Man out of Time
Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, 1981
ISBN 0-13-906859-7 TK140.T4
[Sooner or later in your UFO readings you will come across the name of
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the electrical wizard. This is 'the book' on him
(mostly because it's the only one in print.) Tesla was a genius of the first
magnitude. He of course, is the inventor of the Tesla coil, used to this day in
all sorts of electrical devices (and the AC motor, and a host of other things.)
For our purposes, though, it is the 'urban legend' of sorts that has grown up
about his last years and the 'conspiracy' to hide what he was doing that is
interesting Ñ though he did have a lot of neat ideas, there is little evidence
that, as some Tesla partisans seem to think, that he invented practically
everything. (The passion of Tesla partisans is also seen in some ufologists, and
there is some overlap.) Tesla is also something of an inventor's hero, since he
was in large part an incredibly gifted "amateur", rather than a 'professional'
(or perhaps, "production-line style") inventor like his contemporary (and
compeditor), Thomas Edison (this is not to say that Tesla was in any way less
educated or less of a genius, by the way.) This book may change some of your
view of the paths of the 'march of progress' of the last 100-odd years.]
AUTHOR: Cathie, Bruce L. (Bruce Leonard), 1930-
TITLE: The energy grid,
harmonic 695, the pulse of the universe: the investigation into the world energy
PUBLISHER Tehachapi, CA : American West Publishers, 1990.
AUTHOR: Moore, Clara Bloomfield
TITLE: Keely and his
PUBLISHER: Secaucus, NJ: University Books, 1972, originally
in 1893, 373 pp.
LOC: 77-188022
[Sooner or later, like Tesla,
you'll come across John Ernst Worrell Keely, and his 'vibratory etheric forces'
for generating usable energy. This book was originally published by his biggest
fan, the author and poet Clara Bloomfield Moore. A new foreward by Leslie
Shepard tells a bit of the 'anti' side of the Keely story. (In sum, opponents
argue - with some justification - that Keely was something of a charlatan;
proponents argue that he may have been on to something anyway.) Still and all,
an interesting look at 'para-science' in the 19th century. The BBS network
'Keelynet' is named for this fellow.]
AUTHOR: Rich, Ben and Janos, Leo
TITLE: Skunk Works
New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1994, ISBN 0-316-74330-5
[Ben Rich
worked in Lockheed's "Skunk Works" from 1954 to 1991, and headed the place from
1975 to 1991. This book is chock-full of amazing little anecdotes about various
projects (and secret projects in general). It's one of those rare looks 'behind
the curtain' at the world of "black projects" Everything to the selection of the
site of the now-famous secret base at Groom Lake (though Rich never does say
"Groom Lake" -- that is still secret, you know), to the CIA having Lockheed
engineers fake up a bogus flight manual for the U-2, for the express purpose of
leaking it the the Soviets (with fake instrument panel photos, faked speed,
altitude and so on values), to a project code-named Suntan, -- a
hydrogen-powered replacement for the U-2 in 1957 that was classified above top
secret (but never went to completion -- just so you know there are
classifications above "Top" secret) to a 1959 incident in which a Taiwanese
pilot, being trained by the CIA, 'flamed out' while on a flight, and made an
emergency landing at a small county airport at dusk -- imagine being the
airport's manager, seeing a weird-looking craft land, after which an
almond-eyed, space-suited being jumped out, ran over to you shouting in barely
passable English, "Quick! Get gun! Guard plane -- very, very secret!"]
AUTHOR: Miller, Jay
TITLE: Lockheed's Skunk Works: The First Fifty
PUBLISHER Arlington, TX: Aerofax, Inc. 1993
description of the Skunk Works' projects from 1943 (XP-80) to 1993 (F-22).
Stuffed full of excellent photos, with a marvelously informative narrative.
(Which doesn't mention Groom Lake by name either, btw.)]
AUTHOR: Sweetman, Bill
TITLE: Aurora: The Pentagon's Secret Hypersonic
PUBLISHER Osceola, WI: Motor Books International, 1993.
look at "black budget" programs, and a summary of the case for the existance of