US National Archives and Records Administration ...ready access to essential evidence...
AAD: Access to Archival Databases
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May 5, 2003
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Main Section Understanding Archival Electronic Records
Main Section Understanding a Data File's Context
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Welcome to the Access to Archival Databases (AAD) System

Using AAD, you can search some of NARA's holdings of electronic records. For further information about all of  NARA's electronic records holdings, including those not in AAD, click here. To search descriptions of NARA's non-electronic records, NARA's online catalogue, ARC also is available.

AAD gives you:

  • Online access to a selection of nearly 50 million historic electronic records created by more than 20 federal agencies on a wide range of topics;
  • the ability to search for records with the specific information that you seek;
  • important contextual information to help you understand the records better, including code lists, explanatory notes from NARA archivists, and for some series or files in AAD, related documents.
AAD supports NARA's mission, strategic plan, and vision by providing the public with "ready access to essential evidence." AAD is the first publicly accessible application developed under the auspices of the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program. The ERA Program is addressing the challenges of preserving the increasing variety and volume of Government records that have been created and stored in electronic form.

If you want to learn how to use AAD click here. If you want to start searching click on the AAD button at the top of the column to the left.

AAD is designed to work best with either Microsoft Internet Explorer, 5.5 or above, or Netscape Communicator, 4.7 and above.

Privacy and Use Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us NARA Home Page NARA Address: 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408, Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272