Alphabetical Listing



AAUM - Agora Rising Universal Transformation

ABCs Of Personal Growth. Essays regarding psychological well-being.

Aboriginal (Native American Indian) Astronomy - Lakota constellations ceremonially mapped to Black Hills; 4,000-year-old stone Medicine Wheels first observatories. Starmaps, stargazing aids, teaching resources.

About Seth and Seth Quotes- biographical info, book recaps, letters & FAQ

Abraham Hicks!  
Esther Hicks channels Abraham...
I can't recommend Abraham highly enough!

Abraham Knowledge Site
an introduction from channel Esther Hicks

Absent healing - Professional spiritual healing or spiritual help -Juergen Karl Hildebrand spiritual healer from Switzerland

Academic Info: Religion Index

Academy For Guided Imagery. Information regarding guided imagery.

Access:NewAge. Links to new-age sites. Looking Deeper Magazine (online).

Access:New Age

AccessNewAge Zines
- short annotated list of on-line New Age electronic magazines

Academy of Religion and Psychical Research

A Course in Miracles - ACIM, background material and resources


A. D. K. Luk Publications - Law of Life Books

Adonai - Living in the Light

Advaita Fellowship Home Page

AdZe MiXXe - includes astrology predictions, oracles, horoscopes, almanac, love and sexual compatibility, and noteworthy biographies.

Affiliated New Thought Network - list of New Thought Centers throughout the United States and Canada, including links to other sites of the same nature.

Affirmation Of the Day. A new affirmation every day.

Affirmations: A New Beginning. A selection of affirmations.

Affirmations By Louise Hay. A variety of affirmations.

Affirmations For a Healthy Life. Affirmations for various situations.  

Affirmations For Netters. Affirmations for people who use the internet.

Affirmation Source. Affirmations for various situations.

AFF's Cult Information Service - Cults, Cultic Studies, and Psychological Manipulation Judy Gugenhiem, "Hello Form Heaven." Life after death.

Afterhours Inspirational Stories. A collection of stories.

Afterlife-Knowledge - author Bruce Moen explores out-of-body states and more

Agni Yoga - overview from Spiritweb plus Nicholas Roerich MuseumandHelena Roerich

A Healing Place On-Line Magazine "Spiritual Perspectives", plus information about Alternative Healing, and Personal Spiritual Growth.

Alan Cohen

Alan Watts- background material and tapes

A lawyer argues the Case for the Afterlife - by Victor Zammit, a detailed study of what happens at death

Alchemical Mage-Ascension Oriented Tools & Techniques

Alchemy A site about the Spiritual Teaching of Adi Da Samraj

A Letter From 'Your' 'Best' Friend !!!

Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts - This site has many articles and information on Alchemical Hypnosis, Addictions, Recovery, Inner Child Work, Hypnosis, Sexual Abuse, and much more.

Alchemy Mindworks Inc.

Alchemy Virtual Library - 15 megabytes of information organised into about 600 individual sections (with over 2000 pages of text), and 130 graphic images.

Aleister Crowley - The Great Beast Speaks - information about the only known recording of Crowley. Includes an .au file of Crowley reciting the Call of the Second Aethyr in Enochian.

Aleister Crowley Home Page

Aleister Crowley - Thelema Archives

Aleister Crowley Factsheet - Aleister Crowley may have died in 1947, but his influence is still very much felt by the magician of the 1990s.

Alexander Material - from a discarnate spirit teacher who has been channeling through his human host, Ramón Stevens

Alexandria  Alexandria Journal and Kosmos Newsletter.  Devoted to the philosophical, spiritual, and cosmological traditions of the Western world.

Rosemary Altea - famous author of Proud Spirit and other works

Alphaomega. Online new-age magazine. - Works of the mystic Sufi Jalaludin Rumi (1207-1273 AD). - Richard Milton takes on pseudosceptics

Aluna Joy

Amazing Story Contest

American Gothic Tarot - original photocollaged art derived from the classic Tarot, using images from the television show. Includes commentary on individual cards.
A venue for people to help people and the planet . Essays regarding spirituality. Reviews of spiritual websites.

Anahid's Mystical Art

Ananda Marga

Ananda Seva Mission

Ancient Oak Web Site. Wicca, Hinduism, Yoga, and other Nature loving-faiths.

Ancient Rosae Crucis - a mystical and spiritual fraternity perpetuating the original and authentic teachings of the Rosicrucians: a Western Tradition preserving Landmarks of the Rose Cross.

Andean Orchid Flower Essences - Star Flower Essence

Angelic Connections

Angelica's Heart and Home. Inspirational poetry.

AngelicArtistry by Joan Kirk.  An exquisite stroll through a virtual Heaven, angelic light, love, and wisdom.  A tribute to how the angelic realms touch our human lives.

Angelic Civilizations and Pre-Edenic History - The "Stones of Fire" and Pre-Adamite Civilizations Hale Bopp comet, omen of the millennium.

Angelic Conspiracy and End Times Deception - linking UFOs and the Antichrist.

Angels ~ Angelic Music Beautiful angelic tapes & CDs.

Angelic Inspirations

Angelic Messages - shares messages received from the angels

Angelic Outreach
Site describing ascension, the walk-in process, services, and information

Angel of Love And Peace

Angels All Around Us  - An inspirational page offering angelic blessings and information about Heavenly Messengers.

Angels on the Net - "The most informed Angel source on the net"

Angharad's Basecamp

Animals in Dreams

Animal Totems

Annie Kirkwood - messages from Mother Mary

Annie Kirkwood   


Answers. Essays regarding metaphysics, etc.

Anthroposophic Press Publishing books on Anthroposophy since 1928. Books related to the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Anything Can Be Healed

AORA Gemstone Oracle Cards Dedicated to spiritual evolution of humanity through the Crystal & Gemstone Kingdoms.

A Place of the Heart Spiritual Center

AquarianAge - cooperative site built by practitioners of Astrology & New Age arts as a showcase of wisdom & talent.

Aquarian Church of Universal Service - Paul Shockley

Aquarius On-Line - Metaphysical On-Line Newspaper.

Arachne's Pagan/Wiccan Links - Includes candle magick, rituals and links.


Archangel Gabriel - several transcripts via Robert Baker

Archangel Michael Color Channelings
A Great Page about the Color Rays and Gemstones

Archive X: Ghost Hunters Guide - Archive X is a series of Web pages devoted towards Paranormal Phenomena. It is a portion of The Virtual Library.

Argent Fox's Psychic Den

Argotique  Edda's Symphonie Fantastique for the Seeker.  Original and ancient texts, plus a large collection of Ancient Egyptian, Celtic, Medieval and Indian graphics for your web page.

Ariel Spilsbury / Mayan Oracle

Arizona Agni Yoga Rainbow Group  The Path of Beauty Internet Learning Center. Information on Agni Yoga and its teachings. Arizona, USA.

Asatru Alliance - the ancient religion of the Norse Gods: Odin, Thor, Frey, Freya, et al.


Asatruarfelagidh: The Icelandic Asatru Page - The Icelandic Ásatrú Association. Welcome to the Icelandic Asatru Pages.

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters Broadcasts

Ascended Master Network

Ascended Masters- an overview with links to channeled articles

Ascended Masters Teachings

Ascension 2000

Ascension Alchemy

Ascension And Beyond In This Lifetime

Ascension Database of Links

Ascension Mastery International

Ascension Research Center

Ascension/Merkaba Meditation

Ascension Network

 The Ascension Ring

AshtarCommand HomePage

Asian Astrology - devoted to all aspects of Asian divination.

Ask Dr. Sage - consult Dr. Sage, hear his answer in RealAudio.

Ask Kosh! - Windows-compatible freeware. Get some good advice from the Magic 8-ball in an encounter suit.

Ask Sarah - Sarah will resolve all of your life questions - click on one of the buttons in the grid and your video answer will guide you.

A Souls Journey Into Creation

A Source for the Ageless Wisdom

Aspects of Kabbalah in Ceremonial Magic - David M. Gellerman's essay.

Aspen Astrolger - Have an Astrology Chart reading by Tomas or a computer.

Assembly of the Elder Troth - The Assembly of the Elder Troth (A.E.T.) is a coalition of religious and spiritual groups dedicated to the worship (in the pre-Christian sense of praise, admiration, veneration...

Assembly of the Sacred Wheel - a legally recognized, Wiccan, non-profit, religious organization for the mid-Atlantic states. Sponsors open rituals, educational events, and conferences.

Association for Rational Thought - committed to encouraging rational, well-informed evaluation of fringe-science, pseudo-science and paranormal claims.

Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), - the international headquarters of the work of Edgar Cayce, considered the most documented psychic of all time.


Astarte Lodge, O.T.O. - operating in Berlin. Performing initiations, celebrating the Gnostic Mass, and offering various classes to initiated members on Qabalah, ritual techniques, yoga, and more.

Astarte's TarotWeb - Complete information about the Tarot, including spreads, decks, and more.

Astral projection - Art of Dreamwalking  

Astral Projection

Astral Projection - links to astral projection resources on the Internet and also contains an Astral Projection Tip of the Month section.

Astral Projection [Tyler Uebele] - my brief research paper.

Astral Projection Chat - forum for astral projection/OBE/lucid dreams.

Astral Pulse - Astral Projection, Auras, short stories, astral experiences, poetry, and other related or interesting sites.

Astrology Links
Astrology and New Age Source. Essays regarding spirituality.

Archetypal  Stellar Taroscopic Astrology

ASTROSCAN - astrology program with the best info, data and graphics in its class.

Astro Horoscopo de Pedro Engel - in Spanish.

Astrologer's Cookbook, The - Homepagers' Astrologer's Cookbook Site is a compilation of some of our favorite recipes in a unique sort of way.

AwareNET - Astrological calculations & reports in English, German, Dutch & Spanish. Natal, Relationship & Transit reports.

Astrologie Jean Roussier - - in French.

Astrology by Star Charts

Astrology - Cyber-Stars - Horoscopes from John James

Astro-Web - weekly horoscopes, lotto numbers, astrology links and information on each sign of the zodiac updated weekley.

Astrology Hot-Links and Astrologer Lists, by Michael Star

Astrology Links - a really big collection, nicely organized

Astrology Overview - nicely organized from SpiritWeb


Astrology - The Last Word - Your horoscope for ...

Astrology - To believe or not to believe - Generally, is very dificult to believe in supernatural events, in those things of the mystic realm...

Astrology Just for You - Monthly horoscopes. 55 confirmed public record predictions.

Astrology Now - detailed information on your astrological sign. You will also find information on compatibility here.

Astrology the Ultimate Original Science - ASTROLOGY dates from the first Human Consciousness. ASTROLOGY is the ultimate organizational tool.

Astrology Zone - monthly horoscopes, provocative info on your sectors, planets, and what 1996 has in store for you.

Circles of Light
An Ezine of metaphysics and astrology which is published weekly with articles, free readings and a variety of interactive features.

Circles of Light
Astrology, Alchemy & Metaphysics


History of Astrology Bibliography

Kenaz Services - charts, used books, astrological, occult, metaphysical and pagan resources

Numberquest - free on-line numerology report

Psychic Journal
a totally free spiritual e-magazine,
with articles and weekly horoscopes from esteemed astrologer Angelina Luce

Stars and the Gospel - prophetic discussions on the myths and legends of astrology based on the Bible

Welcome to Planet Earth

Zodiacal Zephyr by Resource Site with over 500 links and resources on astrology

Horoscopes4U - links to free daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes

Horoscope Links - even more links to free horoscopes

AdZe's Metaphysical Links-Astrology

AdZe MiXXe  home of the Cosmic Site of the Night

AstroAdvice - interactive astrology advice. Personalized birthcharts and daily horoscopes.

Astrodienst Atlas Database - atlas and timezone database which returns coordinates based on place-name.

Astro Gab - News you can use. Right now. No waiting. See info regarding the use of Comet Hyakutake in your natal chart.

Astrological Society of Connecticut - information about lectures and membership.

Astrology [] - Aspects Free daily Horoscopes!!

Astrology by Moonlight - monthly newsletter of astrological interest.

Astrology Online [] - Welcome To Astrology Online Your Zodiac (sun) Sign Explained! Horoscopes updated weekly!

Astrology Online Magazine - Solar Heart Astrology

Astrology-Observed - Daily forecasts are so general as to be downright silly sometimes, and frankly they have contributed to astrology's bad rap.

Astrology: Signs, Planets and Houses - basic astrology and numerology, including planets in signs, planets in houses, aspects between planets, and the twelve Ascendants.

Dailys, The - Astrology is the study of the positions of the planets at time of birth and all through life.

"Do-it-yourself" Astrological Charts

New Age Voices
Interactive astrology, tarot, numerology oracles; online shopping at the new age marketplace, and a gigantic astrology section including "Astro Talk Magazine."

Horizons Magazine
Cutting-edge information on holistic living, healing and personal empowerment and monthly features on spirituality, healing, abundance, angels, astrology, dreams, ecology, herbs, health, meditation, psychic research, UFOs and more.

Horoscope from the Heavens

Let There Be Light - Always in All Ways
This site is dedicated to offering vital information relative to unfolding pure inner consciousness, the inner, higher, spiritual self. Find insights into the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, alchemy and astrology.

Night Light News
Bridging personality and soul-centered astrology. Newsletter. Information on Esoteric (Soul) Astrology

Psychic, Astrology, Tarot 4 You -
inspirational articles, Angel healing page, inspirational readings to make you feel better.
Lots of Love.

The Hauk'in Center for Solar Initiation
Cosmology of the Americas Workshops, Lectures and Presentations based on Mayan-Incan-Pleiadian Cosmology, Mayan-Pleiadian Astrology, Mayan Calendars and Readings.

White Mountain Education Association
A source for the Ageless Wisdom. Lectures, Nicholas Roerich information, Meditation Monthly International newsletter, and astrology information.

Spirit Links  (a different one!) psychic readings, numerology, astrology, spiritual consciousness

Storm's Astrology - offers daily, weekly and video monthly horoscopes.

New Age Directory - astrology, arts, health, spiritual healing, psychics, UFOs

Vedic Astrology Glossary

Traditional Astrology Glossary

Ataxia Camp, O.T.O. - situated in Trondheim, Norway. Bokstavene O.T.O. står for Ordo Templi Orientis, Den Orientalske Tempelridderorden, eller Ordenen av Østens Tempel.

Athena the Wiccan - Merry Meet! Welcome, Everyone to this blessed page! I hope you enjoy and learn from the information I have to offer.

Atlanta Unity Church - Atlanta, GA - Join us for worship and fellowship.

Atlantean Connection.
"Wisdom and guidance for the spiritual seeker."

Atlantis and Lost Realms - FAQ - Perhaps one of the most popular myths is that of Atlantis, a once mighty civilization that was destroyed overnight by a tremendous cataclysm.

Atlantis Website

Atma Institute - Dedicated the exploration of consciousness, especially answering the question, Who Am I?

A Tribute to Dane Rudhyar
Presented by The Foundation "Astro-Circle" The Hague, The Netherlands.

Attic, The - Crying Room & skElEtOn.kEy (from michigan) appear in interviews by around the world. From DOT to George Ohr.

AUM-Sparky's: Edgar Cayce various materials

AUM-Sparky's: Edgar Cayce global warnings

Auras Angels

Aura Photos - Jelaila Starr

Australian, O.T.O. - Peace, Tolerance, Truth: Salutation On All Points Of The Triangle; Respect To The Order

AvatarSearch - search engine of the occult internet!

Awakening Spirit. An Ascension Link

Awakening. "Relationship Counseling and Tools For Spiritual Growth."

Awaken the Sacred and Spiritual: Moon Lodge Visions

A Wizard's Lair - meeting place

A World of Compassion from Majahnae and Spirit

Ayurvedic Medicine

 We recommend that you go within and discern what your inner voice says is right for you.

Alphabetical Listing



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