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Guide to Search Engines and Directories

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 Software-Compiled Database Search Sites:
Functional Legend
AP (ad presence rated 1 low to 5 high),
AR (average response in seconds),
DIS (default items displayed per page)
MS (multiple search engine simultaneous search)

FAST Search           AP(2),AR(0.007 sec), DIS (10)
Located in Norway and formerly called "All The Web", this is one of the most comprehensive search engines, covering an estimated 200 million internet files and 100 million FTP files, using new advanced Fast Search and Transfer (FAST proprietary technology, developed by scientists and Ph.D's. The Norwegian company behind FAST Search also powers the Lycos MP3 search engine. FAST Search launched in May 1999.    Sample Search Result (7,453 found)

Alta Vista          AP(5), AR(0.5 sec), DIS (10) Access Limit: 200 links (restrictive)
Located out of Palo Alto, California, this company is a subsidiary of CMGI Inc. AltaVista opened in December 1995. It was owned by Digital, then run by Compaq (which purchased Digital in 1998), then spun off into a separate company which is now controlled by CMGI.This internet search engine uses linguistic technology from Teragram Corporation, covering an estimated 140 million internet files, which may not matter because users are restricted to 200 links available. The system specifically targets Web Saavy users, business-to-business advertisers. Its comprehensive coverage and wide range of power searching commands makes it a particular favorite among researchersSample Search Result  (184,000 found)

Super Seek            AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (*) MS   
Lists over 1,200 search engines and directories and over 6,600 print and broadcast media web sites. It also offers some multi-search features. Simultaneously begins searching AltaVista, Snap, Infoseek,, Excite, LookSmart, Northern Lights, Webcrawler, Hotbot, Lycos, Questfinder and Yahoo. Caution: Opens 12 new windows immediately if all 12 engines are checked.

The Big Hub Mega-Search         AP(2),AR(8 sec), DIS (100+) MS 
This multiple database engine searches Yahoo, Infoseek, Altavista, Webcrawler, Hotbot, Lycos, Ask Jeeves, Excite and Altavista News Groups, simultaneously. The site also displays speciality search engines for several subject areas. The Sample Search Result (Sum of multiple engine results)

Excite            AP(5),AR(?), DIS (10, but can be forced to 50)
This search engine, run by At Home Corporation also displays news stories relevent to the query in addition to website URL's, and is tied in with links to several major newswire services. Excite is one of the most popular search services on the web. It offers a medium-sized index and integrates non-web material such as company information and sports scores into its results, when appropriate. Excite was launched in late 1995. It grew quickly in prominence and consumed two of its competitors, Magellan in July 1996, and WebCrawler in November 1996. These continue to run as separate services. Excite also "powers" the results that appear in AOL NetFind.
Sample Search Result (83,673 found)

Northern Light           AP(1),AR(4 sec), DIS (10)
Northern Light is another favorite search engine among researchers. It features the largest index of the web, along with the ability to cluster documents by topic. Northern Light also has a set of "special collection" documents that are not readily accessible to search engine spiders. There are documents from thousands of sources, including newswires, magazines and databases. Searching these documents is free, but there is a charge of up to $4 to view them. There is no charge to view documents on the public web -- only for those within the special collection. Northern Light opened to general use in August 1997.    Sample Search Result  (10,162 found)         AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10) is a branded-version of the Infoseek search engine, operated by Cnet. It also offers specialty searches, where Infoseek technology is used to spider selected sites within particular categories. also provides links to a variety of specialty search services. was launched in March 1996 as an single interface to several search engines. The partnership with Infoseek began in May 1997. Since late 1997, has been eclipsed by
Cnet's new search offering,   Sample Search Results  (132,371 found)

Snap        AP(3),AR(3 sec), DIS (20)
Snap is a human-compiled directory of web sites, supplemented by search results from Inktomi. Like LookSmart, it aims to challenge Yahoo as the champion of categorizing the web. Snap launched in late 1997 and is backed by Cnet and NBC. Sample Search Result (4,843 found)

Lycos        AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
Lycos started out as a search engine, depending on listings that came from spidering the web. In April 1999, it shifted to a directory model similar to Yahoo. Its main listings come from the Open Directory project, and then secondary results come from spidering the web. Lycos also feature another directory of web sites called Lycos Community Guides. Sites are automatically listed in these guides using technology from WiseWire, a company Lycos acquired in early 1998. Lycos is one of the oldest search services, around since May 1994. It began as a project at Carnegie Mellon University. The name Lycos comes from the Latin for "wolf spider." In October 1998, Lycos acquired the competing HotBot search service, which continues to be run separately. Lycos hosts thousands of sexually explicit graphics.   Sample Search Result    (Does not reveal number of links found)

Hotbot         AP(2),AR(?), DIS (10)
Like AltaVista, HotBot is another favorite among researchers due to its large index of the web and many power searching features. In most cases, HotBot's first page of results comes from the Direct Hit service (see above), and then secondary results come from the Inktomi search engine, which is also used by other services. It gets its directory information from the Open Directory project (see below). HotBot launched in May 1996 as Wired Digital's entry into the search engine market. Lycos purchased Wired Digital in October 1998 and continues to run HotBot as a separate search service.  Sample Search Result (2,140 found)

Web Crawler        AP(2),AR(?), DIS (25)
WebCrawler has the smallest index of any major search engine on the web -- think of it as Excite Lite. The small index means WebCrawler is not the place to go when seeking obscure or unusual material. However, some people may feel that by having indexed fewer pages, WebCrawler provides less overwhelming results in response to general searches. WebCrawler opened to the public on April 20, 1994. It was started as a research project at the University of Washington. America Online purchased it in March 1995 and was the online service's preferred search engine until Nov. 1996. That was when Excite, a WebCrawler competitor, acquired the service. Excite continues to run WebCrawler as an independent search engine. Sample Search Result (4,440 found)

Human-Compiled Database Search Sites:

Functional Legend:
AP (ad presence rated 1 low to 5 high),
AR (average response in seconds),
DIS (default items displayed per page)
MS (multiple search engine simultaneous search)


Yahoo        AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (20)
Yahoo is the web's most popular search service and has a well-deserved reputation for helping people find information easily. The secret to Yahoo's success is human beings. It is the largest human-compiled guide to the web, employing about 150 editors in an effort to categorize the web. Yahoo has over 1 million sites listed. Yahoo also supplements its results with those from Inktomi. If a search fails to find a match within Yahoo's own listings, then matches from Inktomi are displayed. Inktomi matches also appear after all Yahoo matches have first been shown. Yahoo is the oldest major web site directory, having launched in late 1994.   Sample Search Result (3,562 found)

Infoseek Net Search      AP(3),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
Go is a portal site produced by Infoseek and Disney. It offers portal features such as personalization and free e-mail, plus the search capabilities of the former Infoseek search service, which has now been folded into Go. Searchers will find that Go consistently provides quality results in response to many general and broad searches, thanks to its ESP search algorithm. It also has an impressive human-compiled directory of web sites. Go officially launched in January 1999. It is not related to GoTo, below. The former Infoseek service launched in early 1995.  Sample Search Result (132,371 found, with 10 matching topics).

About.Com     AP(4),AR(3 sec), DIS (10), formerly the Mining Company, features over 600 "guides" offering original content in various areas. While isn't really a search service, the guides do have extensive links to other sites -- not to mention top-notch content of their own.  Sample Search Result (1,499 found)

LookSmart        AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
LookSmart is the closest rival Yahoo has, in terms of being a human-compiled directory of the web. In addition to being a stand-alone service, LookSmart provides directory results to AltaVista and many other partners. AltaVista provides LookSmart with search results when a search fails to find a match from among LookSmart's reviews. LookSmart launched independently in October 1996, was backed by Reader's Digest for about a year, and then company executives bought back control of the service. Sample Search Result (10 found)

Ask Jeeves       AP(4),AR(3 sec), DIS (*) MS
Ask Jeeves is a human-powered search service that aims to direct you to the exact page that answers your question. If it fails to find a match within its own database, then it will provide matching web pages from various search engines. The service went into beta in mid-April 1997 and opened fully on June 1, 1997. * Ask Jeeves also minimally searches Excite, Altavista, Infoseek and Webcrawler for the search term.
Sample Search Result (36 found)

Open Directory Project        AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
The Open Directory uses volunteer editors to catalog the web. Formerly known as NewHoo, it was launched in June 1998. It was acquired by Netscape in November 1998, and the company pledged that anyone would be able to use information from the directory through an open license arrangement. Netscape itself was the first licensee. Lycos also uses the information for its main service and within Lycos-owned HotBot. Sample Search Result   (1 found)

Other Single Engine Search Sites:


Functional Legend:
AP (ad presence rated 1 low to 5 high),
AR (average response in seconds),
DIS (default items displayed per page)
MS (multiple search engine simultaneous search)


Direct Hit      AP(3),AR(4 sec), DIS (10)  (Popularity Engine)
Direct Hit is a company that works with other search engines to refine their results. It does this by monitoring what users click on from the results they see. Sites that get clicked on more than others rise higher in Direct Hit's rankings. Thus, the service dubs itself a "popularity engine." Direct Hit's technology is currently best seen at HotBot. It also refines results at Lycos and is available as an option at LookSmart and MSN Search. Includes "related searches".
                                                                                Sample Search Result  (Undisclosed number of matches)
Go To        AP(1),AR(4 sec), DIS (40)
rgeted at AOL users. Previously, it had been powered by Excite. Search results appear limited.  Sample Search Result (Undisclosed number of matches)

AOL Netfind     AP(3),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
AOL NetFind is an Inktomi-powered search engine targeted at AOL users. Previously, it had been powered by Excite. Search results appear limited.  Search reveals matching categories and sites. Sample Search Result (88 found)

Infospace   AP(5),AR(3 sec), DIS (20)Sample Search Result: 0 matches

Savvy Search     AP(1),AR(4 sec), DIS (15)
This search engine is so low on the scale it has to link to other search engines.  Sample Search Result (72 found)

Other Multiple Engine Simultaneous Searches:

Highway 61 Meta-Search Engine    AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (36) MS  Sample Search Result  (20 found)
This Digiweb multiple database search engine consults Infoseek and Webcrawler for its results.

Non-U.S. Search Engines

Human-Compiled Database Search Sites:


Functional Legend:
AP (ad presence rated 1 low to 5 high),
AR (average response in seconds),
DIS (default items displayed per page)
MS (multiple search engine simultaneous search)

Voila!   (FRANCE)    AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
Produced by France Telecom, powered by Echo and available in a variety of regional editions.This search engine in France has access to over 100 million global webpages.   Sample Search Results (1,553 found)

Euroseek (UK)       AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
A European-based search engine which nonetheless covers the globe. You can choose one of several languages, but that only affects on-screen instructions. It won’t cause results to be translated. Sample Search Results (867 found)

Web Wombat (Australia and New Zealand)       AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10)
Searches either world or Australia/New Zealand. Sample Search Results

Guides to Search Engines and Directories


Functional Legend:
AP (ad presence rated 1 low to 5 high),
AR (average response in seconds),
DIS (default items displayed per page)
MS (multiple search engine simultaneous search)


Beaucoup         AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (10) MS
Lists over 1,000 search engines and directories, classified geographically or into major categories such as "Entertainment" and "Science." There are also "Big" pages in English, Dutch, Spanish, German, French and Japanese that list key search services in various categories. Its own search polls 10 engines with query.
Sample Search Results   (50 found)

Directory Guide    
Over 350 search engines and directories, organized into categories. Use the guide to find a likely service for your search, or follow links to post information about your web site.

Direct Search   
A large collection of specialized search tools that often contain info that it is hidden to the general search engines.

Super Seek            AP(2),AR(3 sec), DIS (*) MS   
Lists over 1,200 search engines and directories and over 6,600 print and broadcast media web sites. It also offers some multi-search features. Simultaneously begins searching AltaVista, Snap, Infoseek,, Excite, LookSmart, Northern Lights, Webcrawler, Hotbot, Lycos, Questfinder and Yahoo. Caution: Opens 12 new windows immediately if all 12 engines are checked.

Yahoo List of Web Search Engines and Directories      

Open Directory Project 403 Search Engine Listings      



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Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group