This file was provided by ParaNet(sm) Information Service and its network of international affiliates. You may freely distribute this file as long as this header remains intact. Date Prepared: August 6, 1991 Contributed by: David Knapp ============================================================ For further information on ParaNet(sm), contact: Michael Corbin ParaNet Information Service P.O. Box 172 Wheatridge, CO 80034-0172 or FidoNet 1:104/422 Internet =========================================================== (C) 1991 ParaNet Information Service. All Rights Reserved Unless Copyrighted by Author. These files may not be excerpted unless prior arrangements are made with ParaNet. ============================================================ (6053) Fri 2 Aug 91 10:17p By: David Knapp To: All Re: The Revealing Science Of Ufology; Pt 1 St: Sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:2210/633.8 289a2080 The following lecture was given at the 1991 MUFON International Symposium at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago Illinois by Forest Crawford. It is a topic that has been gaining allot of ground as 'we' continue to search for answers to the UFO phenomenon. The data presented is an assemblage of data research that is continuing to be collected. It is offered on a take it or leave it basis to be compared with your own research or other research for purposes of looking for correlations. It is not the scope of this project to argue about small details or attack witnesses who are providing small pieces of the data. In order for Ufology to continue to grow, we must concern ourselves with researching what the data is telling us, not with what should be rejected because it is not what sounds plausible or what everybody else is reporting. Those that have constructive comments or suggestions and any correlating data are urged to submit it for research use. Dave THE REVEALING SCIENCE OF UFOLOGY An Anatomy of Abduction Correlations By: Forest Crawford "To stretch your paradigm, first you must understand how to walk," said the seminar instructor. "I need a volunteer. Who thinks they know how to walk?" I automatically raised my hand and thought, "Everyone in this room knows how to walk; what does this have to do with being a better businessman?" One person was quickly chosen and brought to the front center row. "Now, would everyone sitting in an aisle seat down the center here, lay something down on the floor. Paper, pencil, anything." The floor down the center aisle began to get cluttered with contributions at the instructor's request. "OK, I would like you to walk down the center aisle as fast as you can safely go without stepping on anything." The volunteer carefully started to the back of the room. His eyes darted about surveying the path as his arms bobbed up and down to maintain balance. He looked like a sea-bird stepping from rock to rock as everyone laughed. "I need another volunteer." As the instructor positioned a young woman with her back to the center aisle, he produced a blind fold and tied it securely over her eyes. Turning her around to face down the aisle he said, "The rules are the same; walk to the back of the room without stepping on anything and take as much time as you need." "I can't! I can't see!" she said. "Have you seen blind people walking down the sidewalk?" he asked. "Yes," she said. "Then use your feet to feel your way like a blind person uses their cane," he said. The woman reluctantly started her way down the aisle. She stumbled a few times, stepped on a few things along the way and took ten times as long as the first volunteer to reach the back. The instructor pointed out that even a person who can only perceive what is directly under their feet can get to the end of their journey. However, it will most certainly take him longer and they will miss details along the way. On the other hand, the person with the insight and foresight to look all around will ultimately finish the journey faster and with more awareness of the things they encountered. The walk of a scientist is often a strange and wonderful trip. As one learns to walk in science, he/she is required to always keep one foot planted firmly on solid ground while reaching out to test new ground with the other. Only after the new ground is thoroughly and convincingly tested, may the scientist shift his/her weight forward, much like the blinded volunteer probing her way down the aisle. It's funny how scientists are expected to discover and understand the universe around them, yet they are generally not allowed the creativity to develop their own insight. The real inventors, researchers and discoverers are those that can see the path ahead with all of its gifts and pitfalls. The Einsteins, Salks, Faradays, Teslas, Pasteurs, Edisons, Galaleos and Divenchys are the world changers. Ufology, a science in its infancy, is affected by lack of insight and foresight possibly worst of all. If asked to compare it to other sciences, it would be considered more like archaeology that a purer science such as physics and chemistry. This is due largely to the fact that we are always investigating events that have already happened. At best a UFO investigator will arrive on the scene within hours. Very rarely will the investigator be present for the UFO event. If they are, they will rarely admit to it for fear of losing their reputation. Why has Ufology ended up this way? Is it because we spend too much time arguing amongst ourselves over trivial things? Mr. X - "There were five dead aliens at the Roswell crash!" Mr. Y - "No, you are wrong there were four dead and one alive." Mr. X - "You are wrong and I'm right." Mr. Y - "Well oh ya!" Has a want or need for money and attention hindered our growth? These things have certainly contributed some to Ufology's state of affairs, but there are several other major problems faced by our science: 1) The evidence seems to tell us that we are dealing with a phenomenon that is controlled by something more intelligent than we are. Imagine a chimpanzee lumbering out onto a runway with a club in hand trying to figure out a fighter jet. Could that chimp even carry on a simple conversation with the pilot and would the pilot care? 2) A more serious problem is the lack of conclusive, or even substantial, evidence. The only conclusive evidence would be a whole or crashed craft or an alien live, dead or in part. All other forms of evidence, landing traces, photographs, scars, testimony and even most artifacts are only circumstantial. Our evidence must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt strangeness exceeding all known human technology. This is an extremely tall order. There is another less scientific form of evidence that I feel warrants including; I call it "Personal Evidence." Personal evidence is synchronicities or coincidences that may not make sense or have significance to anyone but the experiencee. Personal evidence is usually hard to prove, a hunch or premonition perhaps. It seems to be a part of our creative intuitive selves that we are generally unaware of. I would like to share a few examples. One late night after a long interview with an abductee, I was driving home in a thick fog. The witness and I had just been discussing that she thought the aliens were around and paying attention to more people than we realized. I had the radio on and the disk jockey was playing a series of clips of famous quotes from movies. I craned my neck to look up and out the front window into the fog. Thinking out loud I said to the mist, "It is to easy for you to hide in the fog. If you are really up there paying attention it would be nice if you let us know once in a while." At the very instant I finished saying that a quote from a "Three Stooges" movie played and it said, "Look Moe, there is a flying saucer up there!" Another incident happened after an interview with a contactee. He had just been telling me that more UFO activity was going to happen and that more and more races of beings would be paying attention to Earth. On the way home I stopped at a quick shop to call home and tell my wife I was running late. I pulled my van up next to the pay phone and turned to get out. There on the wall outside the quick shop was a Camel cigarette poster. The poster was a picture of a well dressed camel standing against a night sky. A beam of blue and red light from a silver saucer shined on him from above. The words, "THEY'RE COMING," in big letters was all it said. It is nice to know that they have a sense of humor. Of course there is no proof that this means anything, but I got kick out of it. You just had to be there. There is another very important aspect that has held Ufology back; ignoring evidence. If a pharmaceutical company wanted to sell a new drug to the public, they would have to thoroughly analyze it to determine its contents. If upon analysis they found a compound that they could not identify, would they be able to sell the product? Of course not. They could not take the risk of people becoming ill or dying from something the company could not explain. The truth is, no scientist worth his weight in salt could ignore data and be considered a real scientist. If other scientists can not ignore data then how can we get away with it? In fact we have not gotten away with it, but we keep trying. Remember there was a time when we ignored crash retrievals because it was too controversial. Now there is a crash reported on "Unsolved Mysteries" several times a year. Ufologists have done the same thing with the abduction phenomenon and it has become our main focus of attention lately. We are still doing it with mental transmission and contactee cases. This may be a mistake we will regret later. If small gray aliens wake you in the middle of the night, paralyze you with their stare, beam you through the wall on board their ship, examine you in a rather unfriendly way, maybe even reproduce hybrid children with you, blank or mask your memory and return you to bed, that is acceptable. But, if they just want to teach you things, answer questions or help you develop personally, then that is too hard to believe and God forbid if they look human. If this comparison sounds ludicrous, it is. We must keep an open mind unless we really like eating crow. Let's start our journey along the road of "Informational Correlations" in the small Illinois farm town of Bernedotte. On October 4, 1989 in the mid-afternoon a MUFON field investigator named Poe Clark observed a strange object in the sky. It did not match anything he was familiar with, it was a UFO. He promptly called Paul Russell, a State Section Director for Illinois MUFON. Paul immediately came down from the Peoria area. Through binoculars, Paul and Poe observed a number of strange objects until several hours after dark. The scope of this article is not to comprehensively report on the Bernedotte case, but approximately one hundred unknown objects were observed that night. Over the next eight months, in excess of 410 UFO's were reported by 13 independent witnesses. Another phenomenon that occurred in conjunction with several sightings was the fall of "Angel Hair." Samples were collected by the investigators as it fell from the sky in some cases. The samples were put in air tight containers, kept in the dark, and frozen to preserve them. The samples remain well preserved even today. Lab analysis on a mass and a FTIR spectrophotometer placed the substance in a family of compounds known as amide-esters. The most popular explanation for angel hair has been balloon spider webs. So, a comparative analysis of some spider webs was also conducted. The FTIR spectrograph of the two showed remarkable similarities. Both substances were most certainly in the same family, amide-esters. Another interesting thing was coming to light about the same time as the angel hair work. Several abductee cases from around the country were claiming to be receiving information from their abductors during or between encounters. John Carpenter (State Section Director of Missouri MUFON), Tom Stults (State Director of Illinois MUFON) and myself decided that if the aliens really are talking then this could be important and we would be able to ask them test questions. If the answers correlated then maybe this would substantiate some validity for these communications. The research philosophy of "Ask the Aliens" was born. We have been observing the phenomenon ourselves and asking the government for answers for some time. We spend a great deal of time and money sifting through what the government tells us trying to find the truth. So, Why not get the answers direct from the aliens? Even if they are not telling the whole truth at least the information is not third or fourth person removed. Carpenter compiled a list of questions with contributions from other researchers and included questions already asked by the abductees. The list included basic informational questions covering many different topics, some technical, some for control and some totally fabricated. One of the earliest questions asked was, "What is angel hair?" NOTE - Cases named in the following informational correlations are all thoroughly investigated or the investigation is on going. Some of the cases named are controversial, but none were included unless a reasonable amount of credibility was apparent. A complete description of each of these cases may violate the witnesses' request for anonymity and go beyond the scope of this paper. The answers from four independent cases are as follows: WHAT IS ANGEL HAIR? PAT - "The energy from our propulsion system reacts with organic matter in the air." FOUR LADIES - "It is excreted through our jets ... because of toxins in your air ... more toxins more angel hair." JEAN - "Angel hair is the sloughing off of a protective emulsion emitted by our crafts external systems device. It is constantly generated to protect against contaminants. When it has reached maximum absorption levels, it is discarded. It is protection from the many pollutants in your atmosphere. It also serves as an outer lubricant to relieve external stress caused by atmospheric friction." JOHN PHILLIPS - "Some aliens manufacture or clone a worker creature to do menial labor. The creatures do not have a soul but have limited intelligence and can be taught simple tasks. When they have outlived their usefulness they are dissolved up and the waste product excreted to the outside of the craft. The substance reacts with the energy of the propulsion system and forms the angel hair." I asked what kind of worker creature? "INSECT!" he said. The answer by John Phillips was the most outrageous but, lets pause for a moment and compare it to the scientific analysis. The way to make an amide-ester is to mix a proteinatious material with formic acid and apply heat. A proteinatious material can be made of any material previously living, preferably animal or insect. Formic acid is found in nature in insects ("Forma" means ant in latin). If you dissolved an insect life-form in an acid and injected this into a high energy electromagnetic field, one would have all the components to effectively make amide-esters. This is essentially how a spider makes webs minus the electromagnetic field of course. Let us continue with more questions that the abductees asked of their contacts. They are grouped into several different categories according to subject. TECHNICAL WHAT IS THE M# (MESSIER NUMBER) OF YOUR GALAXY? JEAN - M13, M31, M14. I felt that M13 was where they are from and M31 and M14 is where the colonies are. LYNN - I did not get a number but they told me that it is where our solar system is heading toward and will someday end up. A reference to M13 can be found in an encyclopedia "The World of Science, Volume 9, Astronomy II, Exploring the Universe," by Creative World Publications, Inc. It says, "Hercules ... It contains an enormous globular cluster known as M13. M13 contains more stars than any other cluster in the Northern Hemisphere. Another curiosity is the star designated Pi (which is right next to M13). It is toward this star that the sun is moving, carrying its system of planets with it. After some millions of years the sun, the Earth and the other planets will be among the stars shining in that corner of the sky." A friend of Lynn's told her once that she thought they knew each other in a previous life and that Lynn was called ARKMEDIA. Lynn stated that when she heard this name it was not her name but the name of the place they were from. In a communication that Jean had one time, the aliens referred to the "Suns of Arkmedia." The following is a list of a few individual stars that have been also named. BETTY AND BARNIE HILL - Zeta Reticula 1 & 2 (per the Fish star map) PAT - Zeta Reticulum OSCAR - Tau Ceti & Epsilon Eridoni JILL - Tau Ceti (Description matches Oscar's) JOHN PHILLIPS - Vega FOUR LADIES - Sirius Some Messier numbers reported are M13, M14, M31, M23, M92 and M45. With the exception of M31, which is the Andromeda galaxy, all the others are open or globular clusters. Most to the specific stars named are double or triple stars. Bob Lazar commented that he thought that the extra heavy elements used in some craft for propulsion could only be formed naturally in systems with more than one star in close proximity. This would facilitate enough energy to cause the formation of such extra-heavy elements. HOW DO YOU USE LIGHT? DEBBIE TOMIE - "Light, in its many forms, can be used in many different ways: nutrition, healing tissue, travel, disassemble molecules/pass through light/reassemble, light as a means of self propulsion." JEAN - "We travel by means of light fusion. We are able to travel great distances using this power. It is a transformation of light energy to light fuel. It is efficient and powerful. We have harnessed this energy and magnified it to transport us in our travels through the universe. You were brought on board our craft by means of spectral transport. Your essence was blended with the light beam. It is one method of matter transference. The light particles penetrate your atomic structure which is recorded into the transposer memory. Matter is then reconstructed at the desired site of appearance. Light penetration of matter causes matter to become light which can be controlled and directed to the chosen area of reintegration." LYNN - "Material substances, like chemicals and medicines, can be blended with light. These substances can be incorporated into the body by projecting the light through the material structure of the subject. Light also serves as fuel for travel and the generation of energy." I am reminded of how Ed Walters, of the Gulf Breeze, Florida case, described how the beam of light numbed only the part that it touched. Debbie Tomie recalled that it felt as if the light was shining through her body. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF IMPLANTS? DEBBIE TOMIE - "Tracking, monitoring of individual and sensory receptors, and occasionally altering the energy level of the individual to facilitate necessary communications and molecular changes for the greater good, through adjustment of energy levels." JEAN - "The sensory implants have many uses. They are tracking devices. They record sensory input from the subjects. They register pollution levels in the subject. They measure stress levels. We are able to study migrational habits of your people. It enables us to communicate with our test-subjects, even from great distances. It is a constant surveillance of our chosen ones. The implants are also warning devices capable of alerting us to certain dangers threatening the individual. It lessens the possibility of premature death of the chosen. They cannot be completely protected but it minimizes our loss." JOHN PHILLIPS - "The lesser developed grey aliens must use implants in their subjects and themselves in order to communicate telepathically. Some do not have natural telepathic ability." LYNN - "The metallic ball implants are only used by the least developed beings and our government. The more advanced the race the harder the technology is to detect. Plastic, gristle-like and gel implants are used by the more advanced beings. The gristle-like and gel implants are also the most difficult to deactivate." PHYSIOLOGICAL WHAT ABOUT COWS? WHY USE COWS? WHY NOT DOGS OR PEOPLE? LYNN - "Cows are less valuable to people." DEBBIE TOMIE - "Cattle tissue is genetically equivalent to human tissue. For our purpose, it is close enough a match that it is generally unnecessary to use humans, or other high level species. We regret the occasional loss of a higher form of life due to the needs of the greater good. We feel the loss, also. Know this, all unfolds as it must. The losses were not in vain." JEAN - "We use the tissue from cows in an essential biochemical process necessary for our survival. The material we use from cattle contains the correct amount of protein substances needed for biochemical absorption. While we could use dogs or people for the process, it is morally unacceptable. There is little emotional attachment to cows. Cattle are not an endangered species. Most dogs are semi-intelligent, loving creatures who provide much comfort in an emotional way. While we respect all life, some sacrifices must be made for the preservation of other species. In most instances, your people do not grieve over dead cows as they do dogs or people." HOW DO YOU REPRODUCE? LYNN - "Very few grey aliens can reproduce the way humans do. Very few have sexual organs but there us a race or two. They are part human, that is how they acquired this ability. Others are like a queen bee. Very, very few females." JEAN - "Our primary reason for contacting your people is for reproductive purposes. We need you to propagate our species. For thousands of years we were isolated from life forms with any similarity to your own. We have inbred to a level of sterility. We were a dying variety of life. We discovered our two species were compatible for breeding. There are only a small number of our race capable of reproduction. Most of the cross-children are developed in artificial wombs. This is necessary to produce the quantity of young we must have to survive. Some of our females carry the young to term. This cannot be done in excess. Over production damages the females' reproductive capabilities. We mate in the same way as you. It is a pleasurable time; however we do not have your emotional involvement in the act." HOW DO YOU EAT AND? OR DRINK? OSCAR - "The ones you refer to as 'greys' are more like plant life, like an advanced mushroom, and absorb their food through their skin." STEVIE JONES - "I saw the small grey aliens dipping their arms in vats to absorb nutrients." DEBBIE TOMIE - "Absorption through the outer covering of the body, skin, through the soft tissue inside the mouth. Energy ray, nutritional fluids. Waste excreted through the skin. We do not drink as you understand drink. Do not 'swallow,' fluid is absorbed through tissues in 'mouth'." JEAN - "Our method of consumption is very different from your own. We absorb what we need from our environment (and yours). It is similar to photosynthesis. We need light, mineral substances not existing on your planet, proteins and moisture." SOCIOLOGICAL HOW MANY SPECIES OR RACES VISIT EARTH? ARE THEIR GOES DIFFERENT? DEBBIE TOMIE - "Nine so far." JEAN - "There are several types of races visiting Earth at this time. Many others have observed or made temporary studies here. Most of these have been gentle, peace-loving scientists or explorers. There is one breed that visits your people that should be avoided at all costs. These are the lovers of violence and carnage. They also make contact. They infect the morally weak. Most of the mindless killings and cruelty on your planet comes from their influence. They are the 'Evil Ones' who thrive on chaos and entertain themselves through the suffering of others. They are the true demons of your folklore." Some singular race correlations have occurred that are worth presenting. There are currently six cases that have described a human alien as being 5 1/2 feet tall, crew-cut dark brown hair, brown eyes, 180 to 200 pounds and olive colored skin. Four of the witnesses correlated the aliens origins as Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridoni. The physical description of the beings was identical in all cases. Am attitude of the Tau Cetians is a distinct dislike of some of the grays and the way they are treating abductees. They have given advice to some of their contacts on how to overcome the grays' deceptions. There are also six witnesses that have described with remarkable similarity an insect race or races. The witnesses are divided down the middle on whether they are good or bad. A race of tall gray beings wearing a hooded or high-collared robe has been regularly reported. They are occasionally reported without clothes. They are often referred to as light beings even though they appear to have physical form. They are usually described as the elders, a more advanced race or of higher spiritual advancement than the ones they are with. They are usually seen with a different race of beings than their own. LYNN - "It looked into my eyes and it felt like it was looking into my soul, my mind, like it could see every part of my being. When it had completely scanned me with its mind it smiled. Then O felt like I was pulled through its eyes. Like my consciousness went into its eyes. Then I was swimming free in a place with what looked like stars all around. Then we went to a desert where I was taught things." Lynn's experience is identical in whole or in part to the experience of Debbie Tomie, Jean, Rusty, and several other well investigated cases. DO YOU HAVE MUSIC, COMEDY, THEATER? JEAN - "Our music is the music of light and visual images. Geometric combinations and light patterns are pleasing and soothing to the soul. We can reproduce the music of your world. We have chosen the best examples of various compositions and have stored them in the data centers. Some of your music is highly irritating. We are bombarded with the noise of your radio waves. We do not understand your enjoyment of this raucous auditory pollution. Theater is used for educational purposes, such as the giving of examples for various situations. It is not for entertainment. We have studied your television programming to better understand your people. This is confusing at times, but we try to average out all data received. We do not have comedy in a theatrical sense. We have humor and amusement. You are an amusing species." DEBBIE TOMIE - "Music is vital; comedy understood. You are our theater, our comedy." Debbie added the comment, "Goody, a smart-ass." STEVIE JONES - "As the dark rectangle moved over me I began to get tense. Suddenly, geometric shapes of light in different colors appeared in my mind's eye. It was like music for my mind and it calmed me." PREDICTIONS Predictions are always dangerous to make because if they do not come true then you look idiotic. Even the witnesses that make predictions will say they are based on the present trends. If anything were to be changed or influenced it could change the trend and therefore the outcome. I will risk the possibility of error and criticism in an effort to report the data as received. The question, "What can you tell me about the future?" was asked of the thirteen totally independent abductees. To summarize the responses: By the end of 1992 there would be so many sightings, landings, abductions, contacts and/or publicity that the UFO question will be resolved in most peoples' minds. Secondarily, predictions of natural disasters catastrophic enough to cause social change could occur. Oscar relates that a large asteroid will strike the Earth in the year 2054 if something is not done to prevent this. I am just reporting the data folks, so take it for what it is worth and, of course, only time will tell. PHILOSOPHICAL HOW DO YOU RELATE TO THE SUPREME BEING (GOD)? JEAN - "As I have told you before, God is the life essence of the Universe. We relate to this essence through respect for all life. We protect life when it is endangered. This is our goal. Our method of worship is a meditation to our inner selves. We become attuned to the universal life-force." DEBBIE TOMIE - "There is no prefect 'religion', no perfect people. There is only life. Life, in its purest form, is the beginning. The base from which all that exist, originated. Yours and mine, all life, are merely tributaries of the great river. We hold all life in the highest esteem, for we are all a part of that life. This is not merely blind faith. We have swam 'The River,' so to speak, and you shall swim "The River' when you are fully prepared. These words that you restrict yourself to make it very difficult to pass on to you the information you seek. 'RELIGION' is a sociological phenomenon unique to your species. This is created by man. Not to be confused with the spirit. 'GOD' is the 'SPIRIT.' Jesus was a man, created by 'GOD' to help you understand, on your own level, in your own times and terms. You were obviously not ready at that time. The process will continue, until you have reached the level of understanding set for your form of life by the 'GOD,' whom you have come from. Could you possibly understand? You have made your lives, and you have left no room for the 'SPIRIT' within you. Look into yourselves. Look about you. All life that you see, all that is beautiful, all that is ugly, but with soul, all that radiates is life, is the 'SPIRIT,' us your 'GOD.' You have been blinded by your lives, you have let your fear, and your negativity keep the inner eye within you closed. Do not fear. 'GOD' is life eternal. Our greater good is that which works together to bring to the 'SPIRIT' that which belongs to it, to give it strength and life, for to bring "IT" life, we give life to ourselves, as well. Remember, there is only life if you believe, there is only love if you believe, there is only evil if you believe. If you believe that these things exist for you, then they will, if you believe they do not exist for you, then they will not. You have been given this choice." LYNN - "The Power (God) is the law of the universe. It is that 'Power's' choice to give gifts of awareness and understanding, like telepathy. God is the 'I am,' the final law. The 'All That Is' gives one special capability to all living things, the gift of free will, of choice. You can choose to be compassionate, you can choose to be destructive, you can choose to do nothing, the choice is yours. Each living thing must take responsibility for its own life. To open what you call the 'Gates of Heaven' you must first understand and know what the original gift is. By giving the gift of free will, the gift of choice, to other living beings you come closer to knowing your oneness with all living things, with your creator. This is the key to unlock the 'Gates of Heaven' and receive understanding and wisdom from the universe. Always respect the gift of choice given by 'The Power' to all creations, aware or unaware. Trust that each creation will find its creator and its home for it has eternity to do so." Very profound for a bunch of little gray genetic engineers. The questions and answers in this article were chosen to supply a variety of responses to some popular topics. As one can imagine, there are many more correlations and others that are still being researched. We started out by determining what and where we are as Ufologists. We examined some of our more serious pit falls like: - Lack of conclusive evidence. - We may be monkeys studying fighter jets. - We have a nasty habit of ignoring data we are uncomfortable with. We then started our walk as scientists in the safety of the lab. We followed the data correlations and landed in the etheric world of spiritual philosophy. As UFO scientists we should strive to be a combination of archaeologist, sociologist and futurist. Do not forget to allow your paradigms room to grow. We can then learn from what HAS happened to better understand what IS happening and have the foresight to see what will happen. Address correspondence to: Forest Crawford 219 Emile St. Collinsville, IL 62234 PARANET FILE NAME: SCIUFO.TXT