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Artículos académicos para Hawking-Penrose,The Nature of Space and Time

NAKED SINGULARITIES - Penrose - Citado por 163
Black-hole uncertainty entails an intrinsic time arrow: ... - Elitzur - Citado por 11
Nature of singularities in gravitational collapse - Krolak - Citado por 17

Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. [PDF]

    hep-th/9409195 30 Sep 94

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    viewpoints on the nature of space and time. We shall speak alternately and shall give three ..... illustrate this by describing the Hawking-Penrose theorem. ... - Páginas similares
  2. [PS]

    2. Quantum Black Holes

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    university can aord only two dimensional screens. I have therefore shown time in the. vertical direction and used perspective to show two of the three space ... - Páginas similares
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  3. The Nature of Space and Time, Isaac Newton Institute Series of ...

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    BARNES & NOBLE - Find The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen Hawking. Enjoy book clubs, author videos and customer reviews. Free 3-Day shipping on $25 ... - 57k - En caché - Páginas similares
  4. The Nature of Space and Time: Stephen Hawking ...

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    The Nature of Space and Time. Author: Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose ... With Stephen Hawking, Penrose proved a theorem of Albert Einstein's general ... - 64k - En caché - Páginas similares
  5. On Space and Time: Shahn Majid, Alain Connes ...

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    What is the true nature of space and time? These concepts are at the heart ... With Stephen Hawking, Penrose proved a theorem of Albert Einstein's general ... - 53k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  6. Hawking-Penrose 1994 Debate Text - Physics Forums Library

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    2 entradas
    Archived thread of Hawking-Penrose 1994 Debate from the physics forums ... the title The Nature of Space and Time, Hawking and Penrose, Princeton Univ. ... - 6k - En caché - Páginas similares
  7. Hawking-Penrose 1994 Debate

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    Hawking-Penrose 1994 Debate Special & General Relativity. ... in 1996 under the title The Nature of Space and Time, Hawking and Penrose, Princeton Univ. ... - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
  8. [PDF]


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    -Hawking-Penrose.The Nature of Space and Time. Princenton University Press. New Jersey. 2000. -Landau,L., E.Lifshitz. Teoría Clásica de los Campos. ... - Páginas similares
    de PJG Álvarez - Artículos relacionados
  9. Nature of Space and Time by HAWKING/PENROSE in Science and ...

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    Nature of Space and Time by HAWKING/PENROSE in Science and Technology | ISBN: 9780691050843 | Presents a series of lectures delivered in 1994 by Hawking and ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares
  10. The Nature of Space and Time

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    The Nature of Space and Time; July 1996; Scientific American Magazine; by Hawking, Penrose; 6 Page(s). In 1994 Stephen W. Hawking and Roger Penrose gave a ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares
    de SA Magazine - 1996 - Las 3 versiones
  11. Scientific American Digital Magazine: July 1996

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    The Nature of Space and Time; July 1996; by Hawking, Penrose; 6 Page(s). Two relativists present their distinctive views on the universe, its evolution and ... - 47k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  12. THE NATURE OF SPACE AND TIME - OZtion Auction Item 4915077

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    Find THE NATURE OF SPACE AND TIME in the ,Non-Fiction,Books & Magazines on ... The real issue that dominates the Hawking-Penrose discussion is the ... - 55k - En caché - Páginas similares
  13. The Nature of Space and Time - Google Book Search

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    Hawking-Penrose theorems showed that according to general relativity there ... The Nature of Space and Time is a seven and a half hour long video that comes ... - Páginas similares
  14. The Nature of Space and Time - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Stephen W. Hawking, Roger Penrose - 1996 - Science - 141 páginas
    If the space- time were time independent, a solution of the wave equation that contained only positive frequencies on T~ would also be of positive frequency ...
  15. Time, Space and Philosophy - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Christopher Ray - 1991 - Philosophy - 284 páginas
    This will enable us to capture something of the nature and scope of physical theories, especially those concerned with space and time, which provide our ...

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    QUANTUM THEORY AS IT RELATES TO NATURE SPACE AND TIME Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology. ... HAWKING/PENROSE. (n/a posts) ... - 31k - En caché - Páginas similares

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  18. [PDF]

    D Asignatura Geometría de Espacio-Tiempos Relativistas Código 0000 ...

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    de Hawking, Penrose, Geroch y otros sobre la estructura global del universo .... S. Hawking and R. Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time, Princeton ... - Páginas similares
  19. Revista Científica y Tecnológica

    HAWKING S. & PENROSE R. (2000) The nature of Space and Time. Princeton University Press. KANT I. (1800) Immanuel Kants Logik: Ein Handbuch zu Vorlesungen . ... - 55k - En caché - Páginas similares
  20. [PDF]

    Hacia el Desarrollo de una Didáctica Constructivista

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    fundada teoría, aún se está soñando (Hawking, Penrose;2006). .... HAWKING S. & PENROSE R. (2000) The nature of Space and Time. Princeton University Press. ... - Páginas similares
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  21. : Directorio y Buscador de Blogs Latinos - Perfil ...

    The nature of space and time (Hawking/Penrose) The beginning of time (Hawking) El lobo estepario (Hesse) Diálogos (Platón) 1984 (Orwell) ... - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares
  22. Space-Time Foam Dense Singularities and de Rham Cohomology - CiteSeerX

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    14, The Nature of Space and TimeHawking, Penrose - 2000. 10, A nonlinear theory of generalized functions – Biagioni - 1990 ...;jsessionid=FB92221726C96757D2B8A5B4E1AE... - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares
  23. A measurement theory for time geography - CiteSeerX

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    14, The Nature of Space and TimeHawking, Penrose - 2000. 14, Measuring space- time accessibility benefits within transportation networks: Basic theory and ... - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares
  24. Hawking Penrose Nature Space Time

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    Title: The Nature of Space and Time. Author: S. Hawking R. Penrose. ISBN:. Publisher: Softback Preview. Year of Publication: 1997. Cover: Paperback ... - 4k - En caché - Páginas similares
  25. Nature of Singularities in Gravitational Collapse

    Hawking-Penrose singularitytheorem says that when space-time is strongly ..... 6 ) S. W. Hawking and R. Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time (Princeton ... - Páginas similares
    de A Krolak - 1999 - Citado por 17 - Artículos relacionados
  26. Hawking Penrose Roger Stephen W books on Confetti Antiques & Books ...

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    1, Hawking, Stephen W. & Roger Penrose THE NATURE OF SPACE AND TIME Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press 1996 Hardcover Very Good- in Very Good- ... - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares
  27. YouTube - Canal de rulozeke

    ... El príncipe (Maquiavelo), Cosmos (Sagan), The dragons of Eden (Sagan), The nature of space and time (Hawking/Penrose), The beginning of time (Hawking), ... - 40k - En caché - Páginas similares
  28. [PDF]

    On 4/1/08 4:13 PM NYC time in flight sfo – jfk Jack Sarfatti wrote ...

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    Hawking’s Lecture 1 from The Nature of Space and Time (1994) for book Star Gate. ... causal arguments that also are needed in the Hawking-Penrose spacetime ... - Páginas similares
  29. [PDF]

    On 4/5/08 11:13 AM NYC time in Chelsea, Manhattan Jack Sarfatti ...

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    commentary of Hawking’s Lecture 1 from The Nature of Space and Time (1994) for .... arguments that also are needed in the Hawking-Penrose spacetime ... - Páginas similares
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  30. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind: Roger Penrose ...

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    The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen Hawking ... the well-known theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Penrose then reserves the last word for himself, ... - 316k - En caché - Páginas similares
  31. Citebase - Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails an Intrinsic Time Arrow ...

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    G/A, [8] S. W. Hawking and R. Penrose, The nature of space and time (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996). G/A, [9] S. W. Hawking, The no boundary ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares
  32. Citebase - Does Indeterminism Give Rise to an Intrinsic Time Arrow?

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    eprint, [14] Elitzur, A.C. and Dolev, S. (2000) Indeterminism and time ... G/A, [20] Hawking, S.W and Penrose, R. (1996) The Nature of Space and Time. ... - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  33. critical-realism message, Re: BHA: Re: Critical Realism for ...

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    It seems to me that you are thinking of >the Hawking-Penrose singularity .... Stephen Hawking and >Roger Penrose in The Nature of Space and Time where ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares
  34. critical-realism message, Re: Re: BHA: Re: Critical Realism for ...

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    >>the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems? .... >>Roger Penrose in The Nature of Space and Time where Hawking emphatically states ... - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares
  35. Black hole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    The "No Hair" theorem does make some assumptions about the nature of our ...... Hawking, Stephen & Penrose, Roger (1996), The Nature of Space and Time, ... - 233k - En caché - Páginas similares
  36. Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems - Wikipedia, the free ...

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    a b Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time, Princeton University Press, 1996. Hawking, Stephen; and Ellis, G. F. R. (1973). ... - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  37. [PDF]

    Before Time: Loop Quantum Cosmology and Philosophy of Science

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    nature, and physical laws – are they all mere initial conditions? ... approach infinity and space and time fall into the quantum regime. ... - Páginas similares
  38. 'Susskind Quashes Hawking in Quarrel Over Quantum Quandary' by ...

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    9 Jul 2008 ... Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time .... If you can convince Hawking, Penrose, etc. into cutting back, ...,2846,Susskind-Quashes-Hawking-in-Quarrel-Over-Quantum-Quandary,California-Liter... - 103k - En caché - Páginas similares
  39. Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford Library

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    Hawking/Penrose, Stephen/Roger, The Nature of Space and Time, 1995. Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Beyond, 1971. Heppenheimer, T.A., Toward Distant Suns ... - 303k - En caché - Páginas similares
  40. [PPT]

    Quantum gravity: unification of principles and interactions

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    Space and time are unified into the spacetime manifold (M,g), where ... The classical laws of nature are written in tensor language. Gravity in GR ... - Páginas similares
  41. The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the ...

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    {26}Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time, The Isaac Newton ... {52}Hawking and Penrose, Nature of Space and Time, p. 121; cf. pp. ... - 71k - En caché - Páginas similares
  42. A Swift and Simple Refutation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument?

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    The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem proves that so long as the General Theory ..... {38}Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time , ... - 66k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  43. Versión imprimible - La Evolución es Religión—No Ciencia [Parte II]

    Hawking, Stephen y Roger Penrose (1996), La Naturaleza del Espacio y el Tiempo [ The Nature of Space and Time] (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press). ... - 56k - En caché - Páginas similares
  44. Cosmos and Creator. Origins & Design 17:2. Craig, William Lane

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    J.R. Gott III, "Creation of Open Universes from de Sitter Space," Nature (1982): 295 pp. 304-07. 12. Christopher Isham, "Space, Time, and Quantum Cosmology ... - 64k - En caché - Páginas similares
  45. Atheism, Theism and Big Bang Cosmology

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    The solutions for the Hawking-Penrose theorems in the general case show that ... A singularity is a place where the classical concepts of space and time ... - 75k - En caché - Páginas similares
  46. The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe

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    This evidence includes the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems that are ..... Given that, we can note that the classical notions of space and time and all ... - 70k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  47. Dolev - Author Index All archive(s)

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    [8], S. W. Hawking and R. Penrose, The nature of space and time (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996). [9], S. W. Hawking, The no boundary condition ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
  48. Hemmo - Author Index All archive(s)

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    [20], Hawking, S.W and Penrose, R. (1996) The Nature of Space and Time. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [21], S. W. Hawking (1976) Phys. Rev. ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
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  49. Sir Roger Penrose | Science and Its Times: 1950-Present Summary

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    Working with Hawking, Penrose provided mathematical proof that the matter ... to produce another well-regarded book titled The Nature of Space and Time. ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
  50. is there gravity at the center of a black hole? [Archive ...

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    Nature DOES NOT Love infinity, as per experiemnts. 2. GR Predicts that, in Singularity the warpage of space time is infinite, that is infinite gravity. ... - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares
  51. [PDF]

    Cosmological Theories and the Question of the Existence of a Creator

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    In Newtonian cosmology, space and time (and possibly matter) have always existed , .... Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems. These demonstrate under certain ... - Páginas similares
  52. [PDF]

    Religion and the Challenges of Science

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    scheme, moreover, space and time themselves, were, like God, sempiternal, and ... laws of nature, we arrive finally at a moment when that development begins ... - Páginas similares
    de W SWEET - Artículos relacionados
  53. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind by Roger Penrose ...

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    ... The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen William Hawking ... the well-known theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Penrose then reserves the last word ... - 44k - En caché - Páginas similares
  54. Yuku | A request for Orb. - Atheist Rocket Arena - Atheism chat ...

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    God in this case is irrelevant to our conclusion about the nature of the ... What then do you refer to all the matter, energy, space and time around us as ... - 102k - En caché - Páginas similares
  55. Singularities and Black Holes -- SEP

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    Geodesics are the "straightest-possible" lines of a space-time. ... In the late 1960s, substantial progress was made on this question when Hawking, Penrose, ... - 49k - En caché - Páginas similares
  56. Origin Universe Yuanyuan Time behave direction ppt Presentation

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    Slide19 : In this, space and time were no longer Absolute, .... Slide71 : The same laws of Nature hold at the south pole, as in other places. ... - 180k - En caché - Páginas similares
  57. Topic Model Browser

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    The Nature of Space and Time. > preprocessed text. nature space. nature space half hour video comes tape professor hawking penrose giving series hour ... - 5k - En caché - Páginas similares
  58. [PS]

    arXiv:gr-qc/0012060 v2 23 Dec 2000

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    TIME ARROW. A Note on the Hawking-Penrose Controversy ..... [8] S. W. Hawking and R. Penrose, The nature of space and time (Princeton University Press, ... - Páginas similares
  59. The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the ...

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    [26] Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time, The Isaac Newton Institute Series of Lectures (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University ... - 65k - En caché - Páginas similares
  60. God and Big Bang Cosmology -

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    The ideas I wish to emphasise are the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems ... A singularity is a place where the classical concepts of space and time break ... - 88k - En caché - Páginas similares
  61. Entropy 2002, 4[1], 1-2 Entropy ISSN 1099-4300 ...

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    The Hawking-Penrose controversy [6] debates whether entropy increase is a consequence of the ... Hawking, S.; Penrose, R. The Nature of Space and Time. ... - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares
    de A Elitzur - 2002 - Artículos relacionados - Las 28 versiones
  62. [PDF]


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    strong energy condition and confimi the isotropic nature of the space-time,. since a2 = 0. However in general'the Raychaudhuri equation holds good ... - Páginas similares
    de G MOHANTY - 2001 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados - Las 6 versiones
  63. MachinesLikeUs Bookstore : Cognition Page 4

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    For the first time, Libet gives his own account of these experiments and their ... the well-known theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Penrose then ... - 50k - En caché - Páginas similares
  64. [PDF]

    arXiv:gr-qc/9910108 v2 7 Jan 2000

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    1 and 2 are one of the assumptions of the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem ..... [6] S.W. Hawking and R. Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time (Princeton ... - Páginas similares
    de A Krolak - 1999 - Citado por 17 - Artículos relacionados - Las 7 versiones
  65. [PDF]

    <a href="">arXiv:0801.3994v1 [gr ...

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    of research about the nature of space and time. In what follows we shall ...... then; however, in the 1960s it was understood, through the Hawking-Penrose ... - Páginas similares
    de O Bertolami - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
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  66. PhysOrgForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums ...

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    STEPHEN HAWKING...from Nature of space and time .... The BB has stuck to its guns and Hawking, Penrose, Thorne, and Preskill, just to name a few, ... - 103k - En caché - Páginas similares
  67. PII: S0375-9601(98)00856-1

    A note on the Hawking-Penrose controversy. Avshalom C. Elitzur ‘,l, Shahar Dolev b ..... Hawking, R. Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time. (Princeton Univ. ... - Páginas similares
    de AC Elitzur - 1999 - Citado por 11 - Artículos relacionados
  68. [PDF]

    What is Left of Classical Philosophical Understanding of Space?

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    use the quotation from Hawking-Penrose debate from 1994 according that .... Hawking Stephen, and Penrose Roger: the Nature of Space and time, Princeton Uni- ... - Páginas similares
    de M Jakić - 2006 - Las 2 versiones
  69. A Big Bang Cosmological Argument For God's Nonexistence (1992)

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    The solutions for the Hawking-Penrose theorems show, as Hawking notes, ... A singularity is a place where the classical concepts of space and time break ...'s_nonexistence_(1992).htm - 89k - En caché - Páginas similares
  70. The structure of singularities in space-times with torsion

    An analysis of the extension of the Hawking Penrose singularity theorem to ..... This theorem is about the nature of the singularities in space-time and ... - Páginas similares
    de LC Garcia de Andrade - 1990 - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  71. On the black-hole formation

    space-time. (1) .He(p, x) = 89 [gt(x)pip -]- w 2 x g(x) xt] ,. (1) W. G. UNRUH: Phys. Roy., 14, 870 (1976). (') S. HAWKING: Nature, 248, 30 (1974); Commun. ... - Páginas similares
    de M Maetellini - 1978 - Las 2 versiones
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  72. • View topic - This is a Test

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    Its not 'human nature' its any computational system, which means any force ..... To have our instanton, you have to have gravity, matter, space and time. ... - 56k - En caché - Páginas similares
  73. JSTOR: The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe

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    The idea that the Friedmann equations and the Hawking-Penrose singularity .... Given that, we can note that the classical notions of space and time and all ... - Páginas similares
    de Q Smith - 1988 - Citado por 21 - Artículos relacionados
  74. The Institute For Cultural Research

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    Like Stephen Hawking, Penrose has contributed a great deal to the ... 1994); The Nature of Space and Time (with Stephen Hawking, Princeton, 1996); ... - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares
  75. Beyond Gödel’s Theorem: Turing nonrigidity revisited - CiteSeerX

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    In [4] it was argued that incomputability in nature dictates a mathematical model (due to ... 14, The Nature of Space and TimeHawking, Penrose - 2000 ... - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
    de SB Cooper - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
  76. RELATIVITY: bookmarks

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    The ISJ - Quantum Gravity Classification · Quantum Gravity (P. Gibbs) · The Nature of Space and Time (Hawking/Penrose) · Penrose's Twistor Theory (Hodges) ... - 90k - En caché - Páginas similares
  77. Northern Aerospace

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    What I'm Reading; God's Equation, Amir D Aczel · The Nature of Space and Time, Hawking, Penrose; My Rocket Reviews; DynaStar Snarky; Space Stardust@Home ... - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
  78. The Origin of the Universe and Contemporary Cosmology and Philosophy

    Hawking, Penrose 1996, Chapter 5). The suspicion that time and space are ... beginning of the Universe leads to the question of the nature of time itself. ... - Páginas similares
    de A Options - 2003
  79. Projective Concepts and Projective Constructs in Relativity and ...

    boundary by a staticon, (which may be equivalent to the Hawking/Penrose. interpretation of a Black Hole as a boundary point of cosmic space-time). All ... - Páginas similares
    de R Lisker - 2000 - Artículos relacionados - Las 2 versiones
  80. God on the Internet: Answers to Real Internet Questions about God ...

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    In addition, we know from the Space-Time Theorem of General Relativity (Hawking, Penrose, Ellis) that all matter, space and even time came about at the Big ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares
  81. Electronic Discussion

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    The way we live and perceive space and time is so natural to us that we don't even .... and Roger Penrose on "The Nature of Space and Time": "the universe, ... - 49k - En caché - Páginas similares
  82. Minimal surfaces, spatial topology and singularities in space-time

    Let M4 denote an arbitrary space-time, by which we mean a smooth four- .... By calling upon the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem (see Hawking and Ellis ... - Páginas similares
    de GJ Galloway - 1983 - Citado por 7 - Artículos relacionados
  83. Time and history: the humanistic significance of science

    as the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems). They. can be regarded as lasting outcomes of the ... than that of space or time. Time is usually identified ... - Páginas similares
    de M Heller - Artículos relacionados
  84. Brave New Universe: Illuminating the Darkest Secrets of the Cosmos

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    Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time: Charting the Course for ..... may well be related to the first three—as suggested by Hawking, Penrose, ... - 69k - En caché - Páginas similares
  85. mixture of standard theory and new research work which has not ...

    The proof of the general Hawking-Penrose theorem still entails establishing. the existence of a nonspacelike geodesic line in a space-time which, by the ... - Páginas similares
  86. [PDF]

    Dual nature of Ricci scalar and creation of spinless particles

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    SÄLonal curved space-time. This interaction leads to the production of a large „ umber ... According to Hawking-Penrose theorem [1], the field ... - Páginas similares
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    The expansive nature of the universe seems to indicate a beginning of space/time in the distant past. How the first moments of that beginning occurred seems ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares
  88. Black Hole - RSS Archive

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    An extremely small region of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that ... That does not seem right, because the intensity of Hawking-Penrose ... - 35k - En caché - Páginas similares
  89. [PDF]

    Physics & Astrophysics 2008

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    The Nature of Space and Time. Stephen Hawking & Roger Penrose ..... ___ Pa: 05084-3 Hawking/Penrose: Nature. 24 $19.95 £11.95. ___ Pa: 13038-5 Heiken, ... - Páginas similares
  90. A small journey in the Bogdanoff universe

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    For example, the motivation for considering an initial singularity of space-time comes from a serious misunderstanding of the Hawking-Penrose singularity ... - 29k - En caché - Páginas similares

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    139) The space-time theorem of general relativity set forth by Hawking and others ... Eternity is the dimension that corresponds to God's eternal nature. ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares
  92. - Science + Christianity - Beyond the Big Bang

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    If, in defiance of the Hawking--Penrose Singularity Theorems, the universe ...... Hawking, S.W. and Penrose, R. (1996) The Nature of Space and Time, ... - 139k - En caché - Páginas similares

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    This means that curvature and torsion of the space-time related to that "mixed" field .... (or "Polycosmos"), which is the most general formation in nature. ... - 63k - En caché - Páginas similares
    de AE Karpelson - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  94. Report on daylong Conference on Einstein on 30th September [Part-3 ...

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    The density, temperature, curvature of the space and its metric all will be function of this time and same all over the universe. ... - 31k - En caché - Páginas similares
  95. Quantum Mechanics vs. Relativity? - Yahoo! Answers

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    The fundamental problem between the two is that relativity assumes that space and time can be infinitely divided -- that there is no "fundamental unit" of ... - 66k - En caché - Páginas similares
  96. Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science ...

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    Likewise if a science-fiction writer uses secret passageways in space-time in order to send her characters back to the era of the Crusades, it is purely a ... - 70k - En caché - Páginas similares
    de A SOKAL - Citado por 227 - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  97. [PDF]

    Dual nature of Ricci scalar and creation of spinless particles

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    four-dimensional curved space-time. This interaction leads to the production ofa large number ... According to Hawking-Penrose theorem [1], the field ... - Páginas similares
    de KP Sinha - 1995 - Artículos relacionados - Las 3 versiones
  98. The Trek Nation - An Evening With Stephen Hawking

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    He elaborates on the space time continuum, which exists as warps and curves, ... The Hawking-Penrose Theorem states that general relativity will break down ... - 35k - En caché - Páginas similares
  99. 9 God As An ArtistCreation verses Evolution; God and Christianity ...

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    Based on general relativity, Hawking, Penrose, and Ellis have presented a space- time “proposal” which postulates that the dimensions of length, width, ... - 83k - En caché - Páginas similares
  100. David Siegel - The Plenitude of Arboreal Beauty » Blog Archive ...

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    A singularity is a place where the classical concepts of space and time break ... and it is the Big Bang singularity (Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems). ... - 33k - En caché - Páginas similares

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