Welcome to the 
Seth Network International
Home Page

The Nature of Reality - An exclusive course briding science and spirit
Create Your Own Reality

The Nature of Reality is an exclusive course bridging science and spirit. In four days of truly awesome, yet down to earth material you will transform your understanding of the natrue of this reality, and of the self, and gain an insight into how you can create whatever it is you want in your life. This course will also answer ALL of your questions about spirituality, karma, intuition, time, consciousness, our multidimensional nature, and considerably much more.


The Nature of Reality


Using the exact same syllabus and understanding from the four day courses, the Nature of Reality course has now been written for online participants, thus allowing people from all around the world to participate.  The Online Course takes you through the same journey, starting with Module One; How We Perceive Reality; The Limitation Of The Five Senses, through all nine modules, to 'Discover Your True Nature' and 'Create The Life You Want'.  Ideal for both long term Seth readers and beginners alike.

 Letters from Lynda Dahl
(2001) The Emerging Seth Scene 
(2000) An Open Letter
(1999) The Closing of SNI

Seth Network International, established in 1992 as a meeting place for readers of the Seth material, went inactive in September, 1999. The letters listed above, written by Lynda Dahl, co-founder with Stan Ulkowski of SNI and president since its inception, paint a picture of why SNI closed its doors, and what has transpired since that time.

Many SNI activities happened during its seven years of life, from 25 conferences and workshops around the country, to 24 copies of a quality magazine called Reality Change. Because of SNI’s focus on networking Seth readers together, there has been contact made with thousands of people internationally. It is our intent not to let that valuable networking stop.

To that end, if you would like to have your name entered into a data base specifically for Seth readers so you can be notified of upcoming conferences, new Seth-oriented products, lists of readers in your city, and so on, please select this link to the Brass Ring Bookstore. The bookstore, formally operated by SNI, is now owned by Mary Rouen and Michael Steffen, members of SNI’s board of directors. They are keeping the data base current and available for mailings by Seth-related groups and individuals around the globe.

Do become acquainted with as many Seth-oriented sites as you wish, perhaps by choosing the Seth Ring hot link at the end of this page. So much is happening on the “Seth Scene” that you may not want to miss out on the fun!


Lynda's 2001 letter

Links mentioned by Lynda in her 2001 letter

Snail Mail addresses mentioned by Lynda in her 2001 Letter

Links mentioned by Lynda in her 2001 letter

Brass Ring Bookstore (brassringbooks.com)
          Speaking of Jane Roberts, by Sue Watkins    NEW!
        The Book of Fallacies, by Lynda Dahl    NEW!
        Seth/Jane books and more
NewWorldView (newworldview.com)
        Conference, “Keys to a Fulfilling Life,”
                April 26-29, San Diego, and November 8-11, New Haven, CT
        15-city Author Seminars Tour
                with Lynda Dahl and Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
SethNet Mail List (sethnet.org/email.htm)
          Almost 1000 Seth readers on an e-mail list!
Moment Point Press (momentpoint.com)
          Bulletin boards by Sue Watkins and Lynda Dahl
University of Metaphysical Studies (umsonline.edu)
        Seth classes and metaphysical courses offered
Seth 2000 Conference, October 2000 (http://people.ne.mediaone.net/s2k/index.htm)
        Photo pages of the S2K Conference
Colorado Seth Conference: 2001, A Seth Odyssey (http://home.earthlink.net/~cjfunk3/COsethCON.html)
        A new Seth conference from a group that includes some of the previous Rocky Mountain conference organizers!

Snail Mail addresses mentioned by Lynda in her 2001 Letter

Rob and Laurel Butts
400 Olive Street
Sayre, PA 18840

Mary Dillman
437 Orange St., 3rd Floor
New Haven, CT  06511

© 2002 Seth Network International

Questions or comments concering this web page may be mailed to SNIpage@jimbo9.com