of the writings of Ken Wilber

1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978 - 1979 - 1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - Forthcoming - About Ken Wilber


`The spectrum of consciousness', Main Currents in Modern Thought, vol. 31, nr. 2, november/december.

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`Psychologia perennis: The spectrum of consciousness', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 7, nr. 2.

`The perennial psychology', Human Dimensions, vol. 4, nr 2.

`The ultimate state of consciousness', Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, vol. 2, nr. 3.

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`The eternal moment', Science of Mind, June

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The spectrum of consciousness, Wheaton, Ill., The Theosophical Publishing House.

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`Spectrum psychology, part I: Transpersonal developmental psychology', ReVision, vol. 1, nr. 1.

`Spectrum psychology, part II: The transpersonal dynamic of evolution', ReVision, vol. 1, nr. 2.

`Spectrum psychology, part III: Microgeny and the Tibetan Book of the Dead', ReVision, vol. 1, nr. 3/4.

`On dreaming: The other side of you', Foundation for Human Understanding, vol. 1, nr. 1.

`Projection', Foundation for Human Understanding, vol. 1, nr. 2.

`A working synthesis of transactional analysis and gestalt therapy', in: Psychotherapy: Theory, research and practice, vol. 15, nr. 1.

`Where it was, I shall become', in: Walsh and Shapira (eds.), Beyond health and normality: An exploration of extreme well-being, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

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No boundary: Eastern and Western approaches to personal growth, Los Angeles, Center Publications.

`A developmental view of consciousness', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 11, nr. 1.

'Eye to eye: The relationship between science, reason, and religion and its effect on transpersonal psychology', ReVision, Winter/Spring, Vol. 2, No. 1.

`Spectrum psychology, part IV: Into the transpersonal', ReVision, vol. 2, nr. 1.

`Physics, mysticism and the new holographic paradigm: A critical appraisal', ReVision, vol. 2, nr. 2.

`Development and transcendence', The American Theosophist, vol. ?, nr. ?

`Heroes and cults', Vision Mound, vol. 2, nr. 6.

`The master-student relationship', Foundation for Human Understanding, vol. 2, nr. 1.

`Are the chakra's real?', in: J. White (ed.), Kundalini, evolution and enlightenment, New York, Doubleday.

`Psychologia perennis', in: J. Welwood (ed.), The meeting of the ways, New York, Schocken.

`On ego strength and egolessness, in: J. Welwood (ed.), The meeting of the ways, New York, Schocken.

'The one who was to come is always already here: a short appreciation of the teaching of bubba free john,' Vision Mound, May

`Some remarks on the papers delivered at the spiritual/transpersonal symposium. Annual Meeting of the APA, Toronto. Published in: M.J. Meadow, `Spiritual and transpersonal aspects of altered states of consciousness: A symposium report', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 11, nr. 1.

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The Atman project: A transpersonal view of human development, Wheaton, Ill., The Theosophical Publishing House.

`The pre/trans fallacy', ReVision, vol. 3, nr. 2. pp. 51-73

"On heroes and cults" (reprint of 1979), foreword in: Da Free John (Adi Da), The scientific proof of the existence of God will soon be announced by the White House!, Middletown, The Dawn Horse Press.

'Who am I? Eastern and western approaches to personal growth,' Inner Paths, March/April 1980, pp. 28-36.

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Up from Eden: A transpersonal view of human evolution, Garden City, New York, Anchor/Doubleday.

`Ontogenetic development: Two fundamental patterns, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 13, nr. 1.

'Republicans, democrats and mystics, Association for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter, November.

'The physicist and the mystic - Is a dialogue between them possible?', ReVision.

'Reflections on the New Age paradigm', ReVision, 4 (1) :53-74

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The holographic paradigm and other paradoxes: Exploring the leading edge of science, (ed.), Boulder, Shambhala. Chapters by Ken Wilber: 'Introduction,' 'Physics, mysticism, and the new holographic paradigm: A critical appraisal,' 'Reflections on the new age paradigm: A conversation with Ken Wilber.'

`Odyssey: A personal inquiry into humanistic and transpersonal psychology', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 22, nr. 1.

'Up from eden: Ken Wilber cracks open the creation/evolution debate: A new age interview with Ken Wilber' by Rich Ingrasci, M. D., New Age, April 1982, pp. 34-41, 76-77.

'The problem of proof,' ReVision, Spring, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 80-100.

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A sociable God: A brief introduction to a transcendental sociology, New York, McGraw-Hill.

Eye to eye: The quest for the new paradigm, New York, Anchor/Doubleday.

`Kierkegaard's passion', ReVision, Spring, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 81-85.

'Reply to critics', unpublished paper in response to a paper written by Dick Anthony, presumably called "The New Hegelians".

'The neo-perennial philosophy,' The American Theosophist, special fall issue, pp. 349-355.

"Reply to Critics" (a response to critics of A Sociable God written in 1983, but published for the first time in 1999 in Volume 4 of the Collected Works of Ken Wilber as "Sociocultural evolution").

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(ed.), Quantum questions: Mystical writings of the world's great physicists, Boulder, Shambhala (New Science Library).

A sociable God: Towards a new understanding of religion, Boulder, Shambhala (New Science Library, reprint).

`The developmental spectrum and psychopathology, part I: Stages and types of pathology, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 16, nr. 1.

`The developmental spectrum and psychopathology, part II: Treatment modalities, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 16, nr. 2.

`Sheldrake's theory of morphogenesis', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 24, nr. 2.

`Of shadows and symbols: Physics and mysticism', ReVision, Spring, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 3-17.

'What is transpersonal psychology?' The Laughing Man, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 15-16.

'God, evolution, and the spectrum of consciousness: An interview with Ken Wilber' by John White, Science of Mind, Part I: January, pp. 9-15, Part II: February, pp. 31-81.

`In praise of the ego: An uncommon buddhist sermon,' The Middle Way, date???, pp. 151-153

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`On heroes and cults', The Laughing Man, vol. 6, nr. 1. (reprint of 1979)

'The dawn horse testament: A brief appreciation,' promotional endorsement for: The Dawn Horse testament' by Da Free John, various sources.

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Transformations of consciousness: conventional and contemplative perspectives on development, (ed. with J. Engler & D. Brown), Boston, Shambhala. Chapters by Ken Wilber: 'Introduction,' 'The spectrum of development,' 'The spectrum of psychopathology,' 'Treatment modalities.'

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(ed. with D. Anthony & B. Ecker), Spiritual choices: The problem of recognizing authentic paths to inner transformation, New York, Paragon House.

The Great Chain of Being: A modern introduction to the perennial philosophy and the world's great mystical traditions(manuscript, never published, some chapters have appeared as articles in various magazines).

`The pundit of the new age', Yoga Journal, nr. 76, september/october (interview by Catherine Ingram) pp. 38-49.

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`On being a support person', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 20, nr. 2.

`There is no New Age: Baby boomers, narcissism and the 60's', Vajradattu Sun, vol. ?, nr. ?

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`Two humanistic psychologies?: A response', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 29, nr. 2.

`Let's nuke the transpersonalists: A response to Albert Ellis, Journal of Counseling and Development, vol. 67, nr. 6.

`God is so damn boring: A response to Kirk Schneider', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 29(4).

`Love story', New Age Journal, july/august.

`Foreword', In: G. Feuerstein, Yoga: The technology of ecstasy, Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher.

'Foreword,' in: Lex Hixon, Coming Home: The experience of enlightenment in sacred traditions, Los Angeles, Tarcher, Inc.

`Do we make ourselves sick?', New Age Journal, september/october

'Paradigm wars: An interview with Ken Wilber,' The Quest, Spring, pp. 6-12.

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Eye to eye: The quest for the new paradigm, Boston, Shambhala (2nd. edition, with new chapter: `In the eye of the artist: Art and the perennial philosophy').

`Two patterns of transcendence: A reply to Washburn', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 30, nr. 3.

`Death, rebirth and meditation', in: G. Doore (ed.), What survives?: Contemporary explorations of life after death, Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher.

'In the eye of the artist: Art and the perennial philosophy,'  in: Alex Grey, Ken Wilber, Carlo McCormick, Sacred Mirrors: The visionary art of Alex Grey, Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions International.

Foreword in: J.E. Nelson, Healing the split: Madness or transcendence?: A new understanding of the crisis and treatment of the mentally ill, Los Angeles, Tarcher.

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Grace and grit: Spirituality and healing in the life of Treya Killam Wilber, Boston, Shambhala.

`Sex, gender and transcendence', The Quest, summer.

'Gender wars: A continuing conversation on Ken Wilber's 'sex, gender and transcendence,' The Quest, Autumn, letters, pp. 4-12.

`Taking responsibility for your shadow', in: C. Zweig & J. Abrams, Meeting the shadow: The hidden power of the dark side of human nature, Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher (A New Consciousness Reader).

`Foreword', in: J.E. Nelson, Healing the split: madness or transcendence?: A new understanding of the crisis and treatment of the mentally ill, Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher.

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'There are no others to save,' in: Eddie and Debbie Shapiro, eds., The Way Ahead: A Visionary Perspective for the New Millennium, Rockport, MA, Element, Inc., pp. 225-227.

'Two modes of knowing,' Mind Field: A quarterly source journal for consciousness, Summer, pp. 51-72.

'The neo-perennial philosophy,' The Quest, Autumn, pp. 16-21 (reprint of  1983).

Foreword in: Chagdud Tulku, Lord of the dance: The autobiography of a Tibetan lama, Padma Publishing.

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The spectrum of consciousness, Wheaton, Ill., The Theosophical Publishing House (2nd. "20th anniversary" edition).

`The Great Chain of Being', J ournal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 33, nr. 3.

`Psychologia perennis: The spectrum of consciousness', `The spectrum of transpersonal development', `The pre/trans fallacy', `The spectrum of pathologies', `The spectrum of therapies', `Eye to eye: Science and transpersonal psychology', `The Great Chain of Being', `Paths beyond ego in the coming decades', in: R. Walsh & F. Vaughan, Paths beyond ego: The transpersonal vision, Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher (A New Consciousness Reader).

'Paths beyond ego in the coming decade,' ReVision, pp. 188-192.

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`Foreword', in: J.E. Nelson, Healing the split: madness or transcendence?: A new understanding of the crisis and treatment of the mentally ill, Albany, State University of New York Press.

'Stages of meditation: An interview with Ken Wilber,' The Quest, Spring, pp. 43-46.

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Sex, ecology, spirituality: The spirit of evolution, Boston, Shambhala (Kosmos-trilogy, vol. 1).

`An informal overview of transpersonal studies', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 27, nr. 2.

`Mind and the heart of emptiness: Reflections on intellect and the spiritual path', The Quest, winter.

Foreword in: F. Vaughan, Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing through spiritual illusions, Wheaton, Quest Books.

`A message to Eurotas', Eurotas News, nr. 2.

'The world according to Wilber,' by David Guy, New Age Journal, July/August, pp. 76-79.

' Don't blame men for the patriarchy: A conversation with Ken Wilber, New Age Journal, July/August, pp.79-137.

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A brief history of everything, Boston, Shambhala.

The Atman project: A transpersonal view of human development, Wheaton, Ill., The Theosophical Publishing House (2nd. edition, with new foreword).

Up from Eden: A transpersonal view of human evolution, Wheaton, Ill., The Theosophical Publishing House (2nd. edition, with new foreword).

Eye to eye: The quest for the new paradigm, Boston, Shambhala (3rd. edition, with new foreword, chapter on art deleted).

`Transpersonal art and literary theory', Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol. 28, nr. 1.

`A more integral approach: A response to the ReVision authors', ReVision, vol. 19, nr. 2. [response to critical articles in volumes 18(4) and 19(1)].

`Afterword', ReVision, vol. 19, nr. 2.

`How big is our umbrella?', Noetic Sciences Review, winter.

`Big map: The Kosmos according to Ken Wilber', Shambhala Sun, september (interview by R. Kornman).

`Bodhisattvas zullen aan politiek moeten gaan doen [Bodhisattvas are going to have to become politicians]', Panta [Dutch transpersonal magazine], nr. 11, spring.

`Foreword', in: B.W. Scotton, A.B. Chinen & J.R. Battista (ed.), Textbook of transpersonal psychiatry and psychology, New York, Basic Books.

Foreword in: M.R. Severens, K. Wilber, e.a., Andrew Wyeth: America's painter, Greenville County Museum of Arts.

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The eye of spirit: An integral vision for a world gone slightly mad, Boston, Shambhala.

`Transpersonal hot spots: Reflections on the new editions of Up from Eden, The Atman Project and Eye to Eye', Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 37, nr. 4.

`An integral theory of consciousness', The Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 4, nr. 1.

`A spirituality that transforms', What is Enlightenment?, nr. 12, fall/winter.

`To see a world: Art and the I of the beholder', [essay for art exhibition of Anselm Kiefer, a major European painter].

Foreword in: S. Boorstein, Clinical studies in transpersonal psychotherapy, Albany, SUNY Press.

`A ticket to Athens', Pathways, vol. ?, nr. ? (interview by Richard Young?). (see also: One Taste, "August 31", 1999).

`Title ?', Magazine ?, vol ?, nr. ? (interview by Scott Warren).

`Bodhisattvas are going to have to become politicians', Eurotas News: Newsletter of the European Transpersonal Association, nr. 4 (interview by Frank Visser).

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The marriage of sense and soul: Integrating science and religion, New York, Random House.

`A more integral approach', in: D. Rothberg & S. Kelly, Ken Wilber in dialogue: Conversations with leading transpersonal thinkers, Wheaton, Quest Books (reprint of 1996, slightly expanded).

`Afterword', in: D. Rothberg & S. Kelly, Ken Wilber in dialogue: Conversations with leading transpersonal thinkers, Wheaton, Quest Books (reprint of 1996).

Foreword in: A. Grey, The mission of art, Boston, Shambhala.

Foreword in: M.J. Ryan (ed.), The fabric of the future: Women visionaries illuminate the path to tomorrow, Berkeley, Conari Press.

`Up close and transpersonal', Utne Reader, August (interview with Mark Matousek).

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One taste: the journals of Ken Wilber, Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. I, [The spectrum of consciousness / No boundary / Selected essays], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. II, [The Atman project / Up from Eden], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. III, [A sociable God / Eye to eye], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. IV, [Transformations of consciousness / Integral psychology / Selected essays], Boston, Shambhala.

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The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. V, [Grace and Grit], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. VI, [Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (2nd edition)], Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. VII, [A Brief History of Everything / The Eye of Spirit], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. VIII, [The Marrage of Sense and Soul / One Taste], Boston, Shambhala.

Integral psychology: Consciousness, spirit, psychology, therapy, Boston, Shambhala (also part of volume IV of the Collected Works).

A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, Boston, Shambhala.

Foreword in: A.S. Dalal, A greater psychology [reader of Sri Aurobindo's psychological writings].

Foreword in: J. Marion, Putting on the Mind of Christ, Hampton Roads Publishing Company.

Foreword in: M.J. Ryan (ed.), The Fabric of the Future: Women Visionaries of Today Illuminate the Path to Tomorrow, Berkeley, Conari Press.

Foreword in: P. Rubinov-Jacobson, Drinking Lightning: Art, Creativity, and Transformation, Boston, Shambhala.

Integral Transformative Practice: In This World or Out of I?. What is Enlighenment?, Fall/Winter.

Waves, Streams, States and Self. Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 7, nrs. 11-12, nov.-dec. 2000.

'On Critics, Integral Institute, My Recent Writing, and Other Matters of Little Consequence : A Shambhala Interview with Ken Wilber' (

Waves, Streams, States, and Self--A Summary of My Psychological Model (Or, Outline of An Integral Psychology), (

'Announcing the Formation of Integral Institute', (

'The Terror of Tomorrow: A Response to Bill Joy ' (

Wilber, K. & Walsh, R. An Integral Approach to Consciousness Research, A Proposal for Integrating First, Second And Third Person Approaches to Consciousness, In: Max Velmans (ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness, London, John Benjamins Publishing.

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'Do Critics Misrepresent My Position? A Test Case from a Recent Academic Journal' (

'An Enlightenment Interview with Ken Wilber', interview by Jordan Gruber ( and CD-ROM)

'The deconstruction of the World Trade Center: A date that will live in a sliding chain of signifiers' (

'Introduction To "The Deconstruction of the World Trade Center", and Prologue to Boomeritis' (

'On the Nature of a Post-Metaphysical Spirituality: Response to Habermas and Weis', ( [originally interview by Frank Visser and Edith Zundel in German, in: Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie, ViaNova]

'To See a World : some technical points' (

'Some Thoughts on Samuel P. Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations' (

Foreword to: George Feuerstein, The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice, Hohm Press

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Boomeritis: A novel that will set you free, june 2002 (originally written as non-fiction book, subtitled: "The Extraordinary Emergence of an Integral Culture - and Its Many Obstacles", which was subsequently rewritten as novel).

Endnotes to Boomeritis (last updated 7/22/2002), (

  • Chapter 1.
  • Chapter 2.
  • Chapter 3.
  • Chapter 4.
  • Chapter 5.
  • Chapter 6.
  • Chapter 7.
  • Chapter 8.
  • Chapter 9.
  • Chapter 10.

'Interview with Ken Wilber: On the Release of Boomeritis, and the Completion of Volume 3 of the Kosmos Trilogy' (

Sidebars to Boomeritis (

  • Sidebar A: Who Ate Captain Cook? Integral Historiography in a Postmodern Age
  • Sidebar B: The Many Names of the Levels of Consciousness
  • Sidebar C: Orange and Green: Levels or Cousins?
  • Sidebar D: Childhood Spirituality
  • Sidebar E: The Genius Descartes Gets a Postmodern Drubbing
  • Sidebar F: Participatory Samsara: The Green-Meme Approach to the Mystery of the Divine
  • Sidebar G: States and Stages
  • Sidebar H: Boomeritis Buddhism

Excerpts from the Kosmos Trilogy, (

  • Introduction to Excerpts from Volume 2 of the Kosmos Trilogy
  • A: An Integral Age at the Leading Edge"
  • B: The Many Ways We Touch -Three Principles Helpful for Any Integrative Approach

Foreword' to: Wayne Teasdale, A Monk in the World: Cultivating a Spiritual Life, New World Library

Foreword to: Andrew Cohen, Living Enlightenment: A Call for Evolution Beyond Ego, Moksha Press.

Foreword to: David Deida, Finding God Through Sex: A Spiritual Guide to Ecstatic Loving and Deep Passion for Men and Women, Plexus.

"The Guru and the Pandit: The Evolution of Enlightenment", Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber in Dialogue", What is Enlightenment?, Spring/Summer 2002, 38-49, 136-143.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Breaking the Rules: Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber in Dialogue", What is Enlightenment?, Fall/Winter 2002.

'Foreword' to: Frank Visser, Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, SUNY Press.

Foreword to: Marion Schlitz & Tina Hyman, Integral Medicine, A Noetic Reader, (submitted for publication)

Foreword to: Salvador Harguindey, Spirit and Politics for the XX1 Century, (submitted for publication)

Foreword to: Daryl Paulson, Competitive Business Caring Business, An Integral Business Perspective for the 21st Century, Paraview Press.

Foreword to: Allan Combs, The Radiance of Being: Understanding the Grand Integral Vision: Living the Integral Life, Continuum Pub Group.

Foreword to: Fred Kofman, Conscious Business: Transforming Your Workplace (And Yourself) by Changing the Way You Think, Act, and Communicate . Sounds True (audio book).

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Excerpts from the Kosmos Trilogy, (

  • C: The Ways We Are in This Together: Intersubjectivity and Interobjectivity in the Holonic Kosmos
    • Appendix B. An Integral Mathematics of Primordial Perspectives
  • D: The Look of a Feeling: The Importance of Post/Structuralism
  • G: A Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies

The War In Iraq,

"The Guru and the Pandit: Exploring The Future of Religion: Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber in Dialogue", What is Enlightenment?, Spring/Summer 2003.

Kosmic Consciousness, The Ken Wilber Sessions - An Unprecedented Audio Learning Experience,, 10 CD set. Top of page...


The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual, and Poetic Writings, Shambhala.

"What All Religions Have in Common" (renamed as "An Integral Spirituality"),

"Why Do Religions Teach Love and Yet Cause So Much War?",

"The Guru and the Pandit: In Search of A New Moral Compass: Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber in Dialogue", What is Enlightenment?, Fall/Winter, 2004

"The Guru and the Pandit: Following the Grain of the Kosmos: States, Stages, Selves, and the Directionality of Development", What is Enlightenment?, Spring/Summer, 2004

"The Guru and the Pandit: Conflict, Creativity, and the Nature of God", What is Enlightenment, August-October 2004.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Transcend and include", What is Enlightenment, October-December 2004.

With Cornel West, commentary on The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions and appearance in Return To Source: Philosophy & The Matrix on The Roots Of The Matrix, both in The Ultimate Matrix Collection, 2004

Foreword to: Jenny Wade, Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Pocket.

Forword to: Marilyn Schlitz, Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine, Churchill Livingstone.

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Which Level of God Do You Believe In? ,

The Four Hands of God,

Integral Spirituality in Real Life ,

Foreword to Netanel Miles-Yepez (ed.), The Common Heart, An Experience of Inter-Religious Dialogue, Shambhala.

"The Guru and the Pandit: The Resonance of Awakening", What is Enlightenment, March-May 2005.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Higher Integration: Bridging the gap between the map and the territory", What is Enlightenment, 29, June-August 2005.

"The Guru and the Pandit: A Vow to Live Forever: Embracing the tension between the finite and the infinite", What is Enlightenment, 30, September-November 2005.

The Integral Operating System, (a 40 page primer on AQAL with 2 audio CDs) October 2005

Foreword to: Arjuna Ardagh, The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You are Waking Up and Changing the World, New World Library

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Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Post-Modern World, Boston, Shambhala.

"Integral Spirituality in Real Life",

Foreword to: Brad Reynolds, Where's Wilber At?: Ken Wilber's Integral Vision in the New Millennium , Paragon House, 2006

Ken Wilber, What We Are, That We See, Part I: Response to Some Recent Criticism in a Wild West Fashion,, June 8, 2006.

Ken Wilber, What We Are, That We See, Part II: What Is the Real Meaning of This?,, June 11, 2006.

Ken Wilber, Take the Visser Site as Alternatives to KW, But Never as the Views of KW,, June 27, 2006.

Ken Wilber, The Unbearable Lightness of Wyatt Earpy, Follow-Up #1, June 11, 2006.

Ken Wilber, On the Nature of Shadow Projections in Forums, Follow-Up #2, june 13, 2006.

Ken Wilber, What Would Wyatt Do?, Follow-Up #3, June 22, 2006.

Ken Wilber, The Shadow Series. Part 1: How to Spot the Shadow, June 15, 2006.

Ken Wilber, The Shadow Series. Part 2: Integrating the Shadow, June 18, 2006.

Ken Wilber, The Shadow Series. Part 3: A Working Synthesis of Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Therapy, June 23, 2006.

The One Two Three of God, Sounds True, Audio Book.

Integral Life Practice Starter Kit, Sounds True

Spirituality in the Modern World: A dialogue with Ken Wilber and Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, DVD, Universal Quest Corporation

"The Guru and the Pandit: Laying the Tracks for a Moving Train", What is Enlightenment, 31, December2005-February 2006.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Creating the Future", What is Enlightenment, 32, March-May 2006.

"The Guru and the Pandit: God?s Playing a New Game", What is Enlightenment, 33, June-August 2006.

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"The Guru and the Pandit: A Living Experiment in Conscious Evolution", What is Enlightenment, 35, January-March 2007.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Creative Friction: Community and the Utopian Impulse in a Post-postmodern World", What is Enlightenment, 36, April-JUne 2007.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Women, Enlightenment, and the Evolution of Culture", What is Enlightenment, 37, May-July 2007.

"The Guru and the Pandit: The Leading Edge of the Leading Edge", What is Enlightenment, 38, Oct-Dec 2007.

The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction to the Revolutionary Integral Approach to Life, God, the Universe, and Everything, Boston, Shambhala.

Foreword to: Genpo Roshi, Big Mind/Big Heart: Finding Your Way, Big Mind Publishing.

Foreword to: J. Perez, Soulfully Gay, How Harvard, Sex, Drugs and Integral Philosophy Drove Me Crazy and Brought Me Back to God, Integral Books.

Foreword to: Caroline Myss, Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, Free Press.

Foreword to: Traleg Kyabgon, The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training the Mind, Shambhala.

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Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, Integral Books. With Terry Patten, Adam Leonard & Marco Morelli

The Pocket Ken Wilber, (Shambhala Pocket Classics), Shambhala.

"The Guru and the Pandit: A Relationship with Eternity", What is Enlightenment, 39, Feb-Apr 2008.

"The Guru and the Pandit: A Kosmic Roller Coaster Ride", What is Enlightenment, 40, May-July 2008.

Steve Paulson, "You are the river: An interview with Ken Wilber",, April 2008.

"The Guru and the Pandit: What It Means to Be a Man", What is Enlightenment, 41, Aug-Oct 2008.

"The Guru and the Pandit: The Interdynamics of Culture and Consciousness", EnlightenNext, Dec-Feb 2009.

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"The Guru and the Pandit: Is Sex a Path to God?", EnlightenNext, Mar-May 2009.

"The Guru and the Pandit: Freedom in the Face of Fear", EnlightenNext, Jun-Aug 2009.

"The Guru and the Pandit: The Second Face of God", EnlightenNext, Sep-Nov 2009.


"Vertical vs. Horizontal Development", EnlightenNext, Spring/Summer 2010.


"Eros, Buddha, and the Spectrum of Love", EnlightenNext, 2011.

Foreword to: Stuart Davis, Sex, God, Rock 'n Roll (Songs from the TV Series), Stuart Davis Brand


Kosmic Karma and Creativity, Kosmos-Trilogy, Volume 2, Shambhala.

The Many Faces of Terrorism, Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. IX, [Boomertis /Sidebars/Endnotes], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. X, [A Theory of Everything/Essays/Interviews/Forewords], Boston, Shambhala.

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, vol. XI, [Kosmic Karma and Creativity], Boston, Shambhala.

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About Ken Wilber:

E. & U. Zundel, Leitfiguren der Psychotherapie, München, Kosel, 1987 (chapter 12: Ken Wilber / Transpersonal psychology: the evolution of consciousness).

T. Schwarz, What really matters: Searching for wisdom in America, Bantam, 1995 (chapter 9: Putting consciousness on the map: how Ken Wilber married Freud and the Buddha).

E. Zundel, Vom Tier zu den Göttern: Die große Kette des Seins, Herder, 1997.

D. Rothberg & S. Kelly, Ken Wilber in dialogue: Conversations with leading transpersonal thinkers, Wheaton, Quest Books, 1998. (Based on the ReVision trilogy of 1996, expanded with new material).

Kendra Crossen Burroughs (ed.), The essential Ken Wilber: An introductory reader, Boston, Shambhala, 1998.

F. Visser, Ken Wilber: denken als passie [thought as passion], Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Lemniscaat, 2001 (translated into German, English, Spanish, Polish, Greek and French. Chinese translation in preparation).

Brad Reynolds, Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber: A Historical Survey and Chapter-By-Chapter Review of Wilber's Major Works, Tarcher, 2004

Lew Howard, Introducing Ken Wilber: Concepts for an Evolving World, Author House, 2005

Brad Reynolds, Where's Wilber At?: Ken Wilber's Integral Vision in the New Millennium , Paragon House, 2006

by Ken Wilber, Terry Patten , Adam Leonard , Marco Morelli , Integral Life Practice, 2008.

J. Crittenden, K. Crossen Burroughs, B. Reynolds & F. Visser, Kindred visions, 2 vols., Shambhala, publishing date still unknown.

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Do you know of any online or offline Wilber publication not present in this list? Let me know: f.visser3 @