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  1. Roswell UFO Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    The late Karl T. Pflock, in his 2001 book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, makes a similar point about Randle and Schmitt's UFO Crash at ... - En caché -
  2. UFO Crash at Roswell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    12 Jan 2009 ... UFO Crash at Roswell, published in 1991, is a book written by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt about the alleged crash of an alien ... - En caché - Similares -
  3. The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Randle and Schmitt examine and compare the available evidence in this expanded version of their UFO Crash at Roswell (Avon, 1991). Randle, an Air Force ... › ... › New Age - En caché - Similares -
  4. The Roswell Ufo Crash: What They Don't Want You to ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    A page later in the Randle-Schmitt book comes another Exon quote, which Kal ... As Kevin Randle (Roswell Ufo Crash Update: Exposing the Military Cover-Up of ... - En caché -
  5. The Roswell UFO Incident Storytellers Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    These Randle/Schmitt version(s) of the Roswell Saga are the most often ... of the popular books (UFO Crash at Roswell by Randle and Schmitt) mentioned that ... - En caché - Similares -
  6. Jesse Marcel- Evolution of a Roswell Witness

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    These two became the focus of the book “UFO Crash at Roswell” (Randle/Schmitt). Then special agent Frank Kaufmann became the primary witness in “The Truth ... - En caché - Similares -
  7. Category 6 Bibliography

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  8. Nonfiction Booklists

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    UFO Crash at Roswell (Randle, Schmitt). The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell (Randle, Schmitt). Crash at Corona (Friedman, Berliner) ... - En caché -
  9. Roswell UFO Crash, July 2, 1945 - Crystalinks

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    It is not be accident the Roswell UFO crash occurred shortly after the end ..... Exon himself stressed in interviews and in a letter to Randle and Schmitt. ... - En caché - Similares -
  10. Roswell Investigator - UFO Crash At Roswell

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    "Randle's and Schmitt's work is based on hard, extensive and rigorous journalism. 'UFO Crash at Roswell', a scrupulous examination of a purported government ... - En caché -
  11. UFO Evidence Bookstore : The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Randle and Schmitt examine and compare the available evidence in this expanded version of their UFO Crash at Roswell (Avon, 1991). Randle, an Air Force ... - En caché - Similares -
  12. UFO Evidence : The Roswell Incident

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    UFO Crash at Roswell Kevin D. Randle, Donald R. Schmitt Here is the popular and definitive book about the infamous incident and U.S. government cover-up. ... - En caché - Similares -
  13. Roswell UFO Crash of July 1947 / Nazi UFOs & Operation Paperclip

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    Books such as Stanton Friedman's Crash at Corona and Randle & Schmidt's The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell (1994; Originally "UFO Crash at Roswell" ... - En caché - Similares -
  14. UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin Randle and Donald R Schmitt

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin Randle and Donald R Schmitt - book cover, description, publication history, where to purchase. › ... › Kevin Randle - En caché - Similares -
  15. The Truth About the UFO Crash At Roswell by Kevin Randle and ...

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    The Truth About the UFO Crash At Roswell by Kevin Randle and Donald R Schmitt - book cover, description, publication history, where to purchase. › ... › Kevin Randle - En caché - Similares -
  16. UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico USA 1947 incident

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    1994 "Crash at Corona" a study of the alleged UFO crash at Roswell, ... Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt's new book, Witness To Roswell just came out, ... - En caché - Similares -
  17. Randle-Schmitt,UFO Crash at Roswell - Buscar con Google

    UFO Crash at Roswell, published in 1991, is a book written by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt about the alleged crash of an alien . ...,UFO%20Crash%20at%20Roswell.htm - En caché -
  18. Avistamientos OVNIs I

    Randle-Schmitt,UFO Crash at Roswell.htm · Saler,UFO Crash at Roswell.htm · Salla,Roswell Crash,W.Haut Affidavit.htm · UFO Crash 1947 Roswell,Pictures.htm ... - En caché - Similares -
  19. Brig. General Arthur E. Exon

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    R&S: UFO Crash at Roswell, 1991 & The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, 1994, by Kevin Randle & Donald Schmitt (Based on phone and personal interviews ... - En caché -
  20. Wapedia - Wiki: Roswell UFO Incident

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    The late Karl T. Pflock, in his 2001 book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, makes a similar point about Randle and Schmitt's UFO Crash at ... - En caché -
  21. - Roswell UFO movie art image by William L. McDonald

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The film was based on two books by CPT Kevin D. Randle USAF (Reserves) and Donald R. Schmitt: "The UFO Crash at Roswell" and "The Truth about the UFO Crash ... - En caché - Similares -
  22. Journal of

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Kevin Randle is co-author with Donald Schmitt of two books about Roswell: UFO Crash at Roswell and The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. ... - En caché -
  23. Dreamland Resort Bookstore - Roswell UFO Crash Books

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    11 Sep 2007 ... In this sequel to their UFO Crash at Roswell (1991), Randle and Schmitt offer new witnesses and a revised chronology for the alleged crash ... - En caché - Similares -
  24. The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell: Kevin D ...

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    Both these books preceeded the Randle tomes (there are 2 by Randle & Schmitt, the other being "The UFO Crash at Roswell") and it takes all 3 to cover the ... - En caché -
  25. Roswell Nurse

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    The first detailed account of the Dennis tale in which he was identified by name appeared in the first Randle/Schmitt book, "UFO Crash At Roswell," ... - En caché -
  26. Ufo crash in Rosewell?

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    The place--Roswell, New Mexico. The event--A crash of an intelligent, biological entity ... According to Schmitt, Randle 'has total conviction' in UFOs now. ... - En caché -
  27. UFO Crash at Roswell, Kevin D. Randle, Book - Barnes & Noble

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    UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle, Donald R. Schmitt ... To coincide with the 50th anniversary of the July 1974 UFO crash at Roswell, ... - En caché -
  28. The Roswell UFO Crash, Kal K. Korff, Book - Barnes & Noble

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    The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell, by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt (Avon Books, 1994). Roswell UFO Crash Update--Exposing the Military ... - En caché - Similares -
  29. The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to Know: ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    A page later in the Randle-Schmitt book comes another Exon quote, ... As Kevin Randle (Roswell Ufo Crash Update: Exposing the Military Cover-Up of the ... - En caché -
  30. CSI | The Klass Files Volume 32

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    The article acknowledges that the first Randle/Schmitt book, “UFO Crash At Roswell,” sold 160000 copies in its paperback edition, according to a spokesman ... - En caché -
  31. CSI | The Klass Files Volume 40

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    Jacobs replied: “Yes—but it is the people who focus on UFOs who are doing a .... “The Truth About The UFO Crash At Roswell” by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, ... - En caché -
  32. El incidente Roswell, en Mundo Parapsicológico

    20 Ene 2008 ... UFO crash at Roswell. Avon Books, Nueva York, 1991. Randle, Kevin & Schmitt, Don. The truth about the UFO crash at Roswell. ... - En caché - Similares -

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    13 Jul 2008 ... pages The UFO Contraversy in America - jacobs The UFO Cover-up (formerly Clear Intent) The UFO Crash At Roswell - Randle Schmitt The UFO ... › ScienceResearch - En caché -
  34. Roswell artifacts confirmed as Extra terrestrial! - Alien Ufos

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    20 entradas - 9 autores - Última entrada: 28 May
    "Randle/Schmitt Ignore Flaws in General Exon's tale" ... "The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell," they quote Exon as saying: "...the ... - En caché - Similares -
  35. Alien Autopsy - Area 51 - The UFO Crash at Roswell New Mexico - In ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Jesse Marcel with the weather balloon. As published in UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt. (Photo courtesy of Fort Worth Star - ... - En caché - Similares -
  36. The Modern UFO Era Begins - Roswell, new mexico

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    Schmitt and Randle also located Glenn Dennis, who had been the Roswell ... least 130 individuals who have firsthand knowledge of the UFO crash at Roswell. ... - En caché - Similares -
  37. Roswell- The UFO Crash Story With Pictures

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    Roswell- The UFO Crash Story With Pictures by: 8/6/04 .... With thios Randle and Schmitt wanted to give a picture of a cover-up saying ... - En caché - Similares -
  38. Korff on Roswell (3)

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    Randle and Schmitt were deceptive in their presentation of both Exon's recollections ... (UFO Crash at Roswell, paperback, p. 111.) Another Exon quote from ... - En caché -
  39. Roswell UFO incident: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia ...

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    The late Karl T. Pflock, in his 2001 book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, makes a similar point about Randle and Schmitt's UFO Crash at ... - En caché -
  40. HowStuffWorks "History of the Roswell UFO Incident"

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    22 Feb 2008 ... Randle and Schmitt, associated with the Chicago-based Center for UFO ... the most comprehensive account so far, UFO Crash at Roswell (1991). ... › ... › Aliens & UFOs - En caché - Similares -
  41. Howstuffworks "History of the Roswell UFO Incident"

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Randle and Schmitt, associated with the Chicago-based Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), authored the most comprehensive account so far, UFO Crash at Roswell ... › ... › Aliens & UFOs - En caché - Similares -
  42. El misterio de Roswell (TV) (1994) - FilmAffinity

    Adaptación de los acontecimientos retratados en el libro "UFO Crash en Roswell", de Kevin Randle y Donald Schmitt, en el que se relata la ya legendaria ... - En caché - Similares -

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    In their 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt devoted an entire chapter (pp. 113-117) to the search for the Roswell archaeologists. ... - En caché - Similares -
  44. El incidente de Roswell

    Interpretes: Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen, Dwight Yoakam, Kim Greist. Basada en el libro: "UFO, Crash at Roswell" By Kevin D. Randle & Donald R Schmitt. ... - En caché - Similares -
  45. [PDF]

    UFOdex File page Count Listing

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    The UFO Crash At Roswell - Randle Schmitt. 155. The UFO Enceclopedia Volume I by Clark (Ok to slice). 156. The UFO Enceclopedia Volume II by Clark (Ok to ... -
  46. Bill Clinton and the UFO Crash at Roswell | The Presidents UFO Web ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    24 Aug 2009 ... Davids included with his package the 1991 book “UFO Crash at Roswell” written by written by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt. ... - En caché -
  47. Student Project Model: UFO's & Government Coverup

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    20 Jan 1998 ... Randle, Kevin D. and Schmitt, Donald R. The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. N. Y.: M. Evans and Co, Inc. 1994. ... - En caché -
  48. Roswell Crash Photographer

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    I WAS THE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE 1947 ROSWELL UFO CRASH WRECKAGE IN THE OFFICE .... e.g., Randle and Schmitt's "UFO Crash at Roswell" Pgs 72-74, 76, 208, 275, ... - En caché - Similares -
  49. Questions and Answers - Alien Abduction Experience and Research ...

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    According to "UFO Crash at Roswell" by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt, A 1948 crash had been reported near Aztec, New Mexico in Frank Scully's book, ... - En caché - Similares -
  50. Extraterrestres de serie B « magonia « Blogs El Correo Digital

    Klass, Philip J. [1993]: "Randle/Schmitt to unveil new Roswell crashed saucer scenario, claim discovery of possible crash debris". Skeptics Ufo Newsletter ... - En caché - Similares -
  51. Roswell New Mexico Ufo Crash, possible Roswell New Mexico UFO cover up

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Pictures of Alien body found at Roswell crash by inside eye witness .... book 'The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell' by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt. ... - En caché - Similares -
  52. UFO Timeline, Page 4, 1985 - 2000

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    UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin Randle & Donald Schmitt is published. ... Randle & Schmitt publish The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, ... - En caché -
  53. Roswell UFO incident - The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project

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    Three UFO researcher teams (Moore/Berlitz, Randle/Schmitt, Friedman/Berliner) ...... Davids said he gave Clinton a copy of the book UFO Crash at Roswell, ... - En caché - Similares -
  54. - Roswell Incident 1947, Alien Bodies

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The late Karl T. Pflock, in his 2001 book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, makes a similar point about Randle and Schmitt's UFO Crash at ... - En caché -
  55. Doctor Holden I Presume

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    Randle, Kevin and Donald Schmitt. The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. New York: Avon, 1994. Chapter 15 - Love in the Desert ... - En caché -
  56. The joker and the spaceship

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    Randle, Kevin. Conspiracy of Silence. New York: Avon Books, 1997. Randle, Kevin and Donald Schmitt. UFO Crash at Roswell. New York: Avon, 1991 ... - En caché -
  57. PROJECT 1947 - Assessment of The 1947 Roswell Radar Tracking ...

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    On page 5 of the book The Truth About The UFO Crash At Roswell, by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt, the authors give an anecdotal report by a person ... - Similares -
  58. Witness To Roswell by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt

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    --Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D., co-author: UFO Crash At Roswell and The Truth ... in 1991 for the Roswell investigative team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, and, ... - En caché - Similares -
  59. 6.05: UFO: Roswell Crash Incident

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Many UFO investigators remain unconvinced by this explanation. Main source: UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle & Donald R. Schmitt ... - En caché - Similares -
  60. Roswell Ufo Crash

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Roswell Ufo Crash. click here. Roswell-1947_paper.gif (24429 bytes) .... book 'The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell' by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt. ... - En caché - Similares -
  61. Boletines LAR - ARP-SAPC

    Randle y Schmitt publican en 1991 el libro UFO Crash at Roswell (Accidente ovni en Roswell) donde, tras arduas pesquisas, afirman haber resuelto el enigma. ... - En caché -
  62. [PDF]

    The Roswell 50th Anniversary

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    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    saucer that had been recovered in Roswell, New Mexico, in July of 1947. 1991 saw the release of Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt'sUFO Crash at Roswell... - Similares -
  63. | Aliens | UFO | Roswell | AirForce: Case Closed 2

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Airforce Case Closed 1994 | Document 2 - This alien ufo website is devoted ... The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, (1994) also by Randle and Schmitt; ... - En caché - Similares -
  64. Roswell New Mexico Ufo Crash - The full story ~~ - ARE THERE ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    18 Jun 2008 ... Pictures of Alien body found at Roswell crash by inside eye witness .... about the UFO Crash at Roswell' by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt. ... - En caché - Similares -
  65. - About Roswell_UFO_incident

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    However, the following general outline from ''UFO Crash at Roswell'' (1991) by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt is common to most of these accounts: ... - En caché -
  66. A Different Perspective: Klass, Shandera and DuBose

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    15 Jul 2007 ... Klass continues, writing, "But Randle and Schmitt got a conflicting response ..... UFO Casebook UFO Crash at Roswell The October Scenario ... - En caché - Similares -
  67. Aliens, ¿verdad o mentira? -

    Klass, Philip J. [1993]: «Randle/Schmitt to unveil new Roswell crashed saucer scenario, claim discovery of possible crash debris». Skeptics Ufo Newsletter ... - En caché - Similares -
  68. Jeremy Kagan

    Roswell está basada en el libro de Kevin D. Randle y Donald R. Schmidt, “U.F.O. crash at Roswell”. Lleva en los papeles estelares a Kyle MacLachlan, ... - En caché - Similares -
  69. Lt. Gov. Joseph Montoya, and the Roswell Aliens

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    Ruben's daughter introduced her father to researchers Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, author of the book in question, "UFO Crash at Roswell. ... - En caché - Similares -
  70. The Roswell UFO Crash Legend: 60 Years Later - Associated Content ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    8 Jun 2007 ... When the 60th anniversary of the UFO crash at Roswell, ... William L. Moore, Kevin Randle, Donald R. Schmitt and the ubiquitous Stanton ... - En caché -
  71. StateMaster - Encyclopedia: Roswell UFO incident

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The late Karl T. Pflock, in his 2001 book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, makes a similar point about Randle and Schmitt's UFO Crash at ... - En caché -
  72. Saucer Smear, February 10th, 1995

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    Regarding the Roswell "Impact Site" or "Crash Site", Klass lists seven witnesses mentioned in the current Randle/Schmitt book "The Truth About the UFO Crash ... - En caché -
  73. Roswell

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmidt. reviewed by Theresa Welsh. Sooner or later we have to deal with Roswell ... - Similares -
  74. Lo que el gobierno de EEUU oculta sobre los OVNIS

    Con ese bagaje documental, investigadores como Kevin Randle y Don Schmitt (autores del libro UFO crash al Roswell y de su recién publicada segunda parte, ... - En caché - Similares -
  75. PAPERS D'OVNIs Nº23-24

    Ir a Roswell,1947: El globo sigue desinchándose‎: Randle, K. y Schmitt,D. "The Truth about the UFO crash al Roswell", New York: M.Evans Company,1994. - En caché - Similares -
  76. Roswell Part 3

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Randall and Schmitt, in The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, ... note what seems to be a "feud" between Friedman/Berliner and Randle/Schmitt. ... - En caché -
  77. UFOs and Alien Abductions

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Randle, Kevin & Schmidt, Donald. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books, 1991. One of the chief proponents of the idea of a UFO crash at Roswell and a subsequent ... - En caché - Similares -
  78. Witness To Roswell by Thomas J Carey & Donald R. Schmitt ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    "Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt have devoted decades to unraveling ... --Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D., co-author: UFO Crash At Roswell and The Truth About The UFO ... - En caché -
  79. Stalking the UFO Meme -

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    16 Jan 1997 ... Don Schmitt, co-author, "The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell," in an interview by .... or north of Roswell as Schmitt and Randle claim? ... - En caché - Similares -
    de H Chinatown - Las 2 versiones
  80. The Bible UFO Connection - UFOs and the Media - Did Aliens Really Land

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    In their 1994 sequel, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, Randle and Schmitt introduced still more people they called witnesses. ... - En caché - Similares -

    25 Abr 2009 ... Adaptación de los acontecimientos retratados en el libro "UFO Crash en Roswell", de Kevin Randle y Donald Schmitt, en el que se relata la ya ... - En caché - Similares -
  82. [PDF]

    Statement Validity Analysis of '' The Jim Ragsdale Story ...

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    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
    UFO Crash at Roswell. New York: Avon Books. Randle, K. D., & Schmitt, D. R. (1994). The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell. New York: Avon Books. ... - Similares -
    de J HOURAN - 1998 - Artículos relacionados - Las 4 versiones
  83. - LEVEL 6 : UFO's : CRASH SITES

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval. [3] Randle & Schmitt The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. Legal - Submissions - Sources. - En caché -
  84. UFOS at close sight: 1953 May 20, Kingman Arizona UFO crash

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    1 Feb 2001 ... "UFO Crash at Roswell", book by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, pp 250-251, Avon Books, 1991, ISBN: 0-380-76196-3. "UFO: Crash Retrievals" ... - En caché - Similares -
  85. Report Of USAF Research Regarding The Roswell Incident (2), page 1

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    ... THE UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL, (1991) by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt; .... WHAT THE ROSWELL INCIDENT WAS NOT Before discussing specific positive results ... - En caché - Similares -
  86. Donald Schmitt: ZoomInfo Business People Information

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Schmitt is the author of dozens of articles about UFOs, as well as the co-author of two best-selling books, UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL, and The Truth About the ... - En caché -
  87. The Roswell Myth

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    UFO Crash at Roswell by Saler, Ziegler and Moore; The Roswell UFO Crash by Kal ... 1994: The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell by Randle and Schmitt ... - En caché - Similares -
  88. Roswell UFO incident

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The Roswell UFO incident is a purported crash of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in ... Three UFO researcher teams (Moore/Berlitz, Randle/Schmitt, ... - En caché - Similares -
  89. Roswell

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    R&S: UFO Crash at Roswell, 1991 &The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, 1994, by Kevin Randle &Donald Schmitt (Based on phone and personal interviews ... - En caché -
  90. UFOMystic » Roswell 2008 Day 2

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    6 Jul 2008 ... The lecture was titled Alternate Theories of UFO and Alien Origins, ... based on the Kevin Randle/ Don Schmitt book UFO Crash At Roswell. ... - En caché -
  91. The Modern UFO Era Begins – FREE The Modern UFO Era Begins ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, in their book UFO Crash at Roswell (1991), include an interview with Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon in which he states that, ... - En caché -
  92. Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone — Stan Gordon

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    1 Sep 2009 ... UFO Crash at Roswell by Randle and Schmitt, Avon Books. The UFO Report edited by Timothy Good, Avon Books. Mysteries of the Unknown: Alien ... - En caché -
  93. The Lighthouse Report

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Kevin Randle, Donald Schmitt, and other Roswologists deal with this issue by never ... UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash (which lists Schmitt and Randle as the ... - En caché - Similares -
  94. Burlington Vortex Conference Speakers

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D. [2007], co-author of UFO Crash at Roswell and The Truth ... In recognition of the event, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt will be featured ... - En caché -
  95. How the 50 Foot Woman killed the Roswell movie at HBO Movie ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    ROSWELL, with its UFO crash at Mac Brazel.s sheep ranch, became the sacrificial ... I began with two investigative characters, based on Randle and Schmitt, ... - En caché - Similares -
  96. The WSFA Journal, April 1992

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Ir a UFO Crash at Roswell, by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt ... Page 9‎: UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL. by Kevin Randle and Daniel Schmitt ... - En caché - Similares -
  97. UFO Museum, Roswell, New Mexico - Travel Photos by Galen R ...

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    However, the following general outline from UFO Crash at Roswell (1991) by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt is common to most of these accounts: ... - En caché - Similares -

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    160; Arnold, Kenneth and Ray Palmer, The Coming Of the Saucers, pp.106-107; Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt. The Truth About The UFO Crash at Roswell ... - En caché - Similares -
  99. UFO Knowledge

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    15 Sep 2008 ... If Roswell is not enough, then take your pick of the Aztec crash, ... the air force would simply have invited Randle, Schmitt, Friedman, ... - En caché - Similares -
  100. UFO BOOKS

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